###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require "test/rubygems/gemutilities" require 'rubygems/dependency_installer' class TestGemDependencyInstaller < RubyGemTestCase def setup super @gems_dir = File.join @tempdir, 'gems' @cache_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'cache' FileUtils.mkdir @gems_dir write_file File.join('gems', 'a-1', 'bin', 'a_bin') do |fp| fp.puts "#!/usr/bin/ruby" end @a1, @a1_gem = util_gem 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables << 'a_bin' end @aa1, @aa1_gem = util_gem 'aa', '1' @a1_pre, @a1_pre_gem = util_gem 'a', '1.a' @b1, @b1_gem = util_gem 'b', '1' do |s| s.add_dependency 'a' s.add_development_dependency 'aa' end @b1_pre, @b1_pre_gem = util_gem 'b', '1.a' do |s| s.add_dependency 'a' s.add_development_dependency 'aa' end @c1_pre, @c1_pre_gem = util_gem 'c', '1.a' do |s| s.add_dependency 'a', '1.a' s.add_dependency 'b', '1' end @d1, @d1_gem = util_gem 'd', '1' @d2, @d2_gem = util_gem 'd', '2' @x1_m, @x1_m_gem = util_gem 'x', '1' do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new %w[cpu my_platform 1] end @x1_o, @x1_o_gem = util_gem 'x', '1' do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new %w[cpu other_platform 1] end @w1, @w1_gem = util_gem 'w', '1', 'x' => nil @y1, @y1_gem = util_gem 'y', '1' @y1_1_p, @y1_1_p_gem = util_gem 'y', '1.1' do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new %w[cpu my_platform 1] end @z1, @z1_gem = util_gem 'z', '1', 'y' => nil @fetcher = Gem::FakeFetcher.new Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher util_setup_spec_fetcher(@a1, @a1_pre, @b1, @b1_pre, @c1_pre, @d1, @d2, @x1_m, @x1_o, @w1, @y1, @y1_1_p, @z1) util_clear_gems end def test_install FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'a' end assert_equal Gem::SourceIndex.new(@a1.full_name => @a1), Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems assert_equal [@a1], inst.installed_gems end def test_install_all_dependencies _, e1_gem = util_gem 'e', '1' do |s| s.add_dependency 'b' end util_clear_gems FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv e1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :ignore_dependencies => true inst.install 'b' end Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'e' end assert_equal %w[e-1 a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_cache_dir FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :cache_dir => @tempdir inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'cache', @a1.file_name)) assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'cache', @b1.file_name)) end def test_install_dependencies_satisfied a2, a2_gem = util_gem 'a', '2' FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(@gemhome, 'gems') Gem.source_index.refresh! FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv a2_gem, @tempdir # not in index FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'a-2' end FileUtils.rm File.join(@tempdir, a2.file_name) Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'b' end installed = Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems.map { |n,s| s.full_name } assert_equal %w[a-2 b-1], installed.sort assert_equal %w[b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_dependency FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_dependency_development FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @aa1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new(:development => true) inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[a-1 aa-1 b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_dependency_existing Gem::Installer.new(@a1_gem).install FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_dependency_old _, e1_gem = util_gem 'e', '1' _, f1_gem = util_gem 'f', '1', 'e' => nil _, f2_gem = util_gem 'f', '2' FileUtils.mv e1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv f1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv f2_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'f' end assert_equal %w[f-2], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_local FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :local inst.install 'a-1.gem' end assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_local_dependency FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :local inst.install 'b-1.gem' end assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_local_dependency_installed FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do Gem::Installer.new('a-1.gem').install inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :local inst.install 'b-1.gem' end assert_equal %w[b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_local_subdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :local inst.install 'gems/a-1.gem' end assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_env_shebang FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :env_shebang => true, :wrappers => true inst.install 'a' end env = "/\\S+/env" unless Gem.win_platform? assert_match %r|\A#!#{env} #{Gem::ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name]}\n|, File.read(File.join(@gemhome, 'bin', 'a_bin')) end def test_install_force FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir si = util_setup_spec_fetcher @b1 @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/yaml'] = si.to_yaml inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :force => true inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_ignore_dependencies FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :ignore_dependencies => true inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_install_dir FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir gemhome2 = File.join @tempdir, 'gemhome2' Dir.mkdir gemhome2 inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :install_dir => gemhome2 inst.install 'a' end assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } assert File.exist?(File.join(gemhome2, 'specifications', @a1.spec_name)) assert File.exist?(File.join(gemhome2, 'cache', @a1.file_name)) end def test_install_domain_both a1_data = nil File.open @a1_gem, 'rb' do |fp| a1_data = fp.read end @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/a-1.gem'] = a1_data FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :both inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } a1, b1 = inst.installed_gems a1_expected = File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications', a1.spec_name) b1_expected = File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications', b1.spec_name) assert_equal a1_expected, a1.loaded_from assert_equal b1_expected, b1.loaded_from end def test_install_domain_both_no_network @fetcher.data["http://gems.example.com/gems/Marshal.#{@marshal_version}"] = proc do raise Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError end FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :both inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_domain_local FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Gem.source_index.remove_spec @a1.full_name Gem.source_index.remove_spec @a1_pre.full_name Dir.chdir @tempdir do e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :local inst.install 'b' end assert_equal 'b requires a (>= 0, runtime)', e.message end assert_equal [], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_domain_remote a1_data = nil File.open @a1_gem, 'rb' do |fp| a1_data = fp.read end @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/a-1.gem'] = a1_data inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :remote inst.install 'a' assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_dual_repository FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir FileUtils.mv @b1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil gemhome2 = "#{@gemhome}2" Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :install_dir => gemhome2 inst.install 'a' end ENV['GEM_HOME'] = @gemhome ENV['GEM_PATH'] = [@gemhome, gemhome2].join File::PATH_SEPARATOR Gem.clear_paths Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'b' end assert_equal %w[b-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_remote a1_data = nil File.open @a1_gem, 'rb' do |fp| a1_data = fp.read end @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/a-1.gem'] = a1_data inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst.install 'a' end assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_remote_dep a1_data = nil File.open @a1_gem, 'rb' do |fp| a1_data = fp.read end @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/a-1.gem'] = a1_data inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new Dir.chdir @tempdir do dep = Gem::Dependency.new @a1.name, @a1.version inst.install dep end assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_domain_remote_platform_newer a2_o, a2_o_gem = util_gem 'a', '2' do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new %w[cpu other_platform 1] end util_clear_gems si = util_setup_spec_fetcher @a1, a2_o @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/yaml'] = si.to_yaml a1_data = nil a2_o_data = nil File.open @a1_gem, 'rb' do |fp| a1_data = fp.read end File.open a2_o_gem, 'rb' do |fp| a2_o_data = fp.read end @fetcher.data["http://gems.example.com/gems/#{@a1.file_name}"] = a1_data @fetcher.data["http://gems.example.com/gems/#{a2_o.file_name}"] = a2_o_data inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :domain => :remote inst.install 'a' assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_reinstall Gem::Installer.new(@a1_gem).install FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir inst = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'a' end assert_equal Gem::SourceIndex.new(@a1.full_name => @a1), Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems assert_equal %w[a-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end if defined? OpenSSL then def test_install_security_policy data = File.open(@a1_gem, 'rb') { |f| f.read } @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/a-1.gem'] = data data = File.open(@b1_gem, 'rb') { |f| f.read } @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/b-1.gem'] = data policy = Gem::Security::HighSecurity inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :security_policy => policy e = assert_raises Gem::Exception do inst.install 'b' end assert_equal 'Unsigned gem', e.message assert_equal %w[], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end end # Wrappers don't work on mswin unless win_platform? then def test_install_no_wrappers @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/a-1.gem'] = read_binary(@a1_gem) inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :wrappers => false inst.install 'a' refute_match(%r|This file was generated by RubyGems.|, File.read(File.join(@gemhome, 'bin', 'a_bin'))) end end def test_install_version data = File.open(@d2_gem, 'rb') { |f| f.read } @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/d-2.gem'] = data data = File.open(@d1_gem, 'rb') { |f| f.read } @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/d-1.gem'] = data inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'd', '= 1' assert_equal %w[d-1], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_install_version_default data = File.open(@d2_gem, 'rb') { |f| f.read } @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/d-2.gem'] = data data = File.open(@d1_gem, 'rb') { |f| f.read } @fetcher.data['http://gems.example.com/gems/d-1.gem'] = data inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.install 'd' assert_equal %w[d-2], inst.installed_gems.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_find_gems_gems_with_sources inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new dep = Gem::Dependency.new 'b', '>= 0' assert_equal [[@b1, @gem_repo]], inst.find_gems_with_sources(dep) end def test_find_gems_with_sources_local FileUtils.mv @a1_gem, @tempdir inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new dep = Gem::Dependency.new 'a', '>= 0' gems = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do gems = inst.find_gems_with_sources dep end assert_equal 2, gems.length remote = gems.first assert_equal 'a-1', remote.first.full_name, 'remote spec' assert_equal @gem_repo, remote.last, 'remote path' local = gems.last assert_equal 'a-1', local.first.full_name, 'local spec' assert_equal File.join(@tempdir, @a1.file_name), local.last, 'local path' end def test_find_gems_with_sources_prerelease installer = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new dependency = Gem::Dependency.new('a', Gem::Requirement.default) releases = installer.find_gems_with_sources(dependency).map { |gems, *| gems } assert releases.any? { |s| s.name == 'a' and s.version.to_s == '1' } refute releases.any? { |s| s.name == 'a' and s.version.to_s == '1.a' } dependency.prerelease = true prereleases = installer.find_gems_with_sources(dependency).map { |gems, *| gems } assert_equal [@a1_pre], prereleases end def assert_resolve expected, *specs util_clear_gems util_setup_spec_fetcher(*specs) inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.find_spec_by_name_and_version 'a' inst.gather_dependencies actual = inst.gems_to_install.map { |s| s.full_name } assert_equal expected, actual end def test_gather_dependencies inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.find_spec_by_name_and_version 'b' inst.gather_dependencies assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1], inst.gems_to_install.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_gather_dependencies_platform_alternate util_set_arch 'cpu-my_platform1' inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.find_spec_by_name_and_version 'w' inst.gather_dependencies assert_equal %w[x-1-cpu-my_platform-1 w-1], inst.gems_to_install.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_gather_dependencies_platform_bump inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.find_spec_by_name_and_version 'z' inst.gather_dependencies assert_equal %w[y-1 z-1], inst.gems_to_install.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_gather_dependencies_prerelease inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new :prerelease => true inst.find_spec_by_name_and_version 'c', '1.a' inst.gather_dependencies assert_equal %w[a-1.a b-1 c-1.a], inst.gems_to_install.map { |s| s.full_name } end def test_gather_dependencies_old_required e1, = util_gem 'e', '1', 'd' => '= 1' util_clear_gems util_setup_spec_fetcher @d1, @d2, e1 inst = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new inst.find_spec_by_name_and_version 'e' inst.gather_dependencies assert_equal %w[d-1 e-1], inst.gems_to_install.map { |s| s.full_name } end end