###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require "test/rubygems/gemutilities" require 'rubygems/gem_path_searcher' class Gem::GemPathSearcher attr_accessor :gemspecs attr_accessor :lib_dirs end class TestGemGemPathSearcher < RubyGemTestCase def setup super @foo1 = quick_gem 'foo', '0.1' do |s| s.require_paths << 'lib2' s.files << 'lib/foo.rb' end path = File.join 'gems', @foo1.full_name, 'lib', 'foo.rb' write_file(path) { |fp| fp.puts "# #{path}" } @foo2 = quick_gem 'foo', '0.2' @bar1 = quick_gem 'bar', '0.1' @bar2 = quick_gem 'bar', '0.2' @nrp = quick_gem 'nil_require_paths', '0.1' @nrp.require_paths = nil @fetcher = Gem::FakeFetcher.new Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher Gem.source_index = util_setup_spec_fetcher @foo1, @foo2, @bar1, @bar2 @gps = Gem::GemPathSearcher.new end def test_find assert_equal @foo1, @gps.find('foo') end def test_find_all assert_equal [@foo1], @gps.find_all('foo') end def test_init_gemspecs assert_equal [@bar2, @bar1, @foo2, @foo1], @gps.init_gemspecs end def test_lib_dirs_for lib_dirs = @gps.lib_dirs_for(@foo1) expected = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @foo1.full_name, '{lib,lib2}' assert_equal expected, lib_dirs end def test_lib_dirs_for_nil_require_paths assert_nil @gps.lib_dirs_for(@nrp) end def test_matching_file_eh refute @gps.matching_file?(@foo1, 'bar') assert @gps.matching_file?(@foo1, 'foo') end def test_matching_files assert_equal [], @gps.matching_files(@foo1, 'bar') expected = File.join @foo1.full_gem_path, 'lib', 'foo.rb' assert_equal [expected], @gps.matching_files(@foo1, 'foo') end def test_matching_files_nil_require_paths assert_empty @gps.matching_files(@nrp, 'foo') end end