diff options
authorschneems <richard.schneeman+foo@gmail.com>2022-07-26 15:21:09 -0500
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@ruby-lang.org>2022-08-19 10:02:24 +0900
commit490af8dbdb66263f29d0b4e43752fbb298b94862 (patch)
parenta50df1ab0eb312e5cdcf010d2c1b362ec41f3c59 (diff)
Sync SyntaxSuggest
``` $ tool/sync_default_gems.rb syntax_suggest ```
26 files changed, 2869 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a45dfa676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "syntax_suggest/core_ext"
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b725e13d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/api.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "version"
+require "tmpdir"
+require "stringio"
+require "pathname"
+require "ripper"
+require "timeout"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Used to indicate a default value that cannot
+ # be confused with another input.
+ DEFAULT_VALUE = Object.new.freeze
+ class Error < StandardError; end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.handle_error [Public]
+ #
+ # Takes a `SyntaxError` exception, uses the
+ # error message to locate the file. Then the file
+ # will be analyzed to find the location of the syntax
+ # error and emit that location to stderr.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # begin
+ # require 'bad_file'
+ # rescue => e
+ # SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(e)
+ # end
+ #
+ # By default it will re-raise the exception unless
+ # `re_raise: false`. The message output location
+ # can be configured using the `io: $stderr` input.
+ #
+ # If a valid filename cannot be determined, the original
+ # exception will be re-raised (even with
+ # `re_raise: false`).
+ def self.handle_error(e, re_raise: true, io: $stderr)
+ unless e.is_a?(SyntaxError)
+ io.puts("SyntaxSuggest: Must pass a SyntaxError, got: #{e.class}")
+ raise e
+ end
+ file = PathnameFromMessage.new(e.message, io: io).call.name
+ raise e unless file
+ io.sync = true
+ call(
+ io: io,
+ source: file.read,
+ filename: file
+ )
+ raise e if re_raise
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.call [Private]
+ #
+ # Main private interface
+ def self.call(source:, filename: DEFAULT_VALUE, terminal: DEFAULT_VALUE, record_dir: DEFAULT_VALUE, timeout: TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, io: $stderr)
+ search = nil
+ filename = nil if filename == DEFAULT_VALUE
+ Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
+ record_dir ||= ENV["DEBUG"] ? "tmp" : nil
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source, record_dir: record_dir).call
+ end
+ blocks = search.invalid_blocks
+ DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: blocks,
+ filename: filename,
+ terminal: terminal,
+ code_lines: search.code_lines
+ ).call
+ rescue Timeout::Error => e
+ io.puts "Search timed out SYNTAX_SUGGEST_TIMEOUT=#{timeout}, run with DEBUG=1 for more info"
+ io.puts e.backtrace.first(3).join($/)
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.record_dir [Private]
+ #
+ # Used to generate a unique directory to record
+ # search steps for debugging
+ def self.record_dir(dir)
+ time = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%s-%N")
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ dir.join(time).tap { |path|
+ path.mkpath
+ FileUtils.ln_sf(time, dir.join("last"))
+ }
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid_without? [Private]
+ #
+ # This will tell you if the `code_lines` would be valid
+ # if you removed the `without_lines`. In short it's a
+ # way to detect if we've found the lines with syntax errors
+ # in our document yet.
+ #
+ # code_lines = [
+ # CodeLine.new(line: "def foo\n", index: 0)
+ # CodeLine.new(line: " def bar\n", index: 1)
+ # CodeLine.new(line: "end\n", index: 2)
+ # ]
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid_without?(
+ # without_lines: code_lines[1],
+ # code_lines: code_lines
+ # ) # => true
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(code_lines) # => false
+ def self.valid_without?(without_lines:, code_lines:)
+ lines = code_lines - Array(without_lines).flatten
+ if lines.empty?
+ true
+ else
+ valid?(lines)
+ end
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.invalid? [Private]
+ #
+ # Opposite of `SyntaxSuggest.valid?`
+ def self.invalid?(source)
+ source = source.join if source.is_a?(Array)
+ source = source.to_s
+ Ripper.new(source).tap(&:parse).error?
+ end
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid? [Private]
+ #
+ # Returns truthy if a given input source is valid syntax
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(<<~EOM) # => true
+ # def foo
+ # end
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(<<~EOM) # => false
+ # def foo
+ # def bar # Syntax error here
+ # end
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # You can also pass in an array of lines and they'll be
+ # joined before evaluating
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(
+ # [
+ # "def foo\n",
+ # "end\n"
+ # ]
+ # ) # => true
+ #
+ # SyntaxSuggest.valid?(
+ # [
+ # "def foo\n",
+ # " def bar\n", # Syntax error here
+ # "end\n"
+ # ]
+ # ) # => false
+ #
+ # As an FYI the CodeLine class instances respond to `to_s`
+ # so passing a CodeLine in as an object or as an array
+ # will convert it to it's code representation.
+ def self.valid?(source)
+ !invalid?(source)
+ end
+# Integration
+require_relative "cli"
+# Core logic
+require_relative "code_search"
+require_relative "code_frontier"
+require_relative "explain_syntax"
+require_relative "clean_document"
+# Helpers
+require_relative "lex_all"
+require_relative "code_line"
+require_relative "code_block"
+require_relative "block_expand"
+require_relative "ripper_errors"
+require_relative "priority_queue"
+require_relative "unvisited_lines"
+require_relative "around_block_scan"
+require_relative "priority_engulf_queue"
+require_relative "pathname_from_message"
+require_relative "display_invalid_blocks"
+require_relative "parse_blocks_from_indent_line"
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/around_block_scan.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/around_block_scan.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a57d1b19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/around_block_scan.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # This class is useful for exploring contents before and after
+ # a block
+ #
+ # It searches above and below the passed in block to match for
+ # whatever criteria you give it:
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # def dog # 1
+ # puts "bark" # 2
+ # puts "bark" # 3
+ # end # 4
+ #
+ # scan = AroundBlockScan.new(
+ # code_lines: code_lines
+ # block: CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ # )
+ #
+ # scan.scan_while { true }
+ #
+ # puts scan.before_index # => 0
+ # puts scan.after_index # => 3
+ #
+ # Contents can also be filtered using AroundBlockScan#skip
+ #
+ # To grab the next surrounding indentation use AroundBlockScan#scan_adjacent_indent
+ class AroundBlockScan
+ def initialize(code_lines:, block:)
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ @orig_before_index = block.lines.first.index
+ @orig_after_index = block.lines.last.index
+ @orig_indent = block.current_indent
+ @skip_array = []
+ @after_array = []
+ @before_array = []
+ @stop_after_kw = false
+ @skip_hidden = false
+ @skip_empty = false
+ end
+ def skip(name)
+ case name
+ when :hidden?
+ @skip_hidden = true
+ when :empty?
+ @skip_empty = true
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported skip #{name}"
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def stop_after_kw
+ @stop_after_kw = true
+ self
+ end
+ def scan_while
+ stop_next = false
+ kw_count = 0
+ end_count = 0
+ index = before_lines.reverse_each.take_while do |line|
+ next false if stop_next
+ next true if @skip_hidden && line.hidden?
+ next true if @skip_empty && line.empty?
+ kw_count += 1 if line.is_kw?
+ end_count += 1 if line.is_end?
+ if @stop_after_kw && kw_count > end_count
+ stop_next = true
+ end
+ yield line
+ end.last&.index
+ if index && index < before_index
+ @before_index = index
+ end
+ stop_next = false
+ kw_count = 0
+ end_count = 0
+ index = after_lines.take_while do |line|
+ next false if stop_next
+ next true if @skip_hidden && line.hidden?
+ next true if @skip_empty && line.empty?
+ kw_count += 1 if line.is_kw?
+ end_count += 1 if line.is_end?
+ if @stop_after_kw && end_count > kw_count
+ stop_next = true
+ end
+ yield line
+ end.last&.index
+ if index && index > after_index
+ @after_index = index
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def capture_neighbor_context
+ lines = []
+ kw_count = 0
+ end_count = 0
+ before_lines.reverse_each do |line|
+ next if line.empty?
+ break if line.indent < @orig_indent
+ next if line.indent != @orig_indent
+ kw_count += 1 if line.is_kw?
+ end_count += 1 if line.is_end?
+ if kw_count != 0 && kw_count == end_count
+ lines << line
+ break
+ end
+ lines << line
+ end
+ lines.reverse!
+ kw_count = 0
+ end_count = 0
+ after_lines.each do |line|
+ next if line.empty?
+ break if line.indent < @orig_indent
+ next if line.indent != @orig_indent
+ kw_count += 1 if line.is_kw?
+ end_count += 1 if line.is_end?
+ if kw_count != 0 && kw_count == end_count
+ lines << line
+ break
+ end
+ lines << line
+ end
+ lines
+ end
+ def on_falling_indent
+ last_indent = @orig_indent
+ before_lines.reverse_each do |line|
+ next if line.empty?
+ if line.indent < last_indent
+ yield line
+ last_indent = line.indent
+ end
+ end
+ last_indent = @orig_indent
+ after_lines.each do |line|
+ next if line.empty?
+ if line.indent < last_indent
+ yield line
+ last_indent = line.indent
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def scan_neighbors
+ scan_while { |line| line.not_empty? && line.indent >= @orig_indent }
+ end
+ def next_up
+ @code_lines[before_index.pred]
+ end
+ def next_down
+ @code_lines[after_index.next]
+ end
+ def scan_adjacent_indent
+ before_after_indent = []
+ before_after_indent << (next_up&.indent || 0)
+ before_after_indent << (next_down&.indent || 0)
+ indent = before_after_indent.min
+ scan_while { |line| line.not_empty? && line.indent >= indent }
+ self
+ end
+ def start_at_next_line
+ before_index
+ after_index
+ @before_index -= 1
+ @after_index += 1
+ self
+ end
+ def code_block
+ CodeBlock.new(lines: lines)
+ end
+ def lines
+ @code_lines[before_index..after_index]
+ end
+ def before_index
+ @before_index ||= @orig_before_index
+ end
+ def after_index
+ @after_index ||= @orig_after_index
+ end
+ private def before_lines
+ @code_lines[0...before_index] || []
+ end
+ private def after_lines
+ @code_lines[after_index.next..-1] || []
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/block_expand.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/block_expand.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..396b2c3a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/block_expand.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # This class is responsible for taking a code block that exists
+ # at a far indentaion and then iteratively increasing the block
+ # so that it captures everything within the same indentation block.
+ #
+ # def dog
+ # puts "bow"
+ # puts "wow"
+ # end
+ #
+ # block = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ # .call(CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1]))
+ #
+ # puts block.to_s
+ # # => puts "bow"
+ # puts "wow"
+ #
+ #
+ # Once a code block has captured everything at a given indentation level
+ # then it will expand to capture surrounding indentation.
+ #
+ # block = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ # .call(block)
+ #
+ # block.to_s
+ # # => def dog
+ # puts "bow"
+ # puts "wow"
+ # end
+ #
+ class BlockExpand
+ def initialize(code_lines:)
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ end
+ def call(block)
+ if (next_block = expand_neighbors(block))
+ return next_block
+ end
+ expand_indent(block)
+ end
+ def expand_indent(block)
+ AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: @code_lines, block: block)
+ .skip(:hidden?)
+ .stop_after_kw
+ .scan_adjacent_indent
+ .code_block
+ end
+ def expand_neighbors(block)
+ expanded_lines = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: @code_lines, block: block)
+ .skip(:hidden?)
+ .stop_after_kw
+ .scan_neighbors
+ .scan_while { |line| line.empty? } # Slurp up empties
+ .lines
+ if block.lines == expanded_lines
+ nil
+ else
+ CodeBlock.new(lines: expanded_lines)
+ end
+ end
+ # Managable rspec errors
+ def inspect
+ "#<SyntaxSuggest::CodeBlock:0x0000123843lol >"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/capture_code_context.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/capture_code_context.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c74a366a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/capture_code_context.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Turns a "invalid block(s)" into useful context
+ #
+ # There are three main phases in the algorithm:
+ #
+ # 1. Sanitize/format input source
+ # 2. Search for invalid blocks
+ # 3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful
+ #
+ # This class handles the third part.
+ #
+ # The algorithm is very good at capturing all of a syntax
+ # error in a single block in number 2, however the results
+ # can contain ambiguities. Humans are good at pattern matching
+ # and filtering and can mentally remove extraneous data, but
+ # they can't add extra data that's not present.
+ #
+ # In the case of known ambiguious cases, this class adds context
+ # back to the ambiguitiy so the programmer has full information.
+ #
+ # Beyond handling these ambiguities, it also captures surrounding
+ # code context information:
+ #
+ # puts block.to_s # => "def bark"
+ #
+ # context = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ # blocks: block,
+ # code_lines: code_lines
+ # )
+ #
+ # lines = context.call.map(&:original)
+ # puts lines.join
+ # # =>
+ # class Dog
+ # def bark
+ # end
+ #
+ class CaptureCodeContext
+ attr_reader :code_lines
+ def initialize(blocks:, code_lines:)
+ @blocks = Array(blocks)
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ @visible_lines = @blocks.map(&:visible_lines).flatten
+ @lines_to_output = @visible_lines.dup
+ end
+ def call
+ @blocks.each do |block|
+ capture_first_kw_end_same_indent(block)
+ capture_last_end_same_indent(block)
+ capture_before_after_kws(block)
+ capture_falling_indent(block)
+ end
+ @lines_to_output.select!(&:not_empty?)
+ @lines_to_output.uniq!
+ @lines_to_output.sort!
+ @lines_to_output
+ end
+ # Shows the context around code provided by "falling" indentation
+ #
+ # Converts:
+ #
+ # it "foo" do
+ #
+ # into:
+ #
+ # class OH
+ # def hello
+ # it "foo" do
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ #
+ def capture_falling_indent(block)
+ AroundBlockScan.new(
+ block: block,
+ code_lines: @code_lines
+ ).on_falling_indent do |line|
+ @lines_to_output << line
+ end
+ end
+ # Shows surrounding kw/end pairs
+ #
+ # The purpose of showing these extra pairs is due to cases
+ # of ambiguity when only one visible line is matched.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # 1 class Dog
+ # 2 def bark
+ # 4 def eat
+ # 5 end
+ # 6 end
+ #
+ # In this case either line 2 could be missing an `end` or
+ # line 4 was an extra line added by mistake (it happens).
+ #
+ # When we detect the above problem it shows the issue
+ # as only being on line 2
+ #
+ # 2 def bark
+ #
+ # Showing "neighbor" keyword pairs gives extra context:
+ #
+ # 2 def bark
+ # 4 def eat
+ # 5 end
+ #
+ def capture_before_after_kws(block)
+ return unless block.visible_lines.count == 1
+ around_lines = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: @code_lines, block: block)
+ .start_at_next_line
+ .capture_neighbor_context
+ around_lines -= block.lines
+ @lines_to_output.concat(around_lines)
+ end
+ # When there is an invalid block with a keyword
+ # missing an end right before another end,
+ # it is unclear where which keyword is missing the
+ # end
+ #
+ # Take this example:
+ #
+ # class Dog # 1
+ # def bark # 2
+ # puts "woof" # 3
+ # end # 4
+ #
+ # However due to https://github.com/zombocom/syntax_suggest/issues/32
+ # the problem line will be identified as:
+ #
+ # ❯ class Dog # 1
+ #
+ # Because lines 2, 3, and 4 are technically valid code and are expanded
+ # first, deemed valid, and hidden. We need to un-hide the matching end
+ # line 4. Also work backwards and if there's a mis-matched keyword, show it
+ # too
+ def capture_last_end_same_indent(block)
+ return if block.visible_lines.length != 1
+ return unless block.visible_lines.first.is_kw?
+ visible_line = block.visible_lines.first
+ lines = @code_lines[visible_line.index..block.lines.last.index]
+ # Find first end with same indent
+ # (this would return line 4)
+ #
+ # end # 4
+ matching_end = lines.detect { |line| line.indent == block.current_indent && line.is_end? }
+ return unless matching_end
+ @lines_to_output << matching_end
+ # Work backwards from the end to
+ # see if there are mis-matched
+ # keyword/end pairs
+ #
+ # Return the first mis-matched keyword
+ # this would find line 2
+ #
+ # def bark # 2
+ # puts "woof" # 3
+ # end # 4
+ end_count = 0
+ kw_count = 0
+ kw_line = @code_lines[visible_line.index..matching_end.index].reverse.detect do |line|
+ end_count += 1 if line.is_end?
+ kw_count += 1 if line.is_kw?
+ !kw_count.zero? && kw_count >= end_count
+ end
+ return unless kw_line
+ @lines_to_output << kw_line
+ end
+ # The logical inverse of `capture_last_end_same_indent`
+ #
+ # When there is an invalid block with an `end`
+ # missing a keyword right after another `end`,
+ # it is unclear where which end is missing the
+ # keyword.
+ #
+ # Take this example:
+ #
+ # class Dog # 1
+ # puts "woof" # 2
+ # end # 3
+ # end # 4
+ #
+ # the problem line will be identified as:
+ #
+ # ❯ end # 4
+ #
+ # This happens because lines 1, 2, and 3 are technically valid code and are expanded
+ # first, deemed valid, and hidden. We need to un-hide the matching keyword on
+ # line 1. Also work backwards and if there's a mis-matched end, show it
+ # too
+ def capture_first_kw_end_same_indent(block)
+ return if block.visible_lines.length != 1
+ return unless block.visible_lines.first.is_end?
+ visible_line = block.visible_lines.first
+ lines = @code_lines[block.lines.first.index..visible_line.index]
+ matching_kw = lines.reverse.detect { |line| line.indent == block.current_indent && line.is_kw? }
+ return unless matching_kw
+ @lines_to_output << matching_kw
+ kw_count = 0
+ end_count = 0
+ orphan_end = @code_lines[matching_kw.index..visible_line.index].detect do |line|
+ kw_count += 1 if line.is_kw?
+ end_count += 1 if line.is_end?
+ end_count >= kw_count
+ end
+ return unless orphan_end
+ @lines_to_output << orphan_end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/clean_document.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/clean_document.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b572189259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/clean_document.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Parses and sanitizes source into a lexically aware document
+ #
+ # Internally the document is represented by an array with each
+ # index containing a CodeLine correlating to a line from the source code.
+ #
+ # There are three main phases in the algorithm:
+ #
+ # 1. Sanitize/format input source
+ # 2. Search for invalid blocks
+ # 3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful
+ #
+ # This class handles the first part.
+ #
+ # The reason this class exists is to format input source
+ # for better/easier/cleaner exploration.
+ #
+ # The CodeSearch class operates at the line level so
+ # we must be careful to not introduce lines that look
+ # valid by themselves, but when removed will trigger syntax errors
+ # or strange behavior.
+ #
+ # ## Join Trailing slashes
+ #
+ # Code with a trailing slash is logically treated as a single line:
+ #
+ # 1 it "code can be split" \
+ # 2 "across multiple lines" do
+ #
+ # In this case removing line 2 would add a syntax error. We get around
+ # this by internally joining the two lines into a single "line" object
+ #
+ # ## Logically Consecutive lines
+ #
+ # Code that can be broken over multiple
+ # lines such as method calls are on different lines:
+ #
+ # 1 User.
+ # 2 where(name: "schneems").
+ # 3 first
+ #
+ # Removing line 2 can introduce a syntax error. To fix this, all lines
+ # are joined into one.
+ #
+ # ## Heredocs
+ #
+ # A heredoc is an way of defining a multi-line string. They can cause many
+ # problems. If left as a single line, Ripper would try to parse the contents
+ # as ruby code rather than as a string. Even without this problem, we still
+ # hit an issue with indentation
+ #
+ # 1 foo = <<~HEREDOC
+ # 2 "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.""
+ # 3 ― Oscar Wilde
+ # 4 puts "I look like ruby code" # but i'm still a heredoc
+ #
+ # If we didn't join these lines then our algorithm would think that line 4
+ # is separate from the rest, has a higher indentation, then look at it first
+ # and remove it.
+ #
+ # If the code evaluates line 5 by itself it will think line 5 is a constant,
+ # remove it, and introduce a syntax errror.
+ #
+ # All of these problems are fixed by joining the whole heredoc into a single
+ # line.
+ #
+ # ## Comments and whitespace
+ #
+ # Comments can throw off the way the lexer tells us that the line
+ # logically belongs with the next line. This is valid ruby but
+ # results in a different lex output than before:
+ #
+ # 1 User.
+ # 2 where(name: "schneems").
+ # 3 # Comment here
+ # 4 first
+ #
+ # To handle this we can replace comment lines with empty lines
+ # and then re-lex the source. This removal and re-lexing preserves
+ # line index and document size, but generates an easier to work with
+ # document.
+ #
+ class CleanDocument
+ def initialize(source:)
+ lines = clean_sweep(source: source)
+ @document = CodeLine.from_source(lines.join, lines: lines)
+ end
+ # Call all of the document "cleaners"
+ # and return self
+ def call
+ join_trailing_slash!
+ join_consecutive!
+ join_heredoc!
+ self
+ end
+ # Return an array of CodeLines in the
+ # document
+ def lines
+ @document
+ end
+ # Renders the document back to a string
+ def to_s
+ @document.join
+ end
+ # Remove comments and whitespace only lines
+ #
+ # replace with empty newlines
+ #
+ # source = <<~'EOM'
+ # # Comment 1
+ # puts "hello"
+ # # Comment 2
+ # puts "world"
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).lines
+ # expect(lines[0].to_s).to eq("\n")
+ # expect(lines[1].to_s).to eq("puts "hello")
+ # expect(lines[2].to_s).to eq("\n")
+ # expect(lines[3].to_s).to eq("puts "world")
+ #
+ # Important: This must be done before lexing.
+ #
+ # After this change is made, we lex the document because
+ # removing comments can change how the doc is parsed.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # values = LexAll.new(source: <<~EOM))
+ # User.
+ # # comment
+ # where(name: 'schneems')
+ # EOM
+ # expect(
+ # values.count {|v| v.type == :on_ignored_nl}
+ # ).to eq(1)
+ #
+ # After the comment is removed:
+ #
+ # values = LexAll.new(source: <<~EOM))
+ # User.
+ #
+ # where(name: 'schneems')
+ # EOM
+ # expect(
+ # values.count {|v| v.type == :on_ignored_nl}
+ # ).to eq(2)
+ #
+ def clean_sweep(source:)
+ source.lines.map do |line|
+ if line.match?(/^\s*(#[^{].*)?$/) # https://rubular.com/r/LLE10D8HKMkJvs
+ $/
+ else
+ line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Smushes all heredoc lines into one line
+ #
+ # source = <<~'EOM'
+ # foo = <<~HEREDOC
+ # lol
+ # hehehe
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).join_heredoc!.lines
+ # expect(lines[0].to_s).to eq(source)
+ # expect(lines[1].to_s).to eq("")
+ def join_heredoc!
+ start_index_stack = []
+ heredoc_beg_end_index = []
+ lines.each do |line|
+ line.lex.each do |lex_value|
+ case lex_value.type
+ when :on_heredoc_beg
+ start_index_stack << line.index
+ when :on_heredoc_end
+ start_index = start_index_stack.pop
+ end_index = line.index
+ heredoc_beg_end_index << [start_index, end_index]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ heredoc_groups = heredoc_beg_end_index.map { |start_index, end_index| @document[start_index..end_index] }
+ join_groups(heredoc_groups)
+ self
+ end
+ # Smushes logically "consecutive" lines
+ #
+ # source = <<~'EOM'
+ # User.
+ # where(name: 'schneems').
+ # first
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).join_consecutive!.lines
+ # expect(lines[0].to_s).to eq(source)
+ # expect(lines[1].to_s).to eq("")
+ #
+ # The one known case this doesn't handle is:
+ #
+ # Ripper.lex <<~EOM
+ # a &&
+ # b ||
+ # c
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # For some reason this introduces `on_ignore_newline` but with BEG type
+ #
+ def join_consecutive!
+ consecutive_groups = @document.select(&:ignore_newline_not_beg?).map do |code_line|
+ take_while_including(code_line.index..-1) do |line|
+ line.ignore_newline_not_beg?
+ end
+ end
+ join_groups(consecutive_groups)
+ self
+ end
+ # Join lines with a trailing slash
+ #
+ # source = <<~'EOM'
+ # it "code can be split" \
+ # "across multiple lines" do
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).join_consecutive!.lines
+ # expect(lines[0].to_s).to eq(source)
+ # expect(lines[1].to_s).to eq("")
+ def join_trailing_slash!
+ trailing_groups = @document.select(&:trailing_slash?).map do |code_line|
+ take_while_including(code_line.index..-1) { |x| x.trailing_slash? }
+ end
+ join_groups(trailing_groups)
+ self
+ end
+ # Helper method for joining "groups" of lines
+ #
+ # Input is expected to be type Array<Array<CodeLine>>
+ #
+ # The outer array holds the various "groups" while the
+ # inner array holds code lines.
+ #
+ # All code lines are "joined" into the first line in
+ # their group.
+ #
+ # To preserve document size, empty lines are placed
+ # in the place of the lines that were "joined"
+ def join_groups(groups)
+ groups.each do |lines|
+ line = lines.first
+ # Handle the case of multiple groups in a a row
+ # if one is already replaced, move on
+ next if @document[line.index].empty?
+ # Join group into the first line
+ @document[line.index] = CodeLine.new(
+ lex: lines.map(&:lex).flatten,
+ line: lines.join,
+ index: line.index
+ )
+ # Hide the rest of the lines
+ lines[1..-1].each do |line|
+ # The above lines already have newlines in them, if add more
+ # then there will be double newline, use an empty line instead
+ @document[line.index] = CodeLine.new(line: "", index: line.index, lex: [])
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Helper method for grabbing elements from document
+ #
+ # Like `take_while` except when it stops
+ # iterating, it also returns the line
+ # that caused it to stop
+ def take_while_including(range = 0..-1)
+ take_next_and_stop = false
+ @document[range].take_while do |line|
+ next if take_next_and_stop
+ take_next_and_stop = !(yield line)
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/cli.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/cli.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b89fa5d013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/cli.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "pathname"
+require "optparse"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # All the logic of the exe/syntax_suggest CLI in one handy spot
+ #
+ # Cli.new(argv: ["--help"]).call
+ # Cli.new(argv: ["<path/to/file>.rb"]).call
+ # Cli.new(argv: ["<path/to/file>.rb", "--record=tmp"]).call
+ # Cli.new(argv: ["<path/to/file>.rb", "--terminal"]).call
+ #
+ class Cli
+ attr_accessor :options
+ # ARGV is Everything passed to the executable, does not include executable name
+ #
+ # All other intputs are dependency injection for testing
+ def initialize(argv:, exit_obj: Kernel, io: $stdout, env: ENV)
+ @options = {}
+ @parser = nil
+ options[:record_dir] = env["SYNTAX_SUGGEST_RECORD_DIR"]
+ options[:record_dir] = "tmp" if env["DEBUG"]
+ options[:terminal] = SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE
+ @io = io
+ @argv = argv
+ @exit_obj = exit_obj
+ end
+ def call
+ if @argv.empty?
+ # Display help if raw command
+ parser.parse! %w[--help]
+ return
+ else
+ # Mutates @argv
+ parse
+ return if options[:exit]
+ end
+ file_name = @argv.first
+ if file_name.nil?
+ @io.puts "No file given"
+ @exit_obj.exit(1)
+ return
+ end
+ file = Pathname(file_name)
+ if !file.exist?
+ @io.puts "file not found: #{file.expand_path} "
+ @exit_obj.exit(1)
+ return
+ end
+ @io.puts "Record dir: #{options[:record_dir]}" if options[:record_dir]
+ display = SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: @io,
+ source: file.read,
+ filename: file.expand_path,
+ terminal: options.fetch(:terminal, SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE),
+ record_dir: options[:record_dir]
+ )
+ if display.document_ok?
+ @exit_obj.exit(0)
+ else
+ @exit_obj.exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ def parse
+ parser.parse!(@argv)
+ self
+ end
+ def parser
+ @parser ||= OptionParser.new do |opts|
+ opts.banner = <<~EOM
+ Usage: syntax_suggest <file> [options]
+ Parses a ruby source file and searches for syntax error(s) such as
+ unexpected `end', expecting end-of-input.
+ Example:
+ $ syntax_suggest dog.rb
+ # ...
+ ❯ 10 defdog
+ ❯ 15 end
+ ENV options:
+ Records the steps used to search for a syntax error
+ to the given directory
+ Options:
+ opts.version = SyntaxSuggest::VERSION
+ opts.on("--help", "Help - displays this message") do |v|
+ @io.puts opts
+ options[:exit] = true
+ @exit_obj.exit
+ end
+ opts.on("--record <dir>", "Records the steps used to search for a syntax error to the given directory") do |v|
+ options[:record_dir] = v
+ end
+ opts.on("--terminal", "Enable terminal highlighting") do |v|
+ options[:terminal] = true
+ end
+ opts.on("--no-terminal", "Disable terminal highlighting") do |v|
+ options[:terminal] = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/code_block.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_block.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61e7986da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_block.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Multiple lines form a singular CodeBlock
+ #
+ # Source code is made of multiple CodeBlocks.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # code_block.to_s # =>
+ # # def foo
+ # # puts "foo"
+ # # end
+ #
+ # code_block.valid? # => true
+ # code_block.in_valid? # => false
+ #
+ #
+ class CodeBlock
+ UNSET = Object.new.freeze
+ attr_reader :lines, :starts_at, :ends_at
+ def initialize(lines: [])
+ @lines = Array(lines)
+ @valid = UNSET
+ @deleted = false
+ @starts_at = @lines.first.number
+ @ends_at = @lines.last.number
+ end
+ def delete
+ @deleted = true
+ end
+ def deleted?
+ @deleted
+ end
+ def visible_lines
+ @lines.select(&:visible?).select(&:not_empty?)
+ end
+ def mark_invisible
+ @lines.map(&:mark_invisible)
+ end
+ def is_end?
+ to_s.strip == "end"
+ end
+ def hidden?
+ @lines.all?(&:hidden?)
+ end
+ # This is used for frontier ordering, we are searching from
+ # the largest indentation to the smallest. This allows us to
+ # populate an array with multiple code blocks then call `sort!`
+ # on it without having to specify the sorting criteria
+ def <=>(other)
+ out = current_indent <=> other.current_indent
+ return out if out != 0
+ # Stable sort
+ starts_at <=> other.starts_at
+ end
+ def current_indent
+ @current_indent ||= lines.select(&:not_empty?).map(&:indent).min || 0
+ end
+ def invalid?
+ !valid?
+ end
+ def valid?
+ if @valid == UNSET
+ # Performance optimization
+ #
+ # If all the lines were previously hidden
+ # and we expand to capture additional empty
+ # lines then the result cannot be invalid
+ #
+ # That means there's no reason to re-check all
+ # lines with ripper (which is expensive).
+ # Benchmark in commit message
+ @valid = if lines.all? { |l| l.hidden? || l.empty? }
+ true
+ else
+ SyntaxSuggest.valid?(lines.map(&:original).join)
+ end
+ else
+ @valid
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @lines.join
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/code_frontier.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_frontier.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e93b32514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_frontier.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # The main function of the frontier is to hold the edges of our search and to
+ # evaluate when we can stop searching.
+ # There are three main phases in the algorithm:
+ #
+ # 1. Sanitize/format input source
+ # 2. Search for invalid blocks
+ # 3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful
+ #
+ # The Code frontier is a critical part of the second step
+ #
+ # ## Knowing where we've been
+ #
+ # Once a code block is generated it is added onto the frontier. Then it will be
+ # sorted by indentation and frontier can be filtered. Large blocks that fully enclose a
+ # smaller block will cause the smaller block to be evicted.
+ #
+ # CodeFrontier#<<(block) # Adds block to frontier
+ # CodeFrontier#pop # Removes block from frontier
+ #
+ # ## Knowing where we can go
+ #
+ # Internally the frontier keeps track of "unvisited" lines which are exposed via `next_indent_line`
+ # when called, this method returns, a line of code with the highest indentation.
+ #
+ # The returned line of code can be used to build a CodeBlock and then that code block
+ # is added back to the frontier. Then, the lines are removed from the
+ # "unvisited" so we don't double-create the same block.
+ #
+ # CodeFrontier#next_indent_line # Shows next line
+ # CodeFrontier#register_indent_block(block) # Removes lines from unvisited
+ #
+ # ## Knowing when to stop
+ #
+ # The frontier knows how to check the entire document for a syntax error. When blocks
+ # are added onto the frontier, they're removed from the document. When all code containing
+ # syntax errors has been added to the frontier, the document will be parsable without a
+ # syntax error and the search can stop.
+ #
+ # CodeFrontier#holds_all_syntax_errors? # Returns true when frontier holds all syntax errors
+ #
+ # ## Filtering false positives
+ #
+ # Once the search is completed, the frontier may have multiple blocks that do not contain
+ # the syntax error. To limit the result to the smallest subset of "invalid blocks" call:
+ #
+ # CodeFrontier#detect_invalid_blocks
+ #
+ class CodeFrontier
+ def initialize(code_lines:, unvisited: UnvisitedLines.new(code_lines: code_lines))
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ @unvisited = unvisited
+ @queue = PriorityEngulfQueue.new
+ @check_next = true
+ end
+ def count
+ @queue.length
+ end
+ # Performance optimization
+ #
+ # Parsing with ripper is expensive
+ # If we know we don't have any blocks with invalid
+ # syntax, then we know we cannot have found
+ # the incorrect syntax yet.
+ #
+ # When an invalid block is added onto the frontier
+ # check document state
+ private def can_skip_check?
+ check_next = @check_next
+ @check_next = false
+ if check_next
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns true if the document is valid with all lines
+ # removed. By default it checks all blocks in present in
+ # the frontier array, but can be used for arbitrary arrays
+ # of codeblocks as well
+ def holds_all_syntax_errors?(block_array = @queue, can_cache: true)
+ return false if can_cache && can_skip_check?
+ without_lines = block_array.to_a.flat_map do |block|
+ block.lines
+ end
+ SyntaxSuggest.valid_without?(
+ without_lines: without_lines,
+ code_lines: @code_lines
+ )
+ end
+ # Returns a code block with the largest indentation possible
+ def pop
+ @queue.pop
+ end
+ def next_indent_line
+ @unvisited.peek
+ end
+ def expand?
+ return false if @queue.empty?
+ return true if @unvisited.empty?
+ frontier_indent = @queue.peek.current_indent
+ unvisited_indent = next_indent_line.indent
+ puts "```"
+ puts @queue.peek.to_s
+ puts "```"
+ puts " @frontier indent: #{frontier_indent}"
+ puts " @unvisited indent: #{unvisited_indent}"
+ end
+ # Expand all blocks before moving to unvisited lines
+ frontier_indent >= unvisited_indent
+ end
+ # Keeps track of what lines have been added to blocks and which are not yet
+ # visited.
+ def register_indent_block(block)
+ @unvisited.visit_block(block)
+ self
+ end
+ # When one element fully encapsulates another we remove the smaller
+ # block from the frontier. This prevents double expansions and all-around
+ # weird behavior. However this guarantee is quite expensive to maintain
+ def register_engulf_block(block)
+ end
+ # Add a block to the frontier
+ #
+ # This method ensures the frontier always remains sorted (in indentation order)
+ # and that each code block's lines are removed from the indentation hash so we
+ # don't re-evaluate the same line multiple times.
+ def <<(block)
+ @unvisited.visit_block(block)
+ @queue.push(block)
+ @check_next = true if block.invalid?
+ self
+ end
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # combination([:a, :b, :c, :d])
+ # # => [[:a], [:b], [:c], [:d], [:a, :b], [:a, :c], [:a, :d], [:b, :c], [:b, :d], [:c, :d], [:a, :b, :c], [:a, :b, :d], [:a, :c, :d], [:b, :c, :d], [:a, :b, :c, :d]]
+ def self.combination(array)
+ guesses = []
+ 1.upto(array.length).each do |size|
+ guesses.concat(array.combination(size).to_a)
+ end
+ guesses
+ end
+ # Given that we know our syntax error exists somewhere in our frontier, we want to find
+ # the smallest possible set of blocks that contain all the syntax errors
+ def detect_invalid_blocks
+ self.class.combination(@queue.to_a.select(&:invalid?)).detect do |block_array|
+ holds_all_syntax_errors?(block_array, can_cache: false)
+ end || []
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/code_line.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_line.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc738ab128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_line.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Represents a single line of code of a given source file
+ #
+ # This object contains metadata about the line such as
+ # amount of indentation, if it is empty or not, and
+ # lexical data, such as if it has an `end` or a keyword
+ # in it.
+ #
+ # Visibility of lines can be toggled off. Marking a line as invisible
+ # indicates that it should not be used for syntax checks.
+ # It's functionally the same as commenting it out.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # line = CodeLine.from_source("def foo\n").first
+ # line.number => 1
+ # line.empty? # => false
+ # line.visible? # => true
+ # line.mark_invisible
+ # line.visible? # => false
+ #
+ class CodeLine
+ TRAILING_SLASH = ("\\" + $/).freeze
+ # Returns an array of CodeLine objects
+ # from the source string
+ def self.from_source(source, lines: nil)
+ lines ||= source.lines
+ lex_array_for_line = LexAll.new(source: source, source_lines: lines).each_with_object(Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) { |lex, hash| hash[lex.line] << lex }
+ lines.map.with_index do |line, index|
+ CodeLine.new(
+ line: line,
+ index: index,
+ lex: lex_array_for_line[index + 1]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ attr_reader :line, :index, :lex, :line_number, :indent
+ def initialize(line:, index:, lex:)
+ @lex = lex
+ @line = line
+ @index = index
+ @original = line
+ @line_number = @index + 1
+ strip_line = line.dup
+ strip_line.lstrip!
+ if strip_line.empty?
+ @empty = true
+ @indent = 0
+ else
+ @empty = false
+ @indent = line.length - strip_line.length
+ end
+ set_kw_end
+ end
+ # Used for stable sort via indentation level
+ #
+ # Ruby's sort is not "stable" meaning that when
+ # multiple elements have the same value, they are
+ # not guaranteed to return in the same order they
+ # were put in.
+ #
+ # So when multiple code lines have the same indentation
+ # level, they're sorted by their index value which is unique
+ # and consistent.
+ #
+ # This is mostly needed for consistency of the test suite
+ def indent_index
+ @indent_index ||= [indent, index]
+ end
+ alias_method :number, :line_number
+ # Returns true if the code line is determined
+ # to contain a keyword that matches with an `end`
+ #
+ # For example: `def`, `do`, `begin`, `ensure`, etc.
+ def is_kw?
+ @is_kw
+ end
+ # Returns true if the code line is determined
+ # to contain an `end` keyword
+ def is_end?
+ @is_end
+ end
+ # Used to hide lines
+ #
+ # The search alorithm will group lines into blocks
+ # then if those blocks are determined to represent
+ # valid code they will be hidden
+ def mark_invisible
+ @line = ""
+ end
+ # Means the line was marked as "invisible"
+ # Confusingly, "empty" lines are visible...they
+ # just don't contain any source code other than a newline ("\n").
+ def visible?
+ !line.empty?
+ end
+ # Opposite or `visible?` (note: different than `empty?`)
+ def hidden?
+ !visible?
+ end
+ # An `empty?` line is one that was originally left
+ # empty in the source code, while a "hidden" line
+ # is one that we've since marked as "invisible"
+ def empty?
+ @empty
+ end
+ # Opposite of `empty?` (note: different than `visible?`)
+ def not_empty?
+ !empty?
+ end
+ # Renders the given line
+ #
+ # Also allows us to represent source code as
+ # an array of code lines.
+ #
+ # When we have an array of code line elements
+ # calling `join` on the array will call `to_s`
+ # on each element, which essentially converts
+ # it back into it's original source string.
+ def to_s
+ line
+ end
+ # When the code line is marked invisible
+ # we retain the original value of it's line
+ # this is useful for debugging and for
+ # showing extra context
+ #
+ # DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers will render
+ # all lines given to it, not just visible
+ # lines, it uses the original method to
+ # obtain them.
+ attr_reader :original
+ # Comparison operator, needed for equality
+ # and sorting
+ def <=>(other)
+ index <=> other.index
+ end
+ # [Not stable API]
+ #
+ # Lines that have a `on_ignored_nl` type token and NOT
+ # a `BEG` type seem to be a good proxy for the ability
+ # to join multiple lines into one.
+ #
+ # This predicate method is used to determine when those
+ # two criteria have been met.
+ #
+ # The one known case this doesn't handle is:
+ #
+ # Ripper.lex <<~EOM
+ # a &&
+ # b ||
+ # c
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # For some reason this introduces `on_ignore_newline` but with BEG type
+ def ignore_newline_not_beg?
+ @ignore_newline_not_beg
+ end
+ # Determines if the given line has a trailing slash
+ #
+ # lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~EOM)
+ # it "foo" \
+ # EOM
+ # expect(lines.first.trailing_slash?).to eq(true)
+ #
+ def trailing_slash?
+ last = @lex.last
+ return false unless last
+ return false unless last.type == :on_sp
+ last.token == TRAILING_SLASH
+ end
+ # Endless method detection
+ #
+ # From https://github.com/ruby/irb/commit/826ae909c9c93a2ddca6f9cfcd9c94dbf53d44ab
+ # Detecting a "oneliner" seems to need a state machine.
+ # This can be done by looking mostly at the "state" (last value):
+ #
+ # ENDFN -> BEG (token = '=' ) -> END
+ #
+ private def set_kw_end
+ oneliner_count = 0
+ in_oneliner_def = nil
+ kw_count = 0
+ end_count = 0
+ @ignore_newline_not_beg = false
+ @lex.each do |lex|
+ kw_count += 1 if lex.is_kw?
+ end_count += 1 if lex.is_end?
+ if lex.type == :on_ignored_nl
+ @ignore_newline_not_beg = !lex.expr_beg?
+ end
+ if in_oneliner_def.nil?
+ in_oneliner_def = :ENDFN if lex.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_ENDFN)
+ elsif lex.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_ENDFN)
+ # Continue
+ elsif lex.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_BEG)
+ in_oneliner_def = :BODY if lex.token == "="
+ elsif lex.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_END)
+ # We found an endless method, count it
+ oneliner_count += 1 if in_oneliner_def == :BODY
+ in_oneliner_def = nil
+ else
+ in_oneliner_def = nil
+ end
+ end
+ kw_count -= oneliner_count
+ @is_kw = (kw_count - end_count) > 0
+ @is_end = (end_count - kw_count) > 0
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/code_search.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_search.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a86dfea90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/code_search.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Searches code for a syntax error
+ #
+ # There are three main phases in the algorithm:
+ #
+ # 1. Sanitize/format input source
+ # 2. Search for invalid blocks
+ # 3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful
+ #
+ # This class handles the part.
+ #
+ # The bulk of the heavy lifting is done in:
+ #
+ # - CodeFrontier (Holds information for generating blocks and determining if we can stop searching)
+ # - ParseBlocksFromLine (Creates blocks into the frontier)
+ # - BlockExpand (Expands existing blocks to search more code)
+ #
+ # ## Syntax error detection
+ #
+ # When the frontier holds the syntax error, we can stop searching
+ #
+ # search = CodeSearch.new(<<~EOM)
+ # def dog
+ # def lol
+ # end
+ # EOM
+ #
+ # search.call
+ #
+ # search.invalid_blocks.map(&:to_s) # =>
+ # # => ["def lol\n"]
+ #
+ class CodeSearch
+ private
+ attr_reader :frontier
+ public
+ attr_reader :invalid_blocks, :record_dir, :code_lines
+ def initialize(source, record_dir: DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ record_dir = if record_dir == DEFAULT_VALUE
+ else
+ record_dir
+ end
+ if record_dir
+ @record_dir = SyntaxSuggest.record_dir(record_dir)
+ @write_count = 0
+ end
+ @tick = 0
+ @source = source
+ @name_tick = Hash.new { |hash, k| hash[k] = 0 }
+ @invalid_blocks = []
+ @code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ @frontier = CodeFrontier.new(code_lines: @code_lines)
+ @block_expand = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: @code_lines)
+ @parse_blocks_from_indent_line = ParseBlocksFromIndentLine.new(code_lines: @code_lines)
+ end
+ # Used for debugging
+ def record(block:, name: "record")
+ return unless @record_dir
+ @name_tick[name] += 1
+ filename = "#{@write_count += 1}-#{name}-#{@name_tick[name]}-(#{block.starts_at}__#{block.ends_at}).txt"
+ puts "\n\n==== #{filename} ===="
+ puts "\n```#{block.starts_at}..#{block.ends_at}"
+ puts block.to_s
+ puts "```"
+ puts " block indent: #{block.current_indent}"
+ end
+ @record_dir.join(filename).open(mode: "a") do |f|
+ document = DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: @code_lines.select(&:visible?),
+ terminal: false,
+ highlight_lines: block.lines
+ ).call
+ f.write(" Block lines: #{block.starts_at..block.ends_at} (#{name}) \n\n#{document}")
+ end
+ end
+ def push(block, name:)
+ record(block: block, name: name)
+ block.mark_invisible if block.valid?
+ frontier << block
+ end
+ # Parses the most indented lines into blocks that are marked
+ # and added to the frontier
+ def create_blocks_from_untracked_lines
+ max_indent = frontier.next_indent_line&.indent
+ while (line = frontier.next_indent_line) && (line.indent == max_indent)
+ @parse_blocks_from_indent_line.each_neighbor_block(frontier.next_indent_line) do |block|
+ push(block, name: "add")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Given an already existing block in the frontier, expand it to see
+ # if it contains our invalid syntax
+ def expand_existing
+ block = frontier.pop
+ return unless block
+ record(block: block, name: "before-expand")
+ block = @block_expand.call(block)
+ push(block, name: "expand")
+ end
+ # Main search loop
+ def call
+ until frontier.holds_all_syntax_errors?
+ @tick += 1
+ if frontier.expand?
+ expand_existing
+ else
+ create_blocks_from_untracked_lines
+ end
+ end
+ @invalid_blocks.concat(frontier.detect_invalid_blocks)
+ @invalid_blocks.sort_by! { |block| block.starts_at }
+ self
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/core_ext.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/core_ext.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40f5fe1375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/core_ext.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Ruby 3.2+ has a cleaner way to hook into Ruby that doesn't use `require`
+if SyntaxError.method_defined?(:detailed_message)
+ module SyntaxSuggest
+ class MiniStringIO
+ def initialize(isatty: $stderr.isatty)
+ @string = +""
+ @isatty = isatty
+ end
+ attr_reader :isatty
+ def puts(value = $/, **)
+ @string << value
+ end
+ attr_reader :string
+ end
+ end
+ SyntaxError.prepend Module.new {
+ def detailed_message(highlight: true, syntax_suggest: true, **kwargs)
+ return super unless syntax_suggest
+ require "syntax_suggest/api" unless defined?(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ message = super
+ file = if highlight
+ SyntaxSuggest::PathnameFromMessage.new(super(highlight: false, **kwargs)).call.name
+ else
+ SyntaxSuggest::PathnameFromMessage.new(message).call.name
+ end
+ io = SyntaxSuggest::MiniStringIO.new
+ if file
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: file.read,
+ filename: file,
+ terminal: highlight
+ )
+ annotation = io.string
+ annotation + message
+ else
+ message
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ $stderr.warn(e.message)
+ $stderr.warn(e.backtrace)
+ end
+ # Ignore internal errors
+ message
+ end
+ }
+ autoload :Pathname, "pathname"
+ # Monkey patch kernel to ensure that all `require` calls call the same
+ # method
+ module Kernel
+ module_function
+ alias_method :syntax_suggest_original_require, :require
+ alias_method :syntax_suggest_original_require_relative, :require_relative
+ alias_method :syntax_suggest_original_load, :load
+ def load(file, wrap = false)
+ syntax_suggest_original_load(file)
+ rescue SyntaxError => e
+ require "syntax_suggest/api" unless defined?(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(e)
+ end
+ def require(file)
+ syntax_suggest_original_require(file)
+ rescue SyntaxError => e
+ require "syntax_suggest/api" unless defined?(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(e)
+ end
+ def require_relative(file)
+ if Pathname.new(file).absolute?
+ syntax_suggest_original_require file
+ else
+ relative_from = caller_locations(1..1).first
+ relative_from_path = relative_from.absolute_path || relative_from.path
+ syntax_suggest_original_require File.expand_path("../#{file}", relative_from_path)
+ end
+ rescue SyntaxError => e
+ require "syntax_suggest/api" unless defined?(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(e)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/display_code_with_line_numbers.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/display_code_with_line_numbers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23f4b2d1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/display_code_with_line_numbers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Outputs code with highlighted lines
+ #
+ # Whatever is passed to this class will be rendered
+ # even if it is "marked invisible" any filtering of
+ # output should be done before calling this class.
+ #
+ # DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ # lines: lines,
+ # highlight_lines: [lines[2], lines[3]]
+ # ).call
+ # # =>
+ # 1
+ # 2 def cat
+ # ❯ 3 Dir.chdir
+ # ❯ 4 end
+ # 5 end
+ # 6
+ class DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers
+ TERMINAL_HIGHLIGHT = "\e[1;3m" # Bold, italics
+ TERMINAL_END = "\e[0m"
+ def initialize(lines:, highlight_lines: [], terminal: false)
+ @lines = Array(lines).sort
+ @terminal = terminal
+ @highlight_line_hash = Array(highlight_lines).each_with_object({}) { |line, h| h[line] = true }
+ @digit_count = @lines.last&.line_number.to_s.length
+ end
+ def call
+ @lines.map do |line|
+ format_line(line)
+ end.join
+ end
+ private def format_line(code_line)
+ # Handle trailing slash lines
+ code_line.original.lines.map.with_index do |contents, i|
+ format(
+ empty: code_line.empty?,
+ number: (code_line.number + i).to_s,
+ contents: contents,
+ highlight: @highlight_line_hash[code_line]
+ )
+ end.join
+ end
+ private def format(contents:, number:, empty:, highlight: false)
+ string = +""
+ string << if highlight
+ "❯ "
+ else
+ " "
+ end
+ string << number.rjust(@digit_count).to_s
+ if empty
+ string << contents
+ else
+ string << " "
+ string << TERMINAL_HIGHLIGHT if @terminal && highlight
+ string << contents
+ string << TERMINAL_END if @terminal
+ end
+ string
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/display_invalid_blocks.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/display_invalid_blocks.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc1143f4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/display_invalid_blocks.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "capture_code_context"
+require_relative "display_code_with_line_numbers"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Used for formatting invalid blocks
+ class DisplayInvalidBlocks
+ attr_reader :filename
+ def initialize(code_lines:, blocks:, io: $stderr, filename: nil, terminal: DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ @io = io
+ @blocks = Array(blocks)
+ @filename = filename
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ @terminal = terminal == DEFAULT_VALUE ? io.isatty : terminal
+ end
+ def document_ok?
+ @blocks.none? { |b| !b.hidden? }
+ end
+ def call
+ if document_ok?
+ @io.puts "Syntax OK"
+ return self
+ end
+ if filename
+ @io.puts("--> #{filename}")
+ @io.puts
+ end
+ @blocks.each do |block|
+ display_block(block)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ private def display_block(block)
+ # Build explanation
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: block.lines
+ ).call
+ # Enhance code output
+ # Also handles several ambiguious cases
+ lines = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: block,
+ code_lines: @code_lines
+ ).call
+ # Build code output
+ document = DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines,
+ terminal: @terminal,
+ highlight_lines: block.lines
+ ).call
+ # Output syntax error explanation
+ explain.errors.each do |e|
+ @io.puts e
+ end
+ @io.puts
+ # Output code
+ @io.puts(document)
+ end
+ private def code_with_context
+ lines = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: @blocks,
+ code_lines: @code_lines
+ ).call
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines,
+ terminal: @terminal,
+ highlight_lines: @invalid_lines
+ ).call
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/explain_syntax.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/explain_syntax.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..142ed2e269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/explain_syntax.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "left_right_lex_count"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Explains syntax errors based on their source
+ #
+ # example:
+ #
+ # source = "def foo; puts 'lol'" # Note missing end
+ # explain ExplainSyntax.new(
+ # code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ # ).call
+ # explain.errors.first
+ # # => "Unmatched keyword, missing `end' ?"
+ #
+ # When the error cannot be determined by lexical counting
+ # then ripper is run against the input and the raw ripper
+ # errors returned.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # source = "1 * " # Note missing a second number
+ # explain ExplainSyntax.new(
+ # code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ # ).call
+ # explain.errors.first
+ # # => "syntax error, unexpected end-of-input"
+ class ExplainSyntax
+ "{" => "}",
+ "}" => "{",
+ "[" => "]",
+ "]" => "[",
+ "(" => ")",
+ ")" => "(",
+ "|" => "|"
+ }.freeze
+ def initialize(code_lines:)
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ @left_right = LeftRightLexCount.new
+ @missing = nil
+ end
+ def call
+ @code_lines.each do |line|
+ line.lex.each do |lex|
+ @left_right.count_lex(lex)
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Returns an array of missing elements
+ #
+ # For example this:
+ #
+ # ExplainSyntax.new(code_lines: lines).missing
+ # # => ["}"]
+ #
+ # Would indicate that the source is missing
+ # a `}` character in the source code
+ def missing
+ @missing ||= @left_right.missing
+ end
+ # Converts a missing string to
+ # an human understandable explanation.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # explain.why("}")
+ # # => "Unmatched `{', missing `}' ?"
+ #
+ def why(miss)
+ case miss
+ when "keyword"
+ "Unmatched `end', missing keyword (`do', `def`, `if`, etc.) ?"
+ when "end"
+ "Unmatched keyword, missing `end' ?"
+ else
+ inverse = INVERSE.fetch(miss) {
+ raise "Unknown explain syntax char or key: #{miss.inspect}"
+ }
+ "Unmatched `#{inverse}', missing `#{miss}' ?"
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns an array of syntax error messages
+ #
+ # If no missing pairs are found it falls back
+ # on the original ripper error messages
+ def errors
+ if missing.empty?
+ return RipperErrors.new(@code_lines.map(&:original).join).call.errors
+ end
+ missing.map { |miss| why(miss) }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fcae7482b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Find mis-matched syntax based on lexical count
+ #
+ # Used for detecting missing pairs of elements
+ # each keyword needs an end, each '{' needs a '}'
+ # etc.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # left_right = LeftRightLexCount.new
+ # left_right.count_kw
+ # left_right.missing.first
+ # # => "end"
+ #
+ # left_right = LeftRightLexCount.new
+ # source = "{ a: b, c: d" # Note missing '}'
+ # LexAll.new(source: source).each do |lex|
+ # left_right.count_lex(lex)
+ # end
+ # left_right.missing.first
+ # # => "}"
+ class LeftRightLexCount
+ def initialize
+ @kw_count = 0
+ @end_count = 0
+ @count_for_char = {
+ "{" => 0,
+ "}" => 0,
+ "[" => 0,
+ "]" => 0,
+ "(" => 0,
+ ")" => 0,
+ "|" => 0
+ }
+ end
+ def count_kw
+ @kw_count += 1
+ end
+ def count_end
+ @end_count += 1
+ end
+ # Count source code characters
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # left_right = LeftRightLexCount.new
+ # left_right.count_lex(LexValue.new(1, :on_lbrace, "{", Ripper::EXPR_BEG))
+ # left_right.count_for_char("{")
+ # # => 1
+ # left_right.count_for_char("}")
+ # # => 0
+ def count_lex(lex)
+ case lex.type
+ when :on_tstring_content
+ # ^^^
+ # Means it's a string or a symbol `"{"` rather than being
+ # part of a data structure (like a hash) `{ a: b }`
+ # ignore it.
+ when :on_words_beg, :on_symbos_beg, :on_qwords_beg,
+ :on_qsymbols_beg, :on_regexp_beg, :on_tstring_beg
+ # ^^^
+ # Handle shorthand syntaxes like `%Q{ i am a string }`
+ #
+ # The start token will be the full thing `%Q{` but we
+ # need to count it as if it's a `{`. Any token
+ # can be used
+ char = lex.token[-1]
+ @count_for_char[char] += 1 if @count_for_char.key?(char)
+ when :on_embexpr_beg
+ # ^^^
+ # Embedded string expressions like `"#{foo} <-embed"`
+ # are parsed with chars:
+ #
+ # `#{` as :on_embexpr_beg
+ # `}` as :on_embexpr_end
+ #
+ # We cannot ignore both :on_emb_expr_beg and :on_embexpr_end
+ # because sometimes the lexer thinks something is an embed
+ # string end, when it is not like `lol = }` (no clue why).
+ #
+ # When we see `#{` count it as a `{` or we will
+ # have a mis-match count.
+ #
+ case lex.token
+ when "\#{"
+ @count_for_char["{"] += 1
+ end
+ else
+ @end_count += 1 if lex.is_end?
+ @kw_count += 1 if lex.is_kw?
+ @count_for_char[lex.token] += 1 if @count_for_char.key?(lex.token)
+ end
+ end
+ def count_for_char(char)
+ @count_for_char[char]
+ end
+ # Returns an array of missing syntax characters
+ # or `"end"` or `"keyword"`
+ #
+ # left_right.missing
+ # # => ["}"]
+ def missing
+ out = missing_pairs
+ out << missing_pipe
+ out << missing_keyword_end
+ out.compact!
+ out
+ end
+ PAIRS = {
+ "{" => "}",
+ "[" => "]",
+ "(" => ")"
+ }.freeze
+ # Opening characters like `{` need closing characters # like `}`.
+ #
+ # When a mis-match count is detected, suggest the
+ # missing member.
+ #
+ # For example if there are 3 `}` and only two `{`
+ # return `"{"`
+ private def missing_pairs
+ PAIRS.map do |(left, right)|
+ case @count_for_char[left] <=> @count_for_char[right]
+ when 1
+ right
+ when 0
+ nil
+ when -1
+ left
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Keywords need ends and ends need keywords
+ #
+ # If we have more keywords, there's a missing `end`
+ # if we have more `end`-s, there's a missing keyword
+ private def missing_keyword_end
+ case @kw_count <=> @end_count
+ when 1
+ "end"
+ when 0
+ nil
+ when -1
+ "keyword"
+ end
+ end
+ # Pipes come in pairs.
+ # If there's an odd number of pipes then we
+ # are missing one
+ private def missing_pipe
+ if @count_for_char["|"].odd?
+ "|"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/lex_all.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/lex_all.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..132cba9f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/lex_all.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Ripper.lex is not guaranteed to lex the entire source document
+ #
+ # lex = LexAll.new(source: source)
+ # lex.each do |value|
+ # puts value.line
+ # end
+ class LexAll
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(source:, source_lines: nil)
+ @lex = Ripper::Lexer.new(source, "-", 1).parse.sort_by(&:pos)
+ lineno = @lex.last.pos.first + 1
+ source_lines ||= source.lines
+ last_lineno = source_lines.length
+ until lineno >= last_lineno
+ lines = source_lines[lineno..-1]
+ @lex.concat(
+ Ripper::Lexer.new(lines.join, "-", lineno + 1).parse.sort_by(&:pos)
+ )
+ lineno = @lex.last.pos.first + 1
+ end
+ last_lex = nil
+ @lex.map! { |elem|
+ last_lex = LexValue.new(elem.pos.first, elem.event, elem.tok, elem.state, last_lex)
+ }
+ end
+ def to_a
+ @lex
+ end
+ def each
+ return @lex.each unless block_given?
+ @lex.each do |x|
+ yield x
+ end
+ end
+ def [](index)
+ @lex[index]
+ end
+ def last
+ @lex.last
+ end
+ end
+require_relative "lex_value"
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/lex_value.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/lex_value.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..008cc105b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/lex_value.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Value object for accessing lex values
+ #
+ # This lex:
+ #
+ # [1, 0], :on_ident, "describe", CMDARG
+ #
+ # Would translate into:
+ #
+ # lex.line # => 1
+ # lex.type # => :on_indent
+ # lex.token # => "describe"
+ class LexValue
+ attr_reader :line, :type, :token, :state
+ def initialize(line, type, token, state, last_lex = nil)
+ @line = line
+ @type = type
+ @token = token
+ @state = state
+ set_kw_end(last_lex)
+ end
+ private def set_kw_end(last_lex)
+ @is_end = false
+ @is_kw = false
+ return if type != :on_kw
+ #
+ return if last_lex && last_lex.fname? # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/776759e300e4659bb7468e2b97c8c2d4359a2953
+ case token
+ when "if", "unless", "while", "until"
+ # Only count if/unless when it's not a "trailing" if/unless
+ # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/06b44f819eb7b5ede1ff69cecb25682b56a1d60c/lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb#L374-L375
+ @is_kw = true unless expr_label?
+ when "def", "case", "for", "begin", "class", "module", "do"
+ @is_kw = true
+ when "end"
+ @is_end = true
+ end
+ end
+ def fname?
+ state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_FNAME)
+ end
+ def ignore_newline?
+ type == :on_ignored_nl
+ end
+ def is_end?
+ @is_end
+ end
+ def is_kw?
+ @is_kw
+ end
+ def expr_beg?
+ state.anybits?(Ripper::EXPR_BEG)
+ end
+ def expr_label?
+ state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_LABEL)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/parse_blocks_from_indent_line.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/parse_blocks_from_indent_line.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1071732fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/parse_blocks_from_indent_line.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # This class is responsible for generating initial code blocks
+ # that will then later be expanded.
+ #
+ # The biggest concern when guessing code blocks, is accidentally
+ # grabbing one that contains only an "end". In this example:
+ #
+ # def dog
+ # begonn # mispelled `begin`
+ # puts "bark"
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # The following lines would be matched (from bottom to top):
+ #
+ # 1) end
+ #
+ # 2) puts "bark"
+ # end
+ #
+ # 3) begonn
+ # puts "bark"
+ # end
+ #
+ # At this point it has no where else to expand, and it will yield this inner
+ # code as a block
+ class ParseBlocksFromIndentLine
+ attr_reader :code_lines
+ def initialize(code_lines:)
+ @code_lines = code_lines
+ end
+ # Builds blocks from bottom up
+ def each_neighbor_block(target_line)
+ scan = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: CodeBlock.new(lines: target_line))
+ .skip(:empty?)
+ .skip(:hidden?)
+ .scan_while { |line| line.indent >= target_line.indent }
+ neighbors = scan.code_block.lines
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: neighbors)
+ if neighbors.length <= 2 || block.valid?
+ yield block
+ else
+ until neighbors.empty?
+ lines = [neighbors.pop]
+ while (block = CodeBlock.new(lines: lines)) && block.invalid? && neighbors.any?
+ lines.prepend neighbors.pop
+ end
+ yield block if block
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/pathname_from_message.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/pathname_from_message.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea1a90856e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/pathname_from_message.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Converts a SyntaxError message to a path
+ #
+ # Handles the case where the filename has a colon in it
+ # such as on a windows file system: https://github.com/zombocom/syntax_suggest/issues/111
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # message = "/tmp/scratch:2:in `require_relative': /private/tmp/bad.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected `end' (SyntaxError)"
+ # puts PathnameFromMessage.new(message).call.name
+ # # => "/tmp/scratch.rb"
+ #
+ class PathnameFromMessage
+ EVAL_RE = /^\(eval\):\d+/
+ STREAMING_RE = /^-:\d+/
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(message, io: $stderr)
+ @line = message.lines.first
+ @parts = @line.split(":")
+ @guess = []
+ @name = nil
+ @io = io
+ end
+ def call
+ if skip_missing_file_name?
+ @io.puts "SyntaxSuggest: Could not find filename from #{@line.inspect}"
+ end
+ else
+ until stop?
+ @guess << @parts.shift
+ @name = Pathname(@guess.join(":"))
+ end
+ if @parts.empty?
+ @io.puts "SyntaxSuggest: Could not find filename from #{@line.inspect}"
+ @name = nil
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def stop?
+ return true if @parts.empty?
+ return false if @guess.empty?
+ @name&.exist?
+ end
+ def skip_missing_file_name?
+ @line.match?(EVAL_RE) || @line.match?(STREAMING_RE)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/priority_engulf_queue.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/priority_engulf_queue.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d1e9b1b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/priority_engulf_queue.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Keeps track of what elements are in the queue in
+ # priority and also ensures that when one element
+ # engulfs/covers/eats another that the larger element
+ # evicts the smaller element
+ class PriorityEngulfQueue
+ def initialize
+ @queue = PriorityQueue.new
+ end
+ def to_a
+ @queue.to_a
+ end
+ def empty?
+ @queue.empty?
+ end
+ def length
+ @queue.length
+ end
+ def peek
+ @queue.peek
+ end
+ def pop
+ @queue.pop
+ end
+ def push(block)
+ prune_engulf(block)
+ @queue << block
+ flush_deleted
+ self
+ end
+ private def flush_deleted
+ while @queue&.peek&.deleted?
+ @queue.pop
+ end
+ end
+ private def prune_engulf(block)
+ # If we're about to pop off the same block, we can skip deleting
+ # things from the frontier this iteration since we'll get it
+ # on the next iteration
+ return if @queue.peek && (block <=> @queue.peek) == 1
+ if block.starts_at != block.ends_at # A block of size 1 cannot engulf another
+ @queue.to_a.each { |b|
+ if b.starts_at >= block.starts_at && b.ends_at <= block.ends_at
+ b.delete
+ true
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/priority_queue.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/priority_queue.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1abda2a444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/priority_queue.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Holds elements in a priority heap on insert
+ #
+ # Instead of constantly calling `sort!`, put
+ # the element where it belongs the first time
+ # around
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # queue = PriorityQueue.new
+ # queue << 33
+ # queue << 44
+ # queue << 1
+ #
+ # puts queue.peek # => 44
+ #
+ class PriorityQueue
+ attr_reader :elements
+ def initialize
+ @elements = []
+ end
+ def <<(element)
+ @elements << element
+ bubble_up(last_index, element)
+ end
+ def pop
+ exchange(0, last_index)
+ max = @elements.pop
+ bubble_down(0)
+ max
+ end
+ def length
+ @elements.length
+ end
+ def empty?
+ @elements.empty?
+ end
+ def peek
+ @elements.first
+ end
+ def to_a
+ @elements
+ end
+ # Used for testing, extremely not performant
+ def sorted
+ out = []
+ elements = @elements.dup
+ while (element = pop)
+ out << element
+ end
+ @elements = elements
+ out.reverse
+ end
+ private def last_index
+ @elements.size - 1
+ end
+ private def bubble_up(index, element)
+ return if index <= 0
+ parent_index = (index - 1) / 2
+ parent = @elements[parent_index]
+ return if (parent <=> element) >= 0
+ exchange(index, parent_index)
+ bubble_up(parent_index, element)
+ end
+ private def bubble_down(index)
+ child_index = (index * 2) + 1
+ return if child_index > last_index
+ not_the_last_element = child_index < last_index
+ left_element = @elements[child_index]
+ right_element = @elements[child_index + 1]
+ child_index += 1 if not_the_last_element && (right_element <=> left_element) == 1
+ return if (@elements[index] <=> @elements[child_index]) >= 0
+ exchange(index, child_index)
+ bubble_down(child_index)
+ end
+ def exchange(source, target)
+ a = @elements[source]
+ b = @elements[target]
+ @elements[source] = b
+ @elements[target] = a
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/ripper_errors.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/ripper_errors.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48eb206e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/ripper_errors.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Capture parse errors from ripper
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # puts RipperErrors.new(" def foo").call.errors
+ # # => ["syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting ';' or '\\n'"]
+ class RipperErrors < Ripper
+ attr_reader :errors
+ # Comes from ripper, called
+ # on every parse error, msg
+ # is a string
+ def on_parse_error(msg)
+ @errors ||= []
+ @errors << msg
+ end
+ alias_method :on_alias_error, :on_parse_error
+ alias_method :on_assign_error, :on_parse_error
+ alias_method :on_class_name_error, :on_parse_error
+ alias_method :on_param_error, :on_parse_error
+ alias_method :compile_error, :on_parse_error
+ def call
+ @run_once ||= begin
+ @errors = []
+ parse
+ true
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/syntax_suggest.gemspec b/lib/syntax_suggest/syntax_suggest.gemspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acf9be7710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/syntax_suggest.gemspec
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+ require_relative "lib/syntax_suggest/version"
+rescue LoadError # Fallback to load version file in ruby core repository
+ require_relative "version"
+Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
+ spec.name = "syntax_suggest"
+ spec.version = SyntaxSuggest::VERSION
+ spec.authors = ["schneems"]
+ spec.email = ["richard.schneeman+foo@gmail.com"]
+ spec.summary = "Find syntax errors in your source in a snap"
+ spec.description = 'When you get an "unexpected end" in your syntax this gem helps you find it'
+ spec.homepage = "https://github.com/zombocom/syntax_suggest.git"
+ spec.license = "MIT"
+ spec.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 2.5.0")
+ spec.metadata["homepage_uri"] = spec.homepage
+ spec.metadata["source_code_uri"] = "https://github.com/zombocom/syntax_suggest.git"
+ # Specify which files should be added to the gem when it is released.
+ # The `git ls-files -z` loads the files in the RubyGem that have been added into git.
+ spec.files = Dir.chdir(File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)) do
+ `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject { |f| f.match(%r{^(test|spec|features|assets)/}) }
+ end
+ spec.bindir = "exe"
+ spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^exe/}) { |f| File.basename(f) }
+ spec.require_paths = ["lib"]
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/unvisited_lines.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/unvisited_lines.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32808db634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/unvisited_lines.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Tracks which lines various code blocks have expanded to
+ # and which are still unexplored
+ class UnvisitedLines
+ def initialize(code_lines:)
+ @unvisited = code_lines.sort_by(&:indent_index)
+ @visited_lines = {}
+ @visited_lines.compare_by_identity
+ end
+ def empty?
+ @unvisited.empty?
+ end
+ def peek
+ @unvisited.last
+ end
+ def pop
+ @unvisited.pop
+ end
+ def visit_block(block)
+ block.lines.each do |line|
+ next if @visited_lines[line]
+ @visited_lines[line] = true
+ end
+ while @visited_lines[@unvisited.last]
+ @unvisited.pop
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/version.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5176dcf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ VERSION = "0.0.1"