diff options
authorTakashi Kokubun <takashikkbn@gmail.com>2022-12-11 21:16:33 -0800
committerTakashi Kokubun <takashikkbn@gmail.com>2023-03-05 22:11:20 -0800
commit9c2f61201786d13c08d25aafe6f150dd50819145 (patch)
parent40ffc1e0f424156ef6eb7687cd620994007895f2 (diff)
Prepare for compiling an ISEQ
3 files changed, 11 insertions, 972 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ruby_vm/mjit/compiler.rb b/lib/ruby_vm/mjit/compiler.rb
index a9f2aeda8d..7aea23595c 100644
--- a/lib/ruby_vm/mjit/compiler.rb
+++ b/lib/ruby_vm/mjit/compiler.rb
@@ -1,952 +1,10 @@
-# Available variables and macros in JIT-ed function:
-# ec: the first argument of _mjitXXX
-# reg_cfp: the second argument of _mjitXXX
-# GET_CFP(): refers to `reg_cfp`
-# GET_EP(): refers to `reg_cfp->ep`
-# GET_SP(): refers to `reg_cfp->sp`, or `(stack + stack_size)` if local_stack_p
-# GET_SELF(): refers to `cfp_self`
-# GET_LEP(): refers to `VM_EP_LEP(reg_cfp->ep)`
-# EXEC_EC_CFP(): refers to `val = vm_exec(ec, true)` with frame setup
-# CALL_METHOD(): using `GET_CFP()` and `EXEC_EC_CFP()`
-# TOPN(): refers to `reg_cfp->sp`, or `*(stack + (stack_size - num - 1))` if local_stack_p
-# STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(): refers to `reg_cfp->sp`, or `stack + (stack_size - num)` if local_stack_p
-# DISPATCH_ORIGINAL_INSN(): expanded in _mjit_compile_insn.erb
-# THROW_EXCEPTION(): specially defined for JIT
-# RESTORE_REGS(): specially defined for `leave`
-class RubyVM::MJIT::Compiler # :nodoc: all
- C = RubyVM::MJIT.const_get(:C, false)
+class RubyVM::MJIT::Compiler
INSNS = RubyVM::MJIT.const_get(:INSNS, false)
- :defineclass, # low priority
- ]
def initialize = freeze
# @param iseq [RubyVM::MJIT::CPointer::Struct]
- # @param funcname [String]
- # @param id [Integer]
- # @return [String,NilClass]
- def compile(iseq, funcname, id)
- status = C.compile_status.new # not freed for now
- status.compiled_iseq = iseq.body
- status.compiled_id = id
- init_compile_status(status, iseq.body, true) # not freed for now
- if iseq.body.ci_size > 0 && status.cc_entries_index == -1
- return nil
- end
- src = +''
- if !status.compile_info.disable_send_cache && !status.compile_info.disable_inlining
- unless precompile_inlinable_iseqs(src, iseq, status)
- return nil
- end
- end
- src << "VALUE\n#{funcname}(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp)\n{\n"
- success = compile_body(src, iseq, status)
- src << "\n} // end of #{funcname}\n"
- return success ? src : nil
- rescue Exception => e # should we use rb_rescue in C instead?
- if C.mjit_opts.warnings || C.mjit_opts.verbose > 0
- $stderr.puts "MJIT error: #{e.full_message}"
- end
- return nil
- end
- private
- def compile_body(src, iseq, status)
- status.success = true
- status.local_stack_p = !iseq.body.catch_except_p
- if status.local_stack_p
- src << " VALUE stack[#{iseq.body.stack_max}];\n"
- else
- src << " VALUE *stack = reg_cfp->sp;\n"
- end
- unless status.inlined_iseqs.nil? # i.e. compile root
- src << " static const rb_iseq_t *original_iseq = (const rb_iseq_t *)#{iseq};\n"
- end
- src << " static const VALUE *const original_body_iseq = (VALUE *)#{iseq.body.iseq_encoded};\n"
- src << " VALUE cfp_self = reg_cfp->self;\n" # cache self across the method
- src << "#undef GET_SELF\n"
- src << "#define GET_SELF() cfp_self\n"
- # Simulate `opt_pc` in setup_parameters_complex. Other PCs which may be passed by catch tables
- # are not considered since vm_exec doesn't call jit_exec for catch tables.
- if iseq.body.param.flags.has_opt
- src << "\n"
- src << " switch (reg_cfp->pc - ISEQ_BODY(reg_cfp->iseq)->iseq_encoded) {\n"
- (0..iseq.body.param.opt_num).each do |i|
- pc_offset = iseq.body.param.opt_table[i]
- src << " case #{pc_offset}:\n"
- src << " goto label_#{pc_offset};\n"
- end
- src << " }\n"
- end
- # Generate merged ivar guards first if needed
- if !status.compile_info.disable_ivar_cache && using_ivar?(iseq.body)
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(!RB_TYPE_P(GET_SELF(), T_OBJECT))) {"
- src << " goto ivar_cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- end
- compile_insns(0, 0, status, iseq.body, src)
- compile_cancel_handler(src, iseq.body, status)
- src << "#undef GET_SELF\n"
- return status.success
- end
- # Compile one conditional branch. If it has branchXXX insn, this should be
- # called multiple times for each branch.
- def compile_insns(stack_size, pos, status, body, src)
- branch = C.compile_branch.new # not freed for now
- branch.stack_size = stack_size
- branch.finish_p = false
- while pos < body.iseq_size && !already_compiled?(status, pos) && !branch.finish_p
- insn = INSNS.fetch(C.rb_vm_insn_decode(body.iseq_encoded[pos]))
- status.stack_size_for_pos[pos] = branch.stack_size
- src << "\nlabel_#{pos}: /* #{insn.name} */\n"
- pos = compile_insn(insn, pos, status, body.iseq_encoded + (pos+1), body, branch, src)
- if status.success && branch.stack_size > body.stack_max
- if mjit_opts.warnings || mjit_opts.verbose > 0
- $stderr.puts "MJIT warning: JIT stack size (#{branch.stack_size}) exceeded its max size (#{body.stack_max})"
- end
- status.success = false
- end
- break unless status.success
- end
- end
- # Main function of JIT compilation, vm_exec_core counterpart for JIT. Compile one insn to `f`, may modify
- # b->stack_size and return next position.
- #
- # When you add a new instruction to insns.def, it would be nice to have JIT compilation support here but
- # it's optional. This JIT compiler just ignores ISeq which includes unknown instruction, and ISeq which
- # does not have it can be compiled as usual.
- def compile_insn(insn, pos, status, operands, body, b, src)
- sp_inc = C.mjit_call_attribute_sp_inc(insn.bin, operands)
- next_pos = pos + insn.len
- result = compile_insn_entry(insn, b.stack_size, sp_inc, status.local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, insn.len,
- status.inlined_iseqs.nil?, status, operands, body)
- if result.nil?
- if C.mjit_opts.warnings || C.mjit_opts.verbose > 0
- $stderr.puts "MJIT warning: Skipped to compile unsupported instruction: #{insn.name}"
- end
- status.success = false
- else
- result_src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns_p = result
- src << result_src
- b.stack_size += sp_inc
- if finish_p
- b.finish_p = true
- end
- if compile_insns_p
- if already_compiled?(status, pos + insn.len)
- src << "goto label_#{pos + insn.len};\n"
- else
- compile_insns(b.stack_size, pos + insn.len, status, body, src)
- end
- end
- end
- # If next_pos is already compiled and this branch is not finished yet,
- # next instruction won't be compiled in C code next and will need `goto`.
- if !b.finish_p && next_pos < body.iseq_size && already_compiled?(status, next_pos)
- src << "goto label_#{next_pos};\n"
- # Verify stack size assumption is the same among multiple branches
- if status.stack_size_for_pos[next_pos] != b.stack_size
- if mjit_opts.warnings || mjit_opts.verbose > 0
- $stderr.puts "MJIT warning: JIT stack assumption is not the same between branches (#{status.stack_size_for_pos[next_pos]} != #{b.stack_size})\n"
- end
- status.success = false
- end
- end
- return next_pos
- end
- def compile_insn_entry(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, insn_len, inlined_iseq_p, status, operands, body)
- finish_p = false
- compile_insns = false
- # TODO: define this outside this method, or at least cache it
- opt_send_without_block = INSNS.values.find { |i| i.name == :opt_send_without_block }
- if opt_send_without_block.nil?
- raise 'opt_send_without_block not found'
- end
- send_compatible_opt_insns = INSNS.values.select do |insn|
- insn.name.start_with?('opt_') && opt_send_without_block.opes == insn.opes &&
- insn.expr.lines.any? { |l| l.match(/\A\s+CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD\(\);\s+\z/) }
- end.map(&:name)
- case insn.name
- return nil
- when :opt_send_without_block, :send
- if src = compile_send(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, status, operands, body)
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- when *send_compatible_opt_insns
- if C.has_cache_for_send(captured_cc_entries(status)[call_data_index(C.CALL_DATA.new(operands[0]), body)], insn.bin) &&
- src = compile_send(opt_send_without_block, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, status, operands, body)
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- when :getinstancevariable, :setinstancevariable
- if src = compile_ivar(insn.name, stack_size, pos, status, operands, body)
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- when :opt_getconstant_path
- if src = compile_getconstant_path(stack_size, pos, insn_len, operands, status)
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- when :invokebuiltin, :opt_invokebuiltin_delegate, :opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave
- if src = compile_invokebuiltin(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, body, operands)
- if insn.name == :opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave
- src << compile_leave(stack_size, pos, inlined_iseq_p)
- finish_p = true
- end
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- when :leave
- if stack_size != 1
- raise "Unexpected JIT stack_size on leave: #{stack_size}"
- end
- src = compile_leave(stack_size, pos, inlined_iseq_p)
- finish_p = true
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- return compile_insn_default(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, insn_len, inlined_iseq_p, operands)
- end
- # Optimized case of send / opt_send_without_block instructions.
- def compile_send(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, status, operands, body)
- # compiler: Use captured cc to avoid race condition
- cd = C.CALL_DATA.new(operands[0])
- cd_index = call_data_index(cd, body)
- captured_cc = captured_cc_entries(status)[cd_index]
- # compiler: Inline send insn where some supported fastpath is used.
- ci = cd.ci
- kw_splat = (C.vm_ci_flag(ci) & C.VM_CALL_KW_SPLAT) > 0
- if !status.compile_info.disable_send_cache && has_valid_method_type?(captured_cc) && (
- # `CC_SET_FASTPATH(cd->cc, vm_call_cfunc_with_frame, ...)` in `vm_call_cfunc`
- (vm_cc_cme(captured_cc).def.type == C.VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC && !C.rb_splat_or_kwargs_p(ci) && !kw_splat) ||
- # `CC_SET_FASTPATH(cc, vm_call_iseq_setup_func(...), vm_call_iseq_optimizable_p(...))` in `vm_callee_setup_arg`,
- # and support only non-VM_CALL_TAILCALL path inside it
- (vm_cc_cme(captured_cc).def.type == C.VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ &&
- C.fastpath_applied_iseq_p(ci, captured_cc, iseq = def_iseq_ptr(vm_cc_cme(captured_cc).def)) &&
- (C.vm_ci_flag(ci) & C.VM_CALL_TAILCALL) == 0)
- )
- src = +"{\n"
- # JIT: Invalidate call cache if it requires vm_search_method. This allows to inline some of following things.
- src << " const struct rb_callcache *cc = (struct rb_callcache *)#{captured_cc};\n"
- src << " const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cc_cme = (rb_callable_method_entry_t *)#{vm_cc_cme(captured_cc)};\n"
- src << " const VALUE recv = stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - 1}];\n"
- # If opt_class_of is true, use RBASIC_CLASS instead of CLASS_OF to reduce code size
- opt_class_of = !maybe_special_const?(captured_cc.klass)
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(#{opt_class_of ? 'RB_SPECIAL_CONST_P(recv)' : 'false'} || !vm_cc_valid_p(cc, cc_cme, #{opt_class_of ? 'RBASIC_CLASS' : 'CLASS_OF'}(recv)))) {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{pos};\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- src << " goto send_cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- # JIT: move sp and pc if necessary
- pc_moved_p = compile_pc_and_sp(src, insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, next_pos)
- # JIT: If ISeq is inlinable, call the inlined method without pushing a frame.
- if iseq && status.inlined_iseqs && iseq.body.to_i == status.inlined_iseqs[pos]&.to_i
- src << " {\n"
- src << " VALUE orig_self = reg_cfp->self;\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->self = stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - 1}];\n"
- src << " stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - 1}] = _mjit#{status.compiled_id}_inlined_#{pos}(ec, reg_cfp, orig_self, original_iseq);\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->self = orig_self;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- else
- # JIT: Forked `vm_sendish` (except method_explorer = vm_search_method_wrap) to inline various things
- src << " {\n"
- src << " VALUE val;\n"
- src << " struct rb_calling_info calling;\n"
- if insn.name == :send
- src << " calling.block_handler = vm_caller_setup_arg_block(ec, reg_cfp, (const struct rb_callinfo *)#{ci}, (rb_iseq_t *)0x#{operands[1].to_s(16)}, FALSE);\n"
- else
- src << " calling.block_handler = VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE;\n"
- end
- src << " calling.kw_splat = #{kw_splat ? 1 : 0};\n"
- src << " calling.recv = stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - 1}];\n"
- src << " calling.argc = #{C.vm_ci_argc(ci)};\n"
- if vm_cc_cme(captured_cc).def.type == C.VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC
- # TODO: optimize this more
- src << " calling.ci = (const struct rb_callinfo *)#{ci};\n" # creating local cd here because operand's cd->cc may not be the same as inlined cc.
- src << " calling.cc = cc;"
- src << " val = vm_call_cfunc_with_frame(ec, reg_cfp, &calling);\n"
- else # :iseq
- # fastpath_applied_iseq_p checks rb_simple_iseq_p, which ensures has_opt == FALSE
- src << " vm_call_iseq_setup_normal(ec, reg_cfp, &calling, cc_cme, 0, #{iseq.body.param.size}, #{iseq.body.local_table_size});\n"
- if iseq.body.catch_except_p
- src << " VM_ENV_FLAGS_SET(ec->cfp->ep, VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH);\n"
- src << " val = vm_exec(ec, true);\n"
- else
- src << " if ((val = jit_exec(ec)) == Qundef) {\n"
- src << " VM_ENV_FLAGS_SET(ec->cfp->ep, VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH);\n" # This is vm_call0_body's code after vm_call_iseq_setup
- src << " val = vm_exec(ec, false);\n"
- src << " }\n"
- end
- end
- src << " stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - 1}] = val;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- # JIT: We should evaluate ISeq modified for TracePoint if it's enabled. Note: This is slow.
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(!mjit_call_p)) {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size + sp_inc};\n"
- if !pc_moved_p
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{next_pos};\n"
- end
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- end
- src << "}\n"
- return src
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- def compile_ivar(insn_name, stack_size, pos, status, operands, body)
- iv_cache = C.iseq_inline_storage_entry.new(operands[1]).iv_cache
- dest_shape_id = iv_cache.value >> C.SHAPE_FLAG_SHIFT
- source_shape_id = parent_shape_id(dest_shape_id)
- attr_index = iv_cache.value & ((1 << C.SHAPE_FLAG_SHIFT) - 1)
- src = +''
- if !status.compile_info.disable_ivar_cache && source_shape_id != C.INVALID_SHAPE_ID
- # JIT: optimize away motion of sp and pc. This path does not call rb_warning() and so it's always leaf and not `handles_sp`.
- # compile_pc_and_sp(src, insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, next_pos)
- # JIT: prepare vm_getivar/vm_setivar arguments and variables
- src << "{\n"
- src << " VALUE obj = GET_SELF();\n" # T_OBJECT guaranteed by compile_body
- # JIT: cache hit path of vm_getivar/vm_setivar, or cancel JIT (recompile it with exivar)
- if insn_name == :setinstancevariable
- src << " const uint32_t index = #{attr_index - 1};\n"
- src << " const shape_id_t dest_shape_id = (shape_id_t)#{dest_shape_id};\n"
- src << " if (dest_shape_id == ROBJECT_SHAPE_ID(obj)) {\n"
- src << " VALUE *ptr = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj);\n"
- src << " RB_OBJ_WRITE(obj, &ptr[index], stack[#{stack_size - 1}]);\n"
- src << " }\n"
- else
- src << " const shape_id_t source_shape_id = (shape_id_t)#{dest_shape_id};\n"
- if attr_index == 0 # cache hit, but uninitialized iv
- src << " /* Uninitialized instance variable */\n"
- src << " if (source_shape_id == ROBJECT_SHAPE_ID(obj)) {\n"
- src << " stack[#{stack_size}] = Qnil;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- else
- src << " const uint32_t index = #{attr_index - 1};\n"
- src << " if (source_shape_id == ROBJECT_SHAPE_ID(obj)) {\n"
- src << " stack[#{stack_size}] = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj)[index];\n"
- src << " }\n"
- end
- end
- src << " else {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{pos};\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- src << " goto ivar_cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- src << "}\n"
- return src
- elsif insn_name == :getinstancevariable && !status.compile_info.disable_exivar_cache && source_shape_id != C.INVALID_SHAPE_ID
- # JIT: optimize away motion of sp and pc. This path does not call rb_warning() and so it's always leaf and not `handles_sp`.
- # compile_pc_and_sp(src, insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, next_pos)
- # JIT: prepare vm_getivar's arguments and variables
- src << "{\n"
- src << " VALUE obj = GET_SELF();\n"
- src << " const shape_id_t source_shape_id = (shape_id_t)#{dest_shape_id};\n"
- src << " const uint32_t index = #{attr_index - 1};\n"
- # JIT: cache hit path of vm_getivar, or cancel JIT (recompile it without any ivar optimization)
- src << " struct gen_ivtbl *ivtbl;\n"
- src << " if (LIKELY(FL_TEST_RAW(GET_SELF(), FL_EXIVAR) && source_shape_id == rb_shape_get_shape_id(obj) && rb_ivar_generic_ivtbl_lookup(obj, &ivtbl))) {\n"
- src << " stack[#{stack_size}] = ivtbl->ivptr[index];\n"
- src << " }\n"
- src << " else {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{pos};\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- src << " goto exivar_cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- src << "}\n"
- return src
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- def compile_invokebuiltin(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, body, operands)
- bf = C.RB_BUILTIN.new(operands[0])
- if bf.compiler > 0
- index = (insn.name == :invokebuiltin ? -1 : operands[1])
- src = +"{\n"
- src << " VALUE val;\n"
- C.builtin_compiler(src, bf, index, stack_size, body.builtin_inline_p)
- src << " stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - 1}] = val;\n"
- src << "}\n"
- return src
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- def compile_leave(stack_size, pos, inlined_iseq_p)
- src = +''
- # Skip vm_pop_frame for inlined call
- unless inlined_iseq_p
- # Cancel on interrupts to make leave insn leaf
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED_ANY(ec))) {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{pos};\n"
- src << " rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts(rb_ec_thread_ptr(ec), 0);\n"
- src << " }\n"
- src << " ec->cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(reg_cfp);\n" # vm_pop_frame
- end
- src << " return stack[0];\n"
- end
- def compile_getconstant_path(stack_size, pos, insn_len, operands, status)
- ice = C.IC.new(operands[0]).entry
- if !status.compile_info.disable_const_cache && ice
- # JIT: Inline everything in IC, and cancel the slow path
- src = +" if (vm_inlined_ic_hit_p(#{ice.flags}, #{ice.value}, (const rb_cref_t *)#{to_addr(ice.ic_cref)}, reg_cfp->ep)) {\n"
- src << " stack[#{stack_size}] = #{ice.value};\n"
- src << " }\n"
- src << " else {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{pos};\n"
- src << " goto const_cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- return src
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- def compile_insn_default(insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, pos, next_pos, insn_len, inlined_iseq_p, operands)
- src = +''
- finish_p = false
- compile_insns = false
- # JIT: Declare stack_size to be used in some macro of _mjit_compile_insn_body.erb
- src << "{\n"
- if local_stack_p
- src << " MAYBE_UNUSED(unsigned int) stack_size = #{stack_size};\n"
- end
- # JIT: Declare variables for operands, popped values and return values
- insn.declarations.each do |decl|
- src << " #{decl};\n"
- end
- # JIT: Set const expressions for `RubyVM::OperandsUnifications` insn
- insn.preamble.each do |amble|
- src << "#{amble.sub(/const \S+\s+/, '')}\n"
- end
- # JIT: Initialize operands
- insn.opes.each_with_index do |ope, i|
- src << " #{ope.fetch(:name)} = (#{ope.fetch(:type)})#{operands[i]};\n"
- # TODO: resurrect comment_id
- end
- # JIT: Initialize popped values
- insn.pops.reverse_each.with_index.reverse_each do |pop, i|
- src << " #{pop.fetch(:name)} = stack[#{stack_size - (i + 1)}];\n"
- end
- # JIT: move sp and pc if necessary
- pc_moved_p = compile_pc_and_sp(src, insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, next_pos)
- # JIT: Print insn body in insns.def
- next_pos = compile_insn_body(src, insn, pos, next_pos, insn_len, local_stack_p, stack_size, sp_inc, operands)
- # JIT: Set return values
- insn.rets.reverse_each.with_index do |ret, i|
- # TOPN(n) = ...
- src << " stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - (i + 1)}] = #{ret.fetch(:name)};\n"
- end
- # JIT: We should evaluate ISeq modified for TracePoint if it's enabled. Note: This is slow.
- # leaf insn may not cancel JIT. leaf_without_check_ints is covered in RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS of _mjit_compile_insn_body.erb.
- unless insn.always_leaf? || insn.leaf_without_check_ints?
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(!mjit_call_p)) {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size + sp_inc};\n"
- if !pc_moved_p
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{next_pos};\n"
- end
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- end
- src << "}\n"
- # compiler: If insn has conditional JUMP, the code should go to the branch not targeted by JUMP next.
- if insn.expr.match?(/if\s+\([^{}]+\)\s+\{[^{}]+JUMP\([^)]+\);[^{}]+\}/)
- compile_insns = true
- end
- # compiler: If insn returns (leave) or does longjmp (throw), the branch should no longer be compiled. TODO: create attr for it?
- if insn.expr.match?(/\sTHROW_EXCEPTION\([^)]+\);/) || insn.expr.match?(/\bvm_pop_frame\(/)
- finish_p = true
- end
- return src, next_pos, finish_p, compile_insns
- end
- def compile_insn_body(src, insn, pos, next_pos, insn_len, local_stack_p, stack_size, sp_inc, operands)
- # Print a body of insn, but with macro expansion.
- expand_simple_macros(insn.expr).each_line do |line|
- # Expand dynamic macro here
- # TODO: support combination of following macros in the same line
- case line
- when /\A\s+RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS\(ec\);\s+\z/
- if insn.leaf_without_check_ints? # lazily move PC and optionalize mjit_call_p here
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED_ANY(ec))) {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{next_pos};\n" # ADD_PC(INSN_ATTR(width));
- src << " rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts(rb_ec_thread_ptr(ec), 0);\n"
- src << " if (UNLIKELY(!mjit_call_p)) {\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << " }\n"
- src << " }\n"
- else
- src << to_cstr(line)
- end
- when /\A\s+JUMP\((?<dest>[^)]+)\);\s+\z/
- dest = Regexp.last_match[:dest]
- if insn.name == :opt_case_dispatch # special case... TODO: use another macro to avoid checking name
- hash_offsets = C.rb_hash_values(operands[0]).uniq
- else_offset = cast_offset(operands[1])
- base_pos = pos + insn_len
- src << " switch (#{dest}) {\n"
- hash_offsets.each do |offset|
- src << " case #{offset}:\n"
- src << " goto label_#{base_pos + offset};\n"
- end
- src << " case #{else_offset}:\n"
- src << " goto label_#{base_pos + else_offset};\n"
- src << " }\n"
- else
- # Before we `goto` next insn, we need to set return values, especially for getinlinecache
- insn.rets.reverse_each.with_index do |ret, i|
- # TOPN(n) = ...
- src << " stack[#{stack_size + sp_inc - (i + 1)}] = #{ret.fetch(:name)};\n"
- end
- next_pos = pos + insn_len + cast_offset(operands[0]) # workaround: assuming dest == operands[0]. TODO: avoid relying on it
- src << " goto label_#{next_pos};\n"
- end
- when /\A\s+CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD\(\);\s+\z/
- # For `opt_xxx`'s fallbacks.
- if local_stack_p
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- end
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{pos};\n"
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- when /\A(?<prefix>.+\b)INSN_LABEL\((?<name>[^)]+)\)(?<suffix>.+)\z/m
- prefix, name, suffix = Regexp.last_match[:prefix], Regexp.last_match[:name], Regexp.last_match[:suffix]
- src << "#{prefix}INSN_LABEL(#{name}_#{pos})#{suffix}"
- else
- if insn.handles_sp?
- # If insn.handles_sp? is true, cfp->sp might be changed inside insns (like vm_caller_setup_arg_block)
- # and thus we need to use cfp->sp, even when local_stack_p is TRUE. When insn.handles_sp? is true,
- # cfp->sp should be available too because _mjit_compile_pc_and_sp.erb sets it.
- src << to_cstr(line)
- else
- # If local_stack_p is TRUE and insn.handles_sp? is false, stack values are only available in local variables
- # for stack. So we need to replace those macros if local_stack_p is TRUE here.
- case line
- when /\bGET_SP\(\)/
- # reg_cfp->sp
- src << to_cstr(line.sub(/\bGET_SP\(\)/, local_stack_p ? '(stack + stack_size)' : 'GET_SP()'))
- when /\bSTACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP\((?<num>[^)]+)\)/
- # #define STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(n) (GET_SP()-(n))
- num = Regexp.last_match[:num]
- src << to_cstr(line.sub(/\bSTACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP\(([^)]+)\)/, local_stack_p ? "(stack + (stack_size - (#{num})))" : "STACK_ADDR_FROM_TOP(#{num})"))
- when /\bTOPN\((?<num>[^)]+)\)/
- # #define TOPN(n) (*(GET_SP()-(n)-1))
- num = Regexp.last_match[:num]
- src << to_cstr(line.sub(/\bTOPN\(([^)]+)\)/, local_stack_p ? "*(stack + (stack_size - (#{num}) - 1))" : "TOPN(#{num})"))
- else
- src << to_cstr(line)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return next_pos
- end
- def compile_pc_and_sp(src, insn, stack_size, sp_inc, local_stack_p, next_pos)
- # JIT: When an insn is leaf, we don't need to Move pc for a catch table on catch_except_p, #caller_locations,
- # and rb_profile_frames. For check_ints, we lazily move PC when we have interruptions.
- pc_moved_p = false
- unless insn.always_leaf? || insn.leaf_without_check_ints?
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + #{next_pos};\n" # ADD_PC(INSN_ATTR(width));
- pc_moved_p = true
- end
- # JIT: move sp to use or preserve stack variables
- if local_stack_p
- # sp motion is optimized away for `handles_sp? #=> false` case.
- # Thus sp should be set properly before `goto cancel`.
- if insn.handles_sp?
- # JIT-only behavior (pushing JIT's local variables to VM's stack):
- push_size = -sp_inc + insn.rets.size - insn.pops.size
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{push_size};\n"
- push_size.times do |i|
- src << " *(reg_cfp->sp + #{i - push_size}) = stack[#{stack_size - push_size + i}];\n"
- end
- end
- else
- if insn.handles_sp?
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size - insn.pops.size};\n" # POPN(INSN_ATTR(popn));
- else
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{stack_size};\n"
- end
- end
- return pc_moved_p
- end
- # Print the block to cancel inlined method call. It's supporting only `opt_send_without_block` for now.
- def compile_inlined_cancel_handler(src, body, inline_context)
- src << "\ncancel:\n"
- src << " rb_mjit_recompile_inlining(original_iseq);\n"
- # Swap pc/sp set on cancel with original pc/sp.
- src << " const VALUE *current_pc = reg_cfp->pc;\n"
- src << " VALUE *current_sp = reg_cfp->sp;\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = orig_pc;\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = orig_sp;\n\n"
- # Lazily push the current call frame.
- src << " struct rb_calling_info calling;\n"
- src << " calling.block_handler = VM_BLOCK_HANDLER_NONE;\n" # assumes `opt_send_without_block`
- src << " calling.argc = #{inline_context.orig_argc};\n"
- src << " calling.recv = reg_cfp->self;\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->self = orig_self;\n"
- # fastpath_applied_iseq_p checks rb_simple_iseq_p, which ensures has_opt == FALSE
- src << " vm_call_iseq_setup_normal(ec, reg_cfp, &calling, (const rb_callable_method_entry_t *)#{inline_context.me}, 0, #{inline_context.param_size}, #{inline_context.local_size});\n\n"
- # Start usual cancel from here.
- src << " reg_cfp = ec->cfp;\n" # work on the new frame
- src << " reg_cfp->pc = current_pc;\n"
- src << " reg_cfp->sp = current_sp;\n"
- (0...body.stack_max).each do |i| # should be always `status->local_stack_p`
- src << " *(vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{i}) = stack[#{i}];\n"
- end
- # We're not just returning Qundef here so that caller's normal cancel handler can
- # push back `stack` to `cfp->sp`.
- src << " return vm_exec(ec, false);\n"
- end
- # Print the block to cancel JIT execution.
- def compile_cancel_handler(src, body, status)
- if status.inlined_iseqs.nil? # the current ISeq is being inlined
- compile_inlined_cancel_handler(src, body, status.inline_context)
- return
- end
- src << "\nsend_cancel:\n"
- src << " rb_mjit_recompile_send(original_iseq);\n"
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << "\nivar_cancel:\n"
- src << " rb_mjit_recompile_ivar(original_iseq);\n"
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << "\nexivar_cancel:\n"
- src << " rb_mjit_recompile_exivar(original_iseq);\n"
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << "\nconst_cancel:\n"
- src << " rb_mjit_recompile_const(original_iseq);\n"
- src << " goto cancel;\n"
- src << "\ncancel:\n"
- if status.local_stack_p
- (0...body.stack_max).each do |i|
- src << " *(vm_base_ptr(reg_cfp) + #{i}) = stack[#{i}];\n"
- end
- end
- src << " return Qundef;\n"
- end
- def precompile_inlinable_child_iseq(src, child_iseq, status, ci, cc, pos)
- child_status = C.compile_status.new # not freed for now
- child_status.compiled_iseq = status.compiled_iseq
- child_status.compiled_id = status.compiled_id
- init_compile_status(child_status, child_iseq.body, false) # not freed for now
- child_status.inline_context.orig_argc = C.vm_ci_argc(ci)
- child_status.inline_context.me = vm_cc_cme(cc).to_i
- child_status.inline_context.param_size = child_iseq.body.param.size
- child_status.inline_context.local_size = child_iseq.body.local_table_size
- if child_iseq.body.ci_size > 0 && child_status.cc_entries_index == -1
- return false
- end
- src << "ALWAYS_INLINE(static VALUE _mjit#{status.compiled_id}_inlined_#{pos}(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp, const VALUE orig_self, const rb_iseq_t *original_iseq));\n"
- src << "static inline VALUE\n_mjit#{status.compiled_id}_inlined_#{pos}(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_control_frame_t *reg_cfp, const VALUE orig_self, const rb_iseq_t *original_iseq)\n{\n"
- src << " const VALUE *orig_pc = reg_cfp->pc;\n"
- src << " VALUE *orig_sp = reg_cfp->sp;\n"
- success = compile_body(src, child_iseq, child_status)
- src << "\n} /* end of _mjit#{status.compiled_id}_inlined_#{pos} */\n\n"
- return success;
- end
- def precompile_inlinable_iseqs(src, iseq, status)
- body = iseq.body
- pos = 0
- while pos < body.iseq_size
- insn = INSNS.fetch(C.rb_vm_insn_decode(body.iseq_encoded[pos]))
- if insn.name == :opt_send_without_block || insn.name == :opt_size # `compile_inlined_cancel_handler` supports only `opt_send_without_block`
- cd = C.CALL_DATA.new(body.iseq_encoded[pos + 1])
- ci = cd.ci
- cc = captured_cc_entries(status)[call_data_index(cd, body)] # use copy to avoid race condition
- if (child_iseq = rb_mjit_inlinable_iseq(ci, cc)) != nil
- status.inlined_iseqs[pos] = child_iseq.body
- if C.mjit_opts.verbose >= 1 # print beforehand because ISeq may be GCed during copy job.
- child_location = child_iseq.body.location
- $stderr.puts "JIT inline: #{child_location.label}@#{C.rb_iseq_path(child_iseq)}:#{C.rb_iseq_first_lineno(child_iseq)} " \
- "=> #{iseq.body.location.label}@#{C.rb_iseq_path(iseq)}:#{C.rb_iseq_first_lineno(iseq)}"
- end
- if !precompile_inlinable_child_iseq(src, child_iseq, status, ci, cc, pos)
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- pos += insn.len
- end
- return true
- end
- def init_compile_status(status, body, compile_root_p)
- status.stack_size_for_pos = Fiddle.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT * body.iseq_size)
- body.iseq_size.times do |i|
- status.stack_size_for_pos[i] = C.NOT_COMPILED_STACK_SIZE
- end
- if compile_root_p
- status.inlined_iseqs = Fiddle.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP * body.iseq_size)
- body.iseq_size.times do |i|
- status.inlined_iseqs[i] = nil
- end
- end
- if body.ci_size > 0
- status.cc_entries_index = C.mjit_capture_cc_entries(status.compiled_iseq, body)
- else
- status.cc_entries_index = -1
- end
- if compile_root_p
- status.compile_info = rb_mjit_iseq_compile_info(body)
- else
- status.compile_info = Fiddle.malloc(C.rb_mjit_compile_info.sizeof)
- status.compile_info.disable_ivar_cache = false
- status.compile_info.disable_exivar_cache = false
- status.compile_info.disable_send_cache = false
- status.compile_info.disable_inlining = false
- status.compile_info.disable_const_cache = false
- end
- end
- def using_ivar?(body)
- pos = 0
- while pos < body.iseq_size
- insn = INSNS.fetch(C.rb_vm_insn_decode(body.iseq_encoded[pos]))
- case insn.name
- when :getinstancevariable, :setinstancevariable
- return true
- end
- pos += insn.len
- end
- return false
- end
- # Expand simple macro that doesn't require dynamic C code.
- def expand_simple_macros(arg_expr)
- arg_expr.dup.tap do |expr|
- # For `leave`. We can't proceed next ISeq in the same JIT function.
- expr.gsub!(/^(?<indent>\s*)RESTORE_REGS\(\);\n/) do
- indent = Regexp.last_match[:indent]
- <<-end.gsub(/^ {12}/, '')
- #{indent}rb_ec_thread_ptr(ec)->retval = val;
- #{indent}return 0;
- #else
- #{indent}return val;
- #endif
- end
- end
- expr.gsub!(/^(?<indent>\s*)NEXT_INSN\(\);\n/) do
- indent = Regexp.last_match[:indent]
- <<-end.gsub(/^ {12}/, '')
- #{indent}UNREACHABLE_RETURN(Qundef);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def to_cstr(expr)
- expr.gsub(/^(?!#)/, ' ') # indent everything but preprocessor lines
- end
- # Interpret unsigned long as signed long (VALUE -> OFFSET)
- def cast_offset(offset)
- if offset >= 1 << 8 * Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP - 1 # negative
- offset -= 1 << 8 * Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP
- end
- offset
- end
- def captured_cc_entries(status)
- status.compiled_iseq.mjit_unit.cc_entries + status.cc_entries_index
- end
- def call_data_index(cd, body)
- cd - body.call_data
- end
- def vm_cc_cme(cc)
- # TODO: add VM_ASSERT like actual vm_cc_cme
- cc.cme_
- end
- def def_iseq_ptr(method_def)
- C.rb_iseq_check(method_def.body.iseq.iseqptr)
- end
- def rb_mjit_iseq_compile_info(body)
- body.mjit_unit.compile_info
- end
- def ISEQ_IS_SIZE(body)
- body.ic_size + body.ivc_size + body.ise_size + body.icvarc_size
- end
- # Return true if an object of the class may be a special const (immediate).
- # It's "maybe" because Integer and Float are not guaranteed to be an immediate.
- # If this returns false, rb_class_of could be optimzied to RBASIC_CLASS.
- def maybe_special_const?(klass)
- [
- C.rb_cFalseClass,
- C.rb_cNilClass,
- C.rb_cTrueClass,
- C.rb_cInteger,
- C.rb_cSymbol,
- C.rb_cFloat,
- ].include?(klass)
- end
- def has_valid_method_type?(cc)
- vm_cc_cme(cc) != nil
- end
- def already_compiled?(status, pos)
- status.stack_size_for_pos[pos] != C.NOT_COMPILED_STACK_SIZE
- end
- # Return an iseq pointer if cc has inlinable iseq.
- def rb_mjit_inlinable_iseq(ci, cc)
- if has_valid_method_type?(cc) &&
- C.vm_ci_flag(ci) & C.VM_CALL_TAILCALL == 0 && # inlining only non-tailcall path
- vm_cc_cme(cc).def.type == C.VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ &&
- C.fastpath_applied_iseq_p(ci, cc, iseq = def_iseq_ptr(vm_cc_cme(cc).def)) &&
- inlinable_iseq_p(iseq.body) # CC_SET_FASTPATH in vm_callee_setup_arg
- return iseq
- end
- return nil
- end
- # Return true if the ISeq can be inlined without pushing a new control frame.
- def inlinable_iseq_p(body)
- # 1) If catch_except_p, caller frame should be preserved when callee catches an exception.
- # Then we need to wrap `vm_exec()` but then we can't inline the call inside it.
- #
- # 2) If `body->catch_except_p` is false and `handles_sp?` of an insn is false,
- # sp is not moved as we assume `status->local_stack_p = !body->catch_except_p`.
- #
- # 3) If `body->catch_except_p` is false and `always_leaf?` of an insn is true,
- # pc is not moved.
- if body.catch_except_p
- return false
- end
- pos = 0
- while pos < body.iseq_size
- insn = INSNS.fetch(C.rb_vm_insn_decode(body.iseq_encoded[pos]))
- # All insns in the ISeq except `leave` (to be overridden in the inlined code)
- # should meet following strong assumptions:
- # * Do not require `cfp->sp` motion
- # * Do not move `cfp->pc`
- # * Do not read any `cfp->pc`
- if insn.name == :invokebuiltin || insn.name == :opt_invokebuiltin_delegate || insn.name == :opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave
- # builtin insn's inlinability is handled by `Primitive.attr! 'inline'` per iseq
- if !body.builtin_inline_p
- return false;
- end
- elsif insn.name != :leave && C.insn_may_depend_on_sp_or_pc(insn.bin, body.iseq_encoded + (pos + 1))
- return false
- end
- # At this moment, `cfp->ep` in an inlined method is not working.
- case insn.name
- when :getlocal,
- :getlocal_WC_0,
- :getlocal_WC_1,
- :setlocal,
- :setlocal_WC_0,
- :setlocal_WC_1,
- :getblockparam,
- :getblockparamproxy,
- :setblockparam
- return false
- end
- pos += insn.len
- end
- return true
- end
- # CPointer::Struct could be nil on field reference, and this is a helper to
- # handle that case while using CPointer::Struct#to_s in most cases.
- # @param struct [RubyVM::MJIT::CPointer::Struct]
- def to_addr(struct)
- struct&.to_s || 'NULL'
- end
- def parent_shape_id(shape_id)
- return shape_id if shape_id == C.INVALID_SHAPE_ID
- parent_id = C.rb_shape_get_shape_by_id(shape_id).parent_id
- parent = C.rb_shape_get_shape_by_id(parent_id)
- if parent.type == C.SHAPE_CAPACITY_CHANGE
- parent.parent_id
- else
- parent_id
- end
+ def compile(iseq)
+ # TODO: implement
diff --git a/mjit.c b/mjit.c
index ee3aa3fb5e..e2def203e7 100644
--- a/mjit.c
+++ b/mjit.c
@@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ mjit_compile(FILE *f, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, const char *funcname, int id)
return false;
// New stuff from here
@@ -373,7 +374,13 @@ mjit_compile(FILE *f, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, const char *funcname, int id)
rb_mjit_compile(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
- // TODO: implement
+ bool original_call_p = mjit_call_p;
+ mjit_call_p = false; // Avoid impacting JIT metrics by itself
+ VALUE iseq_ptr = rb_funcall(rb_cMJITIseqPtr, rb_intern("new"), 1, SIZET2NUM((size_t)iseq));
+ rb_funcall(rb_cMJITCompiler, rb_intern("compile"), 1, iseq_ptr);
+ mjit_call_p = original_call_p;
diff --git a/vm.c b/vm.c
index 822c2c7ba4..feb07c5922 100644
--- a/vm.c
+++ b/vm.c
@@ -382,32 +382,6 @@ extern VALUE rb_vm_invoke_bmethod(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_proc_t *proc, V
static VALUE vm_invoke_proc(rb_execution_context_t *ec, rb_proc_t *proc, VALUE self, int argc, const VALUE *argv, int kw_splat, VALUE block_handler);
-# ifdef MJIT_HEADER
-NOINLINE(static COLDFUNC VALUE mjit_check_iseq(rb_execution_context_t *ec, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body));
-# else
-static inline VALUE mjit_check_iseq(rb_execution_context_t *ec, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body);
-# endif
-static VALUE
-mjit_check_iseq(rb_execution_context_t *ec, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body)
- uintptr_t mjit_state = (uintptr_t)(body->jit_func);
- ASSUME(MJIT_FUNC_STATE_P(mjit_state));
- switch ((enum rb_mjit_func_state)mjit_state) {
- if (body->total_calls == mjit_opts.call_threshold) {
- rb_mjit_compile(iseq);
- if (UNLIKELY(mjit_opts.wait && !MJIT_FUNC_STATE_P(body->jit_func))) {
- return body->jit_func(ec, ec->cfp);
- }
- }
- break;
- break;
- }
- return Qundef;
// Try to execute the current iseq in ec. Use JIT code if it is ready.
// If it is not, add ISEQ to the compilation queue and return Qundef for MJIT.
// YJIT compiles on the thread running the iseq.