#!/usr/bin/ruby # tool/update-deps verify makefile dependencies. # Requirements: # gcc 4.5 (for -save-temps=obj option) # GNU make (for -p option) # # Warning: ccache (and similar tools) must be disabled for # -save-temps=obj to work properly. # # Usage: # 1. Compile ruby with -save-temps=obj option. # Ex. ./configure debugflags='-save-temps=obj -g' && make all golf # 2. Run tool/update-deps to show dependency problems. # Ex. ruby tool/update-deps # 3. Use --fix to fix makefiles. # Ex. ruby tool/update-deps --fix # # Other usages: # * Fix makefiles using previously detected dependency problems # Ex. ruby tool/update-deps --actual-fix [file] # "ruby tool/update-deps --fix" is same as "ruby tool/update-deps | ruby tool/update-deps --actual-fix". require 'optparse' require 'stringio' require 'pathname' require 'pp' ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' $opt_fix = false $opt_a = false $opt_actual_fix = false $i_not_found = false def optionparser op = OptionParser.new op.banner = 'Usage: ruby tool/update-deps' op.def_option('-a', 'show valid dependencies') { $opt_a = true } op.def_option('--fix') { $opt_fix = true } op.def_option('--actual-fix') { $opt_actual_fix = true } op end def read_make_deps(cwd) dependencies = {} make_p = `make -p all miniruby ruby golf 2> /dev/null` dirstack = [cwd] curdir = nil make_p.scan(%r{Entering\ directory\ ['`](.*)'| ^\#\ (GNU\ Make)\ | ^CURDIR\ :=\ (.*)| ^([/0-9a-zA-Z._-]+):(.*)\n((?:\#.*\n)*)| ^\#\ (Finished\ Make\ data\ base\ on)\ | Leaving\ directory\ ['`](.*)'}x) { directory_enter = $1 data_base_start = $2 data_base_curdir = $3 rule_target = $4 rule_sources = $5 rule_desc = $6 data_base_end = $7 directory_leave = $8 #p $~ if directory_enter enter_dir = Pathname(directory_enter) #p [:enter, enter_dir] dirstack.push enter_dir elsif data_base_start curdir = nil elsif data_base_curdir curdir = Pathname(data_base_curdir) elsif rule_target && rule_sources && rule_desc && /Modification time never checked/ !~ rule_desc # This pattern match eliminates rules which VPATH is not expanded. target = rule_target deps = rule_sources deps = deps.scan(%r{[/0-9a-zA-Z._-]+}) next if /\.o\z/ !~ target.to_s next if /\A\./ =~ target.to_s # skip rules such as ".c.o" #p [curdir, target, deps] dir = curdir || dirstack.last dependencies[dir + target] ||= [] dependencies[dir + target] |= deps.map {|dep| dir + dep } elsif data_base_end curdir = nil elsif directory_leave leave_dir = Pathname(directory_leave) #p [:leave, leave_dir] if leave_dir != dirstack.last warn "unexpected leave_dir : #{dirstack.last.inspect} != #{leave_dir.inspect}" end dirstack.pop end } dependencies end #def guess_compiler_wd(filename, hint0) # hint = hint0 # begin # guess = hint + filename # if guess.file? # return hint # end # hint = hint.parent # end while hint.to_s != '.' # raise ArgumentError, "can not find #{filename} (hint: #{hint0})" #end def read_single_actual_deps(path_i, cwd) files = {} path_i.each_line.with_index {|line, lineindex| next if /\A\# \d+ "(.*)"/ !~ line files[$1] = lineindex } # gcc emits {# 1 "/absolute/directory/of/the/source/file//"} at 2nd line. compiler_wd = files.keys.find {|f| %r{\A/.*//\z} =~ f } if compiler_wd files.delete compiler_wd compiler_wd = Pathname(compiler_wd.sub(%r{//\z}, '')) else raise "compiler working directory not found" end deps = [] files.each_key {|dep| next if %r{\A<.*>\z} =~ dep # omit , etc. dep = Pathname(dep) if dep.relative? dep = compiler_wd + dep end if !dep.file? warn "file not found: #{dep}" next end next if !dep.to_s.start_with?(cwd.to_s) # omit system headers. deps << dep } deps end def read_actual_deps(cwd) deps = {} Pathname.glob('**/*.o').sort.each {|fn_o| fn_i = fn_o.sub_ext('.i') if !fn_i.exist? warn "not found: #{fn_i}" $i_not_found = true next end path_o = cwd + fn_o path_i = cwd + fn_i deps[path_o] = read_single_actual_deps(path_i, cwd) } deps end def concentrate(dependencies, cwd) deps = {} dependencies.keys.sort.each {|target| sources = dependencies[target] target = target.relative_path_from(cwd) sources = sources.map {|s| rel = s.relative_path_from(cwd) rel } if %r{\A\.\.(/|\z)} =~ target.to_s warn "out of tree target: #{target}" next end sources = sources.reject {|s| if %r{\A\.\.(/|\z)} =~ s.to_s warn "out of tree source: #{s}" true else false end } deps[target] = sources } deps end def sort_paths(paths) paths.sort_by {|t| ary = t.to_s.split(%r{/}) ary.map.with_index {|e, i| i == ary.length-1 ? [0, e] : [1, e] } # regular file first, directories last. } end def in_makefile(target, source) target = target.to_s source = source.to_s case target when %r{\A[^/]*\z} target2 = "#{target.sub(/\.o\z/, '.$(OBJEXT)')}" case source when 'newline.c', 'miniprelude.c', 'prelude.c' then source2 = source when 'thread_pthread.c' then source2 = '{$(VPATH)}thread_$(THREAD_MODEL).c' when 'thread_pthread.h' then source2 = '{$(VPATH)}thread_$(THREAD_MODEL).h' when 'include/ruby.h' then source2 = '$(hdrdir)/ruby.h' when 'include/ruby/ruby.h' then source2 = '$(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h' when 'revision.h' then source2 = '$(srcdir)/revision.h' when 'version.h' then source2 = '$(srcdir)/version.h' when 'include/ruby/version.h' then source2 = '$(srcdir)/include/ruby/version.h' when %r{\A[^/]*\z} then source2 = "{$(VPATH)}#{File.basename source}" when %r{\A\.ext/include/[^/]+/ruby/} then source2 = "{$(VPATH)}#{$'}" when %r{\Ainclude/ruby/} then source2 = "{$(VPATH)}#{$'}" when %r{\Aenc/} then source2 = "{$(VPATH)}#{$'}" when %r{\Amissing/} then source2 = "{$(VPATH)}#{$'}" when %r{\Accan/} then source2 = "$(CCAN_DIR)/#{$'}" when %r{\Adefs/} then source2 = "{$(VPATH)}#{source}" else source2 = "$(top_srcdir)/#{source}" end ["common.mk", target2, source2] when %r{\Aenc/} target2 = "#{target.sub(/\.o\z/, '.$(OBJEXT)')}" case source when 'include/ruby.h' then source2 = '$(hdrdir)/ruby.h' when 'include/ruby/ruby.h' then source2 = '$(hdrdir)/ruby/ruby.h' when %r{\A\.ext/include/[^/]+/ruby/} then source2 = $' when %r{\Ainclude/ruby/} then source2 = $' when %r{\Aenc/} then source2 = source else source2 = "$(top_srcdir)/#{source}" end ["enc/depend", target2, source2] when %r{\Aext/} unless File.exist?("#{File.dirname(target)}/extconf.rb") warn "not found: #{File.dirname(target)}/extconf.rb" end target2 = File.basename(target) case source when 'include/ruby.h' then source2 = '$(top_srcdir)/include/ruby.h' when %r{\Ainclude/} then source2 = "$(hdrdir)/#{$'}" when %r{\A\.ext/include/[^/]+/ruby/} then source2 = "$(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/#{$'}" when %r{\A#{Regexp.escape File.dirname(target)}/extconf\.h\z} then source2 = "$(RUBY_EXTCONF_H)" when %r{\A#{Regexp.escape File.dirname(target)}/} then source2 = $' when 'id.h' then source2 = '{$(VPATH)}id.h' when 'parse.h' then source2 = '{$(VPATH)}parse.h' when 'lex.c' then source2 = '{$(VPATH)}lex.c' when 'probes.h' then source2 = '{$(VPATH)}probes.h' else source2 = "$(top_srcdir)/#{source}" end ["#{File.dirname(target)}/depend", target2, source2] else raise "unexpected target: #{target}" end end def compare_deps(make_deps, actual_deps, out=$stdout) targets = sort_paths(actual_deps.keys) targets.each {|target| actual_sources = actual_deps[target] if !make_deps.has_key?(target) warn "no makefile dependency for #{target}" else make_sources = make_deps[target] sort_paths(actual_sources | make_sources).each {|source| makefile, target2, source2 = in_makefile(target, source) lines = begin File.readlines(makefile) rescue Errno::ENOENT [] end #depline = "#{target2}: #{source2} \# #{target}: #{source}\n" depline = "#{target2}: #{source2}\n" if !make_sources.include?(source) out.puts "add #{makefile} : #{depline}" elsif !actual_sources.include?(source) if lines.include? depline out.puts "delL #{makefile} : #{depline}" # delL stands for del line else out.puts "delP #{makefile} : #{depline}" # delP stands for del prerequisite end else if $opt_a if lines.include? depline out.puts "okL #{makefile} : #{depline}" # okL stands for ok line else out.puts "okP #{makefile} : #{depline}" # okP stands for ok prerequisite end end end } end } end def main_show(out=$stdout) cwd = Pathname.pwd make_deps = read_make_deps(cwd) #pp make_deps make_deps = concentrate(make_deps, cwd) #pp make_deps actual_deps = read_actual_deps(cwd) #pp actual_deps actual_deps = concentrate(actual_deps, cwd) #pp actual_deps compare_deps(make_deps, actual_deps, out) end def extract_deplines(problems) adds = {} dels = {} problems.each_line {|line| case line when /\Aadd (\S+) : (\S.*\n)\z/ (adds[$1] ||= []) << $2 when /\AdelL (\S+) : (\S.*\n)\z/ (dels[$1] ||= []) << $2 when /\AdelP (\S+) : (\S.*\n)\z/ (dels[$1] ||= []) << $2 when /\AokL (\S+) : (\S.*\n)\z/ when /\AokP (\S+) : (\S.*\n)\z/ (adds[$1] ||= []) << $2 end } return adds, dels end DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_START_MARK = "\# AUTOGENERATED DEPENDENCIES START\n" DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_END_MARK = "\# AUTOGENERATED DEPENDENCIES END\n" def main_actual_fix(problems) adds, dels = extract_deplines(problems) (adds.keys | dels.keys).sort.each {|makefile| content = begin File.read(makefile) rescue Errno::ENOENT '' end if /^#{Regexp.escape DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_START_MARK}((?:.*\n)*)#{Regexp.escape DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_END_MARK}/ =~ content pre_post_part = [$`, $'] lines = $1.lines.to_a else pre_post_part = nil lines = [] end lines_original = lines.dup if dels[makefile] lines -= dels[makefile] end if adds[makefile] lines.concat(adds[makefile] - lines) end if lines == lines_original next end lines.sort! if pre_post_part new_content = [ pre_post_part.first, DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_START_MARK, *lines, DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_END_MARK, pre_post_part.last ].join tmp_makefile = "#{makefile}.new#{$$}" File.write(tmp_makefile, new_content) File.rename tmp_makefile, makefile puts "modified: #{makefile}" else new_content = [ DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_START_MARK, *lines, DEPENDENCIES_SECTION_END_MARK, ].join if !File.exist?(makefile) if !lines.empty? File.open(makefile, 'w') {|f| f.print new_content } puts "created: #{makefile}" end else puts "no dependencies section: #{makefile}" (lines_original - lines).each {|line| puts " del: #{line}" } (lines - lines_original).each {|line| puts " add: #{line}" } end end } end def main_fix problems = StringIO.new main_show(problems) main_actual_fix(problems.string) end def run op = optionparser op.parse!(ARGV) if $opt_actual_fix main_actual_fix(ARGF.read) elsif $opt_fix main_fix else main_show end end run if $i_not_found warn "missing *.i files, see help in #$0 and ensure ccache is disabled" end