path: root/lib
diff options
authortomoya ishida <tomoyapenguin@gmail.com>2023-11-30 01:30:08 +0900
committergit <svn-admin@ruby-lang.org>2023-11-29 16:30:13 +0000
commit86d9a6dcb61b47bcacfe98200cb6d47da6bb1134 (patch)
tree1c5a777119c0fb94341857139059faee446ac636 /lib
parentb549722eefaf1d7b43b607d96778f82fecc92e43 (diff)
[ruby/irb] Use gem repl_type_completor, remove type_completion
implementation (https://github.com/ruby/irb/pull/772) https://github.com/ruby/irb/commit/a4868a5373
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
7 files changed, 30 insertions, 2286 deletions
diff --git a/lib/irb/completion.rb b/lib/irb/completion.rb
index 9b29a787b1..af3b69eb27 100644
--- a/lib/irb/completion.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/completion.rb
@@ -93,6 +93,27 @@ module IRB
+ class TypeCompletor < BaseCompletor # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(context)
+ @context = context
+ end
+ def inspect
+ ReplTypeCompletor.info
+ end
+ def completion_candidates(preposing, target, _postposing, bind:)
+ result = ReplTypeCompletor.analyze(preposing + target, binding: bind, filename: @context.irb_path)
+ return [] unless result
+ result.completion_candidates.map { target + _1 }
+ end
+ def doc_namespace(preposing, matched, _postposing, bind:)
+ result = ReplTypeCompletor.analyze(preposing + matched, binding: bind, filename: @context.irb_path)
+ result&.doc_namespace('')
+ end
+ end
class RegexpCompletor < BaseCompletor # :nodoc:
using Module.new {
refine ::Binding do
diff --git a/lib/irb/context.rb b/lib/irb/context.rb
index 3442fbf4da..ffbba4e8b1 100644
--- a/lib/irb/context.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/context.rb
@@ -176,26 +176,22 @@ module IRB
private def build_type_completor
- unless Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('3.0.0') && RUBY_ENGINE != 'truffleruby'
- warn 'TypeCompletion requires RUBY_VERSION >= 3.0.0'
+ if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby'
+ # Avoid SynatxError. truffleruby does not support endless method definition yet.
+ warn 'TypeCompletor is not supported on TruffleRuby yet'
- require 'prism'
+ require 'repl_type_completor'
rescue LoadError => e
- warn "TypeCompletion requires Prism: #{e.message}"
+ warn "TypeCompletor requires `gem repl_type_completor`: #{e.message}"
- unless Gem::Version.new(Prism::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new(TYPE_COMPLETION_REQUIRED_PRISM_VERSION)
- warn "TypeCompletion requires Prism::VERSION >= #{TYPE_COMPLETION_REQUIRED_PRISM_VERSION}"
- return
- end
- require 'irb/type_completion/completor'
- TypeCompletion::Types.preload_in_thread
- TypeCompletion::Completor.new
+ ReplTypeCompletor.preload_rbs
+ TypeCompletor.new(self)
def save_history=(val)
diff --git a/lib/irb/type_completion/completor.rb b/lib/irb/type_completion/completor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index df1e1c7790..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/type_completion/completor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'prism'
-require 'irb/completion'
-require_relative 'type_analyzer'
-module IRB
- module TypeCompletion
- class Completor < BaseCompletor # :nodoc:
- HIDDEN_METHODS = %w[Namespace TypeName] # defined by rbs, should be hidden
- class << self
- attr_accessor :last_completion_error
- end
- def inspect
- name = 'TypeCompletion::Completor'
- prism_info = "Prism: #{Prism::VERSION}"
- if Types.rbs_builder
- "#{name}(#{prism_info}, RBS: #{RBS::VERSION})"
- elsif Types.rbs_load_error
- "#{name}(#{prism_info}, RBS: #{Types.rbs_load_error.inspect})"
- else
- "#{name}(#{prism_info}, RBS: loading)"
- end
- end
- def completion_candidates(preposing, target, _postposing, bind:)
- verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- @preposing = preposing
- code = "#{preposing}#{target}"
- @result = analyze code, bind
- name, candidates = candidates_from_result(@result)
- all_symbols_pattern = /\A[ -\/:-@\[-`\{-~]*\z/
- candidates.map(&:to_s).select { !_1.match?(all_symbols_pattern) && _1.start_with?(name) }.uniq.sort.map do
- target + _1[name.size..]
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- handle_error(e)
- []
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- def doc_namespace(preposing, matched, postposing, bind:)
- verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- name = matched[/[a-zA-Z_0-9]*[!?=]?\z/]
- method_doc = -> type do
- type = type.types.find { _1.all_methods.include? name.to_sym }
- case type
- when Types::SingletonType
- "#{Types.class_name_of(type.module_or_class)}.#{name}"
- when Types::InstanceType
- "#{Types.class_name_of(type.klass)}##{name}"
- end
- end
- call_or_const_doc = -> type do
- if name =~ /\A[A-Z]/
- type = type.types.grep(Types::SingletonType).find { _1.module_or_class.const_defined?(name) }
- type.module_or_class == Object ? name : "#{Types.class_name_of(type.module_or_class)}::#{name}" if type
- else
- method_doc.call(type)
- end
- end
- value_doc = -> type do
- return unless type
- type.types.each do |t|
- case t
- when Types::SingletonType
- return Types.class_name_of(t.module_or_class)
- when Types::InstanceType
- return Types.class_name_of(t.klass)
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- case @result
- in [:call_or_const, type, _name, _self_call]
- call_or_const_doc.call type
- in [:const, type, _name, scope]
- if type
- call_or_const_doc.call type
- else
- value_doc.call scope[name]
- end
- in [:gvar, _name, scope]
- value_doc.call scope["$#{name}"]
- in [:ivar, _name, scope]
- value_doc.call scope["@#{name}"]
- in [:cvar, _name, scope]
- value_doc.call scope["@@#{name}"]
- in [:call, type, _name, _self_call]
- method_doc.call type
- in [:lvar_or_method, _name, scope]
- if scope.local_variables.include?(name)
- value_doc.call scope[name]
- else
- method_doc.call scope.self_type
- end
- else
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- handle_error(e)
- nil
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- def candidates_from_result(result)
- candidates = case result
- in [:require, name]
- retrieve_files_to_require_from_load_path
- in [:require_relative, name]
- retrieve_files_to_require_relative_from_current_dir
- in [:call_or_const, type, name, self_call]
- ((self_call ? type.all_methods : type.methods).map(&:to_s) - HIDDEN_METHODS) | type.constants
- in [:const, type, name, scope]
- if type
- scope_constants = type.types.flat_map do |t|
- scope.table_module_constants(t.module_or_class) if t.is_a?(Types::SingletonType)
- end
- (scope_constants.compact | type.constants.map(&:to_s)).sort
- else
- scope.constants.sort | ReservedWords
- end
- in [:ivar, name, scope]
- ivars = scope.instance_variables.sort
- name == '@' ? ivars + scope.class_variables.sort : ivars
- in [:cvar, name, scope]
- scope.class_variables
- in [:gvar, name, scope]
- scope.global_variables
- in [:symbol, name]
- Symbol.all_symbols.map { _1.inspect[1..] }
- in [:call, type, name, self_call]
- (self_call ? type.all_methods : type.methods).map(&:to_s) - HIDDEN_METHODS
- in [:lvar_or_method, name, scope]
- scope.self_type.all_methods.map(&:to_s) | scope.local_variables | ReservedWords
- else
- []
- end
- [name || '', candidates]
- end
- def analyze(code, binding = Object::TOPLEVEL_BINDING)
- # Workaround for https://github.com/ruby/prism/issues/1592
- return if code.match?(/%[qQ]\z/)
- ast = Prism.parse(code, scopes: [binding.local_variables]).value
- name = code[/(@@|@|\$)?\w*[!?=]?\z/]
- *parents, target_node = find_target ast, code.bytesize - name.bytesize
- return unless target_node
- calculate_scope = -> { TypeAnalyzer.calculate_target_type_scope(binding, parents, target_node).last }
- calculate_type_scope = ->(node) { TypeAnalyzer.calculate_target_type_scope binding, [*parents, target_node], node }
- case target_node
- when Prism::StringNode, Prism::InterpolatedStringNode
- call_node, args_node = parents.last(2)
- return unless call_node.is_a?(Prism::CallNode) && call_node.receiver.nil?
- return unless args_node.is_a?(Prism::ArgumentsNode) && args_node.arguments.size == 1
- case call_node.name
- when :require
- [:require, name.rstrip]
- when :require_relative
- [:require_relative, name.rstrip]
- end
- when Prism::SymbolNode
- if parents.last.is_a? Prism::BlockArgumentNode # method(&:target)
- receiver_type, _scope = calculate_type_scope.call target_node
- [:call, receiver_type, name, false]
- else
- [:symbol, name] unless name.empty?
- end
- when Prism::CallNode
- return [:lvar_or_method, name, calculate_scope.call] if target_node.receiver.nil?
- self_call = target_node.receiver.is_a? Prism::SelfNode
- op = target_node.call_operator
- receiver_type, _scope = calculate_type_scope.call target_node.receiver
- receiver_type = receiver_type.nonnillable if op == '&.'
- [op == '::' ? :call_or_const : :call, receiver_type, name, self_call]
- when Prism::LocalVariableReadNode, Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode
- [:lvar_or_method, name, calculate_scope.call]
- when Prism::ConstantReadNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode
- if parents.last.is_a? Prism::ConstantPathNode
- path_node = parents.last
- if path_node.parent # A::B
- receiver, scope = calculate_type_scope.call(path_node.parent)
- [:const, receiver, name, scope]
- else # ::A
- scope = calculate_scope.call
- [:const, Types::SingletonType.new(Object), name, scope]
- end
- else
- [:const, nil, name, calculate_scope.call]
- end
- when Prism::GlobalVariableReadNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode
- [:gvar, name, calculate_scope.call]
- when Prism::InstanceVariableReadNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode
- [:ivar, name, calculate_scope.call]
- when Prism::ClassVariableReadNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode
- [:cvar, name, calculate_scope.call]
- end
- end
- def find_target(node, position)
- location = (
- case node
- when Prism::CallNode
- node.message_loc
- when Prism::SymbolNode
- node.value_loc
- when Prism::StringNode
- node.content_loc
- when Prism::InterpolatedStringNode
- node.closing_loc if node.parts.empty?
- end
- )
- return [node] if location&.start_offset == position
- node.compact_child_nodes.each do |n|
- match = find_target(n, position)
- next unless match
- match.unshift node
- return match
- end
- [node] if node.location.start_offset == position
- end
- def handle_error(e)
- Completor.last_completion_error = e
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/irb/type_completion/methods.rb b/lib/irb/type_completion/methods.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a88b6d0f9..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/type_completion/methods.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module IRB
- module TypeCompletion
- module Methods
- OBJECT_SINGLETON_CLASS_METHOD = Object.instance_method(:singleton_class)
- OBJECT_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_METHOD = Object.instance_method(:instance_variables)
- OBJECT_INSTANCE_VARIABLE_GET_METHOD = Object.instance_method(:instance_variable_get)
- OBJECT_CLASS_METHOD = Object.instance_method(:class)
- MODULE_NAME_METHOD = Module.instance_method(:name)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/irb/type_completion/scope.rb b/lib/irb/type_completion/scope.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a58a0ed65..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/type_completion/scope.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'set'
-require_relative 'types'
-module IRB
- module TypeCompletion
- class RootScope
- attr_reader :module_nesting, :self_object
- def initialize(binding, self_object, local_variables)
- @binding = binding
- @self_object = self_object
- @cache = {}
- modules = [*binding.eval('::Module.nesting'), Object]
- @module_nesting = modules.map { [_1, []] }
- binding_local_variables = binding.local_variables
- uninitialized_locals = local_variables - binding_local_variables
- uninitialized_locals.each { @cache[_1] = Types::NIL }
- @local_variables = (local_variables | binding_local_variables).map(&:to_s).to_set
- @global_variables = Kernel.global_variables.map(&:to_s).to_set
- @owned_constants_cache = {}
- end
- def level() = 0
- def level_of(_name, _var_type) = 0
- def mutable?() = false
- def module_own_constant?(mod, name)
- set = (@owned_constants_cache[mod] ||= Set.new(mod.constants.map(&:to_s)))
- set.include? name
- end
- def get_const(nesting, path, _key = nil)
- return unless nesting
- result = path.reduce nesting do |mod, name|
- return nil unless mod.is_a?(Module) && module_own_constant?(mod, name)
- mod.const_get name
- end
- Types.type_from_object result
- end
- def get_cvar(nesting, path, name, _key = nil)
- return Types::NIL unless nesting
- result = path.reduce nesting do |mod, n|
- return Types::NIL unless mod.is_a?(Module) && module_own_constant?(mod, n)
- mod.const_get n
- end
- value = result.class_variable_get name if result.is_a?(Module) && name.size >= 3 && result.class_variable_defined?(name)
- Types.type_from_object value
- end
- def [](name)
- @cache[name] ||= (
- value = case RootScope.type_by_name name
- when :ivar
- begin
- Methods::OBJECT_INSTANCE_VARIABLE_GET_METHOD.bind_call(@self_object, name)
- rescue NameError
- end
- when :lvar
- begin
- @binding.local_variable_get(name)
- rescue NameError
- end
- when :gvar
- @binding.eval name if @global_variables.include? name
- end
- Types.type_from_object(value)
- )
- end
- def self_type
- Types.type_from_object @self_object
- end
- def local_variables() = @local_variables.to_a
- def global_variables() = @global_variables.to_a
- def self.type_by_name(name)
- if name.start_with? '@@'
- # "@@cvar" or "@@cvar::[module_id]::[module_path]"
- :cvar
- elsif name.start_with? '@'
- :ivar
- elsif name.start_with? '$'
- :gvar
- elsif name.start_with? '%'
- :internal
- elsif name[0].downcase != name[0] || name[0].match?(/\d/)
- # "ConstName" or "[module_id]::[const_path]"
- :const
- else
- :lvar
- end
- end
- end
- class Scope
- BREAK_RESULT = '%break'
- NEXT_RESULT = '%next'
- RETURN_RESULT = '%return'
- attr_reader :parent, :mergeable_changes, :level, :module_nesting
- def self.from_binding(binding, locals) = new(RootScope.new(binding, binding.receiver, locals))
- def initialize(parent, table = {}, trace_ivar: true, trace_lvar: true, self_type: nil, nesting: nil)
- @parent = parent
- @level = parent.level + 1
- @trace_ivar = trace_ivar
- @trace_lvar = trace_lvar
- @module_nesting = nesting ? [nesting, *parent.module_nesting] : parent.module_nesting
- @self_type = self_type
- @terminated = false
- @jump_branches = []
- @mergeable_changes = @table = table.transform_values { [level, _1] }
- end
- def mutable? = true
- def terminated?
- @terminated
- end
- def terminate_with(type, value)
- return if terminated?
- store_jump type, value, @mergeable_changes
- terminate
- end
- def store_jump(type, value, changes)
- return if terminated?
- if has_own?(type)
- changes[type] = [level, value]
- @jump_branches << changes
- elsif @parent.mutable?
- @parent.store_jump(type, value, changes)
- end
- end
- def terminate
- return if terminated?
- @terminated = true
- @table = @mergeable_changes.dup
- end
- def trace?(name)
- return false unless @parent
- type = RootScope.type_by_name(name)
- type == :ivar ? @trace_ivar : type == :lvar ? @trace_lvar : true
- end
- def level_of(name, var_type)
- case var_type
- when :ivar
- return level unless @trace_ivar
- when :gvar
- return 0
- end
- variable_level, = @table[name]
- variable_level || parent.level_of(name, var_type)
- end
- def get_const(nesting, path, key = nil)
- key ||= [nesting.__id__, path].join('::')
- _l, value = @table[key]
- value || @parent.get_const(nesting, path, key)
- end
- def get_cvar(nesting, path, name, key = nil)
- key ||= [name, nesting.__id__, path].join('::')
- _l, value = @table[key]
- value || @parent.get_cvar(nesting, path, name, key)
- end
- def [](name)
- type = RootScope.type_by_name(name)
- if type == :const
- return get_const(nil, nil, name) || Types::NIL if name.include?('::')
- module_nesting.each do |(nesting, path)|
- value = get_const nesting, [*path, name]
- return value if value
- end
- return Types::NIL
- elsif type == :cvar
- return get_cvar(nil, nil, nil, name) if name.include?('::')
- nesting, path = module_nesting.first
- return get_cvar(nesting, path, name)
- end
- level, value = @table[name]
- if level
- value
- elsif trace? name
- @parent[name]
- elsif type == :ivar
- self_instance_variable_get name
- end
- end
- def set_const(nesting, path, value)
- key = [nesting.__id__, path].join('::')
- @table[key] = [0, value]
- end
- def set_cvar(nesting, path, name, value)
- key = [name, nesting.__id__, path].join('::')
- @table[key] = [0, value]
- end
- def []=(name, value)
- type = RootScope.type_by_name(name)
- if type == :const
- if name.include?('::')
- @table[name] = [0, value]
- else
- parent_module, parent_path = module_nesting.first
- set_const parent_module, [*parent_path, name], value
- end
- return
- elsif type == :cvar
- if name.include?('::')
- @table[name] = [0, value]
- else
- parent_module, parent_path = module_nesting.first
- set_cvar parent_module, parent_path, name, value
- end
- return
- end
- variable_level = level_of name, type
- @table[name] = [variable_level, value] if variable_level
- end
- def self_type
- @self_type || @parent.self_type
- end
- def global_variables
- gvar_keys = @table.keys.select do |name|
- RootScope.type_by_name(name) == :gvar
- end
- gvar_keys | @parent.global_variables
- end
- def local_variables
- lvar_keys = @table.keys.select do |name|
- RootScope.type_by_name(name) == :lvar
- end
- lvar_keys |= @parent.local_variables if @trace_lvar
- lvar_keys
- end
- def table_constants
- constants = module_nesting.flat_map do |mod, path|
- prefix = [mod.__id__, *path].join('::') + '::'
- @table.keys.select { _1.start_with? prefix }.map { _1.delete_prefix(prefix).split('::').first }
- end.uniq
- constants |= @parent.table_constants if @parent.mutable?
- constants
- end
- def table_module_constants(mod)
- prefix = "#{mod.__id__}::"
- constants = @table.keys.select { _1.start_with? prefix }.map { _1.delete_prefix(prefix).split('::').first }
- constants |= @parent.table_constants if @parent.mutable?
- constants
- end
- def base_scope
- @parent.mutable? ? @parent.base_scope : @parent
- end
- def table_instance_variables
- ivars = @table.keys.select { RootScope.type_by_name(_1) == :ivar }
- ivars |= @parent.table_instance_variables if @parent.mutable? && @trace_ivar
- ivars
- end
- def instance_variables
- self_singleton_types = self_type.types.grep(Types::SingletonType)
- singleton_classes = self_type.types.grep(Types::InstanceType).map(&:klass).select(&:singleton_class?)
- base_self = base_scope.self_object
- self_instance_variables = singleton_classes.flat_map do |singleton_class|
- if singleton_class.respond_to? :attached_object
- Methods::OBJECT_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_METHOD.bind_call(singleton_class.attached_object).map(&:to_s)
- elsif singleton_class == Methods::OBJECT_SINGLETON_CLASS_METHOD.bind_call(base_self)
- Methods::OBJECT_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_METHOD.bind_call(base_self).map(&:to_s)
- else
- []
- end
- end
- [
- self_singleton_types.flat_map { _1.module_or_class.instance_variables.map(&:to_s) },
- self_instance_variables || [],
- table_instance_variables
- ].inject(:|)
- end
- def self_instance_variable_get(name)
- self_objects = self_type.types.grep(Types::SingletonType).map(&:module_or_class)
- singleton_classes = self_type.types.grep(Types::InstanceType).map(&:klass).select(&:singleton_class?)
- base_self = base_scope.self_object
- singleton_classes.each do |singleton_class|
- if singleton_class.respond_to? :attached_object
- self_objects << singleton_class.attached_object
- elsif singleton_class == base_self.singleton_class
- self_objects << base_self
- end
- end
- types = self_objects.map do |object|
- value = begin
- Methods::OBJECT_INSTANCE_VARIABLE_GET_METHOD.bind_call(object, name)
- rescue NameError
- end
- Types.type_from_object value
- end
- Types::UnionType[*types]
- end
- def table_class_variables
- cvars = @table.keys.filter_map { _1.split('::', 2).first if RootScope.type_by_name(_1) == :cvar }
- cvars |= @parent.table_class_variables if @parent.mutable?
- cvars
- end
- def class_variables
- cvars = table_class_variables
- m, = module_nesting.first
- cvars |= m.class_variables.map(&:to_s) if m.is_a? Module
- cvars
- end
- def constants
- module_nesting.flat_map do |nest,|
- nest.constants
- end.map(&:to_s) | table_constants
- end
- def merge_jumps
- if terminated?
- @terminated = false
- @table = @mergeable_changes
- merge @jump_branches
- @terminated = true
- else
- merge [*@jump_branches, {}]
- end
- end
- def conditional(&block)
- run_branches(block, ->(_s) {}).first || Types::NIL
- end
- def never(&block)
- block.call Scope.new(self, { BREAK_RESULT => nil, NEXT_RESULT => nil, PATTERNMATCH_BREAK => nil, RETURN_RESULT => nil })
- end
- def run_branches(*blocks)
- results = []
- branches = []
- blocks.each do |block|
- scope = Scope.new self
- result = block.call scope
- next if scope.terminated?
- results << result
- branches << scope.mergeable_changes
- end
- terminate if branches.empty?
- merge branches
- results
- end
- def has_own?(name)
- @table.key? name
- end
- def update(child_scope)
- current_level = level
- child_scope.mergeable_changes.each do |name, (level, value)|
- self[name] = value if level <= current_level
- end
- end
- protected
- def merge(branches)
- current_level = level
- merge = {}
- branches.each do |changes|
- changes.each do |name, (level, value)|
- next if current_level < level
- (merge[name] ||= []) << value
- end
- end
- merge.each do |name, values|
- values << self[name] unless values.size == branches.size
- values.compact!
- self[name] = Types::UnionType[*values.compact] unless values.empty?
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/irb/type_completion/type_analyzer.rb b/lib/irb/type_completion/type_analyzer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 344924c9fc..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/type_completion/type_analyzer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1181 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'set'
-require_relative 'types'
-require_relative 'scope'
-require 'prism'
-module IRB
- module TypeCompletion
- class TypeAnalyzer
- class DigTarget
- def initialize(parents, receiver, &block)
- @dig_ids = parents.to_h { [_1.__id__, true] }
- @target_id = receiver.__id__
- @block = block
- end
- def dig?(node) = @dig_ids[node.__id__]
- def target?(node) = @target_id == node.__id__
- def resolve(type, scope)
- @block.call type, scope
- end
- end
- to_s: Types::STRING,
- to_str: Types::STRING,
- to_a: Types::ARRAY,
- to_ary: Types::ARRAY,
- to_h: Types::HASH,
- to_hash: Types::HASH,
- to_i: Types::INTEGER,
- to_int: Types::INTEGER,
- to_f: Types::FLOAT,
- to_c: Types::COMPLEX,
- to_r: Types::RATIONAL
- }
- def initialize(dig_targets)
- @dig_targets = dig_targets
- end
- def evaluate(node, scope)
- method = "evaluate_#{node.type}"
- if respond_to? method
- result = send method, node, scope
- else
- result = Types::NIL
- end
- @dig_targets.resolve result, scope if @dig_targets.target? node
- result
- end
- def evaluate_program_node(node, scope)
- evaluate node.statements, scope
- end
- def evaluate_statements_node(node, scope)
- if node.body.empty?
- Types::NIL
- else
- node.body.map { evaluate _1, scope }.last
- end
- end
- def evaluate_def_node(node, scope)
- if node.receiver
- self_type = evaluate node.receiver, scope
- else
- current_self_types = scope.self_type.types
- self_types = current_self_types.map do |type|
- if type.is_a?(Types::SingletonType) && type.module_or_class.is_a?(Class)
- Types::InstanceType.new type.module_or_class
- else
- type
- end
- end
- self_type = Types::UnionType[*self_types]
- end
- if @dig_targets.dig?(node.body) || @dig_targets.dig?(node.parameters)
- params_table = node.locals.to_h { [_1.to_s, Types::NIL] }
- method_scope = Scope.new(
- scope,
- { **params_table, Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil, Scope::NEXT_RESULT => nil, Scope::RETURN_RESULT => nil },
- self_type: self_type,
- trace_lvar: false,
- trace_ivar: false
- )
- if node.parameters
- # node.parameters is Prism::ParametersNode
- assign_parameters node.parameters, method_scope, [], {}
- end
- if @dig_targets.dig?(node.body)
- method_scope.conditional do |s|
- evaluate node.body, s
- end
- end
- method_scope.merge_jumps
- scope.update method_scope
- end
- Types::SYMBOL
- end
- def evaluate_integer_node(_node, _scope) = Types::INTEGER
- def evaluate_float_node(_node, _scope) = Types::FLOAT
- def evaluate_rational_node(_node, _scope) = Types::RATIONAL
- def evaluate_imaginary_node(_node, _scope) = Types::COMPLEX
- def evaluate_string_node(_node, _scope) = Types::STRING
- def evaluate_x_string_node(_node, _scope)
- Types::UnionType[Types::STRING, Types::NIL]
- end
- def evaluate_symbol_node(_node, _scope) = Types::SYMBOL
- def evaluate_regular_expression_node(_node, _scope) = Types::REGEXP
- def evaluate_string_concat_node(node, scope)
- evaluate node.left, scope
- evaluate node.right, scope
- Types::STRING
- end
- def evaluate_interpolated_string_node(node, scope)
- node.parts.each { evaluate _1, scope }
- Types::STRING
- end
- def evaluate_interpolated_x_string_node(node, scope)
- node.parts.each { evaluate _1, scope }
- Types::STRING
- end
- def evaluate_interpolated_symbol_node(node, scope)
- node.parts.each { evaluate _1, scope }
- Types::SYMBOL
- end
- def evaluate_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node, scope)
- node.parts.each { evaluate _1, scope }
- Types::REGEXP
- end
- def evaluate_embedded_statements_node(node, scope)
- node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- Types::STRING
- end
- def evaluate_embedded_variable_node(node, scope)
- evaluate node.variable, scope
- Types::STRING
- end
- def evaluate_array_node(node, scope)
- Types.array_of evaluate_list_splat_items(node.elements, scope)
- end
- def evaluate_hash_node(node, scope) = evaluate_hash(node, scope)
- def evaluate_keyword_hash_node(node, scope) = evaluate_hash(node, scope)
- def evaluate_hash(node, scope)
- keys = []
- values = []
- node.elements.each do |assoc|
- case assoc
- when Prism::AssocNode
- keys << evaluate(assoc.key, scope)
- values << evaluate(assoc.value, scope)
- when Prism::AssocSplatNode
- next unless assoc.value # def f(**); {**}
- hash = evaluate assoc.value, scope
- unless hash.is_a?(Types::InstanceType) && hash.klass == Hash
- hash = method_call hash, :to_hash, [], nil, nil, scope
- end
- if hash.is_a?(Types::InstanceType) && hash.klass == Hash
- keys << hash.params[:K] if hash.params[:K]
- values << hash.params[:V] if hash.params[:V]
- end
- end
- end
- if keys.empty? && values.empty?
- Types::InstanceType.new Hash
- else
- Types::InstanceType.new Hash, K: Types::UnionType[*keys], V: Types::UnionType[*values]
- end
- end
- def evaluate_parentheses_node(node, scope)
- node.body ? evaluate(node.body, scope) : Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_constant_path_node(node, scope)
- type, = evaluate_constant_node_info node, scope
- type
- end
- def evaluate_self_node(_node, scope) = scope.self_type
- def evaluate_true_node(_node, _scope) = Types::TRUE
- def evaluate_false_node(_node, _scope) = Types::FALSE
- def evaluate_nil_node(_node, _scope) = Types::NIL
- def evaluate_source_file_node(_node, _scope) = Types::STRING
- def evaluate_source_line_node(_node, _scope) = Types::INTEGER
- def evaluate_source_encoding_node(_node, _scope) = Types::InstanceType.new(Encoding)
- def evaluate_numbered_reference_read_node(_node, _scope)
- Types::UnionType[Types::STRING, Types::NIL]
- end
- def evaluate_back_reference_read_node(_node, _scope)
- Types::UnionType[Types::STRING, Types::NIL]
- end
- def evaluate_reference_read(node, scope)
- scope[node.name.to_s] || Types::NIL
- end
- alias evaluate_constant_read_node evaluate_reference_read
- alias evaluate_global_variable_read_node evaluate_reference_read
- alias evaluate_local_variable_read_node evaluate_reference_read
- alias evaluate_class_variable_read_node evaluate_reference_read
- alias evaluate_instance_variable_read_node evaluate_reference_read
- def evaluate_call_node(node, scope)
- is_field_assign = node.name.match?(/[^<>=!\]]=\z/) || (node.name == :[]= && !node.call_operator)
- receiver_type = node.receiver ? evaluate(node.receiver, scope) : scope.self_type
- evaluate_method = lambda do |scope|
- args_types, kwargs_types, block_sym_node, has_block = evaluate_call_node_arguments node, scope
- if block_sym_node
- block_sym = block_sym_node.value
- if @dig_targets.target? block_sym_node
- # method(args, &:completion_target)
- call_block_proc = ->(block_args, _self_type) do
- block_receiver = block_args.first || Types::OBJECT
- @dig_targets.resolve block_receiver, scope
- Types::OBJECT
- end
- else
- call_block_proc = ->(block_args, _self_type) do
- block_receiver, *rest = block_args
- block_receiver ? method_call(block_receiver || Types::OBJECT, block_sym, rest, nil, nil, scope) : Types::OBJECT
- end
- end
- elsif node.block.is_a? Prism::BlockNode
- call_block_proc = ->(block_args, block_self_type) do
- scope.conditional do |s|
- numbered_parameters = node.block.locals.grep(/\A_[1-9]/).map(&:to_s)
- params_table = node.block.locals.to_h { [_1.to_s, Types::NIL] }
- table = { **params_table, Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil, Scope::NEXT_RESULT => nil }
- block_scope = Scope.new s, table, self_type: block_self_type, trace_ivar: !block_self_type
- # TODO kwargs
- if node.block.parameters&.parameters
- # node.block.parameters is Prism::BlockParametersNode
- assign_parameters node.block.parameters.parameters, block_scope, block_args, {}
- elsif !numbered_parameters.empty?
- assign_numbered_parameters numbered_parameters, block_scope, block_args, {}
- end
- result = node.block.body ? evaluate(node.block.body, block_scope) : Types::NIL
- block_scope.merge_jumps
- s.update block_scope
- nexts = block_scope[Scope::NEXT_RESULT]
- breaks = block_scope[Scope::BREAK_RESULT]
- if block_scope.terminated?
- [Types::UnionType[*nexts], breaks]
- else
- [Types::UnionType[result, *nexts], breaks]
- end
- end
- end
- elsif has_block
- call_block_proc = ->(_block_args, _self_type) { Types::OBJECT }
- end
- result = method_call receiver_type, node.name, args_types, kwargs_types, call_block_proc, scope
- if is_field_assign
- args_types.last || Types::NIL
- else
- result
- end
- end
- if node.call_operator == '&.'
- result = scope.conditional { evaluate_method.call _1 }
- if receiver_type.nillable?
- Types::UnionType[result, Types::NIL]
- else
- result
- end
- else
- evaluate_method.call scope
- end
- end
- def evaluate_and_node(node, scope) = evaluate_and_or(node, scope, and_op: true)
- def evaluate_or_node(node, scope) = evaluate_and_or(node, scope, and_op: false)
- def evaluate_and_or(node, scope, and_op:)
- left = evaluate node.left, scope
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.right, _1 }
- if and_op
- Types::UnionType[right, Types::NIL, Types::FALSE]
- else
- Types::UnionType[left, right]
- end
- end
- def evaluate_call_operator_write_node(node, scope) = evaluate_call_write(node, scope, :operator, node.write_name)
- def evaluate_call_and_write_node(node, scope) = evaluate_call_write(node, scope, :and, node.write_name)
- def evaluate_call_or_write_node(node, scope) = evaluate_call_write(node, scope, :or, node.write_name)
- def evaluate_index_operator_write_node(node, scope) = evaluate_call_write(node, scope, :operator, :[]=)
- def evaluate_index_and_write_node(node, scope) = evaluate_call_write(node, scope, :and, :[]=)
- def evaluate_index_or_write_node(node, scope) = evaluate_call_write(node, scope, :or, :[]=)
- def evaluate_call_write(node, scope, operator, write_name)
- receiver_type = evaluate node.receiver, scope
- if write_name == :[]=
- args_types, kwargs_types, block_sym_node, has_block = evaluate_call_node_arguments node, scope
- else
- args_types = []
- end
- if block_sym_node
- block_sym = block_sym_node.value
- call_block_proc = ->(block_args, _self_type) do
- block_receiver, *rest = block_args
- block_receiver ? method_call(block_receiver || Types::OBJECT, block_sym, rest, nil, nil, scope) : Types::OBJECT
- end
- elsif has_block
- call_block_proc = ->(_block_args, _self_type) { Types::OBJECT }
- end
- method = write_name.to_s.delete_suffix('=')
- left = method_call receiver_type, method, args_types, kwargs_types, call_block_proc, scope
- case operator
- when :and
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, _1 }
- Types::UnionType[right, Types::NIL, Types::FALSE]
- when :or
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, _1 }
- Types::UnionType[left, right]
- else
- right = evaluate node.value, scope
- method_call left, node.operator, [right], nil, nil, scope, name_match: false
- end
- end
- def evaluate_variable_operator_write(node, scope)
- left = scope[node.name.to_s] || Types::OBJECT
- right = evaluate node.value, scope
- scope[node.name.to_s] = method_call left, node.operator, [right], nil, nil, scope, name_match: false
- end
- alias evaluate_global_variable_operator_write_node evaluate_variable_operator_write
- alias evaluate_local_variable_operator_write_node evaluate_variable_operator_write
- alias evaluate_class_variable_operator_write_node evaluate_variable_operator_write
- alias evaluate_instance_variable_operator_write_node evaluate_variable_operator_write
- def evaluate_variable_and_write(node, scope)
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, scope }
- scope[node.name.to_s] = Types::UnionType[right, Types::NIL, Types::FALSE]
- end
- alias evaluate_global_variable_and_write_node evaluate_variable_and_write
- alias evaluate_local_variable_and_write_node evaluate_variable_and_write
- alias evaluate_class_variable_and_write_node evaluate_variable_and_write
- alias evaluate_instance_variable_and_write_node evaluate_variable_and_write
- def evaluate_variable_or_write(node, scope)
- left = scope[node.name.to_s] || Types::OBJECT
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, scope }
- scope[node.name.to_s] = Types::UnionType[left, right]
- end
- alias evaluate_global_variable_or_write_node evaluate_variable_or_write
- alias evaluate_local_variable_or_write_node evaluate_variable_or_write
- alias evaluate_class_variable_or_write_node evaluate_variable_or_write
- alias evaluate_instance_variable_or_write_node evaluate_variable_or_write
- def evaluate_constant_operator_write_node(node, scope)
- left = scope[node.name.to_s] || Types::OBJECT
- right = evaluate node.value, scope
- scope[node.name.to_s] = method_call left, node.operator, [right], nil, nil, scope, name_match: false
- end
- def evaluate_constant_and_write_node(node, scope)
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, scope }
- scope[node.name.to_s] = Types::UnionType[right, Types::NIL, Types::FALSE]
- end
- def evaluate_constant_or_write_node(node, scope)
- left = scope[node.name.to_s] || Types::OBJECT
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, scope }
- scope[node.name.to_s] = Types::UnionType[left, right]
- end
- def evaluate_constant_path_operator_write_node(node, scope)
- left, receiver, _parent_module, name = evaluate_constant_node_info node.target, scope
- right = evaluate node.value, scope
- value = method_call left, node.operator, [right], nil, nil, scope, name_match: false
- const_path_write receiver, name, value, scope
- value
- end
- def evaluate_constant_path_and_write_node(node, scope)
- _left, receiver, _parent_module, name = evaluate_constant_node_info node.target, scope
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, scope }
- value = Types::UnionType[right, Types::NIL, Types::FALSE]
- const_path_write receiver, name, value, scope
- value
- end
- def evaluate_constant_path_or_write_node(node, scope)
- left, receiver, _parent_module, name = evaluate_constant_node_info node.target, scope
- right = scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, scope }
- value = Types::UnionType[left, right]
- const_path_write receiver, name, value, scope
- value
- end
- def evaluate_constant_path_write_node(node, scope)
- receiver = evaluate node.target.parent, scope if node.target.parent
- value = evaluate node.value, scope
- const_path_write receiver, node.target.child.name.to_s, value, scope
- value
- end
- def evaluate_lambda_node(node, scope)
- local_table = node.locals.to_h { [_1.to_s, Types::OBJECT] }
- block_scope = Scope.new scope, { **local_table, Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil, Scope::NEXT_RESULT => nil, Scope::RETURN_RESULT => nil }
- block_scope.conditional do |s|
- assign_parameters node.parameters.parameters, s, [], {} if node.parameters&.parameters
- evaluate node.body, s if node.body
- end
- block_scope.merge_jumps
- scope.update block_scope
- Types::PROC
- end
- def evaluate_reference_write(node, scope)
- scope[node.name.to_s] = evaluate node.value, scope
- end
- alias evaluate_constant_write_node evaluate_reference_write
- alias evaluate_global_variable_write_node evaluate_reference_write
- alias evaluate_local_variable_write_node evaluate_reference_write
- alias evaluate_class_variable_write_node evaluate_reference_write
- alias evaluate_instance_variable_write_node evaluate_reference_write
- def evaluate_multi_write_node(node, scope)
- evaluated_receivers = {}
- evaluate_multi_write_receiver node, scope, evaluated_receivers
- value = (
- if node.value.is_a? Prism::ArrayNode
- if node.value.elements.any?(Prism::SplatNode)
- evaluate node.value, scope
- else
- node.value.elements.map do |n|
- evaluate n, scope
- end
- end
- elsif node.value
- evaluate node.value, scope
- else
- Types::NIL
- end
- )
- evaluate_multi_write node, value, scope, evaluated_receivers
- value.is_a?(Array) ? Types.array_of(*value) : value
- end
- def evaluate_if_node(node, scope) = evaluate_if_unless(node, scope)
- def evaluate_unless_node(node, scope) = evaluate_if_unless(node, scope)
- def evaluate_if_unless(node, scope)
- evaluate node.predicate, scope
- Types::UnionType[*scope.run_branches(
- -> { node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, _1) : Types::NIL },
- -> { node.consequent ? evaluate(node.consequent, _1) : Types::NIL }
- )]
- end
- def evaluate_else_node(node, scope)
- node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_while_until(node, scope)
- inner_scope = Scope.new scope, { Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil }
- evaluate node.predicate, inner_scope
- if node.statements
- inner_scope.conditional do |s|
- evaluate node.statements, s
- end
- end
- inner_scope.merge_jumps
- scope.update inner_scope
- breaks = inner_scope[Scope::BREAK_RESULT]
- breaks ? Types::UnionType[breaks, Types::NIL] : Types::NIL
- end
- alias evaluate_while_node evaluate_while_until
- alias evaluate_until_node evaluate_while_until
- def evaluate_break_node(node, scope) = evaluate_jump(node, scope, :break)
- def evaluate_next_node(node, scope) = evaluate_jump(node, scope, :next)
- def evaluate_return_node(node, scope) = evaluate_jump(node, scope, :return)
- def evaluate_jump(node, scope, mode)
- internal_key = (
- case mode
- when :break
- when :next
- when :return
- end
- )
- jump_value = (
- arguments = node.arguments&.arguments
- if arguments.nil? || arguments.empty?
- Types::NIL
- elsif arguments.size == 1 && !arguments.first.is_a?(Prism::SplatNode)
- evaluate arguments.first, scope
- else
- Types.array_of evaluate_list_splat_items(arguments, scope)
- end
- )
- scope.terminate_with internal_key, jump_value
- Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_yield_node(node, scope)
- evaluate_list_splat_items node.arguments.arguments, scope if node.arguments
- Types::OBJECT
- end
- def evaluate_redo_node(_node, scope)
- scope.terminate
- Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_retry_node(_node, scope)
- scope.terminate
- Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_forwarding_super_node(_node, _scope) = Types::OBJECT
- def evaluate_super_node(node, scope)
- evaluate_list_splat_items node.arguments.arguments, scope if node.arguments
- Types::OBJECT
- end
- def evaluate_begin_node(node, scope)
- return_type = node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- if node.rescue_clause
- if node.else_clause
- return_types = scope.run_branches(
- ->{ evaluate node.rescue_clause, _1 },
- ->{ evaluate node.else_clause, _1 }
- )
- else
- return_types = [
- return_type,
- scope.conditional { evaluate node.rescue_clause, _1 }
- ]
- end
- return_type = Types::UnionType[*return_types]
- end
- if node.ensure_clause&.statements
- # ensure_clause is Prism::EnsureNode
- evaluate node.ensure_clause.statements, scope
- end
- return_type
- end
- def evaluate_rescue_node(node, scope)
- run_rescue = lambda do |s|
- if node.reference
- error_classes_type = evaluate_list_splat_items node.exceptions, s
- error_types = error_classes_type.types.filter_map do
- Types::InstanceType.new _1.module_or_class if _1.is_a?(Types::SingletonType)
- end
- error_types << Types::InstanceType.new(StandardError) if error_types.empty?
- error_type = Types::UnionType[*error_types]
- case node.reference
- when Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode
- s[node.reference.name.to_s] = error_type
- when Prism::CallNode
- evaluate node.reference, s
- end
- end
- node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, s) : Types::NIL
- end
- if node.consequent # begin; rescue A; rescue B; end
- types = scope.run_branches(
- run_rescue,
- -> { evaluate node.consequent, _1 }
- )
- Types::UnionType[*types]
- else
- run_rescue.call scope
- end
- end
- def evaluate_rescue_modifier_node(node, scope)
- a = evaluate node.expression, scope
- b = scope.conditional { evaluate node.rescue_expression, _1 }
- Types::UnionType[a, b]
- end
- def evaluate_singleton_class_node(node, scope)
- klass_types = evaluate(node.expression, scope).types.filter_map do |type|
- Types::SingletonType.new type.klass if type.is_a? Types::InstanceType
- end
- klass_types = [Types::CLASS] if klass_types.empty?
- table = node.locals.to_h { [_1.to_s, Types::NIL] }
- sclass_scope = Scope.new(
- scope,
- { **table, Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil, Scope::NEXT_RESULT => nil, Scope::RETURN_RESULT => nil },
- trace_ivar: false,
- trace_lvar: false,
- self_type: Types::UnionType[*klass_types]
- )
- result = node.body ? evaluate(node.body, sclass_scope) : Types::NIL
- scope.update sclass_scope
- result
- end
- def evaluate_class_node(node, scope) = evaluate_class_module(node, scope, true)
- def evaluate_module_node(node, scope) = evaluate_class_module(node, scope, false)
- def evaluate_class_module(node, scope, is_class)
- unless node.constant_path.is_a?(Prism::ConstantReadNode) || node.constant_path.is_a?(Prism::ConstantPathNode)
- # Incomplete class/module `class (statement[cursor_here])::Name; end`
- evaluate node.constant_path, scope
- return Types::NIL
- end
- const_type, _receiver, parent_module, name = evaluate_constant_node_info node.constant_path, scope
- if is_class
- select_class_type = -> { _1.is_a?(Types::SingletonType) && _1.module_or_class.is_a?(Class) }
- module_types = const_type.types.select(&select_class_type)
- module_types += evaluate(node.superclass, scope).types.select(&select_class_type) if node.superclass
- module_types << Types::CLASS if module_types.empty?
- else
- module_types = const_type.types.select { _1.is_a?(Types::SingletonType) && !_1.module_or_class.is_a?(Class) }
- module_types << Types::MODULE if module_types.empty?
- end
- return Types::NIL unless node.body
- table = node.locals.to_h { [_1.to_s, Types::NIL] }
- if !name.empty? && (parent_module.is_a?(Module) || parent_module.nil?)
- value = parent_module.const_get name if parent_module&.const_defined? name
- unless value
- value_type = scope[name]
- value = value_type.module_or_class if value_type.is_a? Types::SingletonType
- end
- if value.is_a? Module
- nesting = [value, []]
- else
- if parent_module
- nesting = [parent_module, [name]]
- else
- parent_nesting, parent_path = scope.module_nesting.first
- nesting = [parent_nesting, parent_path + [name]]
- end
- nesting_key = [nesting[0].__id__, nesting[1]].join('::')
- nesting_value = is_class ? Types::CLASS : Types::MODULE
- end
- else
- # parent_module == :unknown
- # TODO: dummy module
- end
- module_scope = Scope.new(
- scope,
- { **table, Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil, Scope::NEXT_RESULT => nil, Scope::RETURN_RESULT => nil },
- trace_ivar: false,
- trace_lvar: false,
- self_type: Types::UnionType[*module_types],
- nesting: nesting
- )
- module_scope[nesting_key] = nesting_value if nesting_value
- result = evaluate(node.body, module_scope)
- scope.update module_scope
- result
- end
- def evaluate_for_node(node, scope)
- node.statements
- collection = evaluate node.collection, scope
- inner_scope = Scope.new scope, { Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil }
- ary_type = method_call collection, :to_ary, [], nil, nil, nil, name_match: false
- element_types = ary_type.types.filter_map do |ary|
- ary.params[:Elem] if ary.is_a?(Types::InstanceType) && ary.klass == Array
- end
- element_type = Types::UnionType[*element_types]
- inner_scope.conditional do |s|
- evaluate_write node.index, element_type, s, nil
- evaluate node.statements, s if node.statements
- end
- inner_scope.merge_jumps
- scope.update inner_scope
- breaks = inner_scope[Scope::BREAK_RESULT]
- breaks ? Types::UnionType[breaks, collection] : collection
- end
- def evaluate_case_node(node, scope)
- evaluate(node.predicate, scope) if node.predicate
- # TODO
- branches = node.conditions.map do |condition|
- ->(s) { evaluate_case_when_condition condition, s }
- end
- if node.consequent
- branches << ->(s) { evaluate node.consequent, s }
- else
- branches << ->(_s) { Types::NIL }
- end
- Types::UnionType[*scope.run_branches(*branches)]
- end
- def evaluate_case_match_node(node, scope)
- target = evaluate(node.predicate, scope)
- # TODO
- branches = node.conditions.map do |condition|
- ->(s) { evaluate_case_in_condition target, condition, s }
- end
- if node.consequent
- branches << ->(s) { evaluate node.consequent, s }
- end
- Types::UnionType[*scope.run_branches(*branches)]
- end
- def evaluate_match_required_node(node, scope)
- value_type = evaluate node.value, scope
- evaluate_match_pattern value_type, node.pattern, scope
- Types::NIL # void value
- end
- def evaluate_match_predicate_node(node, scope)
- value_type = evaluate node.value, scope
- scope.conditional { evaluate_match_pattern value_type, node.pattern, _1 }
- Types::BOOLEAN
- end
- def evaluate_range_node(node, scope)
- beg_type = evaluate node.left, scope if node.left
- end_type = evaluate node.right, scope if node.right
- elem = (Types::UnionType[*[beg_type, end_type].compact]).nonnillable
- Types::InstanceType.new Range, Elem: elem
- end
- def evaluate_defined_node(node, scope)
- scope.conditional { evaluate node.value, _1 }
- Types::UnionType[Types::STRING, Types::NIL]
- end
- def evaluate_flip_flop_node(node, scope)
- scope.conditional { evaluate node.left, _1 } if node.left
- scope.conditional { evaluate node.right, _1 } if node.right
- Types::BOOLEAN
- end
- def evaluate_multi_target_node(node, scope)
- # Raw MultiTargetNode, incomplete code like `a,b`, `*a`.
- evaluate_multi_write_receiver node, scope, nil
- Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_splat_node(node, scope)
- # Raw SplatNode, incomplete code like `*a.`
- evaluate_multi_write_receiver node.expression, scope, nil if node.expression
- Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_implicit_node(node, scope)
- evaluate node.value, scope
- end
- def evaluate_match_write_node(node, scope)
- # /(?<a>)(?<b>)/ =~ string
- evaluate node.call, scope
- locals = node.targets.map(&:name)
- locals.each { scope[_1.to_s] = Types::UnionType[Types::STRING, Types::NIL] }
- Types::BOOLEAN
- end
- def evaluate_match_last_line_node(_node, _scope)
- Types::BOOLEAN
- end
- def evaluate_interpolated_match_last_line_node(node, scope)
- node.parts.each { evaluate _1, scope }
- Types::BOOLEAN
- end
- def evaluate_pre_execution_node(node, scope)
- node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_post_execution_node(node, scope)
- node.statements && @dig_targets.dig?(node.statements) ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_alias_method_node(_node, _scope) = Types::NIL
- def evaluate_alias_global_variable_node(_node, _scope) = Types::NIL
- def evaluate_undef_node(_node, _scope) = Types::NIL
- def evaluate_missing_node(_node, _scope) = Types::NIL
- def evaluate_call_node_arguments(call_node, scope)
- # call_node.arguments is Prism::ArgumentsNode
- arguments = call_node.arguments&.arguments&.dup || []
- block_arg = call_node.block.expression if call_node.block.is_a?(Prism::BlockArgumentNode)
- kwargs = arguments.pop.elements if arguments.last.is_a?(Prism::KeywordHashNode)
- args_types = arguments.map do |arg|
- case arg
- when Prism::ForwardingArgumentsNode
- # `f(a, ...)` treat like splat
- nil
- when Prism::SplatNode
- evaluate arg.expression, scope if arg.expression
- nil # TODO: splat
- else
- evaluate arg, scope
- end
- end
- if kwargs
- kwargs_types = kwargs.map do |arg|
- case arg
- when Prism::AssocNode
- if arg.key.is_a?(Prism::SymbolNode)
- [arg.key.value, evaluate(arg.value, scope)]
- else
- evaluate arg.key, scope
- evaluate arg.value, scope
- nil
- end
- when Prism::AssocSplatNode
- evaluate arg.value, scope if arg.value
- nil
- end
- end.compact.to_h
- end
- if block_arg.is_a? Prism::SymbolNode
- block_sym_node = block_arg
- elsif block_arg
- evaluate block_arg, scope
- end
- [args_types, kwargs_types, block_sym_node, !!block_arg]
- end
- def const_path_write(receiver, name, value, scope)
- if receiver # receiver::A = value
- singleton_type = receiver.types.find { _1.is_a? Types::SingletonType }
- scope.set_const singleton_type.module_or_class, name, value if singleton_type
- else # ::A = value
- scope.set_const Object, name, value
- end
- end
- def assign_required_parameter(node, value, scope)
- case node
- when Prism::RequiredParameterNode
- scope[node.name.to_s] = value || Types::OBJECT
- when Prism::MultiTargetNode
- parameters = [*node.lefts, *node.rest, *node.rights]
- values = value ? sized_splat(value, :to_ary, parameters.size) : []
- parameters.zip values do |n, v|
- assign_required_parameter n, v, scope
- end
- when Prism::SplatNode
- splat_value = value ? Types.array_of(value) : Types::ARRAY
- assign_required_parameter node.expression, splat_value, scope if node.expression
- end
- end
- def evaluate_constant_node_info(node, scope)
- case node
- when Prism::ConstantPathNode
- name = node.child.name.to_s
- if node.parent
- receiver = evaluate node.parent, scope
- if receiver.is_a? Types::SingletonType
- parent_module = receiver.module_or_class
- end
- else
- parent_module = Object
- end
- if parent_module
- type = scope.get_const(parent_module, [name]) || Types::NIL
- else
- parent_module = :unknown
- type = Types::NIL
- end
- when Prism::ConstantReadNode
- name = node.name.to_s
- type = scope[name]
- end
- @dig_targets.resolve type, scope if @dig_targets.target? node
- [type, receiver, parent_module, name]
- end
- def assign_parameters(node, scope, args, kwargs)
- args = args.dup
- kwargs = kwargs.dup
- size = node.requireds.size + node.optionals.size + (node.rest ? 1 : 0) + node.posts.size
- args = sized_splat(args.first, :to_ary, size) if size >= 2 && args.size == 1
- reqs = args.shift node.requireds.size
- if node.rest
- # node.rest is Prism::RestParameterNode
- posts = []
- opts = args.shift node.optionals.size
- rest = args
- else
- posts = args.pop node.posts.size
- opts = args
- rest = []
- end
- node.requireds.zip reqs do |n, v|
- assign_required_parameter n, v, scope
- end
- node.optionals.zip opts do |n, v|
- # n is Prism::OptionalParameterNode
- values = [v]
- values << evaluate(n.value, scope) if n.value
- scope[n.name.to_s] = Types::UnionType[*values.compact]
- end
- node.posts.zip posts do |n, v|
- assign_required_parameter n, v, scope
- end
- if node.rest&.name
- # node.rest is Prism::RestParameterNode
- scope[node.rest.name.to_s] = Types.array_of(*rest)
- end
- node.keywords.each do |n|
- name = n.name.to_s.delete(':')
- values = [kwargs.delete(name)]
- # n is Prism::OptionalKeywordParameterNode (has n.value) or Prism::RequiredKeywordParameterNode (does not have n.value)
- values << evaluate(n.value, scope) if n.respond_to?(:value)
- scope[name] = Types::UnionType[*values.compact]
- end
- # node.keyword_rest is Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode or Prism::ForwardingParameterNode or Prism::NoKeywordsParameterNode
- if node.keyword_rest.is_a?(Prism::KeywordRestParameterNode) && node.keyword_rest.name
- scope[node.keyword_rest.name.to_s] = Types::InstanceType.new(Hash, K: Types::SYMBOL, V: Types::UnionType[*kwargs.values])
- end
- if node.block&.name
- # node.block is Prism::BlockParameterNode
- scope[node.block.name.to_s] = Types::PROC
- end
- end
- def assign_numbered_parameters(numbered_parameters, scope, args, _kwargs)
- return if numbered_parameters.empty?
- max_num = numbered_parameters.map { _1[1].to_i }.max
- if max_num == 1
- scope['_1'] = args.first || Types::NIL
- else
- args = sized_splat(args.first, :to_ary, max_num) if args.size == 1
- numbered_parameters.each do |name|
- index = name[1].to_i - 1
- scope[name] = args[index] || Types::NIL
- end
- end
- end
- def evaluate_case_when_condition(node, scope)
- node.conditions.each { evaluate _1, scope }
- node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_case_in_condition(target, node, scope)
- pattern = node.pattern
- if pattern.is_a?(Prism::IfNode) || pattern.is_a?(Prism::UnlessNode)
- cond_node = pattern.predicate
- pattern = pattern.statements.body.first
- end
- evaluate_match_pattern(target, pattern, scope)
- evaluate cond_node, scope if cond_node # TODO: conditional branch
- node.statements ? evaluate(node.statements, scope) : Types::NIL
- end
- def evaluate_match_pattern(value, pattern, scope)
- # TODO: scope.terminate_with Scope::PATTERNMATCH_BREAK, Types::NIL
- case pattern
- when Prism::FindPatternNode
- # TODO
- evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, pattern.left, scope
- pattern.requireds.each { evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, _1, scope }
- evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, pattern.right, scope
- when Prism::ArrayPatternNode
- # TODO
- pattern.requireds.each { evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, _1, scope }
- evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, pattern.rest, scope if pattern.rest
- pattern.posts.each { evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, _1, scope }
- Types::ARRAY
- when Prism::HashPatternNode
- # TODO
- pattern.elements.each { evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, _1, scope }
- if pattern.respond_to?(:rest) && pattern.rest
- evaluate_match_pattern Types::OBJECT, pattern.rest, scope
- end
- Types::HASH
- when Prism::AssocNode
- evaluate_match_pattern value, pattern.value, scope if pattern.value
- Types::OBJECT
- when Prism::AssocSplatNode
- # TODO
- evaluate_match_pattern Types::HASH, pattern.value, scope
- Types::OBJECT
- when Prism::PinnedVariableNode
- evaluate pattern.variable, scope
- when Prism::PinnedExpressionNode
- evaluate pattern.expression, scope
- when Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode
- scope[pattern.name.to_s] = value
- when Prism::AlternationPatternNode
- Types::UnionType[evaluate_match_pattern(value, pattern.left, scope), evaluate_match_pattern(value, pattern.right, scope)]
- when Prism::CapturePatternNode
- capture_type = class_or_value_to_instance evaluate_match_pattern(value, pattern.value, scope)
- value = capture_type unless capture_type.types.empty? || capture_type.types == [Types::OBJECT]
- evaluate_match_pattern value, pattern.target, scope
- when Prism::SplatNode
- value = Types.array_of value
- evaluate_match_pattern value, pattern.expression, scope if pattern.expression
- value
- else
- # literal node
- type = evaluate(pattern, scope)
- class_or_value_to_instance(type)
- end
- end
- def class_or_value_to_instance(type)
- instance_types = type.types.map do |t|
- t.is_a?(Types::SingletonType) ? Types::InstanceType.new(t.module_or_class) : t
- end
- Types::UnionType[*instance_types]
- end
- def evaluate_write(node, value, scope, evaluated_receivers)
- case node
- when Prism::MultiTargetNode
- evaluate_multi_write node, value, scope, evaluated_receivers
- when Prism::CallNode
- evaluated_receivers&.[](node.receiver) || evaluate(node.receiver, scope) if node.receiver
- when Prism::SplatNode
- evaluate_write node.expression, Types.array_of(value), scope, evaluated_receivers if node.expression
- when Prism::LocalVariableTargetNode, Prism::GlobalVariableTargetNode, Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode, Prism::ClassVariableTargetNode, Prism::ConstantTargetNode
- scope[node.name.to_s] = value
- when Prism::ConstantPathTargetNode
- receiver = evaluated_receivers&.[](node.parent) || evaluate(node.parent, scope) if node.parent
- const_path_write receiver, node.child.name.to_s, value, scope
- value
- end
- end
- def evaluate_multi_write(node, values, scope, evaluated_receivers)
- pre_targets = node.lefts
- splat_target = node.rest
- post_targets = node.rights
- size = pre_targets.size + (splat_target ? 1 : 0) + post_targets.size
- values = values.is_a?(Array) ? values.dup : sized_splat(values, :to_ary, size)
- pre_pairs = pre_targets.zip(values.shift(pre_targets.size))
- post_pairs = post_targets.zip(values.pop(post_targets.size))
- splat_pairs = splat_target ? [[splat_target, Types::UnionType[*values]]] : []
- (pre_pairs + splat_pairs + post_pairs).each do |target, value|
- evaluate_write target, value || Types::NIL, scope, evaluated_receivers
- end
- end
- def evaluate_multi_write_receiver(node, scope, evaluated_receivers)
- case node
- when Prism::MultiWriteNode, Prism::MultiTargetNode
- targets = [*node.lefts, *node.rest, *node.rights]
- targets.each { evaluate_multi_write_receiver _1, scope, evaluated_receivers }
- when Prism::CallNode
- if node.receiver
- receiver = evaluate(node.receiver, scope)
- evaluated_receivers[node.receiver] = receiver if evaluated_receivers
- end
- if node.arguments
- node.arguments.arguments&.each do |arg|
- if arg.is_a? Prism::SplatNode
- evaluate arg.expression, scope
- else
- evaluate arg, scope
- end
- end
- end
- when Prism::SplatNode
- evaluate_multi_write_receiver node.expression, scope, evaluated_receivers if node.expression
- end
- end
- def evaluate_list_splat_items(list, scope)
- items = list.flat_map do |node|
- if node.is_a? Prism::SplatNode
- next unless node.expression # def f(*); [*]
- splat = evaluate node.expression, scope
- array_elem, non_array = partition_to_array splat.nonnillable, :to_a
- [*array_elem, *non_array]
- else
- evaluate node, scope
- end
- end.compact.uniq
- Types::UnionType[*items]
- end
- def sized_splat(value, method, size)
- array_elem, non_array = partition_to_array value, method
- values = [Types::UnionType[*array_elem, *non_array]]
- values += [array_elem] * (size - 1) if array_elem && size >= 1
- values
- end
- def partition_to_array(value, method)
- arrays, non_arrays = value.types.partition { _1.is_a?(Types::InstanceType) && _1.klass == Array }
- non_arrays.select! do |type|
- to_array_result = method_call type, method, [], nil, nil, nil, name_match: false
- if to_array_result.is_a?(Types::InstanceType) && to_array_result.klass == Array
- arrays << to_array_result
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- array_elem = arrays.empty? ? nil : Types::UnionType[*arrays.map { _1.params[:Elem] || Types::OBJECT }]
- non_array = non_arrays.empty? ? nil : Types::UnionType[*non_arrays]
- [array_elem, non_array]
- end
- def method_call(receiver, method_name, args, kwargs, block, scope, name_match: true)
- methods = Types.rbs_methods receiver, method_name.to_sym, args, kwargs, !!block
- block_called = false
- type_breaks = methods.map do |method, given_params, method_params|
- receiver_vars = receiver.is_a?(Types::InstanceType) ? receiver.params : {}
- free_vars = method.type.free_variables - receiver_vars.keys.to_set
- vars = receiver_vars.merge Types.match_free_variables(free_vars, method_params, given_params)
- if block && method.block
- params_type = method.block.type.required_positionals.map do |func_param|
- Types.from_rbs_type func_param.type, receiver, vars
- end
- self_type = Types.from_rbs_type method.block.self_type, receiver, vars if method.block.self_type
- block_response, breaks = block.call params_type, self_type
- block_called = true
- vars.merge! Types.match_free_variables(free_vars - vars.keys.to_set, [method.block.type.return_type], [block_response])
- end
- if Types.method_return_bottom?(method)
- [nil, breaks]
- else
- [Types.from_rbs_type(method.type.return_type, receiver, vars || {}), breaks]
- end
- end
- block&.call [], nil unless block_called
- terminates = !type_breaks.empty? && type_breaks.map(&:first).all?(&:nil?)
- types = type_breaks.map(&:first).compact
- breaks = type_breaks.map(&:last).compact
- types << OBJECT_METHODS[method_name.to_sym] if name_match && OBJECT_METHODS.has_key?(method_name.to_sym)
- if method_name.to_sym == :new
- receiver.types.each do |type|
- if type.is_a?(Types::SingletonType) && type.module_or_class.is_a?(Class)
- types << Types::InstanceType.new(type.module_or_class)
- end
- end
- end
- scope&.terminate if terminates && breaks.empty?
- Types::UnionType[*types, *breaks]
- end
- def self.calculate_target_type_scope(binding, parents, target)
- dig_targets = DigTarget.new(parents, target) do |type, scope|
- return type, scope
- end
- program = parents.first
- scope = Scope.from_binding(binding, program.locals)
- new(dig_targets).evaluate program, scope
- [Types::NIL, scope]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/irb/type_completion/types.rb b/lib/irb/type_completion/types.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f2342ffe..0000000000
--- a/lib/irb/type_completion/types.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require_relative 'methods'
-module IRB
- module TypeCompletion
- module Types
- singleton_class.attr_reader :rbs_builder, :rbs_load_error
- def self.preload_in_thread
- return if @preload_started
- @preload_started = true
- Thread.new do
- load_rbs_builder
- end
- end
- def self.load_rbs_builder
- require 'rbs'
- require 'rbs/cli'
- loader = RBS::CLI::LibraryOptions.new.loader
- loader.add path: Pathname('sig')
- @rbs_builder = RBS::DefinitionBuilder.new env: RBS::Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names
- rescue LoadError, StandardError => e
- @rbs_load_error = e
- nil
- end
- def self.class_name_of(klass)
- klass = klass.superclass if klass.singleton_class?
- Methods::MODULE_NAME_METHOD.bind_call klass
- end
- def self.rbs_search_method(klass, method_name, singleton)
- klass.ancestors.each do |ancestor|
- name = class_name_of ancestor
- next unless name && rbs_builder
- type_name = RBS::TypeName(name).absolute!
- definition = (singleton ? rbs_builder.build_singleton(type_name) : rbs_builder.build_instance(type_name)) rescue nil
- method = definition.methods[method_name] if definition
- return method if method
- end
- nil
- end
- def self.method_return_type(type, method_name)
- receivers = type.types.map do |t|
- case t
- in SingletonType
- [t, t.module_or_class, true]
- in InstanceType
- [t, t.klass, false]
- end
- end
- types = receivers.flat_map do |receiver_type, klass, singleton|
- method = rbs_search_method klass, method_name, singleton
- next [] unless method
- method.method_types.map do |method|
- from_rbs_type(method.type.return_type, receiver_type, {})
- end
- end
- UnionType[*types]
- end
- def self.rbs_methods(type, method_name, args_types, kwargs_type, has_block)
- return [] unless rbs_builder
- receivers = type.types.map do |t|
- case t
- in SingletonType
- [t, t.module_or_class, true]
- in InstanceType
- [t, t.klass, false]
- end
- end
- has_splat = args_types.include?(nil)
- methods_with_score = receivers.flat_map do |receiver_type, klass, singleton|
- method = rbs_search_method klass, method_name, singleton
- next [] unless method
- method.method_types.map do |method_type|
- score = 0
- score += 2 if !!method_type.block == has_block
- reqs = method_type.type.required_positionals
- opts = method_type.type.optional_positionals
- rest = method_type.type.rest_positionals
- trailings = method_type.type.trailing_positionals
- keyreqs = method_type.type.required_keywords
- keyopts = method_type.type.optional_keywords
- keyrest = method_type.type.rest_keywords
- args = args_types
- if kwargs_type&.any? && keyreqs.empty? && keyopts.empty? && keyrest.nil?
- kw_value_type = UnionType[*kwargs_type.values]
- args += [InstanceType.new(Hash, K: SYMBOL, V: kw_value_type)]
- end
- if has_splat
- score += 1 if args.count(&:itself) <= reqs.size + opts.size + trailings.size
- elsif reqs.size + trailings.size <= args.size && (rest || args.size <= reqs.size + opts.size + trailings.size)
- score += 2
- centers = args[reqs.size...-trailings.size]
- given = args.first(reqs.size) + centers.take(opts.size) + args.last(trailings.size)
- expected = (reqs + opts.take(centers.size) + trailings).map(&:type)
- if rest
- given << UnionType[*centers.drop(opts.size)]
- expected << rest.type
- end
- if given.any?
- score += given.zip(expected).count do |t, e|
- e = from_rbs_type e, receiver_type
- intersect?(t, e) || (intersect?(STRING, e) && t.methods.include?(:to_str)) || (intersect?(INTEGER, e) && t.methods.include?(:to_int)) || (intersect?(ARRAY, e) && t.methods.include?(:to_ary))
- end.fdiv(given.size)
- end
- end
- [[method_type, given || [], expected || []], score]
- end
- end
- max_score = methods_with_score.map(&:last).max
- methods_with_score.select { _2 == max_score }.map(&:first)
- end
- def self.intersect?(a, b)
- atypes = a.types.group_by(&:class)
- btypes = b.types.group_by(&:class)
- if atypes[SingletonType] && btypes[SingletonType]
- aa, bb = [atypes, btypes].map {|types| types[SingletonType].map(&:module_or_class) }
- return true if (aa & bb).any?
- end
- aa, bb = [atypes, btypes].map {|types| (types[InstanceType] || []).map(&:klass) }
- (aa.flat_map(&:ancestors) & bb).any?
- end
- def self.type_from_object(object)
- case object
- when Array
- InstanceType.new Array, { Elem: union_type_from_objects(object) }
- when Hash
- InstanceType.new Hash, { K: union_type_from_objects(object.keys), V: union_type_from_objects(object.values) }
- when Module
- SingletonType.new object
- else
- klass = Methods::OBJECT_SINGLETON_CLASS_METHOD.bind_call(object) rescue Methods::OBJECT_CLASS_METHOD.bind_call(object)
- InstanceType.new klass
- end
- end
- def self.union_type_from_objects(objects)
- values = objects.size <= OBJECT_TO_TYPE_SAMPLE_SIZE ? objects : objects.sample(OBJECT_TO_TYPE_SAMPLE_SIZE)
- klasses = values.map { Methods::OBJECT_CLASS_METHOD.bind_call(_1) }
- UnionType[*klasses.uniq.map { InstanceType.new _1 }]
- end
- class SingletonType
- attr_reader :module_or_class
- def initialize(module_or_class)
- @module_or_class = module_or_class
- end
- def transform() = yield(self)
- def methods() = @module_or_class.methods
- def all_methods() = methods | Kernel.methods
- def constants() = @module_or_class.constants
- def types() = [self]
- def nillable?() = false
- def nonnillable() = self
- def inspect
- "#{module_or_class}.itself"
- end
- end
- class InstanceType
- attr_reader :klass, :params
- def initialize(klass, params = {})
- @klass = klass
- @params = params
- end
- def transform() = yield(self)
- def methods() = rbs_methods.select { _2.public? }.keys | @klass.instance_methods
- def all_methods() = rbs_methods.keys | @klass.instance_methods | @klass.private_instance_methods
- def constants() = []
- def types() = [self]
- def nillable?() = (@klass == NilClass)
- def nonnillable() = self
- def rbs_methods
- name = Types.class_name_of(@klass)
- return {} unless name && Types.rbs_builder
- type_name = RBS::TypeName(name).absolute!
- Types.rbs_builder.build_instance(type_name).methods rescue {}
- end
- def inspect
- if params.empty?
- inspect_without_params
- else
- params_string = "[#{params.map { "#{_1}: #{_2.inspect}" }.join(', ')}]"
- "#{inspect_without_params}#{params_string}"
- end
- end
- def inspect_without_params
- if klass == NilClass
- 'nil'
- elsif klass == TrueClass
- 'true'
- elsif klass == FalseClass
- 'false'
- else
- klass.singleton_class? ? klass.superclass.to_s : klass.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- NIL = InstanceType.new NilClass
- OBJECT = InstanceType.new Object
- TRUE = InstanceType.new TrueClass
- FALSE = InstanceType.new FalseClass
- SYMBOL = InstanceType.new Symbol
- STRING = InstanceType.new String
- INTEGER = InstanceType.new Integer
- RANGE = InstanceType.new Range
- REGEXP = InstanceType.new Regexp
- FLOAT = InstanceType.new Float
- RATIONAL = InstanceType.new Rational
- COMPLEX = InstanceType.new Complex
- ARRAY = InstanceType.new Array
- HASH = InstanceType.new Hash
- CLASS = InstanceType.new Class
- MODULE = InstanceType.new Module
- PROC = InstanceType.new Proc
- class UnionType
- attr_reader :types
- def initialize(*types)
- @types = []
- singletons = []
- instances = {}
- collect = -> type do
- case type
- in UnionType
- type.types.each(&collect)
- in InstanceType
- params = (instances[type.klass] ||= {})
- type.params.each do |k, v|
- (params[k] ||= []) << v
- end
- in SingletonType
- singletons << type
- end
- end
- types.each(&collect)
- @types = singletons.uniq + instances.map do |klass, params|
- InstanceType.new(klass, params.transform_values { |v| UnionType[*v] })
- end
- end
- def transform(&block)
- UnionType[*types.map(&block)]
- end
- def nillable?
- types.any?(&:nillable?)
- end
- def nonnillable
- UnionType[*types.reject { _1.is_a?(InstanceType) && _1.klass == NilClass }]
- end
- def self.[](*types)
- type = new(*types)
- if type.types.empty?
- elsif type.types.size == 1
- type.types.first
- else
- type
- end
- end
- def methods() = @types.flat_map(&:methods).uniq
- def all_methods() = @types.flat_map(&:all_methods).uniq
- def constants() = @types.flat_map(&:constants).uniq
- def inspect() = @types.map(&:inspect).join(' | ')
- end
- def self.array_of(*types)
- type = types.size >= 2 ? UnionType[*types] : types.first || OBJECT
- InstanceType.new Array, Elem: type
- end
- def self.from_rbs_type(return_type, self_type, extra_vars = {})
- case return_type
- when RBS::Types::Bases::Self
- self_type
- when RBS::Types::Bases::Bottom, RBS::Types::Bases::Nil
- when RBS::Types::Bases::Any, RBS::Types::Bases::Void
- when RBS::Types::Bases::Class
- self_type.transform do |type|
- case type
- in SingletonType
- InstanceType.new(self_type.module_or_class.is_a?(Class) ? Class : Module)
- in InstanceType
- SingletonType.new type.klass
- end
- end
- UnionType[*types]
- when RBS::Types::Bases::Bool
- when RBS::Types::Bases::Instance
- self_type.transform do |type|
- if type.is_a?(SingletonType) && type.module_or_class.is_a?(Class)
- InstanceType.new type.module_or_class
- else
- end
- end
- when RBS::Types::Union
- UnionType[*return_type.types.map { from_rbs_type _1, self_type, extra_vars }]
- when RBS::Types::Proc
- when RBS::Types::Tuple
- elem = UnionType[*return_type.types.map { from_rbs_type _1, self_type, extra_vars }]
- InstanceType.new Array, Elem: elem
- when RBS::Types::Record
- InstanceType.new Hash, K: SYMBOL, V: OBJECT
- when RBS::Types::Literal
- InstanceType.new return_type.literal.class
- when RBS::Types::Variable
- if extra_vars.key? return_type.name
- extra_vars[return_type.name]
- elsif self_type.is_a? InstanceType
- self_type.params[return_type.name] || OBJECT
- elsif self_type.is_a? UnionType
- types = self_type.types.filter_map do |t|
- t.params[return_type.name] if t.is_a? InstanceType
- end
- UnionType[*types]
- else
- end
- when RBS::Types::Optional
- UnionType[from_rbs_type(return_type.type, self_type, extra_vars), NIL]
- when RBS::Types::Alias
- case return_type.name.name
- when :int
- when :boolish
- when :string
- else
- # TODO: ???
- end
- when RBS::Types::Interface
- # unimplemented
- when RBS::Types::ClassInstance
- klass = return_type.name.to_namespace.path.reduce(Object) { _1.const_get _2 }
- if return_type.args
- args = return_type.args.map { from_rbs_type _1, self_type, extra_vars }
- names = rbs_builder.build_singleton(return_type.name).type_params
- params = names.map.with_index { [_1, args[_2] || OBJECT] }.to_h
- end
- InstanceType.new klass, params || {}
- end
- end
- def self.method_return_bottom?(method)
- method.type.return_type.is_a? RBS::Types::Bases::Bottom
- end
- def self.match_free_variables(vars, types, values)
- accumulator = {}
- types.zip values do |t, v|
- _match_free_variable(vars, t, v, accumulator) if v
- end
- accumulator.transform_values { UnionType[*_1] }
- end
- def self._match_free_variable(vars, rbs_type, value, accumulator)
- case [rbs_type, value]
- in [RBS::Types::Variable,]
- (accumulator[rbs_type.name] ||= []) << value if vars.include? rbs_type.name
- in [RBS::Types::ClassInstance, InstanceType]
- names = rbs_builder.build_singleton(rbs_type.name).type_params
- names.zip(rbs_type.args).each do |name, arg|
- v = value.params[name]
- _match_free_variable vars, arg, v, accumulator if v
- end
- in [RBS::Types::Tuple, InstanceType] if value.klass == Array
- v = value.params[:Elem]
- rbs_type.types.each do |t|
- _match_free_variable vars, t, v, accumulator
- end
- in [RBS::Types::Record, InstanceType] if value.klass == Hash
- # TODO
- in [RBS::Types::Interface,]
- definition = rbs_builder.build_interface rbs_type.name
- convert = {}
- definition.type_params.zip(rbs_type.args).each do |from, arg|
- convert[from] = arg.name if arg.is_a? RBS::Types::Variable
- end
- return if convert.empty?
- ac = {}
- definition.methods.each do |method_name, method|
- return_type = method_return_type value, method_name
- method.defs.each do |method_def|
- interface_return_type = method_def.type.type.return_type
- _match_free_variable convert, interface_return_type, return_type, ac
- end
- end
- convert.each do |from, to|
- values = ac[from]
- (accumulator[to] ||= []).concat values if values
- end
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end