path: root/test
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authorKazuki Yamaguchi <k@rhe.jp>2017-04-06 14:34:09 +0900
committerKazuki Yamaguchi <k@rhe.jp>2017-12-14 17:51:26 +0900
commit60ce7ea71f6de7ada86ca809b5418afa8230f891 (patch)
tree1646b9ae3a02968babf8707470c0b2a012d38686 /test
parent717f4b9bb3e6efbeb55b724222eaab8e83c100ef (diff)
pkey/ec: add support for octet string encoding of EC pointky/pkey-ec-point-octet-string
Add a new method named PKey::EC#to_octet_string that returns the octet string representation of the curve point. PKey::EC::Point#to_bn, which have already existed and is similar except that an instance of OpenSSL::BN is returned, is rewritten in Ruby. PKey::EC::Point#initialize now takes String as the second argument in the PKey::EC::Point.new(group, encoded_point) form. Also, update the tests to use #to_octet_string instead of #to_bn for better readability.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/test/test_pkey_ec.rb b/test/test_pkey_ec.rb
index 2944f5c2..577ca868 100644
--- a/test/test_pkey_ec.rb
+++ b/test/test_pkey_ec.rb
@@ -120,14 +120,9 @@ class OpenSSL::TestEC < OpenSSL::PKeyTestCase
asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence([
- OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data.new(
- [OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId("prime256v1")],
- ),
- OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data.new(
- [OpenSSL::ASN1::BitString(p256.public_key.to_bn.to_s(2))],
- )
+ OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId("prime256v1", 0, :EXPLICIT),
+ OpenSSL::ASN1::BitString(p256.public_key.to_octet_string(:uncompressed),
key = OpenSSL::PKey::EC.new(asn1.to_der)
assert_predicate key, :private?
@@ -181,7 +176,7 @@ class OpenSSL::TestEC < OpenSSL::PKeyTestCase
- p256.public_key.to_bn.to_s(2)
+ p256.public_key.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
key = OpenSSL::PKey::EC.new(asn1.to_der)
@@ -224,7 +219,8 @@ class OpenSSL::TestEC < OpenSSL::PKeyTestCase
assert_equal :uncompressed, group4.point_conversion_form
assert_equal group1, group4
assert_equal group1.curve_name, group4.curve_name
- assert_equal group1.generator.to_bn, group4.generator.to_bn
+ assert_equal group1.generator.to_octet_string(:uncompressed),
+ group4.generator.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
assert_equal group1.order, group4.order
assert_equal group1.cofactor, group4.cofactor
assert_equal group1.seed, group4.seed
@@ -239,34 +235,57 @@ class OpenSSL::TestEC < OpenSSL::PKeyTestCase
point2 = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, point.to_bn)
assert_equal point, point2
assert_equal point.to_bn, point2.to_bn
+ assert_equal point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed),
+ point2.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
+ point3 = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group,
+ point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed))
+ assert_equal point, point3
+ assert_equal point.to_bn, point3.to_bn
+ assert_equal point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed),
+ point3.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
- assert_not_equal point.to_bn, point2.to_bn
+ point3.invert!
+ assert_not_equal point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed),
+ point2.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
+ assert_equal point2.to_octet_string(:uncompressed),
+ point3.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
group = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group.new(:GFp, 17, 2, 2)
group.point_conversion_form = :uncompressed
- generator = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, 0x040501.to_bn)
+ generator = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, B(%w{ 04 05 01 }))
group.set_generator(generator, 19, 1)
- point = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, 0x040603.to_bn)
+ point = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, B(%w{ 04 06 03 }))
rescue OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group::Error
pend "Patched OpenSSL rejected curve" if /unsupported field/ =~ $!.message
+ assert_equal 0x040603.to_bn, point.to_bn
assert_equal 0x040603.to_bn, point.to_bn(:uncompressed)
assert_equal 0x0306.to_bn, point.to_bn(:compressed)
assert_equal 0x070603.to_bn, point.to_bn(:hybrid)
- assert_equal 0x040603.to_bn, point.to_bn
+ group2 = group.dup; group2.point_conversion_form = :compressed
+ point2 = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group2, B(%w{ 04 06 03 }))
+ assert_equal 0x0306.to_bn, point2.to_bn
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 06 03 }), point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 03 06 }), point.to_octet_string(:compressed)
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 07 06 03 }), point.to_octet_string(:hybrid)
assert_equal true, point.on_curve?
point.invert! # 8.5
- assert_equal 0x04060E.to_bn, point.to_bn
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 06 0E }), point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
assert_equal true, point.on_curve?
assert_equal false, point.infinity?
assert_equal true, point.infinity?
assert_equal 0.to_bn, point.to_bn
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 00 }), point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
assert_equal true, point.on_curve?
@@ -276,25 +295,25 @@ class OpenSSL::TestEC < OpenSSL::PKeyTestCase
# generator is (5, 1)
group = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group.new(:GFp, 17, 2, 2)
group.point_conversion_form = :uncompressed
- gen = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, OpenSSL::BN.new("040501", 16))
+ gen = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, B(%w{ 04 05 01 }))
group.set_generator(gen, 19, 1)
# 3 * (6, 3) = (16, 13)
- point_a = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, OpenSSL::BN.new("040603", 16))
+ point_a = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, B(%w{ 04 06 03 }))
result_a1 = point_a.mul(3)
- assert_equal("04100D", result_a1.to_bn.to_s(16))
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 10 0D }), result_a1.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
# 3 * (6, 3) + 3 * (5, 1) = (7, 6)
result_a2 = point_a.mul(3, 3)
- assert_equal("040706", result_a2.to_bn.to_s(16))
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 07 06 }), result_a2.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
# 3 * point_a = 3 * (6, 3) = (16, 13)
result_b1 = point_a.mul([3], [])
- assert_equal("04100D", result_b1.to_bn.to_s(16))
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 10 0D }), result_b1.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
# 3 * point_a + 2 * point_a = 3 * (6, 3) + 2 * (6, 3) = (7, 11)
result_b1 = point_a.mul([3, 2], [point_a])
- assert_equal("04070B", result_b1.to_bn.to_s(16))
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 07 0B }), result_b1.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
# 3 * point_a + 5 * point_a.group.generator = 3 * (6, 3) + 5 * (5, 1) = (13, 10)
result_b1 = point_a.mul([3], [], 5)
- assert_equal("040D0A", result_b1.to_bn.to_s(16))
+ assert_equal B(%w{ 04 0D 0A }), result_b1.to_octet_string(:uncompressed)
rescue OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group::Error
# CentOS patches OpenSSL to reject curves defined over Fp where p < 256 bits
raise if $!.message !~ /unsupported field/
@@ -316,6 +335,10 @@ class OpenSSL::TestEC < OpenSSL::PKeyTestCase
+ def B(ary)
+ [Array(ary).join].pack("H*")
+ end
def assert_same_ec(expected, key)
check_component(expected, key, [:group, :public_key, :private_key])