#!/usr/bin/ruby require_relative 'lib/colorize' require 'shellwords' until ARGV.empty? case ARGV[0] when /\A SYMBOL_PREFIX=(.*)/x SYMBOL_PREFIX = $1 when /\A NM=(.*)/x # may be multiple words NM = $1.shellsplit when /\A PLATFORM=(.+)?/x platform = $1 when /\A SOEXT=(.+)?/x soext = $1 when /\A SYMBOLS_IN_EMPTYLIB=(.*)/x SYMBOLS_IN_EMPTYLIB = $1.split(" ") when /\A EXTSTATIC=(.+)?/x EXTSTATIC = true else break end ARGV.shift end SYMBOLS_IN_EMPTYLIB ||= nil EXTSTATIC ||= false config = ARGV.shift count = 0 col = Colorize.new config_code = File.read(config) REPLACE = config_code.scan(/\bAC_(?:REPLACE|CHECK)_FUNCS?\((\w+)/).flatten # REPLACE << 'memcmp' if /\bAC_FUNC_MEMCMP\b/ =~ config_code REPLACE.push('main', 'DllMain') if platform and !platform.empty? begin h = File.read(platform) rescue Errno::ENOENT else REPLACE.concat( h .gsub(%r[/\*.*?\*/]m, " ") # delete block comments .gsub(%r[//.*], " ") # delete oneline comments .gsub(/^\s*#.*(?:\\\n.*)*/, "") # delete preprocessor directives .gsub(/(?:\A|;)\K\s*typedef\s.*?;/m, "") .scan(/\b((?!rb_|DEPRECATED|_)\w+)\s*\(.*\);/) .flatten) end end missing = File.dirname(config) + "/missing/" ARGV.reject! do |n| base = File.basename(n, ".*") next true if REPLACE.include?(base) unless (src = Dir.glob(missing + base + ".[cS]")).empty? puts "Ignore #{col.skip(n)} because of #{src.map {|s| File.basename(s)}.join(', ')} under missing" true end end # darwin's ld64 seems to require exception handling personality functions to be # extern, so we allow the Rust one. REPLACE.push("rust_eh_personality") if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("darwin") print "Checking leaked global symbols..." STDOUT.flush if soext soext = /\.#{soext}(?:$|\.)/ if EXTSTATIC ARGV.delete_if {|n| soext =~ n} elsif ARGV.size == 1 so = soext =~ ARGV.first end end Pipe = Struct.new(:command) do def open(&block) IO.popen(command, &block) end def each(&block) open {|f| f.each(&block)} end end Pipe.new(NM + ARGV).each do |line| line.chomp! next so = nil if line.empty? if so.nil? and line.chomp!(":") so = soext =~ line || false next end n, t, = line.split next unless /[A-TV-Z]/ =~ t next unless n.sub!(/^#{SYMBOL_PREFIX}/o, "") next if n.include?(".") next if !so and n.start_with?("___asan_") next if !so and n.start_with?("__odr_asan_") next if !so and n.start_with?("__retguard_") case n when /\A(?:Init_|InitVM_|pm_|[Oo]nig|dln_|coroutine_)/ next when /\Aruby_static_id_/ next unless so when /\A(?:RUBY_|ruby_|rb_)/ next unless so and /_(threadptr|ec)_/ =~ n when *SYMBOLS_IN_EMPTYLIB next end next if REPLACE.include?(n) puts col.fail("leaked") if count.zero? count += 1 puts " #{n}" end case count when 0 puts col.pass("none") when 1 abort col.fail("1 un-prefixed symbol leaked") else abort col.fail("#{count} un-prefixed symbols leaked") end