###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require "test/rubygems/gemutilities" require 'rubygems/commands/server_command' class TestGemCommandsServerCommand < RubyGemTestCase def setup super @cmd = Gem::Commands::ServerCommand.new end def test_handle_options @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p 8808 --no-daemon] assert_equal false, @cmd.options[:daemon] assert_equal [], @cmd.options[:gemdir] assert_equal 8808, @cmd.options[:port] @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p 9999 -d /nonexistent --daemon] assert_equal true, @cmd.options[:daemon] assert_equal [File.expand_path('/nonexistent')], @cmd.options[:gemdir] assert_equal 9999, @cmd.options[:port] end def test_handle_options_gemdir @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[--dir a --dir b] assert_equal [File.expand_path('a'), File.expand_path('b')], @cmd.options[:gemdir] end def test_handle_options_port @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p 0] assert_equal 0, @cmd.options[:port] @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p 65535] assert_equal 65535, @cmd.options[:port] @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p http] assert_equal 80, @cmd.options[:port] e = assert_raises OptionParser::InvalidArgument do @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p nonexistent] end assert_equal 'invalid argument: -p nonexistent: no such named service', e.message e = assert_raises OptionParser::InvalidArgument do @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[-p 65536] end assert_equal 'invalid argument: -p 65536: not a port number', e.message end end