#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'open-uri' require 'openssl' require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'io/console' require 'stringio' require 'strscan' require 'optparse' require 'pp' VERSION = '0.0.1' opts = OptionParser.new target_version = nil repo_path = nil api_key = nil ssl_verify = true opts.on('-k REDMINE_API_KEY', '--key=REDMINE_API_KEY', 'specify your REDMINE_API_KEY') {|v| api_key = v} opts.on('-t TARGET_VERSION', '--target=TARGET_VARSION', /\A\d(?:\.\d)+\z/, 'specify target version (ex: 2.1)') {|v| target_version = v} opts.on('-r RUBY_REPO_PATH', '--repository=RUBY_REPO_PATH', 'specify repository path') {|v| repo_path = v} opts.on('--[no-]ssl-verify', TrueClass, 'use / not use SSL verify') {|v| ssl_verify = v} opts.version = VERSION opts.parse!(ARGV) http_options = {use_ssl: true} http_options[:verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE unless ssl_verify openuri_options = {} openuri_options[:ssl_verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE unless ssl_verify TARGET_VERSION = target_version || ENV['TARGET_VERSION'] || (raise 'need to specify TARGET_VERSION') RUBY_REPO_PATH = repo_path || ENV['RUBY_REPO_PATH'] BACKPORT_CF_KEY = 'cf_5' STATUS_CLOSE = 5 REDMINE_API_KEY = api_key || ENV['REDMINE_API_KEY'] || (raise 'need to specify REDMINE_API_KEY') REDMINE_BASE = 'https://bugs.ruby-lang.org' @query = { 'f[]' => BACKPORT_CF_KEY, "op[#{BACKPORT_CF_KEY}]" => '~', "v[#{BACKPORT_CF_KEY}][]" => "#{TARGET_VERSION}: REQUIRED", 'limit' => 40, 'status_id' => STATUS_CLOSE, 'sort' => 'updated_on' } PRIORITIES = { 'Low' => [:white, :blue], 'Normal' => [], 'High' => [:red], 'Urgent' => [:red, :white], 'Immediate' => [:red, :white, {underscore: true}], } COLORS = { black: 30, red: 31, green: 32, yellow: 33, blue: 34, magenta: 35, cyan: 36, white: 37, } class String def color(fore=nil, back=nil, bold: false, underscore: false) seq = "" if bold seq << "\e[1m" end if underscore seq << "\e[2m" end if fore c = COLORS[fore] raise "unknown foreground color #{fore}" unless c seq << "\e[#{c}m" end if back c = COLORS[back] raise "unknown background color #{back}" unless c seq << "\e[#{c + 10}m" end if seq.empty? self else seq << self << "\e[0m" end end end def wcwidth(wc) return 8 if wc == "\t" n = wc.ord if n < 0x20 0 elsif n < 0x80 1 else 2 end end def fold(str, col) i = 0 size = str.size len = 0 while i < size case c = str[i] when "\r", "\n" len = 0 else d = wcwidth(c) len += d if len == col str.insert(i+1, "\n") len = 0 i += 2 next elsif len > col str.insert(i, "\n") len = d i += 2 next end end i += 1 end str end class StringScanner # lx: limit of x (colmns of screen) # ly: limit of y (rows of screen) def getrows(lx, ly) cp1 = charpos x = 0 y = 0 until eos? case c = getch when "\r" x = 0 when "\n" x = 0 y += 1 when "\t" x += 8 when /[\x00-\x7f]/ # halfwidth x += 1 else # fullwidth x += 2 end if x > lx x = 0 y += 1 unscan end if y >= ly return string[cp1...charpos] end end string[cp1..-1] end end def more(sio) console = IO.console ly, lx = console.winsize ly -= 1 str = sio.string cls = "\r" + (" " * lx) + "\r" ss = StringScanner.new(str) rows = ss.getrows(lx, ly) puts rows until ss.eos? print ":" case c = console.getch when ' ' rows = ss.getrows(lx, ly) puts cls + rows when 'j', "\r" rows = ss.getrows(lx, 1) puts cls + rows when "q" print cls break else print "\b" end end end def readline(prompt = '') console = IO.console ly, lx = console.winsize cls = "\r" + (" " * lx) + "\r" + prompt console.print prompt console.flush return gets.chomp if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM line = '' while 1 case c = console.getch when "\r", "\n" puts return line when "\C-?", "\b" # DEL/BS print "\b \b" if line.chop! when "\C-u" print cls line.clear when "\C-d" return nil if line.empty? line << c else print c line << c end end end def mergeinfo `svn propget svn:mergeinfo #{RUBY_REPO_PATH}` end def find_svn_log(pattern) `svn log --xml --stop-on-copy --search='#{pattern}' #{RUBY_REPO_PATH}` end def show_last_journal(http, uri) res = http.get("#{uri.path}?include=journals") res.value h = JSON(res.body) x = h["issue"] raise "no issue" unless x x = x["journals"] raise "no journals" unless x x = x.last puts "== #{x["user"]["name"]} (#{x["created_on"]})" x["details"].each do |y| puts JSON(y) end puts x["notes"] end def backport_command_string " backport --ticket=#{@issue} #{@changesets.join(',')}" end console = IO.console row, col = console.winsize @query['limit'] = row - 2 puts "Backporter #{VERSION}".color(bold: true) + " for #{TARGET_VERSION}" @issues = nil @issue = nil @changesets = nil while true begin l = readline '> ' rescue Interrupt break end case l when 'ls' uri = URI(REDMINE_BASE+'/projects/ruby-trunk/issues.json?'+URI.encode_www_form(@query)) # puts uri res = JSON(uri.read(openuri_options)) @issues = issues = res["issues"] from = res["offset"] + 1 total = res["total_count"] to = from + issues.size - 1 puts "#{from}-#{to} / #{total}" issues.each_with_index do |x, i| id = "##{x["id"]}".color(*PRIORITIES[x["priority"]["name"]]) puts "#{'%2d' % i} #{id} #{x["priority"]["name"][0]} #{x["status"]["name"][0]} #{x["subject"][0,80]}" end when /\A(?:show +)?(\d+)\z/ id = $1.to_i id = @issues[id]["id"] if @issues && id < @issues.size @issue = id uri = "#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{id}" uri = URI(uri+".json?include=children,attachments,relations,changesets,journals") res = JSON(uri.read(openuri_options)) i = res["issue"] unless i["changesets"] abort "You don't have view_changesets permission" end id = "##{i["id"]}".color(*PRIORITIES[i["priority"]["name"]]) sio = StringIO.new sio.puts < REDMINE_API_KEY) puts res.body end when 's' # this feature implies backport command which wraps tool/merger.rb unless @issue puts "ticket not selected" next end puts backport_command_string when /\Adone(?: +(\d+))?(?: -- +(.*))?\z/ notes = $2 notes.strip! if notes if $1 i = $1.to_i i = @issues[i]["id"] if @issues && i < @issues.size @issue = i end unless @issue puts "ticket not selected" next end log = find_svn_log("##@issue]") if log && /revision="(?\d+)/ =~ log str = log[/merge revision\(s\) ([^:]+)(?=:)/] str.insert(5, "d") str = "ruby_#{TARGET_VERSION.tr('.','_')} r#{rev} #{str}." if notes str << "\n" str << notes end notes = str else puts "no commit is found whose log include ##@issue" next end puts notes uri = URI("#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{@issue}.json") Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, http_options) do |http| res = http.get(uri.path) data = JSON(res.body) h = data["issue"]["custom_fields"].find{|x|x["id"]==5} if h and val = h["value"] case val[/(?:\A|, )#{Regexp.quote TARGET_VERSION}: ([^,]+)/, 1] when 'REQUIRED', 'UNKNOWN', 'DONTNEED', 'WONTFIX' val[*$~.offset(1)] = 'DONE' when 'DONE' # , /\A\d+\z/ puts 'already backport is done' next # already done when nil val << ", #{TARGET_VERSION}: DONE" else raise "unknown status '#$1'" end else val = '#{TARGET_VERSION}: DONE' end data = { "issue" => { "custom_fields" => [ {"id"=>5, "value" => val} ] } } data['issue']['notes'] = notes if notes res = http.put(uri.path, JSON(data), 'X-Redmine-API-Key' => REDMINE_API_KEY, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') res.value show_last_journal(http, uri) end when /\Aclose(?: +(\d+))?\z/ if $1 i = $1.to_i i = @issues[i]["id"] if @issues && i < @issues.size @issue = i end unless @issue puts "ticket not selected" next end uri = URI("#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{@issue}.json") Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, http_options) do |http| data = { "issue" => { "status_id" => STATUS_CLOSE } } res = http.put(uri.path, JSON(data), 'X-Redmine-API-Key' => REDMINE_API_KEY, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') res.value show_last_journal(http, uri) end when /\last(?: +(\d+))?\z/ if $1 i = $1.to_i i = @issues[i]["id"] if @issues && i < @issues.size @issue = i end unless @issue puts "ticket not selected" next end uri = URI("#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{@issue}.json") Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, http_options) do |http| show_last_journal(http, uri) end when '' when nil, 'quit', 'exit' exit when 'help' puts 'ls '.color(bold: true) + ' show all required tickets' puts 'show TICKET '.color(bold: true) + ' show the detail of the TICKET, and select it' puts 'TICKET '.color(bold: true) + ' show the backport option of the TICKET for merger.rb' puts 'rel REVISION '.color(bold: true) + ' add the selected ticket as related to the REVISION' puts 'done [TICKET] [-- NOTE]'.color(bold: true) + ' set Backport field of the TICKET to DONE' puts 'close [TICKET] '.color(bold: true) + ' close the TICKET' puts 'last [TICKET] '.color(bold: true) + ' show the last journal of the TICKET' else puts "error #{l.inspect}" end end