path: root/git-test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git-test')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/git-test b/git-test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0652ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-test
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "optparse"
+require "fileutils"
+STDOUT.sync = true
+def color(color, string)
+ case color
+ when :red
+ "\e[31m%s\e[m" % string
+ when :green
+ "\e[32m%s\e[m" % string
+ when :yellow
+ "\e[33m%s\e[m" % string
+ else
+ raise "unknown color: %p" % color
+ end
+def die(string)
+ STDERR.puts color(:red, "fatal: #{string}")
+ exit 1
+def usage(io)
+ io << <<-EOS
+usage: git-test [<range>] [-t <command>] [-n] [-k] [-f] [-c <path>]
+Run automated tests against each commit of a range of commits in a Git
+When no <range> is given, master..HEAD is assumed.
+ -b <base>, --base=<base>
+ -t <command>, --test=<command>
+ Run <command> against each commit. It is run on a shell, with the
+ current working directory at the top of the working tree. This may
+ be used multiple times.
+ When this option is not specified, the value(s) of the
+ configuration 'git-test.test' is used.
+ -n, --dry-run
+ Do everything except actually check out the tree and run the test
+ commands.
+ -k, --keep-going
+ Continue as much as possible after a test failure.
+ -f, --force
+ Ignore the cached test result.
+ -c <path>, --checkout=<path>
+ Checkout a tree at <path> (relative to the top of the current
+ working tree) instead of $GIT_DIR/git-test/current.
+ This can be also configured by 'git-test.checkout'.
+def sh(*command, quiet: true, abort_on_failure: true)
+ ret = ""
+ IO.popen(command, err: [:child, :out]) do |io|
+ begin
+ while s = io.readpartial(1024)
+ ret << s
+ STDOUT << s unless quiet
+ end
+ rescue EOFError
+ end
+ io.close
+ end
+ if $? != 0 && abort_on_failure
+ die("command `#{command}' failed; $? = #{$?.exitstatus}\n#{ret}")
+ end
+ ret
+def config(name, default = nil)
+ ret = sh("git", "config", "--null", name, abort_on_failure: false)
+ if $? == 0
+ ret.chomp("\0")
+ else
+ default
+ end
+def config_multi(name, default = nil)
+ ret = sh("git", "config", "--get-all", "--null", name,
+ abort_on_failure: false)
+ if $? == 0
+ ret.split("\0")
+ else
+ default
+ end
+opts = {
+ test: nil,
+ dry_run: false,
+ keep_going: false,
+ force: false,
+ checkout: nil,
+OptionParser.new { |o|
+ o.on("-t <command>", "--test=<command>") { |v| (opts[:test] ||= []) << v }
+ o.on("-n", "--dry-run") { opts[:dry_run] = true }
+ o.on("-k", "--keep-going") { opts[:keep_going] = true }
+ o.on("-f", "--force") { opts[:force] = true }
+ o.on("-c <path>", "--checkout=<path>") { |v| opts[:checkout] = v }
+ o.on("--help") { usage(STDOUT); exit 0 }
+die("too many arguments") if ARGV.size > 1
+range = ARGV.shift || "master..HEAD"
+# Read from git-config
+opts[:test] ||= config_multi("git-test.test") or
+ die("no test commands given")
+opts[:checkout] ||= (
+ config("git-test.checkout") ||
+ File.join(sh("git", "rev-parse", "--git-dir").chomp, "git-test", "current")
+# Check the commit range
+commits = sh("git", "rev-list", "--reverse", range).split
+die("no commits to test") if commits.empty?
+# Check the cached results
+cached = commits.map { |sha1|
+ ret = sh("git", "notes", "--ref=git-test-cache", "show", "#{sha1}^{tree}",
+ abort_on_failure: false).chomp
+ ret == "SUCCESS"
+# Print testing plan
+puts color(:green, "Commits to test (in order):")
+sh("git", "log", "--reverse", "--oneline", "--decorate", "--color", range,
+ quiet: false)
+# Prepare the working tree
+puts color(:green, "Preparing a working tree at #{opts[:checkout]}...")
+unless opts[:dry_run]
+ if File.directory?(opts[:checkout])
+ sh("git", "-C", opts[:checkout], "reset", "--hard")
+ else
+ sh("git", "worktree", "add", "--detach", opts[:checkout])
+ end
+# Test them!
+success = true
+commits.each_with_index do |sha1, i|
+ h = "[#{i + 1}/#{commits.size}]"
+ puts color(:green, "### #{h} ".ljust(80, "#"))
+ sh("git", "--no-pager", "log", "-1", "--decorate", "--color", sha1,
+ quiet: false)
+ if !opts[:force] && cached[i]
+ puts color(:yellow, "#{h} ok (cached)")
+ else
+ puts color(:green, "Checking out #{sha1} at #{opts[:checkout]}...")
+ unless opts[:dry_run]
+ sh("git", "-C", opts[:checkout], "checkout", "--detach", "--force", sha1)
+ end
+ ok = true
+ opts[:test].each do |command|
+ puts color(:green, "Running command `#{command}'...")
+ if opts[:dry_run]
+ puts color(:green, "(dry-run) #{command}")
+ else
+ Dir.chdir(opts[:checkout]) {
+ sh("sh", "-c", command, quiet: false, abort_on_failure: false)
+ }
+ end
+ if $? == 0
+ unless opts[:dry_run]
+ sh("git", "notes", "--ref=git-test-cache", "add", "-f", "-m",
+ "SUCCESS", "#{sha1}^{tree}")
+ end
+ else
+ ok = false
+ if cached[i]
+ sh("git", "notes", "--ref=git-test-cache", "remove",
+ "#{sha1}^{tree}")
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ok
+ puts color(:yellow, "#{h} ok%s" % (opts[:dry_run] ? " (dry-run)" : ""))
+ else
+ puts color(:yellow, "#{h} not ok")
+ success = false
+ break unless opts[:keep_going]
+ end
+ end
+if success
+ puts color(:yellow, "TEST SUCCESSFUL%s" % (opts[:dry_run]?" (dry-run)":""))
+ puts color(:red, "TEST FAILED")
+exit success