diff options
authorKazuki Yamaguchi <k@rhe.jp>2016-05-08 15:42:34 +0900
committerKazuki Yamaguchi <k@rhe.jp>2016-05-08 15:42:34 +0900
commitc803f957cd0fed1ae65c2d1108b3e71b1c90fd38 (patch)
parentb528c96bba2f426356c6d960e7c571103471edd6 (diff)
readme: add newlines
Some Markdown parsers requires a new line after header.
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index de36a33..9d26607 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,27 +5,34 @@ WARNING: Plum is currently under heavy development. You *will* encounter bugs wh
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## Requirements
* Ruby 2.3
* OpenSSL 1.0.2 or newer (HTTP/2 requires ALPN)
* Optional:
* [http_parser.rb gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/http_parser.rb) (HTTP/1.x parser; if you use "http" URI scheme)
* [rack gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/rack) (if you use Plum as Rack server)
## Installation
gem install plum
## Usage
* Documentation: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/plum
* Some examples are in `examples/`
### As a Rack-compatible server
Most existing Rack-based applications should work without modification.
# config.ru
App = -> env {
@@ -36,20 +43,21 @@ App = -> env {
run App
You can run it:
% plum -e production -p 8080 --https --cert server.crt --key server.key config.ru
NOTE: If `--cert` and `--key` are omitted, a temporary dummy certificate will be generated.
### As a HTTP/2 (HTTP/1.x) client library
If the server does't support HTTP/2, `Plum::Client` tries to use HTTP/1.x instead.
|:https option | false
|(default: true) |-------> Try Upgrade from HTTP/1.1
@@ -63,10 +71,12 @@ If the server does't support HTTP/2, `Plum::Client` tries to use HTTP/1.x instea
| "h2"
##### Sequential request
client = Plum::Client.start("http2.rhe.jp", user_agent: "nyaan")
res1 = client.get("/", headers: { "accept" => "*/*" }).join
puts res1.body # => "..."
@@ -74,10 +84,12 @@ res2 = client.post("/post", "data").join
puts res2.body # => "..."
##### Parallel request
res1 = res2 = nil
Plum::Client.start("rhe.jp", 443, http2_settings: { max_frame_size: 32768 }) { |client|
res1 = client.get("/")
@@ -86,10 +98,12 @@ Plum::Client.start("rhe.jp", 443, http2_settings: { max_frame_size: 32768 }) { |
} # wait for response(s) and close
p res1.status # => "200"
##### Download a large file
Plum::Client.start("http2.rhe.jp", 443, hostname: "assets.rhe.jp") { |client|
client.get("/large") do |res| # called when received response headers
p res.status # => "200"
@@ -100,9 +114,11 @@ Plum::Client.start("http2.rhe.jp", 443, hostname: "assets.rhe.jp") { |client|
* **Better API**
* Plum::Client
* PING frame handling
@@ -110,5 +126,6 @@ Plum::Client.start("http2.rhe.jp", 443, hostname: "assets.rhe.jp") { |client|
* Stream Priority support
* Better HTTP/1.x support
## License
MIT License