path: root/OpenSSL/PKey/EC.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'OpenSSL/PKey/EC.html')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/OpenSSL/PKey/EC.html b/OpenSSL/PKey/EC.html
index 4645a2da..22612699 100644
--- a/OpenSSL/PKey/EC.html
+++ b/OpenSSL/PKey/EC.html
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@
<li ><a href="#method-i-public_key-3F">#public_key?</a>
<li ><a href="#method-i-to_der">#to_der</a>
<li ><a href="#method-i-to_pem">#to_pem</a>
- <li ><a href="#method-i-to_text">#to_text</a>
@@ -221,16 +220,20 @@
<pre>static VALUE
ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey;
EC_KEY *ec;
VALUE obj;
- ec = ec_key_new_from_group(arg);
+ obj = rb_obj_alloc(klass);
- obj = ec_instance(klass, ec);
- if (obj == Qfalse) {
+ ec = ec_key_new_from_group(arg);
+ pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
+ if (!pkey || EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey, ec) != 1) {
+ EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
- ossl_raise(eECError, NULL);
+ ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY&quot;);
+ RTYPEDDATA_DATA(obj) = pkey;
if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(ec))
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_generate_key&quot;);
@@ -284,57 +287,53 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
EC_KEY *ec;
+ BIO *in;
VALUE arg, pass;
+ int type;
- GetPKey(self, pkey);
- if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) != EVP_PKEY_NONE)
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY already initialized&quot;);
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(self, EVP_PKEY, &amp;ossl_evp_pkey_type, pkey);
+ if (pkey)
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, &quot;pkey already initialized&quot;);
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, &quot;02&quot;, &amp;arg, &amp;pass);
if (NIL_P(arg)) {
if (!(ec = EC_KEY_new()))
- ossl_raise(eECError, NULL);
- } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg, cEC)) {
- EC_KEY *other_ec = NULL;
- GetEC(arg, other_ec);
- if (!(ec = EC_KEY_dup(other_ec)))
- ossl_raise(eECError, NULL);
- } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg, cEC_GROUP)) {
+ ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_new&quot;);
+ goto legacy;
+ }
+ else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg, cEC_GROUP)) {
ec = ec_key_new_from_group(arg);
- } else {
- BIO *in;
- pass = ossl_pem_passwd_value(pass);
- in = ossl_obj2bio(&amp;arg);
- ec = PEM_read_bio_ECPrivateKey(in, NULL, ossl_pem_passwd_cb, (void *)pass);
- if (!ec) {
- OSSL_BIO_reset(in);
- ec = PEM_read_bio_EC_PUBKEY(in, NULL, ossl_pem_passwd_cb, (void *)pass);
- }
- if (!ec) {
- OSSL_BIO_reset(in);
- ec = d2i_ECPrivateKey_bio(in, NULL);
- }
- if (!ec) {
- OSSL_BIO_reset(in);
- ec = d2i_EC_PUBKEY_bio(in, NULL);
- }
- BIO_free(in);
- if (!ec) {
- ossl_clear_error();
- ec = ec_key_new_from_group(arg);
- }
+ goto legacy;
- if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey, ec)) {
+ pass = ossl_pem_passwd_value(pass);
+ arg = ossl_to_der_if_possible(arg);
+ in = ossl_obj2bio(&amp;arg);
+ pkey = ossl_pkey_read_generic(in, pass);
+ BIO_free(in);
+ if (!pkey) {
+ ossl_clear_error();
+ ec = ec_key_new_from_group(arg);
+ goto legacy;
+ }
+ type = EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey);
+ if (type != EVP_PKEY_EC) {
+ EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
+ rb_raise(eDSAError, &quot;incorrect pkey type: %s&quot;, OBJ_nid2sn(type));
+ }
+ RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self) = pkey;
+ return self;
+ legacy:
+ pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
+ if (!pkey || EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey, ec) != 1) {
+ EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY&quot;);
+ RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self) = pkey;
return self;
@@ -361,16 +360,31 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
<div class="method-description">
<p>Raises an exception if the key is invalid.</p>
-<p>See the <a href="../../OpenSSL.html"><code>OpenSSL</code></a> documentation for EC_KEY_check_key()</p>
+<p>See also the man page EVP_PKEY_public_check(3).</p>
<div class="method-source-code" id="check_key-source">
<pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_check_key(VALUE self)
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey;
+ EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx;
+ int ret;
+ GetPKey(self, pkey);
+ pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(pkey, /* engine */NULL);
+ if (!pctx)
+ ossl_raise(eDHError, &quot;EVP_PKEY_CTX_new&quot;);
+ ret = EVP_PKEY_public_check(pctx);
+ EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pctx);
+ if (ret != 1)
+ ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EVP_PKEY_public_check&quot;);
EC_KEY *ec;
GetEC(self, ec);
if (EC_KEY_check_key(ec) != 1)
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_check_key&quot;);
return Qtrue;
@@ -383,37 +397,28 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
<div id="method-i-dh_compute_key" class="method-detail ">
<div class="method-heading">
<span class="method-callseq">
- dh_compute_key(pubkey) &rarr; String
+ dh_compute_key(pubkey) &rarr; string
<span class="method-click-advice">click to toggle source</span>
<div class="method-description">
- <p>See the <a href="../../OpenSSL.html"><code>OpenSSL</code></a> documentation for ECDH_compute_key()</p>
+ <p>Derives a shared secret by ECDH. <em>pubkey</em> must be an instance of <a href="EC/Point.html"><code>OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point</code></a> and must belong to the same group.</p>
- <div class="method-source-code" id="dh_compute_key-source">
- <pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_dh_compute_key(VALUE self, VALUE pubkey)
- EC_KEY *ec;
- EC_POINT *point;
- int buf_len;
- VALUE str;
- GetEC(self, ec);
- GetECPoint(pubkey, point);
-/* BUG: need a way to figure out the maximum string size */
- buf_len = 1024;
- str = rb_str_new(0, buf_len);
-/* BUG: take KDF as a block */
- buf_len = ECDH_compute_key(RSTRING_PTR(str), buf_len, point, ec, NULL);
- if (buf_len &lt; 0)
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;ECDH_compute_key&quot;);
+<p>This method is provided for backwards compatibility, and calls <a href="PKey.html#method-i-derive"><code>derive</code></a> internally.</p>
- rb_str_resize(str, buf_len);
- return str;
+ <div class="method-source-code" id="dh_compute_key-source">
+ <pre><span class="ruby-comment"># File lib/openssl/pkey.rb, line 276</span>
+<span class="ruby-keyword">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier ruby-title">dh_compute_key</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">pubkey</span>)
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">obj</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">ASN1</span>.<span class="ruby-constant">Sequence</span>([
+ <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">ASN1</span>.<span class="ruby-constant">Sequence</span>([
+ <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">ASN1</span>.<span class="ruby-constant">ObjectId</span>(<span class="ruby-string">&quot;id-ecPublicKey&quot;</span>),
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">group</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">to_der</span>,
+ ]),
+ <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">ASN1</span>.<span class="ruby-constant">BitString</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">pubkey</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">to_octet_string</span>(<span class="ruby-value">:uncompressed</span>)),
+ ])
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">derive</span>(<span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKey</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">read</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">obj</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">to_der</span>))
+<span class="ruby-keyword">end</span></pre>
@@ -423,34 +428,21 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
<div id="method-i-dsa_sign_asn1" class="method-detail ">
<div class="method-heading">
<span class="method-callseq">
- dsa_sign_asn1(data) &rarr; String
+ dsa_sign_asn1(data) &rarr; String
<span class="method-click-advice">click to toggle source</span>
<div class="method-description">
- <p>See the <a href="../../OpenSSL.html"><code>OpenSSL</code></a> documentation for ECDSA_sign()</p>
+ <p><strong>Deprecated in version 3.0</strong>. Consider using <a href="PKey.html#method-i-sign_raw"><code>PKey::PKey#sign_raw</code></a> and <a href="PKey.html#method-i-verify_raw"><code>PKey::PKey#verify_raw</code></a> instead.</p>
<div class="method-source-code" id="dsa_sign_asn1-source">
- <pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_dsa_sign_asn1(VALUE self, VALUE data)
- EC_KEY *ec;
- unsigned int buf_len;
- VALUE str;
- GetEC(self, ec);
- StringValue(data);
- if (EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec) == NULL)
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;Private EC key needed!&quot;);
- str = rb_str_new(0, ECDSA_size(ec));
- if (ECDSA_sign(0, (unsigned char *) RSTRING_PTR(data), RSTRING_LENINT(data), (unsigned char *) RSTRING_PTR(str), &amp;buf_len, ec) != 1)
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;ECDSA_sign&quot;);
- rb_str_set_len(str, buf_len);
- return str;
+ <pre><span class="ruby-comment"># File lib/openssl/pkey.rb, line 251</span>
+<span class="ruby-keyword">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier ruby-title">dsa_sign_asn1</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">data</span>)
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">sign_raw</span>(<span class="ruby-keyword">nil</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">data</span>)
+<span class="ruby-keyword">rescue</span> <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKey</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKeyError</span>
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">raise</span> <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKey</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">ECError</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">$!</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">message</span>
+<span class="ruby-keyword">end</span></pre>
@@ -460,33 +452,21 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
<div id="method-i-dsa_verify_asn1" class="method-detail ">
<div class="method-heading">
<span class="method-callseq">
- dsa_verify_asn1(data, sig) &rarr; true or false
+ dsa_verify_asn1(data, sig) &rarr; true | false
<span class="method-click-advice">click to toggle source</span>
<div class="method-description">
- <p>See the <a href="../../OpenSSL.html"><code>OpenSSL</code></a> documentation for ECDSA_verify()</p>
+ <p><strong>Deprecated in version 3.0</strong>. Consider using <a href="PKey.html#method-i-sign_raw"><code>PKey::PKey#sign_raw</code></a> and <a href="PKey.html#method-i-verify_raw"><code>PKey::PKey#verify_raw</code></a> instead.</p>
<div class="method-source-code" id="dsa_verify_asn1-source">
- <pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_dsa_verify_asn1(VALUE self, VALUE data, VALUE sig)
- EC_KEY *ec;
- GetEC(self, ec);
- StringValue(data);
- StringValue(sig);
- switch (ECDSA_verify(0, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(data), RSTRING_LENINT(data),
- (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(sig), RSTRING_LENINT(sig), ec)) {
- case 1:
- return Qtrue;
- case 0:
- return Qfalse;
- default:
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;ECDSA_verify&quot;);
- }
+ <pre><span class="ruby-comment"># File lib/openssl/pkey.rb, line 262</span>
+<span class="ruby-keyword">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier ruby-title">dsa_verify_asn1</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">data</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">sig</span>)
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">verify_raw</span>(<span class="ruby-keyword">nil</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">sig</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">data</span>)
+<span class="ruby-keyword">rescue</span> <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKey</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKeyError</span>
+ <span class="ruby-identifier">raise</span> <span class="ruby-constant">OpenSSL</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">PKey</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">ECError</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">$!</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">message</span>
+<span class="ruby-keyword">end</span></pre>
@@ -505,11 +485,16 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
<p>Outputs the <a href="EC.html"><code>EC</code></a> key in PEM encoding. If <em>cipher</em> and <em>pass_phrase</em> are given they will be used to encrypt the key. <em>cipher</em> must be an <a href="../Cipher.html"><code>OpenSSL::Cipher</code></a> instance. Note that encryption will only be effective for a private key, public keys will always be encoded in plain text.</p>
<div class="method-source-code" id="export-source">
- <pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_export(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
+ <pre>static VALUE
+ossl_ec_key_export(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- VALUE cipher, passwd;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, &quot;02&quot;, &amp;cipher, &amp;passwd);
- return ossl_ec_key_to_string(self, cipher, passwd, EXPORT_PEM);
+ EC_KEY *ec;
+ GetEC(self, ec);
+ if (EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec))
+ return ossl_pkey_export_traditional(argc, argv, self, 0);
+ else
+ return ossl_pkey_export_spki(self, 0);
@@ -570,6 +555,9 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
<div class="method-source-code" id="generate_key-21-source">
<pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_generate_key(VALUE self)
+ rb_raise(ePKeyError, &quot;pkeys are immutable on OpenSSL 3.0&quot;);
EC_KEY *ec;
GetEC(self, ec);
@@ -577,6 +565,7 @@ ossl_ec_key_s_generate(VALUE klass, VALUE arg)
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_generate_key&quot;);
return self;
@@ -633,6 +622,9 @@ ossl_ec_key_get_group(VALUE self)
<pre>static VALUE
ossl_ec_key_set_group(VALUE self, VALUE group_v)
+ rb_raise(ePKeyError, &quot;pkeys are immutable on OpenSSL 3.0&quot;);
EC_KEY *ec;
EC_GROUP *group;
@@ -643,6 +635,7 @@ ossl_ec_key_set_group(VALUE self, VALUE group_v)
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_set_group&quot;);
return group_v;
@@ -667,18 +660,21 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
EC_KEY *ec, *ec_new;
- GetPKey(self, pkey);
- if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) != EVP_PKEY_NONE)
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC already initialized&quot;);
+ TypedData_Get_Struct(self, EVP_PKEY, &amp;ossl_evp_pkey_type, pkey);
+ if (pkey)
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, &quot;pkey already initialized&quot;);
GetEC(other, ec);
ec_new = EC_KEY_dup(ec);
if (!ec_new)
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_dup&quot;);
- if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey, ec_new)) {
+ pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
+ if (!pkey || EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey, ec_new) != 1) {
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY&quot;);
+ RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self) = pkey;
return self;
@@ -760,6 +756,9 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
<div class="method-source-code" id="private_key-3D-source">
<pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_set_private_key(VALUE self, VALUE private_key)
+ rb_raise(ePKeyError, &quot;pkeys are immutable on OpenSSL 3.0&quot;);
EC_KEY *ec;
@@ -773,11 +772,13 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
case 0:
if (bn == NULL)
+ /* fallthrough */
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_set_private_key&quot;);
return private_key;
@@ -874,6 +875,9 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
<div class="method-source-code" id="public_key-3D-source">
<pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_set_public_key(VALUE self, VALUE public_key)
+ rb_raise(ePKeyError, &quot;pkeys are immutable on OpenSSL 3.0&quot;);
EC_KEY *ec;
EC_POINT *point = NULL;
@@ -887,11 +891,13 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
case 0:
if (point == NULL)
+ /* fallthrough */
ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_set_public_key&quot;);
return public_key;
@@ -928,9 +934,16 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
<p>See the <a href="../../OpenSSL.html"><code>OpenSSL</code></a> documentation for i2d_ECPrivateKey_bio()</p>
<div class="method-source-code" id="to_der-source">
- <pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_to_der(VALUE self)
+ <pre>static VALUE
+ossl_ec_key_to_der(VALUE self)
- return ossl_ec_key_to_string(self, Qnil, Qnil, EXPORT_DER);
+ EC_KEY *ec;
+ GetEC(self, ec);
+ if (EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec))
+ return ossl_pkey_export_traditional(0, NULL, self, 1);
+ else
+ return ossl_pkey_export_spki(self, 1);
@@ -956,42 +969,6 @@ ossl_ec_key_initialize_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
- <div id="method-i-to_text" class="method-detail ">
- <div class="method-heading">
- <span class="method-callseq">
- to_text &rarr; String
- </span>
- <span class="method-click-advice">click to toggle source</span>
- </div>
- <div class="method-description">
- <p>See the <a href="../../OpenSSL.html"><code>OpenSSL</code></a> documentation for EC_KEY_print()</p>
- <div class="method-source-code" id="to_text-source">
- <pre>static VALUE ossl_ec_key_to_text(VALUE self)
- EC_KEY *ec;
- BIO *out;
- VALUE str;
- GetEC(self, ec);
- if (!(out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()))) {
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())&quot;);
- }
- if (!EC_KEY_print(out, ec, 0)) {
- BIO_free(out);
- ossl_raise(eECError, &quot;EC_KEY_print&quot;);
- }
- str = ossl_membio2str(out);
- return str;
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>