# coding: utf-8 # Copyright 2010-2013 Ayumu Nojima (野島 歩) and Martin J. Dürst (duerst@it.aoyama.ac.jp) # available under the same licence as Ruby itself # (see http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/LICENSE.txt) class Integer def to_UTF8() if self>0xFFFF "\\u{#{to_s(16).upcase}}" elsif CombiningClass[self] or self=='\\'.ord or self=='"'.ord "\\u#{to_s(16).upcase.rjust(4, '0')}" else chr Encoding::UTF_8 end end end class Array def line_slice (new_line) # joins items, 16 items per line each_slice(16).collect(&:join).join new_line end def to_UTF8() collect(&:to_UTF8).join end def to_regexp_chars # converts an array of Integers to character ranges sort.inject([]) do |ranges, value| if ranges.last and ranges.last[1]+1>=value ranges.last[1] = value ranges else ranges << [value, value] end end.collect do |first, last| case last-first when 0 first.to_UTF8 when 1 first.to_UTF8 + last.to_UTF8 else first.to_UTF8 + '-' + last.to_UTF8 end end.line_slice "\" +\n \"" end end class Hash def to_hash_string collect do |key, value| "\"#{key.to_UTF8}\"=>\"#{value.to_UTF8}\", " end.line_slice "\n " end end # read the file 'CompositionExclusions.txt' composition_exclusions = IO.readlines("../data/CompositionExclusions.txt") .select { |line| line =~ /^[A-Z0-9]{4,5}/ } .collect { |line| line.split(' ').first.hex } decomposition_table = {} kompatible_table = {} CombiningClass = {} # constant to allow use in Integer#to_UTF8 # read the file 'UnicodeData.txt' IO.foreach("../data/UnicodeData.txt") do |line| codepoint, name, _2, char_class, _4, decomposition, *_rest = line.split(";") case decomposition when /^[0-9A-F]/ decomposition_table[codepoint.hex] = decomposition.split(' ').collect(&:hex) when /^$/ and (char_class!="0" or decomposition!="") warn "Unexpected: Character range with data relevant to normalization!" end end # calculate compositions from decompositions composition_table = decomposition_table.reject do |character, decomposition| composition_exclusions.member? character or # predefined composition exclusion decomposition.length<=1 or # Singleton Decomposition CombiningClass[character] or # character is not a Starter CombiningClass[decomposition.first] # decomposition begins with a character that is not a Starter end.invert # recalculate composition_exclusions composition_exclusions = decomposition_table.keys - composition_table.values accent_array = CombiningClass.keys + composition_table.keys.collect(&:last) composition_starters = composition_table.keys.collect(&:first) hangul_no_trailing = 0xAC00.step(0xD7A3, 28).to_a # expand decomposition table values decomposition_table.each do |key, value| position = 0 while position < value.length if decomposition = decomposition_table[value[position]] decomposition_table[key] = value = value.dup # avoid overwriting composition_table key value[position, 1] = decomposition else position += 1 end end end # deal with relationship between canonical and kompatibility decompositions decomposition_table.each do |key, value| value = value.dup expanded = false position = 0 while position < value.length if decomposition = kompatible_table[value[position]] value[position, 1] = decomposition expanded = true else position += 1 end end kompatible_table[key] = value if expanded end class_table_str = CombiningClass.collect do |key, value| "\"#{key.to_UTF8}\"=>#{value}, " end.line_slice "\n " # generate normalization tables file open("normalize_tables.rb", "w").print <