path: root/test
diff options
authorHiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@ruby-lang.org>2024-07-09 07:42:10 +0900
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@ruby-lang.org>2024-07-09 16:21:55 +0900
commite62ac3aac7003c75aca8c3a2230c7c93898fd581 (patch)
treed9a2f6687af894f34b8ca89ddf5901d8960874ad /test
parent690b56440beaa32873a8311451033bb4bd34e94c (diff)
Reapply "Reverts related commits with https://github.com/ruby/open-uri/pull/37"
This reverts commit 02c4f0c89db3689c5272f00c548ca3008120459b.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
5 files changed, 1197 insertions, 908 deletions
diff --git a/test/open-uri/test_ftp.rb b/test/open-uri/test_ftp.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9698ff2777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/open-uri/test_ftp.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'socket'
+require 'open-uri'
+class TestOpenURIFtp < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def with_env(h)
+ begin
+ old = {}
+ h.each_key {|k| old[k] = ENV[k] }
+ h.each {|k, v| ENV[k] = v }
+ yield
+ ensure
+ h.each_key {|k| ENV[k] = old[k] }
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ require 'net/ftp'
+ def test_ftp_invalid_request
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
+ assert_nothing_raised(URI::InvalidComponentError) { URI(";type=x") }
+ end
+ def test_ftp
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv|
+ _, port, _, host = serv.addr
+ th = Thread.new {
+ s = serv.accept
+ begin
+ s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n"
+ assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n"
+ assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n"
+ assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n"
+ assert_equal("CWD foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n"
+ assert_equal("PASV\r\n", s.gets)
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|data_serv|
+ _, data_serv_port, _, _ = data_serv.addr
+ hi = data_serv_port >> 8
+ lo = data_serv_port & 0xff
+ s.print "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,#{hi},#{lo}).\r\n"
+ assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n"
+ data_sock = data_serv.accept
+ begin
+ data_sock << "content"
+ ensure
+ data_sock.close
+ end
+ s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n"
+ assert_nil(s.gets)
+ }
+ ensure
+ s.close if s
+ end
+ }
+ begin
+ content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/foo/bar").read
+ assert_equal("content", content)
+ ensure
+ Thread.kill(th)
+ th.join
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_ftp_active
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv|
+ _, port, _, host = serv.addr
+ th = Thread.new {
+ s = serv.accept
+ begin
+ content = "content"
+ s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n"
+ assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n"
+ assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n"
+ assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n"
+ assert_equal("CWD foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n"
+ assert(m = /\APORT 127,0,0,1,(\d+),(\d+)\r\n\z/.match(s.gets))
+ active_port = m[1].to_i << 8 | m[2].to_i
+ TCPSocket.open("", active_port) {|data_sock|
+ s.print "200 data connection opened\r\n"
+ assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n"
+ begin
+ data_sock << content
+ ensure
+ data_sock.close
+ end
+ s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n"
+ assert_nil(s.gets)
+ }
+ ensure
+ s.close if s
+ end
+ }
+ begin
+ content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/foo/bar").read(:ftp_active_mode=>true)
+ assert_equal("content", content)
+ ensure
+ Thread.kill(th)
+ th.join
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_ftp_ascii
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv|
+ _, port, _, host = serv.addr
+ th = Thread.new {
+ s = serv.accept
+ begin
+ content = "content"
+ s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n"
+ assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n"
+ assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n"
+ assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n"
+ assert_equal("CWD /foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n"
+ assert_equal("TYPE A\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to A\r\n"
+ assert_equal("SIZE bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "213 #{content.bytesize}\r\n"
+ assert_equal("PASV\r\n", s.gets)
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|data_serv|
+ _, data_serv_port, _, _ = data_serv.addr
+ hi = data_serv_port >> 8
+ lo = data_serv_port & 0xff
+ s.print "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,#{hi},#{lo}).\r\n"
+ assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n"
+ data_sock = data_serv.accept
+ begin
+ data_sock << content
+ ensure
+ data_sock.close
+ end
+ s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n"
+ assert_nil(s.gets)
+ }
+ ensure
+ s.close if s
+ end
+ }
+ begin
+ length = []
+ progress = []
+ content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/%2Ffoo/b%61r;type=a").read(
+ :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n },
+ :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n })
+ assert_equal("content", content)
+ assert_equal([7], length)
+ assert_equal(7, progress.inject(&:+))
+ ensure
+ Thread.kill(th)
+ th.join
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ # net-ftp is the bundled gems at Ruby 3.1
+ end
+ def test_ftp_over_http_proxy
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|proxy_serv|
+ proxy_port = proxy_serv.addr[1]
+ th = Thread.new {
+ proxy_sock = proxy_serv.accept
+ begin
+ req = proxy_sock.gets("\r\n\r\n")
+ assert_match(%r{\AGET }, req)
+ proxy_sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
+ proxy_sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n"
+ proxy_sock.print "ab\r\n"
+ ensure
+ proxy_sock.close
+ end
+ }
+ begin
+ with_env('ftp_proxy'=>"{proxy_port}") {
+ content = URI("").read
+ assert_equal("ab\r\n", content)
+ }
+ ensure
+ Thread.kill(th)
+ th.join
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def test_ftp_over_http_proxy_auth
+ TCPServer.open("", 0) {|proxy_serv|
+ proxy_port = proxy_serv.addr[1]
+ th = Thread.new {
+ proxy_sock = proxy_serv.accept
+ begin
+ req = proxy_sock.gets("\r\n\r\n")
+ assert_match(%r{\AGET }, req)
+ assert_match(%r{Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{['proxy-user:proxy-password'].pack('m').chomp}\r\n}, req)
+ proxy_sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
+ proxy_sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n"
+ proxy_sock.print "ab\r\n"
+ ensure
+ proxy_sock.close
+ end
+ }
+ begin
+ content = URI("").read(
+ :proxy_http_basic_authentication => ["{proxy_port}", "proxy-user", "proxy-password"])
+ assert_equal("ab\r\n", content)
+ ensure
+ Thread.kill(th)
+ th.join
+ end
+ }
+ end
diff --git a/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb b/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb
index 30e3b5c9c1..9db6a8bb3b 100644
--- a/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb
+++ b/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb
@@ -1,75 +1,18 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'test/unit'
require 'open-uri'
-require 'webrick'
-require 'webrick/httpproxy'
+require 'stringio'
+require_relative 'utils'
require 'zlib'
rescue LoadError
class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
- NullLog = Object.new
- def NullLog.<<(arg)
- #puts arg if / INFO / !~ arg
- end
- def with_http(log_tester=lambda {|log| assert_equal([], log) })
- log = []
- logger = WEBrick::Log.new(log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- Dir.mktmpdir {|dr|
- srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({
- :DocumentRoot => dr,
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => logger,
- :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, port, _, host = srv.listeners[0].addr
- server_thread = srv.start
- server_thread2 = Thread.new {
- server_thread.join
- if log_tester
- log_tester.call(log)
- end
- }
- client_thread = Thread.new {
- begin
- yield srv, dr, "http://#{host}:#{port}", server_thread, log
- ensure
- srv.shutdown
- end
- }
- assert_join_threads([client_thread, server_thread2])
- }
- ensure
- WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler.terminate
- end
- def with_env(h)
- begin
- old = {}
- h.each_key {|k| old[k] = ENV[k] }
- h.each {|k, v| ENV[k] = v }
- yield
- ensure
- h.each_key {|k| ENV[k] = old[k] }
- end
- end
- def setup
- @proxies = %w[http_proxy HTTP_PROXY ftp_proxy FTP_PROXY no_proxy]
- @old_proxies = @proxies.map {|k| ENV[k] }
- @proxies.each {|k| ENV[k] = nil }
- end
- def teardown
- @proxies.each_with_index {|k, i| ENV[k] = @old_proxies[i] }
- end
+ include TestOpenURIUtils
def test_200_uri_open
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/urifoo200", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "urifoo200" } )
URI.open("#{url}/urifoo200") {|f|
assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
@@ -79,7 +22,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_200
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/foo200", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "foo200" } )
URI.open("#{url}/foo200") {|f|
assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
@@ -89,7 +32,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_200big
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content = "foo200big"*10240
srv.mount_proc("/foo200big", lambda { |req, res| res.body = content } )
URI.open("#{url}/foo200big") {|f|
@@ -104,14 +47,14 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal(1, server_log.length)
assert_match(%r{ERROR `/not-exist' not found}, server_log[0])
- with_http(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log|
+ with_http(log_tester) {|srv, url, server_thread, server_log|
exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/not-exist") {} }
assert_equal("404", exc.io.status[0])
def test_open_uri
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/foo_ou", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "foo_ou" } )
u = URI("#{url}/foo_ou")
URI.open(u) {|f|
@@ -155,7 +98,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
URI("http://example.com/").read(open_timeout: 0.000001)
end if false # avoid external resources in tests
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
url += '/'
srv.mount_proc('/', lambda { |_, res| res.body = 'hi' })
@@ -186,7 +129,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_mode
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/mode", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "mode" } )
URI.open("#{url}/mode", "r") {|f|
assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
@@ -208,7 +151,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_without_block
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/without_block", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "without_block" } )
f = URI.open("#{url}/without_block")
@@ -221,7 +164,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_close_in_block_small
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/close200", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "close200" } )
assert_nothing_raised {
URI.open("#{url}/close200") {|f|
@@ -232,7 +175,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_close_in_block_big
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content = "close200big"*10240
srv.mount_proc("/close200big", lambda { |req, res| res.body = content } )
assert_nothing_raised {
@@ -246,8 +189,8 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_header
myheader1 = 'barrrr'
myheader2 = nil
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/h/") {|req, res| myheader2 = req['myheader']; res.body = "foo" }
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/h/", lambda {|req, res| myheader2 = req['myheader']; res.body = "foo" } )
URI.open("#{url}/h/", 'MyHeader'=>myheader1) {|f|
assert_equal("foo", f.read)
assert_equal(myheader1, myheader2)
@@ -267,175 +210,11 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_proxy
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
- proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
- proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => proxy_logger,
- :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
- :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res|
- proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
- },
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr
- proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
- begin
- proxy_thread = proxy.start
- srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>proxy_url) {|f|
- assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
- assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
- }
- assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>URI(proxy_url)) {|f|
- assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
- assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
- }
- assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>nil) {|f|
- assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
- assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
- }
- assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>:invalid) {}
- }
- assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- with_env("http_proxy"=>proxy_url) {
- # should not use proxy for
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy") {|f|
- assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
- assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
- }
- }
- assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- ensure
- proxy.shutdown
- proxy_thread.join
- end
- assert_equal("", proxy_log.string)
- }
- end
- def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication_failure
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
- proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
- proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => proxy_logger,
- :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
- :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res|
- proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
- if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
- raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- end
- },
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr
- proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
- begin
- th = proxy.start
- srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
- exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>proxy_url) {} }
- assert_equal("407", exc.io.status[0])
- assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- ensure
- proxy.shutdown
- th.join
- end
- assert_match(/ERROR WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired/, proxy_log.string)
- }
- end
- def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication_success
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
- proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
- proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => proxy_logger,
- :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
- :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res|
- proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
- if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
- raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- end
- },
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr
- proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
- begin
- th = proxy.start
- srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy",
- :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[proxy_url, "user", "pass"]) {|f|
- assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
- assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
- }
- assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy",
- :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[true, "user", "pass"]) {}
- }
- assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- ensure
- proxy.shutdown
- th.join
- end
- assert_equal("", proxy_log.string)
- }
- end
- def test_authenticated_proxy_http_basic_authentication_success
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
- proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
- proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => proxy_logger,
- :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
- :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res|
- proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
- if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
- raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- end
- },
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr
- proxy_url = "http://user:pass@#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
- begin
- th = proxy.start
- srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
- URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy => proxy_url) {|f|
- assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
- assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
- }
- assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
- ensure
- proxy.shutdown
- th.join
- end
- assert_equal("", proxy_log.string)
- }
- end
def test_redirect
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" }
- srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.body = "r2" }
- srv.mount_proc("/to-file/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "file:///foo" }
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/r1/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/r2/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = "r2" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/to-file/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "file:///foo" } )
URI.open("#{url}/r1/") {|f|
assert_equal("#{url}/r2", f.base_uri.to_s)
assert_equal("r2", f.read)
@@ -446,9 +225,9 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_redirect_loop
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" }
- srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r1"; res.body = "r2" }
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/r1/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/r2/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r1"; res.body = "r2" } )
assert_raise(RuntimeError) { URI.open("#{url}/r1/") {} }
@@ -513,20 +292,20 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup_redirect_auth(srv, url)
- srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res|
+ srv.mount_proc("/r1/", lambda {|req, res|
res.status = 301
res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"
- }
- srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res|
+ })
+ srv.mount_proc("/r2/", lambda {|req, res|
if req["Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
- raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized
+ raise Unauthorized
res.body = "r2"
- }
+ })
def test_redirect_auth_success
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
setup_redirect_auth(srv, url)
URI.open("#{url}/r2/", :http_basic_authentication=>['user', 'pass']) {|f|
assert_equal("r2", f.read)
@@ -537,9 +316,9 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_redirect_auth_failure_r2
log_tester = lambda {|server_log|
assert_equal(1, server_log.length)
- assert_match(/ERROR WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized/, server_log[0])
+ assert_match(/ERROR Unauthorized/, server_log[0])
- with_http(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log|
+ with_http(log_tester) {|srv, url, server_thread, server_log|
setup_redirect_auth(srv, url)
exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/r2/") {} }
assert_equal("401", exc.io.status[0])
@@ -549,9 +328,9 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_redirect_auth_failure_r1
log_tester = lambda {|server_log|
assert_equal(1, server_log.length)
- assert_match(/ERROR WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized/, server_log[0])
+ assert_match(/ERROR Unauthorized/, server_log[0])
- with_http(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log|
+ with_http(log_tester) {|srv, url, server_thread, server_log|
setup_redirect_auth(srv, url)
exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/r1/", :http_basic_authentication=>['user', 'pass']) {} }
assert_equal("401", exc.io.status[0])
@@ -559,19 +338,19 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_max_redirects_success
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" }
- srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r3"; res.body = "r2" }
- srv.mount_proc("/r3/") {|req, res| res.body = "r3" }
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/r1/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/r2/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r3"; res.body = "r2" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/r3/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = "r3" } )
URI.open("#{url}/r1/", max_redirects: 2) { |f| assert_equal("r3", f.read) }
def test_max_redirects_too_many
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" }
- srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r3"; res.body = "r2" }
- srv.mount_proc("/r3/") {|req, res| res.body = "r3" }
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/r1/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/r2/", lambda {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r3"; res.body = "r2" } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/r3/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = "r3" } )
exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::TooManyRedirects) { URI.open("#{url}/r1/", max_redirects: 1) {} }
assert_equal("Too many redirects", exc.message)
@@ -582,9 +361,9 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_progress
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content = "a" * 100000
- srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content }
+ srv.mount_proc("/data/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content })
length = []
progress = []
@@ -602,9 +381,9 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_progress_chunked
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content = "a" * 100000
- srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content; res.chunked = true }
+ srv.mount_proc("/data/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content; res.chunked = true } )
length = []
progress = []
@@ -622,7 +401,7 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_uri_read
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
srv.mount_proc("/uriread", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "uriread" } )
data = URI("#{url}/uriread").read
assert_equal("200", data.status[0])
@@ -631,12 +410,12 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_encoding
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content_u8 = "\u3042"
content_ej = "\xa2\xa4".dup.force_encoding("euc-jp")
- srv.mount_proc("/u8/") {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }
- srv.mount_proc("/ej/") {|req, res| res.body = content_ej; res['content-type'] = 'TEXT/PLAIN; charset=EUC-JP' }
- srv.mount_proc("/nc/") {|req, res| res.body = "aa"; res['content-type'] = 'Text/Plain' }
+ srv.mount_proc("/u8/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/ej/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content_ej; res['content-type'] = 'TEXT/PLAIN; charset=EUC-JP' } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/nc/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = "aa"; res['content-type'] = 'Text/Plain' } )
URI.open("#{url}/u8/") {|f|
assert_equal(content_u8, f.read)
assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type)
@@ -675,9 +454,9 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_quoted_attvalue
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content_u8 = "\u3042"
- srv.mount_proc("/qu8/") {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset="utf\-8"' }
+ srv.mount_proc("/qu8/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset="utf\-8"' } )
URI.open("#{url}/qu8/") {|f|
assert_equal(content_u8, f.read)
assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type)
@@ -687,8 +466,8 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_last_modified
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = "foo"; res['last-modified'] = 'Fri, 07 Aug 2009 06:05:04 GMT' }
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/data/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = "foo"; res['last-modified'] = 'Fri, 07 Aug 2009 06:05:04 GMT' } )
URI.open("#{url}/data/") {|f|
assert_equal("foo", f.read)
assert_equal(Time.utc(2009,8,7,6,5,4), f.last_modified)
@@ -697,12 +476,12 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_content_encoding
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
content = "abc" * 10000
Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(StringIO.new(content_gz="".b)) {|z| z.write content }
- srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip' }
- srv.mount_proc("/data2/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'; res.chunked = true }
- srv.mount_proc("/noce/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz }
+ srv.mount_proc("/data/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip' } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/data2/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'; res.chunked = true } )
+ srv.mount_proc("/noce/", lambda {|req, res| res.body = content_gz } )
URI.open("#{url}/data/") {|f|
assert_equal [], f.content_encoding
assert_equal(content, f.read)
@@ -719,12 +498,12 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
end if defined?(Zlib::GzipWriter)
def test_multiple_cookies
- with_http {|srv, dr, url|
- srv.mount_proc("/mcookie/") {|req, res|
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ srv.mount_proc("/mcookie/", lambda {|req, res|
res.cookies << "name1=value1; blabla"
res.cookies << "name2=value2; blabla"
res.body = "foo"
- }
+ })
URI.open("#{url}/mcookie/") {|f|
assert_equal("foo", f.read)
assert_equal(["name1=value1; blabla", "name2=value2; blabla"],
@@ -735,205 +514,6 @@ class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
# is TEST-NET. [RFC3330]
- begin
- require 'net/ftp'
- def test_ftp_invalid_request
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { URI("").read }
- assert_nothing_raised(URI::InvalidComponentError) { URI(";type=x") }
- end
- def test_ftp
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv|
- _, port, _, host = serv.addr
- th = Thread.new {
- s = serv.accept
- begin
- s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n"
- assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n"
- assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n"
- assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n"
- assert_equal("CWD foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n"
- assert_equal("PASV\r\n", s.gets)
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|data_serv|
- _, data_serv_port, _, _ = data_serv.addr
- hi = data_serv_port >> 8
- lo = data_serv_port & 0xff
- s.print "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,#{hi},#{lo}).\r\n"
- assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n"
- data_sock = data_serv.accept
- begin
- data_sock << "content"
- ensure
- data_sock.close
- end
- s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n"
- assert_nil(s.gets)
- }
- ensure
- s.close if s
- end
- }
- begin
- content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/foo/bar").read
- assert_equal("content", content)
- ensure
- Thread.kill(th)
- th.join
- end
- }
- end
- def test_ftp_active
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv|
- _, port, _, host = serv.addr
- th = Thread.new {
- s = serv.accept
- begin
- content = "content"
- s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n"
- assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n"
- assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n"
- assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n"
- assert_equal("CWD foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n"
- assert(m = /\APORT 127,0,0,1,(\d+),(\d+)\r\n\z/.match(s.gets))
- active_port = m[1].to_i << 8 | m[2].to_i
- TCPSocket.open("", active_port) {|data_sock|
- s.print "200 data connection opened\r\n"
- assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n"
- begin
- data_sock << content
- ensure
- data_sock.close
- end
- s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n"
- assert_nil(s.gets)
- }
- ensure
- s.close if s
- end
- }
- begin
- content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/foo/bar").read(:ftp_active_mode=>true)
- assert_equal("content", content)
- ensure
- Thread.kill(th)
- th.join
- end
- }
- end
- def test_ftp_ascii
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|serv|
- _, port, _, host = serv.addr
- th = Thread.new {
- s = serv.accept
- begin
- content = "content"
- s.print "220 Test FTP Server\r\n"
- assert_equal("USER anonymous\r\n", s.gets); s.print "331 name ok\r\n"
- assert_match(/\APASS .*\r\n\z/, s.gets); s.print "230 logged in\r\n"
- assert_equal("TYPE I\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to I\r\n"
- assert_equal("CWD /foo\r\n", s.gets); s.print "250 CWD successful\r\n"
- assert_equal("TYPE A\r\n", s.gets); s.print "200 type set to A\r\n"
- assert_equal("SIZE bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "213 #{content.bytesize}\r\n"
- assert_equal("PASV\r\n", s.gets)
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|data_serv|
- _, data_serv_port, _, _ = data_serv.addr
- hi = data_serv_port >> 8
- lo = data_serv_port & 0xff
- s.print "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,#{hi},#{lo}).\r\n"
- assert_equal("RETR bar\r\n", s.gets); s.print "150 file okay\r\n"
- data_sock = data_serv.accept
- begin
- data_sock << content
- ensure
- data_sock.close
- end
- s.print "226 transfer complete\r\n"
- assert_nil(s.gets)
- }
- ensure
- s.close if s
- end
- }
- begin
- length = []
- progress = []
- content = URI("ftp://#{host}:#{port}/%2Ffoo/b%61r;type=a").read(
- :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n },
- :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n })
- assert_equal("content", content)
- assert_equal([7], length)
- assert_equal(7, progress.inject(&:+))
- ensure
- Thread.kill(th)
- th.join
- end
- }
- end
- rescue LoadError
- # net-ftp is the bundled gems at Ruby 3.1
- end
- def test_ftp_over_http_proxy
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|proxy_serv|
- proxy_port = proxy_serv.addr[1]
- th = Thread.new {
- proxy_sock = proxy_serv.accept
- begin
- req = proxy_sock.gets("\r\n\r\n")
- assert_match(%r{\AGET }, req)
- proxy_sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
- proxy_sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n"
- proxy_sock.print "ab\r\n"
- ensure
- proxy_sock.close
- end
- }
- begin
- with_env('ftp_proxy'=>"{proxy_port}") {
- content = URI("").read
- assert_equal("ab\r\n", content)
- }
- ensure
- Thread.kill(th)
- th.join
- end
- }
- end
- def test_ftp_over_http_proxy_auth
- TCPServer.open("", 0) {|proxy_serv|
- proxy_port = proxy_serv.addr[1]
- th = Thread.new {
- proxy_sock = proxy_serv.accept
- begin
- req = proxy_sock.gets("\r\n\r\n")
- assert_match(%r{\AGET }, req)
- assert_match(%r{Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{['proxy-user:proxy-password'].pack('m').chomp}\r\n}, req)
- proxy_sock.print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
- proxy_sock.print "Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n"
- proxy_sock.print "ab\r\n"
- ensure
- proxy_sock.close
- end
- }
- begin
- content = URI("").read(
- :proxy_http_basic_authentication => ["{proxy_port}", "proxy-user", "proxy-password"])
- assert_equal("ab\r\n", content)
- ensure
- Thread.kill(th)
- th.join
- end
- }
- end
def test_meta_init_doesnt_bump_global_constant_state
omit "RubyVM.stat not defined" unless defined? RubyVM.stat
omit unless RubyVM.stat.has_key?(:global_constant_state)
diff --git a/test/open-uri/test_proxy.rb b/test/open-uri/test_proxy.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a36a63f21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/open-uri/test_proxy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'stringio'
+require_relative 'utils'
+class TestOpenURIProxy < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include TestOpenURIUtils
+ def with_env(h)
+ begin
+ old = {}
+ h.each_key {|k| old[k] = ENV[k] }
+ h.each {|k, v| ENV[k] = v }
+ yield
+ ensure
+ h.each_key {|k| ENV[k] = old[k] }
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @proxies = %w[http_proxy HTTP_PROXY ftp_proxy FTP_PROXY no_proxy]
+ @old_proxies = @proxies.map {|k| ENV[k] }
+ @proxies.each {|k| ENV[k] = nil }
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @proxies.each_with_index {|k, i| ENV[k] = @old_proxies[i] }
+ end
+ def test_proxy
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_access_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
+ proxy_host = ''
+ proxy = SimpleHTTPProxyServer.new(proxy_host, 0, lambda {|req, res|
+ proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
+ }, proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
+ proxy_port = proxy.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
+ begin
+ proxy_thread = proxy.start
+ srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>proxy_url) {|f|
+ assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+ assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+ }
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>URI(proxy_url)) {|f|
+ assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+ assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+ }
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>nil) {|f|
+ assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+ assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+ }
+ assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>:invalid) {}
+ }
+ assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ with_env("http_proxy"=>proxy_url) {
+ # should not use proxy for
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy") {|f|
+ assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+ assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+ }
+ }
+ assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ ensure
+ proxy.shutdown
+ proxy_thread.join
+ end
+ assert_equal("", proxy_log.string)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication_failure
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_access_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
+ proxy_host = ''
+ proxy = SimpleHTTPProxyServer.new(proxy_host, 0, lambda {|req, res|
+ proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
+ if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
+ raise ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+ end
+ }, proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
+ proxy_port = proxy.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
+ begin
+ th = proxy.start
+ srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
+ exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>proxy_url) {} }
+ assert_equal("407", exc.io.status[0])
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ ensure
+ proxy.shutdown
+ th.join
+ end
+ assert_match(/ERROR ProxyAuthenticationRequired/, proxy_log.string)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication_success
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_access_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
+ proxy_host = ''
+ proxy = SimpleHTTPProxyServer.new(proxy_host, 0, lambda {|req, res|
+ proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
+ if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
+ raise ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+ end
+ }, proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
+ proxy_port = proxy.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ proxy_url = "http://#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
+ begin
+ th = proxy.start
+ srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy",
+ :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[proxy_url, "user", "pass"]) {|f|
+ assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+ assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+ }
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy",
+ :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[true, "user", "pass"]) {}
+ }
+ assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ ensure
+ proxy.shutdown
+ th.join
+ end
+ assert_equal("", proxy_log.string)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_authenticated_proxy_http_basic_authentication_success
+ with_http {|srv, url|
+ proxy_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_access_log = StringIO.new(''.dup)
+ proxy_auth_log = ''.dup
+ proxy_host = ''
+ proxy = SimpleHTTPProxyServer.new(proxy_host, 0, lambda {|req, res|
+ proxy_auth_log << req.request_line
+ if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
+ raise ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+ end
+ }, proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
+ proxy_port = proxy.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ proxy_url = "http://user:pass@#{proxy_host}:#{proxy_port}/"
+ begin
+ th = proxy.start
+ srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
+ URI.open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy => proxy_url) {|f|
+ assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+ assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+ }
+ assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ assert_equal("", proxy_auth_log); proxy_auth_log.clear
+ ensure
+ proxy.shutdown
+ th.join
+ end
+ assert_equal("", proxy_log.string)
+ }
+ end
diff --git a/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb b/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb
index 3f94cab40f..067d115ee1 100644
--- a/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb
+++ b/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb
@@ -1,59 +1,14 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'test/unit'
require 'open-uri'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'webrick'
+require_relative 'utils'
require 'openssl'
- require 'webrick/https'
rescue LoadError
-require 'webrick/httpproxy'
class TestOpenURISSL < Test::Unit::TestCase
-class TestOpenURISSL
- NullLog = Object.new
- def NullLog.<<(arg)
- end
- def with_https(log_tester=lambda {|log| assert_equal([], log) })
- log = []
- logger = WEBrick::Log.new(log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- Dir.mktmpdir {|dr|
- srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({
- :DocumentRoot => dr,
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => logger,
- :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
- :SSLEnable => true,
- :SSLCertificate => OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(SERVER_CERT),
- :SSLPrivateKey => OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(SERVER_KEY),
- :SSLTmpDhCallback => proc { OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(DHPARAMS) },
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, port, _, host = srv.listeners[0].addr
- threads = []
- server_thread = srv.start
- threads << Thread.new {
- server_thread.join
- if log_tester
- log_tester.call(log)
- end
- }
- threads << Thread.new {
- begin
- yield srv, dr, "https://#{host}:#{port}", server_thread, log, threads
- ensure
- srv.shutdown
- end
- }
- assert_join_threads(threads)
- }
- ensure
- WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler.terminate
- end
+ include TestOpenURIUtils
def setup
@proxies = %w[http_proxy HTTP_PROXY https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY ftp_proxy FTP_PROXY no_proxy]
@@ -68,7 +23,9 @@ class TestOpenURISSL
def setup_validation(srv, dr)
cacert_filename = "#{dr}/cacert.pem"
URI.open(cacert_filename, "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
- srv.mount_proc("/data", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "ddd" } )
+ if srv.respond_to?(:mount_proc)
+ srv.mount_proc("/data", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "ddd" } )
+ end
@@ -93,15 +50,7 @@ class TestOpenURISSL
def test_validation_failure
- unless /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
- # on Windows, Errno::ECONNRESET will be raised, and it'll be eaten by
- # WEBrick
- log_tester = lambda {|server_log|
- assert_equal(1, server_log.length)
- assert_match(/ERROR OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError:/, server_log[0])
- }
- end
- with_https(log_tester) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log|
+ with_https(nil) {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log|
setup_validation(srv, dr)
assert_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) { URI.open("#{url}/data") {} }
@@ -126,40 +75,9 @@ class TestOpenURISSL
- def with_https_proxy(proxy_log_tester=lambda {|proxy_log, proxy_access_log| assert_equal([], proxy_log) })
- proxy_log = []
- proxy_logger = WEBrick::Log.new(proxy_log, WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN)
- with_https {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log, threads|
- srv.mount_proc("/proxy", lambda { |req, res| res.body = "proxy" } )
- cacert_filename = "#{dr}/cacert.pem"
- open(cacert_filename, "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
- cacert_directory = "#{dr}/certs"
- Dir.mkdir cacert_directory
- hashed_name = "%08x.0" % OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(CA_CERT).subject.hash
- open("#{cacert_directory}/#{hashed_name}", "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
- proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
- :ServerType => Thread,
- :Logger => proxy_logger,
- :AccessLog => [[proxy_access_log=[], WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT]],
- :BindAddress => '',
- :Port => 0})
- _, proxy_port, _, proxy_host = proxy.listeners[0].addr
- proxy_thread = proxy.start
- threads << Thread.new {
- proxy_thread.join
- if proxy_log_tester
- proxy_log_tester.call(proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
- end
- }
- begin
- yield srv, dr, url, cacert_filename, cacert_directory, proxy_host, proxy_port
- ensure
- proxy.shutdown
- end
- }
- end
def test_proxy_cacert_file
+ pend if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/
url = nil
proxy_log_tester = lambda {|proxy_log, proxy_access_log|
assert_equal(1, proxy_access_log.length)
@@ -176,6 +94,8 @@ class TestOpenURISSL
def test_proxy_cacert_dir
+ pend if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/
url = nil
proxy_log_tester = lambda {|proxy_log, proxy_access_log|
assert_equal(1, proxy_access_log.length)
@@ -192,341 +112,3 @@ class TestOpenURISSL
end if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL)
-if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL)
-# cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf . # I copied from OpenSSL 1.1.1b source
-# mkdir demoCA demoCA/private demoCA/newcerts
-# touch demoCA/index.txt
-# echo 00 > demoCA/serial
-# openssl genrsa -des3 -out demoCA/private/cakey.pem 2048
-# openssl req -new -key demoCA/private/cakey.pem -out demoCA/careq.pem -subj "/C=JP/ST=Tokyo/O=RubyTest/CN=Ruby Test CA"
-# # basicConstraints=CA:TRUE is required; the default openssl.cnf has it in [v3_ca]
-# openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca -out demoCA/cacert.pem -startdate 090101000000Z -enddate 491231235959Z -batch -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -selfsign -infiles demoCA/careq.pem
-# mkdir server
-# openssl genrsa -des3 -out server/server.key 2048
-# openssl req -new -key server/server.key -out server/csr.pem -subj "/C=JP/ST=Tokyo/O=RubyTest/CN="
-# openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -startdate 090101000000Z -enddate 491231235959Z -in server/csr.pem -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -cert demoCA/cacert.pem -out server/cert.pem
-# demoCA/cacert.pem => TestOpenURISSL::CA_CERT
-# server/cert.pem => TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_CERT
-# `openssl rsa -in server/server.key -text` => TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_KEY
-TestOpenURISSL::CA_CERT = <<'End'
- Data:
- Version: 3 (0x2)
- Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
- Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
- Validity
- Not Before: Jan 1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
- Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2049 GMT
- Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
- Subject Public Key Info:
- Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
- RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
- Modulus:
- 00:ad:f3:4d:5b:0b:01:54:cc:86:36:d1:93:6b:33:
- 56:25:90:61:d6:9a:a0:f4:24:20:ee:c8:14:ab:0f:
- 4b:89:d8:7c:bb:c0:f8:7f:fb:e9:a2:d5:1c:6b:6f:
- dc:5c:23:b1:49:aa:2c:e8:ca:43:48:64:69:4b:8a:
- bd:44:57:9b:14:d9:7a:b2:49:00:d6:c2:74:67:62:
- 52:1d:a9:32:df:fe:7a:22:20:49:83:e1:cb:3d:dc:
- 1a:2a:f0:36:20:c1:e8:c8:89:d4:51:1a:68:91:20:
- e0:ba:67:0a:b2:6b:f8:e3:8c:f5:ee:a1:36:b1:89:
- ec:23:b6:f2:39:a9:b9:2e:ea:de:d9:86:e5:42:11:
- 46:ed:10:9a:90:76:44:4e:4d:49:2d:49:e8:e3:cb:
- ff:7a:7d:80:cb:bf:c4:c3:69:ba:9c:60:4a:de:af:
- bf:26:78:b8:fb:46:d1:37:d0:89:ba:78:93:6a:37:
- a5:e9:58:e7:e2:e3:7d:7c:95:20:79:41:56:15:cd:
- b2:c6:3b:e1:b7:e7:ba:47:60:9a:05:b1:07:f3:26:
- 72:9d:3b:1b:02:18:3d:d5:de:e6:e9:30:a9:b5:8f:
- 15:1b:40:f9:64:61:54:d3:53:e8:c4:29:4a:89:f3:
- e5:0d:fd:16:61:ee:f2:6d:8a:45:a8:34:7e:53:46:
- 8e:87
- Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
- X509v3 extensions:
- X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
- A0:7E:0B:AD:A3:AD:37:D7:21:0B:75:6F:8A:90:5F:8C:C9:69:DF:98
- X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
- keyid:A0:7E:0B:AD:A3:AD:37:D7:21:0B:75:6F:8A:90:5F:8C:C9:69:DF:98
- X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
- Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- 06:ea:06:02:19:9a:cb:94:a2:7e:c0:86:71:66:e7:a5:71:46:
- a2:25:55:f5:e5:58:df:d1:91:58:e6:8a:0e:91:b3:22:4c:88:
- 4d:5f:02:af:0f:73:65:0d:af:9a:f2:e4:36:f3:1f:e8:28:1d:
- 9c:74:72:5b:f7:12:e8:fa:45:d6:df:e5:f1:d3:91:f4:0e:db:
- e2:56:63:ee:82:57:6f:12:ad:d7:0d:de:5a:8c:3d:76:d2:87:
- c9:48:1c:c4:f3:89:63:3c:c2:25:e0:dd:63:a6:4c:6c:5a:07:
- 7b:86:78:62:86:02:a1:ef:0e:41:75:c5:d4:61:ab:c3:3b:9b:
- 51:0b:e6:34:6d:0b:14:5a:2d:aa:d3:58:26:43:8f:4c:d7:45:
- 73:1e:67:66:5e:f3:0c:69:70:27:a1:d5:70:f3:5a:10:98:c8:
- 4f:8a:3b:9f:ad:8e:8d:49:8f:fb:f6:36:5d:4f:70:f9:4f:54:
- 33:cf:a2:a6:1d:8c:61:b9:30:42:f2:49:d1:3d:a1:f1:eb:1e:
- 78:a6:30:f8:8a:48:89:c7:3e:bd:0d:d8:72:04:a6:00:e5:62:
- a4:13:3f:9e:b6:86:25:dc:d1:ff:3a:fc:f5:0e:e4:0e:f7:b8:
- 66:90:fe:4f:c2:54:2a:7f:61:6e:e7:4b:bf:40:7e:75:30:02:
- 5b:bb:91:1b
-TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_CERT = <<'End'
- Data:
- Version: 3 (0x2)
- Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
- Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
- Validity
- Not Before: Jan 1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
- Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2049 GMT
- Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=
- Subject Public Key Info:
- Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
- RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
- Modulus:
- 00:cb:b3:71:95:12:70:fc:db:d4:a9:a7:66:d6:d3:
- 09:dd:06:80:19:e1:f2:d6:1e:31:b6:6b:20:75:51:
- dc:a7:37:a9:ac:5b:57:5d:69:36:b6:de:1d:2c:f6:
- 44:64:f8:e8:d6:f0:da:38:6a:ba:c2:b1:9e:dc:bb:
- 79:94:e0:25:0c:ce:76:87:17:5d:79:9e:14:9e:bd:
- 4c:0d:aa:74:10:3a:96:ef:76:82:d5:72:16:b5:c1:
- ac:17:2d:90:83:73:5c:d7:a6:f5:36:0f:4c:55:f3:
- 30:5d:19:dc:01:0e:f8:e6:fe:a5:ad:52:88:59:dc:
- 4a:07:ed:a2:eb:a1:01:63:c4:8a:92:ba:06:80:9b:
- 0d:85:f2:9f:f9:70:ac:d7:ad:f0:7a:3f:b8:92:2a:
- 33:ca:69:d0:01:65:5d:31:38:1d:f6:1f:b2:17:07:
- 7e:ac:88:67:a6:c4:5f:3e:93:94:61:e6:e4:49:9d:
- ba:d4:d2:e8:e3:93:d1:66:79:c5:e3:1d:f8:5a:50:
- 54:58:3d:04:b0:fd:65:d1:b3:8a:b5:8a:30:5f:b2:
- dc:34:1a:14:f7:74:4c:03:29:97:63:5a:d7:de:bb:
- eb:7f:4a:2a:90:59:c0:2b:47:09:82:8f:75:de:14:
- 3f:bc:78:9a:69:25:80:5b:6c:a0:65:12:0d:29:61:
- ac:f9
- Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
- X509v3 extensions:
- X509v3 Basic Constraints:
- Netscape Comment:
- OpenSSL Generated Certificate
- X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
- EC:6B:7C:79:B8:3B:11:1D:42:F3:9A:2A:CF:9A:15:59:D7:F9:D8:C6
- X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
- keyid:A0:7E:0B:AD:A3:AD:37:D7:21:0B:75:6F:8A:90:5F:8C:C9:69:DF:98
- Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- 29:14:db:71:e9:a0:86:f8:cc:4d:e4:8a:76:78:a7:ff:4e:94:
- b4:4d:92:dc:57:9a:52:64:46:27:15:8b:4f:2a:18:a7:0d:fc:
- d2:75:ce:4e:49:97:0b:46:71:57:23:e3:a5:c0:c5:71:94:fc:
- f2:1d:3b:06:93:82:03:59:56:d4:fb:09:06:08:b4:97:50:33:
- cf:58:89:dd:91:31:07:26:9a:7e:7f:8d:71:de:09:dc:4f:e5:
- 6b:a3:10:71:d4:50:24:43:a0:1c:f5:2a:d9:1a:fb:e3:d6:f1:
- bc:6b:42:67:16:b4:3b:31:f4:ec:03:7d:78:e2:64:16:57:6d:
- ba:7c:0c:e1:14:b2:7c:75:4e:2b:09:3e:86:e4:aa:cc:7e:5c:
- 2b:bd:8d:26:4d:49:36:74:86:fe:c5:a6:15:4a:af:e8:b4:4e:
- d5:f2:e1:59:c2:fb:7e:c3:c4:f1:63:d8:c2:b0:9a:ae:31:96:
- 90:c3:09:d0:ce:2e:31:90:d7:83:dd:ac:31:cc:f7:87:41:08:
- 92:33:28:52:fa:2d:9e:ad:ae:6a:9f:c3:be:ce:c1:a6:e4:16:
- 2f:69:34:40:86:b6:10:21:0e:31:69:81:9e:fc:fd:c3:06:25:
- 65:37:d3:d9:4a:20:84:aa:e7:0e:60:7c:bf:3f:88:67:ac:e5:
- 8c:e0:61:d6
-TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_KEY = <<'End'
-RSA Private-Key: (2048 bit, 2 primes)
- 00:cb:b3:71:95:12:70:fc:db:d4:a9:a7:66:d6:d3:
- 09:dd:06:80:19:e1:f2:d6:1e:31:b6:6b:20:75:51:
- dc:a7:37:a9:ac:5b:57:5d:69:36:b6:de:1d:2c:f6:
- 44:64:f8:e8:d6:f0:da:38:6a:ba:c2:b1:9e:dc:bb:
- 79:94:e0:25:0c:ce:76:87:17:5d:79:9e:14:9e:bd:
- 4c:0d:aa:74:10:3a:96:ef:76:82:d5:72:16:b5:c1:
- ac:17:2d:90:83:73:5c:d7:a6:f5:36:0f:4c:55:f3:
- 30:5d:19:dc:01:0e:f8:e6:fe:a5:ad:52:88:59:dc:
- 4a:07:ed:a2:eb:a1:01:63:c4:8a:92:ba:06:80:9b:
- 0d:85:f2:9f:f9:70:ac:d7:ad:f0:7a:3f:b8:92:2a:
- 33:ca:69:d0:01:65:5d:31:38:1d:f6:1f:b2:17:07:
- 7e:ac:88:67:a6:c4:5f:3e:93:94:61:e6:e4:49:9d:
- ba:d4:d2:e8:e3:93:d1:66:79:c5:e3:1d:f8:5a:50:
- 54:58:3d:04:b0:fd:65:d1:b3:8a:b5:8a:30:5f:b2:
- dc:34:1a:14:f7:74:4c:03:29:97:63:5a:d7:de:bb:
- eb:7f:4a:2a:90:59:c0:2b:47:09:82:8f:75:de:14:
- 3f:bc:78:9a:69:25:80:5b:6c:a0:65:12:0d:29:61:
- ac:f9
-publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)
- 12:be:d5:b2:01:3b:72:99:8c:4d:7c:81:43:3d:b2:
- 87:ab:84:78:5d:49:aa:98:a6:bc:81:c9:3f:e2:a3:
- aa:a3:bd:b2:85:c9:59:68:48:47:b5:d2:fb:83:42:
- 32:04:91:f0:cd:c3:57:33:c3:32:0d:84:70:0d:b4:
- 97:95:b4:f3:23:c0:d6:97:b8:db:6b:47:bc:7f:f1:
- 12:c4:df:df:6a:74:df:5e:89:95:b8:e5:0c:1e:e1:
- 86:54:84:1b:04:af:c3:8c:b2:be:21:d4:45:88:96:
- a7:ca:ac:6b:50:84:69:45:7f:db:9e:5f:bb:dd:40:
- d6:cf:f0:91:3c:84:d3:38:65:c9:15:f7:9e:37:aa:
- 1a:2e:bc:16:b6:95:be:bc:af:45:76:ba:ad:99:f6:
- ef:6a:e8:fd:f0:31:89:19:c4:04:67:a1:ec:c4:79:
- 59:08:77:ab:0b:65:88:88:02:b1:38:5c:80:4e:27:
- 78:b2:a5:bd:b5:ad:d5:9c:4c:ea:ad:db:05:56:25:
- 70:28:da:22:fb:d8:de:8c:3b:78:fe:3e:cf:ed:1b:
- f9:97:c6:b6:4a:bf:60:08:8f:dc:85:5e:b1:49:ab:
- 87:8b:68:72:f4:6a:3f:bc:db:a3:6c:f7:e8:b0:15:
- bb:4b:ba:37:49:a2:d1:7c:f8:4f:1b:05:11:22:d9:
- 81
- 00:fb:d2:cb:14:61:00:c1:7a:83:ba:fe:79:97:a2:
- 4d:5a:ea:40:78:96:6e:d2:be:71:5b:c6:2c:1f:c9:
- 18:48:6b:ae:20:86:87:b5:08:0b:17:69:ca:93:cd:
- 00:36:22:51:7b:d5:2d:8c:0c:0e:de:bc:86:a8:07:
- 0e:c5:57:e4:df:be:ed:7d:cc:b1:a4:d6:a8:2b:00:
- 65:2a:69:30:5e:dc:6d:6d:c4:c8:7e:20:34:eb:6f:
- 5e:cf:b3:b8:2e:8d:56:31:44:a8:17:ea:be:65:19:
- ff:da:14:e0:0c:73:56:14:08:47:4c:5b:79:51:74:
- 5d:bc:e7:fe:01:2f:55:27:69
- 00:cf:14:54:47:bb:5f:5d:d6:2b:2d:ed:a6:8a:6f:
- 36:fc:47:5e:9f:84:ae:aa:1f:f8:44:50:91:15:f5:
- ed:9d:29:d9:2b:2a:19:66:56:2e:96:15:b5:8e:a9:
- 7f:89:27:21:b5:57:55:7e:2a:c5:8c:93:fe:f6:0a:
- a5:17:15:91:91:b3:7d:35:1a:d5:9a:2e:b8:0d:ad:
- e6:97:6d:83:a3:27:29:ee:00:74:ef:57:34:f3:07:
- ad:12:43:37:0c:5c:b7:26:34:bc:4e:3a:43:65:6b:
- 0c:b8:23:ac:77:fd:b2:23:eb:7b:65:70:f6:96:c4:
- 17:2c:aa:24:b8:a5:5e:b7:11
- 00:92:32:ae:f4:05:dd:0a:76:b6:43:b9:b9:9d:ee:
- fc:39:ec:05:c1:fc:94:1a:85:b6:0a:31:e3:2c:10:
- f3:a8:17:db:df:c6:3a:c3:3f:08:31:6f:99:cc:75:
- 17:ca:55:e2:38:a2:6a:ef:03:91:1e:7f:15:2e:37:
- ea:bb:67:6b:d8:fa:5f:a6:c9:4f:d9:03:46:5e:b0:
- bc:0b:03:46:b1:cc:07:3b:d3:23:13:16:5f:a2:cf:
- e5:9b:70:1b:5d:eb:70:3e:ea:3d:2c:a5:7c:23:f6:
- 14:33:e8:2a:ab:0f:ca:c9:96:84:ce:2f:cd:1f:1d:
- 0f:ce:bc:61:1b:0e:ff:c1:01
- 00:9e:0b:f3:03:48:73:d1:e7:9a:cf:13:f9:ae:e0:
- 91:03:dc:e8:d0:30:f1:2a:30:fa:48:11:81:9a:54:
- 37:c5:62:e2:37:fa:8a:a6:3b:92:94:c3:fe:ec:e2:
- 5a:cf:70:09:5f:21:47:c3:e2:9b:21:de:f6:92:0c:
- af:d1:bd:89:7b:bd:95:0b:49:ee:cb:1d:6b:26:2d:
- 9a:b7:ea:42:b4:ec:38:29:49:39:f6:4e:05:c0:93:
- 14:39:c3:09:29:ab:3d:b1:b0:40:24:28:7d:b5:d3:
- 0d:43:21:1f:09:f9:9b:d3:a4:6f:6a:8d:db:f6:57:
- b5:24:46:bb:7e:1d:e0:fb:31
- 10:93:1d:c8:33:a5:c1:d3:84:6a:22:68:e5:60:cc:
- 9c:27:0a:52:0b:58:a3:0c:83:f4:f4:46:09:0c:a1:
- 41:a6:ea:bf:80:9d:0e:5d:d8:3d:25:00:c5:a1:35:
- 7a:8c:ea:95:16:94:c3:7c:8f:2b:e0:53:ea:66:ae:
- 19:be:55:04:3d:ee:e2:4b:a8:69:1b:7e:d8:09:7f:
- ed:7c:ee:95:88:10:dc:4b:5b:bf:81:a4:e8:dc:7e:
- 4f:e5:c3:90:c4:e5:5a:90:10:32:d6:08:b5:1f:5d:
- 09:18:d8:44:28:e4:c4:c7:07:75:9b:9b:b3:80:86:
- 68:9d:fe:68:f3:4d:db:66
-writing RSA key
-TestOpenURISSL::DHPARAMS = <<'End'
- DH Parameters: (2048 bit)
- prime:
- 00:ec:4e:a4:06:b6:22:ca:f9:8a:00:cc:d0:ee:2f:
- 16:bf:05:64:f5:8f:fe:7f:c4:bb:b0:24:cd:ef:5d:
- 8a:90:ad:dc:a9:dd:63:84:90:d8:25:ba:d8:78:d5:
- 77:91:42:0a:84:fc:56:1e:13:9b:1c:aa:43:d5:1f:
- 38:52:92:fe:b3:66:f9:e7:e8:8c:77:a1:a6:2f:b3:
- 98:98:d2:13:fc:57:1c:2a:14:dc:bd:e6:9b:54:19:
- 99:4f:ce:81:64:a6:32:7f:8e:61:50:5f:45:3a:e5:
- 0c:f7:13:f3:b8:ad:d5:77:ca:09:42:f7:d8:30:27:
- 7b:2c:f0:b4:b5:a0:04:96:34:0b:47:81:1d:7f:c1:
- 3a:62:86:8e:7d:f8:13:7f:9a:b1:8b:09:23:9e:55:
- 59:41:cd:f0:86:09:c4:b7:d1:69:54:cb:d0:f5:e9:
- 27:c9:e1:81:e4:a1:df:6b:20:1c:df:e8:54:02:f2:
- 37:fc:2a:f7:d5:b3:6f:79:7e:70:22:78:79:18:3c:
- 75:14:68:4a:05:9f:ac:d4:7f:9a:79:db:9d:0a:6e:
- ec:0a:04:70:bf:c9:4a:59:81:a2:1f:33:9b:4a:66:
- bc:03:ce:8a:1b:e3:03:ec:ba:39:26:ab:90:dc:39:
- 41:a1:d8:f7:20:3c:8f:af:12:2f:f7:a9:6f:44:f1:
- 6d:03
- generator: 2 (0x2)
diff --git a/test/open-uri/utils.rb b/test/open-uri/utils.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0d79ebdba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/open-uri/utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+require 'socket'
+require 'net/http'
+ require 'openssl'
+rescue LoadError
+class SimpleHTTPServer
+ def initialize(bind_addr, port, log)
+ @server = TCPServer.new(bind_addr, port)
+ @log = log
+ @procs = {}
+ end
+ def mount_proc(path, proc)
+ @procs[path] = proc
+ end
+ def start
+ @thread = Thread.new do
+ loop do
+ client = @server.accept
+ handle_request(client)
+ client.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def shutdown
+ @thread.kill
+ @server.close
+ end
+ private
+ def handle_request(client)
+ request_line = client.gets
+ return if request_line.nil?
+ method, path, _ = request_line.split
+ headers = {}
+ while (line = client.gets) && line != "\r\n"
+ key, value = line.split(": ", 2)
+ headers[key.downcase] = value.strip
+ end
+ if @procs.key?(path) || @procs.key?("#{path}/")
+ proc = @procs[path] || @procs["#{path}/"]
+ req = Request.new(method, path, headers)
+ res = Response.new(client)
+ proc.call(req, res)
+ res.finish
+ else
+ @log << "ERROR `#{path}' not found"
+ client.print "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
+ end
+ rescue ::TestOpenURI::Unauthorized
+ @log << "ERROR Unauthorized"
+ client.print "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
+ end
+ class Request
+ attr_reader :method, :path, :headers
+ def initialize(method, path, headers)
+ @method = method
+ @path = path
+ @headers = headers
+ parse_basic_auth
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ @headers[key.downcase]
+ end
+ def []=(key, value)
+ @headers[key.downcase] = value
+ end
+ private
+ def parse_basic_auth
+ auth = @headers['Authorization']
+ return unless auth && auth.start_with?('Basic ')
+ encoded_credentials = auth.split(' ', 2).last
+ decoded_credentials = [encoded_credentials].pack("m")
+ @username, @password = decoded_credentials.split(':', 2)
+ end
+ end
+ class Response
+ attr_accessor :body, :headers, :status, :chunked, :cookies
+ def initialize(client)
+ @client = client
+ @body = ""
+ @headers = {}
+ @status = 200
+ @chunked = false
+ @cookies = []
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ @headers[key.downcase]
+ end
+ def []=(key, value)
+ @headers[key.downcase] = value
+ end
+ def write_chunk(chunk)
+ return unless @chunked
+ @client.write("#{chunk.bytesize.to_s(16)}\r\n")
+ @client.write("#{chunk}\r\n")
+ end
+ def finish
+ @client.write build_response_headers
+ if @chunked
+ write_chunk(@body)
+ @client.write "0\r\n\r\n"
+ else
+ @client.write @body
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def build_response_headers
+ response = "HTTP/1.1 #{@status} #{status_message(@status)}\r\n"
+ if @chunked
+ @headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
+ else
+ @headers['Content-Length'] = @body.bytesize.to_s
+ end
+ @headers.each do |key, value|
+ response << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n"
+ end
+ @cookies.each do |cookie|
+ response << "Set-Cookie: #{cookie}\r\n"
+ end
+ response << "\r\n"
+ response
+ end
+ def status_message(code)
+ case code
+ when 200 then 'OK'
+ when 301 then 'Moved Permanently'
+ else 'Unknown'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class SimpleHTTPProxyServer
+ def initialize(host, port, auth_proc = nil, log, access_log)
+ @server = TCPServer.new(host, port)
+ @auth_proc = auth_proc
+ @log = log
+ @access_log = access_log
+ end
+ def start
+ @thread = Thread.new do
+ loop do
+ client = @server.accept
+ request_line = client.gets
+ headers = {}
+ while (line = client.gets) && (line != "\r\n")
+ key, value = line.chomp.split(/:\s*/, 2)
+ headers[key] = value
+ end
+ next unless request_line
+ method, path, _ = request_line.split(' ')
+ handle_request(client, method, path, request_line, headers)
+ rescue IOError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def shutdown
+ @thread.kill
+ @server.close
+ end
+ private
+ def handle_request(client, method, path, request_line, headers)
+ if @auth_proc
+ req = Request.new(method, path, request_line, headers)
+ res = Struct.new(:body, :status).new("", 200)
+ @auth_proc.call(req, res)
+ if res.status != 200
+ client.print "HTTP/1.1 #{res.status}\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n#{res.body}"
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if method == 'CONNECT'
+ proxy_connect(path, client)
+ else
+ proxy_request(path, client)
+ end
+ rescue TestOpenURIProxy::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+ @log << "ERROR ProxyAuthenticationRequired"
+ client.print "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
+ ensure
+ client.close
+ end
+ def proxy_connect(path, client)
+ host, port = path.split(':')
+ backend = TCPSocket.new(host, port.to_i)
+ client.puts "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n\r\n"
+ @access_log << "CONNECT #{path} \n"
+ begin
+ while fds = IO.select([client, backend])
+ if fds[0].include?(client)
+ data = client.readpartial(1024)
+ backend.write(data)
+ elsif fds[0].include?(backend)
+ data = backend.readpartial(1024)
+ client.write(data)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ backend.close
+ end
+ end
+ def proxy_request(path, client)
+ path.gsub!(/\Ahttps?:\/\//, '')
+ host, path = path.split('/')
+ host, port = host.split(':')
+ Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http|
+ response = http.get("/#{path}")
+ client.print "HTTP/1.1 #{response.code}\r\nContent-Type: #{response.content_type}\r\n\r\n#{response.body}"
+ end
+ end
+ class Request
+ attr_reader :method, :path, :request_line, :headers
+ def initialize(method, path, request_line, headers)
+ @method = method
+ @path = path
+ @request_line = request_line
+ @headers = headers
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ @headers[key]
+ end
+ end
+class SimpleHTTPSServer
+ def initialize(cert, key, dh, bind_addr, port, log)
+ @cert = cert
+ @key = key
+ @dh = dh
+ @bind_addr = bind_addr
+ @port = port
+ @log = log
+ @server = TCPServer.new(@bind_addr, @port)
+ context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
+ context.cert = @cert
+ context.key = @key
+ context.tmp_dh_callback = proc { @dh }
+ @ssl_server = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.new(@server, context)
+ end
+ def start
+ @thread = Thread.new do
+ loop do
+ ssl_socket = @ssl_server.accept
+ handle_request(ssl_socket)
+ ssl_socket.close
+ end
+ rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
+ end
+ end
+ def shutdown
+ @thread.kill
+ @server.close
+ end
+ def handle_request(socket)
+ request_line = socket.gets
+ return if request_line.nil? || request_line.strip.empty?
+ _, path, _ = request_line.split
+ headers = {}
+ while (line = socket.gets)
+ break if line.strip.empty?
+ key, value = line.split(': ', 2)
+ headers[key] = value.strip
+ end
+ response = case path
+ when '/data'
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\nddd"
+ when "/proxy"
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nproxy"
+ else
+ "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
+ end
+ socket.print(response)
+ end
+module TestOpenURIUtils
+ class Unauthorized < StandardError; end
+ class ProxyAuthenticationRequired < StandardError; end
+ def with_http(log_tester=lambda {|log| assert_equal([], log) })
+ log = []
+ host = ""
+ srv = SimpleHTTPServer.new(host, 0, log)
+ server_thread = srv.start
+ server_thread2 = Thread.new {
+ server_thread.join
+ if log_tester
+ log_tester.call(log)
+ end
+ }
+ port = srv.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ client_thread = Thread.new {
+ begin
+ yield srv, "http://#{host}:#{port}", server_thread, log
+ ensure
+ srv.shutdown
+ end
+ }
+ assert_join_threads([client_thread, server_thread2])
+ end
+ def with_https_proxy(proxy_log_tester=lambda {|proxy_log, proxy_access_log| assert_equal([], proxy_log) })
+ proxy_log = []
+ proxy_access_log = []
+ with_https {|srv, dr, url, server_thread, server_log, threads|
+ srv.instance_variable_get(:@server).setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, true)
+ cacert_filename = "#{dr}/cacert.pem"
+ open(cacert_filename, "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
+ cacert_directory = "#{dr}/certs"
+ Dir.mkdir cacert_directory
+ hashed_name = "%08x.0" % OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(CA_CERT).subject.hash
+ open("#{cacert_directory}/#{hashed_name}", "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
+ proxy_host = ''
+ proxy = SimpleHTTPProxyServer.new(proxy_host, 0, proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
+ proxy.start
+ proxy_port = proxy.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ proxy_thread = proxy.start
+ threads << Thread.new {
+ proxy_thread.join
+ if proxy_log_tester
+ proxy_log_tester.call(proxy_log, proxy_access_log)
+ end
+ }
+ begin
+ yield srv, dr, url, cacert_filename, cacert_directory, proxy_host, proxy_port
+ ensure
+ proxy.shutdown
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL)
+ def with_https(log_tester=lambda {|log| assert_equal([], log) })
+ log = []
+ Dir.mktmpdir {|dr|
+ cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(SERVER_CERT)
+ key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(SERVER_KEY)
+ dh = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(DHPARAMS)
+ host = ''
+ srv = SimpleHTTPSServer.new(cert, key, dh, host, 0, log)
+ port = srv.instance_variable_get(:@server).addr[1]
+ threads = []
+ server_thread = srv.start
+ threads << Thread.new {
+ server_thread.join
+ if log_tester
+ log_tester.call(log)
+ end
+ }
+ threads << Thread.new {
+ begin
+ yield srv, dr, "https://#{host}:#{port}", server_thread, log, threads
+ ensure
+ srv.shutdown
+ end
+ }
+ assert_join_threads(threads)
+ }
+ end
+ # cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf . # I copied from OpenSSL 1.1.1b source
+ # mkdir demoCA demoCA/private demoCA/newcerts
+ # touch demoCA/index.txt
+ # echo 00 > demoCA/serial
+ # openssl genrsa -des3 -out demoCA/private/cakey.pem 2048
+ # openssl req -new -key demoCA/private/cakey.pem -out demoCA/careq.pem -subj "/C=JP/ST=Tokyo/O=RubyTest/CN=Ruby Test CA"
+ # # basicConstraints=CA:TRUE is required; the default openssl.cnf has it in [v3_ca]
+ # openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca -out demoCA/cacert.pem -startdate 090101000000Z -enddate 491231235959Z -batch -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -selfsign -infiles demoCA/careq.pem
+ # mkdir server
+ # openssl genrsa -des3 -out server/server.key 2048
+ # openssl req -new -key server/server.key -out server/csr.pem -subj "/C=JP/ST=Tokyo/O=RubyTest/CN="
+ # openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -startdate 090101000000Z -enddate 491231235959Z -in server/csr.pem -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -cert demoCA/cacert.pem -out server/cert.pem
+ # demoCA/cacert.pem => TestOpenURISSL::CA_CERT
+ # server/cert.pem => TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_CERT
+ # `openssl rsa -in server/server.key -text` => TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_KEY
+ CA_CERT = <<'End'
+ Data:
+ Version: 3 (0x2)
+ Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+ Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+ Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
+ Validity
+ Not Before: Jan 1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+ Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2049 GMT
+ Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
+ Subject Public Key Info:
+ Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+ RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+ Modulus:
+ 00:ad:f3:4d:5b:0b:01:54:cc:86:36:d1:93:6b:33:
+ 56:25:90:61:d6:9a:a0:f4:24:20:ee:c8:14:ab:0f:
+ 4b:89:d8:7c:bb:c0:f8:7f:fb:e9:a2:d5:1c:6b:6f:
+ dc:5c:23:b1:49:aa:2c:e8:ca:43:48:64:69:4b:8a:
+ bd:44:57:9b:14:d9:7a:b2:49:00:d6:c2:74:67:62:
+ 52:1d:a9:32:df:fe:7a:22:20:49:83:e1:cb:3d:dc:
+ 1a:2a:f0:36:20:c1:e8:c8:89:d4:51:1a:68:91:20:
+ e0:ba:67:0a:b2:6b:f8:e3:8c:f5:ee:a1:36:b1:89:
+ ec:23:b6:f2:39:a9:b9:2e:ea:de:d9:86:e5:42:11:
+ 46:ed:10:9a:90:76:44:4e:4d:49:2d:49:e8:e3:cb:
+ ff:7a:7d:80:cb:bf:c4:c3:69:ba:9c:60:4a:de:af:
+ bf:26:78:b8:fb:46:d1:37:d0:89:ba:78:93:6a:37:
+ a5:e9:58:e7:e2:e3:7d:7c:95:20:79:41:56:15:cd:
+ b2:c6:3b:e1:b7:e7:ba:47:60:9a:05:b1:07:f3:26:
+ 72:9d:3b:1b:02:18:3d:d5:de:e6:e9:30:a9:b5:8f:
+ 15:1b:40:f9:64:61:54:d3:53:e8:c4:29:4a:89:f3:
+ e5:0d:fd:16:61:ee:f2:6d:8a:45:a8:34:7e:53:46:
+ 8e:87
+ Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+ X509v3 extensions:
+ X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
+ A0:7E:0B:AD:A3:AD:37:D7:21:0B:75:6F:8A:90:5F:8C:C9:69:DF:98
+ X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
+ keyid:A0:7E:0B:AD:A3:AD:37:D7:21:0B:75:6F:8A:90:5F:8C:C9:69:DF:98
+ X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+ Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+ 06:ea:06:02:19:9a:cb:94:a2:7e:c0:86:71:66:e7:a5:71:46:
+ a2:25:55:f5:e5:58:df:d1:91:58:e6:8a:0e:91:b3:22:4c:88:
+ 4d:5f:02:af:0f:73:65:0d:af:9a:f2:e4:36:f3:1f:e8:28:1d:
+ 9c:74:72:5b:f7:12:e8:fa:45:d6:df:e5:f1:d3:91:f4:0e:db:
+ e2:56:63:ee:82:57:6f:12:ad:d7:0d:de:5a:8c:3d:76:d2:87:
+ c9:48:1c:c4:f3:89:63:3c:c2:25:e0:dd:63:a6:4c:6c:5a:07:
+ 7b:86:78:62:86:02:a1:ef:0e:41:75:c5:d4:61:ab:c3:3b:9b:
+ 51:0b:e6:34:6d:0b:14:5a:2d:aa:d3:58:26:43:8f:4c:d7:45:
+ 73:1e:67:66:5e:f3:0c:69:70:27:a1:d5:70:f3:5a:10:98:c8:
+ 4f:8a:3b:9f:ad:8e:8d:49:8f:fb:f6:36:5d:4f:70:f9:4f:54:
+ 33:cf:a2:a6:1d:8c:61:b9:30:42:f2:49:d1:3d:a1:f1:eb:1e:
+ 78:a6:30:f8:8a:48:89:c7:3e:bd:0d:d8:72:04:a6:00:e5:62:
+ a4:13:3f:9e:b6:86:25:dc:d1:ff:3a:fc:f5:0e:e4:0e:f7:b8:
+ 66:90:fe:4f:c2:54:2a:7f:61:6e:e7:4b:bf:40:7e:75:30:02:
+ 5b:bb:91:1b
+ SERVER_CERT = <<'End'
+ Data:
+ Version: 3 (0x2)
+ Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+ Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+ Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
+ Validity
+ Not Before: Jan 1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+ Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2049 GMT
+ Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=
+ Subject Public Key Info:
+ Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+ RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
+ Modulus:
+ 00:cb:b3:71:95:12:70:fc:db:d4:a9:a7:66:d6:d3:
+ 09:dd:06:80:19:e1:f2:d6:1e:31:b6:6b:20:75:51:
+ dc:a7:37:a9:ac:5b:57:5d:69:36:b6:de:1d:2c:f6:
+ 44:64:f8:e8:d6:f0:da:38:6a:ba:c2:b1:9e:dc:bb:
+ 79:94:e0:25:0c:ce:76:87:17:5d:79:9e:14:9e:bd:
+ 4c:0d:aa:74:10:3a:96:ef:76:82:d5:72:16:b5:c1:
+ ac:17:2d:90:83:73:5c:d7:a6:f5:36:0f:4c:55:f3:
+ 30:5d:19:dc:01:0e:f8:e6:fe:a5:ad:52:88:59:dc:
+ 4a:07:ed:a2:eb:a1:01:63:c4:8a:92:ba:06:80:9b:
+ 0d:85:f2:9f:f9:70:ac:d7:ad:f0:7a:3f:b8:92:2a:
+ 33:ca:69:d0:01:65:5d:31:38:1d:f6:1f:b2:17:07:
+ 7e:ac:88:67:a6:c4:5f:3e:93:94:61:e6:e4:49:9d:
+ ba:d4:d2:e8:e3:93:d1:66:79:c5:e3:1d:f8:5a:50:
+ 54:58:3d:04:b0:fd:65:d1:b3:8a:b5:8a:30:5f:b2:
+ dc:34:1a:14:f7:74:4c:03:29:97:63:5a:d7:de:bb:
+ eb:7f:4a:2a:90:59:c0:2b:47:09:82:8f:75:de:14:
+ 3f:bc:78:9a:69:25:80:5b:6c:a0:65:12:0d:29:61:
+ ac:f9
+ Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+ X509v3 extensions:
+ X509v3 Basic Constraints:
+ Netscape Comment:
+ OpenSSL Generated Certificate
+ X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
+ EC:6B:7C:79:B8:3B:11:1D:42:F3:9A:2A:CF:9A:15:59:D7:F9:D8:C6
+ X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
+ keyid:A0:7E:0B:AD:A3:AD:37:D7:21:0B:75:6F:8A:90:5F:8C:C9:69:DF:98
+ Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+ 29:14:db:71:e9:a0:86:f8:cc:4d:e4:8a:76:78:a7:ff:4e:94:
+ b4:4d:92:dc:57:9a:52:64:46:27:15:8b:4f:2a:18:a7:0d:fc:
+ d2:75:ce:4e:49:97:0b:46:71:57:23:e3:a5:c0:c5:71:94:fc:
+ f2:1d:3b:06:93:82:03:59:56:d4:fb:09:06:08:b4:97:50:33:
+ cf:58:89:dd:91:31:07:26:9a:7e:7f:8d:71:de:09:dc:4f:e5:
+ 6b:a3:10:71:d4:50:24:43:a0:1c:f5:2a:d9:1a:fb:e3:d6:f1:
+ bc:6b:42:67:16:b4:3b:31:f4:ec:03:7d:78:e2:64:16:57:6d:
+ ba:7c:0c:e1:14:b2:7c:75:4e:2b:09:3e:86:e4:aa:cc:7e:5c:
+ 2b:bd:8d:26:4d:49:36:74:86:fe:c5:a6:15:4a:af:e8:b4:4e:
+ d5:f2:e1:59:c2:fb:7e:c3:c4:f1:63:d8:c2:b0:9a:ae:31:96:
+ 90:c3:09:d0:ce:2e:31:90:d7:83:dd:ac:31:cc:f7:87:41:08:
+ 92:33:28:52:fa:2d:9e:ad:ae:6a:9f:c3:be:ce:c1:a6:e4:16:
+ 2f:69:34:40:86:b6:10:21:0e:31:69:81:9e:fc:fd:c3:06:25:
+ 65:37:d3:d9:4a:20:84:aa:e7:0e:60:7c:bf:3f:88:67:ac:e5:
+ 8c:e0:61:d6
+ SERVER_KEY = <<'End'
+RSA Private-Key: (2048 bit, 2 primes)
+ 00:cb:b3:71:95:12:70:fc:db:d4:a9:a7:66:d6:d3:
+ 09:dd:06:80:19:e1:f2:d6:1e:31:b6:6b:20:75:51:
+ dc:a7:37:a9:ac:5b:57:5d:69:36:b6:de:1d:2c:f6:
+ 44:64:f8:e8:d6:f0:da:38:6a:ba:c2:b1:9e:dc:bb:
+ 79:94:e0:25:0c:ce:76:87:17:5d:79:9e:14:9e:bd:
+ 4c:0d:aa:74:10:3a:96:ef:76:82:d5:72:16:b5:c1:
+ ac:17:2d:90:83:73:5c:d7:a6:f5:36:0f:4c:55:f3:
+ 30:5d:19:dc:01:0e:f8:e6:fe:a5:ad:52:88:59:dc:
+ 4a:07:ed:a2:eb:a1:01:63:c4:8a:92:ba:06:80:9b:
+ 0d:85:f2:9f:f9:70:ac:d7:ad:f0:7a:3f:b8:92:2a:
+ 33:ca:69:d0:01:65:5d:31:38:1d:f6:1f:b2:17:07:
+ 7e:ac:88:67:a6:c4:5f:3e:93:94:61:e6:e4:49:9d:
+ ba:d4:d2:e8:e3:93:d1:66:79:c5:e3:1d:f8:5a:50:
+ 54:58:3d:04:b0:fd:65:d1:b3:8a:b5:8a:30:5f:b2:
+ dc:34:1a:14:f7:74:4c:03:29:97:63:5a:d7:de:bb:
+ eb:7f:4a:2a:90:59:c0:2b:47:09:82:8f:75:de:14:
+ 3f:bc:78:9a:69:25:80:5b:6c:a0:65:12:0d:29:61:
+ ac:f9
+publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+ 12:be:d5:b2:01:3b:72:99:8c:4d:7c:81:43:3d:b2:
+ 87:ab:84:78:5d:49:aa:98:a6:bc:81:c9:3f:e2:a3:
+ aa:a3:bd:b2:85:c9:59:68:48:47:b5:d2:fb:83:42:
+ 32:04:91:f0:cd:c3:57:33:c3:32:0d:84:70:0d:b4:
+ 97:95:b4:f3:23:c0:d6:97:b8:db:6b:47:bc:7f:f1:
+ 12:c4:df:df:6a:74:df:5e:89:95:b8:e5:0c:1e:e1:
+ 86:54:84:1b:04:af:c3:8c:b2:be:21:d4:45:88:96:
+ a7:ca:ac:6b:50:84:69:45:7f:db:9e:5f:bb:dd:40:
+ d6:cf:f0:91:3c:84:d3:38:65:c9:15:f7:9e:37:aa:
+ 1a:2e:bc:16:b6:95:be:bc:af:45:76:ba:ad:99:f6:
+ ef:6a:e8:fd:f0:31:89:19:c4:04:67:a1:ec:c4:79:
+ 59:08:77:ab:0b:65:88:88:02:b1:38:5c:80:4e:27:
+ 78:b2:a5:bd:b5:ad:d5:9c:4c:ea:ad:db:05:56:25:
+ 70:28:da:22:fb:d8:de:8c:3b:78:fe:3e:cf:ed:1b:
+ f9:97:c6:b6:4a:bf:60:08:8f:dc:85:5e:b1:49:ab:
+ 87:8b:68:72:f4:6a:3f:bc:db:a3:6c:f7:e8:b0:15:
+ bb:4b:ba:37:49:a2:d1:7c:f8:4f:1b:05:11:22:d9:
+ 81
+ 00:fb:d2:cb:14:61:00:c1:7a:83:ba:fe:79:97:a2:
+ 4d:5a:ea:40:78:96:6e:d2:be:71:5b:c6:2c:1f:c9:
+ 18:48:6b:ae:20:86:87:b5:08:0b:17:69:ca:93:cd:
+ 00:36:22:51:7b:d5:2d:8c:0c:0e:de:bc:86:a8:07:
+ 0e:c5:57:e4:df:be:ed:7d:cc:b1:a4:d6:a8:2b:00:
+ 65:2a:69:30:5e:dc:6d:6d:c4:c8:7e:20:34:eb:6f:
+ 5e:cf:b3:b8:2e:8d:56:31:44:a8:17:ea:be:65:19:
+ ff:da:14:e0:0c:73:56:14:08:47:4c:5b:79:51:74:
+ 5d:bc:e7:fe:01:2f:55:27:69
+ 00:cf:14:54:47:bb:5f:5d:d6:2b:2d:ed:a6:8a:6f:
+ 36:fc:47:5e:9f:84:ae:aa:1f:f8:44:50:91:15:f5:
+ ed:9d:29:d9:2b:2a:19:66:56:2e:96:15:b5:8e:a9:
+ 7f:89:27:21:b5:57:55:7e:2a:c5:8c:93:fe:f6:0a:
+ a5:17:15:91:91:b3:7d:35:1a:d5:9a:2e:b8:0d:ad:
+ e6:97:6d:83:a3:27:29:ee:00:74:ef:57:34:f3:07:
+ ad:12:43:37:0c:5c:b7:26:34:bc:4e:3a:43:65:6b:
+ 0c:b8:23:ac:77:fd:b2:23:eb:7b:65:70:f6:96:c4:
+ 17:2c:aa:24:b8:a5:5e:b7:11
+ 00:92:32:ae:f4:05:dd:0a:76:b6:43:b9:b9:9d:ee:
+ fc:39:ec:05:c1:fc:94:1a:85:b6:0a:31:e3:2c:10:
+ f3:a8:17:db:df:c6:3a:c3:3f:08:31:6f:99:cc:75:
+ 17:ca:55:e2:38:a2:6a:ef:03:91:1e:7f:15:2e:37:
+ ea:bb:67:6b:d8:fa:5f:a6:c9:4f:d9:03:46:5e:b0:
+ bc:0b:03:46:b1:cc:07:3b:d3:23:13:16:5f:a2:cf:
+ e5:9b:70:1b:5d:eb:70:3e:ea:3d:2c:a5:7c:23:f6:
+ 14:33:e8:2a:ab:0f:ca:c9:96:84:ce:2f:cd:1f:1d:
+ 0f:ce:bc:61:1b:0e:ff:c1:01
+ 00:9e:0b:f3:03:48:73:d1:e7:9a:cf:13:f9:ae:e0:
+ 91:03:dc:e8:d0:30:f1:2a:30:fa:48:11:81:9a:54:
+ 37:c5:62:e2:37:fa:8a:a6:3b:92:94:c3:fe:ec:e2:
+ 5a:cf:70:09:5f:21:47:c3:e2:9b:21:de:f6:92:0c:
+ af:d1:bd:89:7b:bd:95:0b:49:ee:cb:1d:6b:26:2d:
+ 9a:b7:ea:42:b4:ec:38:29:49:39:f6:4e:05:c0:93:
+ 14:39:c3:09:29:ab:3d:b1:b0:40:24:28:7d:b5:d3:
+ 0d:43:21:1f:09:f9:9b:d3:a4:6f:6a:8d:db:f6:57:
+ b5:24:46:bb:7e:1d:e0:fb:31
+ 10:93:1d:c8:33:a5:c1:d3:84:6a:22:68:e5:60:cc:
+ 9c:27:0a:52:0b:58:a3:0c:83:f4:f4:46:09:0c:a1:
+ 41:a6:ea:bf:80:9d:0e:5d:d8:3d:25:00:c5:a1:35:
+ 7a:8c:ea:95:16:94:c3:7c:8f:2b:e0:53:ea:66:ae:
+ 19:be:55:04:3d:ee:e2:4b:a8:69:1b:7e:d8:09:7f:
+ ed:7c:ee:95:88:10:dc:4b:5b:bf:81:a4:e8:dc:7e:
+ 4f:e5:c3:90:c4:e5:5a:90:10:32:d6:08:b5:1f:5d:
+ 09:18:d8:44:28:e4:c4:c7:07:75:9b:9b:b3:80:86:
+ 68:9d:fe:68:f3:4d:db:66
+writing RSA key
+ DHPARAMS = <<'End'
+ DH Parameters: (2048 bit)
+ prime:
+ 00:ec:4e:a4:06:b6:22:ca:f9:8a:00:cc:d0:ee:2f:
+ 16:bf:05:64:f5:8f:fe:7f:c4:bb:b0:24:cd:ef:5d:
+ 8a:90:ad:dc:a9:dd:63:84:90:d8:25:ba:d8:78:d5:
+ 77:91:42:0a:84:fc:56:1e:13:9b:1c:aa:43:d5:1f:
+ 38:52:92:fe:b3:66:f9:e7:e8:8c:77:a1:a6:2f:b3:
+ 98:98:d2:13:fc:57:1c:2a:14:dc:bd:e6:9b:54:19:
+ 99:4f:ce:81:64:a6:32:7f:8e:61:50:5f:45:3a:e5:
+ 0c:f7:13:f3:b8:ad:d5:77:ca:09:42:f7:d8:30:27:
+ 7b:2c:f0:b4:b5:a0:04:96:34:0b:47:81:1d:7f:c1:
+ 3a:62:86:8e:7d:f8:13:7f:9a:b1:8b:09:23:9e:55:
+ 59:41:cd:f0:86:09:c4:b7:d1:69:54:cb:d0:f5:e9:
+ 27:c9:e1:81:e4:a1:df:6b:20:1c:df:e8:54:02:f2:
+ 37:fc:2a:f7:d5:b3:6f:79:7e:70:22:78:79:18:3c:
+ 75:14:68:4a:05:9f:ac:d4:7f:9a:79:db:9d:0a:6e:
+ ec:0a:04:70:bf:c9:4a:59:81:a2:1f:33:9b:4a:66:
+ bc:03:ce:8a:1b:e3:03:ec:ba:39:26:ab:90:dc:39:
+ 41:a1:d8:f7:20:3c:8f:af:12:2f:f7:a9:6f:44:f1:
+ 6d:03
+ generator: 2 (0x2)
+ end