@echo off :: usage: ifchange target temporary for %%I in (%0) do set progname=%%~nI set timestamp= set keepsuffix= set empty= set color=auto :optloop for %%I in (%1) do set opt=%%~I if "%opt%" == "--" ( shift ) else if "%opt%" == "--timestamp" ( set timestamp=. shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt:~0,12%" == "--timestamp=" ( set timestamp=%opt:~12% shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt%" == "--keep" ( set keepsuffix=.old shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt:~0,7%" == "--keep=" ( set keepsuffix=%opt:~7% shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt%" == "--empty" ( set empty=yes shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt%" == "--color" ( set color=always shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt:~0,8%" == "--color=" ( set color=%opt:~8% shift goto :optloop ) else if "%opt%" == "--debug" ( shift echo on goto :optloop ) else if "%opt%" == "--help" ( call :help exit /b ) else if "%opt:~0,2%" == "--" ( echo %progname%: unknown option: %1 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) if "%2" == "" ( call :help 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) set dest=%1 set src=%2 set dest=%dest:/=\% set src=%src:/=\% goto :nt :unchange echo %1 unchanged. del %2 goto :end :update echo %1 updated. :: if exist %1 del %1 dir /b %2 if "%keepsuffix%" != "" %1 %1%keepsuffix% copy %2 %1 del %2 goto :end :nt if exist %dest% ( if not exist %src% goto :nt_unchanged1 if "%empty%" == "" for %%I in (%src%) do if %%~zI == 0 goto :nt_unchanged fc.exe %dest% %src% > nul && ( :nt_unchanged del %src% :nt_unchanged1 for %%I in (%1) do echo %%~I unchanged goto :nt_end ) ) for %%I in (%1) do echo %%~I updated del /f %dest% copy %src% %dest% > nul del %src% :nt_end if "%timestamp%" == "" goto :end if "%timestamp%" == "." ( for %%I in ("%dest%") do set timestamp=%%~dpI.time.%%~nxI ) goto :end > "%timestamp%" :help for %%I in ( "usage: %progname% [options] target new-file" "options:" " --timestamp[=file] touch timestamp file. (default: prefixed with '.time')" " under the directory of the target)" " --keep[=suffix] keep old file with suffix. (default: '.old')" " --empty assume unchanged if the new file is empty." " --color[=always|auto|never] colorize output." ) do echo.%%~I goto :eof :end