path: root/doc
diff options
authorOndrej Zajicek (work) <santiago@crfreenet.org>2021-04-25 01:07:14 +0200
committerOndrej Zajicek (work) <santiago@crfreenet.org>2021-04-25 02:21:05 +0200
commit58510024bead8df9cba6e316f8275423a38fd51b (patch)
treebc61b5c01359b0b7ef62624f9ed7c21e129a9e5c /doc
parentb646c0098120bbb10ec91fa2fbf1df416c5849bd (diff)
Doc: Include full LinuxDocTools code
BIRD uses hacked LinuxDocTools for building documentation, keeping some parts locally and using remaining parts from system-installed one. This setup breaks when LinuxDocTools makes some internal changes and is hard to keep consistent. Just include full LinuxDocTools code (both hacked and unmodified parts) to avoid consistency issues. Note that we still need some binaries from LinuxDocTools, so it still needs to be installed to build documentation.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
5 files changed, 5 insertions, 801 deletions
diff --git a/doc/LinuxDocTools.pm b/doc/LinuxDocTools.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index d32f3171..00000000
--- a/doc/LinuxDocTools.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# LinuxDocTools.pm
-# $Id$
-# LinuxDoc-Tools driver core. This contains all the basic functionality
-# we need to control all other components.
-# © Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot.
-# © Copyright 2000, Taketoshi Sano
-package LinuxDocTools;
-require 5.004;
-use strict;
-=head1 NAME
-LinuxDocTools - SGML conversion utilities for LinuxDoc DTD.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use LinuxDocTools;
- LinuxDocTools::init;
- @files = LinuxDocTools::process_options ($0, @ARGV);
- for $curfile (@files) {
- LinuxDocTools::process_file ($curfile);
- }
-The LinuxDocTools package encapsulates all the functionality offered by
-LinuxDoc-Tools. It is used, of course, by LinuxDoc-Tools;
-but the encapsulation should provide for a simple interface for other users as well.
-=over 4
-use DirHandle;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Copy;
-use FileHandle;
-use IPC::Open2;
-use Cwd;
-use LinuxDocTools::Lang;
-use LinuxDocTools::Utils qw(process_options usage cleanup trap_signals remove_tmpfiles create_temp);
-use LinuxDocTools::Vars;
-sub BEGIN
- #
- # Make sure we're always looking here. Note that "use lib" adds
- # on the front of the search path, so we first push dist, then
- # site, so that site is searched first.
- #
- use lib "$main::DataDir/dist";
- use lib "$main::DataDir/site";
-=item LinuxDocTools::init
-Takes care of initialization of package-global variables (which are actually
-defined in L<LinuxDocTools::Vars>). The package-global variables are I<$global>,
-a reference to a hash containing numerous settings, I<%Formats>, a hash
-containing all the formats, and I<%FmtList>, a hash containing the currently
-active formats for help texts.
-Apart from this, C<LinuxDocTools::init> also finds all distributed and site-local
-formatting backends and C<require>s them.
-sub init
- trap_signals;
- #
- # Register the ``global'' pseudoformat. Apart from the global settings,
- # we also use $global to keep the global variable name space clean;
- # everything that we need to provide to other modules is stuffed
- # into $global.
- #
- $global = {};
- $global->{NAME} = "global";
- $global->{HELP} = "";
- $global->{OPTIONS} = [
- { option => "backend", type => "l",
- 'values' => [ "html", "info", "latex",
- "lyx", "rtf", "txt", "check" ],
- short => "B" },
- { option => "papersize", type => "l",
- 'values' => [ "a4", "letter" ], short => "p" },
- { option => "language", type => "l",
- 'values' => [ @LinuxDocTools::Lang::Languages ], short => "l" },
- { option => "charset", type => "l",
- 'values' => [ "latin", "ascii", "nippon", "euc-kr" ], short => "c" },
- { option => "style", type => "s", short => "S" },
- { option => "tabsize", type => "i", short => "t" },
-# { option => "verbose", type => "f", short => "v" },
- { option => "debug", type => "f", short => "d" },
- { option => "define", type => "s", short => "D" },
- { option => "include", type => "s", short => "i" },
- { option => "pass", type => "s", short => "P" }
- ];
- $global->{backend} = "linuxdoc";
- $global->{papersize} = "a4";
- $global->{language} = "en";
- $global->{charset} = "ascii";
- $global->{style} = "";
- $global->{tabsize} = 8;
- $global->{verbose} = 0;
- $global->{define} = "";
- $global->{debug} = 0;
- $global->{include} = "";
- $global->{pass} = "";
- $global->{InFiles} = [];
- $Formats{$global->{NAME}} = $global; # All formats we know.
- $FmtList{$global->{NAME}} = $global; # List of formats for help msgs.
- # automatic language detection: disabled by default
- # {
- # my $lang;
- # foreach $lang (@LinuxDocTools::Lang::Languages)
- # {
- # if (($ENV{"LC_ALL"} =~ /^$lang/i) ||
- # ($ENV{"LC_CTYPE"} =~ /^$lang/i) ||
- # ($ENV{"LANG"} =~ /^$lang/i)) {
- # $global->{language} = Any2ISO($lang);
- # }
- # }
- # }
- #
- # Used when the format is "global" (from sgmlcheck).
- #
- $global->{preNSGMLS} = sub {
- $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -s ";
- $global->{NsgmlsPrePipe} = "cat $global->{file}";
- };
- #
- # Build up the list of formatters.
- #
- my $savdir = cwd;
- my %Locs;
- chdir "$main::DataDir/dist";
- my $dir = new DirHandle(".");
- die "Unable to read directory $main::DataDir/dist: $!" unless defined($dir);
- foreach my $fmt (grep(/^fmt_.*\.pl$/, $dir->read()))
- {
- $Locs{$fmt} = "dist";
- }
- $dir->close();
- chdir "$main::DataDir/site";
- $dir = new DirHandle(".");
- die "Unable to read directory $main::DataDir/site: $!" unless defined($dir);
- foreach my $fmt (grep(/^fmt_.*\.pl$/, $dir->read()))
- {
- $Locs{$fmt} = "site";
- }
- $dir->close();
- foreach my $fmt (keys %Locs)
- {
- require $fmt;
- }
- chdir $savdir;
-=item LinuxDocTools::process_options ($0, @ARGV)
-This function contains all initialization that is bound to the current
-invocation of LinuxDocTools. It looks in C<$0> to deduce the backend that
-should be used (ld2txt activates the I<txt> backend) and parses the
-options array. It returns an array of filenames it encountered during
-option processing.
-As a side effect, the environment variables I<SGMLDECL> and
-I<SGML_CATALOG_FILES> are modified.
-sub process_options
- my $progname = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- #
- # Deduce the format from the caller's file name
- #
- my ($format, $dummy1, $dummy2) = fileparse ($progname, "");
- $global->{myname} = $format;
- $format =~ s/sgml2*(.*)/$1/;
- #
- # check the option "--backend / -B"
- #
- if ($format eq "linuxdoc") {
- my @backends = @args;
- my $arg;
- while (@backends) {
- $arg = shift @backends;
- if ($arg eq "-B") {
- $arg = shift @backends;
- $format = $arg;
- last;
- }
- if ( $arg =~ s/--backend=(.*)/$1/ ) {
- $format = $arg;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $format = "global" if $format eq "check";
- usage ("") if $format eq "linuxdoc";
- $format = "latex2e" if $format eq "latex";
- $FmtList{$format} = $Formats{$format} or
- usage ("$global->{myname}: unknown format");
- $global->{format} = $format;
- #
- # Parse all the options.
- #
- my @files = LinuxDocTools::Utils::process_options (@args);
- $global->{language} = Any2ISO ($global->{language});
- #
- # check the number of given files
- $#files > -1 || usage ("no filenames given");
- #
- # Setup the SGML environment.
- # (Note that Debian package rewrite path to catalog of
- # iso-entities using debian/rules so that it can use
- # entities from sgml-data pacakge. debian/rules also
- # removes iso-entites sub directory after doing make install.)
- #
- $ENV{SGML_CATALOG_FILES} .= (defined $ENV{SGML_CATALOG_FILES} ? ":" : "") .
- "$main::prefix/share/sgml/sgml-iso-entities-8879.1986/catalog:" .
- "$main::prefix/share/sgml/entities/sgml-iso-entities-8879.1986/catalog";
- $ENV{SGML_CATALOG_FILES} .= ":$main::DataDir/linuxdoc-tools.catalog";
- $ENV{SGML_CATALOG_FILES} .= ":$main::/etc/sgml.catalog";
- if (-f "$main::DataDir/dtd/$format.dcl")
- {
- $ENV{SGMLDECL} = "$main::DataDir/dtd/$format.dcl";
- }
- elsif (-f "$main::DataDir/dtd/$global->{style}.dcl")
- {
- $ENV{SGMLDECL} = "$main::DataDir/dtd/$global->{style}.dcl";
- }
- elsif (-f "$main::DataDir/dtd/sgml.dcl")
- {
- $ENV{SGMLDECL} = "$main::DataDir/dtd/sgml.dcl";
- }
- #
- # OK. Give the list of files we distilled from the options
- # back to the caller.
- #
- return @files;
-=item LinuxDocTools::process_file
-With all the configuration done, this routine will take a single filename
-and convert it to the currently active backend format. The conversion is
-done in a number of steps in tight interaction with the currently active
-backend (see also L<LinuxDocTools::BackEnd>):
-=item 1. Backend: set NSGMLS options and optionally create a pre-NSGMLS pipe.
-=item 2. Here: Run the preprocessor to handle conditionals.
-=item 3. Here: Run NSGMLS.
-=item 4. Backend: run pre-ASP conversion.
-=item 5. Here: Run SGMLSASP.
-=item 6. Backend: run post-ASP conversion, generating the output.
-All stages are influenced by command-line settings, currently active format,
-etcetera. See the code for details.
-sub process_file
- my $file = shift (@_);
- my $saved_umask = umask;
- print "Processing file $file\n";
- umask 0077;
- my ($filename, $filepath, $filesuffix) = fileparse ($file, "\.sgml");
- my $tmpnam = $filepath . '/' . $filename;
- $file = $tmpnam . $filesuffix;
- -f $file || $file =~ /.*.sgml$/ || ($file .= '.sgml');
- -f $file || ($file = $tmpnam . '.SGML');
- -f $file || die "Cannot find $file\n";
- $global->{filename} = $filename;
- $global->{file} = $file;
- $global->{filepath} = $filepath;
- my $tmp = new FileHandle "<$file";
- my $dtd;
- while ( <$tmp> )
- {
- tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- # check for [<!doctype ... system] type definition
- if ( /<!doctype\s*(\w*)\s*system/ )
- {
- $dtd = $1;
- last;
- }
- # check for <!doctype ... PUBLIC ... DTD ...
- if ( /<!doctype\s*\w*\s*public\s*.*\/\/dtd\s*(\w*)/mi )
- {
- $dtd = $1;
- last;
- }
- # check for <!doctype ...
- # PUBLIC ... DTD ...
- # (multi-line version)
- if ( /<!doctype\s*(\w*)/ )
- {
- $dtd = "precheck";
- next;
- }
- if ( /\s*public\s*.*\/\/dtd\s*(\w*)/ && $dtd eq "precheck" )
- {
- $dtd = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- $tmp->close;
- if ( $global->{debug} )
- {
- print "DTD: " . $dtd . "\n";
- }
- $global->{dtd} = $dtd;
- # prepare temporary directory
- my $tmpdir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || '/tmp';
- $tmpdir = $tmpdir . '/' . 'linuxdoc-dir-' . $$;
- mkdir ($tmpdir, 0700) ||
- die " - temporary files can not be created, aborted - \n";
- my $tmpbase = $global->{tmpbase} = $tmpdir . '/sgmltmp.' . $filename;
- $ENV{"SGML_SEARCH_PATH"} .= ":$filepath";
- #
- # Set up the preprocessing command. Conditionals have to be
- # handled here until they can be moved into the DTD, otherwise
- # a validating SGML parser will choke on them.
- #
- # check if output option for latex is pdf or not
- if ($global->{format} eq "latex2e")
- {
- if ($Formats{$global->{format}}{output} eq "pdf")
- {
- $global->{define} .= " pdflatex=yes";
- }
- }
- #
- local $ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{PATH}:/usr/lib/linuxdoc-tools";
- my($precmd) = "|sgmlpre output=$global->{format} $global->{define}";
- #
- # You can hack $NsgmlsOpts here, etcetera.
- #
- $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= "-D $main::prefix/share/sgml -D $main::DataDir";
- $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= "-i$global->{include}" if ($global->{include});
- $global->{NsgmlsPrePipe} = "NOTHING";
- if ( defined $Formats{$global->{format}}{preNSGMLS} )
- {
- $global->{NsgmlsPrePipe} = &{$Formats{$global->{format}}{preNSGMLS}};
- }
- #
- # Run the prepocessor and nsgmls.
- #
- my ($ifile, $writensgmls);
- if ($global->{NsgmlsPrePipe} eq "NOTHING")
- {
- $ifile = new FileHandle $file;
- }
- else
- {
- $ifile = new FileHandle "$global->{NsgmlsPrePipe}|";
- }
- create_temp("$tmpbase.1");
- $writensgmls = new FileHandle
- "$precmd|$main::progs->{NSGMLS} $global->{NsgmlsOpts} $ENV{SGMLDECL} >\"$tmpbase.1\"";
- if ($global->{charset} eq "latin")
- {
- while (<$ifile>)
- {
- # Outline these commands later on - CdG
- #change latin1 characters to SGML
- #by Farzad Farid, adapted by Greg Hankins
- s/À/\&Agrave;/g;
- s/Á/\&Aacute;/g;
- s/Â/\&Acirc;/g;
- s/Ã/\&Atilde;/g;
- s/Ä/\&Auml;/g;
- s/Å/\&Aring;/g;
- s/Æ/\&AElig;/g;
- s/Ç/\&Ccedil;/g;
- s/È/\&Egrave;/g;
- s/É/\&Eacute;/g;
- s/Ê/\&Ecirc;/g;
- s/Ë/\&Euml;/g;
- s/Ì/\&Igrave;/g;
- s/Í/\&Iacute;/g;
- s/Î/\&Icirc;/g;
- s/Ï/\&Iuml;/g;
- s/Ñ/\&Ntilde;/g;
- s/Ò/\&Ograve;/g;
- s/Ó/\&Oacute;/g;
- s/Ô/\&Ocirc;/g;
- s/Õ/\&Otilde;/g;
- s/Ö/\&Ouml;/g;
- s/Ø/\&Oslash;/g;
- s/Ù/\&Ugrave;/g;
- s/Ú/\&Uacute;/g;
- s/Û/\&Ucirc;/g;
- s/Ü/\&Uuml;/g;
- s/Ý/\&Yacute;/g;
- s/Þ/\&THORN;/g;
- s/ß/\&szlig;/g;
- s/à/\&agrave;/g;
- s/á/\&aacute;/g;
- s/â/\&acirc;/g;
- s/ã/\&atilde;/g;
- s/ä/\&auml;/g;
- s/å/\&aring;/g;
- s/æ/\&aelig;/g;
- s/ç/\&ccedil;/g;
- s/è/\&egrave;/g;
- s/é/\&eacute;/g;
- s/ê/\&ecirc;/g;
- s/ë/\&euml;/g;
- s/ì/\&igrave;/g;
- s/í/\&iacute;/g;
- s/î/\&icirc;/g;
- s/ï/\&iuml;/g;
- s/µ/\&mu;/g;
- s/ð/\&eth;/g;
- s/ñ/\&ntilde;/g;
- s/ò/\&ograve;/g;
- s/ó/\&oacute;/g;
- s/ô/\&ocirc;/g;
- s/õ/\&otilde;/g;
- s/ö/\&ouml;/g;
- s/ø/\&oslash;/g;
- s/ù/\&ugrave;/g;
- s/ú/\&uacute;/g;
- s/û/\&ucirc;/g;
- s/ü/\&uuml;/g;
- s/ý/\&yacute;/g;
- s/þ/\&thorn;/g;
- s/ÿ/\&yuml;/g;
- print $writensgmls $_;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (<$ifile>)
- {
- print $writensgmls $_;
- }
- }
- $ifile->close;
- $writensgmls->close;
- #
- # Special case: if format is global, we're just checking.
- #
- $global->{format} eq "global" && cleanup;
- #
- # If the output file is empty, something went wrong.
- #
- ! -e "$tmpbase.1" and die "can't create file - exiting";
- -z "$tmpbase.1" and die "SGML parsing error - exiting";
- if ( $global->{debug} )
- {
- print "Nsgmls stage finished.\n";
- }
- #
- # If a preASP stage is defined, let the format handle it.
- #
- # preASP ($inhandle, $outhandle);
- #
- my $inpreasp = new FileHandle "<$tmpbase.1";
- my $outpreasp = new FileHandle "$tmpbase.2",O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,0600;
- if (defined $Formats{$global->{format}}{preASP})
- {
- &{$Formats{$global->{format}}{preASP}}($inpreasp, $outpreasp) == 0 or
- die "error pre-processing $global->{format}.\n";
- }
- else
- {
- copy ($inpreasp, $outpreasp);
- }
- $inpreasp->close;
- $outpreasp->close;
- ! -e "$tmpbase.2" and die "can't create file - exiting";
- if ( $global->{debug} )
- {
- print "PreASP stage finished.\n";
- }
- #
- # Run sgmlsasp, with an optional style if specified.
- #
- # Search order:
- # - datadir/site/<dtd>/<format>
- # - datadir/dist/<dtd>/<format>
- # So we need to fetch the doctype from the intermediate.
- #
- # Note: this is a very simplistic check - but as far as I know,
- # it is correct. Am I right?
- #
- my $tmp = new FileHandle "<$tmpbase.2";
- my $dtd;
- while ( ($dtd = <$tmp>) && ! ( $dtd =~ /^\(/) ) { };
- $tmp->close;
- $dtd =~ s/^\(//;
- $dtd =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- chop $dtd;
- $global->{dtd} = $dtd;
- my $style = "";
- if ($global->{style})
- {
- $style = "$main::DataDir/site/$dtd/$global->{format}/$global->{style}mapping";
- -r $style or
- $style = "$main::DataDir/dist/$dtd/$global->{format}/$global->{style}mapping";
- }
- my $mapping = "$main::DataDir/site/$dtd/$global->{format}/mapping";
- -r $mapping or $mapping = "$main::DataDir/dist/$dtd/$global->{format}/mapping";
- $global->{charset} = "nippon" if ($global->{language} eq "ja");
- #
- # we don't have Korean groff so charset should be latin1.
- #
- if ($global->{language} eq "ko")
- {
- if ($global->{format} eq "groff")
- {
- $global->{charset} = "latin1";
- }
- else
- {
- $global->{charset} = "euc-kr";
- }
- }
- if ($global->{format} eq "groff" or $global->{format} eq "latex2e")
- {
- if ($dtd eq "linuxdoctr")
- {
- $mapping = "$main::DataDir/dist/$dtd/$global->{format}/tr-mapping";
- }
- }
- create_temp("$tmpbase.3");
- system ("$main::progs->{SGMLSASP} $style $mapping <\"$tmpbase.2\" |
- expand -$global->{tabsize} >\"$tmpbase.3\"");
- ! -e "$tmpbase.3" and die "can't create file - exiting";
- if ( $global->{debug} )
- {
- print "ASP stage finished.\n";
- }
- #
- # If a postASP stage is defined, let the format handle it.
- # It should leave whatever it thinks is right based on $file.
- #
- # postASP ($inhandle)
- #
- umask $saved_umask;
- my $inpostasp = new FileHandle "<$tmpbase.3";
- if (defined $Formats{$global->{format}}{postASP})
- {
- &{$Formats{$global->{format}}{postASP}}($inpostasp) == 0 or
- die "error post-processing $global->{format}.\n";
- }
- $inpostasp->close;
- if ( $global->{debug} )
- {
- print "postASP stage finished.\n";
- }
- #
- # All done, remove the temporaries.
- #
- if( !$global->{debug} ) {
- remove_tmpfiles($tmpbase);
- }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Documentation for various sub-packages of LinuxDocTools.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-SGMLTools are written by Cees de Groot, C<E<lt>cg@cdegroot.comE<gt>>,
-and various SGML-Tools contributors as listed in C<CONTRIBUTORS>.
-Taketoshi Sano C<E<lt>sano@debian.org<gt>> rename to LinuxDocTools.
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
index f36642be..0d1deb8e 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Force rebuilds
.PHONY: progspell docs progdocs userdocs
-doc-srcdir := $(shell cd $(s) && pwd)
-sgml2 := $(doc-srcdir)/sgml2
+doc-srcdir := $(realpath $(srcdir)/doc)
+toolsdir := $(realpath $(srcdir)/tools)
docs: progdocs userdocs
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ $(o)%.sgml: $(s)%.sgml $(objdir)/.dir-stamp
cp $< $@
$(o)%.html: $(o)%.sgml
- cd $(dir $@) && $(sgml2)html $(notdir $<)
+ cd $(dir $@) && $(toolsdir)/linuxdoc -B html $(notdir $<)
$(o)%.tex: $(o)%.sgml
- cd $(dir $@) && $(sgml2)latex --output=tex $(notdir $<)
+ cd $(dir $@) && $(toolsdir)/linuxdoc -B latex --output=tex $(notdir $<)
$(o)%.dvi: $(o)%.tex
cd $(dir $@) && TEXINPUTS=$(TEXINPUTS):$(doc-srcdir)/tex latex $(notdir $<)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ $(o)%.pdf: $(o)%.tex
TEXINPUTS=$(TEXINPUTS):$(doc-srcdir)/tex pdflatex -output-directory=$(dir $@) $<
$(o)%.txt: $(o)%.sgml
- cd $(dir $@) && $(sgml2)txt $(notdir $<)
+ cd $(dir $@) && $(toolsdir)/linuxdoc -B txt $(notdir $<)
$(o)prog.spell: $(o)prog.sgml $(s)prog-spell.sed
sed -f $(lastword $^) <$< >$@
diff --git a/doc/sgml2html b/doc/sgml2html
deleted file mode 100755
index ea8e8c92..00000000
--- a/doc/sgml2html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# sgmltools.in
-# $Id$
-# SGML-Tools driver. Calls all other SGML-Tools components, contains
-# configuration information, etcetera.
-package main;
-sub BEGIN
- require 5.004;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($prefix $DataDir $BinDir $progs);
-use FindBin;
-$prefix = "/usr";
-$DataDir = "$FindBin::Bin/sbase";
-$BinDir = "/usr/bin";
-use lib "/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools";
-use lib "/usr/perl5";
-use lib "/usr/lib/perl5";
-use lib "/usr/share/perl5";
-$progs = {
- "NSGMLS" => "/usr/bin/nsgmls",
- "SGMLSASP" => "/usr/bin/sgmlsasp",
- "GROFF" => "/usr/bin/groff",
- "GROFFMACRO" => "-ms",
- "AWK" => "/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools/awkwhich"
-if (! -x $progs->{"NSGMLS"})
- { $progs->{"NSGMLS"} = "/usr/bin/onsgmls"; }
-$ENV{"SGML_CATALOG_FILES"} = "$DataDir/dtd/catalog" .
-require "$FindBin::Bin/LinuxDocTools.pm";
-my @FileList = LinuxDocTools::process_options ("html", @ARGV);
-for my $curfile (@FileList)
- {
- LinuxDocTools::process_file ($curfile);
- }
-exit 0;
diff --git a/doc/sgml2latex b/doc/sgml2latex
deleted file mode 100755
index 79c6df03..00000000
--- a/doc/sgml2latex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# sgmltools.in
-# $Id$
-# SGML-Tools driver. Calls all other SGML-Tools components, contains
-# configuration information, etcetera.
-package main;
-sub BEGIN
- require 5.004;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($prefix $DataDir $BinDir $progs);
-use FindBin;
-$prefix = "/usr";
-$DataDir = "$FindBin::Bin/sbase";
-$BinDir = "/usr/bin";
-use lib "/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools";
-use lib "/usr/perl5";
-use lib "/usr/lib/perl5";
-use lib "/usr/share/perl5";
-$progs = {
- "NSGMLS" => "/usr/bin/nsgmls",
- "SGMLSASP" => "/usr/bin/sgmlsasp",
- "GROFF" => "/usr/bin/groff",
- "GROFFMACRO" => "-ms",
- "AWK" => "/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools/awkwhich"
-if (! -x $progs->{"NSGMLS"})
- { $progs->{"NSGMLS"} = "/usr/bin/onsgmls"; }
-$ENV{"SGML_CATALOG_FILES"} = "$DataDir/dtd/catalog" .
-require "$FindBin::Bin/LinuxDocTools.pm";
-my @FileList = LinuxDocTools::process_options ("latex", @ARGV);
-for my $curfile (@FileList)
- {
- LinuxDocTools::process_file ($curfile);
- }
-exit 0;
diff --git a/doc/sgml2txt b/doc/sgml2txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 013479fe..00000000
--- a/doc/sgml2txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# sgmltools.in
-# $Id$
-# SGML-Tools driver. Calls all other SGML-Tools components, contains
-# configuration information, etcetera.
-package main;
-sub BEGIN
- require 5.004;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($prefix $DataDir $BinDir $progs);
-use FindBin;
-$prefix = "/usr";
-$DataDir = "$FindBin::Bin/sbase";
-$BinDir = "/usr/bin";
-use lib "/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools";
-use lib "/usr/perl5";
-use lib "/usr/lib/perl5";
-use lib "/usr/share/perl5";
-$progs = {
- "NSGMLS" => "/usr/bin/nsgmls",
- "SGMLSASP" => "/usr/bin/sgmlsasp",
- "GROFF" => "/usr/bin/groff",
- "GROFFMACRO" => "-ms",
- "AWK" => "/usr/share/linuxdoc-tools/awkwhich"
-if (! -x $progs->{"NSGMLS"})
- { $progs->{"NSGMLS"} = "/usr/bin/onsgmls"; }
-$ENV{"SGML_CATALOG_FILES"} = "$DataDir/dtd/catalog" .
-require "$FindBin::Bin/LinuxDocTools.pm";
-my @FileList = LinuxDocTools::process_options ("txt", @ARGV);
-for my $curfile (@FileList)
- {
- LinuxDocTools::process_file ($curfile);
- }
-exit 0;