###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require "test/rubygems/gemutilities" require 'rubygems/source_index' require 'rubygems/config_file' class TestGemSourceIndex < RubyGemTestCase def setup super util_setup_fake_fetcher end def test_self_from_gems_in spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.rm_r spec_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir a1 = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |spec| spec.author = 'author 1' end spec_file = File.join spec_dir, a1.spec_name File.open spec_file, 'w' do |fp| fp.write a1.to_ruby end si = Gem::SourceIndex.from_gems_in spec_dir assert_equal [spec_dir], si.spec_dirs assert_equal [a1.full_name], si.gems.keys end def test_self_load_specification spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.rm_r spec_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir a1 = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |spec| spec.author = 'author 1' end spec_file = File.join spec_dir, a1.spec_name File.open spec_file, 'w' do |fp| fp.write a1.to_ruby end spec = Gem::SourceIndex.load_specification spec_file assert_equal a1.author, spec.author end def test_self_load_specification_utf_8 spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.rm_r spec_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir spec_file = File.join spec_dir, "utf-8.gemspec" spec_data = <<-SPEC Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = %q{utf} s.version = "8" s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") s.authors = ["\317\200"] s.date = %q{2008-09-10} s.description = %q{This is a test description} s.email = %q{example@example.com} s.has_rdoc = true s.homepage = %q{http://example.com} s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.rubygems_version = %q{1.2.0} s.summary = %q{this is a summary} if s.respond_to? :specification_version then current_version = Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION s.specification_version = 2 if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then else end else end end SPEC spec_data.force_encoding 'UTF-8' File.open spec_file, 'w' do |io| io.write spec_data end spec = Gem::SourceIndex.load_specification spec_file pi = "\317\200" pi.force_encoding 'UTF-8' if pi.respond_to? :force_encoding assert_equal pi, spec.author end if Gem.ruby_version > Gem::Version.new('1.9') def test_self_load_specification_exception spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir spec_file = File.join spec_dir, 'a-1.gemspec' File.open spec_file, 'w' do |fp| fp.write 'raise Exception, "epic fail"' end out, err = capture_io do assert_equal nil, Gem::SourceIndex.load_specification(spec_file) end assert_equal '', out expected = "Invalid gemspec in [#{spec_file}]: epic fail\n" assert_equal expected, err end def test_self_load_specification_interrupt spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir spec_file = File.join spec_dir, 'a-1.gemspec' File.open spec_file, 'w' do |fp| fp.write 'raise Interrupt, "^C"' end use_ui @ui do assert_raises Interrupt do Gem::SourceIndex.load_specification(spec_file) end end assert_equal '', @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_self_load_specification_syntax_error spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir spec_file = File.join spec_dir, 'a-1.gemspec' File.open spec_file, 'w' do |fp| fp.write '1 +' end out, err = capture_io do assert_equal nil, Gem::SourceIndex.load_specification(spec_file) end assert_equal '', out assert_match(/syntax error/, err) end def test_self_load_specification_system_exit spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir spec_file = File.join spec_dir, 'a-1.gemspec' File.open spec_file, 'w' do |fp| fp.write 'raise SystemExit, "bye-bye"' end use_ui @ui do assert_raises SystemExit do Gem::SourceIndex.load_specification(spec_file) end end assert_equal '', @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_create_from_directory # TODO end def test_find_name assert_equal [@a1, @a2, @a3a], @source_index.find_name('a') assert_equal [@a2], @source_index.find_name('a', '= 2') assert_equal [], @source_index.find_name('bogusstring') assert_equal [], @source_index.find_name('a', '= 3') source_index = Gem::SourceIndex.new source_index.add_spec @a1 source_index.add_spec @a2 assert_equal [@a1], source_index.find_name(@a1.name, '= 1') r1 = Gem::Requirement.create '= 1' assert_equal [@a1], source_index.find_name(@a1.name, r1) end def test_find_name_empty_cache empty_source_index = Gem::SourceIndex.new({}) assert_equal [], empty_source_index.find_name("foo") end def test_latest_specs p1_ruby = quick_gem 'p', '1' p1_platform = quick_gem 'p', '1' do |spec| spec.platform = Gem::Platform::CURRENT end a1_platform = quick_gem @a1.name, (@a1.version) do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-my_platform1' end a2_platform = quick_gem @a2.name, (@a2.version) do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-my_platform1' end a2_platform_other = quick_gem @a2.name, (@a2.version) do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-other_platform1' end a3_platform_other = quick_gem @a2.name, (@a2.version.bump) do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-other_platform1' end @source_index.add_spec p1_ruby @source_index.add_spec p1_platform @source_index.add_spec a1_platform @source_index.add_spec a2_platform @source_index.add_spec a2_platform_other @source_index.add_spec a3_platform_other expected = [ @a2.full_name, a2_platform.full_name, a3_platform_other.full_name, @c1_2.full_name, @a_evil9.full_name, p1_ruby.full_name, p1_platform.full_name, ].sort latest_specs = @source_index.latest_specs.map { |s| s.full_name }.sort assert_equal expected, latest_specs end def test_load_gems_in spec_dir1 = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' spec_dir2 = File.join @tempdir, 'gemhome2', 'specifications' FileUtils.rm_r spec_dir1 FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir1 FileUtils.mkdir_p spec_dir2 a1 = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |spec| spec.author = 'author 1' end a2 = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |spec| spec.author = 'author 2' end File.open File.join(spec_dir1, a1.spec_name), 'w' do |fp| fp.write a1.to_ruby end File.open File.join(spec_dir2, a2.spec_name), 'w' do |fp| fp.write a2.to_ruby end @source_index.load_gems_in spec_dir1, spec_dir2 assert_equal a1.author, @source_index.specification(a1.full_name).author end def test_outdated util_setup_spec_fetcher assert_equal [], @source_index.outdated updated = quick_gem @a2.name, (@a2.version.bump) util_setup_spec_fetcher updated assert_equal [updated.name], @source_index.outdated updated_platform = quick_gem @a2.name, (updated.version.bump) do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-other_platform1' end util_setup_spec_fetcher updated, updated_platform assert_equal [updated_platform.name], @source_index.outdated end def test_prerelease_specs_kept_in_right_place gem_a1_alpha = quick_gem 'abba', '1.a' @source_index.add_spec gem_a1_alpha refute @source_index.latest_specs.include?(gem_a1_alpha) assert @source_index.find_name(gem_a1_alpha.full_name).empty? assert @source_index.prerelease_specs.include?(gem_a1_alpha) end def test_refresh_bang a1_spec = File.join @gemhome, "specifications", @a1.spec_name FileUtils.mv a1_spec, @tempdir source_index = Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems refute source_index.gems.include?(@a1.full_name) FileUtils.mv File.join(@tempdir, @a1.spec_name), a1_spec source_index.refresh! assert source_index.gems.include?(@a1.full_name) end def test_refresh_bang_not_from_dir source_index = Gem::SourceIndex.new e = assert_raises RuntimeError do source_index.refresh! end assert_equal 'source index not created from disk', e.message end def test_remove_spec deleted = @source_index.remove_spec 'a-1' assert_equal %w[a-2 a-3.a a_evil-9 c-1.2], @source_index.all_gems.values.map { |s| s.full_name }.sort deleted = @source_index.remove_spec 'a-3.a' assert_equal %w[a-2 a_evil-9 c-1.2], @source_index.all_gems.values.map { |s| s.full_name }.sort end def test_search requirement = Gem::Requirement.create '= 9' with_version = Gem::Dependency.new(/^a/, requirement) assert_equal [@a_evil9], @source_index.search(with_version) with_default = Gem::Dependency.new(/^a/, Gem::Requirement.default) assert_equal [@a1, @a2, @a3a, @a_evil9], @source_index.search(with_default) c1_1_dep = Gem::Dependency.new 'c', '~> 1.1' assert_equal [@c1_2], @source_index.search(c1_1_dep) end def test_search_platform util_set_arch 'x86-my_platform1' a1 = quick_gem 'a', '1' a1_mine = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-my_platform1' end a1_other = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'x86-other_platform1' end si = Gem::SourceIndex.new(a1.full_name => a1, a1_mine.full_name => a1_mine, a1_other.full_name => a1_other) dep = Gem::Dependency.new 'a', Gem::Requirement.new('1') gems = si.search dep, true assert_equal [a1, a1_mine], gems.sort end def test_signature sig = @source_index.gem_signature('foo-1.2.3') assert_equal 64, sig.length assert_match(/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/, sig) end def test_specification assert_equal @a1, @source_index.specification(@a1.full_name) assert_nil @source_index.specification("foo-1.2.4") end def test_index_signature sig = @source_index.index_signature assert_match(/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/, sig) end end