#!./miniruby # Used by the "make install" target to install Ruby. # See common.mk for more details. ENV["SDKROOT"] ||= "" if /darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM begin load "./rbconfig.rb" rescue LoadError CONFIG = Hash.new {""} else include RbConfig $".unshift File.expand_path("./rbconfig.rb") end srcdir = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) unless defined?(CROSS_COMPILING) and CROSS_COMPILING $:.replace([srcdir+"/lib", Dir.pwd]) end require 'fileutils' require 'shellwords' require 'optparse' require 'optparse/shellwords' require 'pathname' require 'rubygems' begin require "zlib" rescue LoadError $" << "zlib.rb" end INDENT = " "*36 STDOUT.sync = true File.umask(022) def parse_args(argv = ARGV) $mantype = 'doc' $destdir = nil $extout = nil $make = 'make' $mflags = [] $install = [] $installed = {} $installed_list = nil $exclude = [] $dryrun = false $rdocdir = nil $htmldir = nil $data_mode = 0644 $prog_mode = 0755 $dir_mode = nil $script_mode = nil $strip = false $cmdtype = (if File::ALT_SEPARATOR == '\\' File.exist?("rubystub.exe") ? 'exe' : 'cmd' end) mflags = [] gnumake = false opt = OptionParser.new opt.on('-n', '--dry-run') {$dryrun = true} opt.on('--dest-dir=DIR') {|dir| $destdir = dir} opt.on('--extout=DIR') {|dir| $extout = (dir unless dir.empty?)} opt.on('--make=COMMAND') {|make| $make = make} opt.on('--mantype=MAN') {|man| $mantype = man} opt.on('--make-flags=FLAGS', '--mflags', Shellwords) do |v| if arg = v.first arg.insert(0, '-') if /\A[^-][^=]*\Z/ =~ arg end $mflags.concat(v) end opt.on('-i', '--install=TYPE', $install_procs.keys) do |ins| $install << ins end opt.on('-x', '--exclude=TYPE', $install_procs.keys) do |exc| $exclude << exc end opt.on('--data-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode| $data_mode = mode end opt.on('--prog-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode| $prog_mode = mode end opt.on('--dir-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode| $dir_mode = mode end opt.on('--script-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode| $script_mode = mode end opt.on('--installed-list [FILENAME]') {|name| $installed_list = name} opt.on('--rdoc-output [DIR]') {|dir| $rdocdir = dir} opt.on('--html-output [DIR]') {|dir| $htmldir = dir} opt.on('--cmd-type=TYPE', %w[cmd plain]) {|cmd| $cmdtype = (cmd unless cmd == 'plain')} opt.on('--[no-]strip') {|strip| $strip = strip} opt.on('--gnumake') {gnumake = true} opt.order!(argv) do |v| case v when /\AINSTALL[-_]([-\w]+)=(.*)/ argv.unshift("--#{$1.tr('_', '-')}=#{$2}") when /\A\w[-\w+]*=\z/ mflags << v when /\A\w[-\w+]*\z/ $install << v.intern else raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, v end end rescue abort "#{$!.message}\n#{opt.help}" unless defined?(RbConfig) puts opt.help exit end $make, *rest = Shellwords.shellwords($make) $mflags.unshift(*rest) unless rest.empty? $mflags.unshift(*mflags) $mflags.reject! {|v| /\A-[OW]/ =~ v} if gnumake def $mflags.set?(flag) grep(/\A-(?!-).*#{flag.chr}/i) { return true } false end def $mflags.defined?(var) grep(/\A#{var}=(.*)/) {return block_given? ? yield($1) : $1} false end if $mflags.set?(?n) $dryrun = true else $mflags << '-n' if $dryrun end $destdir ||= $mflags.defined?("DESTDIR") if $extout ||= $mflags.defined?("EXTOUT") RbConfig.expand($extout) end $continue = $mflags.set?(?k) if $installed_list ||= $mflags.defined?('INSTALLED_LIST') RbConfig.expand($installed_list, RbConfig::CONFIG) $installed_list = open($installed_list, "ab") $installed_list.sync = true end $rdocdir ||= $mflags.defined?('RDOCOUT') $htmldir ||= $mflags.defined?('HTMLOUT') $dir_mode ||= $prog_mode | 0700 $script_mode ||= $prog_mode end $install_procs = Hash.new {[]} def install?(*types, &block) unless types.delete(:nodefault) $install_procs[:all] <<= block end types.each do |type| $install_procs[type] <<= block end end def strip_file(files) if !defined?($strip_command) and (cmd = CONFIG["STRIP"]) case cmd when "", "true", ":" then return else $strip_command = Shellwords.shellwords(cmd) end elsif !$strip_command return end system(*($strip_command + [files].flatten)) end def install(src, dest, options = {}) options = options.clone strip = options.delete(:strip) options[:preserve] = true srcs = Array(src).select {|s| !$installed[$made_dirs[dest] ? File.join(dest, s) : dest]} return if srcs.empty? src = srcs if Array === src d = with_destdir(dest) super(src, d, **options) srcs.each {|s| $installed[$made_dirs[dest] ? File.join(dest, s) : dest] = true} if strip d = srcs.map {|s| File.join(d, File.basename(s))} if $made_dirs[dest] strip_file(d) end if $installed_list dest = srcs.map {|s| File.join(dest, File.basename(s))} if $made_dirs[dest] $installed_list.puts dest end end def ln_sf(src, dest) super(src, with_destdir(dest)) $installed_list.puts dest if $installed_list end $made_dirs = {} def makedirs(dirs) dirs = fu_list(dirs) dirs.collect! do |dir| realdir = with_destdir(dir) realdir unless $made_dirs.fetch(dir) do $made_dirs[dir] = true $installed_list.puts(File.join(dir, "")) if $installed_list File.directory?(realdir) end end.compact! super(dirs, :mode => $dir_mode) unless dirs.empty? end FalseProc = proc {false} def path_matcher(pat) if pat and !pat.empty? proc {|f| pat.any? {|n| File.fnmatch?(n, f)}} else FalseProc end end def install_recursive(srcdir, dest, options = {}) opts = options.clone noinst = opts.delete(:no_install) glob = opts.delete(:glob) || "*" maxdepth = opts.delete(:maxdepth) subpath = (srcdir.size+1)..-1 prune = [] skip = [] if noinst if Array === noinst prune = noinst.grep(/#{File::SEPARATOR}/o).map!{|f| f.chomp(File::SEPARATOR)} skip = noinst.grep(/\A[^#{File::SEPARATOR}]*\z/o) else if noinst.index(File::SEPARATOR) prune = [noinst] else skip = [noinst] end end end skip |= %w"#*# *~ *.old *.bak *.orig *.rej *.diff *.patch *.core" prune = path_matcher(prune) skip = path_matcher(skip) File.directory?(srcdir) or return rescue return paths = [[srcdir, dest, 0]] found = [] while file = paths.shift found << file file, d, dir = *file if dir depth = dir + 1 next if maxdepth and maxdepth < depth files = [] Dir.foreach(file) do |f| src = File.join(file, f) d = File.join(dest, dir = src[subpath]) stat = File.lstat(src) rescue next if stat.directory? files << [src, d, depth] if maxdepth != depth and /\A\./ !~ f and !prune[dir] elsif stat.symlink? # skip else files << [src, d, false] if File.fnmatch?(glob, f, File::FNM_EXTGLOB) and !skip[f] end end paths.insert(0, *files) end end for src, d, dir in found if dir next # makedirs(d) else makedirs(d[/.*(?=\/)/m]) if block_given? yield src, d, opts else install src, d, opts end end end end def open_for_install(path, mode) data = open(realpath = with_destdir(path), "rb") {|f| f.read} rescue nil newdata = yield unless $dryrun unless newdata == data open(realpath, "wb", mode) {|f| f.write newdata} end File.chmod(mode, realpath) end $installed_list.puts path if $installed_list end def with_destdir(dir) return dir if !$destdir or $destdir.empty? dir = dir.sub(/\A\w:/, '') if File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';' $destdir + dir end def without_destdir(dir) return dir if !$destdir or $destdir.empty? dir.start_with?($destdir) ? dir[$destdir.size..-1] : dir end def prepare(mesg, basedir, subdirs=nil) return unless basedir case when !subdirs dirs = basedir when subdirs.size == 0 subdirs = nil when subdirs.size == 1 dirs = [basedir = File.join(basedir, subdirs)] subdirs = nil else dirs = [basedir, *subdirs.collect {|dir| File.join(basedir, dir)}] end printf("%-*s%s%s\n", INDENT.size, "installing #{mesg}:", basedir, (subdirs ? " (#{subdirs.join(', ')})" : "")) makedirs(dirs) end def CONFIG.[](name, mandatory = false) value = super(name) if mandatory raise "CONFIG['#{name}'] must be set" if !value or value.empty? end value end exeext = CONFIG["EXEEXT"] ruby_install_name = CONFIG["ruby_install_name", true] rubyw_install_name = CONFIG["rubyw_install_name"] goruby_install_name = "go" + ruby_install_name bindir = CONFIG["bindir", true] libdir = CONFIG[CONFIG.fetch("libdirname", "libdir"), true] rubyhdrdir = CONFIG["rubyhdrdir", true] archhdrdir = CONFIG["rubyarchhdrdir"] || (rubyhdrdir + "/" + CONFIG['arch']) rubylibdir = CONFIG["rubylibdir", true] archlibdir = CONFIG["rubyarchdir", true] if CONFIG["sitedir"] sitelibdir = CONFIG["sitelibdir"] sitearchlibdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"] end if CONFIG["vendordir"] vendorlibdir = CONFIG["vendorlibdir"] vendorarchlibdir = CONFIG["vendorarchdir"] end mandir = CONFIG["mandir", true] docdir = CONFIG["docdir", true] enable_shared = CONFIG["ENABLE_SHARED"] == 'yes' dll = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_SO", enable_shared] lib = CONFIG["LIBRUBY", true] arc = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_A", true] load_relative = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_RELATIVE"] == 'yes' rdoc_noinst = %w[created.rid] install?(:local, :arch, :bin, :'bin-arch') do prepare "binary commands", bindir install ruby_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip if rubyw_install_name and !rubyw_install_name.empty? install rubyw_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip end if File.exist? goruby_install_name+exeext install goruby_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip end if enable_shared and dll != lib install dll, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip end end install?(:local, :arch, :lib, :'lib-arch') do prepare "base libraries", libdir install lib, libdir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip unless lib == arc install arc, libdir, :mode => $data_mode unless CONFIG["INSTALL_STATIC_LIBRARY"] == "no" if dll == lib and dll != arc for link in CONFIG["LIBRUBY_ALIASES"].split - [File.basename(dll)] ln_sf(dll, File.join(libdir, link)) end end prepare "arch files", archlibdir install "rbconfig.rb", archlibdir, :mode => $data_mode if CONFIG["ARCHFILE"] for file in CONFIG["ARCHFILE"].split install file, archlibdir, :mode => $data_mode end end end install?(:local, :arch, :data) do pc = CONFIG["ruby_pc"] if pc and File.file?(pc) and File.size?(pc) prepare "pkgconfig data", pkgconfigdir = File.join(libdir, "pkgconfig") install pc, pkgconfigdir, :mode => $data_mode end end install?(:ext, :arch, :'ext-arch') do prepare "extension objects", archlibdir noinst = %w[-* -*/] | (CONFIG["no_install_files"] || "").split install_recursive("#{$extout}/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archlibdir, :no_install => noinst, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip) prepare "extension objects", sitearchlibdir prepare "extension objects", vendorarchlibdir if extso = File.read("exts.mk")[/^EXTSO[ \t]*=[ \t]*((?:.*\\\n)*.*)/, 1] and !(extso = extso.gsub(/\\\n/, '').split).empty? libpathenv = CONFIG["LIBPATHENV"] dest = CONFIG[!libpathenv || libpathenv == "PATH" ? "bindir" : "libdir"] prepare "external libraries", dest for file in extso install file, dest, :mode => $prog_mode end end end install?(:ext, :arch, :hdr, :'arch-hdr', :'hdr-arch') do prepare "extension headers", archhdrdir install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archhdrdir, :glob => "*.h", :mode => $data_mode) install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archhdrdir, :glob => "rb_mjit_header-*.obj", :mode => $data_mode) install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archhdrdir, :glob => "rb_mjit_header-*.pch", :mode => $data_mode) install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archhdrdir, :glob => "rb_mjit_header-*.pdb", :mode => $data_mode) end install?(:ext, :comm, :'ext-comm') do prepare "extension scripts", rubylibdir install_recursive("#{$extout}/common", rubylibdir, :mode => $data_mode) prepare "extension scripts", sitelibdir prepare "extension scripts", vendorlibdir end install?(:ext, :comm, :hdr, :'comm-hdr', :'hdr-comm') do hdrdir = rubyhdrdir + "/ruby" prepare "extension headers", hdrdir install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/ruby", hdrdir, :glob => "*.h", :mode => $data_mode) end install?(:doc, :rdoc) do if $rdocdir ridatadir = File.join(CONFIG['ridir'], CONFIG['ruby_version'], "system") prepare "rdoc", ridatadir install_recursive($rdocdir, ridatadir, :no_install => rdoc_noinst, :mode => $data_mode) end end install?(:doc, :html) do if $htmldir prepare "html-docs", docdir install_recursive($htmldir, docdir+"/html", :no_install => rdoc_noinst, :mode => $data_mode) end end install?(:doc, :capi) do prepare "capi-docs", docdir install_recursive "doc/capi", docdir+"/capi", :mode => $data_mode end prolog_script = < %q<-*- ruby -*- @"%~dp0#{ruby_install_name}" -x "%~f0" %* @exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% };{ #\n#{prolog_script.gsub(/(?=\n)/, ' #')}>,\n} EOS PROLOG_SCRIPT.default = (load_relative || /\s/ =~ bindir) ? < e abort "No #{stubfile}: #{e}" else stub end def stub super or self.stub = self.class.get_rubystub end break new(ruby_shebang, ruby_bin, ruby_install_name, nil, trans) end install?(:local, :comm, :bin, :'bin-comm') do prepare "command scripts", bindir install_recursive(File.join(srcdir, "bin"), bindir, :maxdepth => 1) do |src, cmd| $script_installer.install(src, cmd) end end install?(:local, :comm, :lib) do prepare "library scripts", rubylibdir noinst = %w[*.txt *.rdoc *.gemspec] install_recursive(File.join(srcdir, "lib"), rubylibdir, :no_install => noinst, :mode => $data_mode) end install?(:local, :comm, :hdr, :'comm-hdr') do prepare "common headers", rubyhdrdir noinst = [] unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw|bccwin/ noinst << "win32.h" end noinst = nil if noinst.empty? install_recursive(File.join(srcdir, "include"), rubyhdrdir, :no_install => noinst, :glob => "*.{h,hpp}", :mode => $data_mode) end install?(:local, :comm, :man) do mdocs = Dir["#{srcdir}/man/*.[1-9]"] prepare "manpages", mandir, ([] | mdocs.collect {|mdoc| mdoc[/\d+$/]}).sort.collect {|sec| "man#{sec}"} case $mantype when /\.(?:(gz)|bz2)\z/ compress = $1 ? "gzip" : "bzip2" suffix = $& end mandir = File.join(mandir, "man") has_goruby = File.exist?(goruby_install_name+exeext) require File.join(srcdir, "tool/mdoc2man.rb") if /\Adoc\b/ !~ $mantype mdocs.each do |mdoc| next unless File.file?(mdoc) and open(mdoc){|fh| fh.read(1) == '.'} base = File.basename(mdoc) if base == "goruby.1" next unless has_goruby end destdir = mandir + (section = mdoc[/\d+$/]) destname = ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, base.chomp(".#{section}")) destfile = File.join(destdir, "#{destname}.#{section}") if /\Adoc\b/ =~ $mantype if compress w = open(mdoc) {|f| stdin = STDIN.dup STDIN.reopen(f) begin destfile << suffix IO.popen(compress, &:read) ensure STDIN.reopen(stdin) stdin.close end } open_for_install(destfile, $data_mode) {w} else install mdoc, destfile, :mode => $data_mode end else class << (w = []) alias print push end if File.basename(mdoc).start_with?('bundle') || File.basename(mdoc).start_with?('gemfile') w = File.read(mdoc) else open(mdoc) {|r| Mdoc2Man.mdoc2man(r, w)} w = w.join("") end if compress require 'tmpdir' Dir.mktmpdir("man") {|d| dest = File.join(d, File.basename(destfile)) File.open(dest, "wb") {|f| f.write w} if system(compress, dest) w = File.open(dest+suffix, "rb") {|f| f.read} destfile << suffix end } end open_for_install(destfile, $data_mode) {w} end end end install?(:dbg, :nodefault) do prepare "debugger commands", bindir prepare "debugger scripts", rubylibdir conf = RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG.merge({"prefix"=>"${prefix#/}"}) Dir.glob(File.join(srcdir, "template/ruby-*db.in")) do |src| cmd = $script_installer.transform(File.basename(src, ".in")) open_for_install(File.join(bindir, cmd), $script_mode) { RbConfig.expand(File.read(src), conf) } end install File.join(srcdir, "misc/lldb_cruby.py"), File.join(rubylibdir, "lldb_cruby.py") install File.join(srcdir, ".gdbinit"), File.join(rubylibdir, "gdbinit") end module RbInstall def self.no_write(options = nil) u = File.umask(0022) if $dryrun fu = ::Object.class_eval do fu = remove_const(:FileUtils) const_set(:FileUtils, fu::NoWrite) fu end dir_mode = options.delete(:dir_mode) if options end yield ensure options[:dir_mode] = dir_mode if dir_mode if fu ::Object.class_eval do remove_const(:FileUtils) const_set(:FileUtils, fu) end end File.umask(u) end module Specs class FileCollector def initialize(gemspec) @gemspec = gemspec @base_dir = File.dirname(gemspec) end def collect (ruby_libraries + built_libraries).sort end private def type /\/(ext|lib)?\/.*?\z/ =~ @base_dir $1 end def ruby_libraries case type when "ext" prefix = "#{$extout}/common/" base = "#{prefix}#{relative_base}" when "lib" base = @base_dir prefix = base.sub(/lib\/.*?\z/, "") # for lib/net/net-smtp.gemspec if m = Pathname.new(@gemspec).basename(".gemspec").to_s.match(/.*\-(.*)\z/) base = "#{@base_dir}/#{m[1]}" unless remove_prefix(prefix, @base_dir).include?(m[1]) end end files = if base Dir.glob("#{base}{.rb,/**/*.rb}").collect do |ruby_source| remove_prefix(prefix, ruby_source) end else [File.basename(@gemspec, '.gemspec') + '.rb'] end case Pathname.new(@gemspec).basename(".gemspec").to_s when "net-http" files << "lib/net/https.rb" when "optparse" files << "lib/optionparser.rb" end files end def built_libraries case type when "ext" prefix = "#{$extout}/#{CONFIG['arch']}/" base = "#{prefix}#{relative_base}" dlext = CONFIG['DLEXT'] Dir.glob("#{base}{.#{dlext},/**/*.#{dlext}}").collect do |built_library| remove_prefix(prefix, built_library) end when "lib" [] else [] end end def relative_base /\/#{Regexp.escape(type)}\/(.*?)\z/ =~ @base_dir $1 end def remove_prefix(prefix, string) string.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(prefix)}/, "") end end end class DirPackage attr_reader :spec attr_accessor :dir_mode attr_accessor :prog_mode attr_accessor :data_mode def initialize(spec, dir_map = nil) @spec = spec @src_dir = File.dirname(@spec.loaded_from) @dir_map = dir_map end def extract_files(destination_dir, pattern = "*") return if @src_dir == destination_dir File.chmod(0700, destination_dir) unless $dryrun mode = pattern == File.join(spec.bindir, '*') ? prog_mode : data_mode destdir = without_destdir(destination_dir) if @dir_map (dir_map = @dir_map.map {|k, v| Regexp.quote(k) unless k == v}).compact! dir_map = %r{\A(?:#{dir_map.join('|')})(?=/)} end spec.files.each do |f| next unless File.fnmatch(pattern, f) src = File.join(@src_dir, dir_map =~ f ? "#{@dir_map[$&]}#{$'}" : f) dest = File.join(destdir, f) makedirs(dest[/.*(?=\/)/m]) install src, dest, :mode => mode end File.chmod(dir_mode, destination_dir) unless $dryrun end end class GemInstaller < Gem::Installer end class UnpackedInstaller < GemInstaller def write_cache_file end def build_extensions end def shebang(bin_file_name) path = File.join(gem_dir, spec.bindir, bin_file_name) first_line = File.open(path, "rb") {|file| file.gets} $script_installer.prolog(first_line).chomp end def app_script_text(bin_file_name) # move shell script part after comments generated by RubyGems. super.sub(/\A (\#!\/bin\/sh\n\#.*-\*-\s*ruby\s*-\*-.*\n) ((?:.*\n)*?\#!.*ruby.*\n) \#\n ((?:\#.*\n)+)/x, '\1\3\2') end def check_executable_overwrite(filename) return if @wrappers and same_bin_script?(filename, @bin_dir) super end def generate_bin_script(filename, bindir) return if same_bin_script?(filename, bindir) super end def same_bin_script?(filename, bindir) path = File.join(bindir, formatted_program_filename(filename)) begin return true if File.binread(path) == app_script_text(filename) rescue end false end def write_spec super unless $dryrun $installed_list.puts(without_destdir(spec_file)) if $installed_list end def write_default_spec super unless $dryrun $installed_list.puts(without_destdir(default_spec_file)) if $installed_list end end class GemInstaller def install spec.post_install_message = nil RbInstall.no_write(options) {super} end def generate_bin_script(filename, bindir) name = formatted_program_filename(filename) unless $dryrun super File.chmod($script_mode, File.join(bindir, name)) end $installed_list.puts(File.join(without_destdir(bindir), name)) if $installed_list end def verify_gem_home # :nodoc: end def ensure_writable_dir(dir) $made_dirs.fetch(d = without_destdir(dir)) do $made_dirs[d] = true super unless $dryrun $installed_list.puts(d+"/") if $installed_list end end end end # :startdoc: install?(:ext, :comm, :gem, :'default-gems', :'default-gems-comm') do install_default_gem('lib', srcdir, bindir) end install?(:ext, :arch, :gem, :'default-gems', :'default-gems-arch') do install_default_gem('ext', srcdir, bindir) end def load_gemspec(file, expanded = false) file = File.realpath(file) code = File.read(file, encoding: "utf-8:-") code.gsub!(/(?:`git[^\`]*`|%x\[git[^\]]*\])\.split\([^\)]*\)/m) do files = [] if expanded base = File.dirname(file) Dir.glob("**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH, base: base) do |n| case File.basename(n); when ".", ".."; next; end next if File.directory?(File.join(base, n)) files << n.dump end end "[" + files.join(", ") + "]" end spec = eval(code, binding, file) unless Gem::Specification === spec raise TypeError, "[#{file}] isn't a Gem::Specification (#{spec.class} instead)." end spec.loaded_from = file spec.files.reject! {|n| n.end_with?(".gemspec") or n.start_with?(".git")} spec end def install_default_gem(dir, srcdir, bindir) gem_dir = Gem.default_dir install_dir = with_destdir(gem_dir) prepare "default gems from #{dir}", gem_dir RbInstall.no_write do makedirs(Gem.ensure_default_gem_subdirectories(install_dir, $dir_mode).map {|d| File.join(gem_dir, d)}) end options = { :install_dir => with_destdir(gem_dir), :bin_dir => with_destdir(bindir), :ignore_dependencies => true, :dir_mode => $dir_mode, :data_mode => $data_mode, :prog_mode => $script_mode, :wrappers => true, :format_executable => true, :install_as_default => true, } default_spec_dir = Gem.default_specifications_dir gems = Dir.glob("#{srcdir}/#{dir}/**/*.gemspec").map {|src| spec = load_gemspec(src) file_collector = RbInstall::Specs::FileCollector.new(src) files = file_collector.collect next if files.empty? spec.files = files spec } gems.compact.sort_by(&:name).each do |gemspec| old_gemspecs = Dir[File.join(with_destdir(default_spec_dir), "#{gemspec.name}-*.gemspec")] if old_gemspecs.size > 0 old_gemspecs.each {|spec| rm spec } end full_name = "#{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}" gemspec.loaded_from = File.join srcdir, gemspec.spec_name package = RbInstall::DirPackage.new gemspec, {gemspec.bindir => 'libexec'} ins = RbInstall::UnpackedInstaller.new(package, options) puts "#{INDENT}#{gemspec.name} #{gemspec.version}" ins.install end end install?(:ext, :comm, :gem, :'bundled-gems') do gem_dir = Gem.default_dir install_dir = with_destdir(gem_dir) prepare "bundled gems", gem_dir RbInstall.no_write do makedirs(Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(install_dir, $dir_mode).map {|d| File.join(gem_dir, d)}) end installed_gems = {} options = { :install_dir => install_dir, :bin_dir => with_destdir(bindir), :domain => :local, :ignore_dependencies => true, :dir_mode => $dir_mode, :data_mode => $data_mode, :prog_mode => $script_mode, :wrappers => true, :format_executable => true, } gem_ext_dir = "#$extout/gems/#{CONFIG['arch']}" extensions_dir = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub("", gem_dir, gem_dir).extensions_dir File.foreach("#{srcdir}/gems/bundled_gems") do |name| next if /^\s*(?:#|$)/ =~ name next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+).*/ =~ name gem_name = "#$1-#$2" path = "#{srcdir}/.bundle/gems/#{gem_name}/#{gem_name}.gemspec" if File.exist?(path) spec = load_gemspec(path) else path = "#{srcdir}/.bundle/gems/#{gem_name}/#$1.gemspec" next unless File.exist?(path) spec = load_gemspec(path, true) end next unless spec.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY next unless spec.full_name == gem_name spec.extension_dir = "#{extensions_dir}/#{spec.full_name}" if File.directory?(ext = "#{gem_ext_dir}/#{spec.full_name}") spec.extensions[0] ||= "-" end package = RbInstall::DirPackage.new spec ins = RbInstall::UnpackedInstaller.new(package, options) puts "#{INDENT}#{spec.name} #{spec.version}" ins.install unless $dryrun File.chmod($data_mode, File.join(install_dir, "specifications", "#{spec.full_name}.gemspec")) end unless spec.extensions.empty? install_recursive(ext, spec.extension_dir) end installed_gems[spec.full_name] = true end installed_gems, gems = Dir.glob(srcdir+'/gems/*.gem').partition {|gem| installed_gems.key?(File.basename(gem, '.gem'))} unless installed_gems.empty? prepare "bundled gem cache", gem_dir+"/cache" install installed_gems, gem_dir+"/cache" end next if gems.empty? if defined?(Zlib) Gem.instance_variable_set(:@ruby, with_destdir(File.join(bindir, ruby_install_name))) silent = Gem::SilentUI.new gems.each do |gem| package = Gem::Package.new(gem) inst = RbInstall::GemInstaller.new(package, options) inst.spec.extension_dir = with_destdir(inst.spec.extension_dir) begin Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui(silent) {inst.install} rescue Gem::InstallError next end gemname = File.basename(gem) puts "#{INDENT}#{gemname}" end # fix directory permissions # TODO: Gem.install should accept :dir_mode option or something File.chmod($dir_mode, *Dir.glob(install_dir+"/**/")) # fix .gemspec permissions File.chmod($data_mode, *Dir.glob(install_dir+"/specifications/*.gemspec")) else puts "skip installing bundled gems because of lacking zlib" end end parse_args() include FileUtils include FileUtils::NoWrite if $dryrun @fileutils_output = STDOUT @fileutils_label = '' $install << :all if $install.empty? installs = $install.map do |inst| if !(procs = $install_procs[inst]) || procs.empty? next warn("unknown install target - #{inst}") end procs end installs.flatten! installs -= $exclude.map {|exc| $install_procs[exc]}.flatten installs.each do |block| dir = Dir.pwd begin block.call ensure Dir.chdir(dir) end end # vi:set sw=2: