path: root/lib
diff options
authorKazuki Yamaguchi <k@rhe.jp>2017-06-07 21:22:41 +0900
committerKazuki Yamaguchi <k@rhe.jp>2017-06-08 12:47:47 +0900
commit4d86351b6799db4338561ec84c5531ba14ce64b2 (patch)
tree148136a0496fb6cf09ca039097b7ce9551370fb5 /lib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/puke.rb b/lib/puke.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77582b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puke.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+require_relative "puke/core"
+require_relative "puke/server"
diff --git a/lib/puke/core.rb b/lib/puke/core.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c37b17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puke/core.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+require "gdbm"
+require "fileutils"
+require "tempfile"
+require "time"
+module Puke
+ class << self
+ attr_reader :datadir, :listen_address, :listen_port, :secret
+ def verbose?() @verbose end
+ end
+ module_function
+ def setup(verbose: false, datadir:, listen:, secret: nil)
+ @verbose = verbose
+ @datadir = datadir
+ l = listen.split(":")
+ @listen_address = l[0]
+ @listen_port = Integer(l[1])
+ @secret = secret
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(@datadir)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@datadir, "tmp"))
+ gpath = File.join(@datadir, "puke.gdbm")
+ @gdbm = GDBM.new(gpath, 0644, GDBM::WRCREAT)
+ end
+ def close
+ @gdbm.close
+ @gdbm = :closed
+ end
+ def tmpdir
+ File.join(datadir, "tmp")
+ end
+ # Returns the largest tid ever, or -1 if no messages are stored
+ def last_tid
+ @gdbm.fetch("last-tid", "-1").to_i
+ end
+ def thread(tid)
+ @gdbm.fetch("t#{tid}").split("\0")
+ end
+ def mid?(mid)
+ @gdbm["m#{mid}"]&.split("\0")&.first
+ end
+ def metadata(mid)
+ tid, subject, date = @gdbm["m#{mid}"].split("\0")
+ { mid: mid, tid: tid.to_i, subject: subject, date: Time.rfc2822(date) }
+ end
+ def read(mid)
+ File.read(File.join(datadir, mangle_mid(mid) + ".mbox"))
+ end
+ CreateMutex = Thread::Mutex.new
+ def create(io, is_raw = false)
+ t = Tempfile.open("unnamed", tmpdir)
+ if is_raw
+ # Is this really correct??
+ t << "From mboxrd Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970\n"
+ io.each_line do |line|
+ t << line.gsub(/\A(>*)From /, "\\1>From ").gsub(/\r\n\z/, "\n")
+ end
+ t << "\n"
+ else
+ IO.copy_stream(io, t)
+ end
+ t.rewind
+ mid, tid, subject, date = parse_file(t)
+ fpath = File.join(datadir, mangle_mid(mid) + ".mbox")
+ # A mutex is used here in case two threads try to store the same message
+ CreateMutex.synchronize {
+ # File.exist?(fpath) is needed here because of the mangling...
+ if Puke.mid?(mid) or File.exist?(fpath)
+ existing = Puke.metadata(mid)
+ if (!tid || tid == existing[:tid]) && subject == existing[:subject] &&
+ date == existing[:date]
+ raise "duplicate message"
+ else
+ # TODO: Oops, how to deal with this case?
+ raise "duplicate Message-ID; subject=#{existing[:subject]} and " \
+ "subject=#{subject}"
+ end
+ end
+ unless tid
+ tid = last_tid + 1
+ @gdbm["last-tid"] = tid.to_s
+ @gdbm["t#{tid}"] = mid
+ else
+ # TODO: Hmph
+ l = Puke.thread(tid).map { |m| Puke.metadata(m) } << {
+ mid: mid, date: date, subject: subject }
+ l.sort_by! { |i| [i[:date], i[:subject]] }
+ @gdbm["t#{tid}"] = l.map { |i| i[:mid] }.join("\0")
+ end
+ @gdbm["m#{mid}"] = [tid, subject, date.rfc2822].join("\0")
+ File.link(t, fpath)
+ }
+ mid
+ ensure
+ t and t.close!
+ end
+ def parse_file(io)
+ # We can assume the input is in mboxrd format
+ mid = nil
+ parents = []
+ subject = nil
+ date = nil
+ state = nil
+ io.each_line do |line|
+ # We use \0 as a delimiter so don't allow that
+ line.delete("\0")
+ if line == "\n"
+ # End of headers
+ break
+ elsif line.start_with?(" ") || line.start_with?("\t")
+ case state
+ when nil
+ # This is invalid and must not happen...
+ when :subject
+ subject << line.chomp
+ when :references
+ parents.concat(line.scan(/(<[^<>]+>)/).flatten)
+ end
+ else
+ h, c = line.split(":", 2)
+ h.downcase!
+ c or next # Hmm, invalid header?
+ c.strip!
+ case h
+ when "date"
+ date = c
+ state = nil
+ when "message-id"
+ next if mid
+ mid = c
+ state = nil
+ when "in-reply-to"
+ parents.unshift(c)
+ state = nil
+ when "references"
+ parents.concat(c.scan(/(<[^<>]+>)/).flatten)
+ state = :references
+ when "subject"
+ next if subject
+ subject = c
+ state = :subject
+ else
+ state = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mid or raise "Message-ID not found"
+ # Strip < and >
+ /\A<(?<imid>.+@.+)>\z/ =~ mid and mid.ascii_only? or
+ raise "Message-ID is invalid"
+ mid = imid
+ subject or raise "Subject not found"
+ date or raise "Date not found"
+ date = Time.rfc2822(date)
+ # TODO: Implement saner threading algorithm
+ tid = nil
+ parents.each do |pmid|
+ # Strip < and >
+ /\A<(?<ipmid>.+@.+)>\z/ =~ pmid and pmid.ascii_only? or next
+ pmid = ipmid
+ item = @gdbm["m#{pmid}"] or next
+ tid, = item.split("\0")
+ break
+ end
+ [mid, tid, subject, date]
+ end
+ def mangle_mid(mid)
+ mid.tr("/", "_")
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puke/server.rb b/lib/puke/server.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29d4479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puke/server.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+require_relative "core"
+require "webrick"
+require "erb"
+class Puke::Server
+ def initialize
+ @access_log = File.open(File.join(Puke.datadir, "access.log"), "a")
+ @access_log.sync = true
+ al = [[@access_log, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT]]
+ @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:BindAddress => Puke.listen_address,
+ :Port => Puke.listen_port,
+ :AccessLog => al)
+ @server.mount_proc("/", method(:root))
+ @server.mount_proc("/mid", method(:mid))
+ @server.mount_proc("/new", method(:new))
+ @root_template = ERB.new(ROOT_TEMPLATE)
+ end
+ def root(req, res)
+ case req.path_info
+ when "/"
+ page = req.query.fetch("page", "1").to_i
+ last_tid = Puke.last_tid
+ if last_tid >= 0
+ b = (last_tid-page*THREADS_PER_PAGE+1).clamp(0, last_tid)
+ e = (last_tid-(page-1)*THREADS_PER_PAGE).clamp(0, last_tid)
+ threads = e.downto(b)
+ .map { |tid| Puke.thread(tid) }
+ .map { |mids| mids.map { |mid| Puke.metadata(mid) } }
+ else
+ threads = []
+ end
+ res.content_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
+ res.body = @root_template.result(binding)
+ when "/robots.txt"
+ # I don't want search engines to index puke
+ res.content_type = "text/plain"
+ res.body = <<EOF
+User-agent: *
+Disallow: /
+ else
+ res.status = 404
+ end
+ end
+ def mid(req, res)
+ /\A\/(?<mid>.+@.+?)(?:\/(?<unya>\w+)\.mbox)?\z/ =~ req.path_info and
+ tid = Puke.mid?(mid) or (res.status = 404 and return)
+ case unya
+ when "thread"
+ # TODO: Concatenated-IO object?(?)
+ res.body = Puke.thread(tid).inject("") do |s, imid|
+ s << Puke.read(imid)
+ end
+ when nil, "raw"
+ res.body = Puke.read(mid)
+ else
+ res.status = 400
+ return
+ end
+ res.content_type = "text/plain"
+ end
+ # FIXME: How about large messages?
+ def new(req, res)
+ Puke.secret and
+ req.path_info == "/#{Puke.secret}" or (res.status = 404 and return)
+ # Parse query string ourselves because req.query does not work for POST
+ # requests as for GET requests.
+ query = WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_query(req.query_string)
+ if format = query["format"]
+ is_raw = format == "raw"
+ else
+ is_raw = req.body[0, 5] != "From "
+ end
+ mids = Puke.create(StringIO.new(req.body), is_raw)
+ res.content_type = "text/plain"
+ res.body = "#{mids}\n"
+ end
+ def start
+ @server.start
+ end
+ def shutdown
+ @server.shutdown
+ @access_log.close
+ end
+ private
+ include ERB::Util
+ def fdate(time)
+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %:z")
+ end
+<title>random texts (page: <%=page%>)</title>
+pre { whitespace: pre-wrap; }
+<body><h1>random texts (page: <%=page%>)</h1>
+<%threads.each do |ms| root, *child = ms%><pre>
+--<%=h fdate root[:date]%> <a href="/mid/<%=h root[:mid]%>"><%=h root[:subject]%></a> <a href="/mid/<%=h root[:mid]%>/thread.mbox">[thread.mbox]</a><%child.each do |m|%>
+ `<%=h fdate m[:date]%> <a href="/mid/<%=h m[:mid]%>"><%=h m[:subject]%></a><%end%></pre>
+page: <%if page > 1%><a href="/?page=<%=page - 1%>">&lt;&lt; prev</a><%end%>
+<%if threads.last&.dig(0, :tid)&.> 0%><a href="/?page=<%=page + 1%>">next &gt;&gt;</a><%end%>