#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Gets the most recent revision of a file in a VCS-agnostic way. # Used by Doxygen, Makefiles and merger.rb. require 'optparse' # this file run with BASERUBY, which may be older than 1.9, so no # require_relative require File.expand_path('../vcs', __FILE__) Program = $0 @output = nil def self.output=(output) if @output and @output != output raise "you can specify only one of --changed, --revision.h and --doxygen" end @output = output end @suppress_not_found = false format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' srcdir = nil parser = OptionParser.new {|opts| opts.on("--srcdir=PATH", "use PATH as source directory") do |path| srcdir = path end opts.on("--changed", "changed rev") do self.output = :changed end opts.on("--revision.h", "RUBY_REVISION macro") do self.output = :revision_h end opts.on("--doxygen", "Doxygen format") do self.output = :doxygen end opts.on("--modified[=FORMAT]", "modified time") do |fmt| self.output = :modified format = fmt if fmt end opts.on("-q", "--suppress_not_found") do @suppress_not_found = true end } parser.parse! rescue abort "#{File.basename(Program)}: #{$!}\n#{parser}" vcs = nil @output = case @output when :changed, nil Proc.new {|last, changed| changed } when :revision_h Proc.new {|last, changed, modified, branch, title| short = vcs.short_revision(last) [ "#define RUBY_REVISION #{short.inspect}", ("#define RUBY_FULL_REVISION #{last.inspect}" unless short == last), if branch e = '..' limit = 16 name = branch.sub(/\A(.{#{limit-e.size}}).{#{e.size+1},}/o) {$1+e} "#define RUBY_BRANCH_NAME #{name.dump}" end, if title "#define RUBY_LAST_COMMIT_TITLE #{title.dump}" end, ].compact } when :doxygen Proc.new {|last, changed| "r#{changed}/r#{last}" } when :modified Proc.new {|last, changed, modified| modified.strftime(format) } else raise "unknown output format `#{@output}'" end srcdir ||= File.dirname(File.dirname(Program)) begin vcs = VCS.detect(srcdir) rescue VCS::NotFoundError => e abort "#{File.basename(Program)}: #{e.message}" unless @suppress_not_found else ok = true (ARGV.empty? ? [nil] : ARGV).each do |arg| begin puts @output[*vcs.get_revisions(arg)] rescue => e next if @suppress_not_found and VCS::NotFoundError === e warn "#{File.basename(Program)}: #{e.message}" ok = false end end exit ok end