# vcs require 'fileutils' ENV.delete('PWD') unless File.respond_to? :realpath require 'pathname' def File.realpath(arg) Pathname(arg).realpath.to_s end end def IO.pread(*args) STDERR.puts(*args.inspect) if $DEBUG popen(*args) {|f|f.read} end if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" class IO @orig_popen = method(:popen) if defined?(fork) def self.popen(command, *rest, &block) if !(Array === command) @orig_popen.call(command, *rest, &block) elsif block @orig_popen.call("-", *rest) {|f| f ? yield(f) : exec(*command)} else @orig_popen.call("-", *rest) or exec(*command) end end else require 'shellwords' def self.popen(command, *rest, &block) command = command.shelljoin if Array === command @orig_popen.call(command, *rest, &block) end end end end class VCS class NotFoundError < RuntimeError; end @@dirs = [] def self.register(dir) @@dirs << [dir, self] end def self.detect(path) @@dirs.each do |dir, klass| return klass.new(path) if File.directory?(File.join(path, dir)) prev = path loop { curr = File.realpath(File.join(prev, '..')) break if curr == prev # stop at the root directory return klass.new(path) if File.directory?(File.join(curr, dir)) prev = curr } end raise VCS::NotFoundError, "does not seem to be under a vcs: #{path}" end def initialize(path) @srcdir = path super() end NullDevice = defined?(IO::NULL) ? IO::NULL : %w[/dev/null NUL NIL: NL:].find {|dev| File.exist?(dev)} # return a pair of strings, the last revision and the last revision in which # +path+ was modified. def get_revisions(path) if String === path or path.respond_to?(:to_path) path = relative_to(path) end last, changed, modified, *rest = ( begin if NullDevice save_stderr = STDERR.dup STDERR.reopen NullDevice, 'w' end self.class.get_revisions(path, @srcdir) ensure if save_stderr STDERR.reopen save_stderr save_stderr.close end end ) last or raise VCS::NotFoundError, "last revision not found" changed or raise VCS::NotFoundError, "changed revision not found" if modified /\A(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\D(\d+):(\d+):(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:Z|([-+]\d\d)(\d\d))\z/ =~ modified or raise "unknown time format - #{modified}" match = $~[1..6].map { |x| x.to_i } off = $7 ? "#{$7}:#{$8}" : "+00:00" match << off begin modified = Time.new(*match) rescue ArgumentError modified = Time.utc(*$~[1..6]) + $7.to_i * 3600 + $8.to_i * 60 end end return last, changed, modified, *rest end def relative_to(path) if path srcdir = File.realpath(@srcdir) path = File.realdirpath(path) list1 = srcdir.split(%r{/}) list2 = path.split(%r{/}) while !list1.empty? && !list2.empty? && list1.first == list2.first list1.shift list2.shift end if list1.empty? && list2.empty? "." else ([".."] * list1.length + list2).join("/") end else '.' end end class SVN < self register(".svn") def self.get_revisions(path, srcdir = nil) if srcdir and (String === path or path.respond_to?(:to_path)) path = File.join(srcdir, path) end if srcdir info_xml = IO.pread(%W"svn info --xml #{srcdir}") info_xml = nil unless info_xml[/(.*)<\/url>/, 1] == path.to_s end info_xml ||= IO.pread(%W"svn info --xml #{path}") _, last, _, changed, _ = info_xml.split(/revision="(\d+)"/) modified = info_xml[/([^<>]*)/, 1] branch = info_xml[%r'\^/(?:branches/|tags/)?([^<>]+)', 1] [last, changed, modified, branch] end def get_info @info ||= IO.pread(%W"svn info --xml #{@srcdir}") end def url unless @url url = get_info[/(.*)<\/root>/, 1] @url = URI.parse(url+"/") if url end @url end def wcroot unless @wcroot info = get_info @wcroot = info[/(.*)<\/wcroot-abspath>/, 1] unless @wcroot begin parent = File.realpath(@srcdir) begin parent = File.dirname(wkdir = parent) if File.directory?(wkdir + "/.svn") break @wcroot = wkdir end end until parent == wkdir rescue TypeError end end end @wcroot end def branch(name) url + "branches/#{name}" end def tag(name) url + "tags/#{name}" end def trunk url + "trunk" end def branch_list(pat) IO.popen(%W"svn ls #{branch('')}") do |f| f.each do |line| line.chomp! line.chomp!('/') yield(line) if File.fnmatch?(pat, line) end end end def grep(pat, tag, *files, &block) cmd = %W"svn cat" files.map! {|n| File.join(tag, n)} if tag set = block.binding.eval("proc {|match| $~ = match}") IO.popen([cmd, *files]) do |f| f.grep(pat) do |s| set[$~] yield s end end end def export(revision, url, dir) if @srcdir and (rootdir = wcroot) srcdir = File.realpath(@srcdir) rootdir << "/" if srcdir.start_with?(rootdir) subdir = srcdir[rootdir.size..-1] subdir = nil if subdir.empty? FileUtils.mkdir_p(svndir = dir+"/.svn") FileUtils.ln_s(Dir.glob(rootdir+"/.svn/*"), svndir) system("svn", "-q", "revert", "-R", subdir || ".", :chdir => dir) or return false FileUtils.rm_rf(svndir) if subdir tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("tmp-co.", "#{dir}/#{subdir}") File.rename(tmpdir, tmpdir = "#{dir}/#{File.basename(tmpdir)}") FileUtils.mv(Dir.glob("#{dir}/#{subdir}/{.[^.]*,..?*,*}"), tmpdir) begin Dir.rmdir("#{dir}/#{subdir}") end until (subdir = File.dirname(subdir)) == '.' FileUtils.mv(Dir.glob("#{tmpdir}/#{subdir}/{.[^.]*,..?*,*}"), dir) Dir.rmdir(tmpdir) end return true end end IO.popen(%W"svn export -r #{revision} #{url} #{dir}") do |pipe| pipe.each {|line| /^A/ =~ line or yield line} end $?.success? end end class GIT < self register(".git") def self.get_revisions(path, srcdir = nil) logcmd = %W[git log -n1 --date=iso] logcmd[1, 0] = ["-C", srcdir] if srcdir logcmd << "--grep=^ *git-svn-id: .*@[0-9][0-9]*" idpat = /git-svn-id: .*?@(\d+) \S+\Z/ log = IO.pread(logcmd) last = log[idpat, 1] if path log = IO.pread(logcmd + [path]) changed = log[idpat, 1] else changed = last end modified = log[/^Date:\s+(.*)/, 1] cmd = %W[git] cmd.push("-C", srcdir) if srcdir cmd.push("symbolic-ref", "HEAD") branch = IO.pread(cmd)[%r'\A(?:refs/heads/)?(.+)', 1] [last, changed, modified, branch] end Branch = Struct.new(:to_str) def branch(name) Branch.new(name) end alias tag branch def trunk branch("trunk") end def stable cmd = %W"git for-each-ref --format=\%(refname:short) refs/heads/ruby_[0-9]*" cmd[1, 0] = ["-C", @srcdir] if @srcdir branch(IO.pread(cmd)[/.*^(ruby_\d+_\d+)$/m, 1]) end def branch_list(pat) cmd = %W"git for-each-ref --format=\%(refname:short) refs/heads/#{pat}" cmd[1, 0] = ["-C", @srcdir] if @srcdir IO.popen(cmd) {|f| f.each {|line| line.chomp! yield line } } end def grep(pat, tag, *files, &block) cmd = %W[git grep -h --perl-regexp #{tag} --] cmd[1, 0] = ["-C", @srcdir] if @srcdir set = block.binding.eval("proc {|match| $~ = match}") IO.popen([cmd, *files]) do |f| f.grep(pat) do |s| set[$~] yield s end end end def export(revision, url, dir) ret = system("git", "clone", "-s", (@srcdir || '.'), "-b", url, dir) FileUtils.rm_rf("#{dir}/.git") if ret ret end end end