path: root/iseq.c
diff options
authorKevin Newton <kddnewton@gmail.com>2024-01-31 12:17:31 -0500
committerKevin Newton <kddnewton@gmail.com>2024-01-31 13:41:36 -0500
commit610636fd6bb435769d0359b251a5cd00733755f6 (patch)
tree96e03bba212886dac9942f5d492422c40e3000ef /iseq.c
parent21031f0a8427d857f1d0c9c1653eea3a9db87e88 (diff)
[PRISM] Mirror iseq APIs
Before this commit, we were mixing a lot of concerns with the prism compile between RubyVM::InstructionSequence and the general entry points to the prism parser/compiler. This commit makes all of the various prism-related APIs mirror their corresponding APIs in the existing parser/compiler. This means we now have the correct frame naming, and it's much easier to follow where the logic actually flows. Furthermore this consolidates a lot of the prism initialization, making it easier to see where we could potentially be raising errors.
Diffstat (limited to 'iseq.c')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/iseq.c b/iseq.c
index a5eb049f97..e2e9b4d6e7 100644
--- a/iseq.c
+++ b/iseq.c
@@ -875,6 +875,18 @@ rb_iseq_new_top(const rb_ast_body_t *ast, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE realpath
+ * The main entry-point into the prism compiler when a file is required.
+ */
+rb_iseq_t *
+pm_iseq_new_top(pm_scope_node_t *node, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE realpath, const rb_iseq_t *parent)
+ // iseq_new_setup_coverage(path, ast, 0);
+ return pm_iseq_new_with_opt(node, name, path, realpath, 0, parent, 0,
rb_iseq_t *
rb_iseq_new_main(const rb_ast_body_t *ast, VALUE path, VALUE realpath, const rb_iseq_t *parent, int opt)
@@ -885,6 +897,20 @@ rb_iseq_new_main(const rb_ast_body_t *ast, VALUE path, VALUE realpath, const rb_
+ * The main entry-point into the prism compiler when a file is executed as the
+ * main file in the program.
+ */
+rb_iseq_t *
+pm_iseq_new_main(pm_scope_node_t *node, VALUE path, VALUE realpath, const rb_iseq_t *parent, int opt)
+ // iseq_new_setup_coverage(path, ast, 0);
+ return pm_iseq_new_with_opt(node, rb_fstring_lit("<main>"),
+ path, realpath, 0,
rb_iseq_t *
rb_iseq_new_eval(const rb_ast_body_t *ast, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE realpath, int first_lineno, const rb_iseq_t *parent, int isolated_depth)
@@ -947,41 +973,39 @@ rb_iseq_new_with_opt(const rb_ast_body_t *ast, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE rea
return iseq_translate(iseq);
-VALUE rb_iseq_compile_prism_node(rb_iseq_t * iseq, pm_scope_node_t *scope_node, pm_parser_t *parser);
- * Initialize an rb_code_location_t with a prism location.
+ * This is a step in the prism compiler that is called once all of the various
+ * options have been established. It is called from one of the pm_iseq_new_*
+ * functions or from the RubyVM::InstructionSequence APIs. It is responsible for
+ * allocating the instruction sequence, calling into the compiler, and returning
+ * the built instruction sequence.
+ *
+ * Importantly, this is also the function where the compiler is re-entered to
+ * compile child instruction sequences. A child instruction sequence is always
+ * compiled using a scope node, which is why we cast it explicitly to that here
+ * in the parameters (as opposed to accepting a generic pm_node_t *).
-static void
-pm_code_location(rb_code_location_t *code_location, const pm_newline_list_t *newline_list, const pm_location_t *location)
- pm_line_column_t start = pm_newline_list_line_column(newline_list, location->start);
- pm_line_column_t end = pm_newline_list_line_column(newline_list, location->end);
- *code_location = (rb_code_location_t) {
- .beg_pos = { .lineno = (int) start.line, .column = (int) start.column },
- .end_pos = { .lineno = (int) end.line, .column = (int) end.column }
- };
rb_iseq_t *
-pm_iseq_new_with_opt(pm_scope_node_t *scope_node, pm_parser_t *parser, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE realpath,
+pm_iseq_new_with_opt(pm_scope_node_t *node, VALUE name, VALUE path, VALUE realpath,
int first_lineno, const rb_iseq_t *parent, int isolated_depth,
enum rb_iseq_type type, const rb_compile_option_t *option)
rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_alloc();
- VALUE script_lines = Qnil;
if (!option) option = &COMPILE_OPTION_DEFAULT;
- rb_code_location_t code_location;
- pm_code_location(&code_location, &parser->newline_list, &scope_node->base.location);
+ pm_location_t *location = &node->base.location;
+ pm_line_column_t start = pm_newline_list_line_column(&node->parser->newline_list, location->start);
+ pm_line_column_t end = pm_newline_list_line_column(&node->parser->newline_list, location->end);
+ rb_code_location_t code_location = (rb_code_location_t) {
+ .beg_pos = { .lineno = (int) start.line, .column = (int) start.column },
+ .end_pos = { .lineno = (int) end.line, .column = (int) end.column }
+ };
- // TODO: node_id
- int node_id = -1;
- prepare_iseq_build(iseq, name, path, realpath, first_lineno, &code_location, node_id,
- parent, isolated_depth, type, script_lines, option);
+ prepare_iseq_build(iseq, name, path, realpath, first_lineno, &code_location, -1,
+ parent, isolated_depth, type, Qnil, option);
- rb_iseq_compile_prism_node(iseq, scope_node, parser);
+ pm_iseq_compile_node(iseq, node);
return iseq_translate(iseq);
@@ -1186,6 +1210,44 @@ rb_iseq_compile_with_option(VALUE src, VALUE file, VALUE realpath, VALUE line, V
return iseq;
+static rb_iseq_t *
+pm_iseq_compile_with_option(VALUE src, VALUE file, VALUE realpath, VALUE line, VALUE opt)
+ rb_iseq_t *iseq = NULL;
+ rb_compile_option_t option;
+ int ln;
+ VALUE name = rb_fstring_lit("<compiled>");
+ /* safe results first */
+ make_compile_option(&option, opt);
+ ln = NUM2INT(line);
+ StringValueCStr(file);
+ pm_parse_result_t result = { 0 };
+ VALUE error;
+ if (RB_TYPE_P(src, T_FILE)) {
+ VALUE filepath = rb_io_path(src);
+ error = pm_parse_file(&result, filepath);
+ RB_GC_GUARD(filepath);
+ }
+ else {
+ src = StringValue(src);
+ error = pm_parse_string(&result, src, file);
+ }
+ if (error == Qnil) {
+ iseq = pm_iseq_new_with_opt(&result.node, name, file, realpath, ln, NULL, 0, ISEQ_TYPE_TOP, &option);
+ pm_parse_result_free(&result);
+ }
+ else {
+ pm_parse_result_free(&result);
+ rb_exc_raise(error);
+ }
+ return iseq;
rb_iseq_path(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
@@ -1398,53 +1460,42 @@ iseqw_s_compile(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return iseqw_new(rb_iseq_compile_with_option(src, file, path, line, opt));
-static void
-iseqw_s_compile_prism_compile(pm_parser_t *parser, VALUE optimize, rb_iseq_t *iseq, VALUE file, VALUE path, int first_lineno)
- pm_node_t *node = pm_parse(parser);
- if (parser->error_list.size > 0) {
- pm_buffer_t buffer = { 0 };
- pm_parser_errors_format(parser, &buffer, rb_stderr_tty_p());
- pm_buffer_prepend_string(&buffer, "syntax errors found\n", 20);
- VALUE error = rb_exc_new(rb_eSyntaxError, pm_buffer_value(&buffer), pm_buffer_length(&buffer));
- pm_buffer_free(&buffer);
- pm_node_destroy(parser, node);
- // TODO: We need to set the backtrace based on the ISEQ.
- // VALUE path = pathobj_path(ISEQ_BODY(iseq)->location.pathobj);
- // rb_funcallv(error, rb_intern("set_backtrace"), 1, &path);
- rb_exc_raise(error);
- } else {
- rb_code_location_t code_location;
- pm_code_location(&code_location, &parser->newline_list, &node->location);
- rb_compile_option_t option;
- make_compile_option(&option, optimize);
- prepare_iseq_build(iseq, rb_fstring_lit("<compiled>"), file, path, first_lineno, &code_location, -1, NULL, 0, ISEQ_TYPE_TOP, Qnil, &option);
- pm_scope_node_t scope_node;
- pm_scope_node_init(node, &scope_node, NULL, parser);
- ID *constants = calloc(parser->constant_pool.size, sizeof(ID));
- rb_encoding *encoding = rb_enc_find(parser->encoding->name);
- for (uint32_t index = 0; index < parser->constant_pool.size; index++) {
- pm_constant_t *constant = &parser->constant_pool.constants[index];
- constants[index] = rb_intern3((const char *) constant->start, constant->length, encoding);
- }
- scope_node.constants = constants;
- rb_iseq_compile_prism_node(iseq, &scope_node, parser);
- finish_iseq_build(iseq);
- pm_scope_node_destroy(&scope_node);
- pm_node_destroy(parser, node);
- free(constants);
- }
+ * call-seq:
+ * InstructionSequence.compile_prism(source[, file[, path[, line[, options]]]]) -> iseq
+ *
+ * Takes +source+, which can be a string of Ruby code, or an open +File+ object.
+ * that contains Ruby source code. It parses and compiles using prism.
+ *
+ * Optionally takes +file+, +path+, and +line+ which describe the file path,
+ * real path and first line number of the ruby code in +source+ which are
+ * metadata attached to the returned +iseq+.
+ *
+ * +file+ is used for `__FILE__` and exception backtrace. +path+ is used for
+ * +require_relative+ base. It is recommended these should be the same full
+ * path.
+ *
+ * +options+, which can be +true+, +false+ or a +Hash+, is used to
+ * modify the default behavior of the Ruby iseq compiler.
+ *
+ * For details regarding valid compile options see ::compile_option=.
+ *
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("a = 1 + 2")
+ * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>
+ *
+ * path = "test.rb"
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(File.read(path), path, File.expand_path(path))
+ * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@test.rb:1>
+ *
+ * file = File.open("test.rb")
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(file)
+ * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>:1>
+ *
+ * path = File.expand_path("test.rb")
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(File.read(path), path, path)
+ * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@/absolute/path/to/test.rb:1>
+ *
+ */
static VALUE
iseqw_s_compile_prism(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
@@ -1467,87 +1518,7 @@ iseqw_s_compile_prism(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
Check_Type(path, T_STRING);
Check_Type(file, T_STRING);
- pm_options_t options = { 0 };
- pm_options_filepath_set(&options, RSTRING_PTR(file));
- int start_line = NUM2INT(line);
- pm_options_line_set(&options, start_line);
- pm_parser_t parser;
- VALUE file_path = Qnil;
- pm_string_t input;
- if (RB_TYPE_P(src, T_FILE)) {
- file_path = rb_io_path(src); /* rb_io_t->pathv gets frozen anyways */
- pm_string_mapped_init(&input, RSTRING_PTR(file_path));
- }
- else {
- Check_Type(src, T_STRING);
- input.source = (const uint8_t *)RSTRING_PTR(src);
- input.length = RSTRING_LEN(src);
- input.type = PM_STRING_SHARED;
- }
- pm_parser_init(&parser, pm_string_source(&input), pm_string_length(&input), &options);
- rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_alloc();
- iseqw_s_compile_prism_compile(&parser, opt, iseq, file, path, start_line);
- RB_GC_GUARD(file_path);
- pm_parser_free(&parser);
- pm_options_free(&options);
- pm_string_free(&input);
- return iseqw_new(iseq);
-static VALUE
-iseqw_s_compile_file_prism(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- VALUE file = Qnil, opt = Qnil;
- int i;
- i = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*:", &file, NULL, &opt);
- if (i > 1+NIL_P(opt)) rb_error_arity(argc, 1, 5);
- switch (i) {
- case 2: opt = argv[--i];
- }
- FilePathValue(file);
- file = rb_fstring(file); /* rb_io_t->pathv gets frozen anyways */
- pm_string_t input;
- pm_string_mapped_init(&input, RSTRING_PTR(file));
- pm_options_t options = { 0 };
- pm_options_filepath_set(&options, RSTRING_PTR(file));
- pm_parser_t parser;
- pm_parser_init(&parser, pm_string_source(&input), pm_string_length(&input), &options);
- rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_alloc();
- iseqw_s_compile_prism_compile(&parser, opt, iseq, file, rb_realpath_internal(Qnil, file, 1), 1);
- pm_parser_free(&parser);
- pm_string_free(&input);
- pm_options_free(&options);
- return iseqw_new(iseq);
-rb_iseq_t *
-rb_iseq_new_main_prism(pm_string_t *input, pm_options_t *options, VALUE script_name, VALUE path, VALUE optimize)
- pm_parser_t parser;
- pm_parser_init(&parser, pm_string_source(input), pm_string_length(input), options);
- if (NIL_P(path)) path = rb_fstring_lit("<compiled>");
- int start_line = 0;
- pm_options_line_set(options, start_line);
- rb_iseq_t *iseq = iseq_alloc();
- iseqw_s_compile_prism_compile(&parser, optimize, iseq, script_name, path, start_line);
- pm_parser_free(&parser);
- return iseq;
+ return iseqw_new(pm_iseq_compile_with_option(src, file, path, line, opt));
@@ -1618,6 +1589,67 @@ iseqw_s_compile_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq:
+ * InstructionSequence.compile_file_prism(file[, options]) -> iseq
+ *
+ * Takes +file+, a String with the location of a Ruby source file, reads,
+ * parses and compiles the file, and returns +iseq+, the compiled
+ * InstructionSequence with source location metadata set. It parses and
+ * compiles using prism.
+ *
+ * Optionally takes +options+, which can be +true+, +false+ or a +Hash+, to
+ * modify the default behavior of the Ruby iseq compiler.
+ *
+ * For details regarding valid compile options see ::compile_option=.
+ *
+ * # /tmp/hello.rb
+ * puts "Hello, world!"
+ *
+ * # elsewhere
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file_prism("/tmp/hello.rb")
+ * #=> <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<main>@/tmp/hello.rb>
+ */
+static VALUE
+iseqw_s_compile_file_prism(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
+ VALUE file, opt = Qnil, ret;
+ rb_compile_option_t option;
+ int i;
+ i = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*:", &file, NULL, &opt);
+ if (i > 1+NIL_P(opt)) rb_error_arity(argc, 1, 2);
+ switch (i) {
+ case 2: opt = argv[--i];
+ }
+ FilePathValue(file);
+ file = rb_fstring(file); /* rb_io_t->pathv gets frozen anyways */
+ rb_execution_context_t *ec = GET_EC();
+ VALUE v = rb_vm_push_frame_fname(ec, file);
+ pm_parse_result_t result = { 0 };
+ VALUE error = pm_parse_file(&result, file);
+ if (error == Qnil) {
+ make_compile_option(&option, opt);
+ ret = iseqw_new(pm_iseq_new_with_opt(&result.node, rb_fstring_lit("<main>"),
+ file,
+ rb_realpath_internal(Qnil, file, 1),
+ 1, NULL, 0, ISEQ_TYPE_TOP, &option));
+ pm_parse_result_free(&result);
+ rb_vm_pop_frame(ec);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ pm_parse_result_free(&result);
+ rb_vm_pop_frame(ec);
+ rb_exc_raise(error);
+ }
+ * call-seq:
* InstructionSequence.compile_option = options
* Sets the default values for various optimizations in the Ruby iseq