path: root/spec/syntax_suggest
diff options
authorHiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@ruby-lang.org>2022-08-19 15:37:45 +0900
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@ruby-lang.org>2022-08-26 12:15:47 +0900
commit0d9f4ea0d45f6577a4a13f898e981958a1f039c6 (patch)
treea5c1eb45bd2d5014baf93449c53efec3c4dccbd7 /spec/syntax_suggest
parent3504be1bc13235407e01f55d3df6fe0b4cb5ba9e (diff)
Import spec examples from ruby/syntax_suggest
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/syntax_suggest')
26 files changed, 14536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/derailed_require_tree.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/derailed_require_tree.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..668ac4010b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/derailed_require_tree.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Tree structure used to store and sort require memory costs
+# RequireTree.new('get_process_mem')
+module DerailedBenchmarks
+ class RequireTree
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_writer :cost
+ attr_accessor :parent
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @children = {}
+ @cost = 0
+ def self.reset!
+ if defined?(Kernel::REQUIRE_STACK)
+ Kernel::REQUIRE_STACK.clear
+ end
+ end
+ def <<(tree)
+ @children[tree.name.to_s] = tree
+ tree.parent = self
+ (REQUIRED_BY[tree.name.to_s] ||= []) << self.name
+ end
+ def [](name)
+ @children[name.to_s]
+ end
+ # Returns array of child nodes
+ def children
+ @children.values
+ end
+ def cost
+ @cost || 0
+ end
+ # Returns sorted array of child nodes from Largest to Smallest
+ def sorted_children
+ children.sort { |c1, c2| c2.cost <=> c1.cost }
+ end
+ def to_string
+ str = String.new("#{name}: #{cost.round(4)} MiB")
+ if parent && REQUIRED_BY[self.name.to_s]
+ names = REQUIRED_BY[self.name.to_s].uniq - [parent.name.to_s]
+ if names.any?
+ str << " (Also required by: #{ names.first(2).join(", ") }"
+ str << ", and #{names.count - 2} others" if names.count > 3
+ str << ")"
+ end
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ # Recursively prints all child nodes
+ def print_sorted_children(level = 0, out = STDOUT)
+ return if cost < ENV['CUT_OFF'].to_f
+ out.puts " " * level + self.to_string
+ level += 1
+ sorted_children.each do |child|
+ child.print_sorted_children(level, out)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..92e44d4d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# rexe - Ruby Command Line Executor Filter
+# Inspired by https://github.com/thisredone/rb
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'bundler'
+require 'date'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'ostruct'
+require 'shellwords'
+class Rexe
+ VERSION = '1.5.1'
+ PROJECT_URL = 'https://github.com/keithrbennett/rexe'
+ module Helpers
+ # Try executing code. If error raised, print message (but not stack trace) & exit -1.
+ def try
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue Exception => e
+ unless e.class == SystemExit
+ $stderr.puts("rexe: #{e}")
+ $stderr.puts("Use the -h option to get help.")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Options < Struct.new(
+ :input_filespec,
+ :input_format,
+ :input_mode,
+ :loads,
+ :output_format,
+ :output_format_tty,
+ :output_format_block,
+ :requires,
+ :log_format,
+ :noop)
+ def initialize
+ super
+ clear
+ end
+ def clear
+ self.input_filespec = nil
+ self.input_format = :none
+ self.input_mode = :none
+ self.output_format = :none
+ self.output_format_tty = :none
+ self.output_format_block = :none
+ self.loads = []
+ self.requires = []
+ self.log_format = :none
+ self.noop = false
+ end
+ end
+ class Lookups
+ def input_modes
+ @input_modes ||= {
+ 'l' => :line,
+ 'e' => :enumerator,
+ 'b' => :one_big_string,
+ 'n' => :none
+ }
+ end
+ def input_formats
+ @input_formats ||= {
+ 'j' => :json,
+ 'm' => :marshal,
+ 'n' => :none,
+ 'y' => :yaml,
+ }
+ end
+ def input_parsers
+ @input_parsers ||= {
+ json: ->(string) { JSON.parse(string) },
+ marshal: ->(string) { Marshal.load(string) },
+ none: ->(string) { string },
+ yaml: ->(string) { YAML.load(string) },
+ }
+ end
+ def output_formats
+ @output_formats ||= {
+ 'a' => :amazing_print,
+ 'i' => :inspect,
+ 'j' => :json,
+ 'J' => :pretty_json,
+ 'm' => :marshal,
+ 'n' => :none,
+ 'p' => :puts, # default
+ 'P' => :pretty_print,
+ 's' => :to_s,
+ 'y' => :yaml,
+ }
+ end
+ def formatters
+ @formatters ||= {
+ amazing_print: ->(obj) { obj.ai + "\n" },
+ inspect: ->(obj) { obj.inspect + "\n" },
+ json: ->(obj) { obj.to_json },
+ marshal: ->(obj) { Marshal.dump(obj) },
+ none: ->(_obj) { nil },
+ pretty_json: ->(obj) { JSON.pretty_generate(obj) },
+ pretty_print: ->(obj) { obj.pretty_inspect },
+ puts: ->(obj) { require 'stringio'; sio = StringIO.new; sio.puts(obj); sio.string },
+ to_s: ->(obj) { obj.to_s + "\n" },
+ yaml: ->(obj) { obj.to_yaml },
+ }
+ end
+ def format_requires
+ @format_requires ||= {
+ json: 'json',
+ pretty_json: 'json',
+ amazing_print: 'amazing_print',
+ pretty_print: 'pp',
+ yaml: 'yaml'
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ class CommandLineParser
+ include Helpers
+ attr_reader :lookups, :options
+ def initialize
+ @lookups = Lookups.new
+ @options = Options.new
+ end
+ # Inserts contents of REXE_OPTIONS environment variable at the beginning of ARGV.
+ private def prepend_environment_options
+ env_opt_string = ENV['REXE_OPTIONS']
+ if env_opt_string
+ args_to_prepend = Shellwords.shellsplit(env_opt_string)
+ ARGV.unshift(args_to_prepend).flatten!
+ end
+ end
+ private def add_format_requires_to_requires_list
+ formats = [options.input_format, options.output_format, options.log_format]
+ requires = formats.map { |format| lookups.format_requires[format] }.uniq.compact
+ requires.each { |r| options.requires << r }
+ end
+ private def help_text
+ unless @help_text
+ @help_text ||= <<~HEREDOC
+ rexe -- Ruby Command Line Executor/Filter -- v#{VERSION} -- #{PROJECT_URL}
+ Executes Ruby code on the command line,
+ optionally automating management of standard input and standard output,
+ and optionally parsing input and formatting output with YAML, JSON, etc.
+ rexe [options] [Ruby source code]
+ Options:
+ -c --clear_options Clear all previous command line options specified up to now
+ -f --input_file Use this file instead of stdin for preprocessed input;
+ if filespec has a YAML and JSON file extension,
+ sets input format accordingly and sets input mode to -mb
+ -g --log_format FORMAT Log format, logs to stderr, defaults to -gn (none)
+ (see -o for format options)
+ -h, --help Print help and exit
+ -i, --input_format FORMAT Input format, defaults to -in (None)
+ -ij JSON
+ -im Marshal
+ -in None (default)
+ -iy YAML
+ -l, --load RUBY_FILE(S) Ruby file(s) to load, comma separated;
+ ! to clear all, or precede a name with '-' to remove
+ -m, --input_mode MODE Input preprocessing mode (determines what `self` will be)
+ defaults to -mn (none)
+ -ml line; each line is ingested as a separate string
+ -me enumerator (each_line on STDIN or File)
+ -mb big string; all lines combined into one string
+ -mn none (default); no input preprocessing;
+ self is an Object.new
+ -n, --[no-]noop Do not execute the code (useful with -g);
+ For true: yes, true, y, +; for false: no, false, n
+ -o, --output_format FORMAT Output format, defaults to -on (no output):
+ -oa Amazing Print
+ -oi Inspect
+ -oj JSON
+ -oJ Pretty JSON
+ -om Marshal
+ -on No Output (default)
+ -op Puts
+ -oP Pretty Print
+ -os to_s
+ -oy YAML
+ If 2 letters are provided, 1st is for tty devices, 2nd for block
+ --project-url Outputs project URL on Github, then exits
+ -r, --require REQUIRE(S) Gems and built-in libraries to require, comma separated;
+ ! to clear all, or precede a name with '-' to remove
+ -v, --version Prints version and exits
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ In many cases you will need to enclose your source code in single or double quotes.
+ If source code is not specified, it will default to 'self',
+ which is most likely useful only in a filter mode (-ml, -me, -mb).
+ If there is a .rexerc file in your home directory, it will be run as Ruby code
+ before processing the input.
+ If there is a REXE_OPTIONS environment variable, its content will be prepended
+ to the command line so that you can specify options implicitly
+ (e.g. `export REXE_OPTIONS="-r amazing_print,yaml"`)
+ @help_text.freeze
+ end
+ @help_text
+ end
+ # File file input mode; detects the input mode (JSON, YAML, or None) from the extension.
+ private def autodetect_file_format(filespec)
+ extension = File.extname(filespec).downcase
+ if extension == '.json'
+ :json
+ elsif extension == '.yml' || extension == '.yaml'
+ :yaml
+ else
+ :none
+ end
+ end
+ private def open_resource(resource_identifier)
+ command = case (`uname`.chomp)
+ when 'Darwin'
+ 'open'
+ when 'Linux'
+ 'xdg-open'
+ else
+ 'start'
+ end
+ `#{command} #{resource_identifier}`
+ end
+ # Using 'optparse', parses the command line.
+ # Settings go into this instance's properties (see Struct declaration).
+ def parse
+ prepend_environment_options
+ OptionParser.new do |parser|
+ parser.on('-c', '--clear_options', "Clear all previous command line options") do |v|
+ options.clear
+ end
+ parser.on('-f', '--input_file FILESPEC',
+ 'Use this file instead of stdin; autodetects YAML and JSON file extensions') do |v|
+ unless File.exist?(v)
+ raise "File #{v} does not exist."
+ end
+ options.input_filespec = v
+ options.input_format = autodetect_file_format(v)
+ if [:json, :yaml].include?(options.input_format)
+ options.input_mode = :one_big_string
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-g', '--log_format FORMAT', 'Log format, logs to stderr, defaults to none (see -o for format options)') do |v|
+ options.log_format = lookups.output_formats[v]
+ if options.log_format.nil?
+ raise("Output mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show help") do |_help_requested|
+ puts help_text
+ exit
+ end
+ parser.on('-i', '--input_format FORMAT',
+ 'Mode with which to parse input values (n = none (default), j = JSON, m = Marshal, y = YAML') do |v|
+ options.input_format = lookups.input_formats[v]
+ if options.input_format.nil?
+ raise("Input mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.input_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-l', '--load RUBY_FILE(S)', 'Ruby file(s) to load, comma separated, or ! to clear') do |v|
+ if v == '!'
+ options.loads.clear
+ else
+ loadfiles = v.split(',').map(&:strip).map { |s| File.expand_path(s) }
+ removes, adds = loadfiles.partition { |filespec| filespec[0] == '-' }
+ existent, nonexistent = adds.partition { |filespec| File.exists?(filespec) }
+ if nonexistent.any?
+ raise("\nDid not find the following files to load: #{nonexistent}\n\n")
+ else
+ existent.each { |filespec| options.loads << filespec }
+ end
+ removes.each { |filespec| options.loads -= [filespec[1..-1]] }
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-m', '--input_mode MODE',
+ 'Mode with which to handle input (-ml, -me, -mb, -mn (default)') do |v|
+ options.input_mode = lookups.input_modes[v]
+ if options.input_mode.nil?
+ raise("Input mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.input_modes.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54576873/ruby-optionparser-short-code-for-boolean-option
+ # for an excellent explanation of this optparse incantation.
+ # According to the answer, valid options are:
+ # -n no, -n yes, -n false, -n true, -n n, -n y, -n +, but not -n -.
+ parser.on('-n', '--[no-]noop [FLAG]', TrueClass, "Do not execute the code (useful with -g)") do |v|
+ options.noop = (v.nil? ? true : v)
+ end
+ parser.on('-o', '--output_format FORMAT',
+ 'Mode with which to format values for output (`-o` + [aijJmnpsy])') do |v|
+ options.output_format_tty = lookups.output_formats[v[0]]
+ options.output_format_block = lookups.output_formats[v[-1]]
+ options.output_format = ($stdout.tty? ? options.output_format_tty : options.output_format_block)
+ if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil)
+ raise("Bad output mode '#{v}'; each must be one of #{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-r', '--require REQUIRE(S)',
+ 'Gems and built-in libraries (e.g. shellwords, yaml) to require, comma separated, or ! to clear') do |v|
+ if v == '!'
+ options.requires.clear
+ else
+ v.split(',').map(&:strip).each do |r|
+ if r[0] == '-'
+ options.requires -= [r[1..-1]]
+ else
+ options.requires << r
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-v', '--version', 'Print version') do
+ puts VERSION
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ # Undocumented feature: open Github project with default web browser on a Mac
+ parser.on('', '--open-project') do
+ open_resource(PROJECT_URL)
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ parser.on('', '--project-url') do
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ end.parse!
+ # We want to do this after all options have been processed because we don't want any clearing of the
+ # options (by '-c', etc.) to result in exclusion of these needed requires.
+ add_format_requires_to_requires_list
+ options.requires = options.requires.sort.uniq
+ options.loads.uniq!
+ options
+ end
+ end
+ class Main
+ include Helpers
+ attr_reader :callable, :input_parser, :lookups,
+ :options, :output_formatter,
+ :log_formatter, :start_time, :user_source_code
+ def initialize
+ @lookups = Lookups.new
+ @start_time = DateTime.now
+ end
+ private def load_global_config_if_exists
+ filespec = File.join(Dir.home, '.rexerc')
+ load(filespec) if File.exists?(filespec)
+ end
+ private def init_parser_and_formatters
+ @input_parser = lookups.input_parsers[options.input_format]
+ @output_formatter = lookups.formatters[options.output_format]
+ @log_formatter = lookups.formatters[options.log_format]
+ end
+ # Executes the user specified code in the manner appropriate to the input mode.
+ # Performs any optionally specified parsing on input and formatting on output.
+ private def execute(eval_context_object, code)
+ if options.input_format != :none && options.input_mode != :none
+ eval_context_object = input_parser.(eval_context_object)
+ end
+ value = eval_context_object.instance_eval(&code)
+ unless options.output_format == :none
+ print output_formatter.(value)
+ end
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ exit(-13)
+ end
+ # The global $RC (Rexe Context) OpenStruct is available in your user code.
+ # In order to make it possible to access this object in your loaded files, we are not creating
+ # it here; instead we add properties to it. This way, you can initialize an OpenStruct yourself
+ # in your loaded code and it will still work. If you do that, beware, any properties you add will be
+ # included in the log output. If the to_s of your added objects is large, that might be a pain.
+ private def init_rexe_context
+ $RC ||= OpenStruct.new
+ $RC.count = 0
+ $RC.rexe_version = VERSION
+ $RC.start_time = start_time.iso8601
+ $RC.source_code = user_source_code
+ $RC.options = options.to_h
+ def $RC.i; count end # `i` aliases `count` so you can more concisely get the count in your user code
+ end
+ private def create_callable
+ eval("Proc.new { #{user_source_code} }")
+ end
+ private def lookup_action(mode)
+ input = options.input_filespec ? File.open(options.input_filespec) : STDIN
+ {
+ line: -> { input.each { |l| execute(l.chomp, callable); $RC.count += 1 } },
+ enumerator: -> { execute(input.each_line, callable); $RC.count += 1 },
+ one_big_string: -> { big_string = input.read; execute(big_string, callable); $RC.count += 1 },
+ none: -> { execute(Object.new, callable) }
+ }.fetch(mode)
+ end
+ private def output_log_entry
+ if options.log_format != :none
+ $RC.duration_secs = Time.now - start_time.to_time
+ STDERR.puts(log_formatter.($RC.to_h))
+ end
+ end
+ # Bypasses Bundler's restriction on loading gems
+ # (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55144094/bundler-doesnt-permit-using-gems-in-project-home-directory)
+ private def require!(the_require)
+ begin
+ require the_require
+ rescue LoadError => error
+ gem_path = `gem which #{the_require}`
+ if gem_path.chomp.strip.empty?
+ raise error # re-raise the error, can't fix it
+ else
+ load_dir = File.dirname(gem_path)
+ $LOAD_PATH += load_dir
+ require the_require
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # This class' entry point.
+ def call
+ try do
+ @options = CommandLineParser.new.parse
+ options.requires.each { |r| require!(r) }
+ load_global_config_if_exists
+ options.loads.each { |file| load(file) }
+ @user_source_code = ARGV.join(' ')
+ @user_source_code = 'self' if @user_source_code == ''
+ @callable = create_callable
+ init_rexe_context
+ init_parser_and_formatters
+ # This is where the user's source code will be executed; the action will in turn call `execute`.
+ lookup_action(options.input_mode).call unless options.noop
+ output_log_entry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+def bundler_run(&block)
+ # This used to be an unconditional call to with_clean_env but that method is now deprecated:
+ # [DEPRECATED] `Bundler.with_clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`.
+ # If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded,
+ # use `Bundler.with_original_env`
+ if Bundler.respond_to?(:with_unbundled_env)
+ Bundler.with_unbundled_env { block.call }
+ else
+ Bundler.with_clean_env { block.call }
+ end
+bundler_run { Rexe::Main.new.call }
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/routes.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/routes.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86733821c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/routes.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :foo do
+ resource :bar
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ constraints -> { Rails.application.config.non_production } do
+ namespace :bar do
+ resource :baz
+ end
+ end
+ namespace :admin do
+ resource :session
+ match "/foobar(*path)", via: :all, to: redirect { |_params, req|
+ uri = URI(req.path.gsub("foobar", "foobaz"))
+ uri.query = req.query_string.presence
+ uri.to_s
+ }
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9acdbf3a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1344 @@
+require "tmpdir"
+require "digest/md5"
+require "benchmark"
+require "rubygems"
+require "language_pack"
+require "language_pack/base"
+require "language_pack/ruby_version"
+require "language_pack/helpers/nodebin"
+require "language_pack/helpers/node_installer"
+require "language_pack/helpers/yarn_installer"
+require "language_pack/helpers/layer"
+require "language_pack/helpers/binstub_check"
+require "language_pack/version"
+# base Ruby Language Pack. This is for any base ruby app.
+class LanguagePack::Ruby < LanguagePack::Base
+ NAME = "ruby"
+ RBX_BASE_URL = "http://binaries.rubini.us/heroku"
+ NODE_BP_PATH = "vendor/node/bin"
+ Layer = LanguagePack::Helpers::Layer
+ # detects if this is a valid Ruby app
+ # @return [Boolean] true if it's a Ruby app
+ def self.use?
+ instrument "ruby.use" do
+ File.exist?("Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ def self.bundler
+ @@bundler ||= LanguagePack::Helpers::BundlerWrapper.new.install
+ end
+ def bundler
+ self.class.bundler
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super(*args)
+ @fetchers[:mri] = LanguagePack::Fetcher.new(VENDOR_URL, @stack)
+ @fetchers[:rbx] = LanguagePack::Fetcher.new(RBX_BASE_URL, @stack)
+ @node_installer = LanguagePack::Helpers::NodeInstaller.new
+ @yarn_installer = LanguagePack::Helpers::YarnInstaller.new
+ end
+ def name
+ "Ruby"
+ end
+ def default_addons
+ instrument "ruby.default_addons" do
+ add_dev_database_addon
+ end
+ end
+ def default_config_vars
+ instrument "ruby.default_config_vars" do
+ vars = {
+ "LANG" => env("LANG") || "en_US.UTF-8",
+ }
+ ruby_version.jruby? ? vars.merge({
+ "JRUBY_OPTS" => default_jruby_opts
+ }) : vars
+ end
+ end
+ def default_process_types
+ instrument "ruby.default_process_types" do
+ {
+ "rake" => "bundle exec rake",
+ "console" => "bundle exec irb"
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def best_practice_warnings
+ if bundler.has_gem?("asset_sync")
+ warn(<<-WARNING)
+You are using the `asset_sync` gem.
+This is not recommended.
+See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/please-do-not-use-asset-sync for more information.
+ end
+ end
+ def compile
+ instrument 'ruby.compile' do
+ # check for new app at the beginning of the compile
+ new_app?
+ Dir.chdir(build_path)
+ remove_vendor_bundle
+ warn_bundler_upgrade
+ warn_bad_binstubs
+ install_ruby(slug_vendor_ruby, build_ruby_path)
+ setup_language_pack_environment(
+ ruby_layer_path: File.expand_path("."),
+ gem_layer_path: File.expand_path("."),
+ bundle_path: "vendor/bundle",
+ bundle_default_without: "development:test"
+ )
+ allow_git do
+ install_bundler_in_app(slug_vendor_base)
+ load_bundler_cache
+ build_bundler
+ post_bundler
+ create_database_yml
+ install_binaries
+ run_assets_precompile_rake_task
+ end
+ config_detect
+ best_practice_warnings
+ warn_outdated_ruby
+ setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: "$HOME", gem_layer_path: "$HOME") # $HOME is set to /app at run time
+ setup_export
+ cleanup
+ super
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ warn_outdated_ruby
+ raise e
+ end
+ def build
+ new_app?
+ remove_vendor_bundle
+ warn_bad_binstubs
+ ruby_layer = Layer.new(@layer_dir, "ruby", launch: true)
+ install_ruby("#{ruby_layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_ruby}")
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:version] = ruby_version.version
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:patchlevel] = ruby_version.patchlevel if ruby_version.patchlevel
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:engine] = ruby_version.engine.to_s
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:engine_version] = ruby_version.engine_version
+ ruby_layer.write
+ gem_layer = Layer.new(@layer_dir, "gems", launch: true, cache: true, build: true)
+ setup_language_pack_environment(
+ ruby_layer_path: ruby_layer.path,
+ gem_layer_path: gem_layer.path,
+ bundle_path: "#{gem_layer.path}/vendor/bundle",
+ bundle_default_without: "development:test"
+ )
+ allow_git do
+ # TODO install bundler in separate layer
+ topic "Loading Bundler Cache"
+ gem_layer.validate! do |metadata|
+ valid_bundler_cache?(gem_layer.path, gem_layer.metadata)
+ end
+ install_bundler_in_app("#{gem_layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_base}")
+ build_bundler
+ # TODO post_bundler might need to be done in a new layer
+ bundler.clean
+ gem_layer.metadata[:gems] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(File.read("Gemfile.lock"))
+ gem_layer.metadata[:stack] = @stack
+ gem_layer.metadata[:ruby_version] = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip
+ gem_layer.metadata[:rubygems_version] = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip
+ gem_layer.metadata[:buildpack_version] = BUILDPACK_VERSION
+ gem_layer.write
+ create_database_yml
+ # TODO replace this with multibuildpack stuff? put binaries in their own layer?
+ install_binaries
+ run_assets_precompile_rake_task
+ end
+ setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: ruby_layer.path, gem_layer_path: gem_layer.path)
+ setup_export(gem_layer)
+ config_detect
+ best_practice_warnings
+ cleanup
+ super
+ end
+ def cleanup
+ end
+ def config_detect
+ end
+ # A bad shebang line looks like this:
+ #
+ # ```
+ # #!/usr/bin/env ruby2.5
+ # ```
+ #
+ # Since `ruby2.5` is not a valid binary name
+ #
+ def warn_bad_binstubs
+ check = LanguagePack::Helpers::BinstubCheck.new(app_root_dir: Dir.pwd, warn_object: self)
+ check.call
+ end
+ def default_malloc_arena_max?
+ return true if @metadata.exists?("default_malloc_arena_max")
+ return @metadata.touch("default_malloc_arena_max") if new_app?
+ return false
+ end
+ def warn_bundler_upgrade
+ old_bundler_version = @metadata.read("bundler_version").strip if @metadata.exists?("bundler_version")
+ if old_bundler_version && old_bundler_version != bundler.version
+ warn(<<-WARNING, inline: true)
+Your app was upgraded to bundler #{ bundler.version }.
+Previously you had a successful deploy with bundler #{ old_bundler_version }.
+If you see problems related to the bundler version please refer to:
+ end
+ end
+ # For example "vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0"
+ def self.slug_vendor_base
+ @slug_vendor_base ||= begin
+ command = %q(ruby -e "require 'rbconfig';puts \"vendor/bundle/#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']}\"")
+ out = run_no_pipe(command, user_env: true).strip
+ error "Problem detecting bundler vendor directory: #{out}" unless $?.success?
+ out
+ end
+ end
+ # the relative path to the bundler directory of gems
+ # @return [String] resulting path
+ def slug_vendor_base
+ instrument 'ruby.slug_vendor_base' do
+ @slug_vendor_base ||= self.class.slug_vendor_base
+ end
+ end
+ # the relative path to the vendored ruby directory
+ # @return [String] resulting path
+ def slug_vendor_ruby
+ "vendor/#{ruby_version.version_without_patchlevel}"
+ end
+ # the absolute path of the build ruby to use during the buildpack
+ # @return [String] resulting path
+ def build_ruby_path
+ "/tmp/#{ruby_version.version_without_patchlevel}"
+ end
+ # fetch the ruby version from bundler
+ # @return [String, nil] returns the ruby version if detected or nil if none is detected
+ def ruby_version
+ instrument 'ruby.ruby_version' do
+ return @ruby_version if @ruby_version
+ new_app = !File.exist?("vendor/heroku")
+ last_version_file = "buildpack_ruby_version"
+ last_version = nil
+ last_version = @metadata.read(last_version_file).strip if @metadata.exists?(last_version_file)
+ @ruby_version = LanguagePack::RubyVersion.new(bundler.ruby_version,
+ is_new: new_app,
+ last_version: last_version)
+ return @ruby_version
+ end
+ end
+ def set_default_web_concurrency
+ <<-EOF
+case $(ulimit -u) in
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ end
+ # default JRUBY_OPTS
+ # return [String] string of JRUBY_OPTS
+ def default_jruby_opts
+ "-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false"
+ end
+ # sets up the environment variables for the build process
+ def setup_language_pack_environment(ruby_layer_path:, gem_layer_path:, bundle_path:, bundle_default_without:)
+ instrument 'ruby.setup_language_pack_environment' do
+ if ruby_version.jruby?
+ ENV["PATH"] += ":bin"
+ end
+ setup_ruby_install_env(ruby_layer_path)
+ # By default Node can address 1.5GB of memory, a limitation it inherits from
+ # the underlying v8 engine. This can occasionally cause issues during frontend
+ # builds where memory use can exceed this threshold.
+ #
+ # This passes an argument to all Node processes during the build, so that they
+ # can take advantage of all available memory on the build dynos.
+ ENV["NODE_OPTIONS"] ||= "--max_old_space_size=2560"
+ # TODO when buildpack-env-args rolls out, we can get rid of
+ # ||= and the manual setting below
+ default_config_vars.each do |key, value|
+ ENV[key] ||= value
+ end
+ paths = []
+ gem_path = "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}"
+ ENV["GEM_PATH"] = gem_path
+ ENV["GEM_HOME"] = gem_path
+ # Rails has a binstub for yarn that doesn't work for all applications
+ # we need to ensure that yarn comes before local bin dir for that case
+ paths << yarn_preinstall_bin_path if yarn_preinstalled?
+ # Need to remove `./bin` folder since it links to the wrong --prefix ruby binstubs breaking require in Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7.
+ # Because for 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 there is a "build" ruby and a non-"build" Ruby
+ paths << "#{File.expand_path(".")}/bin" unless ruby_version.ruby_192_or_lower?
+ paths << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{bundler_binstubs_path}" # Binstubs from bundler, eg. vendor/bundle/bin
+ paths << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}/bin" # Binstubs from rubygems, eg. vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin
+ paths << ENV["PATH"]
+ ENV["PATH"] = paths.join(":")
+ ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] = env("BUNDLE_WITHOUT") || bundle_default_without
+ if ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"].include?(' ')
+ warn("Your BUNDLE_WITHOUT contains a space, we are converting it to a colon `:` BUNDLE_WITHOUT=#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"]}", inline: true)
+ end
+ ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"] = bundle_path
+ ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"] = bundler_binstubs_path
+ ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"] = "1" if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ end
+ end
+ # Sets up the environment variables for subsequent processes run by
+ # muiltibuildpack. We can't use profile.d because $HOME isn't set up
+ def setup_export(layer = nil)
+ instrument 'ruby.setup_export' do
+ if layer
+ paths = ENV["PATH"]
+ else
+ paths = ENV["PATH"].split(":").map do |path|
+ /^\/.*/ !~ path ? "#{build_path}/#{path}" : path
+ end.join(":")
+ end
+ # TODO ensure path exported is correct
+ set_export_path "PATH", paths, layer
+ if layer
+ gem_path = "#{layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_base}"
+ else
+ gem_path = "#{build_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}"
+ end
+ set_export_path "GEM_PATH", gem_path, layer
+ set_export_default "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", layer
+ # TODO handle jruby
+ if ruby_version.jruby?
+ set_export_default "JRUBY_OPTS", default_jruby_opts
+ end
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_PATH", ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"], layer
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_WITHOUT", ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"], layer
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_BIN", ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"], layer
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE", ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"], layer if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT", ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"], layer if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock
+ end
+ end
+ # sets up the profile.d script for this buildpack
+ def setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: , gem_layer_path: )
+ instrument 'setup_profiled' do
+ profiled_path = []
+ # Rails has a binstub for yarn that doesn't work for all applications
+ # we need to ensure that yarn comes before local bin dir for that case
+ if yarn_preinstalled?
+ profiled_path << yarn_preinstall_bin_path.gsub(File.expand_path("."), "$HOME")
+ elsif has_yarn_binary?
+ profiled_path << "#{ruby_layer_path}/vendor/#{@yarn_installer.binary_path}"
+ end
+ profiled_path << "$HOME/bin" # /app in production
+ profiled_path << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{bundler_binstubs_path}" # Binstubs from bundler, eg. vendor/bundle/bin
+ profiled_path << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}/bin" # Binstubs from rubygems, eg. vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin
+ profiled_path << "$PATH"
+ set_env_default "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8"
+ set_env_override "GEM_PATH", "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}:$GEM_PATH"
+ set_env_override "PATH", profiled_path.join(":")
+ set_env_override "DISABLE_SPRING", "1"
+ set_env_default "MALLOC_ARENA_MAX", "2" if default_malloc_arena_max?
+ web_concurrency = env("SENSIBLE_DEFAULTS") ? set_default_web_concurrency : ""
+ add_to_profiled(web_concurrency, filename: "WEB_CONCURRENCY.sh", mode: "w") # always write that file, even if its empty (meaning no defaults apply), for interop with other buildpacks - and we overwrite the file rather than appending (which is the default)
+ # TODO handle JRUBY
+ if ruby_version.jruby?
+ set_env_default "JRUBY_OPTS", default_jruby_opts
+ end
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_PATH", ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"]
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_BIN", ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"]
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE", ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"] if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT", ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock
+ end
+ end
+ def warn_outdated_ruby
+ return unless defined?(@outdated_version_check)
+ @warn_outdated ||= begin
+ @outdated_version_check.join
+ warn_outdated_minor
+ warn_outdated_eol
+ warn_stack_upgrade
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ def warn_stack_upgrade
+ return unless defined?(@ruby_download_check)
+ return unless @ruby_download_check.next_stack(current_stack: stack)
+ return if @ruby_download_check.exists_on_next_stack?(current_stack: stack)
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ Your Ruby version is not present on the next stack
+ You are currently using #{ruby_version.version_for_download} on #{stack} stack.
+ This version does not exist on #{@ruby_download_check.next_stack(current_stack: stack)}. In order to upgrade your stack you will
+ need to upgrade to a supported Ruby version.
+ For a list of supported Ruby versions see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#supported-runtimes
+ For a list of the oldest Ruby versions present on a given stack see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#oldest-available-runtimes
+ end
+ def warn_outdated_eol
+ return unless @outdated_version_check.maybe_eol?
+ if @outdated_version_check.eol?
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ EOL Ruby Version
+ You are using a Ruby version that has reached its End of Life (EOL)
+ We strongly suggest you upgrade to Ruby #{@outdated_version_check.suggest_ruby_eol_version} or later
+ Your current Ruby version no longer receives security updates from
+ Ruby Core and may have serious vulnerabilities. While you will continue
+ to be able to deploy on Heroku with this Ruby version you must upgrade
+ to a non-EOL version to be eligible to receive support.
+ Upgrade your Ruby version as soon as possible.
+ For a list of supported Ruby versions see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#supported-runtimes
+ else
+ # Maybe EOL
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ Potential EOL Ruby Version
+ You are using a Ruby version that has either reached its End of Life (EOL)
+ or will reach its End of Life on December 25th of this year.
+ We suggest you upgrade to Ruby #{@outdated_version_check.suggest_ruby_eol_version} or later
+ Once a Ruby version becomes EOL, it will no longer receive
+ security updates from Ruby core and may have serious vulnerabilities.
+ Please upgrade your Ruby version.
+ For a list of supported Ruby versions see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#supported-runtimes
+ end
+ end
+ def warn_outdated_minor
+ return if @outdated_version_check.latest_minor_version?
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ There is a more recent Ruby version available for you to use:
+ #{@outdated_version_check.suggested_ruby_minor_version}
+ The latest version will include security and bug fixes. We always recommend
+ running the latest version of your minor release.
+ Please upgrade your Ruby version.
+ For all available Ruby versions see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#supported-runtimes
+ end
+ # install the vendored ruby
+ # @return [Boolean] true if it installs the vendored ruby and false otherwise
+ def install_ruby(install_path, build_ruby_path = nil)
+ instrument 'ruby.install_ruby' do
+ # Could do a compare operation to avoid re-downloading ruby
+ return false unless ruby_version
+ installer = LanguagePack::Installers::RubyInstaller.installer(ruby_version).new(@stack)
+ @ruby_download_check = LanguagePack::Helpers::DownloadPresence.new(ruby_version.file_name)
+ @ruby_download_check.call
+ if ruby_version.build?
+ installer.fetch_unpack(ruby_version, build_ruby_path, true)
+ end
+ installer.install(ruby_version, install_path)
+ @outdated_version_check = LanguagePack::Helpers::OutdatedRubyVersion.new(
+ current_ruby_version: ruby_version,
+ fetcher: installer.fetcher
+ )
+ @outdated_version_check.call
+ @metadata.write("buildpack_ruby_version", ruby_version.version_for_download)
+ topic "Using Ruby version: #{ruby_version.version_for_download}"
+ if !ruby_version.set
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ You have not declared a Ruby version in your Gemfile.
+ To declare a Ruby version add this line to your Gemfile:
+ ```
+ ruby "#{LanguagePack::RubyVersion::DEFAULT_VERSION_NUMBER}"
+ ```
+ For more information see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-versions
+ end
+ if ruby_version.warn_ruby_26_bundler?
+ warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true)
+ There is a known bundler bug with your version of Ruby
+ Your version of Ruby contains a problem with the built-in integration of bundler. If
+ you encounter a bundler error you need to upgrade your Ruby version. We suggest you upgrade to:
+ #{@outdated_version_check.suggested_ruby_minor_version}
+ For more information see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/bundler-version#known-upgrade-issues
+ end
+ end
+ true
+ rescue LanguagePack::Fetcher::FetchError
+ if @ruby_download_check.does_not_exist?
+ message = <<~ERROR
+ The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist: #{ruby_version.version_for_download}
+ else
+ message = <<~ERROR
+ The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist on this stack.
+ You are trying to install #{ruby_version.version_for_download} on #{stack}.
+ Ruby #{ruby_version.version_for_download} is present on the following stacks:
+ - #{@ruby_download_check.valid_stack_list.join("\n - ")}
+ if env("CI")
+ message << <<~ERROR
+ On Heroku CI you can set your stack in the `app.json`. For example:
+ ```
+ "stack": "heroku-20"
+ ```
+ end
+ end
+ message << <<~ERROR
+ Heroku recommends you use the latest supported Ruby version listed here:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#supported-runtimes
+ For more information on syntax for declaring a Ruby version see:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-versions
+ error message
+ end
+ # TODO make this compatible with CNB
+ def new_app?
+ @new_app ||= !File.exist?("vendor/heroku")
+ end
+ # find the ruby install path for its binstubs during build
+ # @return [String] resulting path or empty string if ruby is not vendored
+ def ruby_install_binstub_path(ruby_layer_path = ".")
+ @ruby_install_binstub_path ||=
+ if ruby_version.build?
+ "#{build_ruby_path}/bin"
+ elsif ruby_version
+ "#{ruby_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_ruby}/bin"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ # setup the environment so we can use the vendored ruby
+ def setup_ruby_install_env(ruby_layer_path = ".")
+ instrument 'ruby.setup_ruby_install_env' do
+ ENV["PATH"] = "#{File.expand_path(ruby_install_binstub_path(ruby_layer_path))}:#{ENV["PATH"]}"
+ end
+ end
+ # installs vendored gems into the slug
+ def install_bundler_in_app(bundler_dir)
+ instrument 'ruby.install_language_pack_gems' do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundler_dir)
+ Dir.chdir(bundler_dir) do |dir|
+ `cp -R #{bundler.bundler_path}/. .`
+ end
+ # write bundler shim, so we can control the version bundler used
+ # Ruby 2.6.0 started vendoring bundler
+ write_bundler_shim("vendor/bundle/bin") if ruby_version.vendored_bundler?
+ end
+ end
+ # default set of binaries to install
+ # @return [Array] resulting list
+ def binaries
+ add_node_js_binary + add_yarn_binary
+ end
+ # vendors binaries into the slug
+ def install_binaries
+ instrument 'ruby.install_binaries' do
+ binaries.each {|binary| install_binary(binary) }
+ Dir["bin/*"].each {|path| run("chmod +x #{path}") }
+ end
+ end
+ # vendors individual binary into the slug
+ # @param [String] name of the binary package from S3.
+ # Example: https://s3.amazonaws.com/language-pack-ruby/node-0.4.7.tgz, where name is "node-0.4.7"
+ def install_binary(name)
+ topic "Installing #{name}"
+ bin_dir = "bin"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p bin_dir
+ Dir.chdir(bin_dir) do |dir|
+ if name.match(/^node\-/)
+ @node_installer.install
+ # need to set PATH here b/c `node-gyp` can change the CWD, but still depends on executing node.
+ # the current PATH is relative, but it needs to be absolute for this.
+ # doing this here also prevents it from being exported during runtime
+ node_bin_path = File.absolute_path(".")
+ # this needs to be set after so other binaries in bin/ don't take precedence"
+ ENV["PATH"] = "#{ENV["PATH"]}:#{node_bin_path}"
+ elsif name.match(/^yarn\-/)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p("../vendor")
+ Dir.chdir("../vendor") do |vendor_dir|
+ @yarn_installer.install
+ yarn_path = File.absolute_path("#{vendor_dir}/#{@yarn_installer.binary_path}")
+ ENV["PATH"] = "#{yarn_path}:#{ENV["PATH"]}"
+ end
+ else
+ @fetchers[:buildpack].fetch_untar("#{name}.tgz")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # removes a binary from the slug
+ # @param [String] relative path of the binary on the slug
+ def uninstall_binary(path)
+ FileUtils.rm File.join('bin', File.basename(path)), :force => true
+ end
+ def load_default_cache?
+ new_app? && ruby_version.default?
+ end
+ # loads a default bundler cache for new apps to speed up initial bundle installs
+ def load_default_cache
+ instrument "ruby.load_default_cache" do
+ if false # load_default_cache?
+ puts "New app detected loading default bundler cache"
+ patchlevel = run("ruby -e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL'").strip
+ cache_name = "#{LanguagePack::RubyVersion::DEFAULT_VERSION}-p#{patchlevel}-default-cache"
+ @fetchers[:buildpack].fetch_untar("#{cache_name}.tgz")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # remove `vendor/bundle` that comes from the git repo
+ # in case there are native ext.
+ # users should be using `bundle pack` instead.
+ # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby/issues/21
+ def remove_vendor_bundle
+ if File.exists?("vendor/bundle")
+ warn(<<-WARNING)
+Removing `vendor/bundle`.
+Checking in `vendor/bundle` is not supported. Please remove this directory
+and add it to your .gitignore. To vendor your gems with Bundler, use
+`bundle pack` instead.
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/bundle")
+ end
+ end
+ def bundler_binstubs_path
+ "vendor/bundle/bin"
+ end
+ def bundler_path
+ @bundler_path ||= "#{slug_vendor_base}/gems/#{bundler.dir_name}"
+ end
+ def write_bundler_shim(path)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(path)
+ shim_path = "#{path}/bundle"
+ File.open(shim_path, "w") do |file|
+ file.print <<-BUNDLE
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'rubygems'
+version = "#{bundler.version}"
+if ARGV.first
+ str = ARGV.first
+ str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding
+ if str =~ /\A_(.*)_\z/ and Gem::Version.correct?($1) then
+ version = $1
+ ARGV.shift
+ end
+if Gem.respond_to?(:activate_bin_path)
+load Gem.activate_bin_path('bundler', 'bundle', version)
+gem "bundler", version
+load Gem.bin_path("bundler", "bundle", version)
+ end
+ FileUtils.chmod(0755, shim_path)
+ end
+ # runs bundler to install the dependencies
+ def build_bundler
+ instrument 'ruby.build_bundler' do
+ log("bundle") do
+ if File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/.bundle/config")
+ warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true)
+ You have the `.bundle/config` file checked into your repository
+ It contains local state like the location of the installed bundle
+ as well as configured git local gems, and other settings that should
+ not be shared between multiple checkouts of a single repo. Please
+ remove the `.bundle/` folder from your repo and add it to your `.gitignore` file.
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/bundler-configuration
+ end
+ if bundler.windows_gemfile_lock?
+ log("bundle", "has_windows_gemfile_lock")
+ File.unlink("Gemfile.lock")
+ warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true)
+ Removing `Gemfile.lock` because it was generated on Windows.
+ Bundler will do a full resolve so native gems are handled properly.
+ This may result in unexpected gem versions being used in your app.
+ In rare occasions Bundler may not be able to resolve your dependencies at all.
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/bundler-windows-gemfile
+ end
+ bundle_command = String.new("")
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_WITHOUT='#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"]}' "
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_PATH=#{ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"]} "
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_BIN=#{ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"]} "
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=#{ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"]} " if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE=#{ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"]} " if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ bundle_command << "bundle install -j4"
+ topic("Installing dependencies using bundler #{bundler.version}")
+ bundler_output = String.new("")
+ bundle_time = nil
+ env_vars = {}
+ Dir.mktmpdir("libyaml-") do |tmpdir|
+ libyaml_dir = "#{tmpdir}/#{LIBYAML_PATH}"
+ # need to setup compile environment for the psych gem
+ yaml_include = File.expand_path("#{libyaml_dir}/include").shellescape
+ yaml_lib = File.expand_path("#{libyaml_dir}/lib").shellescape
+ pwd = Dir.pwd
+ bundler_path = "#{pwd}/#{slug_vendor_base}/gems/#{bundler.dir_name}/lib"
+ # we need to set BUNDLE_CONFIG and BUNDLE_GEMFILE for
+ # codon since it uses bundler.
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "#{pwd}/Gemfile"
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_CONFIG"] = "#{pwd}/.bundle/config"
+ env_vars["CPATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_include}:$CPATH")
+ env_vars["CPPATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_include}:$CPPATH")
+ env_vars["LIBRARY_PATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_lib}:$LIBRARY_PATH")
+ env_vars["RUBYOPT"] = syck_hack
+ env_vars["NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES"] = "true"
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true"
+ env_vars["BUNDLER_LIB_PATH"] = "#{bundler_path}" if ruby_version.ruby_version == "1.8.7"
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true"
+ puts "Running: #{bundle_command}"
+ instrument "ruby.bundle_install" do
+ bundle_time = Benchmark.realtime do
+ bundler_output << pipe("#{bundle_command} --no-clean", out: "2>&1", env: env_vars, user_env: true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if $?.success?
+ puts "Bundle completed (#{"%.2f" % bundle_time}s)"
+ log "bundle", :status => "success"
+ puts "Cleaning up the bundler cache."
+ instrument "ruby.bundle_clean" do
+ # Only show bundle clean output when not using default cache
+ if load_default_cache?
+ run("bundle clean > /dev/null", user_env: true, env: env_vars)
+ else
+ pipe("bundle clean", out: "2> /dev/null", user_env: true, env: env_vars)
+ end
+ end
+ @bundler_cache.store
+ # Keep gem cache out of the slug
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{slug_vendor_base}/cache")
+ else
+ mcount "fail.bundle.install"
+ log "bundle", :status => "failure"
+ error_message = "Failed to install gems via Bundler."
+ puts "Bundler Output: #{bundler_output}"
+ if bundler_output.match(/An error occurred while installing sqlite3/)
+ mcount "fail.sqlite3"
+ error_message += <<~ERROR
+ Detected sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/sqlite3
+ end
+ if bundler_output.match(/but your Gemfile specified/)
+ mcount "fail.ruby_version_mismatch"
+ error_message += <<~ERROR
+ Detected a mismatch between your Ruby version installed and
+ Ruby version specified in Gemfile or Gemfile.lock. You can
+ correct this by running:
+ $ bundle update --ruby
+ $ git add Gemfile.lock
+ $ git commit -m "update ruby version"
+ If this does not solve the issue please see this documentation:
+ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-versions#your-ruby-version-is-x-but-your-gemfile-specified-y
+ end
+ error error_message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def post_bundler
+ instrument "ruby.post_bundler" do
+ Dir[File.join(slug_vendor_base, "**", ".git")].each do |dir|
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(dir)
+ end
+ bundler.clean
+ end
+ end
+ # RUBYOPT line that requires syck_hack file
+ # @return [String] require string if needed or else an empty string
+ def syck_hack
+ instrument "ruby.syck_hack" do
+ syck_hack_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../vendor/syck_hack"))
+ rv = run_stdout('ruby -e "puts RUBY_VERSION"').strip
+ # < 1.9.3 includes syck, so we need to use the syck hack
+ if Gem::Version.new(rv) < Gem::Version.new("1.9.3")
+ "-r#{syck_hack_file}"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # writes ERB based database.yml for Rails. The database.yml uses the DATABASE_URL from the environment during runtime.
+ def create_database_yml
+ instrument 'ruby.create_database_yml' do
+ return false unless File.directory?("config")
+ return false if bundler.has_gem?('activerecord') && bundler.gem_version('activerecord') >= Gem::Version.new('4.1.0.beta1')
+ log("create_database_yml") do
+ topic("Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL")
+ File.open("config/database.yml", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts <<-DATABASE_YML
+require 'cgi'
+require 'uri'
+ uri = URI.parse(ENV["DATABASE_URL"])
+rescue URI::InvalidURIError
+ raise "Invalid DATABASE_URL"
+raise "No RACK_ENV or RAILS_ENV found" unless ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"]
+def attribute(name, value, force_string = false)
+ if value
+ value_string =
+ if force_string
+ '"' + value + '"'
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ "\#{name}: \#{value_string}"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+adapter = uri.scheme
+adapter = "postgresql" if adapter == "postgres"
+database = (uri.path || "").split("/")[1]
+username = uri.user
+password = uri.password
+host = uri.host
+port = uri.port
+params = CGI.parse(uri.query || "")
+<%= ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] %>:
+ <%= attribute "adapter", adapter %>
+ <%= attribute "database", database %>
+ <%= attribute "username", username %>
+ <%= attribute "password", password, true %>
+ <%= attribute "host", host %>
+ <%= attribute "port", port %>
+<% params.each do |key, value| %>
+ <%= key %>: <%= value.first %>
+<% end %>
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def rake
+ @rake ||= begin
+ rake_gem_available = bundler.has_gem?("rake") || ruby_version.rake_is_vendored?
+ raise_on_fail = bundler.gem_version('railties') && bundler.gem_version('railties') > Gem::Version.new('3.x')
+ topic "Detecting rake tasks"
+ rake = LanguagePack::Helpers::RakeRunner.new(rake_gem_available)
+ rake.load_rake_tasks!({ env: rake_env }, raise_on_fail)
+ rake
+ end
+ end
+ def rake_env
+ if database_url
+ { "DATABASE_URL" => database_url }
+ else
+ {}
+ end.merge(user_env_hash)
+ end
+ def database_url
+ env("DATABASE_URL") if env("DATABASE_URL")
+ end
+ # executes the block with GIT_DIR environment variable removed since it can mess with the current working directory git thinks it's in
+ # @param [block] block to be executed in the GIT_DIR free context
+ def allow_git(&blk)
+ git_dir = ENV.delete("GIT_DIR") # can mess with bundler
+ blk.call
+ ENV["GIT_DIR"] = git_dir
+ end
+ # decides if we need to enable the dev database addon
+ # @return [Array] the database addon if the pg gem is detected or an empty Array if it isn't.
+ def add_dev_database_addon
+ pg_adapters.any? {|a| bundler.has_gem?(a) } ? ['heroku-postgresql'] : []
+ end
+ def pg_adapters
+ [
+ "pg",
+ "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter",
+ "jdbc-postgres",
+ "jdbc-postgresql",
+ "jruby-pg",
+ "rjack-jdbc-postgres",
+ "tgbyte-activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter"
+ ]
+ end
+ # decides if we need to install the node.js binary
+ # @note execjs will blow up if no JS RUNTIME is detected and is loaded.
+ # @return [Array] the node.js binary path if we need it or an empty Array
+ def add_node_js_binary
+ return [] if node_js_preinstalled?
+ if Pathname(build_path).join("package.json").exist? ||
+ bundler.has_gem?('execjs') ||
+ bundler.has_gem?('webpacker')
+ [@node_installer.binary_path]
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def add_yarn_binary
+ return [] if yarn_preinstalled?
+ if Pathname(build_path).join("yarn.lock").exist? || bundler.has_gem?('webpacker')
+ [@yarn_installer.name]
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def has_yarn_binary?
+ add_yarn_binary.any?
+ end
+ # checks if node.js is installed via the official heroku-buildpack-nodejs using multibuildpack
+ # @return String if it's detected and false if it isn't
+ def node_preinstall_bin_path
+ return @node_preinstall_bin_path if defined?(@node_preinstall_bin_path)
+ legacy_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/#{NODE_BP_PATH}"
+ path = run("which node").strip
+ if path && $?.success?
+ @node_preinstall_bin_path = path
+ elsif run("#{legacy_path}/node -v") && $?.success?
+ @node_preinstall_bin_path = legacy_path
+ else
+ @node_preinstall_bin_path = false
+ end
+ end
+ alias :node_js_preinstalled? :node_preinstall_bin_path
+ def node_not_preinstalled?
+ !node_js_preinstalled?
+ end
+ # Example: tmp/build_8523f77fb96a956101d00988dfeed9d4/.heroku/yarn/bin/ (without the `yarn` at the end)
+ def yarn_preinstall_bin_path
+ (yarn_preinstall_binary_path || "").chomp("/yarn")
+ end
+ # Example `tmp/build_8523f77fb96a956101d00988dfeed9d4/.heroku/yarn/bin/yarn`
+ def yarn_preinstall_binary_path
+ return @yarn_preinstall_binary_path if defined?(@yarn_preinstall_binary_path)
+ path = run("which yarn").strip
+ if path && $?.success?
+ @yarn_preinstall_binary_path = path
+ else
+ @yarn_preinstall_binary_path = false
+ end
+ end
+ def yarn_preinstalled?
+ yarn_preinstall_binary_path
+ end
+ def yarn_not_preinstalled?
+ !yarn_preinstalled?
+ end
+ def run_assets_precompile_rake_task
+ instrument 'ruby.run_assets_precompile_rake_task' do
+ precompile = rake.task("assets:precompile")
+ return true unless precompile.is_defined?
+ topic "Precompiling assets"
+ precompile.invoke(env: rake_env)
+ if precompile.success?
+ puts "Asset precompilation completed (#{"%.2f" % precompile.time}s)"
+ else
+ precompile_fail(precompile.output)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def precompile_fail(output)
+ mcount "fail.assets_precompile"
+ log "assets_precompile", :status => "failure"
+ msg = "Precompiling assets failed.\n"
+ if output.match(/(127\.0\.0\.1)|(org\.postgresql\.util)/)
+ msg << "Attempted to access a nonexistent database:\n"
+ msg << "https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/pre-provision-database\n"
+ end
+ sprockets_version = bundler.gem_version('sprockets')
+ if output.match(/Sprockets::FileNotFound/) && (sprockets_version < Gem::Version.new('4.0.0.beta7') && sprockets_version > Gem::Version.new('4.0.0.beta4'))
+ mcount "fail.assets_precompile.file_not_found_beta"
+ msg << "If you have this file in your project\n"
+ msg << "try upgrading to Sprockets 4.0.0.beta7 or later:\n"
+ msg << "https://github.com/rails/sprockets/pull/547\n"
+ end
+ error msg
+ end
+ def bundler_cache
+ "vendor/bundle"
+ end
+ def valid_bundler_cache?(path, metadata)
+ full_ruby_version = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip
+ rubygems_version = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip
+ old_rubygems_version = nil
+ old_rubygems_version = metadata[:ruby_version]
+ old_stack = metadata[:stack]
+ old_stack ||= DEFAULT_LEGACY_STACK
+ stack_change = old_stack != @stack
+ if !new_app? && stack_change
+ return [false, "Purging Cache. Changing stack from #{old_stack} to #{@stack}"]
+ end
+ # fix bug from v37 deploy
+ if File.exists?("#{path}/vendor/ruby_version")
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ cache.clear("vendor")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{path}/vendor/ruby_version")
+ return [false, "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."]
+ # fix bug introduced in v38
+ elsif !metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && metadata.include?(:ruby_version)
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ return [false, "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."]
+ elsif (@bundler_cache.exists? || @bundler_cache.old?) && full_ruby_version != metadata[:ruby_version]
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Ruby version change detected. Clearing bundler cache.
+Old: #{metadata[:ruby_version]}
+New: #{full_ruby_version}
+ end
+ # fix git gemspec bug from Bundler 1.3.0+ upgrade
+ if File.exists?(bundler_cache) && !metadata.include?(:bundler_version) && !run("find #{path}/vendor/bundle/*/*/bundler/gems/*/ -name *.gemspec").include?("No such file or directory")
+ return [false, "Old bundler cache detected. Clearing bundler cache."]
+ end
+ # fix for https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby/issues/86
+ if (!metadata.include?(:rubygems_version) ||
+ (old_rubygems_version == "2.0.0" && old_rubygems_version != rubygems_version)) &&
+ metadata.include?(:ruby_version) && metadata[:ruby_version].strip.include?("ruby 2.0.0p0")
+ return [false, "Updating to rubygems #{rubygems_version}. Clearing bundler cache."]
+ end
+ # fix for https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/923
+ if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 76
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Fixing nokogiri install. Clearing bundler cache.
+See https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/923.
+ end
+ # recompile nokogiri to use new libyaml
+ if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 99 && bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Need to recompile psych for CVE-2013-6393. Clearing bundler cache.
+See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=737076.
+ end
+ # recompile gems for libyaml 0.1.7 update
+ if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 147 &&
+ (metadata.include?(:ruby_version) && metadata[:ruby_version].match(/ruby 2\.1\.(9|10)/) ||
+ bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ )
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Need to recompile gems for CVE-2014-2014-9130. Clearing bundler cache.
+See https://devcenter.heroku.com/changelog-items/1016.
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def load_bundler_cache
+ instrument "ruby.load_bundler_cache" do
+ cache.load "vendor"
+ full_ruby_version = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip
+ rubygems_version = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip
+ heroku_metadata = "vendor/heroku"
+ old_rubygems_version = nil
+ ruby_version_cache = "ruby_version"
+ buildpack_version_cache = "buildpack_version"
+ bundler_version_cache = "bundler_version"
+ rubygems_version_cache = "rubygems_version"
+ stack_cache = "stack"
+ # bundle clean does not remove binstubs
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/bundler/bin")
+ old_rubygems_version = @metadata.read(ruby_version_cache).strip if @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache)
+ old_stack = @metadata.read(stack_cache).strip if @metadata.exists?(stack_cache)
+ old_stack ||= DEFAULT_LEGACY_STACK
+ stack_change = old_stack != @stack
+ convert_stack = @bundler_cache.old?
+ @bundler_cache.convert_stack(stack_change) if convert_stack
+ if !new_app? && stack_change
+ puts "Purging Cache. Changing stack from #{old_stack} to #{@stack}"
+ purge_bundler_cache(old_stack)
+ elsif !new_app? && !convert_stack
+ @bundler_cache.load
+ end
+ # fix bug from v37 deploy
+ if File.exists?("vendor/ruby_version")
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ cache.clear("vendor")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/ruby_version")
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ # fix bug introduced in v38
+ elsif !@metadata.include?(buildpack_version_cache) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache)
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ elsif (@bundler_cache.exists? || @bundler_cache.old?) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && full_ruby_version != @metadata.read(ruby_version_cache).strip
+ puts "Ruby version change detected. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "Old: #{@metadata.read(ruby_version_cache).strip}"
+ puts "New: #{full_ruby_version}"
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # fix git gemspec bug from Bundler 1.3.0+ upgrade
+ if File.exists?(bundler_cache) && !@metadata.exists?(bundler_version_cache) && !run("find vendor/bundle/*/*/bundler/gems/*/ -name *.gemspec").include?("No such file or directory")
+ puts "Old bundler cache detected. Clearing bundler cache."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # fix for https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby/issues/86
+ if (!@metadata.exists?(rubygems_version_cache) ||
+ (old_rubygems_version == "2.0.0" && old_rubygems_version != rubygems_version)) &&
+ @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && @metadata.read(ruby_version_cache).strip.include?("ruby 2.0.0p0")
+ puts "Updating to rubygems #{rubygems_version}. Clearing bundler cache."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # fix for https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/923
+ if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv = @metadata.read(buildpack_version_cache).sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 76
+ puts "Fixing nokogiri install. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "See https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/923."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # recompile nokogiri to use new libyaml
+ if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv = @metadata.read(buildpack_version_cache).sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 99 && bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ puts "Need to recompile psych for CVE-2013-6393. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=737076."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # recompile gems for libyaml 0.1.7 update
+ if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv = @metadata.read(buildpack_version_cache).sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 147 &&
+ (@metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && @metadata.read(ruby_version_cache).strip.match(/ruby 2\.1\.(9|10)/) ||
+ bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ )
+ puts "Need to recompile gems for CVE-2014-2014-9130. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "See https://devcenter.heroku.com/changelog-items/1016."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(heroku_metadata)
+ @metadata.write(ruby_version_cache, full_ruby_version, false)
+ @metadata.write(buildpack_version_cache, BUILDPACK_VERSION, false)
+ @metadata.write(bundler_version_cache, bundler.version, false)
+ @metadata.write(rubygems_version_cache, rubygems_version, false)
+ @metadata.write(stack_cache, @stack, false)
+ @metadata.save
+ end
+ end
+ def purge_bundler_cache(stack = nil)
+ instrument "ruby.purge_bundler_cache" do
+ @bundler_cache.clear(stack)
+ # need to reinstall language pack gems
+ install_bundler_in_app(slug_vendor_base)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/syntax_tree.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/syntax_tree.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c110783f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/syntax_tree.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9234 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'ripper'
+require_relative 'syntax_tree/version'
+class SyntaxTree < Ripper
+ # Represents a line in the source. If this class is being used, it means that
+ # every character in the string is 1 byte in length, so we can just return the
+ # start of the line + the index.
+ class SingleByteString
+ def initialize(start)
+ @start = start
+ end
+ def [](byteindex)
+ @start + byteindex
+ end
+ end
+ # Represents a line in the source. If this class is being used, it means that
+ # there are characters in the string that are multi-byte, so we will build up
+ # an array of indices, such that array[byteindex] will be equal to the index
+ # of the character within the string.
+ class MultiByteString
+ def initialize(start, line)
+ @indices = []
+ line
+ .each_char
+ .with_index(start) do |char, index|
+ char.bytesize.times { @indices << index }
+ end
+ end
+ def [](byteindex)
+ @indices[byteindex]
+ end
+ end
+ # Represents the location of a node in the tree from the source code.
+ class Location
+ attr_reader :start_line, :start_char, :end_line, :end_char
+ def initialize(start_line:, start_char:, end_line:, end_char:)
+ @start_line = start_line
+ @start_char = start_char
+ @end_line = end_line
+ @end_char = end_char
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a?(Location) && start_line == other.start_line &&
+ start_char == other.start_char && end_line == other.end_line &&
+ end_char == other.end_char
+ end
+ def to(other)
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: start_line,
+ start_char: start_char,
+ end_line: other.end_line,
+ end_char: other.end_char
+ )
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ [start_line, start_char, end_line, end_char].to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ def self.token(line:, char:, size:)
+ new(
+ start_line: line,
+ start_char: char,
+ end_line: line,
+ end_char: char + size
+ )
+ end
+ def self.fixed(line:, char:)
+ new(start_line: line, start_char: char, end_line: line, end_char: char)
+ end
+ end
+ # A special parser error so that we can get nice syntax displays on the error
+ # message when prettier prints out the results.
+ class ParseError < StandardError
+ attr_reader :lineno, :column
+ def initialize(error, lineno, column)
+ super(error)
+ @lineno = lineno
+ @column = column
+ end
+ end
+ attr_reader :source, :lines, :tokens
+ # This is an attr_accessor so Stmts objects can grab comments out of this
+ # array and attach them to themselves.
+ attr_accessor :comments
+ def initialize(source, *)
+ super
+ # We keep the source around so that we can refer back to it when we're
+ # generating the AST. Sometimes it's easier to just reference the source
+ # string when you want to check if it contains a certain character, for
+ # example.
+ @source = source
+ # Similarly, we keep the lines of the source string around to be able to
+ # check if certain lines contain certain characters. For example, we'll use
+ # this to generate the content that goes after the __END__ keyword. Or we'll
+ # use this to check if a comment has other content on its line.
+ @lines = source.split("\n")
+ # This is the full set of comments that have been found by the parser. It's
+ # a running list. At the end of every block of statements, they will go in
+ # and attempt to grab any comments that are on their own line and turn them
+ # into regular statements. So at the end of parsing the only comments left
+ # in here will be comments on lines that also contain code.
+ @comments = []
+ # This is the current embdoc (comments that start with =begin and end with
+ # =end). Since they can't be nested, there's no need for a stack here, as
+ # there can only be one active. These end up getting dumped into the
+ # comments list before getting picked up by the statements that surround
+ # them.
+ @embdoc = nil
+ # This is an optional node that can be present if the __END__ keyword is
+ # used in the file. In that case, this will represent the content after that
+ # keyword.
+ @__end__ = nil
+ # Heredocs can actually be nested together if you're using interpolation, so
+ # this is a stack of heredoc nodes that are currently being created. When we
+ # get to the token that finishes off a heredoc node, we pop the top
+ # one off. If there are others surrounding it, then the body events will now
+ # be added to the correct nodes.
+ @heredocs = []
+ # This is a running list of tokens that have fired. It's useful
+ # mostly for maintaining location information. For example, if you're inside
+ # the handle of a def event, then in order to determine where the AST node
+ # started, you need to look backward in the tokens to find a def
+ # keyword. Most of the time, when a parser event consumes one of these
+ # events, it will be deleted from the list. So ideally, this list stays
+ # pretty short over the course of parsing a source string.
+ @tokens = []
+ # Here we're going to build up a list of SingleByteString or MultiByteString
+ # objects. They're each going to represent a string in the source. They are
+ # used by the `char_pos` method to determine where we are in the source
+ # string.
+ @line_counts = []
+ last_index = 0
+ @source.lines.each do |line|
+ if line.size == line.bytesize
+ @line_counts << SingleByteString.new(last_index)
+ else
+ @line_counts << MultiByteString.new(last_index, line)
+ end
+ last_index += line.size
+ end
+ end
+ def self.parse(source)
+ parser = new(source)
+ response = parser.parse
+ response unless parser.error?
+ end
+ private
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # :section: Helper methods
+ # The following methods are used by the ripper event handlers to either
+ # determine their bounds or query other nodes.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # This represents the current place in the source string that we've gotten to
+ # so far. We have a memoized line_counts object that we can use to get the
+ # number of characters that we've had to go through to get to the beginning of
+ # this line, then we add the number of columns into this line that we've gone
+ # through.
+ def char_pos
+ @line_counts[lineno - 1][column]
+ end
+ # As we build up a list of tokens, we'll periodically need to go backwards and
+ # find the ones that we've already hit in order to determine the location
+ # information for nodes that use them. For example, if you have a module node
+ # then you'll look backward for a kw token to determine your start location.
+ #
+ # This works with nesting since we're deleting tokens from the list once
+ # they've been used up. For example if you had nested module declarations then
+ # the innermost declaration would grab the last kw node that matches "module"
+ # (which would happen to be the innermost keyword). Then the outer one would
+ # only be able to grab the first one. In this way all of the tokens act as
+ # their own stack.
+ def find_token(type, value = :any, consume: true)
+ index =
+ tokens.rindex do |token|
+ token.is_a?(type) && (value == :any || (token.value == value))
+ end
+ if consume
+ # If we're expecting to be able to find a token and consume it,
+ # but can't actually find it, then we need to raise an error. This is
+ # _usually_ caused by a syntax error in the source that we're printing. It
+ # could also be caused by accidentally attempting to consume a token twice
+ # by two different parser event handlers.
+ unless index
+ message = "Cannot find expected #{value == :any ? type : value}"
+ raise ParseError.new(message, lineno, column)
+ end
+ tokens.delete_at(index)
+ elsif index
+ tokens[index]
+ end
+ end
+ # A helper function to find a :: operator. We do special handling instead of
+ # using find_token here because we don't pop off all of the ::
+ # operators so you could end up getting the wrong information if you have for
+ # instance ::X::Y::Z.
+ def find_colon2_before(const)
+ index =
+ tokens.rindex do |token|
+ token.is_a?(Op) && token.value == '::' &&
+ token.location.start_char < const.location.start_char
+ end
+ tokens[index]
+ end
+ # Finds the next position in the source string that begins a statement. This
+ # is used to bind statements lists and make sure they don't include a
+ # preceding comment. For example, we want the following comment to be attached
+ # to the class node and not the statement node:
+ #
+ # class Foo # :nodoc:
+ # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # By finding the next non-space character, we can make sure that the bounds of
+ # the statement list are correct.
+ def find_next_statement_start(position)
+ remaining = source[position..-1]
+ if remaining.sub(/\A +/, '')[0] == '#'
+ return position + remaining.index("\n")
+ end
+ position
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # :section: Ripper event handlers
+ # The following methods all handle a dispatched ripper event.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # BEGINBlock represents the use of the +BEGIN+ keyword, which hooks into the
+ # lifecycle of the interpreter. Whatever is inside the block will get executed
+ # when the program starts.
+ #
+ # BEGIN {
+ # }
+ #
+ # Interestingly, the BEGIN keyword doesn't allow the do and end keywords for
+ # the block. Only braces are permitted.
+ class BEGINBlock
+ # [LBrace] the left brace that is seen after the keyword
+ attr_reader :lbrace
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(lbrace:, statements:, location:)
+ @lbrace = lbrace
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('BEGIN')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :BEGIN,
+ lbrace: lbrace,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_BEGIN: (Statements statements) -> BEGINBlock
+ def on_BEGIN(statements)
+ lbrace = find_token(LBrace)
+ rbrace = find_token(RBrace)
+ statements.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(lbrace.location.end_char),
+ rbrace.location.start_char
+ )
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'BEGIN')
+ BEGINBlock.new(
+ lbrace: lbrace,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: keyword.location.to(rbrace.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # CHAR irepresents a single codepoint in the script encoding.
+ #
+ # ?a
+ #
+ # In the example above, the CHAR node represents the string literal "a". You
+ # can use control characters with this as well, as in ?\C-a.
+ class CHAR
+ # [String] the value of the character literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('CHAR')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :CHAR, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_CHAR: (String value) -> CHAR
+ def on_CHAR(value)
+ node =
+ CHAR.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # ENDBlock represents the use of the +END+ keyword, which hooks into the
+ # lifecycle of the interpreter. Whatever is inside the block will get executed
+ # when the program ends.
+ #
+ # END {
+ # }
+ #
+ # Interestingly, the END keyword doesn't allow the do and end keywords for the
+ # block. Only braces are permitted.
+ class ENDBlock
+ # [LBrace] the left brace that is seen after the keyword
+ attr_reader :lbrace
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(lbrace:, statements:, location:)
+ @lbrace = lbrace
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('END')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :END, lbrace: lbrace, stmts: statements, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_END: (Statements statements) -> ENDBlock
+ def on_END(statements)
+ lbrace = find_token(LBrace)
+ rbrace = find_token(RBrace)
+ statements.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(lbrace.location.end_char),
+ rbrace.location.start_char
+ )
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'END')
+ ENDBlock.new(
+ lbrace: lbrace,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: keyword.location.to(rbrace.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # EndContent represents the use of __END__ syntax, which allows individual
+ # scripts to keep content after the main ruby code that can be read through
+ # the DATA constant.
+ #
+ # puts DATA.read
+ #
+ # __END__
+ # some other content that is not executed by the program
+ #
+ class EndContent
+ # [String] the content after the script
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('__end__')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :__end__, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on___end__: (String value) -> EndContent
+ def on___end__(value)
+ @__end__ =
+ EndContent.new(
+ value: lines[lineno..-1].join("\n"),
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ end
+ # Alias represents the use of the +alias+ keyword with regular arguments (not
+ # global variables). The +alias+ keyword is used to make a method respond to
+ # another name as well as the current one.
+ #
+ # alias aliased_name name
+ #
+ # For the example above, in the current context you can now call aliased_name
+ # and it will execute the name method. When you're aliasing two methods, you
+ # can either provide bare words (like the example above) or you can provide
+ # symbols (note that this includes dynamic symbols like
+ # :"left-#{middle}-right").
+ class Alias
+ # [DynaSymbol | SymbolLiteral] the new name of the method
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [DynaSymbol | SymbolLiteral] the old name of the method
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(left:, right:, location:)
+ @left = left
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('alias')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :alias, left: left, right: right, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_alias: (
+ # (DynaSymbol | SymbolLiteral) left,
+ # (DynaSymbol | SymbolLiteral) right
+ # ) -> Alias
+ def on_alias(left, right)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'alias')
+ Alias.new(
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ location: keyword.location.to(right.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # ARef represents when you're pulling a value out of a collection at a
+ # specific index. Put another way, it's any time you're calling the method
+ # #[].
+ #
+ # collection[index]
+ #
+ # The nodes usually contains two children, the collection and the index. In
+ # some cases, you don't necessarily have the second child node, because you
+ # can call procs with a pretty esoteric syntax. In the following example, you
+ # wouldn't have a second child node:
+ #
+ # collection[]
+ #
+ class ARef
+ # [untyped] the value being indexed
+ attr_reader :collection
+ # [nil | Args | ArgsAddBlock] the value being passed within the brackets
+ attr_reader :index
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(collection:, index:, location:)
+ @collection = collection
+ @index = index
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('aref')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(collection)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(index)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :aref,
+ collection: collection,
+ index: index,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_aref: (untyped collection, (nil | Args | ArgsAddBlock) index) -> ARef
+ def on_aref(collection, index)
+ find_token(LBracket)
+ rbracket = find_token(RBracket)
+ ARef.new(
+ collection: collection,
+ index: index,
+ location: collection.location.to(rbracket.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # ARefField represents assigning values into collections at specific indices.
+ # Put another way, it's any time you're calling the method #[]=. The
+ # ARefField node itself is just the left side of the assignment, and they're
+ # always wrapped in assign nodes.
+ #
+ # collection[index] = value
+ #
+ class ARefField
+ # [untyped] the value being indexed
+ attr_reader :collection
+ # [nil | ArgsAddBlock] the value being passed within the brackets
+ attr_reader :index
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(collection:, index:, location:)
+ @collection = collection
+ @index = index
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('aref_field')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(collection)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(index)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :aref_field,
+ collection: collection,
+ index: index,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_aref_field: (
+ # untyped collection,
+ # (nil | ArgsAddBlock) index
+ # ) -> ARefField
+ def on_aref_field(collection, index)
+ find_token(LBracket)
+ rbracket = find_token(RBracket)
+ ARefField.new(
+ collection: collection,
+ index: index,
+ location: collection.location.to(rbracket.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # def on_arg_ambiguous(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # ArgParen represents wrapping arguments to a method inside a set of
+ # parentheses.
+ #
+ # method(argument)
+ #
+ # In the example above, there would be an ArgParen node around the
+ # ArgsAddBlock node that represents the set of arguments being sent to the
+ # method method. The argument child node can be +nil+ if no arguments were
+ # passed, as in:
+ #
+ # method()
+ #
+ class ArgParen
+ # [nil | Args | ArgsAddBlock | ArgsForward] the arguments inside the
+ # parentheses
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('arg_paren')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :arg_paren, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_arg_paren: (
+ # (nil | Args | ArgsAddBlock | ArgsForward) arguments
+ # ) -> ArgParen
+ def on_arg_paren(arguments)
+ lparen = find_token(LParen)
+ rparen = find_token(RParen)
+ # If the arguments exceed the ending of the parentheses, then we know we
+ # have a heredoc in the arguments, and we need to use the bounds of the
+ # arguments to determine how large the arg_paren is.
+ ending =
+ if arguments && arguments.location.end_line > rparen.location.end_line
+ arguments
+ else
+ rparen
+ end
+ ArgParen.new(
+ arguments: arguments,
+ location: lparen.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Args represents a list of arguments being passed to a method call or array
+ # literal.
+ #
+ # method(first, second, third)
+ #
+ class Args
+ # [Array[ untyped ]] the arguments that this node wraps
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('args')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :args, parts: parts, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_args_add: (Args arguments, untyped argument) -> Args
+ def on_args_add(arguments, argument)
+ if arguments.parts.empty?
+ # If this is the first argument being passed into the list of arguments,
+ # then we're going to use the bounds of the argument to override the
+ # parent node's location since this will be more accurate.
+ Args.new(parts: [argument], location: argument.location)
+ else
+ # Otherwise we're going to update the existing list with the argument
+ # being added as well as the new end bounds.
+ Args.new(
+ parts: arguments.parts << argument,
+ location: arguments.location.to(argument.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # ArgsAddBlock represents a list of arguments and potentially a block
+ # argument. ArgsAddBlock is commonly seen being passed to any method where you
+ # use parentheses (wrapped in an ArgParen node). It’s also used to pass
+ # arguments to the various control-flow keywords like +return+.
+ #
+ # method(argument, &block)
+ #
+ class ArgsAddBlock
+ # [Args] the arguments before the optional block
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [nil | untyped] the optional block argument
+ attr_reader :block
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, block:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @block = block
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('args_add_block')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(block)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :args_add_block,
+ args: arguments,
+ block: block,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_args_add_block: (
+ # Args arguments,
+ # (false | untyped) block
+ # ) -> ArgsAddBlock
+ def on_args_add_block(arguments, block)
+ ending = block || arguments
+ ArgsAddBlock.new(
+ arguments: arguments,
+ block: block || nil,
+ location: arguments.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Star represents using a splat operator on an expression.
+ #
+ # method(*arguments)
+ #
+ class ArgStar
+ # [untyped] the expression being splatted
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('arg_star')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :arg_star, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_args_add_star: (Args arguments, untyped star) -> Args
+ def on_args_add_star(arguments, argument)
+ beginning = find_token(Op, '*')
+ ending = argument || beginning
+ location =
+ if arguments.parts.empty?
+ ending.location
+ else
+ arguments.location.to(ending.location)
+ end
+ arg_star =
+ ArgStar.new(
+ value: argument,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ Args.new(parts: arguments.parts << arg_star, location: location)
+ end
+ # ArgsForward represents forwarding all kinds of arguments onto another method
+ # call.
+ #
+ # def request(method, path, **headers, &block); end
+ #
+ # def get(...)
+ # request(:GET, ...)
+ # end
+ #
+ # def post(...)
+ # request(:POST, ...)
+ # end
+ #
+ # In the example above, both the get and post methods are forwarding all of
+ # their arguments (positional, keyword, and block) on to the request method.
+ # The ArgsForward node appears in both the caller (the request method calls)
+ # and the callee (the get and post definitions).
+ class ArgsForward
+ # [String] the value of the operator
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('args_forward')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :args_forward, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_args_forward: () -> ArgsForward
+ def on_args_forward
+ op = find_token(Op, '...')
+ ArgsForward.new(value: op.value, location: op.location)
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_args_new: () -> Args
+ def on_args_new
+ Args.new(parts: [], location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos))
+ end
+ # ArrayLiteral represents any form of an array literal, and contains myriad
+ # child nodes because of the special array literal syntax like %w and %i.
+ #
+ # []
+ # [one, two, three]
+ # [*one_two_three]
+ # %i[one two three]
+ # %w[one two three]
+ # %I[one two three]
+ # %W[one two three]
+ #
+ # Every line in the example above produces an ArrayLiteral node. In order, the
+ # child contents node of this ArrayLiteral node would be nil, Args, QSymbols,
+ # QWords, Symbols, and Words.
+ class ArrayLiteral
+ # [nil | Args | QSymbols | QWords | Symbols | Words] the
+ # contents of the array
+ attr_reader :contents
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(contents:, location:)
+ @contents = contents
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('array')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :array, cnts: contents, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_array: (
+ # (nil | Args | QSymbols | QWords | Symbols | Words) contents
+ # ) -> ArrayLiteral
+ def on_array(contents)
+ if !contents || contents.is_a?(Args)
+ lbracket = find_token(LBracket)
+ rbracket = find_token(RBracket)
+ ArrayLiteral.new(
+ contents: contents,
+ location: lbracket.location.to(rbracket.location)
+ )
+ else
+ tstring_end = find_token(TStringEnd)
+ contents =
+ contents.class.new(
+ elements: contents.elements,
+ location: contents.location.to(tstring_end.location)
+ )
+ ArrayLiteral.new(contents: contents, location: contents.location)
+ end
+ end
+ # AryPtn represents matching against an array pattern using the Ruby 2.7+
+ # pattern matching syntax. It’s one of the more complicated nodes, because
+ # the four parameters that it accepts can almost all be nil.
+ #
+ # case [1, 2, 3]
+ # in [Integer, Integer]
+ # "matched"
+ # in Container[Integer, Integer]
+ # "matched"
+ # in [Integer, *, Integer]
+ # "matched"
+ # end
+ #
+ # An AryPtn node is created with four parameters: an optional constant
+ # wrapper, an array of positional matches, an optional splat with identifier,
+ # and an optional array of positional matches that occur after the splat.
+ # All of the in clauses above would create an AryPtn node.
+ class AryPtn
+ # [nil | VarRef] the optional constant wrapper
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Array[ untyped ]] the regular positional arguments that this array
+ # pattern is matching against
+ attr_reader :requireds
+ # [nil | VarField] the optional starred identifier that grabs up a list of
+ # positional arguments
+ attr_reader :rest
+ # [Array[ untyped ]] the list of positional arguments occurring after the
+ # optional star if there is one
+ attr_reader :posts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, requireds:, rest:, posts:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @requireds = requireds
+ @rest = rest
+ @posts = posts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('aryptn')
+ if constant
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ if requireds.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.seplist(requireds) { |required| q.pp(required) }
+ end
+ end
+ if rest
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(rest)
+ end
+ if posts.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(posts) { |post| q.pp(post) } }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :aryptn,
+ constant: constant,
+ reqs: requireds,
+ rest: rest,
+ posts: posts,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_aryptn: (
+ # (nil | VarRef) constant,
+ # (nil | Array[untyped]) requireds,
+ # (nil | VarField) rest,
+ # (nil | Array[untyped]) posts
+ # ) -> AryPtn
+ def on_aryptn(constant, requireds, rest, posts)
+ parts = [constant, *requireds, rest, *posts].compact
+ AryPtn.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ requireds: requireds || [],
+ rest: rest,
+ posts: posts || [],
+ location: parts[0].location.to(parts[-1].location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Assign represents assigning something to a variable or constant. Generally,
+ # the left side of the assignment is going to be any node that ends with the
+ # name "Field".
+ #
+ # variable = value
+ #
+ class Assign
+ # [ARefField | ConstPathField | Field | TopConstField | VarField] the target
+ # to assign the result of the expression to
+ attr_reader :target
+ # [untyped] the expression to be assigned
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(target:, value:, location:)
+ @target = target
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('assign')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(target)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :assign, target: target, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_assign: (
+ # (ARefField | ConstPathField | Field | TopConstField | VarField) target,
+ # untyped value
+ # ) -> Assign
+ def on_assign(target, value)
+ Assign.new(
+ target: target,
+ value: value,
+ location: target.location.to(value.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Assoc represents a key-value pair within a hash. It is a child node of
+ # either an AssocListFromArgs or a BareAssocHash.
+ #
+ # { key1: value1, key2: value2 }
+ #
+ # In the above example, the would be two AssocNew nodes.
+ class Assoc
+ # [untyped] the key of this pair
+ attr_reader :key
+ # [untyped] the value of this pair
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(key:, value:, location:)
+ @key = key
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('assoc')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(key)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :assoc, key: key, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_assoc_new: (untyped key, untyped value) -> Assoc
+ def on_assoc_new(key, value)
+ Assoc.new(
+ key: key,
+ value: value,
+ location: key.location.to(value.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # AssocSplat represents double-splatting a value into a hash (either a hash
+ # literal or a bare hash in a method call).
+ #
+ # { **pairs }
+ #
+ class AssocSplat
+ # [untyped] the expression that is being splatted
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('assoc_splat')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :assoc_splat, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_assoc_splat: (untyped value) -> AssocSplat
+ def on_assoc_splat(value)
+ operator = find_token(Op, '**')
+ AssocSplat.new(value: value, location: operator.location.to(value.location))
+ end
+ # AssocListFromArgs represents the key-value pairs of a hash literal. Its
+ # parent node is always a hash.
+ #
+ # { key1: value1, key2: value2 }
+ #
+ class AssocListFromArgs
+ # [Array[ AssocNew | AssocSplat ]]
+ attr_reader :assocs
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(assocs:, location:)
+ @assocs = assocs
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('assoclist_from_args')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(assocs) { |assoc| q.pp(assoc) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :assoclist_from_args, assocs: assocs, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_assoclist_from_args: (
+ # Array[AssocNew | AssocSplat] assocs
+ # ) -> AssocListFromArgs
+ def on_assoclist_from_args(assocs)
+ AssocListFromArgs.new(
+ assocs: assocs,
+ location: assocs[0].location.to(assocs[-1].location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Backref represents a global variable referencing a matched value. It comes
+ # in the form of a $ followed by a positive integer.
+ #
+ # $1
+ #
+ class Backref
+ # [String] the name of the global backreference variable
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('backref')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :backref, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_backref: (String value) -> Backref
+ def on_backref(value)
+ node =
+ Backref.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Backtick represents the use of the ` operator. It's usually found being used
+ # for an XStringLiteral, but could also be found as the name of a method being
+ # defined.
+ class Backtick
+ # [String] the backtick in the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('backtick')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :backtick, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_backtick: (String value) -> Backtick
+ def on_backtick(value)
+ node =
+ Backtick.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # BareAssocHash represents a hash of contents being passed as a method
+ # argument (and therefore has omitted braces). It's very similar to an
+ # AssocListFromArgs node.
+ #
+ # method(key1: value1, key2: value2)
+ #
+ class BareAssocHash
+ # [Array[ AssocNew | AssocSplat ]]
+ attr_reader :assocs
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(assocs:, location:)
+ @assocs = assocs
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('bare_assoc_hash')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(assocs) { |assoc| q.pp(assoc) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :bare_assoc_hash, assocs: assocs, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_bare_assoc_hash: (Array[AssocNew | AssocSplat] assocs) -> BareAssocHash
+ def on_bare_assoc_hash(assocs)
+ BareAssocHash.new(
+ assocs: assocs,
+ location: assocs[0].location.to(assocs[-1].location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Begin represents a begin..end chain.
+ #
+ # begin
+ # value
+ # end
+ #
+ class Begin
+ # [BodyStmt] the bodystmt that contains the contents of this begin block
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(bodystmt:, location:)
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('begin')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :begin, bodystmt: bodystmt, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_begin: (BodyStmt bodystmt) -> Begin
+ def on_begin(bodystmt)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'begin')
+ end_char =
+ if bodystmt.rescue_clause || bodystmt.ensure_clause ||
+ bodystmt.else_clause
+ bodystmt.location.end_char
+ else
+ find_token(Kw, 'end').location.end_char
+ end
+ bodystmt.bind(keyword.location.end_char, end_char)
+ Begin.new(
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: keyword.location.to(bodystmt.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Binary represents any expression that involves two sub-expressions with an
+ # operator in between. This can be something that looks like a mathematical
+ # operation:
+ #
+ # 1 + 1
+ #
+ # but can also be something like pushing a value onto an array:
+ #
+ # array << value
+ #
+ class Binary
+ # [untyped] the left-hand side of the expression
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [String] the operator used between the two expressions
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [untyped] the right-hand side of the expression
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(left:, operator:, right:, location:)
+ @left = left
+ @operator = operator
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('binary')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ q.breakable
+ q.text(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :binary,
+ left: left,
+ op: operator,
+ right: right,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_binary: (untyped left, (Op | Symbol) operator, untyped right) -> Binary
+ def on_binary(left, operator, right)
+ # On most Ruby implementations, operator is a Symbol that represents that
+ # operation being performed. For instance in the example `1 < 2`, the
+ # `operator` object would be `:<`. However, on JRuby, it's an `@op` node,
+ # so here we're going to explicitly convert it into the same normalized
+ # form.
+ operator = tokens.delete(operator).value unless operator.is_a?(Symbol)
+ Binary.new(
+ left: left,
+ operator: operator,
+ right: right,
+ location: left.location.to(right.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # BlockVar represents the parameters being declared for a block. Effectively
+ # this node is everything contained within the pipes. This includes all of the
+ # various parameter types, as well as block-local variable declarations.
+ #
+ # method do |positional, optional = value, keyword:, &block; local|
+ # end
+ #
+ class BlockVar
+ # [Params] the parameters being declared with the block
+ attr_reader :params
+ # [Array[ Ident ]] the list of block-local variable declarations
+ attr_reader :locals
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(params:, locals:, location:)
+ @params = params
+ @locals = locals
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('block_var')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(params)
+ if locals.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(locals) { |local| q.pp(local) } }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :block_var,
+ params: params,
+ locals: locals,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_block_var: (Params params, (nil | Array[Ident]) locals) -> BlockVar
+ def on_block_var(params, locals)
+ index =
+ tokens.rindex do |node|
+ node.is_a?(Op) && %w[| ||].include?(node.value) &&
+ node.location.start_char < params.location.start_char
+ end
+ beginning = tokens[index]
+ ending = tokens[-1]
+ BlockVar.new(
+ params: params,
+ locals: locals || [],
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # BlockArg represents declaring a block parameter on a method definition.
+ #
+ # def method(&block); end
+ #
+ class BlockArg
+ # [Ident] the name of the block argument
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(name:, location:)
+ @name = name
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('blockarg')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :blockarg, name: name, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_blockarg: (Ident name) -> BlockArg
+ def on_blockarg(name)
+ operator = find_token(Op, '&')
+ BlockArg.new(name: name, location: operator.location.to(name.location))
+ end
+ # bodystmt can't actually determine its bounds appropriately because it
+ # doesn't necessarily know where it started. So the parent node needs to
+ # report back down into this one where it goes.
+ class BodyStmt
+ # [Statements] the list of statements inside the begin clause
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil | Rescue] the optional rescue chain attached to the begin clause
+ attr_reader :rescue_clause
+ # [nil | Statements] the optional set of statements inside the else clause
+ attr_reader :else_clause
+ # [nil | Ensure] the optional ensure clause
+ attr_reader :ensure_clause
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(
+ statements:,
+ rescue_clause:,
+ else_clause:,
+ ensure_clause:,
+ location:
+ )
+ @statements = statements
+ @rescue_clause = rescue_clause
+ @else_clause = else_clause
+ @ensure_clause = ensure_clause
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def bind(start_char, end_char)
+ @location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: start_char,
+ end_line: location.end_line,
+ end_char: end_char
+ )
+ parts = [rescue_clause, else_clause, ensure_clause]
+ # Here we're going to determine the bounds for the statements
+ consequent = parts.compact.first
+ statements.bind(
+ start_char,
+ consequent ? consequent.location.start_char : end_char
+ )
+ # Next we're going to determine the rescue clause if there is one
+ if rescue_clause
+ consequent = parts.drop(1).compact.first
+ rescue_clause.bind_end(
+ consequent ? consequent.location.start_char : end_char
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('bodystmt')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if rescue_clause
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(rescue_clause)
+ end
+ if else_clause
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(else_clause)
+ end
+ if ensure_clause
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(ensure_clause)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :bodystmt,
+ stmts: statements,
+ rsc: rescue_clause,
+ els: else_clause,
+ ens: ensure_clause,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_bodystmt: (
+ # Statements statements,
+ # (nil | Rescue) rescue_clause,
+ # (nil | Statements) else_clause,
+ # (nil | Ensure) ensure_clause
+ # ) -> BodyStmt
+ def on_bodystmt(statements, rescue_clause, else_clause, ensure_clause)
+ BodyStmt.new(
+ statements: statements,
+ rescue_clause: rescue_clause,
+ else_clause: else_clause,
+ ensure_clause: ensure_clause,
+ location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos)
+ )
+ end
+ # BraceBlock represents passing a block to a method call using the { }
+ # operators.
+ #
+ # method { |variable| variable + 1 }
+ #
+ class BraceBlock
+ # [LBrace] the left brace that opens this block
+ attr_reader :lbrace
+ # [nil | BlockVar] the optional set of parameters to the block
+ attr_reader :block_var
+ # [Statements] the list of expressions to evaluate within the block
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(lbrace:, block_var:, statements:, location:)
+ @lbrace = lbrace
+ @block_var = block_var
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('brace_block')
+ if block_var
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(block_var)
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :brace_block,
+ lbrace: lbrace,
+ block_var: block_var,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_brace_block: (
+ # (nil | BlockVar) block_var,
+ # Statements statements
+ # ) -> BraceBlock
+ def on_brace_block(block_var, statements)
+ lbrace = find_token(LBrace)
+ rbrace = find_token(RBrace)
+ statements.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start((block_var || lbrace).location.end_char),
+ rbrace.location.start_char
+ )
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: lbrace.location.start_line,
+ start_char: lbrace.location.start_char,
+ end_line: [rbrace.location.end_line, statements.location.end_line].max,
+ end_char: rbrace.location.end_char
+ )
+ BraceBlock.new(
+ lbrace: lbrace,
+ block_var: block_var,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: location
+ )
+ end
+ # Break represents using the +break+ keyword.
+ #
+ # break
+ #
+ # It can also optionally accept arguments, as in:
+ #
+ # break 1
+ #
+ class Break
+ # [Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments being sent to the keyword
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('break')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :break, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_break: ((Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments) -> Break
+ def on_break(arguments)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'break')
+ location = keyword.location
+ location = location.to(arguments.location) unless arguments.is_a?(Args)
+ Break.new(arguments: arguments, location: location)
+ end
+ # Call represents a method call. This node doesn't contain the arguments being
+ # passed (if arguments are passed, this node will get nested under a
+ # MethodAddArg node).
+ #
+ # receiver.message
+ #
+ class Call
+ # [untyped] the receiver of the method call
+ attr_reader :receiver
+ # [:"::" | Op | Period] the operator being used to send the message
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [:call | Backtick | Const | Ident | Op] the message being sent
+ attr_reader :message
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(receiver:, operator:, message:, location:)
+ @receiver = receiver
+ @operator = operator
+ @message = message
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('call')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(receiver)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(message)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :call,
+ receiver: receiver,
+ op: operator,
+ message: message,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_call: (
+ # untyped receiver,
+ # (:"::" | Op | Period) operator,
+ # (:call | Backtick | Const | Ident | Op) message
+ # ) -> Call
+ def on_call(receiver, operator, message)
+ ending = message
+ ending = operator if message == :call
+ Call.new(
+ receiver: receiver,
+ operator: operator,
+ message: message,
+ location:
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: receiver.location.start_line,
+ start_char: receiver.location.start_char,
+ end_line: [ending.location.end_line, receiver.location.end_line].max,
+ end_char: ending.location.end_char
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ # Case represents the beginning of a case chain.
+ #
+ # case value
+ # when 1
+ # "one"
+ # when 2
+ # "two"
+ # else
+ # "number"
+ # end
+ #
+ class Case
+ # [nil | untyped] optional value being switched on
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [In | When] the next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, consequent:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('case')
+ if value
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :case, value: value, cons: consequent, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # RAssign represents a single-line pattern match.
+ #
+ # value in pattern
+ # value => pattern
+ #
+ class RAssign
+ # [untyped] the left-hand expression
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Kw | Op] the operator being used to match against the pattern, which is
+ # either => or in
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [untyped] the pattern on the right-hand side of the expression
+ attr_reader :pattern
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, operator:, pattern:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @operator = operator
+ @pattern = pattern
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('rassign')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(pattern)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :rassign,
+ value: value,
+ op: operator,
+ pattern: pattern,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_case: (untyped value, untyped consequent) -> Case | RAssign
+ def on_case(value, consequent)
+ if keyword = find_token(Kw, 'case', consume: false)
+ tokens.delete(keyword)
+ Case.new(
+ value: value,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location: keyword.location.to(consequent.location)
+ )
+ else
+ operator = find_token(Kw, 'in', consume: false) || find_token(Op, '=>')
+ RAssign.new(
+ value: value,
+ operator: operator,
+ pattern: consequent,
+ location: value.location.to(consequent.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # Class represents defining a class using the +class+ keyword.
+ #
+ # class Container
+ # end
+ #
+ # Classes can have path names as their class name in case it's being nested
+ # under a namespace, as in:
+ #
+ # class Namespace::Container
+ # end
+ #
+ # Classes can also be defined as a top-level path, in the case that it's
+ # already in a namespace but you want to define it at the top-level instead,
+ # as in:
+ #
+ # module OtherNamespace
+ # class ::Namespace::Container
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # All of these declarations can also have an optional superclass reference, as
+ # in:
+ #
+ # class Child < Parent
+ # end
+ #
+ # That superclass can actually be any Ruby expression, it doesn't necessarily
+ # need to be a constant, as in:
+ #
+ # class Child < method
+ # end
+ #
+ class ClassDeclaration
+ # [ConstPathRef | ConstRef | TopConstRef] the name of the class being
+ # defined
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [nil | untyped] the optional superclass declaration
+ attr_reader :superclass
+ # [BodyStmt] the expressions to execute within the context of the class
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, superclass:, bodystmt:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @superclass = superclass
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('class')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ if superclass
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(superclass)
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :class,
+ constant: constant,
+ superclass: superclass,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_class: (
+ # (ConstPathRef | ConstRef | TopConstRef) constant,
+ # untyped superclass,
+ # BodyStmt bodystmt
+ # ) -> ClassDeclaration
+ def on_class(constant, superclass, bodystmt)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'class')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ bodystmt.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start((superclass || constant).location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ ClassDeclaration.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ superclass: superclass,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Comma represents the use of the , operator.
+ class Comma
+ # [String] the comma in the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_comma: (String value) -> Comma
+ def on_comma(value)
+ node =
+ Comma.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Command represents a method call with arguments and no parentheses. Note
+ # that Command nodes only happen when there is no explicit receiver for this
+ # method.
+ #
+ # method argument
+ #
+ class Command
+ # [Const | Ident] the message being sent to the implicit receiver
+ attr_reader :message
+ # [Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments being sent with the message
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(message:, arguments:, location:)
+ @message = message
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('command')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(message)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :command,
+ message: message,
+ args: arguments,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_command: (
+ # (Const | Ident) message,
+ # (Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments
+ # ) -> Command
+ def on_command(message, arguments)
+ Command.new(
+ message: message,
+ arguments: arguments,
+ location: message.location.to(arguments.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # CommandCall represents a method call on an object with arguments and no
+ # parentheses.
+ #
+ # object.method argument
+ #
+ class CommandCall
+ # [untyped] the receiver of the message
+ attr_reader :receiver
+ # [:"::" | Op | Period] the operator used to send the message
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [Const | Ident | Op] the message being send
+ attr_reader :message
+ # [Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments going along with the message
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(receiver:, operator:, message:, arguments:, location:)
+ @receiver = receiver
+ @operator = operator
+ @message = message
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('command_call')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(receiver)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(message)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :command_call,
+ receiver: receiver,
+ op: operator,
+ message: message,
+ args: arguments,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_command_call: (
+ # untyped receiver,
+ # (:"::" | Op | Period) operator,
+ # (Const | Ident | Op) message,
+ # (Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments
+ # ) -> CommandCall
+ def on_command_call(receiver, operator, message, arguments)
+ ending = arguments || message
+ CommandCall.new(
+ receiver: receiver,
+ operator: operator,
+ message: message,
+ arguments: arguments,
+ location: receiver.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Comment represents a comment in the source.
+ #
+ # # comment
+ #
+ class Comment
+ # [String] the contents of the comment
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [boolean] whether or not there is code on the same line as this comment.
+ # If there is, then inline will be true.
+ attr_reader :inline
+ alias inline? inline
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, inline:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @inline = inline
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('comment')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :comment,
+ value: value.force_encoding('UTF-8'),
+ inline: inline,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_comment: (String value) -> Comment
+ def on_comment(value)
+ line = lineno
+ comment =
+ Comment.new(
+ value: value[1..-1].chomp,
+ inline: value.strip != lines[line - 1],
+ location:
+ Location.token(line: line, char: char_pos, size: value.size - 1)
+ )
+ @comments << comment
+ comment
+ end
+ # Const represents a literal value that _looks_ like a constant. This could
+ # actually be a reference to a constant:
+ #
+ # Constant
+ #
+ # It could also be something that looks like a constant in another context, as
+ # in a method call to a capitalized method:
+ #
+ # object.Constant
+ #
+ # or a symbol that starts with a capital letter:
+ #
+ # :Constant
+ #
+ class Const
+ # [String] the name of the constant
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('const')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :const, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_const: (String value) -> Const
+ def on_const(value)
+ node =
+ Const.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # ConstPathField represents the child node of some kind of assignment. It
+ # represents when you're assigning to a constant that is being referenced as
+ # a child of another variable.
+ #
+ # object::Const = value
+ #
+ class ConstPathField
+ # [untyped] the source of the constant
+ attr_reader :parent
+ # [Const] the constant itself
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parent:, constant:, location:)
+ @parent = parent
+ @constant = constant
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('const_path_field')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(parent)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :const_path_field,
+ parent: parent,
+ constant: constant,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_const_path_field: (untyped parent, Const constant) -> ConstPathField
+ def on_const_path_field(parent, constant)
+ ConstPathField.new(
+ parent: parent,
+ constant: constant,
+ location: parent.location.to(constant.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # ConstPathRef represents referencing a constant by a path.
+ #
+ # object::Const
+ #
+ class ConstPathRef
+ # [untyped] the source of the constant
+ attr_reader :parent
+ # [Const] the constant itself
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parent:, constant:, location:)
+ @parent = parent
+ @constant = constant
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('const_path_ref')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(parent)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :const_path_ref,
+ parent: parent,
+ constant: constant,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_const_path_ref: (untyped parent, Const constant) -> ConstPathRef
+ def on_const_path_ref(parent, constant)
+ ConstPathRef.new(
+ parent: parent,
+ constant: constant,
+ location: parent.location.to(constant.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # ConstRef represents the name of the constant being used in a class or module
+ # declaration.
+ #
+ # class Container
+ # end
+ #
+ class ConstRef
+ # [Const] the constant itself
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('const_ref')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :const_ref, constant: constant, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_const_ref: (Const constant) -> ConstRef
+ def on_const_ref(constant)
+ ConstRef.new(constant: constant, location: constant.location)
+ end
+ # CVar represents the use of a class variable.
+ #
+ # @@variable
+ #
+ class CVar
+ # [String] the name of the class variable
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('cvar')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :cvar, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_cvar: (String value) -> CVar
+ def on_cvar(value)
+ node =
+ CVar.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Def represents defining a regular method on the current self object.
+ #
+ # def method(param) result end
+ #
+ class Def
+ # [Backtick | Const | Ident | Kw | Op] the name of the method
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Params | Paren] the parameter declaration for the method
+ attr_reader :params
+ # [BodyStmt] the expressions to be executed by the method
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(name:, params:, bodystmt:, location:)
+ @name = name
+ @params = params
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('def')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(params)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :def,
+ name: name,
+ params: params,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # DefEndless represents defining a single-line method since Ruby 3.0+.
+ #
+ # def method = result
+ #
+ class DefEndless
+ # [Backtick | Const | Ident | Kw | Op] the name of the method
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Paren] the parameter declaration for the method
+ attr_reader :paren
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed by the method
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(name:, paren:, statement:, location:)
+ @name = name
+ @paren = paren
+ @statement = statement
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('def_endless')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(paren)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :def_endless,
+ name: name,
+ paren: paren,
+ stmt: statement,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_def: (
+ # (Backtick | Const | Ident | Kw | Op) name,
+ # (Params | Paren) params,
+ # untyped bodystmt
+ # ) -> Def | DefEndless
+ def on_def(name, params, bodystmt)
+ # Make sure to delete this token in case you're defining something like def
+ # class which would lead to this being a kw and causing all kinds of trouble
+ tokens.delete(name)
+ # Find the beginning of the method definition, which works for single-line
+ # and normal method definitions.
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'def')
+ # If we don't have a bodystmt node, then we have a single-line method
+ unless bodystmt.is_a?(BodyStmt)
+ node =
+ DefEndless.new(
+ name: name,
+ paren: params,
+ statement: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(bodystmt.location)
+ )
+ return node
+ end
+ # If there aren't any params then we need to correct the params node
+ # location information
+ if params.is_a?(Params) && params.empty?
+ end_char = name.location.end_char
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: params.location.start_line,
+ start_char: end_char,
+ end_line: params.location.end_line,
+ end_char: end_char
+ )
+ params = Params.new(location: location)
+ end
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ bodystmt.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(params.location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ Def.new(
+ name: name,
+ params: params,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Defined represents the use of the +defined?+ operator. It can be used with
+ # and without parentheses.
+ #
+ # defined?(variable)
+ #
+ class Defined
+ # [untyped] the value being sent to the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('defined')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :defined, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_defined: (untyped value) -> Defined
+ def on_defined(value)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'defined?')
+ ending = value
+ range = beginning.location.end_char...value.location.start_char
+ if source[range].include?('(')
+ find_token(LParen)
+ ending = find_token(RParen)
+ end
+ Defined.new(value: value, location: beginning.location.to(ending.location))
+ end
+ # Defs represents defining a singleton method on an object.
+ #
+ # def object.method(param) result end
+ #
+ class Defs
+ # [untyped] the target where the method is being defined
+ attr_reader :target
+ # [Op | Period] the operator being used to declare the method
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [Backtick | Const | Ident | Kw | Op] the name of the method
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Params | Paren] the parameter declaration for the method
+ attr_reader :params
+ # [BodyStmt] the expressions to be executed by the method
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(target:, operator:, name:, params:, bodystmt:, location:)
+ @target = target
+ @operator = operator
+ @name = name
+ @params = params
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('defs')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(target)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(params)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :defs,
+ target: target,
+ op: operator,
+ name: name,
+ params: params,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_defs: (
+ # untyped target,
+ # (Op | Period) operator,
+ # (Backtick | Const | Ident | Kw | Op) name,
+ # (Params | Paren) params,
+ # BodyStmt bodystmt
+ # ) -> Defs
+ def on_defs(target, operator, name, params, bodystmt)
+ # Make sure to delete this token in case you're defining something
+ # like def class which would lead to this being a kw and causing all kinds
+ # of trouble
+ tokens.delete(name)
+ # If there aren't any params then we need to correct the params node
+ # location information
+ if params.is_a?(Params) && params.empty?
+ end_char = name.location.end_char
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: params.location.start_line,
+ start_char: end_char,
+ end_line: params.location.end_line,
+ end_char: end_char
+ )
+ params = Params.new(location: location)
+ end
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'def')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ bodystmt.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(params.location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ Defs.new(
+ target: target,
+ operator: operator,
+ name: name,
+ params: params,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # DoBlock represents passing a block to a method call using the +do+ and +end+
+ # keywords.
+ #
+ # method do |value|
+ # end
+ #
+ class DoBlock
+ # [Kw] the do keyword that opens this block
+ attr_reader :keyword
+ # [nil | BlockVar] the optional variable declaration within this block
+ attr_reader :block_var
+ # [BodyStmt] the expressions to be executed within this block
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(keyword:, block_var:, bodystmt:, location:)
+ @keyword = keyword
+ @block_var = block_var
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('do_block')
+ if block_var
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(block_var)
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :do_block,
+ keyword: keyword,
+ block_var: block_var,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_do_block: (BlockVar block_var, BodyStmt bodystmt) -> DoBlock
+ def on_do_block(block_var, bodystmt)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'do')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ bodystmt.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start((block_var || beginning).location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ DoBlock.new(
+ keyword: beginning,
+ block_var: block_var,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Dot2 represents using the .. operator between two expressions. Usually this
+ # is to create a range object.
+ #
+ # 1..2
+ #
+ # Sometimes this operator is used to create a flip-flop.
+ #
+ # if value == 5 .. value == 10
+ # end
+ #
+ # One of the sides of the expression may be nil, but not both.
+ class Dot2
+ # [nil | untyped] the left side of the expression
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [nil | untyped] the right side of the expression
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(left:, right:, location:)
+ @left = left
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('dot2')
+ if left
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ end
+ if right
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :dot2, left: left, right: right, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_dot2: ((nil | untyped) left, (nil | untyped) right) -> Dot2
+ def on_dot2(left, right)
+ operator = find_token(Op, '..')
+ beginning = left || operator
+ ending = right || operator
+ Dot2.new(
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Dot3 represents using the ... operator between two expressions. Usually this
+ # is to create a range object. It's effectively the same event as the Dot2
+ # node but with this operator you're asking Ruby to omit the final value.
+ #
+ # 1...2
+ #
+ # Like Dot2 it can also be used to create a flip-flop.
+ #
+ # if value == 5 ... value == 10
+ # end
+ #
+ # One of the sides of the expression may be nil, but not both.
+ class Dot3
+ # [nil | untyped] the left side of the expression
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [nil | untyped] the right side of the expression
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(left:, right:, location:)
+ @left = left
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('dot3')
+ if left
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ end
+ if right
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :dot3, left: left, right: right, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_dot3: ((nil | untyped) left, (nil | untyped) right) -> Dot3
+ def on_dot3(left, right)
+ operator = find_token(Op, '...')
+ beginning = left || operator
+ ending = right || operator
+ Dot3.new(
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # DynaSymbol represents a symbol literal that uses quotes to dynamically
+ # define its value.
+ #
+ # :"#{variable}"
+ #
+ # They can also be used as a special kind of dynamic hash key, as in:
+ #
+ # { "#{key}": value }
+ #
+ class DynaSymbol
+ # [Array[ StringDVar | StringEmbExpr | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # dynamic symbol
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [String] the quote used to delimit the dynamic symbol
+ attr_reader :quote
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, quote:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @quote = quote
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('dyna_symbol')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :dyna_symbol, parts: parts, quote: quote, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_dyna_symbol: (StringContent string_content) -> DynaSymbol
+ def on_dyna_symbol(string_content)
+ if find_token(SymBeg, consume: false)
+ # A normal dynamic symbol
+ symbeg = find_token(SymBeg)
+ tstring_end = find_token(TStringEnd)
+ DynaSymbol.new(
+ quote: symbeg.value,
+ parts: string_content.parts,
+ location: symbeg.location.to(tstring_end.location)
+ )
+ else
+ # A dynamic symbol as a hash key
+ tstring_beg = find_token(TStringBeg)
+ label_end = find_token(LabelEnd)
+ DynaSymbol.new(
+ parts: string_content.parts,
+ quote: label_end.value[0],
+ location: tstring_beg.location.to(label_end.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # Else represents the end of an +if+, +unless+, or +case+ chain.
+ #
+ # if variable
+ # else
+ # end
+ #
+ class Else
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statements:, location:)
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('else')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :else, stmts: statements, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_else: (Statements statements) -> Else
+ def on_else(statements)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'else')
+ # else can either end with an end keyword (in which case we'll want to
+ # consume that event) or it can end with an ensure keyword (in which case
+ # we'll leave that to the ensure to handle).
+ index =
+ tokens.rindex do |token|
+ token.is_a?(Kw) && %w[end ensure].include?(token.value)
+ end
+ node = tokens[index]
+ ending = node.value == 'end' ? tokens.delete_at(index) : node
+ statements.bind(beginning.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ Else.new(
+ statements: statements,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Elsif represents another clause in an +if+ or +unless+ chain.
+ #
+ # if variable
+ # elsif other_variable
+ # end
+ #
+ class Elsif
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil | Elsif | Else] the next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(predicate:, statements:, consequent:, location:)
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @statements = statements
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('elsif')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if consequent
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :elsif,
+ pred: predicate,
+ stmts: statements,
+ cons: consequent,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_elsif: (
+ # untyped predicate,
+ # Statements statements,
+ # (nil | Elsif | Else) consequent
+ # ) -> Elsif
+ def on_elsif(predicate, statements, consequent)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'elsif')
+ ending = consequent || find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ statements.bind(predicate.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ Elsif.new(
+ predicate: predicate,
+ statements: statements,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # EmbDoc represents a multi-line comment.
+ #
+ # =begin
+ # first line
+ # second line
+ # =end
+ #
+ class EmbDoc
+ # [String] the contents of the comment
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def inline?
+ false
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('embdoc')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :embdoc, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_embdoc: (String value) -> EmbDoc
+ def on_embdoc(value)
+ @embdoc.value << value
+ @embdoc
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_embdoc_beg: (String value) -> EmbDoc
+ def on_embdoc_beg(value)
+ @embdoc =
+ EmbDoc.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos)
+ )
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_embdoc_end: (String value) -> EmbDoc
+ def on_embdoc_end(value)
+ location = @embdoc.location
+ embdoc =
+ EmbDoc.new(
+ value: @embdoc.value << value.chomp,
+ location:
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: location.start_char,
+ end_line: lineno,
+ end_char: char_pos + value.length - 1
+ )
+ )
+ @comments << embdoc
+ @embdoc = nil
+ embdoc
+ end
+ # EmbExprBeg represents the beginning token for using interpolation inside of
+ # a parent node that accepts string content (like a string or regular
+ # expression).
+ #
+ # "Hello, #{person}!"
+ #
+ class EmbExprBeg
+ # [String] the #{ used in the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_embexpr_beg: (String value) -> EmbExprBeg
+ def on_embexpr_beg(value)
+ node =
+ EmbExprBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # EmbExprEnd represents the ending token for using interpolation inside of a
+ # parent node that accepts string content (like a string or regular
+ # expression).
+ #
+ # "Hello, #{person}!"
+ #
+ class EmbExprEnd
+ # [String] the } used in the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_embexpr_end: (String value) -> EmbExprEnd
+ def on_embexpr_end(value)
+ node =
+ EmbExprEnd.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # EmbVar represents the use of shorthand interpolation for an instance, class,
+ # or global variable into a parent node that accepts string content (like a
+ # string or regular expression).
+ #
+ # "#@variable"
+ #
+ # In the example above, an EmbVar node represents the # because it forces
+ # @variable to be interpolated.
+ class EmbVar
+ # [String] the # used in the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_embvar: (String value) -> EmbVar
+ def on_embvar(value)
+ node =
+ EmbVar.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Ensure represents the use of the +ensure+ keyword and its subsequent
+ # statements.
+ #
+ # begin
+ # ensure
+ # end
+ #
+ class Ensure
+ # [Kw] the ensure keyword that began this node
+ attr_reader :keyword
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(keyword:, statements:, location:)
+ @keyword = keyword
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('ensure')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :ensure,
+ keyword: keyword,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_ensure: (Statements statements) -> Ensure
+ def on_ensure(statements)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'ensure')
+ # We don't want to consume the :@kw event, because that would break
+ # def..ensure..end chains.
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end', consume: false)
+ statements.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(keyword.location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ Ensure.new(
+ keyword: keyword,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: keyword.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # ExcessedComma represents a trailing comma in a list of block parameters. It
+ # changes the block parameters such that they will destructure.
+ #
+ # [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]].each do |first, second,|
+ # end
+ #
+ # In the above example, an ExcessedComma node would appear in the third
+ # position of the Params node that is used to declare that block. The third
+ # position typically represents a rest-type parameter, but in this case is
+ # used to indicate that a trailing comma was used.
+ class ExcessedComma
+ # [String] the comma
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('excessed_comma')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :excessed_comma, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # The handler for this event accepts no parameters (though in previous
+ # versions of Ruby it accepted a string literal with a value of ",").
+ #
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_excessed_comma: () -> ExcessedComma
+ def on_excessed_comma(*)
+ comma = find_token(Comma)
+ ExcessedComma.new(value: comma.value, location: comma.location)
+ end
+ # FCall represents the piece of a method call that comes before any arguments
+ # (i.e., just the name of the method). It is used in places where the parser
+ # is sure that it is a method call and not potentially a local variable.
+ #
+ # method(argument)
+ #
+ # In the above example, it's referring to the +method+ segment.
+ class FCall
+ # [Const | Ident] the name of the method
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('fcall')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :fcall, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_fcall: ((Const | Ident) value) -> FCall
+ def on_fcall(value)
+ FCall.new(value: value, location: value.location)
+ end
+ # Field is always the child of an assignment. It represents assigning to a
+ # “field” on an object.
+ #
+ # object.variable = value
+ #
+ class Field
+ # [untyped] the parent object that owns the field being assigned
+ attr_reader :parent
+ # [:"::" | Op | Period] the operator being used for the assignment
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [Const | Ident] the name of the field being assigned
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parent:, operator:, name:, location:)
+ @parent = parent
+ @operator = operator
+ @name = name
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('field')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(parent)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :field,
+ parent: parent,
+ op: operator,
+ name: name,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_field: (
+ # untyped parent,
+ # (:"::" | Op | Period) operator
+ # (Const | Ident) name
+ # ) -> Field
+ def on_field(parent, operator, name)
+ Field.new(
+ parent: parent,
+ operator: operator,
+ name: name,
+ location: parent.location.to(name.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # FloatLiteral represents a floating point number literal.
+ #
+ # 1.0
+ #
+ class FloatLiteral
+ # [String] the value of the floating point number literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('float')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :float, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_float: (String value) -> FloatLiteral
+ def on_float(value)
+ node =
+ FloatLiteral.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # FndPtn represents matching against a pattern where you find a pattern in an
+ # array using the Ruby 3.0+ pattern matching syntax.
+ #
+ # case value
+ # in [*, 7, *]
+ # end
+ #
+ class FndPtn
+ # [nil | untyped] the optional constant wrapper
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [VarField] the splat on the left-hand side
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [Array[ untyped ]] the list of positional expressions in the pattern that
+ # are being matched
+ attr_reader :values
+ # [VarField] the splat on the right-hand side
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, left:, values:, right:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @left = left
+ @values = values
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('fndptn')
+ if constant
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(values) { |value| q.pp(value) } }
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :fndptn,
+ constant: constant,
+ left: left,
+ values: values,
+ right: right,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_fndptn: (
+ # (nil | untyped) constant,
+ # VarField left,
+ # Array[untyped] values,
+ # VarField right
+ # ) -> FndPtn
+ def on_fndptn(constant, left, values, right)
+ beginning = constant || find_token(LBracket)
+ ending = find_token(RBracket)
+ FndPtn.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ left: left,
+ values: values,
+ right: right,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # For represents using a +for+ loop.
+ #
+ # for value in list do
+ # end
+ #
+ class For
+ # [MLHS | MLHSAddStar | VarField] the variable declaration being used to
+ # pull values out of the object being enumerated
+ attr_reader :index
+ # [untyped] the object being enumerated in the loop
+ attr_reader :collection
+ # [Statements] the statements to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(index:, collection:, statements:, location:)
+ @index = index
+ @collection = collection
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('for')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(index)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(collection)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :for,
+ index: index,
+ collection: collection,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_for: (
+ # (MLHS | MLHSAddStar | VarField) value,
+ # untyped collection,
+ # Statements statements
+ # ) -> For
+ def on_for(index, collection, statements)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'for')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ # Consume the do keyword if it exists so that it doesn't get confused for
+ # some other block
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'do', consume: false)
+ if keyword && keyword.location.start_char > collection.location.end_char &&
+ keyword.location.end_char < ending.location.start_char
+ tokens.delete(keyword)
+ end
+ statements.bind(
+ (keyword || collection).location.end_char,
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ For.new(
+ index: index,
+ collection: collection,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # GVar represents a global variable literal.
+ #
+ # $variable
+ #
+ class GVar
+ # [String] the name of the global variable
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('gvar')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :gvar, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_gvar: (String value) -> GVar
+ def on_gvar(value)
+ node =
+ GVar.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # HashLiteral represents a hash literal.
+ #
+ # { key => value }
+ #
+ class HashLiteral
+ # [nil | AssocListFromArgs] the contents of the hash
+ attr_reader :contents
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(contents:, location:)
+ @contents = contents
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('hash')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :hash, cnts: contents, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_hash: ((nil | AssocListFromArgs) contents) -> HashLiteral
+ def on_hash(contents)
+ lbrace = find_token(LBrace)
+ rbrace = find_token(RBrace)
+ if contents
+ # Here we're going to expand out the location information for the contents
+ # node so that it can grab up any remaining comments inside the hash.
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: contents.location.start_line,
+ start_char: lbrace.location.end_char,
+ end_line: contents.location.end_line,
+ end_char: rbrace.location.start_char
+ )
+ contents = contents.class.new(assocs: contents.assocs, location: location)
+ end
+ HashLiteral.new(
+ contents: contents,
+ location: lbrace.location.to(rbrace.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Heredoc represents a heredoc string literal.
+ #
+ # <<~DOC
+ # contents
+ # DOC
+ #
+ class Heredoc
+ # [HeredocBeg] the opening of the heredoc
+ attr_reader :beginning
+ # [String] the ending of the heredoc
+ attr_reader :ending
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # heredoc string literal
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(beginning:, ending: nil, parts: [], location:)
+ @beginning = beginning
+ @ending = ending
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('heredoc')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :heredoc,
+ beging: beginning,
+ ending: ending,
+ parts: parts,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # HeredocBeg represents the beginning declaration of a heredoc.
+ #
+ # <<~DOC
+ # contents
+ # DOC
+ #
+ # In the example above the HeredocBeg node represents <<~DOC.
+ class HeredocBeg
+ # [String] the opening declaration of the heredoc
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('heredoc_beg')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :heredoc_beg, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_heredoc_beg: (String value) -> HeredocBeg
+ def on_heredoc_beg(value)
+ location =
+ Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size + 1)
+ # Here we're going to artificially create an extra node type so that if
+ # there are comments after the declaration of a heredoc, they get printed.
+ beginning = HeredocBeg.new(value: value, location: location)
+ @heredocs << Heredoc.new(beginning: beginning, location: location)
+ beginning
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_heredoc_dedent: (StringContent string, Integer width) -> Heredoc
+ def on_heredoc_dedent(string, width)
+ heredoc = @heredocs[-1]
+ @heredocs[-1] =
+ Heredoc.new(
+ beginning: heredoc.beginning,
+ ending: heredoc.ending,
+ parts: string.parts,
+ location: heredoc.location
+ )
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_heredoc_end: (String value) -> Heredoc
+ def on_heredoc_end(value)
+ heredoc = @heredocs[-1]
+ @heredocs[-1] =
+ Heredoc.new(
+ beginning: heredoc.beginning,
+ ending: value.chomp,
+ parts: heredoc.parts,
+ location:
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: heredoc.location.start_line,
+ start_char: heredoc.location.start_char,
+ end_line: lineno,
+ end_char: char_pos
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ # HshPtn represents matching against a hash pattern using the Ruby 2.7+
+ # pattern matching syntax.
+ #
+ # case value
+ # in { key: }
+ # end
+ #
+ class HshPtn
+ # [nil | untyped] the optional constant wrapper
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Array[ [Label, untyped] ]] the set of tuples representing the keywords
+ # that should be matched against in the pattern
+ attr_reader :keywords
+ # [nil | VarField] an optional parameter to gather up all remaining keywords
+ attr_reader :keyword_rest
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, keywords:, keyword_rest:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @keywords = keywords
+ @keyword_rest = keyword_rest
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('hshptn')
+ if constant
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ if keywords.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.seplist(keywords) { |keyword| q.pp(keyword) }
+ end
+ end
+ if keyword_rest
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(keyword_rest)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :hshptn,
+ constant: constant,
+ keywords: keywords,
+ kwrest: keyword_rest,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_hshptn: (
+ # (nil | untyped) constant,
+ # Array[[Label, untyped]] keywords,
+ # (nil | VarField) keyword_rest
+ # ) -> HshPtn
+ def on_hshptn(constant, keywords, keyword_rest)
+ parts = [constant, keywords, keyword_rest].flatten(2).compact
+ HshPtn.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ keywords: keywords,
+ keyword_rest: keyword_rest,
+ location: parts[0].location.to(parts[-1].location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Ident represents an identifier anywhere in code. It can represent a very
+ # large number of things, depending on where it is in the syntax tree.
+ #
+ # value
+ #
+ class Ident
+ # [String] the value of the identifier
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('ident')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :ident,
+ value: value.force_encoding('UTF-8'),
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_ident: (String value) -> Ident
+ def on_ident(value)
+ node =
+ Ident.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # If represents the first clause in an +if+ chain.
+ #
+ # if predicate
+ # end
+ #
+ class If
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil, Elsif, Else] the next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(predicate:, statements:, consequent:, location:)
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @statements = statements
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('if')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if consequent
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :if,
+ pred: predicate,
+ stmts: statements,
+ cons: consequent,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_if: (
+ # untyped predicate,
+ # Statements statements,
+ # (nil | Elsif | Else) consequent
+ # ) -> If
+ def on_if(predicate, statements, consequent)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'if')
+ ending = consequent || find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ statements.bind(predicate.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ If.new(
+ predicate: predicate,
+ statements: statements,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # IfOp represents a ternary clause.
+ #
+ # predicate ? truthy : falsy
+ #
+ class IfOp
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed if the predicate is truthy
+ attr_reader :truthy
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed if the predicate is falsy
+ attr_reader :falsy
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(predicate:, truthy:, falsy:, location:)
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @truthy = truthy
+ @falsy = falsy
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('ifop')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(truthy)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(falsy)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :ifop,
+ pred: predicate,
+ tthy: truthy,
+ flsy: falsy,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_ifop: (untyped predicate, untyped truthy, untyped falsy) -> IfOp
+ def on_ifop(predicate, truthy, falsy)
+ IfOp.new(
+ predicate: predicate,
+ truthy: truthy,
+ falsy: falsy,
+ location: predicate.location.to(falsy.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # IfMod represents the modifier form of an +if+ statement.
+ #
+ # expression if predicate
+ #
+ class IfMod
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statement:, predicate:, location:)
+ @statement = statement
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('if_mod')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :if_mod,
+ stmt: statement,
+ pred: predicate,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_if_mod: (untyped predicate, untyped statement) -> IfMod
+ def on_if_mod(predicate, statement)
+ find_token(Kw, 'if')
+ IfMod.new(
+ statement: statement,
+ predicate: predicate,
+ location: statement.location.to(predicate.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # def on_ignored_nl(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # def on_ignored_sp(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # Imaginary represents an imaginary number literal.
+ #
+ # 1i
+ #
+ class Imaginary
+ # [String] the value of the imaginary number literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('imaginary')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :imaginary, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_imaginary: (String value) -> Imaginary
+ def on_imaginary(value)
+ node =
+ Imaginary.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # In represents using the +in+ keyword within the Ruby 2.7+ pattern matching
+ # syntax.
+ #
+ # case value
+ # in pattern
+ # end
+ #
+ class In
+ # [untyped] the pattern to check against
+ attr_reader :pattern
+ # [Statements] the expressions to execute if the pattern matched
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil | In | Else] the next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(pattern:, statements:, consequent:, location:)
+ @pattern = pattern
+ @statements = statements
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('in')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(pattern)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if consequent
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :in,
+ pattern: pattern,
+ stmts: statements,
+ cons: consequent,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_in: (RAssign pattern, nil statements, nil consequent) -> RAssign
+ # | (
+ # untyped pattern,
+ # Statements statements,
+ # (nil | In | Else) consequent
+ # ) -> In
+ def on_in(pattern, statements, consequent)
+ # Here we have a rightward assignment
+ return pattern unless statements
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'in')
+ ending = consequent || find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ statements.bind(beginning.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ In.new(
+ pattern: pattern,
+ statements: statements,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Int represents an integer number literal.
+ #
+ # 1
+ #
+ class Int
+ # [String] the value of the integer
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('int')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :int, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_int: (String value) -> Int
+ def on_int(value)
+ node =
+ Int.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # IVar represents an instance variable literal.
+ #
+ # @variable
+ #
+ class IVar
+ # [String] the name of the instance variable
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('ivar')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :ivar, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_ivar: (String value) -> IVar
+ def on_ivar(value)
+ node =
+ IVar.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Kw represents the use of a keyword. It can be almost anywhere in the syntax
+ # tree, so you end up seeing it quite a lot.
+ #
+ # if value
+ # end
+ #
+ # In the above example, there would be two Kw nodes: one for the if and one
+ # for the end. Note that anything that matches the list of keywords in Ruby
+ # will use a Kw, so if you use a keyword in a symbol literal for instance:
+ #
+ # :if
+ #
+ # then the contents of the symbol node will contain a Kw node.
+ class Kw
+ # [String] the value of the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('kw')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :kw, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_kw: (String value) -> Kw
+ def on_kw(value)
+ node =
+ Kw.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # KwRestParam represents defining a parameter in a method definition that
+ # accepts all remaining keyword parameters.
+ #
+ # def method(**kwargs) end
+ #
+ class KwRestParam
+ # [nil | Ident] the name of the parameter
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(name:, location:)
+ @name = name
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('kwrest_param')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :kwrest_param, name: name, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_kwrest_param: ((nil | Ident) name) -> KwRestParam
+ def on_kwrest_param(name)
+ location = find_token(Op, '**').location
+ location = location.to(name.location) if name
+ KwRestParam.new(name: name, location: location)
+ end
+ # Label represents the use of an identifier to associate with an object. You
+ # can find it in a hash key, as in:
+ #
+ # { key: value }
+ #
+ # In this case "key:" would be the body of the label. You can also find it in
+ # pattern matching, as in:
+ #
+ # case value
+ # in key:
+ # end
+ #
+ # In this case "key:" would be the body of the label.
+ class Label
+ # [String] the value of the label
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('label')
+ q.breakable
+ q.text(':')
+ q.text(value[0...-1])
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :label, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_label: (String value) -> Label
+ def on_label(value)
+ node =
+ Label.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # LabelEnd represents the end of a dynamic symbol.
+ #
+ # { "key": value }
+ #
+ # In the example above, LabelEnd represents the "\":" token at the end of the
+ # hash key. This node is important for determining the type of quote being
+ # used by the label.
+ class LabelEnd
+ # [String] the end of the label
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_label_end: (String value) -> LabelEnd
+ def on_label_end(value)
+ node =
+ LabelEnd.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Lambda represents using a lambda literal (not the lambda method call).
+ #
+ # ->(value) { value * 2 }
+ #
+ class Lambda
+ # [Params | Paren] the parameter declaration for this lambda
+ attr_reader :params
+ # [BodyStmt | Statements] the expressions to be executed in this lambda
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(params:, statements:, location:)
+ @params = params
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('lambda')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(params)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :lambda,
+ params: params,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_lambda: (
+ # (Params | Paren) params,
+ # (BodyStmt | Statements) statements
+ # ) -> Lambda
+ def on_lambda(params, statements)
+ beginning = find_token(TLambda)
+ if token = find_token(TLamBeg, consume: false)
+ opening = tokens.delete(token)
+ closing = find_token(RBrace)
+ else
+ opening = find_token(Kw, 'do')
+ closing = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ end
+ statements.bind(opening.location.end_char, closing.location.start_char)
+ Lambda.new(
+ params: params,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: beginning.location.to(closing.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # LBrace represents the use of a left brace, i.e., {.
+ class LBrace
+ # [String] the left brace
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('lbrace')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :lbrace, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_lbrace: (String value) -> LBrace
+ def on_lbrace(value)
+ node =
+ LBrace.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # LBracket represents the use of a left bracket, i.e., [.
+ class LBracket
+ # [String] the left bracket
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_lbracket: (String value) -> LBracket
+ def on_lbracket(value)
+ node =
+ LBracket.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # LParen represents the use of a left parenthesis, i.e., (.
+ class LParen
+ # [String] the left parenthesis
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('lparen')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :lparen, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_lparen: (String value) -> LParen
+ def on_lparen(value)
+ node =
+ LParen.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # def on_magic_comment(key, value)
+ # [key, value]
+ # end
+ # MAssign is a parent node of any kind of multiple assignment. This includes
+ # splitting out variables on the left like:
+ #
+ # first, second, third = value
+ #
+ # as well as splitting out variables on the right, as in:
+ #
+ # value = first, second, third
+ #
+ # Both sides support splats, as well as variables following them. There's also
+ # destructuring behavior that you can achieve with the following:
+ #
+ # first, = value
+ #
+ class MAssign
+ # [Mlhs | MlhsAddPost | MlhsAddStar | MlhsParen] the target of the multiple
+ # assignment
+ attr_reader :target
+ # [untyped] the value being assigned
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(target:, value:, location:)
+ @target = target
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('massign')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(target)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :massign, target: target, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_massign: (
+ # (Mlhs | MlhsAddPost | MlhsAddStar | MlhsParen) target,
+ # untyped value
+ # ) -> MAssign
+ def on_massign(target, value)
+ comma_range = target.location.end_char...value.location.start_char
+ target.comma = true if source[comma_range].strip.start_with?(',')
+ MAssign.new(
+ target: target,
+ value: value,
+ location: target.location.to(value.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # MethodAddArg represents a method call with arguments and parentheses.
+ #
+ # method(argument)
+ #
+ # MethodAddArg can also represent with a method on an object, as in:
+ #
+ # object.method(argument)
+ #
+ # Finally, MethodAddArg can represent calling a method with no receiver that
+ # ends in a ?. In this case, the parser knows it's a method call and not a
+ # local variable, so it uses a MethodAddArg node as opposed to a VCall node,
+ # as in:
+ #
+ # method?
+ #
+ class MethodAddArg
+ # [Call | FCall] the method call
+ attr_reader :call
+ # [ArgParen | Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments to the method call
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(call:, arguments:, location:)
+ @call = call
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('method_add_arg')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(call)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :method_add_arg,
+ call: call,
+ args: arguments,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_method_add_arg: (
+ # (Call | FCall) call,
+ # (ArgParen | Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments
+ # ) -> MethodAddArg
+ def on_method_add_arg(call, arguments)
+ location = call.location
+ location = location.to(arguments.location) unless arguments.is_a?(Args)
+ MethodAddArg.new(call: call, arguments: arguments, location: location)
+ end
+ # MethodAddBlock represents a method call with a block argument.
+ #
+ # method {}
+ #
+ class MethodAddBlock
+ # [Call | Command | CommandCall | FCall | MethodAddArg] the method call
+ attr_reader :call
+ # [BraceBlock | DoBlock] the block being sent with the method call
+ attr_reader :block
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(call:, block:, location:)
+ @call = call
+ @block = block
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('method_add_block')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(call)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(block)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :method_add_block,
+ call: call,
+ block: block,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_method_add_block: (
+ # (Call | Command | CommandCall | FCall | MethodAddArg) call,
+ # (BraceBlock | DoBlock) block
+ # ) -> MethodAddBlock
+ def on_method_add_block(call, block)
+ MethodAddBlock.new(
+ call: call,
+ block: block,
+ location: call.location.to(block.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # MLHS represents a list of values being destructured on the left-hand side
+ # of a multiple assignment.
+ #
+ # first, second, third = value
+ #
+ class MLHS
+ # Array[ARefField | Field | Ident | MlhsParen | VarField] the parts of
+ # the left-hand side of a multiple assignment
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [boolean] whether or not there is a trailing comma at the end of this
+ # list, which impacts destructuring. It's an attr_accessor so that while
+ # the syntax tree is being built it can be set by its parent node
+ attr_accessor :comma
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, comma: false, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @comma = comma
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mlhs')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mlhs, parts: parts, comma: comma, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mlhs_add: (
+ # MLHS mlhs,
+ # (ARefField | Field | Ident | MlhsParen | VarField) part
+ # ) -> MLHS
+ def on_mlhs_add(mlhs, part)
+ if mlhs.parts.empty?
+ MLHS.new(parts: [part], location: part.location)
+ else
+ MLHS.new(
+ parts: mlhs.parts << part,
+ location: mlhs.location.to(part.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # MLHSAddPost represents adding another set of variables onto a list of
+ # assignments after a splat variable within a multiple assignment.
+ #
+ # left, *middle, right = values
+ #
+ class MLHSAddPost
+ # [MlhsAddStar] the value being starred
+ attr_reader :star
+ # [Mlhs] the values after the star
+ attr_reader :mlhs
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(star:, mlhs:, location:)
+ @star = star
+ @mlhs = mlhs
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mlhs_add_post')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(star)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(mlhs)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mlhs_add_post, star: star, mlhs: mlhs, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mlhs_add_post: (MLHSAddStar star, MLHS mlhs) -> MLHSAddPost
+ def on_mlhs_add_post(star, mlhs)
+ MLHSAddPost.new(
+ star: star,
+ mlhs: mlhs,
+ location: star.location.to(mlhs.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # MLHSAddStar represents a splatted variable inside of a multiple assignment
+ # on the left hand side.
+ #
+ # first, *rest = values
+ #
+ class MLHSAddStar
+ # [MLHS] the values before the starred expression
+ attr_reader :mlhs
+ # [nil | ARefField | Field | Ident | VarField] the expression being
+ # splatted
+ attr_reader :star
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(mlhs:, star:, location:)
+ @mlhs = mlhs
+ @star = star
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mlhs_add_star')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(mlhs)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(star)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mlhs_add_star, mlhs: mlhs, star: star, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mlhs_add_star: (
+ # MLHS mlhs,
+ # (nil | ARefField | Field | Ident | VarField) part
+ # ) -> MLHSAddStar
+ def on_mlhs_add_star(mlhs, part)
+ beginning = find_token(Op, '*')
+ ending = part || beginning
+ MLHSAddStar.new(
+ mlhs: mlhs,
+ star: part,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mlhs_new: () -> MLHS
+ def on_mlhs_new
+ MLHS.new(parts: [], location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos))
+ end
+ # MLHSParen represents parentheses being used to destruct values in a multiple
+ # assignment on the left hand side.
+ #
+ # (left, right) = value
+ #
+ class MLHSParen
+ # [Mlhs | MlhsAddPost | MlhsAddStar | MlhsParen] the contents inside of the
+ # parentheses
+ attr_reader :contents
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(contents:, location:)
+ @contents = contents
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mlhs_paren')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mlhs_paren, cnts: contents, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mlhs_paren: (
+ # (Mlhs | MlhsAddPost | MlhsAddStar | MlhsParen) contents
+ # ) -> MLHSParen
+ def on_mlhs_paren(contents)
+ lparen = find_token(LParen)
+ rparen = find_token(RParen)
+ comma_range = lparen.location.end_char...rparen.location.start_char
+ contents.comma = true if source[comma_range].strip.end_with?(',')
+ MLHSParen.new(
+ contents: contents,
+ location: lparen.location.to(rparen.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # ModuleDeclaration represents defining a module using the +module+ keyword.
+ #
+ # module Namespace
+ # end
+ #
+ class ModuleDeclaration
+ # [ConstPathRef | ConstRef | TopConstRef] the name of the module
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [BodyStmt] the expressions to be executed in the context of the module
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, bodystmt:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('module')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :module,
+ constant: constant,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_module: (
+ # (ConstPathRef | ConstRef | TopConstRef) constant,
+ # BodyStmt bodystmt
+ # ) -> ModuleDeclaration
+ def on_module(constant, bodystmt)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'module')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ bodystmt.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(constant.location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ ModuleDeclaration.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # MRHS represents the values that are being assigned on the right-hand side of
+ # a multiple assignment.
+ #
+ # values = first, second, third
+ #
+ class MRHS
+ # Array[untyped] the parts that are being assigned
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mrhs')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mrhs, parts: parts, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mrhs_new: () -> MRHS
+ def on_mrhs_new
+ MRHS.new(parts: [], location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos))
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mrhs_add: (MRHS mrhs, untyped part) -> MRHS
+ def on_mrhs_add(mrhs, part)
+ if mrhs.is_a?(MRHSNewFromArgs)
+ MRHS.new(
+ parts: [*mrhs.arguments.parts, part],
+ location: mrhs.location.to(part.location)
+ )
+ elsif mrhs.parts.empty?
+ MRHS.new(parts: [part], location: mrhs.location)
+ else
+ MRHS.new(parts: mrhs.parts << part, loc: mrhs.location.to(part.location))
+ end
+ end
+ # MRHSAddStar represents using the splat operator to expand out a value on the
+ # right hand side of a multiple assignment.
+ #
+ # values = first, *rest
+ #
+ class MRHSAddStar
+ # [MRHS | MRHSNewFromArgs] the values before the splatted expression
+ attr_reader :mrhs
+ # [untyped] the splatted expression
+ attr_reader :star
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(mrhs:, star:, location:)
+ @mrhs = mrhs
+ @star = star
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mrhs_add_star')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(mrhs)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(star)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mrhs_add_star, mrhs: mrhs, star: star, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mrhs_add_star: (
+ # (MRHS | MRHSNewFromArgs) mrhs,
+ # untyped star
+ # ) -> MRHSAddStar
+ def on_mrhs_add_star(mrhs, star)
+ beginning = find_token(Op, '*')
+ ending = star || beginning
+ MRHSAddStar.new(
+ mrhs: mrhs,
+ star: star,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # MRHSNewFromArgs represents the shorthand of a multiple assignment that
+ # allows you to assign values using just commas as opposed to assigning from
+ # an array.
+ #
+ # values = first, second, third
+ #
+ class MRHSNewFromArgs
+ # [Args] the arguments being used in the assignment
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('mrhs_new_from_args')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :mrhs_new_from_args, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_mrhs_new_from_args: (Args arguments) -> MRHSNewFromArgs
+ def on_mrhs_new_from_args(arguments)
+ MRHSNewFromArgs.new(arguments: arguments, location: arguments.location)
+ end
+ # Next represents using the +next+ keyword.
+ #
+ # next
+ #
+ # The +next+ keyword can also optionally be called with an argument:
+ #
+ # next value
+ #
+ # +next+ can even be called with multiple arguments, but only if parentheses
+ # are omitted, as in:
+ #
+ # next first, second, third
+ #
+ # If a single value is being given, parentheses can be used, as in:
+ #
+ # next(value)
+ #
+ class Next
+ # [Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments passed to the next keyword
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('next')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :next, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_next: ((Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments) -> Next
+ def on_next(arguments)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'next')
+ location = keyword.location
+ location = location.to(arguments.location) unless arguments.is_a?(Args)
+ Next.new(arguments: arguments, location: location)
+ end
+ # def on_nl(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # def on_nokw_param(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # Op represents an operator literal in the source.
+ #
+ # 1 + 2
+ #
+ # In the example above, the Op node represents the + operator.
+ class Op
+ # [String] the operator
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('op')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :op, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_op: (String value) -> Op
+ def on_op(value)
+ node =
+ Op.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # OpAssign represents assigning a value to a variable or constant using an
+ # operator like += or ||=.
+ #
+ # variable += value
+ #
+ class OpAssign
+ # [ARefField | ConstPathField | Field | TopConstField | VarField] the target
+ # to assign the result of the expression to
+ attr_reader :target
+ # [Op] the operator being used for the assignment
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [untyped] the expression to be assigned
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(target:, operator:, value:, location:)
+ @target = target
+ @operator = operator
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('opassign')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(target)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :opassign,
+ target: target,
+ op: operator,
+ value: value,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_opassign: (
+ # (ARefField | ConstPathField | Field | TopConstField | VarField) target,
+ # Op operator,
+ # untyped value
+ # ) -> OpAssign
+ def on_opassign(target, operator, value)
+ OpAssign.new(
+ target: target,
+ operator: operator,
+ value: value,
+ location: target.location.to(value.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # def on_operator_ambiguous(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # Params represents defining parameters on a method or lambda.
+ #
+ # def method(param) end
+ #
+ class Params
+ # [Array[ Ident ]] any required parameters
+ attr_reader :requireds
+ # [Array[ [ Ident, untyped ] ]] any optional parameters and their default
+ # values
+ attr_reader :optionals
+ # [nil | ArgsForward | ExcessedComma | RestParam] the optional rest
+ # parameter
+ attr_reader :rest
+ # [Array[ Ident ]] any positional parameters that exist after a rest
+ # parameter
+ attr_reader :posts
+ # [Array[ [ Ident, nil | untyped ] ]] any keyword parameters and their
+ # optional default values
+ attr_reader :keywords
+ # [nil | :nil | KwRestParam] the optional keyword rest parameter
+ attr_reader :keyword_rest
+ # [nil | BlockArg] the optional block parameter
+ attr_reader :block
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(
+ requireds: [],
+ optionals: [],
+ rest: nil,
+ posts: [],
+ keywords: [],
+ keyword_rest: nil,
+ block: nil,
+ location:
+ )
+ @requireds = requireds
+ @optionals = optionals
+ @rest = rest
+ @posts = posts
+ @keywords = keywords
+ @keyword_rest = keyword_rest
+ @block = block
+ @location = location
+ end
+ # Params nodes are the most complicated in the tree. Occasionally you want
+ # to know if they are "empty", which means not having any parameters
+ # declared. This logic accesses every kind of parameter and determines if
+ # it's missing.
+ def empty?
+ requireds.empty? && optionals.empty? && !rest && posts.empty? &&
+ keywords.empty? && !keyword_rest && !block
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('params')
+ if requireds.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(requireds) { |name| q.pp(name) } }
+ end
+ if optionals.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.seplist(optionals) do |(name, default)|
+ q.pp(name)
+ q.text('=')
+ q.group(2) do
+ q.breakable('')
+ q.pp(default)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if rest
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(rest)
+ end
+ if posts.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(posts) { |value| q.pp(value) } }
+ end
+ if keywords.any?
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.seplist(keywords) do |(name, default)|
+ q.pp(name)
+ if default
+ q.text('=')
+ q.group(2) do
+ q.breakable('')
+ q.pp(default)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if keyword_rest
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(keyword_rest)
+ end
+ if block
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :params,
+ reqs: requireds,
+ opts: optionals,
+ rest: rest,
+ posts: posts,
+ keywords: keywords,
+ kwrest: keyword_rest,
+ block: block,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_params: (
+ # (nil | Array[Ident]) requireds,
+ # (nil | Array[[Ident, untyped]]) optionals,
+ # (nil | ArgsForward | ExcessedComma | RestParam) rest,
+ # (nil | Array[Ident]) posts,
+ # (nil | Array[[Ident, nil | untyped]]) keywords,
+ # (nil | :nil | KwRestParam) keyword_rest,
+ # (nil | BlockArg) block
+ # ) -> Params
+ def on_params(
+ requireds,
+ optionals,
+ rest,
+ posts,
+ keywords,
+ keyword_rest,
+ block
+ )
+ parts = [
+ *requireds,
+ *optionals&.flatten(1),
+ rest,
+ *posts,
+ *keywords&.flat_map { |(key, value)| [key, value || nil] },
+ (keyword_rest if keyword_rest != :nil),
+ block
+ ].compact
+ location =
+ if parts.any?
+ parts[0].location.to(parts[-1].location)
+ else
+ Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos)
+ end
+ Params.new(
+ requireds: requireds || [],
+ optionals: optionals || [],
+ rest: rest,
+ posts: posts || [],
+ keywords: keywords || [],
+ keyword_rest: keyword_rest,
+ block: block,
+ location: location
+ )
+ end
+ # Paren represents using balanced parentheses in a couple places in a Ruby
+ # program. In general parentheses can be used anywhere a Ruby expression can
+ # be used.
+ #
+ # (1 + 2)
+ #
+ class Paren
+ # [LParen] the left parenthesis that opened this statement
+ attr_reader :lparen
+ # [untyped] the expression inside the parentheses
+ attr_reader :contents
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(lparen:, contents:, location:)
+ @lparen = lparen
+ @contents = contents
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('paren')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :paren, lparen: lparen, cnts: contents, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_paren: (untyped contents) -> Paren
+ def on_paren(contents)
+ lparen = find_token(LParen)
+ rparen = find_token(RParen)
+ if contents && contents.is_a?(Params)
+ location = contents.location
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: find_next_statement_start(lparen.location.end_char),
+ end_line: location.end_line,
+ end_char: rparen.location.start_char
+ )
+ contents =
+ Params.new(
+ requireds: contents.requireds,
+ optionals: contents.optionals,
+ rest: contents.rest,
+ posts: contents.posts,
+ keywords: contents.keywords,
+ keyword_rest: contents.keyword_rest,
+ block: contents.block,
+ location: location
+ )
+ end
+ Paren.new(
+ lparen: lparen,
+ contents: contents,
+ location: lparen.location.to(rparen.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # If we encounter a parse error, just immediately bail out so that our runner
+ # can catch it.
+ def on_parse_error(error, *)
+ raise ParseError.new(error, lineno, column)
+ end
+ alias on_alias_error on_parse_error
+ alias on_assign_error on_parse_error
+ alias on_class_name_error on_parse_error
+ alias on_param_error on_parse_error
+ # Period represents the use of the +.+ operator. It is usually found in method
+ # calls.
+ class Period
+ # [String] the period
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('period')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :period, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_period: (String value) -> Period
+ def on_period(value)
+ Period.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ end
+ # Program represents the overall syntax tree.
+ class Program
+ # [Statements] the top-level expressions of the program
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Array[ Comment | EmbDoc ]] the comments inside the program
+ attr_reader :comments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statements:, comments:, location:)
+ @statements = statements
+ @comments = comments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('program')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :program,
+ stmts: statements,
+ comments: comments,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_program: (Statements statements) -> Program
+ def on_program(statements)
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: 1,
+ start_char: 0,
+ end_line: lines.length,
+ end_char: source.length
+ )
+ statements.body << @__end__ if @__end__
+ statements.bind(0, source.length)
+ Program.new(statements: statements, comments: @comments, location: location)
+ end
+ # QSymbols represents a symbol literal array without interpolation.
+ #
+ # %i[one two three]
+ #
+ class QSymbols
+ # [Array[ TStringContent ]] the elements of the array
+ attr_reader :elements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(elements:, location:)
+ @elements = elements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('qsymbols')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(elements) { |element| q.pp(element) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :qsymbols, elems: elements, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_qsymbols_add: (QSymbols qsymbols, TStringContent element) -> QSymbols
+ def on_qsymbols_add(qsymbols, element)
+ QSymbols.new(
+ elements: qsymbols.elements << element,
+ location: qsymbols.location.to(element.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # QSymbolsBeg represents the beginning of a symbol literal array.
+ #
+ # %i[one two three]
+ #
+ # In the snippet above, QSymbolsBeg represents the "%i[" token. Note that
+ # these kinds of arrays can start with a lot of different delimiter types
+ # (e.g., %i| or %i<).
+ class QSymbolsBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the array literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_qsymbols_beg: (String value) -> QSymbolsBeg
+ def on_qsymbols_beg(value)
+ node =
+ QSymbolsBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_qsymbols_new: () -> QSymbols
+ def on_qsymbols_new
+ qsymbols_beg = find_token(QSymbolsBeg)
+ QSymbols.new(elements: [], location: qsymbols_beg.location)
+ end
+ # QWords represents a string literal array without interpolation.
+ #
+ # %w[one two three]
+ #
+ class QWords
+ # [Array[ TStringContent ]] the elements of the array
+ attr_reader :elements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(elements:, location:)
+ @elements = elements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('qwords')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(elements) { |element| q.pp(element) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :qwords, elems: elements, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_qwords_add: (QWords qwords, TStringContent element) -> QWords
+ def on_qwords_add(qwords, element)
+ QWords.new(
+ elements: qwords.elements << element,
+ location: qwords.location.to(element.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # QWordsBeg represents the beginning of a string literal array.
+ #
+ # %w[one two three]
+ #
+ # In the snippet above, QWordsBeg represents the "%w[" token. Note that these
+ # kinds of arrays can start with a lot of different delimiter types (e.g.,
+ # %w| or %w<).
+ class QWordsBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the array literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_qwords_beg: (String value) -> QWordsBeg
+ def on_qwords_beg(value)
+ node =
+ QWordsBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_qwords_new: () -> QWords
+ def on_qwords_new
+ qwords_beg = find_token(QWordsBeg)
+ QWords.new(elements: [], location: qwords_beg.location)
+ end
+ # RationalLiteral represents the use of a rational number literal.
+ #
+ # 1r
+ #
+ class RationalLiteral
+ # [String] the rational number literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('rational')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :rational, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rational: (String value) -> RationalLiteral
+ def on_rational(value)
+ node =
+ RationalLiteral.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # RBrace represents the use of a right brace, i.e., +++.
+ class RBrace
+ # [String] the right brace
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rbrace: (String value) -> RBrace
+ def on_rbrace(value)
+ node =
+ RBrace.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # RBracket represents the use of a right bracket, i.e., +]+.
+ class RBracket
+ # [String] the right bracket
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rbracket: (String value) -> RBracket
+ def on_rbracket(value)
+ node =
+ RBracket.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Redo represents the use of the +redo+ keyword.
+ #
+ # redo
+ #
+ class Redo
+ # [String] the value of the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('redo')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :redo, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_redo: () -> Redo
+ def on_redo
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'redo')
+ Redo.new(value: keyword.value, location: keyword.location)
+ end
+ # RegexpContent represents the body of a regular expression.
+ #
+ # /.+ #{pattern} .+/
+ #
+ # In the example above, a RegexpContent node represents everything contained
+ # within the forward slashes.
+ class RegexpContent
+ # [String] the opening of the regular expression
+ attr_reader :beginning
+ # [Array[ StringDVar | StringEmbExpr | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # regular expression
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(beginning:, parts:, location:)
+ @beginning = beginning
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_regexp_add: (
+ # RegexpContent regexp_content,
+ # (StringDVar | StringEmbExpr | TStringContent) part
+ # ) -> RegexpContent
+ def on_regexp_add(regexp_content, part)
+ RegexpContent.new(
+ beginning: regexp_content.beginning,
+ parts: regexp_content.parts << part,
+ location: regexp_content.location.to(part.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # RegexpBeg represents the start of a regular expression literal.
+ #
+ # /.+/
+ #
+ # In the example above, RegexpBeg represents the first / token. Regular
+ # expression literals can also be declared using the %r syntax, as in:
+ #
+ # %r{.+}
+ #
+ class RegexpBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the regular expression
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_regexp_beg: (String value) -> RegexpBeg
+ def on_regexp_beg(value)
+ node =
+ RegexpBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # RegexpEnd represents the end of a regular expression literal.
+ #
+ # /.+/m
+ #
+ # In the example above, the RegexpEnd event represents the /m at the end of
+ # the regular expression literal. You can also declare regular expression
+ # literals using %r, as in:
+ #
+ # %r{.+}m
+ #
+ class RegexpEnd
+ # [String] the end of the regular expression
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_regexp_end: (String value) -> RegexpEnd
+ def on_regexp_end(value)
+ RegexpEnd.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ end
+ # RegexpLiteral represents a regular expression literal.
+ #
+ # /.+/
+ #
+ class RegexpLiteral
+ # [String] the beginning of the regular expression literal
+ attr_reader :beginning
+ # [String] the ending of the regular expression literal
+ attr_reader :ending
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # regular expression literal
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Locatione] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(beginning:, ending:, parts:, location:)
+ @beginning = beginning
+ @ending = ending
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('regexp_literal')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :regexp_literal,
+ beging: beginning,
+ ending: ending,
+ parts: parts,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_regexp_literal: (
+ # RegexpContent regexp_content,
+ # RegexpEnd ending
+ # ) -> RegexpLiteral
+ def on_regexp_literal(regexp_content, ending)
+ RegexpLiteral.new(
+ beginning: regexp_content.beginning,
+ ending: ending.value,
+ parts: regexp_content.parts,
+ location: regexp_content.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_regexp_new: () -> RegexpContent
+ def on_regexp_new
+ regexp_beg = find_token(RegexpBeg)
+ RegexpContent.new(
+ beginning: regexp_beg.value,
+ parts: [],
+ location: regexp_beg.location
+ )
+ end
+ # RescueEx represents the list of exceptions being rescued in a rescue clause.
+ #
+ # begin
+ # rescue Exception => exception
+ # end
+ #
+ class RescueEx
+ # [untyped] the list of exceptions being rescued
+ attr_reader :exceptions
+ # [nil | Field | VarField] the expression being used to capture the raised
+ # exception
+ attr_reader :variable
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(exceptions:, variable:, location:)
+ @exceptions = exceptions
+ @variable = variable
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('rescue_ex')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(exceptions)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(variable)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :rescue_ex,
+ extns: exceptions,
+ var: variable,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # Rescue represents the use of the rescue keyword inside of a BodyStmt node.
+ #
+ # begin
+ # rescue
+ # end
+ #
+ class Rescue
+ # [RescueEx] the exceptions being rescued
+ attr_reader :exception
+ # [Statements] the expressions to evaluate when an error is rescued
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil | Rescue] the optional next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(exception:, statements:, consequent:, location:)
+ @exception = exception
+ @statements = statements
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def bind_end(end_char)
+ @location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: location.start_char,
+ end_line: location.end_line,
+ end_char: end_char
+ )
+ if consequent
+ consequent.bind_end(end_char)
+ statements.bind_end(consequent.location.start_char)
+ else
+ statements.bind_end(end_char)
+ end
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('rescue')
+ if exception
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(exception)
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if consequent
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :rescue,
+ extn: exception,
+ stmts: statements,
+ cons: consequent,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rescue: (
+ # (nil | [untyped] | MRHS | MRHSAddStar) exceptions,
+ # (nil | Field | VarField) variable,
+ # Statements statements,
+ # (nil | Rescue) consequent
+ # ) -> Rescue
+ def on_rescue(exceptions, variable, statements, consequent)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'rescue')
+ exceptions = exceptions[0] if exceptions.is_a?(Array)
+ last_node = variable || exceptions || keyword
+ statements.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(last_node.location.end_char),
+ char_pos
+ )
+ # We add an additional inner node here that ripper doesn't provide so that
+ # we have a nice place to attach inline comments. But we only need it if we
+ # have an exception or a variable that we're rescuing.
+ rescue_ex =
+ if exceptions || variable
+ RescueEx.new(
+ exceptions: exceptions,
+ variable: variable,
+ location:
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: keyword.location.start_line,
+ start_char: keyword.location.end_char + 1,
+ end_line: last_node.location.end_line,
+ end_char: last_node.location.end_char
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ Rescue.new(
+ exception: rescue_ex,
+ statements: statements,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location:
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: keyword.location.start_line,
+ start_char: keyword.location.start_char,
+ end_line: lineno,
+ end_char: char_pos
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ # RescueMod represents the use of the modifier form of a +rescue+ clause.
+ #
+ # expression rescue value
+ #
+ class RescueMod
+ # [untyped] the expression to execute
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [untyped] the value to use if the executed expression raises an error
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statement:, value:, location:)
+ @statement = statement
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('rescue_mod')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :rescue_mod,
+ stmt: statement,
+ value: value,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rescue_mod: (untyped statement, untyped value) -> RescueMod
+ def on_rescue_mod(statement, value)
+ find_token(Kw, 'rescue')
+ RescueMod.new(
+ statement: statement,
+ value: value,
+ location: statement.location.to(value.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # RestParam represents defining a parameter in a method definition that
+ # accepts all remaining positional parameters.
+ #
+ # def method(*rest) end
+ #
+ class RestParam
+ # [nil | Ident] the name of the parameter
+ attr_reader :name
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(name:, location:)
+ @name = name
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('rest_param')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(name)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :rest_param, name: name, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rest_param: ((nil | Ident) name) -> RestParam
+ def on_rest_param(name)
+ location = find_token(Op, '*').location
+ location = location.to(name.location) if name
+ RestParam.new(name: name, location: location)
+ end
+ # Retry represents the use of the +retry+ keyword.
+ #
+ # retry
+ #
+ class Retry
+ # [String] the value of the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('retry')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :retry, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_retry: () -> Retry
+ def on_retry
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'retry')
+ Retry.new(value: keyword.value, location: keyword.location)
+ end
+ # Return represents using the +return+ keyword with arguments.
+ #
+ # return value
+ #
+ class Return
+ # [Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments being passed to the keyword
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('return')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :return, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_return: ((Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments) -> Return
+ def on_return(arguments)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'return')
+ Return.new(
+ arguments: arguments,
+ location: keyword.location.to(arguments.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Return0 represents the bare +return+ keyword with no arguments.
+ #
+ # return
+ #
+ class Return0
+ # [String] the value of the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('return0')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :return0, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_return0: () -> Return0
+ def on_return0
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'return')
+ Return0.new(value: keyword.value, location: keyword.location)
+ end
+ # RParen represents the use of a right parenthesis, i.e., +)+.
+ class RParen
+ # [String] the parenthesis
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_rparen: (String value) -> RParen
+ def on_rparen(value)
+ node =
+ RParen.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # SClass represents a block of statements that should be evaluated within the
+ # context of the singleton class of an object. It's frequently used to define
+ # singleton methods.
+ #
+ # class << self
+ # end
+ #
+ class SClass
+ # [untyped] the target of the singleton class to enter
+ attr_reader :target
+ # [BodyStmt] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :bodystmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(target:, bodystmt:, location:)
+ @target = target
+ @bodystmt = bodystmt
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('sclass')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(target)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(bodystmt)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :sclass,
+ target: target,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_sclass: (untyped target, BodyStmt bodystmt) -> SClass
+ def on_sclass(target, bodystmt)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'class')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ bodystmt.bind(
+ find_next_statement_start(target.location.end_char),
+ ending.location.start_char
+ )
+ SClass.new(
+ target: target,
+ bodystmt: bodystmt,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # def on_semicolon(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # def on_sp(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # stmts_add is a parser event that represents a single statement inside a
+ # list of statements within any lexical block. It accepts as arguments the
+ # parent stmts node as well as an stmt which can be any expression in
+ # Ruby.
+ def on_stmts_add(statements, statement)
+ statements << statement
+ end
+ # Everything that has a block of code inside of it has a list of statements.
+ # Normally we would just track those as a node that has an array body, but we
+ # have some special handling in order to handle empty statement lists. They
+ # need to have the right location information, so all of the parent node of
+ # stmts nodes will report back down the location information. We then
+ # propagate that onto void_stmt nodes inside the stmts in order to make sure
+ # all comments get printed appropriately.
+ class Statements
+ # [SyntaxTree] the parser that created this node
+ attr_reader :parser
+ # [Array[ untyped ]] the list of expressions contained within this node
+ attr_reader :body
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parser:, body:, location:)
+ @parser = parser
+ @body = body
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def bind(start_char, end_char)
+ @location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: start_char,
+ end_line: location.end_line,
+ end_char: end_char
+ )
+ if body[0].is_a?(VoidStmt)
+ location = body[0].location
+ location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: start_char,
+ end_line: location.end_line,
+ end_char: start_char
+ )
+ body[0] = VoidStmt.new(location: location)
+ end
+ attach_comments(start_char, end_char)
+ end
+ def bind_end(end_char)
+ @location =
+ Location.new(
+ start_line: location.start_line,
+ start_char: location.start_char,
+ end_line: location.end_line,
+ end_char: end_char
+ )
+ end
+ def <<(statement)
+ @location =
+ body.any? ? location.to(statement.location) : statement.location
+ body << statement
+ self
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('statements')
+ q.breakable
+ q.seplist(body) { |statement| q.pp(statement) }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :statements, body: body, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ private
+ def attach_comments(start_char, end_char)
+ attachable =
+ parser.comments.select do |comment|
+ !comment.inline? && start_char <= comment.location.start_char &&
+ end_char >= comment.location.end_char &&
+ !comment.value.include?('prettier-ignore')
+ end
+ return if attachable.empty?
+ parser.comments -= attachable
+ @body = (body + attachable).sort_by! { |node| node.location.start_char }
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_stmts_new: () -> Statements
+ def on_stmts_new
+ Statements.new(
+ parser: self,
+ body: [],
+ location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos)
+ )
+ end
+ # StringContent represents the contents of a string-like value.
+ #
+ # "string"
+ #
+ class StringContent
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # string
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_string_add: (
+ # String string,
+ # (StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent) part
+ # ) -> StringContent
+ def on_string_add(string, part)
+ location =
+ string.parts.any? ? string.location.to(part.location) : part.location
+ StringContent.new(parts: string.parts << part, location: location)
+ end
+ # StringConcat represents concatenating two strings together using a backward
+ # slash.
+ #
+ # "first" \
+ # "second"
+ #
+ class StringConcat
+ # [StringConcat | StringLiteral] the left side of the concatenation
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [StringLiteral] the right side of the concatenation
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(left:, right:, location:)
+ @left = left
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('string_concat')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :string_concat, left: left, right: right, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_string_concat: (
+ # (StringConcat | StringLiteral) left,
+ # StringLiteral right
+ # ) -> StringConcat
+ def on_string_concat(left, right)
+ StringConcat.new(
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ location: left.location.to(right.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_string_content: () -> StringContent
+ def on_string_content
+ StringContent.new(
+ parts: [],
+ location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos)
+ )
+ end
+ # StringDVar represents shorthand interpolation of a variable into a string.
+ # It allows you to take an instance variable, class variable, or global
+ # variable and omit the braces when interpolating.
+ #
+ # "#@variable"
+ #
+ class StringDVar
+ # [Backref | VarRef] the variable being interpolated
+ attr_reader :variable
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(variable:, location:)
+ @variable = variable
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('string_dvar')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(variable)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :string_dvar, var: variable, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_string_dvar: ((Backref | VarRef) variable) -> StringDVar
+ def on_string_dvar(variable)
+ embvar = find_token(EmbVar)
+ StringDVar.new(
+ variable: variable,
+ location: embvar.location.to(variable.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # StringEmbExpr represents interpolated content. It can be contained within a
+ # couple of different parent nodes, including regular expressions, strings,
+ # and dynamic symbols.
+ #
+ # "string #{expression}"
+ #
+ class StringEmbExpr
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be interpolated
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statements:, location:)
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('string_embexpr')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :string_embexpr, stmts: statements, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_string_embexpr: (Statements statements) -> StringEmbExpr
+ def on_string_embexpr(statements)
+ embexpr_beg = find_token(EmbExprBeg)
+ embexpr_end = find_token(EmbExprEnd)
+ statements.bind(
+ embexpr_beg.location.end_char,
+ embexpr_end.location.start_char
+ )
+ StringEmbExpr.new(
+ statements: statements,
+ location: embexpr_beg.location.to(embexpr_end.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # StringLiteral represents a string literal.
+ #
+ # "string"
+ #
+ class StringLiteral
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # string literal
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [String] which quote was used by the string literal
+ attr_reader :quote
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, quote:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @quote = quote
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('string_literal')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :string_literal,
+ parts: parts,
+ quote: quote,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_string_literal: (String string) -> Heredoc | StringLiteral
+ def on_string_literal(string)
+ heredoc = @heredocs[-1]
+ if heredoc && heredoc.ending
+ heredoc = @heredocs.pop
+ Heredoc.new(
+ beginning: heredoc.beginning,
+ ending: heredoc.ending,
+ parts: string.parts,
+ location: heredoc.location
+ )
+ else
+ tstring_beg = find_token(TStringBeg)
+ tstring_end = find_token(TStringEnd)
+ StringLiteral.new(
+ parts: string.parts,
+ quote: tstring_beg.value,
+ location: tstring_beg.location.to(tstring_end.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # Super represents using the +super+ keyword with arguments. It can optionally
+ # use parentheses.
+ #
+ # super(value)
+ #
+ class Super
+ # [ArgParen | Args | ArgsAddBlock] the arguments to the keyword
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('super')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :super, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_super: ((ArgParen | Args | ArgsAddBlock) arguments) -> Super
+ def on_super(arguments)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'super')
+ Super.new(
+ arguments: arguments,
+ location: keyword.location.to(arguments.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # SymBeg represents the beginning of a symbol literal.
+ #
+ # :symbol
+ #
+ # SymBeg is also used for dynamic symbols, as in:
+ #
+ # :"symbol"
+ #
+ # Finally, SymBeg is also used for symbols using the %s syntax, as in:
+ #
+ # %s[symbol]
+ #
+ # The value of this node is a string. In most cases (as in the first example
+ # above) it will contain just ":". In the case of dynamic symbols it will
+ # contain ":'" or ":\"". In the case of %s symbols, it will contain the start
+ # of the symbol including the %s and the delimiter.
+ class SymBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the symbol
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # symbeg is a token that represents the beginning of a symbol literal.
+ # In most cases it will contain just ":" as in the value, but if its a dynamic
+ # symbol being defined it will contain ":'" or ":\"".
+ def on_symbeg(value)
+ node =
+ SymBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # SymbolContent represents symbol contents and is always the child of a
+ # SymbolLiteral node.
+ #
+ # :symbol
+ #
+ class SymbolContent
+ # [Backtick | Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar | Kw | Op] the value of the
+ # symbol
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_symbol: (
+ # (Backtick | Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar | Kw | Op) value
+ # ) -> SymbolContent
+ def on_symbol(value)
+ tokens.pop
+ SymbolContent.new(value: value, location: value.location)
+ end
+ # SymbolLiteral represents a symbol in the system with no interpolation
+ # (as opposed to a DynaSymbol which has interpolation).
+ #
+ # :symbol
+ #
+ class SymbolLiteral
+ # [Backtick | Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar | Kw | Op] the value of the
+ # symbol
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('symbol_literal')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :symbol_literal, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_symbol_literal: (
+ # (
+ # Backtick | Const | CVar | GVar | Ident |
+ # IVar | Kw | Op | SymbolContent
+ # ) value
+ # ) -> SymbolLiteral
+ def on_symbol_literal(value)
+ if tokens[-1] == value
+ SymbolLiteral.new(value: tokens.pop, location: value.location)
+ else
+ symbeg = find_token(SymBeg)
+ SymbolLiteral.new(
+ value: value.value,
+ location: symbeg.location.to(value.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # Symbols represents a symbol array literal with interpolation.
+ #
+ # %I[one two three]
+ #
+ class Symbols
+ # [Array[ Word ]] the words in the symbol array literal
+ attr_reader :elements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(elements:, location:)
+ @elements = elements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('symbols')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(elements) { |element| q.pp(element) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :symbols, elems: elements, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_symbols_add: (Symbols symbols, Word word) -> Symbols
+ def on_symbols_add(symbols, word)
+ Symbols.new(
+ elements: symbols.elements << word,
+ location: symbols.location.to(word.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # SymbolsBeg represents the start of a symbol array literal with
+ # interpolation.
+ #
+ # %I[one two three]
+ #
+ # In the snippet above, SymbolsBeg represents the "%I[" token. Note that these
+ # kinds of arrays can start with a lot of different delimiter types
+ # (e.g., %I| or %I<).
+ class SymbolsBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the symbol literal array
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_symbols_beg: (String value) -> SymbolsBeg
+ def on_symbols_beg(value)
+ node =
+ SymbolsBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_symbols_new: () -> Symbols
+ def on_symbols_new
+ symbols_beg = find_token(SymbolsBeg)
+ Symbols.new(elements: [], location: symbols_beg.location)
+ end
+ # TLambda represents the beginning of a lambda literal.
+ #
+ # -> { value }
+ #
+ # In the example above the TLambda represents the +->+ operator.
+ class TLambda
+ # [String] the beginning of the lambda literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_tlambda: (String value) -> TLambda
+ def on_tlambda(value)
+ node =
+ TLambda.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # TLamBeg represents the beginning of the body of a lambda literal using
+ # braces.
+ #
+ # -> { value }
+ #
+ # In the example above the TLamBeg represents the +{+ operator.
+ class TLamBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the body of the lambda literal
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_tlambeg: (String value) -> TLamBeg
+ def on_tlambeg(value)
+ node =
+ TLamBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # TopConstField is always the child node of some kind of assignment. It
+ # represents when you're assigning to a constant that is being referenced at
+ # the top level.
+ #
+ # ::Constant = value
+ #
+ class TopConstField
+ # [Const] the constant being assigned
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('top_const_field')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :top_const_field, constant: constant, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_top_const_field: (Const constant) -> TopConstRef
+ def on_top_const_field(constant)
+ operator = find_colon2_before(constant)
+ TopConstField.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ location: operator.location.to(constant.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # TopConstRef is very similar to TopConstField except that it is not involved
+ # in an assignment.
+ #
+ # ::Constant
+ #
+ class TopConstRef
+ # [Const] the constant being referenced
+ attr_reader :constant
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(constant:, location:)
+ @constant = constant
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('top_const_ref')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(constant)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :top_const_ref, constant: constant, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_top_const_ref: (Const constant) -> TopConstRef
+ def on_top_const_ref(constant)
+ operator = find_colon2_before(constant)
+ TopConstRef.new(
+ constant: constant,
+ location: operator.location.to(constant.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # TStringBeg represents the beginning of a string literal.
+ #
+ # "string"
+ #
+ # In the example above, TStringBeg represents the first set of quotes. Strings
+ # can also use single quotes. They can also be declared using the +%q+ and
+ # +%Q+ syntax, as in:
+ #
+ # %q{string}
+ #
+ class TStringBeg
+ # [String] the beginning of the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_tstring_beg: (String value) -> TStringBeg
+ def on_tstring_beg(value)
+ node =
+ TStringBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # TStringContent represents plain characters inside of an entity that accepts
+ # string content like a string, heredoc, command string, or regular
+ # expression.
+ #
+ # "string"
+ #
+ # In the example above, TStringContent represents the +string+ token contained
+ # within the string.
+ class TStringContent
+ # [String] the content of the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('tstring_content')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :tstring_content,
+ value: value.force_encoding('UTF-8'),
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_tstring_content: (String value) -> TStringContent
+ def on_tstring_content(value)
+ TStringContent.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ end
+ # TStringEnd represents the end of a string literal.
+ #
+ # "string"
+ #
+ # In the example above, TStringEnd represents the second set of quotes.
+ # Strings can also use single quotes. They can also be declared using the +%q+
+ # and +%Q+ syntax, as in:
+ #
+ # %q{string}
+ #
+ class TStringEnd
+ # [String] the end of the string
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_tstring_end: (String value) -> TStringEnd
+ def on_tstring_end(value)
+ node =
+ TStringEnd.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # Not represents the unary +not+ method being called on an expression.
+ #
+ # not value
+ #
+ class Not
+ # [untyped] the statement on which to operate
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [boolean] whether or not parentheses were used
+ attr_reader :parentheses
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statement:, parentheses:, location:)
+ @statement = statement
+ @parentheses = parentheses
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('not')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :not,
+ value: statement,
+ paren: parentheses,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # Unary represents a unary method being called on an expression, as in +!+ or
+ # +~+.
+ #
+ # !value
+ #
+ class Unary
+ # [String] the operator being used
+ attr_reader :operator
+ # [untyped] the statement on which to operate
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(operator:, statement:, location:)
+ @operator = operator
+ @statement = statement
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('unary')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(operator)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :unary, op: operator, value: statement, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_unary: (:not operator, untyped statement) -> Not
+ # | (Symbol operator, untyped statement) -> Unary
+ def on_unary(operator, statement)
+ if operator == :not
+ # We have somewhat special handling of the not operator since if it has
+ # parentheses they don't get reported as a paren node for some reason.
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'not')
+ ending = statement
+ range = beginning.location.end_char...statement.location.start_char
+ paren = source[range].include?('(')
+ if paren
+ find_token(LParen)
+ ending = find_token(RParen)
+ end
+ Not.new(
+ statement: statement,
+ parentheses: paren,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ else
+ # Special case instead of using find_token here. It turns out that
+ # if you have a range that goes from a negative number to a negative
+ # number then you can end up with a .. or a ... that's higher in the
+ # stack. So we need to explicitly disallow those operators.
+ index =
+ tokens.rindex do |token|
+ token.is_a?(Op) &&
+ token.location.start_char < statement.location.start_char &&
+ !%w[.. ...].include?(token.value)
+ end
+ beginning = tokens.delete_at(index)
+ Unary.new(
+ operator: operator[0], # :+@ -> "+"
+ statement: statement,
+ location: beginning.location.to(statement.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # Undef represents the use of the +undef+ keyword.
+ #
+ # undef method
+ #
+ class Undef
+ # [Array[ DynaSymbol | SymbolLiteral ]] the symbols to undefine
+ attr_reader :symbols
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(symbols:, location:)
+ @symbols = symbols
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('undef')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(symbols) { |symbol| q.pp(symbol) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :undef, syms: symbols, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_undef: (Array[DynaSymbol | SymbolLiteral] symbols) -> Undef
+ def on_undef(symbols)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'undef')
+ Undef.new(
+ symbols: symbols,
+ location: keyword.location.to(symbols.last.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Unless represents the first clause in an +unless+ chain.
+ #
+ # unless predicate
+ # end
+ #
+ class Unless
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil, Elsif, Else] the next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(predicate:, statements:, consequent:, location:)
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @statements = statements
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('unless')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if consequent
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :unless,
+ pred: predicate,
+ stmts: statements,
+ cons: consequent,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_unless: (
+ # untyped predicate,
+ # Statements statements,
+ # ((nil | Elsif | Else) consequent)
+ # ) -> Unless
+ def on_unless(predicate, statements, consequent)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'unless')
+ ending = consequent || find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ statements.bind(predicate.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ Unless.new(
+ predicate: predicate,
+ statements: statements,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # UnlessMod represents the modifier form of an +unless+ statement.
+ #
+ # expression unless predicate
+ #
+ class UnlessMod
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statement:, predicate:, location:)
+ @statement = statement
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('unless_mod')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :unless_mod,
+ stmt: statement,
+ pred: predicate,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_unless_mod: (untyped predicate, untyped statement) -> UnlessMod
+ def on_unless_mod(predicate, statement)
+ find_token(Kw, 'unless')
+ UnlessMod.new(
+ statement: statement,
+ predicate: predicate,
+ location: statement.location.to(predicate.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Until represents an +until+ loop.
+ #
+ # until predicate
+ # end
+ #
+ class Until
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(predicate:, statements:, location:)
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('until')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :until,
+ pred: predicate,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_until: (untyped predicate, Statements statements) -> Until
+ def on_until(predicate, statements)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'until')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ # Consume the do keyword if it exists so that it doesn't get confused for
+ # some other block
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'do', consume: false)
+ if keyword && keyword.location.start_char > predicate.location.end_char &&
+ keyword.location.end_char < ending.location.start_char
+ tokens.delete(keyword)
+ end
+ # Update the Statements location information
+ statements.bind(predicate.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ Until.new(
+ predicate: predicate,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # UntilMod represents the modifier form of a +until+ loop.
+ #
+ # expression until predicate
+ #
+ class UntilMod
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statement:, predicate:, location:)
+ @statement = statement
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('until_mod')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :until_mod,
+ stmt: statement,
+ pred: predicate,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_until_mod: (untyped predicate, untyped statement) -> UntilMod
+ def on_until_mod(predicate, statement)
+ find_token(Kw, 'until')
+ UntilMod.new(
+ statement: statement,
+ predicate: predicate,
+ location: statement.location.to(predicate.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # VarAlias represents when you're using the +alias+ keyword with global
+ # variable arguments.
+ #
+ # alias $new $old
+ #
+ class VarAlias
+ # [GVar] the new alias of the variable
+ attr_reader :left
+ # [Backref | GVar] the current name of the variable to be aliased
+ attr_reader :right
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(left:, right:, location:)
+ @left = left
+ @right = right
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('var_alias')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(left)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(right)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :var_alias, left: left, right: right, loc: location }.to_json(
+ *opts
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_var_alias: (GVar left, (Backref | GVar) right) -> VarAlias
+ def on_var_alias(left, right)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'alias')
+ VarAlias.new(
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ location: keyword.location.to(right.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # VarField represents a variable that is being assigned a value. As such, it
+ # is always a child of an assignment type node.
+ #
+ # variable = value
+ #
+ # In the example above, the VarField node represents the +variable+ token.
+ class VarField
+ # [nil | Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar] the target of this node
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('var_field')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :var_field, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_var_field: (
+ # (nil | Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar) value
+ # ) -> VarField
+ def on_var_field(value)
+ location =
+ if value
+ value.location
+ else
+ # You can hit this pattern if you're assigning to a splat using pattern
+ # matching syntax in Ruby 2.7+
+ Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos)
+ end
+ VarField.new(value: value, location: location)
+ end
+ # VarRef represents a variable reference.
+ #
+ # true
+ #
+ # This can be a plain local variable like the example above. It can also be a
+ # constant, a class variable, a global variable, an instance variable, a
+ # keyword (like +self+, +nil+, +true+, or +false+), or a numbered block
+ # variable.
+ class VarRef
+ # [Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar | Kw] the value of this node
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('var_ref')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :var_ref, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_var_ref: ((Const | CVar | GVar | Ident | IVar | Kw) value) -> VarRef
+ def on_var_ref(value)
+ VarRef.new(value: value, location: value.location)
+ end
+ # AccessCtrl represents a call to a method visibility control, i.e., +public+,
+ # +protected+, or +private+.
+ #
+ # private
+ #
+ class AccessCtrl
+ # [Ident] the value of this expression
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('access_ctrl')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :access_ctrl, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # VCall represent any plain named object with Ruby that could be either a
+ # local variable or a method call.
+ #
+ # variable
+ #
+ class VCall
+ # [Ident] the value of this expression
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('vcall')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :vcall, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_vcall: (Ident ident) -> AccessCtrl | VCall
+ def on_vcall(ident)
+ @controls ||= %w[private protected public].freeze
+ if @controls.include?(ident.value) && ident.value == lines[lineno - 1].strip
+ # Access controls like private, protected, and public are reported as
+ # vcall nodes since they're technically method calls. We want to be able
+ # add new lines around them as necessary, so here we're going to
+ # explicitly track those as a different node type.
+ AccessCtrl.new(value: ident, location: ident.location)
+ else
+ VCall.new(value: ident, location: ident.location)
+ end
+ end
+ # VoidStmt represents an empty lexical block of code.
+ #
+ # ;;
+ #
+ class VoidStmt
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(location:)
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.text('void_stmt') }
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :void_stmt, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_void_stmt: () -> VoidStmt
+ def on_void_stmt
+ VoidStmt.new(location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos))
+ end
+ # When represents a +when+ clause in a +case+ chain.
+ #
+ # case value
+ # when predicate
+ # end
+ #
+ class When
+ # [untyped] the arguments to the when clause
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [nil | Else | When] the next clause in the chain
+ attr_reader :consequent
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, statements:, consequent:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @statements = statements
+ @consequent = consequent
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('when')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ if consequent
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(consequent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :when,
+ args: arguments,
+ stmts: statements,
+ cons: consequent,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_when: (
+ # untyped arguments,
+ # Statements statements,
+ # (nil | Else | When) consequent
+ # ) -> When
+ def on_when(arguments, statements, consequent)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'when')
+ ending = consequent || find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ statements.bind(arguments.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ When.new(
+ arguments: arguments,
+ statements: statements,
+ consequent: consequent,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # While represents a +while+ loop.
+ #
+ # while predicate
+ # end
+ #
+ class While
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Statements] the expressions to be executed
+ attr_reader :statements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(predicate:, statements:, location:)
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @statements = statements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('while')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statements)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :while,
+ pred: predicate,
+ stmts: statements,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_while: (untyped predicate, Statements statements) -> While
+ def on_while(predicate, statements)
+ beginning = find_token(Kw, 'while')
+ ending = find_token(Kw, 'end')
+ # Consume the do keyword if it exists so that it doesn't get confused for
+ # some other block
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'do', consume: false)
+ if keyword && keyword.location.start_char > predicate.location.end_char &&
+ keyword.location.end_char < ending.location.start_char
+ tokens.delete(keyword)
+ end
+ # Update the Statements location information
+ statements.bind(predicate.location.end_char, ending.location.start_char)
+ While.new(
+ predicate: predicate,
+ statements: statements,
+ location: beginning.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # WhileMod represents the modifier form of a +while+ loop.
+ #
+ # expression while predicate
+ #
+ class WhileMod
+ # [untyped] the expression to be executed
+ attr_reader :statement
+ # [untyped] the expression to be checked
+ attr_reader :predicate
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(statement:, predicate:, location:)
+ @statement = statement
+ @predicate = predicate
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('while_mod')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(statement)
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(predicate)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :while_mod,
+ stmt: statement,
+ pred: predicate,
+ loc: location
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_while_mod: (untyped predicate, untyped statement) -> WhileMod
+ def on_while_mod(predicate, statement)
+ find_token(Kw, 'while')
+ WhileMod.new(
+ statement: statement,
+ predicate: predicate,
+ location: statement.location.to(predicate.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Word represents an element within a special array literal that accepts
+ # interpolation.
+ #
+ # %W[a#{b}c xyz]
+ #
+ # In the example above, there would be two Word nodes within a parent Words
+ # node.
+ class Word
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # word
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('word')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :word, parts: parts, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_word_add: (
+ # Word word,
+ # (StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent) part
+ # ) -> Word
+ def on_word_add(word, part)
+ location =
+ word.parts.empty? ? part.location : word.location.to(part.location)
+ Word.new(parts: word.parts << part, location: location)
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_word_new: () -> Word
+ def on_word_new
+ Word.new(parts: [], location: Location.fixed(line: lineno, char: char_pos))
+ end
+ # Words represents a string literal array with interpolation.
+ #
+ # %W[one two three]
+ #
+ class Words
+ # [Array[ Word ]] the elements of this array
+ attr_reader :elements
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(elements:, location:)
+ @elements = elements
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('words')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(elements) { |element| q.pp(element) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :words, elems: elements, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_words_add: (Words words, Word word) -> Words
+ def on_words_add(words, word)
+ Words.new(
+ elements: words.elements << word,
+ location: words.location.to(word.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # WordsBeg represents the beginning of a string literal array with
+ # interpolation.
+ #
+ # %W[one two three]
+ #
+ # In the snippet above, a WordsBeg would be created with the value of "%W[".
+ # Note that these kinds of arrays can start with a lot of different delimiter
+ # types (e.g., %W| or %W<).
+ class WordsBeg
+ # [String] the start of the word literal array
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_words_beg: (String value) -> WordsBeg
+ def on_words_beg(value)
+ node =
+ WordsBeg.new(
+ value: value,
+ location: Location.token(line: lineno, char: char_pos, size: value.size)
+ )
+ tokens << node
+ node
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_words_new: () -> Words
+ def on_words_new
+ words_beg = find_token(WordsBeg)
+ Words.new(elements: [], location: words_beg.location)
+ end
+ # def on_words_sep(value)
+ # value
+ # end
+ # XString represents the contents of an XStringLiteral.
+ #
+ # `ls`
+ #
+ class XString
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # xstring
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_xstring_add: (
+ # XString xstring,
+ # (StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent) part
+ # ) -> XString
+ def on_xstring_add(xstring, part)
+ XString.new(
+ parts: xstring.parts << part,
+ location: xstring.location.to(part.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_xstring_new: () -> XString
+ def on_xstring_new
+ heredoc = @heredocs[-1]
+ location =
+ if heredoc && heredoc.beginning.value.include?('`')
+ heredoc.location
+ else
+ find_token(Backtick).location
+ end
+ XString.new(parts: [], location: location)
+ end
+ # XStringLiteral represents a string that gets executed.
+ #
+ # `ls`
+ #
+ class XStringLiteral
+ # [Array[ StringEmbExpr | StringDVar | TStringContent ]] the parts of the
+ # xstring
+ attr_reader :parts
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(parts:, location:)
+ @parts = parts
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('xstring_literal')
+ q.breakable
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') { q.seplist(parts) { |part| q.pp(part) } }
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :xstring_literal, parts: parts, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_xstring_literal: (XString xstring) -> Heredoc | XStringLiteral
+ def on_xstring_literal(xstring)
+ heredoc = @heredocs[-1]
+ if heredoc && heredoc.beginning.value.include?('`')
+ Heredoc.new(
+ beginning: heredoc.beginning,
+ ending: heredoc.ending,
+ parts: xstring.parts,
+ location: heredoc.location
+ )
+ else
+ ending = find_token(TStringEnd)
+ XStringLiteral.new(
+ parts: xstring.parts,
+ location: xstring.location.to(ending.location)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # Yield represents using the +yield+ keyword with arguments.
+ #
+ # yield value
+ #
+ class Yield
+ # [ArgsAddBlock | Paren] the arguments passed to the yield
+ attr_reader :arguments
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(arguments:, location:)
+ @arguments = arguments
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('yield')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(arguments)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :yield, args: arguments, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_yield: ((ArgsAddBlock | Paren) arguments) -> Yield
+ def on_yield(arguments)
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'yield')
+ Yield.new(
+ arguments: arguments,
+ location: keyword.location.to(arguments.location)
+ )
+ end
+ # Yield0 represents the bare +yield+ keyword with no arguments.
+ #
+ # yield
+ #
+ class Yield0
+ # [String] the value of the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of this node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('yield0')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :yield0, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_yield0: () -> Yield0
+ def on_yield0
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'yield')
+ Yield0.new(value: keyword.value, location: keyword.location)
+ end
+ # ZSuper represents the bare +super+ keyword with no arguments.
+ #
+ # super
+ #
+ class ZSuper
+ # [String] the value of the keyword
+ attr_reader :value
+ # [Location] the location of the node
+ attr_reader :location
+ def initialize(value:, location:)
+ @value = value
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q)
+ q.group(2, '(', ')') do
+ q.text('zsuper')
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp(value)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ { type: :zsuper, value: value, loc: location }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # on_zsuper: () -> ZSuper
+ def on_zsuper
+ keyword = find_token(Kw, 'super')
+ ZSuper.new(value: keyword.value, location: keyword.location)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/this_project_extra_def.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/this_project_extra_def.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e62fd3fa66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/this_project_extra_def.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+module SyntaxErrorSearch
+ # Used for formatting invalid blocks
+ class DisplayInvalidBlocks
+ attr_reader :filename
+ def initialize(block_array, io: $stderr, filename: nil)
+ @filename = filename
+ @io = io
+ @blocks = block_array
+ @lines = @blocks.map(&:lines).flatten
+ @digit_count = @lines.last.line_number.to_s.length
+ @code_lines = @blocks.first.code_lines
+ @invalid_line_hash = @lines.each_with_object({}) {|line, h| h[line] = true}
+ end
+ def call
+ @io.puts <<~EOM
+ SyntaxSuggest: A syntax error was detected
+ This code has an unmatched `end` this is caused by either
+ missing a syntax keyword (`def`, `do`, etc.) or inclusion
+ of an extra `end` line:
+ @io.puts(<<~EOM) if filename
+ file: #{filename}
+ @io.puts <<~EOM
+ #{code_with_filename}
+ end
+ def filename
+ def code_with_filename
+ string = String.new("")
+ string << "```\n"
+ string << "#".rjust(@digit_count) + " filename: #{filename}\n\n" if filename
+ string << code_with_lines
+ string << "```\n"
+ string
+ end
+ def code_with_lines
+ @code_lines.map do |line|
+ next if line.hidden?
+ number = line.line_number.to_s.rjust(@digit_count)
+ if line.empty?
+ "#{number.to_s}#{line}"
+ else
+ string = String.new
+ string << "\e[1;3m" if @invalid_line_hash[line] # Bold, italics
+ string << "#{number.to_s} "
+ string << line.to_s
+ string << "\e[0m"
+ string
+ end
+ end.join
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/webmock.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/webmock.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16da0d2ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/webmock.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+describe "webmock tests" do
+ before(:each) do
+ WebMock.enable!
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ WebMock.disable!
+ end
+ it "port" do
+ port = rand(1000...9999)
+ stub_request(:any, "localhost:#{port}")
+ query = Cutlass::FunctionQuery.new(
+ port: port
+ ).call
+ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, "localhost:#{port}").
+ with(body: "{}")
+ end
+ it "body" do
+ body = { lol: "hi" }
+ port = 8080
+ stub_request(:any, "localhost:#{port}")
+ query = Cutlass::FunctionQuery.new(
+ port: port
+ body: body
+ ).call
+ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, "localhost:#{port}").
+ with(body: body.to_json)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/exe_cli_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/exe_cli_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79e659a27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/exe_cli_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "exe" do
+ def exe_path
+ root_dir.join("exe").join("syntax_suggest")
+ end
+ def exe(cmd)
+ out = run!("#{exe_path} #{cmd}", raise_on_nonzero_exit: false)
+ out
+ end
+ it "prints the version" do
+ out = exe("-v")
+ expect(out.strip).to include(SyntaxSuggest::VERSION)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/ruby_command_line_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/ruby_command_line_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a1c5c654e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/ruby_command_line_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "Requires with ruby cli" do
+ it "namespaces all monkeypatched methods" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ tmpdir = Pathname(dir)
+ script = tmpdir.join("script.rb")
+ script.write <<~'EOM'
+ puts Kernel.private_methods
+ syntax_suggest_methods_file = tmpdir.join("syntax_suggest_methods.txt")
+ api_only_methods_file = tmpdir.join("api_only_methods.txt")
+ kernel_methods_file = tmpdir.join("kernel_methods.txt")
+ d_pid = Process.spawn("ruby -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{script} 2>&1 > #{syntax_suggest_methods_file}")
+ k_pid = Process.spawn("ruby #{script} 2>&1 >> #{kernel_methods_file}")
+ r_pid = Process.spawn("ruby -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest/api #{script} 2>&1 > #{api_only_methods_file}")
+ Process.wait(k_pid)
+ Process.wait(d_pid)
+ Process.wait(r_pid)
+ kernel_methods_array = kernel_methods_file.read.strip.lines.map(&:strip)
+ syntax_suggest_methods_array = syntax_suggest_methods_file.read.strip.lines.map(&:strip)
+ api_only_methods_array = api_only_methods_file.read.strip.lines.map(&:strip)
+ # In ruby 3.1.0-preview1 the `timeout` file is already required
+ # we can remove it if it exists to normalize the output for
+ # all ruby versions
+ [syntax_suggest_methods_array, kernel_methods_array, api_only_methods_array].each do |array|
+ array.delete("timeout")
+ end
+ methods = (syntax_suggest_methods_array - kernel_methods_array).sort
+ if methods.any?
+ expect(methods).to eq(["syntax_suggest_original_load", "syntax_suggest_original_require", "syntax_suggest_original_require_relative"])
+ end
+ methods = (api_only_methods_array - kernel_methods_array).sort
+ expect(methods).to eq([])
+ end
+ end
+ it "detects require error and adds a message with auto mode" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ tmpdir = Pathname(dir)
+ script = tmpdir.join("script.rb")
+ script.write <<~EOM
+ describe "things" do
+ it "blerg" do
+ end
+ it "flerg"
+ end
+ it "zlerg" do
+ end
+ end
+ require_rb = tmpdir.join("require.rb")
+ require_rb.write <<~EOM
+ load "#{script.expand_path}"
+ out = `ruby -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{require_rb} 2>&1`
+ expect($?.success?).to be_falsey
+ expect(out).to include('❯ 5 it "flerg"').once
+ end
+ end
+ it "annotates a syntax error in Ruby 3.2+ when require is not used" do
+ pending("Support for SyntaxError#detailed_message monkeypatch needed https://gist.github.com/schneems/09f45cc23b9a8c46e9af6acbb6e6840d?permalink_comment_id=4172585#gistcomment-4172585")
+ skip if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("3.2")
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ tmpdir = Pathname(dir)
+ script = tmpdir.join("script.rb")
+ script.write <<~EOM
+ describe "things" do
+ it "blerg" do
+ end
+ it "flerg"
+ end
+ it "zlerg" do
+ end
+ end
+ out = `ruby -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{script} 2>&1`
+ expect($?.success?).to be_falsey
+ expect(out).to include('❯ 5 it "flerg"').once
+ end
+ end
+ it "does not load internals into memory if no syntax error" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ tmpdir = Pathname(dir)
+ script = tmpdir.join("script.rb")
+ script.write <<~EOM
+ class Dog
+ end
+ if defined?(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ puts "SyntaxSuggest is loaded"
+ else
+ puts "SyntaxSuggest is NOT loaded"
+ end
+ require_rb = tmpdir.join("require.rb")
+ require_rb.write <<~EOM
+ load "#{script.expand_path}"
+ out = `ruby -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{require_rb} 2>&1`
+ expect($?.success?).to be_truthy
+ expect(out).to include("SyntaxSuggest is NOT loaded").once
+ end
+ end
+ it "ignores eval" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ tmpdir = Pathname(dir)
+ script = tmpdir.join("script.rb")
+ script.write <<~'EOM'
+ $stderr = STDOUT
+ eval("def lol")
+ out = `ruby -I#{lib_dir} -rsyntax_suggest #{script} 2>&1`
+ expect($?.success?).to be_falsey
+ expect(out).to include("(eval):1")
+ expect(out).to_not include("SyntaxSuggest")
+ expect(out).to_not include("Could not find filename")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/syntax_suggest_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/syntax_suggest_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7287ff64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/integration/syntax_suggest_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "Integration tests that don't spawn a process (like using the cli)" do
+ it "does not timeout on massive files" do
+ file = fixtures_dir.join("syntax_tree.rb.txt")
+ lines = file.read.lines
+ lines.delete_at(768 - 1)
+ io = StringIO.new
+ benchmark = Benchmark.measure do
+ debug_perf do
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: lines.join,
+ filename: file
+ )
+ end
+ debug_display(io.string)
+ debug_display(benchmark)
+ end
+ expect(io.string).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ 6 class SyntaxTree < Ripper
+ 170 def self.parse(source)
+ 174 end
+ ❯ 754 def on_args_add(arguments, argument)
+ ❯ 776 class ArgsAddBlock
+ ❯ 810 end
+ 9233 end
+ end
+ it "re-checks all block code, not just what's visible issues/95" do
+ file = fixtures_dir.join("ruby_buildpack.rb.txt")
+ io = StringIO.new
+ debug_perf do
+ benchmark = Benchmark.measure do
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: file.read,
+ filename: file
+ )
+ end
+ debug_display(io.string)
+ debug_display(benchmark)
+ end
+ expect(io.string).to_not include("def ruby_install_binstub_path")
+ expect(io.string).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ ❯ 1067 def add_yarn_binary
+ ❯ 1068 return [] if yarn_preinstalled?
+ ❯ 1069 |
+ ❯ 1075 end
+ end
+ it "returns good results on routes.rb" do
+ source = fixtures_dir.join("routes.rb.txt").read
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: source
+ )
+ debug_display(io.string)
+ expect(io.string).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ 1 Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ ❯ 113 namespace :admin do
+ ❯ 116 match "/foobar(*path)", via: :all, to: redirect { |_params, req|
+ ❯ 120 }
+ 121 end
+ end
+ it "handles multi-line-methods issues/64" do
+ source = fixtures_dir.join("webmock.rb.txt").read
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: source
+ )
+ debug_display(io.string)
+ expect(io.string).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ 1 describe "webmock tests" do
+ 22 it "body" do
+ 27 query = Cutlass::FunctionQuery.new(
+ ❯ 28 port: port
+ ❯ 29 body: body
+ 30 ).call
+ 34 end
+ 35 end
+ end
+ it "handles derailed output issues/50" do
+ source = fixtures_dir.join("derailed_require_tree.rb.txt").read
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: source
+ )
+ debug_display(io.string)
+ expect(io.string).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ 5 module DerailedBenchmarks
+ 6 class RequireTree
+ 7 REQUIRED_BY = {}
+ 9 attr_reader :name
+ 10 attr_writer :cost
+ ❯ 13 def initialize(name)
+ ❯ 18 def self.reset!
+ ❯ 25 end
+ 73 end
+ 74 end
+ end
+ it "handles heredocs" do
+ lines = fixtures_dir.join("rexe.rb.txt").read.lines
+ lines.delete_at(85 - 1)
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: lines.join
+ )
+ out = io.string
+ debug_display(out)
+ expect(out).to include(<<~EOM)
+ 16 class Rexe
+ ❯ 77 class Lookups
+ ❯ 78 def input_modes
+ ❯ 148 end
+ 551 end
+ end
+ it "rexe" do
+ lines = fixtures_dir.join("rexe.rb.txt").read.lines
+ lines.delete_at(148 - 1)
+ source = lines.join
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: source
+ )
+ out = io.string
+ expect(out).to include(<<~EOM)
+ 16 class Rexe
+ 18 VERSION = '1.5.1'
+ ❯ 77 class Lookups
+ ❯ 140 def format_requires
+ ❯ 148 end
+ 551 end
+ end
+ it "ambiguous end" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ def call # 0
+ print "lol" # 1
+ end # one # 2
+ end # two # 3
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: source
+ )
+ out = io.string
+ expect(out).to include(<<~EOM)
+ ❯ 1 def call # 0
+ ❯ 3 end # one # 2
+ ❯ 4 end # two # 3
+ end
+ it "simple regression" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ class Dog
+ def bark
+ puts "woof"
+ end
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.call(
+ io: io,
+ source: source
+ )
+ out = io.string
+ expect(out).to include(<<~EOM)
+ ❯ 1 class Dog
+ ❯ 2 def bark
+ ❯ 4 end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/spec_helper.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/spec_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33f3ef3708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/spec_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/setup"
+require "syntax_suggest/api"
+require "benchmark"
+require "tempfile"
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+ # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure
+ config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status"
+ # Disable RSpec exposing methods globally on `Module` and `main`
+ config.disable_monkey_patching!
+ config.expect_with :rspec do |c|
+ c.syntax = :expect
+ end
+# Used for debugging modifications to
+# display output
+def debug_display(output)
+ return unless ENV["DEBUG_DISPLAY"]
+ puts
+ puts output
+ puts
+def spec_dir
+ Pathname(__dir__)
+def lib_dir
+ root_dir.join("lib")
+def root_dir
+ spec_dir.join("..")
+def fixtures_dir
+ spec_dir.join("fixtures")
+def code_line_array(source)
+ SyntaxSuggest::CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+autoload :RubyProf, "ruby-prof"
+def debug_perf
+ raise "No block given" unless block_given?
+ out = nil
+ result = RubyProf.profile do
+ out = yield
+ end
+ dir = SyntaxSuggest.record_dir("tmp")
+ printer = RubyProf::MultiPrinter.new(result, [:flat, :graph, :graph_html, :tree, :call_tree, :stack, :dot])
+ printer.print(path: dir, profile: "profile")
+ out
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+def run!(cmd, raise_on_nonzero_exit: true)
+ out = `#{cmd} 2>&1`
+ raise "Command: #{cmd} failed: #{out}" if !$?.success? && raise_on_nonzero_exit
+ out
+# Allows us to write cleaner tests since <<~EOM block quotes
+# strip off all leading indentation and we need it to be preserved
+# sometimes.
+class String
+ def indent(number)
+ lines.map do |line|
+ if line.chomp.empty?
+ line
+ else
+ " " * number + line
+ end
+ end.join
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/api_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/api_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..284a4cdeec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/api_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+require "ruby-prof"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "Top level SyntaxSuggest api" do
+ it "has a `handle_error` interface" do
+ fake_error = Object.new
+ def fake_error.message
+ "#{__FILE__}:216: unterminated string meets end of file "
+ end
+ def fake_error.is_a?(v)
+ true
+ end
+ io = StringIO.new
+ SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(
+ fake_error,
+ re_raise: false,
+ io: io
+ )
+ expect(io.string.strip).to eq("Syntax OK")
+ end
+ it "raises original error with warning if a non-syntax error is passed" do
+ error = NameError.new("blerg")
+ io = StringIO.new
+ expect {
+ SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(
+ error,
+ re_raise: false,
+ io: io
+ )
+ }.to raise_error { |e|
+ expect(io.string).to include("Must pass a SyntaxError")
+ expect(e).to eq(error)
+ }
+ end
+ it "raises original error with warning if file is not found" do
+ fake_error = SyntaxError.new
+ def fake_error.message
+ "#does/not/exist/lol/doesnotexist:216: unterminated string meets end of file "
+ end
+ io = StringIO.new
+ expect {
+ SyntaxSuggest.handle_error(
+ fake_error,
+ re_raise: false,
+ io: io
+ )
+ }.to raise_error { |e|
+ expect(io.string).to include("Could not find filename")
+ expect(e).to eq(fake_error)
+ }
+ end
+ it "respects highlight API" do
+ skip if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("3.2")
+ error = SyntaxError.new("#{fixtures_dir.join("this_project_extra_def.rb.txt")}:1 ")
+ require "syntax_suggest/core_ext"
+ expect(error.detailed_message(highlight: true)).to include(SyntaxSuggest::DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers::TERMINAL_HIGHLIGHT)
+ expect(error.detailed_message(highlight: false)).to_not include(SyntaxSuggest::DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers::TERMINAL_HIGHLIGHT)
+ end
+ it "can be disabled via falsey kwarg" do
+ skip if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("3.2")
+ error = SyntaxError.new("#{fixtures_dir.join("this_project_extra_def.rb.txt")}:1 ")
+ require "syntax_suggest/core_ext"
+ expect(error.detailed_message(syntax_suggest: true)).to_not eq(error.detailed_message(syntax_suggest: false))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/around_block_scan_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/around_block_scan_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6053c3947e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/around_block_scan_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe AroundBlockScan do
+ it "continues scan from last location even if scan is false" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ print 'omg'
+ print 'lol'
+ print 'haha'
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ .scan_neighbors
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(source)
+ expand.scan_while { |line| false }
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(source)
+ end
+ it "scan_adjacent_indent works on first or last line" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil)
+ raise("Bad output mode '\#{v}'; each must be one of \#{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[4])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ .scan_adjacent_indent
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil)
+ raise("Bad output mode '\#{v}'; each must be one of \#{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "expands indentation" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil)
+ raise("Bad output mode '\#{v}'; each must be one of \#{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[2])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ .stop_after_kw
+ .scan_adjacent_indent
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil)
+ raise("Bad output mode '\#{v}'; each must be one of \#{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ it "can stop before hitting another end" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def lol
+ end
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[3])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ expand.stop_after_kw
+ expand.scan_while { true }
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ it "captures multiple empty and hidden lines" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ Foo.call
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[3])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ expand.scan_while { true }
+ expect(expand.before_index).to eq(0)
+ expect(expand.after_index).to eq(6)
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(source_string)
+ end
+ it "only takes what you ask" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ Foo.call
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[3])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ expand.scan_while { |line| line.not_empty? }
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(4))
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ it "skips what you want" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ Foo.call
+ puts "haha"
+ # hide me
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ code_lines[4].mark_invisible
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[3])
+ expand = AroundBlockScan.new(code_lines: code_lines, block: block)
+ expand.skip(:empty?)
+ expand.skip(:hidden?)
+ expand.scan_neighbors
+ expect(expand.code_block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(4))
+ puts "haha"
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/block_expand_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/block_expand_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba0b0457a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/block_expand_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe BlockExpand do
+ it "captures multiple empty and hidden lines" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ Foo.call
+ puts "lol"
+ # hidden
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ code_lines[6].mark_invisible
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[3]])
+ expansion = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(4))
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ it "captures multiple empty lines" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ Foo.call
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[3]])
+ expansion = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(4))
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ it "expands neighbors then indentation" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ Foo.call
+ puts "hey"
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "sup"
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[3]])
+ expansion = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(4))
+ puts "hey"
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "sup"
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ Foo.call
+ puts "hey"
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "sup"
+ end
+ end
+ it "handles else code" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ Foo.call
+ if blerg
+ puts "lol"
+ else
+ puts "haha"
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[2]])
+ expansion = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ if blerg
+ puts "lol"
+ else
+ puts "haha"
+ end
+ end
+ it "expand until next boundry (indentation)" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ describe "what" do
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ describe "hi"
+ Bar.call do
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ end
+ it "blerg" do
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(
+ lines: code_lines[6]
+ )
+ expansion = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ Bar.call do
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ describe "hi"
+ Bar.call do
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "expand until next boundry (empty lines)" do
+ source_string = <<~EOM
+ describe "what" do
+ end
+ describe "hi"
+ end
+ it "blerg" do
+ end
+ code_lines = code_line_array(source_string)
+ expansion = BlockExpand.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[3])
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ describe "hi"
+ end
+ block = expansion.call(block)
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ describe "what" do
+ end
+ describe "hi"
+ end
+ it "blerg" do
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/capture_code_context_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/capture_code_context_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1bc281c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/capture_code_context_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe CaptureCodeContext do
+ it "capture_before_after_kws" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ def sit
+ end
+ def bark
+ def eat
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[0])
+ display = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: [block],
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ lines = display.call
+ expect(lines.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ def sit
+ end
+ def bark
+ def eat
+ end
+ end
+ it "handles ambiguous end" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ def call # 0
+ print "lol" # 1
+ end # one # 2
+ end # two # 3
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ code_lines[0..2].each(&:mark_invisible)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines)
+ display = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: [block],
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ lines = display.call
+ lines = lines.sort.map(&:original)
+ expect(lines.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ def call # 0
+ end # one # 2
+ end # two # 3
+ end
+ it "shows ends of captured block" do
+ lines = fixtures_dir.join("rexe.rb.txt").read.lines
+ lines.delete_at(148 - 1)
+ source = lines.join
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ code_lines[0..75].each(&:mark_invisible)
+ code_lines[77..-1].each(&:mark_invisible)
+ expect(code_lines.join.strip).to eq("class Lookups")
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[76..149])
+ display = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: [block],
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ lines = display.call
+ lines = lines.sort.map(&:original)
+ expect(lines.join).to include(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ class Lookups
+ def format_requires
+ end
+ end
+ it "shows ends of captured block" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ class Dog
+ def bark
+ puts "woof"
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines)
+ code_lines[1..-1].each(&:mark_invisible)
+ expect(block.to_s.strip).to eq("class Dog")
+ display = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: [block],
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ lines = display.call.sort.map(&:original)
+ expect(lines.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ class Dog
+ def bark
+ end
+ end
+ it "captures surrounding context on falling indent" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ class Blerg
+ end
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ it "foo" do
+ end
+ end
+ class Zerg
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[6])
+ expect(block.to_s.strip).to eq('it "foo" do')
+ display = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: [block],
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ lines = display.call.sort.map(&:original)
+ expect(lines.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ it "foo" do
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "captures surrounding context on same indent" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ class Blerg
+ end
+ class OH
+ def nope
+ end
+ def lol
+ end
+ end # here
+ def haha
+ end
+ def nope
+ end
+ end
+ class Zerg
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[7..10])
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ def lol
+ end
+ end # here
+ code_context = CaptureCodeContext.new(
+ blocks: [block],
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ lines = code_context.call
+ out = DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines
+ ).call
+ expect(out).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ 3 class OH
+ 8 def lol
+ 9 end
+ 11 end # here
+ 18 end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/clean_document_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/clean_document_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa049ad8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/clean_document_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe CleanDocument do
+ it "heredocs" do
+ source = fixtures_dir.join("this_project_extra_def.rb.txt").read
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ expect(code_lines[18 - 1].to_s).to eq(<<-'EOL')
+ @io.puts <<~EOM
+ SyntaxSuggest: A syntax error was detected
+ This code has an unmatched `end` this is caused by either
+ missing a syntax keyword (`def`, `do`, etc.) or inclusion
+ of an extra `end` line:
+ expect(code_lines[18].to_s).to eq("")
+ expect(code_lines[27 - 1].to_s).to eq(<<-'EOL')
+ @io.puts(<<~EOM) if filename
+ file: #{filename}
+ expect(code_lines[27].to_s).to eq("")
+ expect(code_lines[31 - 1].to_s).to eq(<<-'EOL')
+ @io.puts <<~EOM
+ #{code_with_filename}
+ expect(code_lines[31].to_s).to eq("")
+ end
+ it "joins: multi line methods" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ User
+ .where(name: 'schneems')
+ .first
+ doc = CleanDocument.new(source: source).join_consecutive!
+ expect(doc.lines[0].to_s).to eq(source)
+ expect(doc.lines[1].to_s).to eq("")
+ expect(doc.lines[2].to_s).to eq("")
+ expect(doc.lines[3]).to eq(nil)
+ lines = doc.lines
+ expect(
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines
+ ).call
+ ).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ 1 User
+ 2 .where(name: 'schneems')
+ 3 .first
+ expect(
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines,
+ highlight_lines: lines[0]
+ ).call
+ ).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ ❯ 1 User
+ ❯ 2 .where(name: 'schneems')
+ ❯ 3 .first
+ end
+ it "helper method: take_while_including" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ User
+ .where(name: 'schneems')
+ .first
+ doc = CleanDocument.new(source: source)
+ lines = doc.take_while_including { |line| !line.to_s.include?("where") }
+ expect(lines.count).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it "comments: removes comments" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ # lol
+ puts "what"
+ # yolo
+ out = CleanDocument.new(source: source).lines.join
+ expect(out.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ puts "what"
+ end
+ it "whitespace: removes whitespace" do
+ source = " \n" + <<~EOM
+ puts "what"
+ out = CleanDocument.new(source: source).lines.join
+ expect(out.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ puts "what"
+ expect(source.lines.first.to_s).to_not eq("\n")
+ expect(out.lines.first.to_s).to eq("\n")
+ end
+ it "trailing slash: does not join trailing do" do
+ # Some keywords and syntaxes trigger the "ignored line"
+ # lex output, we ignore them by filtering by BEG
+ #
+ # The `do` keyword is one of these:
+ # https://gist.github.com/schneems/6a7d7f988d3329fb3bd4b5be3e2efc0c
+ source = <<~EOM
+ foo do
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ doc = CleanDocument.new(source: source).join_consecutive!
+ expect(doc.lines[0].to_s).to eq(source.lines[0])
+ expect(doc.lines[1].to_s).to eq(source.lines[1])
+ expect(doc.lines[2].to_s).to eq(source.lines[2])
+ end
+ it "trailing slash: formats output" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ context "timezones workaround" do
+ it "should receive a time in UTC format and return the time with the"\
+ "office's UTC offset substracted from it" do
+ travel_to DateTime.new(2020, 10, 1, 10, 0, 0) do
+ office = build(:office)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ expect(
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: code_lines.select(&:visible?)
+ ).call
+ ).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ 1 context "timezones workaround" do
+ 2 it "should receive a time in UTC format and return the time with the"\
+ 3 "office's UTC offset substracted from it" do
+ 4 travel_to DateTime.new(2020, 10, 1, 10, 0, 0) do
+ 5 office = build(:office)
+ 6 end
+ 7 end
+ 8 end
+ expect(
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: code_lines.select(&:visible?),
+ highlight_lines: code_lines[1]
+ ).call
+ ).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ 1 context "timezones workaround" do
+ ❯ 2 it "should receive a time in UTC format and return the time with the"\
+ ❯ 3 "office's UTC offset substracted from it" do
+ 4 travel_to DateTime.new(2020, 10, 1, 10, 0, 0) do
+ 5 office = build(:office)
+ 6 end
+ 7 end
+ 8 end
+ end
+ it "trailing slash: basic detection" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ it "trailing s" \
+ "lash" do
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ expect(code_lines[0]).to_not be_hidden
+ expect(code_lines[1]).to be_hidden
+ expect(
+ code_lines.join
+ ).to eq(code_lines.map(&:original).join)
+ end
+ it "trailing slash: joins multiple lines" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ it "should " \
+ "keep " \
+ "going " do
+ end
+ doc = CleanDocument.new(source: source).join_trailing_slash!
+ expect(doc.lines[0].to_s).to eq(source.lines[0..2].join)
+ expect(doc.lines[1].to_s).to eq("")
+ expect(doc.lines[2].to_s).to eq("")
+ expect(doc.lines[3].to_s).to eq(source.lines[3])
+ lines = doc.lines
+ expect(
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines
+ ).call
+ ).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ 1 it "should " \
+ 2 "keep " \
+ 3 "going " do
+ 4 end
+ expect(
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: lines,
+ highlight_lines: lines[0]
+ ).call
+ ).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ ❯ 1 it "should " \
+ ❯ 2 "keep " \
+ ❯ 3 "going " do
+ 4 end
+ end
+ it "trailing slash: no false positives" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ def formatters
+ @formatters ||= {
+ amazing_print: ->(obj) { obj.ai + "\n" },
+ inspect: ->(obj) { obj.inspect + "\n" },
+ json: ->(obj) { obj.to_json },
+ marshal: ->(obj) { Marshal.dump(obj) },
+ none: ->(_obj) { nil },
+ pretty_json: ->(obj) { JSON.pretty_generate(obj) },
+ pretty_print: ->(obj) { obj.pretty_inspect },
+ puts: ->(obj) { require 'stringio'; sio = StringIO.new; sio.puts(obj); sio.string },
+ to_s: ->(obj) { obj.to_s + "\n" },
+ yaml: ->(obj) { obj.to_yaml },
+ }
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ expect(code_lines.join).to eq(code_lines.join)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/cli_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/cli_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fecf3e304c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/cli_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ class FakeExit
+ def initialize
+ @called = false
+ @value = nil
+ end
+ def exit(value = nil)
+ @called = true
+ @value = value
+ end
+ def called?
+ @called
+ end
+ attr_reader :value
+ end
+ RSpec.describe Cli do
+ it "parses valid code" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ file = dir.join("script.rb")
+ file.write("puts 'lol'")
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: [file.to_s],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).call
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(exit_obj.value).to eq(0)
+ expect(io.string.strip).to eq("Syntax OK")
+ end
+ end
+ it "parses invalid code" do
+ file = fixtures_dir.join("this_project_extra_def.rb.txt")
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: [file.to_s],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).call
+ out = io.string
+ debug_display(out)
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(exit_obj.value).to eq(1)
+ expect(out.strip).to include("❯ 36 def filename")
+ end
+ it "parses valid code with flags" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ file = dir.join("script.rb")
+ file.write("puts 'lol'")
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["--terminal", file.to_s],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ )
+ cli.call
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(exit_obj.value).to eq(0)
+ expect(cli.options[:terminal]).to be_truthy
+ expect(io.string.strip).to eq("Syntax OK")
+ end
+ end
+ it "errors when no file given" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["--terminal"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ )
+ cli.call
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(exit_obj.value).to eq(1)
+ expect(io.string.strip).to eq("No file given")
+ end
+ it "errors when file does not exist" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["lol-i-d-o-not-ex-ist-yololo.txtblerglol"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ )
+ cli.call
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(exit_obj.value).to eq(1)
+ expect(io.string.strip).to include("file not found:")
+ end
+ # We cannot execute the parser here
+ # because it calls `exit` and it will exit
+ # our tests, however we can assert that the
+ # parser has the right value for version
+ it "-v version" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ parser = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["-v"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).parser
+ expect(parser.version).to include(SyntaxSuggest::VERSION.to_s)
+ end
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: [],
+ env: {"SYNTAX_SUGGEST_RECORD_DIR" => "hahaha"},
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).parse
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_falsey
+ expect(cli.options[:record_dir]).to eq("hahaha")
+ end
+ it "--record-dir=<dir>" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["--record=lol"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).parse
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_falsey
+ expect(cli.options[:record_dir]).to eq("lol")
+ end
+ it "terminal default to respecting TTY" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: [],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).parse
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_falsey
+ expect(cli.options[:terminal]).to eq(SyntaxSuggest::DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ end
+ it "--terminal" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["--terminal"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).parse
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_falsey
+ expect(cli.options[:terminal]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "--no-terminal" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ cli = Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["--no-terminal"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).parse
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_falsey
+ expect(cli.options[:terminal]).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "--help outputs help" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: ["--help"],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).call
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(io.string).to include("Usage: syntax_suggest <file> [options]")
+ end
+ it "<empty args> outputs help" do
+ io = StringIO.new
+ exit_obj = FakeExit.new
+ Cli.new(
+ io: io,
+ argv: [],
+ exit_obj: exit_obj
+ ).call
+ expect(exit_obj.called?).to be_truthy
+ expect(io.string).to include("Usage: syntax_suggest <file> [options]")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_block_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_block_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ab2751b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_block_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe CodeBlock do
+ it "can detect if it's valid or not" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ expect(block.valid?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "can be sorted in indentation order" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ block_0 = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[0])
+ block_1 = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ block_2 = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[2])
+ expect(block_0 <=> block_0.dup).to eq(0)
+ expect(block_1 <=> block_0).to eq(1)
+ expect(block_1 <=> block_2).to eq(-1)
+ array = [block_2, block_1, block_0].sort
+ expect(array.last).to eq(block_2)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: CodeLine.new(line: " " * 8 + "foo", index: 4, lex: []))
+ array.prepend(block)
+ expect(array.max).to eq(block)
+ end
+ it "knows it's current indentation level" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ expect(block.current_indent).to eq(2)
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[0])
+ expect(block.current_indent).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it "knows it's current indentation level when mismatched indents" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[1], code_lines[2]])
+ expect(block.current_indent).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "before lines and after lines" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ bar; end
+ end
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ expect(block.valid?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_frontier_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_frontier_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9aba7c8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_frontier_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe CodeFrontier do
+ it "detect_bad_blocks" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ describe "lol" do
+ end
+ end
+ it "lol" do
+ end
+ end
+ frontier = CodeFrontier.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ blocks = []
+ blocks << CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ blocks << CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[5])
+ blocks.each do |b|
+ frontier << b
+ end
+ expect(frontier.detect_invalid_blocks.sort).to eq(blocks.sort)
+ end
+ it "self.combination" do
+ expect(
+ CodeFrontier.combination([:a, :b, :c, :d])
+ ).to eq(
+ [
+ [:a], [:b], [:c], [:d],
+ [:a, :b],
+ [:a, :c],
+ [:a, :d],
+ [:b, :c],
+ [:b, :d],
+ [:c, :d],
+ [:a, :b, :c],
+ [:a, :b, :d],
+ [:a, :c, :d],
+ [:b, :c, :d],
+ [:a, :b, :c, :d]
+ ]
+ )
+ end
+ it "doesn't duplicate blocks" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ frontier = CodeFrontier.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ frontier << CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[2]])
+ expect(frontier.count).to eq(1)
+ frontier << CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[1], code_lines[2], code_lines[3]])
+ # expect(frontier.count).to eq(1)
+ expect(frontier.pop.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ expect(frontier.pop).to be_nil
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ frontier = CodeFrontier.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ frontier << CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[2]])
+ expect(frontier.count).to eq(1)
+ frontier << CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[3]])
+ expect(frontier.count).to eq(2)
+ expect(frontier.pop.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ it "detects if multiple syntax errors are found" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ end
+ end
+ frontier = CodeFrontier.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ frontier << CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ block = frontier.pop
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ end
+ frontier << block
+ expect(frontier.holds_all_syntax_errors?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "detects if it has not captured all syntax errors" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ describe "lol"
+ end
+ it "lol"
+ end
+ frontier = CodeFrontier.new(code_lines: code_lines)
+ frontier << CodeBlock.new(lines: [code_lines[1]])
+ block = frontier.pop
+ expect(block.to_s).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ puts "lol"
+ frontier << block
+ expect(frontier.holds_all_syntax_errors?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_line_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_line_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc4fa48bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_line_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe CodeLine do
+ it "bug in keyword detection" do
+ lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM')
+ def to_json(*opts)
+ {
+ type: :module,
+ }.to_json(*opts)
+ end
+ expect(lines.count(&:is_kw?)).to eq(1)
+ expect(lines.count(&:is_end?)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "supports endless method definitions" do
+ skip("Unsupported ruby version") unless Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new("3")
+ line = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM').first
+ def square(x) = x * x
+ expect(line.is_kw?).to be_falsey
+ expect(line.is_end?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "retains original line value, after being marked invisible" do
+ line = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM').first
+ puts "lol"
+ expect(line.line).to match('puts "lol"')
+ line.mark_invisible
+ expect(line.line).to eq("")
+ expect(line.original).to match('puts "lol"')
+ end
+ it "knows which lines can be joined" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM')
+ user = User.
+ where(name: 'schneems').
+ first
+ puts user.name
+ # Indicates line 1 can join 2, 2 can join 3, but 3 won't join it's next line
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:ignore_newline_not_beg?)).to eq([true, true, false, false])
+ end
+ it "trailing if" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM')
+ puts "lol" if foo
+ if foo
+ end
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:is_kw?)).to eq([false, true, false])
+ end
+ it "trailing unless" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM')
+ puts "lol" unless foo
+ unless foo
+ end
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:is_kw?)).to eq([false, true, false])
+ end
+ it "trailing slash" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM')
+ it "trailing s" \
+ "lash" do
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:trailing_slash?)).to eq([true, false])
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~'EOM')
+ amazing_print: ->(obj) { obj.ai + "\n" },
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:trailing_slash?)).to eq([false])
+ end
+ it "knows it's got an end" do
+ line = CodeLine.from_source(" end").first
+ expect(line.is_end?).to be_truthy
+ expect(line.is_kw?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "knows it's got a keyword" do
+ line = CodeLine.from_source(" if").first
+ expect(line.is_end?).to be_falsey
+ expect(line.is_kw?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "ignores marked lines" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ Array(value) |x|
+ end
+ end
+ expect(SyntaxSuggest.valid?(code_lines)).to be_falsey
+ expect(code_lines.join).to eq(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ Array(value) |x|
+ end
+ end
+ expect(code_lines[0].visible?).to be_truthy
+ expect(code_lines[3].visible?).to be_truthy
+ code_lines[0].mark_invisible
+ code_lines[3].mark_invisible
+ expect(code_lines[0].visible?).to be_falsey
+ expect(code_lines[3].visible?).to be_falsey
+ expect(code_lines.join).to eq(<<~EOM.indent(2))
+ Array(value) |x|
+ end
+ expect(SyntaxSuggest.valid?(code_lines)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "knows empty lines" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~EOM)
+ # Not empty
+ # Not empty
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:empty?)).to eq([false, true, false])
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:not_empty?)).to eq([true, false, true])
+ expect(code_lines.map { |l| SyntaxSuggest.valid?(l) }).to eq([true, true, true])
+ end
+ it "counts indentations" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~EOM)
+ def foo
+ Array(value) |x|
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ end
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:indent)).to eq([0, 2, 4, 2, 0])
+ end
+ it "doesn't count empty lines as having an indentation" do
+ code_lines = CodeLine.from_source(<<~EOM)
+ expect(code_lines.map(&:indent)).to eq([0, 0])
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_search_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_search_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b62b2c0a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/code_search_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe CodeSearch do
+ it "rexe regression" do
+ lines = fixtures_dir.join("rexe.rb.txt").read.lines
+ lines.delete_at(148 - 1)
+ source = lines.join
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join.strip).to eq(<<~'EOM'.strip)
+ class Lookups
+ end
+ it "squished do regression" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ def call
+ trydo
+ @options = CommandLineParser.new.parse
+ options.requires.each { |r| require!(r) }
+ load_global_config_if_exists
+ options.loads.each { |file| load(file) }
+ @user_source_code = ARGV.join(' ')
+ @user_source_code = 'self' if @user_source_code == ''
+ @callable = create_callable
+ init_rexe_context
+ init_parser_and_formatters
+ # This is where the user's source code will be executed; the action will in turn call `execute`.
+ lookup_action(options.input_mode).call unless options.noop
+ output_log_entry
+ end # one
+ end # two
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ trydo
+ end # one
+ end
+ it "regression test ambiguous end" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ def call # 0
+ print "lol" # 1
+ end # one # 2
+ end # two # 3
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ end # two # 3
+ end
+ it "regression dog test" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ class Dog
+ def bark
+ puts "woof"
+ end
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ class Dog
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.first.lines.length).to eq(4)
+ end
+ it "handles mismatched |" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Blerg
+ Foo.call do |a
+ end # one
+ puts lol
+ class Foo
+ end # two
+ end # three
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ Foo.call do |a
+ end # one
+ end
+ it "handles mismatched }" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Blerg
+ Foo.call do {
+ puts lol
+ class Foo
+ end # two
+ end # three
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ Foo.call do {
+ end
+ it "handles no spaces between blocks and trailing slash" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ require "rails_helper"
+ RSpec.describe Foo, type: :model do
+ describe "#bar" do
+ context "context" do
+ it "foos the bar with a foo and then bazes the foo with a bar to"\
+ "fooify the barred bar" do
+ travel_to DateTime.new(2020, 10, 1, 10, 0, 0) do
+ foo = build(:foo)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#baz?" do
+ context "baz has barred the foo" do
+ it "returns true" do # <== HERE
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join.strip).to eq('it "returns true" do # <== HERE')
+ end
+ it "handles no spaces between blocks" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ context "foo bar" do
+ it "bars the foo" do
+ travel_to DateTime.new(2020, 10, 1, 10, 0, 0) do
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "test" do
+ it "should" do
+ end
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source)
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join.strip).to eq('it "should" do')
+ end
+ it "records debugging steps to a directory" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM', record_dir: dir)
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.record_dir.entries.map(&:to_s)).to include("1-add-1-(3__4).txt")
+ expect(search.record_dir.join("1-add-1-(3__4).txt").read).to include(<<~EOM)
+ 1 class OH
+ 2 def hello
+ ❯ 3 def hai
+ ❯ 4 end
+ 5 end
+ end
+ end
+ it "def with missing end" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join.strip).to eq("def hello")
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join.strip).to eq("def hello")
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ def hello
+ end
+ describe "real world cases" do
+ it "finds hanging def in this project" do
+ source_string = fixtures_dir.join("this_project_extra_def.rb.txt").read
+ search = CodeSearch.new(source_string)
+ search.call
+ document = DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: search.code_lines.select(&:visible?),
+ terminal: false,
+ highlight_lines: search.invalid_blocks.flat_map(&:lines)
+ ).call
+ expect(document).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ ❯ 36 def filename
+ end
+ it "Format Code blocks real world example" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ require 'rails_helper'
+ RSpec.describe AclassNameHere, type: :worker do
+ describe "thing" do
+ context "when" do
+ let(:thing) { stuff }
+ let(:another_thing) { moarstuff }
+ subject { foo.new.perform(foo.id, true) }
+ it "stuff" do
+ subject
+ expect(foo.foo.foo).to eq(true)
+ end
+ end
+ end # line 16 accidental end, but valid block
+ context "stuff" do
+ let(:thing) { create(:foo, foo: stuff) }
+ let(:another_thing) { create(:stuff) }
+ subject { described_class.new.perform(foo.id, false) }
+ it "more stuff" do
+ subject
+ expect(foo.foo.foo).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ end # mismatched due to 16
+ end
+ search.call
+ document = DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers.new(
+ lines: search.code_lines.select(&:visible?),
+ terminal: false,
+ highlight_lines: search.invalid_blocks.flat_map(&:lines)
+ ).call
+ expect(document).to include(<<~'EOM')
+ 1 require 'rails_helper'
+ 2
+ 3 RSpec.describe AclassNameHere, type: :worker do
+ ❯ 4 describe "thing" do
+ ❯ 16 end # line 16 accidental end, but valid block
+ ❯ 30 end # mismatched due to 16
+ 31 end
+ end
+ end
+ # For code that's not perfectly formatted, we ideally want to do our best
+ # These examples represent the results that exist today, but I would like to improve upon them
+ describe "needs improvement" do
+ describe "mis-matched-indentation" do
+ it "extra space before end" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ end # one
+ end # two
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ end # two
+ end
+ it "stacked ends 2" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ def cat
+ blerg
+ end
+ Foo.call do
+ end # one
+ end # two
+ def dog
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call do
+ end # one
+ end # two
+ end
+ it "stacked ends " do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ end
+ it "missing space before end" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ # expand-1 and expand-2 seem to be broken?
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns syntax error in outer block without inner block" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ def foo
+ puts "lol"
+ puts "lol"
+ end # one
+ end # two
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ end # two
+ end
+ it "doesn't just return an empty `end`" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ end
+ it "finds multiple syntax errors" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ describe "hi" do
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ end
+ it "blerg" do
+ Bar.call
+ end
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ Foo.call
+ end
+ Bar.call
+ end
+ end
+ it "finds a typo def" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ defzfoo
+ puts "lol"
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ defzfoo
+ end
+ end
+ it "finds a mis-matched def" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ def foo
+ def blerg
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ def blerg
+ end
+ it "finds a naked end" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ def foo
+ end # one
+ end # two
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks.join).to eq(<<~'EOM'.indent(2))
+ end # one
+ end
+ it "returns when no invalid blocks are found" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ def foo
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ search.call
+ expect(search.invalid_blocks).to eq([])
+ end
+ it "expands frontier by eliminating valid lines" do
+ search = CodeSearch.new(<<~'EOM')
+ def foo
+ puts 'lol'
+ end
+ search.create_blocks_from_untracked_lines
+ expect(search.code_lines.join).to eq(<<~'EOM')
+ def foo
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/display_invalid_blocks_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/display_invalid_blocks_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c696132782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/display_invalid_blocks_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe DisplayInvalidBlocks do
+ it "works with valid code" do
+ syntax_string = <<~EOM
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ end
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ search = CodeSearch.new(syntax_string)
+ search.call
+ io = StringIO.new
+ display = DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: search.invalid_blocks,
+ terminal: false,
+ code_lines: search.code_lines
+ )
+ display.call
+ expect(io.string).to include("Syntax OK")
+ end
+ it "selectively prints to terminal if input is a tty by default" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ io = StringIO.new
+ def io.isatty
+ true
+ end
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ display = DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: block,
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ display.call
+ expect(io.string).to include([
+ "❯ 2 ",
+ DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers::TERMINAL_HIGHLIGHT,
+ " def hello"
+ ].join)
+ io = StringIO.new
+ def io.isatty
+ false
+ end
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ display = DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: block,
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ display.call
+ expect(io.string).to include("❯ 2 def hello")
+ end
+ it "outputs to io when using `call`" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ io = StringIO.new
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ display = DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: block,
+ terminal: false,
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ )
+ display.call
+ expect(io.string).to include("❯ 2 def hello")
+ end
+ it " wraps code with github style codeblocks" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ code_lines = CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ io = StringIO.new
+ DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: block,
+ terminal: false,
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ ).call
+ expect(io.string).to include(<<~EOM)
+ 1 class OH
+ ❯ 2 def hello
+ 4 def hai
+ 5 end
+ 6 end
+ end
+ it "shows terminal characters" do
+ code_lines = code_line_array(<<~EOM)
+ class OH
+ def hello
+ def hai
+ end
+ end
+ io = StringIO.new
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: block,
+ terminal: false,
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ ).call
+ expect(io.string).to include([
+ " 1 class OH",
+ "❯ 2 def hello",
+ " 4 end",
+ " 5 end",
+ ""
+ ].join($/))
+ block = CodeBlock.new(lines: code_lines[1])
+ io = StringIO.new
+ DisplayInvalidBlocks.new(
+ io: io,
+ blocks: block,
+ terminal: true,
+ code_lines: code_lines
+ ).call
+ expect(io.string).to include(
+ [
+ " 1 class OH",
+ ["❯ 2 ", DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers::TERMINAL_HIGHLIGHT, " def hello"].join,
+ " 4 end",
+ " 5 end",
+ ""
+ ].join($/ + DisplayCodeWithLineNumbers::TERMINAL_END)
+ )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/explain_syntax_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/explain_syntax_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..394981dcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/explain_syntax_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "ExplainSyntax" do
+ it "handles shorthand syntaxes with non-bracket characters" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ %Q* lol
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([])
+ expect(explain.errors.join).to include("unterminated string")
+ end
+ it "handles %w[]" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ node.is_a?(Op) && %w[| ||].include?(node.value) &&
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([])
+ end
+ it "doesn't falsely identify strings or symbols as critical chars" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ a = ['(', '{', '[', '|']
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([])
+ source = <<~EOM
+ a = [:'(', :'{', :'[', :'|']
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([])
+ end
+ it "finds missing |" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ Foo.call do |
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["|"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("|")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing {" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Cat
+ lol = {
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["}"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("}")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing }" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ lol = "foo" => :bar }
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["{"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("{")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing [" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Cat
+ lol = [
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["]"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("]")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing ]" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ lol = ]
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["["])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("[")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing (" do
+ source = "def initialize; ); end"
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["("])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("(")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing )" do
+ source = "def initialize; (; end"
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([")"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why(")")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing keyword" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Cat
+ end
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["keyword"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("keyword")])
+ end
+ it "finds missing end" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Cat
+ def meow
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["end"])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq([explain.why("end")])
+ end
+ it "falls back to ripper on unknown errors" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ class Cat
+ def meow
+ 1 *
+ end
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([])
+ expect(explain.errors).to eq(RipperErrors.new(source).call.errors)
+ end
+ it "handles an unexpected rescue" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ def foo
+ if bar
+ "baz"
+ else
+ "foo"
+ rescue FooBar
+ nil
+ end
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["end"])
+ end
+ # String embeds are `"#{foo} <-- here`
+ #
+ # We need to count a `#{` as a `{`
+ # otherwise it will report that we are
+ # missing a curly when we are using valid
+ # string embed syntax
+ it "is not confused by valid string embed" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ foo = "#{hello}"
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq([])
+ end
+ # Missing string embed beginnings are not a
+ # syntax error. i.e. `"foo}"` or `"{foo}` or "#foo}"
+ # would just be strings with extra characters.
+ #
+ # However missing the end curly will trigger
+ # an error: i.e. `"#{foo`
+ #
+ # String embed beginning is a `#{` rather than
+ # a `{`, make sure we handle that case and
+ # report the correct missing `}` diagnosis
+ it "finds missing string embed end" do
+ source = <<~'EOM'
+ "#{foo
+ explain = ExplainSyntax.new(
+ code_lines: CodeLine.from_source(source)
+ ).call
+ expect(explain.missing).to eq(["}"])
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/lex_all_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/lex_all_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c0df7cfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/lex_all_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "EndBlockParse" do
+ it "finds blocks based on `end` keyword" do
+ source = <<~EOM
+ describe "cat" # 1
+ Cat.call do # 2
+ end # 3
+ end # 4
+ # 5
+ it "dog" do # 6
+ Dog.call do # 7
+ end # 8
+ end # 9
+ # raw_lex = Ripper.lex(source)
+ # expect(raw_lex.to_s).to_not include("dog")
+ lex = LexAll.new(source: source)
+ expect(lex.map(&:token).to_s).to include("dog")
+ expect(lex.first.line).to eq(1)
+ expect(lex.last.line).to eq(9)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/pathname_from_message_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/pathname_from_message_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76756efda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/pathname_from_message_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ RSpec.describe "PathnameFromMessage" do
+ it "handles filenames with colons in them" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ file = dir.join("scr:atch.rb").tap { |p| FileUtils.touch(p) }
+ message = "#{file}:2:in `require_relative': /private/tmp/bad.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected `end' (SyntaxError)"
+ file = PathnameFromMessage.new(message).call.name
+ expect(file).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ it "checks if the file exists" do
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+ dir = Pathname(dir)
+ file = dir.join("scratch.rb")
+ # No touch, file does not exist
+ expect(file.exist?).to be_falsey
+ message = "#{file}:2:in `require_relative': /private/tmp/bad.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected `end' (SyntaxError)"
+ io = StringIO.new
+ file = PathnameFromMessage.new(message, io: io).call.name
+ expect(io.string).to include(file.to_s)
+ expect(file).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ it "does not output error message on syntax error inside of an (eval)" do
+ message = "(eval):1: invalid multibyte char (UTF-8) (SyntaxError)\n"
+ io = StringIO.new
+ file = PathnameFromMessage.new(message, io: io).call.name
+ expect(io.string).to eq("")
+ expect(file).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "does not output error message on syntax error inside of streamed code" do
+ # An example of streamed code is: $ echo "def foo" | ruby
+ message = "-:1: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input\n"
+ io = StringIO.new
+ file = PathnameFromMessage.new(message, io: io).call.name
+ expect(io.string).to eq("")
+ expect(file).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/priority_queue_spec.rb b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/priority_queue_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17361833e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/unit/priority_queue_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../spec_helper"
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ class CurrentIndex
+ attr_reader :current_indent
+ def initialize(value)
+ @current_indent = value
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ @current_indent <=> other.current_indent
+ end
+ def inspect
+ @current_indent
+ end
+ end
+ RSpec.describe CodeFrontier do
+ it "works" do
+ q = PriorityQueue.new
+ q << 1
+ q << 2
+ expect(q.elements).to eq([2, 1])
+ q << 3
+ expect(q.elements).to eq([3, 1, 2])
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(3)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(2)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(1)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(nil)
+ array = []
+ q = PriorityQueue.new
+ array.reverse_each do |v|
+ q << v
+ end
+ expect(q.elements).to eq(array)
+ array = [100, 36, 17, 19, 25, 0, 3, 1, 7, 2]
+ array.reverse_each do |v|
+ q << v
+ end
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(100)
+ expect(q.elements).to eq([36, 25, 19, 17, 0, 1, 7, 2, 3])
+ # expected [36, 25, 19, 17, 0, 1, 7, 2, 3]
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(36)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(25)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(19)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(17)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(7)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(3)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(2)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(1)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(0)
+ expect(q.pop).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ it "priority queue" do
+ frontier = PriorityQueue.new
+ frontier << CurrentIndex.new(0)
+ frontier << CurrentIndex.new(1)
+ expect(frontier.sorted.map(&:current_indent)).to eq([0, 1])
+ frontier << CurrentIndex.new(1)
+ expect(frontier.sorted.map(&:current_indent)).to eq([0, 1, 1])
+ frontier << CurrentIndex.new(0)
+ expect(frontier.sorted.map(&:current_indent)).to eq([0, 0, 1, 1])
+ frontier << CurrentIndex.new(10)
+ expect(frontier.sorted.map(&:current_indent)).to eq([0, 0, 1, 1, 10])
+ frontier << CurrentIndex.new(2)
+ expect(frontier.sorted.map(&:current_indent)).to eq([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 10])
+ frontier = PriorityQueue.new
+ values = [18, 18, 0, 18, 0, 18, 18, 18, 18, 16, 18, 8, 18, 8, 8, 8, 16, 6, 0, 0, 16, 16, 4, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 8, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10, 8, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 6, 8, 8, 6, 8, 6, 6, 8, 0, 8, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 2]
+ values.each do |v|
+ value = CurrentIndex.new(v)
+ frontier << value # CurrentIndex.new(v)
+ end
+ expect(frontier.sorted.map(&:current_indent)).to eq(values.sort)
+ end
+ end