# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tmpdir' class TestConditionVariable < Test::Unit::TestCase ConditionVariable = Thread::ConditionVariable Mutex = Thread::Mutex def test_initialized assert_raise(TypeError) { ConditionVariable.allocate.wait(nil) } end def test_condvar_signal_and_wait mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new result = [] mutex.synchronize do t = Thread.new do mutex.synchronize do result << 1 condvar.signal end end result << 0 condvar.wait(mutex) result << 2 t.join end assert_equal([0, 1, 2], result) end def test_condvar_wait_exception_handling skip "MJIT thread is unexpected for this test, especially with --jit-wait" if RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? # Calling wait in the only thread running should raise a ThreadError of # 'stopping only thread' mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new locked = false thread = Thread.new do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = false mutex.synchronize do assert_raise(Interrupt) { condvar.wait(mutex) } locked = mutex.locked? end end until thread.stop? sleep(0.1) end thread.raise Interrupt, "interrupt a dead condition variable" thread.join assert(locked) end def test_condvar_wait_and_broadcast nr_threads = 3 threads = Array.new mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new result = [] nr_threads.times do |i| threads[i] = Thread.new do mutex.synchronize do result << "C1" condvar.wait mutex result << "C2" end end end sleep 0.1 mutex.synchronize do result << "P1" condvar.broadcast result << "P2" end Timeout.timeout(5) do nr_threads.times do |i| threads[i].join end end assert_equal ["C1", "C1", "C1", "P1", "P2", "C2", "C2", "C2"], result end def test_condvar_wait_deadlock assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, /\Afatal\nNo live threads left\. Deadlock/, []) mutex = Mutex.new cv = ConditionVariable.new klass = nil mesg = nil begin mutex.lock cv.wait mutex mutex.unlock rescue Exception => e klass = e.class mesg = e.message end puts klass print mesg INPUT end def test_condvar_wait_deadlock_2 nr_threads = 3 threads = Array.new mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new nr_threads.times do |i| if (i != 0) mutex.unlock end threads[i] = Thread.new do mutex.synchronize do condvar.wait mutex end end mutex.lock end assert_raise(Timeout::Error) do Timeout.timeout(0.1) { condvar.wait mutex } end mutex.unlock threads.each(&:kill) threads.each(&:join) end def test_condvar_timed_wait mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new timeout = 0.3 locked = false t0 = Time.now mutex.synchronize do begin condvar.wait(mutex, timeout) ensure locked = mutex.locked? end end t1 = Time.now t = t1-t0 assert_operator(timeout*0.9, :<, t) assert(locked) end def test_condvar_nolock mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new assert_raise(ThreadError) {condvar.wait(mutex)} end def test_condvar_nolock_2 mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new Thread.new do assert_raise(ThreadError) {condvar.wait(mutex)} end.join end def test_condvar_nolock_3 mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new Thread.new do assert_raise(ThreadError) {condvar.wait(mutex, 0.1)} end.join end def test_condvar_empty_signal mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { mutex.synchronize {condvar.signal} } end def test_condvar_empty_broadcast mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { mutex.synchronize {condvar.broadcast} } end def test_dup bug9440 = '[ruby-core:59961] [Bug #9440]' condvar = ConditionVariable.new assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug9440) do condvar.dup end end (DumpableCV = ConditionVariable.dup).class_eval {remove_method :marshal_dump} def test_dump bug9674 = '[ruby-core:61677] [Bug #9674]' condvar = ConditionVariable.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{ConditionVariable}/, bug9674) do Marshal.dump(condvar) end condvar = DumpableCV.new assert_raise(TypeError, bug9674) do Marshal.dump(condvar) end end def test_condvar_fork mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new thrs = (1..10).map do Thread.new { mutex.synchronize { condvar.wait(mutex) } } end thrs.each { 3.times { Thread.pass } } pid = fork do mutex.synchronize { condvar.broadcast } exit!(0) end _, s = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert_predicate s, :success?, 'no segfault [ruby-core:86316] [Bug #14634]' until thrs.empty? mutex.synchronize { condvar.broadcast } thrs.delete_if { |t| t.join(0.01) } end end if Process.respond_to?(:fork) end