require 'optparse' require 'erb' require 'fileutils' require 'pp' class Array unless [].respond_to? :product def product(*args) if args.empty? {|e| [e] } else result = [] self.each {|e0| result.concat args.first.product(*args[1..-1]).map {|es| [e0, *es] } } result end end end end NUM_ELEM_BYTELOOKUP = 2 C_ESC = { "\\" => "\\\\", '"' => '\"', "\n" => '\n', } 0x00.upto(0x1f) {|ch| C_ESC[[ch].pack("C")] ||= "\\%03o" % ch } 0x7f.upto(0xff) {|ch| C_ESC[[ch].pack("C")] = "\\%03o" % ch } C_ESC_PAT = Regexp.union(*C_ESC.keys) def c_esc(str) '"' + str.gsub(C_ESC_PAT) { C_ESC[$&] } + '"' end HEX2 = /(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/ class ArrayCode def initialize(type, name) @type = type @name = name @len = 0; @content = '' end def length @len end def insert_at_last(num, str) newnum = self.length + num @content << str @len += num end def to_s <<"End" static const #{@type} #{@name}[#{@len}] = { #{@content}}; End end end class Action def initialize(value) @value = value end attr_reader :value end class ActionMap def self.parse_to_rects(hash) h = {} hash.each {|pat, action| pat = pat.to_s h[pat] = action } hash = h rects = [] n = 0 hash.each {|pat, action| if /\A\s*\(empset\)\s*\z/ =~ pat next elsif /\A\s*\(empstr\)\s*\z/ =~ pat rects << ['', '', action] n += 1 elsif /\A\s*(#{HEX2}+)\s*\z/o =~ pat hex = $1.upcase rects << [hex, hex, action] elsif /\A\s*((#{HEX2}|\{#{HEX2}(?:-#{HEX2})?(,#{HEX2}(?:-#{HEX2})?)*\})+(\s+|\z))*\z/o =~ pat pat = pat.upcase pat.scan(/\S+/) { pat1 = $& ranges_list = [] pat1.scan(/#{HEX2}|\{([^\}]*)\}/o) { ranges_list << [] if !$1 ranges_list.last << [$&,$&] else set = {} $1.scan(/(#{HEX2})(?:-(#{HEX2}))?/o) { if !$2 c = $1.to_i(16) set[c] = true else b = $1.to_i(16) e = $2.to_i(16) b.upto(e) {|c| set[c] = true } end } i = nil 0.upto(256) {|j| if set[j] if !i i = j end if !set[j+1] ranges_list.last << ["%02X" % i, "%02X" % j] i = nil end end } end } first_ranges = ranges_list.shift first_ranges.product(*ranges_list).each {|range_list| min = {|x, y| x }.join max = {|x, y| y }.join rects << [min, max, action] } } else raise ArgumentError, "invalid pattern: #{pat.inspect}" end } rects end def self.unambiguous_action(actions0) actions = actions0.uniq if actions.length == 1 actions[0] else actions = actions.find_all {|action| action != :nomap0 } if actions.length == 1 actions[0] else raise ArgumentError, "ambiguous actions: #{actions0.inspect}" end end end def self.build_tree(rects) expand("", rects) {|actions| unambiguous_action(actions) } end def self.parse(hash) rects = parse_to_rects(hash) tree = build_tree(rects)"", tree) end def self.merge(*rects_list) if rects_list.length < 2 raise ArgumentError, "not enough arguments" end all_rects = [] rects_list.each_with_index {|rects, i| all_rects.concat {|min, max, action| [min, max, [i, action]] } } tree = expand("", all_rects) {|actions| args = { [] } actions.each {|i, action| args[i] << action } yield(args) }"", tree) end def self.expand(prefix, rects, &block) return [] if rects.empty? has_empty = false has_nonempty = false rects.each {|min, max, action| if min.empty? has_empty = true else has_nonempty = true end } if has_empty && has_nonempty raise ArgumentError, "ambiguous pattern: #{prefix}" end if has_empty actions = {|min, max, action| action }.uniq act = tree = else tree = [] each_firstbyte_range(prefix, rects) {|byte_min, byte_max, rects2| prefix2 = prefix if byte_min == byte_max prefix2 += "%02X" % byte_min else prefix2 += "{%02X-%02X}" % [byte_min, byte_max] end child_tree = expand(prefix2, rects2, &block) tree << [byte_min, byte_max, child_tree] } end return tree end def self.each_firstbyte_range(prefix, rects) a = [] index_from = {} rects.each {|min, max, action| raise ArgumentError, "emptyable pattern" if min.empty? min_firstbyte = min[0,2].to_i(16) min_rest = min[2..-1] max_firstbyte = max[0,2].to_i(16) max_rest = max[2..-1] a << [min_firstbyte, max_firstbyte, [min_rest, max_rest, action]] index_from[min_firstbyte] = true index_from[max_firstbyte+1] = true } byte_from = {} index_from.keys.sort.each_with_index {|byte, i| index_from[byte] = i byte_from[i] = byte } rects_hash = {} a.each {|min_firstbyte, max_firstbyte, rest_elt| index_from[min_firstbyte].upto(index_from[max_firstbyte+1]-1) {|i| rects_hash[i] ||= [] rects_hash[i] << rest_elt } } 0.upto(index_from.size-1) {|i| rects2 = rects_hash[i] yield byte_from[i], byte_from[i+1]-1, rects2 if rects2 } end def initialize(prefix, tree) @prefix = prefix # just for debug @tree = tree end def hash return @hash if defined? @hash @hash = @tree.hash end def eql?(other) self.class == other.class && @tree == other.instance_eval { @tree } end alias == eql? def inspect "\#<#{self.class}:" + @tree.inspect + ">" end def max_input_length_rec(tree) case tree when Action 0 else {|byte_min, byte_max, child_tree| max_input_length_rec(child_tree) }.max + 1 end end def max_input_length max_input_length_rec(@tree) end def empty_action if @tree.kind_of? Action @tree.value else nil end end def each_firstbyte @tree.each {|byte_min, byte_max, child_tree| byte_min.upto(byte_max) {|byte| prefix = @prefix + ("%02X" % byte) am =, child_tree) yield byte, am } } end OffsetsMemo = {} InfosMemo = {} def format_offsets(min, max, offsets) offsets = offsets[min..max] code = "%d, %d,\n" % [min, max] 0.step(offsets.length-1,16) {|i| code << " " code << offsets[i,8].map {|off| "%3d," % off.to_s }.join('') if i+8 < offsets.length code << " " code << offsets[i+8,8].map {|off| "%3d," % off.to_s }.join('') end code << "\n" } code end UsedName = {} StrMemo = {} def str_name(bytes) size = @bytes_code.length rawbytes = [bytes].pack("H*") n = nil if !n && !(suf = rawbytes.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/, '')).empty? && !UsedName[nn = "str1_" + suf] then n = nn end if !n && !UsedName[nn = "str1_" + bytes] then n = nn end n ||= "str1s_#{size}" StrMemo[bytes] = n UsedName[n] = true n end def gen_str(bytes) if n = StrMemo[bytes] n else len = bytes.length/2 size = @bytes_code.length n = str_name(bytes) @bytes_code.insert_at_last(1 + len, "\#define #{n} makeSTR1(#{size})\n" + " makeSTR1LEN(#{len})," + bytes.gsub(/../, ' 0x\&,') + "\n\n") n end end def generate_info(info) case info when :nomap, :nomap0 # :nomap0 is low priority. it never collides. "NOMAP" when :undef "UNDEF" when :invalid "INVALID" when :func_ii "FUNii" when :func_si "FUNsi" when :func_io "FUNio" when :func_so "FUNso" when /\A(#{HEX2})\z/o "o1(0x#$1)" when /\A(#{HEX2})(#{HEX2})\z/o "o2(0x#$1,0x#$2)" when /\A(#{HEX2})(#{HEX2})(#{HEX2})\z/o "o3(0x#$1,0x#$2,0x#$3)" when /funsio\((\d+)\)/ "funsio(#{$1})" when /\A(#{HEX2})(3[0-9])(#{HEX2})(3[0-9])\z/o "g4(0x#$1,0x#$2,0x#$3,0x#$4)" when /\A(f[0-7])(#{HEX2})(#{HEX2})(#{HEX2})\z/o "o4(0x#$1,0x#$2,0x#$3,0x#$4)" when /\A(#{HEX2}){4,259}\z/o gen_str(info.upcase) when /\A\/\*BYTE_LOOKUP\*\// # pointer to BYTE_LOOKUP structure $'.to_s else raise "unexpected action: #{info.inspect}" end end def format_infos(infos) infos = {|info| generate_info(info) } maxlen = {|info| info.length }.max columns = maxlen <= 16 ? 4 : 2 code = "" 0.step(infos.length-1, columns) {|i| code << " " is = infos[i,columns] is.each {|info| code << sprintf(" %#{maxlen}s,", info) } code << "\n" } code end def generate_lookup_node(bytes_code, words_code, name, table) offsets = [] infos = [] infomap = {} min = max = nil table.each_with_index {|action, byte| action ||= :invalid if action != :invalid min = byte if !min max = byte end unless o = infomap[action] infomap[action] = o = infos.length infos[o] = action end offsets[byte] = o } if !min min = max = 0 end offsets_key = [min, max, offsets[min..max]] if n = OffsetsMemo[offsets_key] offsets_name = n else offsets_name = "#{name}_offsets" OffsetsMemo[offsets_key] = offsets_name size = bytes_code.length bytes_code.insert_at_last(2+max-min+1, "\#define #{offsets_name} #{size}\n" + format_offsets(min,max,offsets) + "\n") end if n = InfosMemo[infos] infos_name = n else infos_name = "#{name}_infos" InfosMemo[infos] = infos_name size = words_code.length words_code.insert_at_last(infos.length, "\#define #{infos_name} WORDINDEX2INFO(#{size})\n" + format_infos(infos) + "\n") end size = words_code.length words_code.insert_at_last(NUM_ELEM_BYTELOOKUP, "\#define #{name} WORDINDEX2INFO(#{size})\n" + <<"End" + "\n") #{offsets_name}, #{infos_name}, End end PreMemo = {} PostMemo = {} NextName = "a" def generate_node(bytes_code, words_code, name_hint=nil) if n = PreMemo[self] return n end table =, :invalid) each_firstbyte {|byte, rest| if a = rest.empty_action table[byte] = a else name_hint2 = nil name_hint2 = "#{name_hint}_#{'%02X' % byte}" if name_hint table[byte] = "/*BYTE_LOOKUP*/" + rest.gennode(bytes_code, words_code, name_hint2) end } if n = PostMemo[table] return PreMemo[self] = n end if !name_hint name_hint = "fun_" + NextName NextName.succ! end PreMemo[self] = PostMemo[table] = name_hint generate_lookup_node(bytes_code, words_code, name_hint, table) name_hint end def gennode(bytes_code, words_code, name_hint=nil) @bytes_code = bytes_code @words_code = words_code name = generate_node(bytes_code, words_code, name_hint) @bytes_code = nil @words_code = nil return name end end def citrus_mskanji_cstomb(csid, index) case csid when 0 index when 1 index + 0x80 when 2, 3 row = index >> 8 raise "invalid byte sequence" if row < 0x21 if csid == 3 if row <= 0x2F offset = (row == 0x22 || row >= 0x26) ? 0xED : 0xF0 elsif row >= 0x4D && row <= 0x7E offset = 0xCE else raise "invalid byte sequence" end else raise "invalid byte sequence" if row > 0x97 offset = (row < 0x5F) ? 0x81 : 0xC1 end col = index & 0xFF raise "invalid byte sequence" if (col < 0x21 || col > 0x7E) row -= 0x21 col -= 0x21 if (row & 1) == 0 col += 0x40 col += 1 if (col >= 0x7F) else col += 0x9F; end row = row / 2 + offset (row << 8) | col end.to_s(16) end def citrus_euc_cstomb(csid, index) case csid when 0x0000 index when 0x8080 index | 0x8080 when 0x0080 index | 0x8E80 when 0x8000 index | 0x8F8080 end.to_s(16) end def citrus_stateless_iso_cstomb(csid, index) (index | 0x8080 | (csid << 16)).to_s(16) end def citrus_cstomb(ces, csid, index) case ces when 'mskanji' citrus_mskanji_cstomb(csid, index) when 'euc' citrus_euc_cstomb(csid, index) when 'stateless_iso' citrus_stateless_iso_cstomb(csid, index) end end SUBDIR = %w/APPLE AST BIG5 CNS CP EBCDIC EMOJI GB GEORGIAN ISO646 ISO-8859 JIS KAZAKH KOI KS MISC TCVN/ def citrus_decode_mapsrc(ces, csid, mapsrcs) table = [] mapsrcs.split(',').each do |mapsrc| path = [$srcdir] mode = nil if mapsrc.rindex('UCS', 0) mode = :from_ucs from = mapsrc[4..-1] path << SUBDIR.find{|x| from.rindex(x, 0) } else mode = :to_ucs path << SUBDIR.find{|x| mapsrc.rindex(x, 0) } end path << mapsrc.gsub(':', '@') path = File.join(*path) path << ".src" path[path.rindex('/')] = '%' STDERR.puts 'load mapsrc %s' % path if VERBOSE_MODE open(path) do |f| f.each_line do |l| break if /^BEGIN_MAP/ =~ l end f.each_line do |l| next if /^\s*(?:#|$)/ =~ l break if /^END_MAP/ =~ l case mode when :from_ucs case l when /0x(\w+)\s*-\s*0x(\w+)\s*=\s*INVALID/ # Citrus OOB_MODE when /(0x\w+)\s*=\s*(0x\w+)/ table.push << [$1.hex, citrus_cstomb(ces, csid, $2.hex)] else raise "unknown notation '%s'"% l end when :to_ucs case l when /(0x\w+)\s*=\s*(0x\w+)/ table.push << [citrus_cstomb(ces, csid, $1.hex), $2.hex] else raise "unknown notation '%s'"% l end end end end end return table end def encode_utf8(map) r = [] map.each {|k, v| # integer means UTF-8 encoded sequence. k = [k].pack("U").unpack("H*")[0].upcase if Integer === k v = [v].pack("U").unpack("H*")[0].upcase if Integer === v r << [k,v] } r end def transcode_compile_tree(name, from, map) map = encode_utf8(map) h = {} map.each {|k, v| h[k] = v unless h[k] # use first mapping } if valid_encoding = ValidEncoding[from] rects = ActionMap.parse_to_rects(h) undef_rects = ActionMap.parse_to_rects(valid_encoding => :undef) am = ActionMap.merge(rects, undef_rects) {|a1, a2| a1 = a1.empty? ? nil : ActionMap.unambiguous_action(a1) a2 = a2.empty? ? nil : ActionMap.unambiguous_action(a2) a1 || a2 } else am = ActionMap.parse(h) end max_input = am.max_input_length defined_name = am.gennode(TRANSCODE_GENERATED_BYTES_CODE, TRANSCODE_GENERATED_WORDS_CODE, name) return defined_name, max_input end TRANSCODERS = [] TRANSCODE_GENERATED_TRANSCODER_CODE = '' def transcode_tbl_only(from, to, map) if VERBOSE_MODE if from.empty? || to.empty? STDERR.puts "converter for #{from.empty? ? to : from}" else STDERR.puts "converter from #{from} to #{to}" end end id_from ='^0-9A-Za-z', '_') id_to ='^0-9A-Za-z', '_') if from == "UTF-8" tree_name = "to_#{id_to}" elsif to == "UTF-8" tree_name = "from_#{id_from}" else tree_name = "from_#{id_from}_to_#{id_to}" end real_tree_name, max_input = transcode_compile_tree(tree_name, from, map) return map, tree_name, real_tree_name, max_input end def transcode_tblgen(from, to, map) map, tree_name, real_tree_name, max_input = transcode_tbl_only(from, to, map) transcoder_name = "rb_#{tree_name}" TRANSCODERS << transcoder_name input_unit_length = UnitLength[from] max_output = {|k,v| String === v ? v.length/2 : 1 }.max transcoder_code = <<"End" static const rb_transcoder #{transcoder_name} = { #{c_esc from}, #{c_esc to}, #{real_tree_name}, TRANSCODE_TABLE_INFO, #{input_unit_length}, /* input_unit_length */ #{max_input}, /* max_input */ #{max_output}, /* max_output */ asciicompat_converter, /* asciicompat_type */ 0, NULL, NULL, /* state_size, state_init, state_fini */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; End TRANSCODE_GENERATED_TRANSCODER_CODE << transcoder_code '' end def transcode_generate_node(am, name_hint=nil) STDERR.puts "converter for #{name_hint}" if VERBOSE_MODE name = am.gennode(TRANSCODE_GENERATED_BYTES_CODE, TRANSCODE_GENERATED_WORDS_CODE, name_hint) '' end def transcode_generated_code TRANSCODE_GENERATED_BYTES_CODE.to_s + TRANSCODE_GENERATED_WORDS_CODE.to_s + "\#define TRANSCODE_TABLE_INFO " + "#{OUTPUT_PREFIX}byte_array, #{TRANSCODE_GENERATED_BYTES_CODE.length}, " + "#{OUTPUT_PREFIX}word_array, #{TRANSCODE_GENERATED_WORDS_CODE.length}, " + "((int)sizeof(unsigned int))\n" + TRANSCODE_GENERATED_TRANSCODER_CODE end def transcode_register_code code = '' TRANSCODERS.each {|transcoder_name| code << " rb_register_transcoder(&#{transcoder_name});\n" } code end UnitLength = { 'UTF-16BE' => 2, 'UTF-16LE' => 2, 'UTF-32BE' => 4, 'UTF-32LE' => 4, } UnitLength.default = 1 ValidEncoding = { '1byte' => '{00-ff}', '2byte' => '{00-ff}{00-ff}', '4byte' => '{00-ff}{00-ff}{00-ff}{00-ff}', 'US-ASCII' => '{00-7f}', 'UTF-8' => '{00-7f} {c2-df}{80-bf} e0{a0-bf}{80-bf} {e1-ec}{80-bf}{80-bf} ed{80-9f}{80-bf} {ee-ef}{80-bf}{80-bf} f0{90-bf}{80-bf}{80-bf} {f1-f3}{80-bf}{80-bf}{80-bf} f4{80-8f}{80-bf}{80-bf}', 'UTF-16BE' => '{00-d7,e0-ff}{00-ff} {d8-db}{00-ff}{dc-df}{00-ff}', 'UTF-16LE' => '{00-ff}{00-d7,e0-ff} {00-ff}{d8-db}{00-ff}{dc-df}', 'UTF-32BE' => '0000{00-d7,e0-ff}{00-ff} 00{01-10}{00-ff}{00-ff}', 'UTF-32LE' => '{00-ff}{00-d7,e0-ff}0000 {00-ff}{00-ff}{01-10}00', 'EUC-JP' => '{00-7f} {a1-fe}{a1-fe} 8e{a1-fe} 8f{a1-fe}{a1-fe}', 'CP51932' => '{00-7f} {a1-fe}{a1-fe} 8e{a1-fe}', 'Shift_JIS' => '{00-7f} {81-9f,e0-fc}{40-7e,80-fc} {a1-df}', 'EUC-KR' => '{00-7f} {a1-fe}{a1-fe}', 'CP949' => '{00-7f} {81-fe}{41-5a,61-7a,81-fe}', 'Big5' => '{00-7f} {81-fe}{40-7e,a1-fe}', 'EUC-TW' => '{00-7f} {a1-fe}{a1-fe} 8e{a1-b0}{a1-fe}{a1-fe}', 'GBK' => '{00-80} {81-fe}{40-7e,80-fe}', 'GB18030' => '{00-7f} {81-fe}{40-7e,80-fe} {81-fe}{30-39}{81-fe}{30-39}', } def set_valid_byte_pattern(encoding, pattern_or_label) pattern = if ValidEncoding[pattern_or_label] ValidEncoding[pattern_or_label] else pattern_or_label end if ValidEncoding[encoding] and ValidEncoding[encoding]!=pattern raise ArgumentError, "trying to change valid byte pattern for encoding #{encoding} from #{ValidEncoding[encoding]} to #{pattern}" end ValidEncoding[encoding] = pattern end # the following may be used in different places, so keep them here for the moment set_valid_byte_pattern 'ASCII-8BIT', '1byte' set_valid_byte_pattern 'Windows-31J', 'Shift_JIS' set_valid_byte_pattern 'eucJP-ms', 'EUC-JP' def make_signature(filename, src) "src=#{filename.dump}, len=#{src.length}, checksum=#{src.sum}" end if __FILE__ == $0 start_time = output_filename = nil verbose_mode = false force_mode = false op = op.def_option("--help", "show help message") { puts op; exit 0 } op.def_option("--verbose", "verbose mode") { verbose_mode = true } op.def_option("--force", "force table generation") { force_mode = true } op.def_option("--output=FILE", "specify output file") {|arg| output_filename = arg } op.parse! VERBOSE_MODE = verbose_mode OUTPUT_FILENAME = output_filename OUTPUT_PREFIX = output_filename ? File.basename(output_filename)[/\A[A-Za-z0-9_]*/] : "" OUTPUT_PREFIX.sub!(/\A_+/, '') OUTPUT_PREFIX.sub!(/_*\z/, '_') TRANSCODE_GENERATED_BYTES_CODE ="unsigned char", "#{OUTPUT_PREFIX}byte_array") TRANSCODE_GENERATED_WORDS_CODE ="unsigned int", "#{OUTPUT_PREFIX}word_array") arg = ARGV.shift $srcdir = File.dirname(arg) $:.unshift $srcdir unless $:.include? $srcdir src = src.force_encoding("ascii-8bit") if src.respond_to? :force_encoding this_script = this_script.force_encoding("ascii-8bit") if this_script.respond_to? :force_encoding base_signature = "/* autogenerated. */\n" base_signature << "/* #{make_signature(File.basename(__FILE__), this_script)} */\n" base_signature << "/* #{make_signature(File.basename(arg), src)} */\n" if !force_mode && output_filename && File.readable?(output_filename) old_signature = {|f| f.gets("").chomp } chk_signature = base_signature.dup old_signature.each_line {|line| if %r{/\* src="([0-9a-z_.-]+)",} =~ line name = $1 next if name == File.basename(arg) || name == File.basename(__FILE__) path = File.join($srcdir, name) if File.readable? path chk_signature << "/* #{make_signature(name,} */\n" end end } if old_signature == chk_signature now = File.utime(now, now, output_filename) STDERR.puts "already up-to-date: #{output_filename}" if VERBOSE_MODE exit end end if VERBOSE_MODE if output_filename STDERR.puts "generating #{output_filename} ..." end end libs1 = $".dup erb =, nil, '%') erb.filename = arg erb_result = erb.result(binding) libs2 = $".dup libs = libs2 - libs1 lib_sigs = '' libs.each {|lib| lib = File.basename(lib) path = File.join($srcdir, lib) if File.readable? path lib_sigs << "/* #{make_signature(lib,} */\n" end } result = '' result << base_signature result << lib_sigs result << "\n" result << erb_result result << "\n" if output_filename new_filename = output_filename + ".new" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output_filename)), "wb") {|f| f << result } File.rename(new_filename, output_filename) tms = Process.times elapsed = - start_time STDERR.puts "done. (#{'%.2f' % tms.utime}user #{'%.2f' % tms.stime}system #{'%.2f' % elapsed}elapsed)" if VERBOSE_MODE else print result end end