path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb
diff options
authornaruse <naruse@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2016-08-09 06:44:45 +0000
committernaruse <naruse@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2016-08-09 06:44:45 +0000
commit303dc3c591e324b6bbc691326d8bea76fe3b8fda (patch)
tree51d384de3922135bc42514af63da8aa4587a44cb /ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb
parentf82df94f390a104be47b57e45801409be23954a9 (diff)
* ext/tk: Tk is removed from stdlib. [Feature #8539]
https://github.com/ruby/tk is the new upstream. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@55844 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d6de1e557e..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/items.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# items.rb
-# This demonstration script creates a canvas that displays the
-# canvas item types.
-# canvas item types widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# toplevel widget
-if defined?($items_demo) && $items_demo
- $items_demo.destroy
- $items_demo = nil
-# demo toplevel widget
-$items_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Canvas Item Demonstration")
- iconname("Items")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($items_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# label
-TkLabel.new(base_frame) {
- font $font
- wraplength '5i'
- justify 'left'
- text "This window contains a canvas widget with examples of the various kinds of items supported by canvases. The following operations are supported:\n Button-1 drag:\tmoves item under pointer.\n Button-2 drag:\trepositions view.\n Button-3 drag:\tstrokes out area.\n Ctrl+f:\t\tprints items under area."
-# frame
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Dismiss'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $items_demo
- $items_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'Show Code'
- command proc{showCode 'items'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame
-cvs = nil
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|cf|
- # canvas
- cvs = TkCanvas.new(cf) {|c|
- focus
- scrollregion '0c 0c 30c 24c'
- width '15c'
- height '10c'
- relief 'sunken'
- borderwidth 2
- hs = TkScrollbar.new(cf) {|s|
- orient 'horizontal'
- command proc{|*args| c.xview(*args)}
- c.xscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- vs = TkScrollbar.new(cf) {|s|
- command proc{|*args| c.yview(*args)}
- c.yscrollcommand proc{|first,last| s.set first,last}
- }
- if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- hs.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x')
- vs.pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- c.pack('in'=>cf, 'expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
- else
- c.grid('in'=>cf, 'row'=>0, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- vs.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>1,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- hs.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0,
- 'rowspan'=>1, 'columnspan'=>1, 'sticky'=>'news')
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(cf, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(cf, 0, 'weight'=>1, 'minsize'=>0)
- end
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>'yes')
-# Display a 3x3 rectangular grid
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '0c', '0c', '30c', '24c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '0c', '8c', '30c', '8c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '0c', '16c', '30c', '16c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '10c', '0c', '10c', '24c', 'width'=>2)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '20c', '0c', '20c', '24c', 'width'=>2)
-if $tk_version =~ /^4.*/
- font1 = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- font2 = '-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*'
- font1 = 'Helvetica 12'
- font2 = 'Helvetica 24 bold'
-if TkWinfo.depth($root).to_i > 1
- blue = 'DeepSkyBlue3'
- red = 'red'
- bisque = 'bisque3'
- green = 'SeaGreen3'
- blue = 'black'
- red = 'black'
- bisque = 'black'
- green = 'black'
-# tag
-$tag_item = TkcGroup.new(cvs)
-# Set up demos within each of the areas of the grid.
-TkcText.new(cvs, '5c', '.2c', 'text'=>'Lines', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '1c', '1c', '3c', '1c', '1c', '4c', '3c', '4c',
- 'width'=>2, 'fill'=>blue, 'capstyle'=>'butt',
- 'join'=>'miter', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '4.67c','1c','4.67c','4c', 'arrow'=>'last', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '6.33c','1c','6.33c','4c', 'arrow'=>'both', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '5c','6c','9c','6c','9c','1c','8c','1c','8c','4.8c','8.8c',
- '4.8c','8.8c','1.2c','8.2c','1.2c','8.2c','4.6c','8.6c','4.6c',
- '8.6c','1.4c','8.4c','1.4c','8.4c','4.4c',
- 'width'=>3, 'fill'=>red, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '1c','5c','7c','5c','7c','7c','9c','7c', 'width'=>'.5c',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'arrow'=>'both', 'arrowshape'=>'15 15 7', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '1c','7c','1.75c','5.8c','2.5c','7c','3.25c','5.8c','4c','7c',
- 'width'=>'.5c', 'capstyle'=>'round', 'join'=>'round',
- 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '15c', '.2c',
- 'text'=>'Curves (smoothed lines)', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '11c','4c','11.5c','1c','13.5c','1c','14c','4c',
- 'smooth'=>'on', 'fill'=>blue, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '15.5c','1c','19.5c','1.5c','15.5c','4.5c','19.5c','4c',
- 'smooth'=>'on', 'arrow'=>'both', 'width'=>3, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcLine.new(cvs, '12c','6c','13.5c','4.5c','16.5c','7.5c','18c','6c',
- '16.5c','4.5c','13.5c','7.5c','12c','6c',
- 'smooth'=>'on', 'width'=>'3m', 'capstyle'=>'round',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'fill'=>red, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '.2c', 'text'=>'Polygons', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcPolygon.new(cvs, '21c','1.0c','22.5c','1.75c','24c','1.0c','23.25c','2.5c',
- '24c','4.0c','22.5c','3.25c','21c','4.0c','21.75c','2.5c',
- 'fill'=>'green', 'outline'=>'black', 'width'=>4,
- 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcPolygon.new(cvs, '25c','4c','25c','4c','25c','1c','26c','1c','27c','4c',
- '28c','1c','29c','1c','29c','4c','29c','4c',
- 'fill'=>red, 'smooth'=>'on', 'tags'=> $tag_item)
-TkcPolygon.new(cvs, '22c','4.5c','25c','4.5c','25c','6.75c','28c','6.75c',
- '28c','5.25c','24c','5.25c','24c','6.0c','26c','6c','26c',
- '7.5c','22c','7.5c',
- 'stipple'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'outline'=>'black', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '5c', '8.2c', 'text'=>'Rectangles', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '1c','9.5c','4c','12.5c',
- 'outline'=>red, 'width'=>'3m', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '0.5c','13.5c','4.5c','15.5c',
- 'fill'=>green, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '6c','10c','9c','15c', 'outline'=>'',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'fill'=>blue, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '15c', '8.2c', 'text'=>'Ovals', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcOval.new(cvs, '11c','9.5c','14c','12.5c',
- 'outline'=>red, 'width'=>'3m', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcOval.new(cvs, '10.5c','13.5c','14.5c','15.5c',
- 'fill'=>green, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcOval.new(cvs, '16c','10c','19c','15c', 'outline'=>'',
- 'stipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir,'..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'fill'=>blue, 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '8.2c', 'text'=>'Text', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '22.4c','8.9c','22.6c','9.1c')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '22.5c', '9c', 'anchor'=>'n', 'font'=>font1, 'width'=>'4c',
- 'text'=>'A short string of text, word-wrapped, justified left, and anchored north (at the top). The rectangles show the anchor points for each piece of text.', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '25.4c','10.9c','25.6c','11.1c')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25.5c', '11c', 'anchor'=>'w', 'font'=>font1, 'fill'=>blue,
- 'text'=>"Several lines,\n each centered\nindividually,\nand all anchored\nat the left edge.", 'justify'=>'center', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcRectangle.new(cvs, '24.9c','13.9c','25.1c','14.1c')
-if $tk_version =~ /^4\.[01]/
- TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '14c', 'anchor'=>'c', 'font'=>font2, 'fill'=>red,
- 'stipple'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'grey.5'].join(File::Separator),
- 'text'=>'Stippled characters', 'tags'=>$tag_item )
- TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '14c', 'anchor'=>'c', 'font'=>font2, 'fill'=>red,
- 'stipple'=>'gray50', 'text'=>'Stippled characters',
- 'tags'=>$tag_item )
-TkcText.new(cvs, '5c', '16.2c', 'text'=>'Arcs', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '0.5c','17c','7c','20c', 'fill'=>green, 'outline'=>'black',
- 'start'=>45, 'extent'=>270, 'style'=>'pieslice', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-#TkcArc.new(cvs, '6.5c','17c','9.5c','20c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'arc',
-# 'outline'=>blue, 'start'=>135, 'extent'=>270,
-# 'outlinestipple'=>'@' + ['images', 'grey.25'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '6.5c','17c','9.5c','20c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'arc',
- 'outline'=>blue, 'start'=>135, 'extent'=>270,
- 'outlinestipple'=>'@'+[$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images','gray25.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '0.5c','20c','9.5c','24c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'pieslice',
- 'fill'=>'', 'outline'=>red, 'start'=>225, 'extent'=>90,
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcArc.new(cvs, '5.5c','20.5c','9.5c','23.5c', 'width'=>'4m', 'style'=>'chord',
- 'fill'=>blue, 'outline'=>'', 'start'=>45, 'extent'=>270,
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcText.new(cvs, '15c', '16.2c', 'text'=>'Bitmaps', 'anchor'=>'n')
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '13c','20c',
-# 'bitmap'=>'@' + ['images', 'face'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '13c','20c',
- 'bitmap'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'face.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','18.5c',
-# 'bitmap'=>'@' + ['images', 'noletters'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','18.5c',
- 'bitmap'=>'@' + [$demo_dir, '..',
- 'images', 'noletter.xbm'].join(File::Separator),
- 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','21.5c',
-# 'bitmap'=>'@' + ['images', 'letters'].join(File::Separator),
-# 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','21.5c') {
- bitmap '@' + [$demo_dir, '..', 'images', 'letters.xbm'].join(File::Separator)
- tags $tag_item
-#TkcBitmap.new(cvs, '17c','21.5c') {
-# bitmap '@' + ['images', 'letters'].join(File::Separator)
-# tags $tag_item
-TkcText.new(cvs, '25c', '16.2c', 'text'=>'Windows', 'anchor'=>'n')
-TkButton.new(cvs) {|b|
- text 'Press Me'
- command proc{butPress cvs, red}
- TkcWindow.new(cvs, '21c','18c',
- 'window'=>b, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkEntry.new(cvs, 'width'=>20, 'relief'=>'sunken') {|e|
- insert 'end', 'Edit this text'
- TkcWindow.new(cvs, '21c','21c',
- 'window'=>e, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkScale.new(cvs, 'from'=>0, 'to'=>100, 'length'=>'6c', 'sliderlength'=>'.4c',
- 'width'=>'.5c', 'tickinterval'=>0 ) {|scl|
- TkcWindow.new(cvs, '28.5c','17.5c',
- 'window'=>scl, 'anchor'=>'n', 'tags'=>$tag_item)
-TkcText.new(cvs, '21c', '17.9c', 'text'=>'Button:', 'anchor'=>'sw')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '21c', '20.9c', 'text'=>'Entry:', 'anchor'=>'sw')
-TkcText.new(cvs, '28.5c', '17.4c', 'text'=>'Scale:', 'anchor'=>'s')
-# Set up event bindings for canvas:
-cvs.itembind($tag_item, 'Any-Enter', proc{itemEnter cvs})
-cvs.itembind($tag_item, 'Any-Leave', proc{itemLeave cvs})
-cvs.bind('2', proc{|x,y| cvs.scan_mark x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('B2-Motion', proc{|x,y| cvs.scan_dragto x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('3', proc{|x,y| itemMark cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('B3-Motion', proc{|x,y| itemStroke cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('Control-f', proc{itemsUnderArea cvs})
-cvs.bind('1', proc{|x,y| itemStartDrag cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-cvs.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x,y| itemDrag cvs,x,y}, '%x %y')
-# Utility methods for highlighting the item under the pointer
-$restoreCmd = nil
-def itemEnter (c)
- if TkWinfo.depth(c).to_i == 1
- $restoreCmd = nil
- return
- end
- type = c.itemtype('current')
- if type == TkcWindow
- $restoreCmd = nil
- return
- end
- if type == TkcBitmap
- bg = (c.itemconfiginfo('current', 'background'))[4]
- $restoreCmd = proc{c.itemconfigure 'current', 'background', bg}
- c.itemconfigure 'current', 'background', 'SteelBlue2'
- return
- end
- fill = (c.itemconfiginfo('current', 'fill'))[4]
- if (type == TkcRectangle || type == TkcOval || type == TkcArc) && fill == []
- outline = (c.itemconfiginfo('current', 'outline'))[4]
- $restoreCmd = proc{c.itemconfigure 'current', 'outline', outline}
- c.itemconfigure 'current', 'outline', 'SteelBlue2'
- else
- $restoreCmd = proc{c.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', fill}
- c.itemconfigure 'current', 'fill', 'SteelBlue2'
- end
-def itemLeave(c)
- $restoreCmd.call if $restoreCmd
-# Utility methods for stroking out a rectangle and printing what's
-# underneath the rectangle's area.
-def itemMark(c,x,y)
- $areaX1 = c.canvasx(x)
- $areaY1 = c.canvasy(y)
- c.delete 'area'
-def itemStroke(c,x,y)
- x = c.canvasx(x)
- y = c.canvasy(y)
- if $areaX1 != x && $areaY1 != y
- c.delete 'area'
- c.addtag_withtag 'area', TkcRectangle.new(c, $areaX1, $areaY1, x, y,
- '-outline', 'black')
- $areaX2 = x
- $areaY2 = y
- end
-def itemsUnderArea(c)
- area = c.find_withtag('area')
- items = []
- c.find_enclosed($areaX1,$areaY1,$areaX2,$areaY2).each{|i|
- items.push(i) if i.gettags.include?($tag_item)
- }
- print "Items enclosed by area: #{items.inspect}\n"; STDOUT.flush
- items.clear
- c.find_overlapping($areaX1,$areaY1,$areaX2,$areaY2).each{|i|
- items.push(i) if i.gettags.include?($tag_item)
- }
- print "Items overlapping area: #{items.inspect}\n"; STDOUT.flush
-$areaX1 = 0
-$areaY1 = 0
-$areaX2 = 0
-$areaY2 = 0
-# Utility methods to support dragging of items.
-def itemStartDrag(c,x,y)
- $lastX = c.canvasx(x)
- $lastY = c.canvasy(y)
-def itemDrag(c,x,y)
- x = c.canvasx(x)
- y = c.canvasy(y)
- c.move 'current', x - $lastX, y - $lastY
- $lastX = x
- $lastY = y
-# Method that's invoked when the button embedded in the canvas
-# is invoked.
-def butPress(w,color)
- i = TkcText.new(w, '25c', '18.1c',
- 'text'=>'Ouch!!', 'fill'=>color, 'anchor'=>'n')
- Tk.after(500, proc{w.delete i})