require 'rbconfig' src_testdir = File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH << src_testdir $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{src_testdir}/lib" require 'test/unit' require_relative 'ruby/envutil' module Gem end class Gem::TestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase @@project_dir = File.dirname($LOAD_PATH.last) end ENV["GEM_SKIP"] = ENV["GEM_HOME"] = ENV["GEM_PATH"] = "".freeze require_relative 'profile_test_all' if ENV.has_key?('RUBY_TEST_ALL_PROFILE') module Test::Unit module ZombieHunter def after_teardown super assert_empty(Process.waitall) # detect zombie traces. TracePoint.stat.each{|key, (activated, deleted)| assert_equal(0, activated, 'The number of active trace events should be zero.') # puts "TracePoint - deleted: #{deleted}" if deleted > 0 } end end class TestCase include ZombieHunter end end begin exit, src_testdir) rescue NoMemoryError system("cat /proc/meminfo") if File.exist?("/proc/meminfo") system("ps x -opid,args,%cpu,%mem,nlwp,rss,vsz,wchan,stat,start,time,etime,blocked,caught,ignored,pending,f") if File.exist?("/bin/ps") raise end