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main_page: README.md
title: Documentation for Ruby development version
visibility: :private
+- doc
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+## Helper Methods
+These helper methods display values returned by scanner's methods.
+### `put_situation(scanner)`
+Display scanner's situation:
+- Byte position (`#pos`).
+- Character position (`#charpos`)
+- Target string (`#rest`) and size (`#rest_size`).
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+# Situation:
+# pos: 3
+# charpos: 3
+# rest: "barbaz"
+# rest_size: 6
+### `put_match_values(scanner)`
+Display the scanner's match values:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
+pattern = /(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 11
+# pre_match: ""
+# matched : "Fri Dec 12 "
+# post_match: "1975 14:39"
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 4
+# captures: ["Fri", "Dec", "12"]
+# named_captures: {"wday"=>"Fri", "month"=>"Dec", "day"=>"12"}
+# values_at: ["Fri Dec 12 ", "Fri", "Dec", "12", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "Fri Dec 12 "
+# [1]: "Fri"
+# [2]: "Dec"
+# [3]: "12"
+# [4]: nil
+### `match_values_cleared?(scanner)`
+Returns whether the scanner's match values are all properly cleared:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: false
+# matched_size: nil
+# pre_match: nil
+# matched : nil
+# post_match: nil
+# Captured match values:
+# size: nil
+# captures: nil
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: nil
+# [0]: nil
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => false
+## The Code
+def put_situation(scanner)
+ puts '# Situation:'
+ puts "# pos: #{scanner.pos}"
+ puts "# charpos: #{scanner.charpos}"
+ puts "# rest: #{scanner.rest.inspect}"
+ puts "# rest_size: #{scanner.rest_size}"
+def put_match_values(scanner)
+ puts '# Basic match values:'
+ puts "# matched?: #{scanner.matched?}"
+ value = scanner.matched_size || 'nil'
+ puts "# matched_size: #{value}"
+ puts "# pre_match: #{scanner.pre_match.inspect}"
+ puts "# matched : #{scanner.matched.inspect}"
+ puts "# post_match: #{scanner.post_match.inspect}"
+ puts '# Captured match values:'
+ puts "# size: #{scanner.size}"
+ puts "# captures: #{scanner.captures}"
+ puts "# named_captures: #{scanner.named_captures}"
+ if scanner.size.nil?
+ puts "# values_at: #{scanner.values_at(0)}"
+ puts "# [0]: #{scanner[0]}"
+ else
+ puts "# values_at: #{scanner.values_at(*(0..scanner.size))}"
+ puts "# []:"
+ scanner.size.times do |i|
+ puts "# [#{i}]: #{scanner[i].inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+def match_values_cleared?(scanner)
+ scanner.matched? == false &&
+ scanner.matched_size.nil? &&
+ scanner.matched.nil? &&
+ scanner.pre_match.nil? &&
+ scanner.post_match.nil? &&
+ scanner.size.nil? &&
+ scanner[0].nil? &&
+ scanner.captures.nil? &&
+ scanner.values_at(0..1).nil? &&
+ scanner.named_captures == {}
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+[1]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Stored+String
+[2]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Byte+Position+-28Position-29
+[3]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Target+Substring
+[4]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Setting+the+Target+Substring
+[5]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Traversing+the+Target+Substring
+[6]: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Regexp.html
+[7]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Character+Position
+[8]: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/String.html#method-i-5B-5D
+[9]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Match+Values
+[10]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Fixed-Anchor+Property
+[11]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Positions
+[13]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Captured+Match+Values
+[14]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Querying+the+Target+Substring
+[15]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Searching+the+Target+Substring
+[16]: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Regexp.html#class-Regexp-label-Groups+and+Captures
+[17]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Matching
+[18]: rdoc-ref:StringScanner@Basic+Match+Values
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ get_byte -> byte_as_character or nil
+Returns the next byte, if available:
+- If the [position][2]
+ is not at the end of the [stored string][1]:
+ - Returns the next byte.
+ - Increments the [byte position][2].
+ - Adjusts the [character position][7].
+ ```
+ scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+ # => #<StringScanner 0/15 @ "\xE3\x81\x93\xE3\x82...">
+ scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\xE3", 1, 1]
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\x81", 2, 2]
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\x93", 3, 1]
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\xE3", 4, 2]
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\x82", 5, 3]
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\x93", 6, 2]
+ ```
+- Otherwise, returns `nil`, and does not change the positions.
+ ```
+ scanner.terminate
+ [scanner.get_byte, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => [nil, 15, 5]
+ ```
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+++ b/doc/strscan/methods/get_charpos.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ charpos -> character_position
+Returns the [character position][7] (initially zero),
+which may be different from the [byte position][2]
+given by method #pos:
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.getch # => "こ" # 3-byte character.
+scanner.getch # => "ん" # 3-byte character.
+# Situation:
+# pos: 6
+# charpos: 2
+# rest: "にちは"
+# rest_size: 9
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ pos -> byte_position
+Returns the integer [byte position][2],
+which may be different from the [character position][7]:
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.pos # => 0
+scanner.getch # => "こ" # 3-byte character.
+scanner.charpos # => 1
+scanner.pos # => 3
diff --git a/doc/strscan/methods/getch.md b/doc/strscan/methods/getch.md
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+++ b/doc/strscan/methods/getch.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ getch -> character or nil
+Returns the next (possibly multibyte) character,
+if available:
+- If the [position][2]
+ is at the beginning of a character:
+ - Returns the character.
+ - Increments the [character position][7] by 1.
+ - Increments the [byte position][2]
+ by the size (in bytes) of the character.
+ ```
+ scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+ scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["こ", 3, 1]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["ん", 6, 2]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["に", 9, 3]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["ち", 12, 4]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["は", 15, 5]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => [nil, 15, 5]
+ ```
+- If the [position][2] is within a multi-byte character
+ (that is, not at its beginning),
+ behaves like #get_byte (returns a 1-byte character):
+ ```
+ scanner.pos = 1
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\x81", 2, 2]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["\x93", 3, 1]
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => ["ん", 6, 2]
+ ```
+- If the [position][2] is at the end of the [stored string][1],
+ returns `nil` and does not modify the positions:
+ ```
+ scanner.terminate
+ [scanner.getch, scanner.pos, scanner.charpos] # => [nil, 15, 5]
+ ```
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ scan(pattern) -> substring or nil
+Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+at the beginning of the [target substring][3].
+If the match succeeds:
+- Returns the matched substring.
+- Increments the [byte position][2] by <tt>substring.bytesize</tt>,
+ and may increment the [character position][7].
+- Sets [match values][9].
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.pos = 6
+scanner.scan(/に/) # => "に"
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 3
+# pre_match: "こん"
+# matched : "に"
+# post_match: "ちは"
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 1
+# captures: []
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: ["に", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "に"
+# [1]: nil
+# Situation:
+# pos: 9
+# charpos: 3
+# rest: "ちは"
+# rest_size: 6
+If the match fails:
+- Returns `nil`.
+- Does not increment byte and character positions.
+- Clears match values.
+scanner.scan(/nope/) # => nil
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
diff --git a/doc/strscan/methods/scan_until.md b/doc/strscan/methods/scan_until.md
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index 0000000000..3b7ff2c3a9
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+++ b/doc/strscan/methods/scan_until.md
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ scan_until(pattern) -> substring or nil
+Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+anywhere (at any [position][2]) in the [target substring][3].
+If the match attempt succeeds:
+- Sets [match values][9].
+- Sets the [byte position][2] to the end of the matched substring;
+ may adjust the [character position][7].
+- Returns the matched substring.
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.pos = 6
+scanner.scan_until(/ち/) # => "にち"
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 3
+# pre_match: "こんに"
+# matched : "ち"
+# post_match: "は"
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 1
+# captures: []
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: ["ち", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "ち"
+# [1]: nil
+# Situation:
+# pos: 12
+# charpos: 4
+# rest: "は"
+# rest_size: 3
+If the match attempt fails:
+- Clears match data.
+- Returns `nil`.
+- Does not update positions.
+scanner.scan_until(/nope/) # => nil
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
diff --git a/doc/strscan/methods/set_pos.md b/doc/strscan/methods/set_pos.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ pos = n -> n
+ pointer = n -> n
+Sets the [byte position][2] and the [character position][11];
+returns `n`.
+Does not affect [match values][9].
+For non-negative `n`, sets the position to `n`:
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.pos = 3 # => 3
+scanner.rest # => "んにちは"
+scanner.charpos # => 1
+For negative `n`, counts from the end of the [stored string][1]:
+scanner.pos = -9 # => -9
+scanner.pos # => 6
+scanner.rest # => "にちは"
+scanner.charpos # => 2
diff --git a/doc/strscan/methods/skip.md b/doc/strscan/methods/skip.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ skip(pattern) match_size or nil
+Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+at the beginning of the [target substring][3];
+If the match succeeds:
+- Increments the [byte position][2] by substring.bytesize,
+ and may increment the [character position][7].
+- Sets [match values][9].
+- Returns the size (bytes) of the matched substring.
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.pos = 6
+scanner.skip(/に/) # => 3
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 3
+# pre_match: "こん"
+# matched : "に"
+# post_match: "ちは"
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 1
+# captures: []
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: ["に", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "に"
+# [1]: nil
+# Situation:
+# pos: 9
+# charpos: 3
+# rest: "ちは"
+# rest_size: 6
+scanner.skip(/nope/) # => nil
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
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index 0000000000..5187a4826f
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+++ b/doc/strscan/methods/skip_until.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ skip_until(pattern) -> matched_substring_size or nil
+Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+anywhere (at any [position][2]) in the [target substring][3];
+does not modify the positions.
+If the match attempt succeeds:
+- Sets [match values][9].
+- Returns the size of the matched substring.
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+scanner.pos = 6
+scanner.skip_until(/ち/) # => 6
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 3
+# pre_match: "こんに"
+# matched : "ち"
+# post_match: "は"
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 1
+# captures: []
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: ["ち", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "ち"
+# [1]: nil
+# Situation:
+# pos: 12
+# charpos: 4
+# rest: "は"
+# rest_size: 3
+If the match attempt fails:
+- Clears match values.
+- Returns `nil`.
+scanner.skip_until(/nope/) # => nil
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
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+ terminate -> self
+Sets the scanner to end-of-string;
+returns +self+:
+- Sets both [positions][11] to end-of-stream.
+- Clears [match values][9].
+scanner = StringScanner.new(HIRAGANA_TEXT)
+scanner.string # => "こんにちは"
+# Situation:
+# pos: 9
+# charpos: 3
+# rest: "ちは"
+# rest_size: 6
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => false
+scanner.terminate # => #<StringScanner fin>
+# Situation:
+# pos: 15
+# charpos: 5
+# rest: ""
+# rest_size: 0
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
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+\Class `StringScanner` supports processing a stored string as a stream;
+this code creates a new `StringScanner` object with string `'foobarbaz'`:
+require 'strscan'
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+## About the Examples
+All examples here assume that `StringScanner` has been required:
+require 'strscan'
+Some examples here assume that these constants are defined:
+Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
+and remember what peace there may be in silence.
+HIRAGANA_TEXT = 'こんにちは'
+Some examples here assume that certain helper methods are defined:
+- `put_situation(scanner)`:
+ Displays the values of the scanner's
+ methods #pos, #charpos, #rest, and #rest_size.
+- `put_match_values(scanner)`:
+ Displays the scanner's [match values][9].
+- `match_values_cleared?(scanner)`:
+ Returns whether the scanner's [match values][9] are cleared.
+See examples [here][ext/strscan/helper_methods_md.html].
+## The `StringScanner` \Object
+This code creates a `StringScanner` object
+(we'll call it simply a _scanner_),
+and shows some of its basic properties:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+scanner.string # => "foobarbaz"
+# Situation:
+# pos: 0
+# charpos: 0
+# rest: "foobarbaz"
+# rest_size: 9
+The scanner has:
+* A <i>stored string</i>, which is:
+ * Initially set by StringScanner.new(string) to the given `string`
+ (`'foobarbaz'` in the example above).
+ * Modifiable by methods #string=(new_string) and #concat(more_string).
+ * Returned by method #string.
+ More at [Stored String][1] below.
+* A _position_;
+ a zero-based index into the bytes of the stored string (_not_ into its characters):
+ * Initially set by StringScanner.new to `0`.
+ * Returned by method #pos.
+ * Modifiable explicitly by methods #reset, #terminate, and #pos=(new_pos).
+ * Modifiable implicitly (various traversing methods, among others).
+ More at [Byte Position][2] below.
+* A <i>target substring</i>,
+ which is a trailing substring of the stored string;
+ it extends from the current position to the end of the stored string:
+ * Initially set by StringScanner.new(string) to the given `string`
+ (`'foobarbaz'` in the example above).
+ * Returned by method #rest.
+ * Modified by any modification to either the stored string or the position.
+ <b>Most importantly</b>:
+ the searching and traversing methods operate on the target substring,
+ which may be (and often is) less than the entire stored string.
+ More at [Target Substring][3] below.
+## Stored \String
+The <i>stored string</i> is the string stored in the `StringScanner` object.
+Each of these methods sets, modifies, or returns the stored string:
+| Method | Effect |
+| ::new(string) | Creates a new scanner for the given string. |
+| #string=(new_string) | Replaces the existing stored string. |
+| #concat(more_string) | Appends a string to the existing stored string. |
+| #string | Returns the stored string. |
+## Positions
+A `StringScanner` object maintains a zero-based <i>byte position</i>
+and a zero-based <i>character position</i>.
+Each of these methods explicitly sets positions:
+| Method | Effect |
+| #reset | Sets both positions to zero (begining of stored string). |
+| #terminate | Sets both positions to the end of the stored string. |
+| #pos=(new_byte_position) | Sets byte position; adjusts character position. |
+### Byte Position (Position)
+The byte position (or simply _position_)
+is a zero-based index into the bytes in the scanner's stored string;
+for a new `StringScanner` object, the byte position is zero.
+When the byte position is:
+* Zero (at the beginning), the target substring is the entire stored string.
+* Equal to the size of the stored string (at the end),
+ the target substring is the empty string `''`.
+To get or set the byte position:
+* \#pos: returns the byte position.
+* \#pos=(new_pos): sets the byte position.
+Many methods use the byte position as the basis for finding matches;
+many others set, increment, or decrement the byte position:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobar')
+scanner.pos # => 0
+scanner.scan(/foo/) # => "foo" # Match found.
+scanner.pos # => 3 # Byte position incremented.
+scanner.scan(/foo/) # => nil # Match not found.
+scanner.pos # => 3 # Byte position not changed.
+Some methods implicitly modify the byte position;
+* [Setting the Target Substring][4].
+* [Traversing the Target Substring][5].
+The values of these methods are derived directly from the values of #pos and #string:
+- \#charpos: the [character position][7].
+- \#rest: the [target substring][3].
+- \#rest_size: `rest.size`.
+### Character Position
+The character position is a zero-based index into the _characters_
+in the stored string;
+for a new `StringScanner` object, the character position is zero.
+\Method #charpos returns the character position;
+its value may not be reset explicitly.
+Some methods change (increment or reset) the character position;
+* [Setting the Target Substring][4].
+* [Traversing the Target Substring][5].
+Example (string includes multi-byte characters):
+scanner = StringScanner.new(ENGLISH_TEXT) # Five 1-byte characters.
+scanner.concat(HIRAGANA_TEXT) # Five 3-byte characters
+scanner.string # => "Helloこんにちは" # Twenty bytes in all.
+# Situation:
+# pos: 0
+# charpos: 0
+# rest: "Helloこんにちは"
+# rest_size: 20
+scanner.scan(/Hello/) # => "Hello" # Five 1-byte characters.
+# Situation:
+# pos: 5
+# charpos: 5
+# rest: "こんにちは"
+# rest_size: 15
+scanner.getch # => "こ" # One 3-byte character.
+# Situation:
+# pos: 8
+# charpos: 6
+# rest: "んにちは"
+# rest_size: 12```
+## Target Substring
+The target substring is the the part of the [stored string][1]
+that extends from the current [byte position][2] to the end of the stored string;
+it is always either:
+- The entire stored string (byte position is zero).
+- A trailing substring of the stored string (byte position positive).
+The target substring is returned by method #rest,
+and its size is returned by method #rest_size.
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+# Situation:
+# pos: 0
+# charpos: 0
+# rest: "foobarbaz"
+# rest_size: 9
+scanner.pos = 3
+# Situation:
+# pos: 3
+# charpos: 3
+# rest: "barbaz"
+# rest_size: 6
+scanner.pos = 9
+# Situation:
+# pos: 9
+# charpos: 9
+# rest: ""
+# rest_size: 0
+### Setting the Target Substring
+The target substring is set whenever:
+* The [stored string][1] is set (position reset to zero; target substring set to stored string).
+* The [byte position][2] is set (target substring adjusted accordingly).
+### Querying the Target Substring
+This table summarizes (details and examples at the links):
+| Method | Returns |
+| #rest | Target substring. |
+| #rest_size | Size (bytes) of target substring. |
+### Searching the Target Substring
+A _search_ method examines the target substring,
+but does not advance the [positions][11]
+or (by implication) shorten the target substring.
+This table summarizes (details and examples at the links):
+| Method | Returns | Sets Match Values? |
+| #check(pattern) | Matched leading substring or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #check_until(pattern) | Matched substring (anywhere) or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #exist?(pattern) | Matched substring (anywhere) end index. | Yes. |
+| #match?(pattern) | Size of matched leading substring or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #peek(size) | Leading substring of given length (bytes). | No. |
+| #peek_byte | Integer leading byte or +nil+. | No. |
+| #rest | Target substring (from byte position to end). | No. |
+### Traversing the Target Substring
+A _traversal_ method examines the target substring,
+and, if successful:
+- Advances the [positions][11].
+- Shortens the target substring.
+This table summarizes (details and examples at links):
+| Method | Returns | Sets Match Values? |
+| #get_byte | Leading byte or +nil+. | No. |
+| #getch | Leading character or +nil+. | No. |
+| #scan(pattern) | Matched leading substring or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #scan_byte | Integer leading byte or +nil+. | No. |
+| #scan_until(pattern) | Matched substring (anywhere) or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #skip(pattern) | Matched leading substring size or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #skip_until(pattern) | Position delta to end-of-matched-substring or +nil+. | Yes. |
+| #unscan | +self+. | No. |
+## Querying the Scanner
+Each of these methods queries the scanner object
+without modifying it (details and examples at links)
+| Method | Returns |
+| #beginning_of_line? | +true+ or +false+. |
+| #charpos | Character position. |
+| #eos? | +true+ or +false+. |
+| #fixed_anchor? | +true+ or +false+. |
+| #inspect | String representation of +self+. |
+| #pos | Byte position. |
+| #rest | Target substring. |
+| #rest_size | Size of target substring. |
+| #string | Stored string. |
+## Matching
+`StringScanner` implements pattern matching via Ruby class [Regexp][6],
+and its matching behaviors are the same as Ruby's
+except for the [fixed-anchor property][10].
+### Matcher Methods
+Each <i>matcher method</i> takes a single argument `pattern`,
+and attempts to find a matching substring in the [target substring][3].
+| Method | Pattern Type | Matches Target Substring | Success Return | May Update Positions? |
+| #check | Regexp or String. | At beginning. | Matched substring. | No. |
+| #check_until | Regexp. | Anywhere. | Substring. | No. |
+| #match? | Regexp or String. | At beginning. | Updated position. | No. |
+| #exist? | Regexp. | Anywhere. | Updated position. | No. |
+| #scan | Regexp or String. | At beginning. | Matched substring. | Yes. |
+| #scan_until | Regexp. | Anywhere. | Substring. | Yes. |
+| #skip | Regexp or String. | At beginning. | Match size. | Yes. |
+| #skip_until | Regexp. | Anywhere. | Position delta. | Yes. |
+Which matcher you choose will depend on:
+- Where you want to find a match:
+ - Only at the beginning of the target substring:
+ #check, #match?, #scan, #skip.
+ - Anywhere in the target substring:
+ #check_until, #exist?, #scan_until, #skip_until.
+- Whether you want to:
+ - Traverse, by advancing the positions:
+ #scan, #scan_until, #skip, #skip_until.
+ - Keep the positions unchanged:
+ #check, #check_until, #exist?, #match?.
+- What you want for the return value:
+ - The matched substring: #check, #check_until, #scan, #scan_until.
+ - The updated position: #exist?, #match?.
+ - The position delta: #skip_until.
+ - The match size: #skip.
+### Match Values
+The <i>match values</i> in a `StringScanner` object
+generally contain the results of the most recent attempted match.
+Each match value may be thought of as:
+* _Clear_: Initially, or after an unsuccessful match attempt:
+ usually, `false`, `nil`, or `{}`.
+* _Set_: After a successful match attempt:
+ `true`, string, array, or hash.
+Each of these methods clears match values:
+- ::new(string).
+- \#reset.
+- \#terminate.
+Each of these methods attempts a match based on a pattern,
+and either sets match values (if successful) or clears them (if not);
+- \#check(pattern)
+- \#check_until(pattern)
+- \#exist?(pattern)
+- \#match?(pattern)
+- \#scan(pattern)
+- \#scan_until(pattern)
+- \#skip(pattern)
+- \#skip_until(pattern)
+#### Basic Match Values
+Basic match values are those not related to captures.
+Each of these methods returns a basic match value:
+| Method | Return After Match | Return After No Match |
+| #matched? | +true+. | +false+. |
+| #matched_size | Size of matched substring. | +nil+. |
+| #matched | Matched substring. | +nil+. |
+| #pre_match | Substring preceding matched substring. | +nil+. |
+| #post_match | Substring following matched substring. | +nil+. |
+See examples below.
+#### Captured Match Values
+Captured match values are those related to [captures][16].
+Each of these methods returns a captured match value:
+| Method | Return After Match | Return After No Match |
+| #size | Count of captured substrings. | +nil+. |
+| #[](n) | <tt>n</tt>th captured substring. | +nil+. |
+| #captures | Array of all captured substrings. | +nil+. |
+| #values_at(*n) | Array of specified captured substrings. | +nil+. |
+| #named_captures | Hash of named captures. | <tt>{}</tt>. |
+See examples below.
+#### Match Values Examples
+Successful basic match attempt (no captures):
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 3
+# pre_match: "foo"
+# matched : "bar"
+# post_match: "baz"
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 1
+# captures: []
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: ["bar", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "bar"
+# [1]: nil
+Failed basic match attempt (no captures);
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+Successful unnamed capture match attempt:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbazbatbam')
+# Basic match values:
+# matched?: true
+# matched_size: 15
+# pre_match: ""
+# matched : "foobarbazbatbam"
+# post_match: ""
+# Captured match values:
+# size: 4
+# captures: ["foo", "baz", "bam"]
+# named_captures: {}
+# values_at: ["foobarbazbatbam", "foo", "baz", "bam", nil]
+# []:
+# [0]: "foobarbazbatbam"
+# [1]: "foo"
+# [2]: "baz"
+# [3]: "bam"
+# [4]: nil
+Successful named capture match attempt;
+same as unnamed above, except for #named_captures:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbazbatbam')
+scanner.named_captures # => {"x"=>"foo", "y"=>"baz", "z"=>"bam"}
+Failed unnamed capture match attempt:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('somestring')
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+Failed named capture match attempt;
+same as unnamed above, except for #named_captures:
+scanner = StringScanner.new('somestring')
+match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => false
+scanner.named_captures # => {"x"=>nil, "y"=>nil, "z"=>nil}
+## Fixed-Anchor Property
+Pattern matching in `StringScanner` is the same as in Ruby's,
+except for its fixed-anchor property,
+which determines the meaning of `'\A'`:
+* `false` (the default): matches the current byte position.
+ ```
+ scanner = StringScanner.new('foobar')
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => "f"
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => "o"
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => "o"
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => "b"
+ ```
+* `true`: matches the beginning of the target substring;
+ never matches unless the byte position is zero:
+ ```
+ scanner = StringScanner.new('foobar', fixed_anchor: true)
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => "f"
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => nil
+ scanner.reset
+ scanner.scan(/\A./) # => "f"
+ ```
+The fixed-anchor property is set when the `StringScanner` object is created,
+and may not be modified
+(see StringScanner.new);
+method #fixed_anchor? returns the setting.
diff --git a/ext/strscan/strscan.c b/ext/strscan/strscan.c
index 70a3ce5260..fad35925a8 100644
--- a/ext/strscan/strscan.c
+++ b/ext/strscan/strscan.c
@@ -218,16 +218,28 @@ strscan_s_allocate(VALUE klass)
- * call-seq:
- * StringScanner.new(string, fixed_anchor: false)
- * StringScanner.new(string, dup = false)
- *
- * Creates a new StringScanner object to scan over the given +string+.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * If +fixed_anchor+ is +true+, +\A+ always matches the beginning of
- * the string. Otherwise, +\A+ always matches the current position.
+ * call-seq:
+ * StringScanner.new(string, fixed_anchor: false) -> string_scanner
+ *
+ * Returns a new `StringScanner` object whose [stored string][1]
+ * is the given `string`;
+ * sets the [fixed-anchor property][10]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.string # => "foobarbaz"
+ * scanner.fixed_anchor? # => false
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 0
+ * # charpos: 0
+ * # rest: "foobarbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 9
+ * ```
- * +dup+ argument is obsolete and not used now.
static VALUE
strscan_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
@@ -266,11 +278,14 @@ check_strscan(VALUE obj)
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
* call-seq:
- * dup
- * clone
+ * dup -> shallow_copy
- * Duplicates a StringScanner object.
+ * Returns a shallow copy of `self`;
+ * the [stored string][1] in the copy is the same string as in `self`.
static VALUE
strscan_init_copy(VALUE vself, VALUE vorig)
@@ -297,10 +312,13 @@ strscan_init_copy(VALUE vself, VALUE vorig)
======================================================================= */
- * call-seq: StringScanner.must_C_version
+ * call-seq:
+ * StringScanner.must_C_version -> self
- * This method is defined for backward compatibility.
+ * Returns +self+; defined for backward compatibility.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_s_mustc(VALUE self)
@@ -308,7 +326,30 @@ strscan_s_mustc(VALUE self)
- * Reset the scan pointer (index 0) and clear matching data.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * reset -> self
+ *
+ * Sets both [byte position][2] and [character position][7] to zero,
+ * and clears [match values][9];
+ * returns +self+:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.exist?(/bar/) # => 6
+ * scanner.reset # => #<StringScanner 0/9 @ "fooba...">
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 0
+ * # charpos: 0
+ * # rest: "foobarbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 9
+ * # => nil
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * ```
+ *
static VALUE
strscan_reset(VALUE self)
@@ -322,11 +363,9 @@ strscan_reset(VALUE self)
- * call-seq:
- * terminate
- * clear
- *
- * Sets the scan pointer to the end of the string and clear matching data.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/terminate.md
static VALUE
strscan_terminate(VALUE self)
@@ -340,9 +379,13 @@ strscan_terminate(VALUE self)
- * Equivalent to #terminate.
- * This method is obsolete; use #terminate instead.
+ * call-seq:
+ * clear -> self
+ *
+ * This method is obsolete; use the equivalent method StringScanner#terminate.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_clear(VALUE self)
@@ -351,7 +394,21 @@ strscan_clear(VALUE self)
- * Returns the string being scanned.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * string -> stored_string
+ *
+ * Returns the [stored string][1]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobar')
+ * scanner.string # => "foobar"
+ * scanner.concat('baz')
+ * scanner.string # => "foobarbaz"
+ * ```
+ *
static VALUE
strscan_get_string(VALUE self)
@@ -363,10 +420,39 @@ strscan_get_string(VALUE self)
- * call-seq: string=(str)
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * string = other_string -> other_string
+ *
+ * Replaces the [stored string][1] with the given `other_string`:
+ *
+ * - Sets both [positions][11] to zero.
+ * - Clears [match values][9].
+ * - Returns `other_string`.
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobar')
+ * scanner.scan(/foo/)
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 3
+ * # charpos: 3
+ * # rest: "bar"
+ * # rest_size: 3
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => false
+ *
+ * scanner.string = 'baz' # => "baz"
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 0
+ * # charpos: 0
+ * # rest: "baz"
+ * # rest_size: 3
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * ```
- * Changes the string being scanned to +str+ and resets the scanner.
- * Returns +str+.
static VALUE
strscan_set_string(VALUE self, VALUE str)
@@ -381,18 +467,33 @@ strscan_set_string(VALUE self, VALUE str)
- * call-seq:
- * concat(str)
- * <<(str)
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * Appends +str+ to the string being scanned.
- * This method does not affect scan pointer.
+ * call-seq:
+ * concat(more_string) -> self
+ *
+ * - Appends the given `more_string`
+ * to the [stored string][1].
+ * - Returns `self`.
+ * - Does not affect the [positions][11]
+ * or [match values][9].
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foo')
+ * scanner.string # => "foo"
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.concat('barbaz') # => #<StringScanner 3/9 "foo" @ "barba...">
+ * scanner.string # => "foobarbaz"
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 3
+ * # charpos: 3
+ * # rest: "barbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 6
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.scan(/Fri /)
- * s << " +1000 GMT"
- * s.string # -> "Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39 +1000 GMT"
- * s.scan(/Dec/) # -> "Dec"
static VALUE
strscan_concat(VALUE self, VALUE str)
@@ -406,18 +507,9 @@ strscan_concat(VALUE self, VALUE str)
- * Returns the byte position of the scan pointer. In the 'reset' position, this
- * value is zero. In the 'terminated' position (i.e. the string is exhausted),
- * this value is the bytesize of the string.
- *
- * In short, it's a 0-based index into bytes of the string.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.pos # -> 0
- * s.scan_until /str/ # -> "test str"
- * s.pos # -> 8
- * s.terminate # -> #<StringScanner fin>
- * s.pos # -> 11
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/get_pos.md
static VALUE
strscan_get_pos(VALUE self)
@@ -429,17 +521,9 @@ strscan_get_pos(VALUE self)
- * Returns the character position of the scan pointer. In the 'reset' position, this
- * value is zero. In the 'terminated' position (i.e. the string is exhausted),
- * this value is the size of the string.
- *
- * In short, it's a 0-based index into the string.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("abc\u00e4def\u00f6ghi")
- * s.charpos # -> 0
- * s.scan_until(/\u00e4/) # -> "abc\u00E4"
- * s.pos # -> 5
- * s.charpos # -> 4
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/get_charpos.md
static VALUE
strscan_get_charpos(VALUE self)
@@ -452,13 +536,9 @@ strscan_get_charpos(VALUE self)
- * call-seq: pos=(n)
- *
- * Sets the byte position of the scan pointer.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.pos = 7 # -> 7
- * s.rest # -> "ring"
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/set_pos.md
static VALUE
strscan_set_pos(VALUE self, VALUE v)
@@ -662,20 +742,9 @@ strscan_do_scan(VALUE self, VALUE pattern, int succptr, int getstr, int headonly
- * call-seq: scan(pattern) => String
- *
- * Tries to match with +pattern+ at the current position. If there's a match,
- * the scanner advances the "scan pointer" and returns the matched string.
- * Otherwise, the scanner returns +nil+.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "test"
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> nil
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * p s.scan("str") # -> "str"
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "ing"
- * p s.scan(/./) # -> nil
- *
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/scan.md
static VALUE
strscan_scan(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -684,16 +753,60 @@ strscan_scan(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: match?(pattern)
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * Tests whether the given +pattern+ is matched from the current scan pointer.
- * Returns the length of the match, or +nil+. The scan pointer is not advanced.
+ * call-seq:
+ * match?(pattern) -> updated_position or nil
+ *
+ * Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+ * at the beginning of the [target substring][3];
+ * does not modify the [positions][11].
+ *
+ * If the match succeeds:
+ *
+ * - Sets [match values][9].
+ * - Returns the size in bytes of the matched substring.
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.match?(/bar/) => 3
+ * put_match_values(scanner)
+ * # Basic match values:
+ * # matched?: true
+ * # matched_size: 3
+ * # pre_match: "foo"
+ * # matched : "bar"
+ * # post_match: "baz"
+ * # Captured match values:
+ * # size: 1
+ * # captures: []
+ * # named_captures: {}
+ * # values_at: ["bar", nil]
+ * # []:
+ * # [0]: "bar"
+ * # [1]: nil
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 3
+ * # charpos: 3
+ * # rest: "barbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 6
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If the match fails:
+ *
+ * - Clears match values.
+ * - Returns `nil`.
+ * - Does not increment positions.
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * p s.match?(/\w+/) # -> 4
- * p s.match?(/\w+/) # -> 4
- * p s.match?("test") # -> 4
- * p s.match?(/\s+/) # -> nil
static VALUE
strscan_match_p(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -702,22 +815,9 @@ strscan_match_p(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: skip(pattern)
- *
- * Attempts to skip over the given +pattern+ beginning with the scan pointer.
- * If it matches, the scan pointer is advanced to the end of the match, and the
- * length of the match is returned. Otherwise, +nil+ is returned.
- *
- * It's similar to #scan, but without returning the matched string.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * p s.skip(/\w+/) # -> 4
- * p s.skip(/\w+/) # -> nil
- * p s.skip(/\s+/) # -> 1
- * p s.skip("st") # -> 2
- * p s.skip(/\w+/) # -> 4
- * p s.skip(/./) # -> nil
- *
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/skip.md
static VALUE
strscan_skip(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -726,19 +826,59 @@ strscan_skip(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: check(pattern)
- *
- * This returns the value that #scan would return, without advancing the scan
- * pointer. The match register is affected, though.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.check /Fri/ # -> "Fri"
- * s.pos # -> 0
- * s.matched # -> "Fri"
- * s.check /12/ # -> nil
- * s.matched # -> nil
+ * call-seq:
+ * check(pattern) -> matched_substring or nil
+ *
+ * Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+ * at the beginning of the [target substring][3];
+ * does not modify the [positions][11].
+ *
+ * If the match succeeds:
+ *
+ * - Returns the matched substring.
+ * - Sets all [match values][9].
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.check('bar') # => "bar"
+ * put_match_values(scanner)
+ * # Basic match values:
+ * # matched?: true
+ * # matched_size: 3
+ * # pre_match: "foo"
+ * # matched : "bar"
+ * # post_match: "baz"
+ * # Captured match values:
+ * # size: 1
+ * # captures: []
+ * # named_captures: {}
+ * # values_at: ["bar", nil]
+ * # []:
+ * # [0]: "bar"
+ * # [1]: nil
+ * # => 0..1
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 3
+ * # charpos: 3
+ * # rest: "barbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 6
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If the match fails:
+ *
+ * - Returns `nil`.
+ * - Clears all [match values][9].
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.check(/nope/) # => nil
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * ```
- * Mnemonic: it "checks" to see whether a #scan will return a value.
static VALUE
strscan_check(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -747,15 +887,24 @@ strscan_check(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: scan_full(pattern, advance_pointer_p, return_string_p)
+ * call-seq:
+ * scan_full(pattern, advance_pointer_p, return_string_p) -> matched_substring or nil
+ *
+ * Equivalent to one of the following:
+ *
+ * - +advance_pointer_p+ +true+:
- * Tests whether the given +pattern+ is matched from the current scan pointer.
- * Advances the scan pointer if +advance_pointer_p+ is true.
- * Returns the matched string if +return_string_p+ is true.
- * The match register is affected.
+ * - +return_string_p+ +true+: StringScanner#scan(pattern).
+ * - +return_string_p+ +false+: StringScanner#skip(pattern).
+ *
+ * - +advance_pointer_p+ +false+:
+ *
+ * - +return_string_p+ +true+: StringScanner#check(pattern).
+ * - +return_string_p+ +false+: StringScanner#match?(pattern).
- * "full" means "#scan with full parameters".
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_scan_full(VALUE self, VALUE re, VALUE s, VALUE f)
@@ -763,16 +912,9 @@ strscan_scan_full(VALUE self, VALUE re, VALUE s, VALUE f)
- * call-seq: scan_until(pattern)
- *
- * Scans the string _until_ the +pattern+ is matched. Returns the substring up
- * to and including the end of the match, advancing the scan pointer to that
- * location. If there is no match, +nil+ is returned.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.scan_until(/1/) # -> "Fri Dec 1"
- * s.pre_match # -> "Fri Dec "
- * s.scan_until(/XYZ/) # -> nil
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/scan_until.md
static VALUE
strscan_scan_until(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -781,17 +923,61 @@ strscan_scan_until(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: exist?(pattern)
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * Looks _ahead_ to see if the +pattern+ exists _anywhere_ in the string,
- * without advancing the scan pointer. This predicates whether a #scan_until
- * will return a value.
+ * call-seq:
+ * exist?(pattern) -> byte_offset or nil
+ *
+ * Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+ * anywhere (at any [position][2])
+ * n the [target substring][3];
+ * does not modify the [positions][11].
+ *
+ * If the match succeeds:
+ *
+ * - Returns a byte offset:
+ * the distance in bytes between the current [position][2]
+ * and the end of the matched substring.
+ * - Sets all [match values][9].
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbazbatbam')
+ * scanner.pos = 6
+ * scanner.exist?(/bat/) # => 6
+ * put_match_values(scanner)
+ * # Basic match values:
+ * # matched?: true
+ * # matched_size: 3
+ * # pre_match: "foobarbaz"
+ * # matched : "bat"
+ * # post_match: "bam"
+ * # Captured match values:
+ * # size: 1
+ * # captures: []
+ * # named_captures: {}
+ * # values_at: ["bat", nil]
+ * # []:
+ * # [0]: "bat"
+ * # [1]: nil
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 6
+ * # charpos: 6
+ * # rest: "bazbatbam"
+ * # rest_size: 9
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If the match fails:
+ *
+ * - Returns `nil`.
+ * - Clears all [match values][9].
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.exist? /s/ # -> 3
- * s.scan /test/ # -> "test"
- * s.exist? /s/ # -> 2
- * s.exist? /e/ # -> nil
static VALUE
strscan_exist_p(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -800,20 +986,9 @@ strscan_exist_p(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: skip_until(pattern)
- *
- * Advances the scan pointer until +pattern+ is matched and consumed. Returns
- * the number of bytes advanced, or +nil+ if no match was found.
- *
- * Look ahead to match +pattern+, and advance the scan pointer to the _end_
- * of the match. Return the number of characters advanced, or +nil+ if the
- * match was unsuccessful.
- *
- * It's similar to #scan_until, but without returning the intervening string.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.skip_until /12/ # -> 10
- * s #
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/skip_until.md
static VALUE
strscan_skip_until(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -822,17 +997,61 @@ strscan_skip_until(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: check_until(pattern)
- *
- * This returns the value that #scan_until would return, without advancing the
- * scan pointer. The match register is affected, though.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.check_until /12/ # -> "Fri Dec 12"
- * s.pos # -> 0
- * s.matched # -> 12
+ * call-seq:
+ * check_until(pattern) -> substring or nil
+ *
+ * Attempts to [match][17] the given `pattern`
+ * anywhere (at any [position][2])
+ * in the [target substring][3];
+ * does not modify the [positions][11].
+ *
+ * If the match succeeds:
+ *
+ * - Sets all [match values][9].
+ * - Returns the matched substring,
+ * which extends from the current [position][2]
+ * to the end of the matched substring.
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbazbatbam')
+ * scanner.pos = 6
+ * scanner.check_until(/bat/) # => "bazbat"
+ * put_match_values(scanner)
+ * # Basic match values:
+ * # matched?: true
+ * # matched_size: 3
+ * # pre_match: "foobarbaz"
+ * # matched : "bat"
+ * # post_match: "bam"
+ * # Captured match values:
+ * # size: 1
+ * # captures: []
+ * # named_captures: {}
+ * # values_at: ["bat", nil]
+ * # []:
+ * # [0]: "bat"
+ * # [1]: nil
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 6
+ * # charpos: 6
+ * # rest: "bazbatbam"
+ * # rest_size: 9
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If the match fails:
+ *
+ * - Clears all [match values][9].
+ * - Returns `nil`.
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.check_until(/nope/) # => nil
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * ```
- * Mnemonic: it "checks" to see whether a #scan_until will return a value.
static VALUE
strscan_check_until(VALUE self, VALUE re)
@@ -841,14 +1060,24 @@ strscan_check_until(VALUE self, VALUE re)
- * call-seq: search_full(pattern, advance_pointer_p, return_string_p)
+ * call-seq:
+ * search_full(pattern, advance_pointer_p, return_string_p) -> matched_substring or position_delta or nil
+ *
+ * Equivalent to one of the following:
+ *
+ * - +advance_pointer_p+ +true+:
+ *
+ * - +return_string_p+ +true+: StringScanner#scan_until(pattern).
+ * - +return_string_p+ +false+: StringScanner#skip_until(pattern).
+ *
+ * - +advance_pointer_p+ +false+:
+ *
+ * - +return_string_p+ +true+: StringScanner#check_until(pattern).
+ * - +return_string_p+ +false+: StringScanner#exist?(pattern).
- * Scans the string _until_ the +pattern+ is matched.
- * Advances the scan pointer if +advance_pointer_p+, otherwise not.
- * Returns the matched string if +return_string_p+ is true, otherwise
- * returns the number of bytes advanced.
- * This method does affect the match register.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_search_full(VALUE self, VALUE re, VALUE s, VALUE f)
@@ -868,17 +1097,9 @@ adjust_registers_to_matched(struct strscanner *p)
- * Scans one character and returns it.
- * This method is multibyte character sensitive.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("ab")
- * s.getch # => "a"
- * s.getch # => "b"
- * s.getch # => nil
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("\244\242".force_encoding("euc-jp"))
- * s.getch # => "\x{A4A2}" # Japanese hira-kana "A" in EUC-JP
- * s.getch # => nil
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/getch.md
static VALUE
strscan_getch(VALUE self)
@@ -903,19 +1124,13 @@ strscan_getch(VALUE self)
+ * call-seq:
+ * scan_byte -> integer_byte
+ *
* Scans one byte and returns it as an integer.
* This method is not multibyte character sensitive.
* See also: #getch.
- * s = StringScanner.new('ab')
- * s.scan_byte # => 97
- * s.scan_byte # => 98
- * s.scan_byte # => nil
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("\244\242".force_encoding("euc-jp"))
- * s.scan_byte # => 0xA4
- * s.scan_byte # => 0xA2
- * s.scan_byte # => nil
static VALUE
strscan_scan_byte(VALUE self)
@@ -954,19 +1169,9 @@ strscan_peek_byte(VALUE self)
- * Scans one byte and returns it.
- * This method is not multibyte character sensitive.
- * See also: #getch.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new('ab')
- * s.get_byte # => "a"
- * s.get_byte # => "b"
- * s.get_byte # => nil
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("\244\242".force_encoding("euc-jp"))
- * s.get_byte # => "\xA4"
- * s.get_byte # => "\xA2"
- * s.get_byte # => nil
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/methods/get_byte.md
static VALUE
strscan_get_byte(VALUE self)
@@ -988,9 +1193,14 @@ strscan_get_byte(VALUE self)
+ * call-seq:
+ * getbyte
+ *
* Equivalent to #get_byte.
* This method is obsolete; use #get_byte instead.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_getbyte(VALUE self)
@@ -999,14 +1209,22 @@ strscan_getbyte(VALUE self)
- * call-seq: peek(len)
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * Extracts a string corresponding to <tt>string[pos,len]</tt>, without
- * advancing the scan pointer.
+ * call-seq:
+ * peek(length) -> substring
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.peek(7) # => "test st"
- * s.peek(7) # => "test st"
+ * Returns the substring `string[pos, length]`;
+ * does not update [match values][9] or [positions][11]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.peek(3) # => "bar"
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.peek(3) # => ""
+ * ```
static VALUE
@@ -1026,9 +1244,14 @@ strscan_peek(VALUE self, VALUE vlen)
+ * call-seq:
+ * peep
+ *
* Equivalent to #peek.
* This method is obsolete; use #peek instead.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_peep(VALUE self, VALUE vlen)
@@ -1037,15 +1260,42 @@ strscan_peep(VALUE self, VALUE vlen)
- * Sets the scan pointer to the previous position. Only one previous position is
- * remembered, and it changes with each scanning operation.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * unscan -> self
+ *
+ * Sets the [position][2] to its value previous to the recent successful
+ * [match][17] attempt:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.scan(/foo/)
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 3
+ * # charpos: 3
+ * # rest: "barbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 6
+ * scanner.unscan
+ * # => #<StringScanner 0/9 @ "fooba...">
+ * put_situation(scanner)
+ * # Situation:
+ * # pos: 0
+ * # charpos: 0
+ * # rest: "foobarbaz"
+ * # rest_size: 9
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Raises an exception if match values are clear:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.scan(/nope/) # => nil
+ * match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
+ * scanner.unscan # Raises StringScanner::Error.
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.scan(/\w+/) # => "test"
- * s.unscan
- * s.scan(/../) # => "te"
- * s.scan(/\d/) # => nil
- * s.unscan # ScanError: unscan failed: previous match record not exist
static VALUE
strscan_unscan(VALUE self)
@@ -1061,16 +1311,37 @@ strscan_unscan(VALUE self)
- * Returns +true+ if and only if the scan pointer is at the beginning of the line.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("test\ntest\n")
- * s.bol? # => true
- * s.scan(/te/)
- * s.bol? # => false
- * s.scan(/st\n/)
- * s.bol? # => true
- * s.terminate
- * s.bol? # => true
+ *
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * beginning_of_line? -> true or false
+ *
+ * Returns whether the [position][2] is at the beginning of a line;
+ * that is, at the beginning of the [stored string][1]
+ * or immediately after a newline:
+ *
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new(MULTILINE_TEXT)
+ * scanner.string
+ * # => "Go placidly amid the noise and haste,\nand remember what peace there may be in silence.\n"
+ * scanner.pos # => 0
+ * scanner.beginning_of_line? # => true
+ *
+ * scanner.scan_until(/,/) # => "Go placidly amid the noise and haste,"
+ * scanner.beginning_of_line? # => false
+ *
+ * scanner.scan(/\n/) # => "\n"
+ * scanner.beginning_of_line? # => true
+ *
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.beginning_of_line? # => true
+ *
+ * scanner.concat('x')
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.beginning_of_line? # => false
+ *
+ * StringScanner#bol? is an alias for StringScanner#beginning_of_line?.
static VALUE
strscan_bol_p(VALUE self)
@@ -1084,14 +1355,24 @@ strscan_bol_p(VALUE self)
- * Returns +true+ if the scan pointer is at the end of the string.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * eos? -> true or false
+ *
+ * Returns whether the [position][2]
+ * is at the end of the [stored string][1]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.eos? # => false
+ * pos = 3
+ * scanner.eos? # => false
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.eos? # => true
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * p s.eos? # => false
- * s.scan(/test/)
- * p s.eos? # => false
- * s.terminate
- * p s.eos? # => true
static VALUE
strscan_eos_p(VALUE self)
@@ -1103,9 +1384,14 @@ strscan_eos_p(VALUE self)
+ * call-seq:
+ * empty?
+ *
* Equivalent to #eos?.
* This method is obsolete, use #eos? instead.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_empty_p(VALUE self)
@@ -1114,6 +1400,9 @@ strscan_empty_p(VALUE self)
+ * call-seq:
+ * rest?
+ *
* Returns true if and only if there is more data in the string. See #eos?.
* This method is obsolete; use #eos? instead.
@@ -1122,6 +1411,8 @@ strscan_empty_p(VALUE self)
* s.eos? # => false
* s.rest? # => true
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_rest_p(VALUE self)
@@ -1132,13 +1423,26 @@ strscan_rest_p(VALUE self)
- * Returns +true+ if and only if the last match was successful.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * matched? -> true or false
+ *
+ * Returns `true` of the most recent [match attempt][17] was successful,
+ * `false` otherwise;
+ * see [Basic Matched Values][18]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.matched? # => false
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.exist?(/baz/) # => 6
+ * scanner.matched? # => true
+ * scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner.matched? # => false
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.match?(/\w+/) # => 4
- * s.matched? # => true
- * s.match?(/\d+/) # => nil
- * s.matched? # => false
static VALUE
strscan_matched_p(VALUE self)
@@ -1150,11 +1454,27 @@ strscan_matched_p(VALUE self)
- * Returns the last matched string.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * matched -> matched_substring or nil
+ *
+ * Returns the matched substring from the most recent [match][17] attempt
+ * if it was successful,
+ * or `nil` otherwise;
+ * see [Basic Matched Values][18]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.matched # => nil
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.match?(/bar/) # => 3
+ * scanner.matched # => "bar"
+ * scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner.matched # => nil
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.match?(/\w+/) # -> 4
- * s.matched # -> "test"
static VALUE
strscan_matched(VALUE self)
@@ -1169,15 +1489,29 @@ strscan_matched(VALUE self)
- * Returns the size of the most recent match in bytes, or +nil+ if there
- * was no recent match. This is different than <tt>matched.size</tt>,
- * which will return the size in characters.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * matched_size -> substring_size or nil
+ *
+ * Returns the size (in bytes) of the matched substring
+ * from the most recent match [match attempt][17] if it was successful,
+ * or `nil` otherwise;
+ * see [Basic Matched Values][18]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.matched_size # => nil
+ *
+ * pos = 3
+ * scanner.exist?(/baz/) # => 9
+ * scanner.matched_size # => 3
+ *
+ * scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner.matched_size # => nil
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.check /\w+/ # -> "test"
- * s.matched_size # -> 4
- * s.check /\d+/ # -> nil
- * s.matched_size # -> nil
static VALUE
strscan_matched_size(VALUE self)
@@ -1208,30 +1542,75 @@ name_to_backref_number(struct re_registers *regs, VALUE regexp, const char* name
- * call-seq: [](n)
- *
- * Returns the n-th subgroup in the most recent match.
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /) # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s[0] # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s[1] # -> "Fri"
- * s[2] # -> "Dec"
- * s[3] # -> "12"
- * s.post_match # -> "1975 14:39"
- * s.pre_match # -> ""
- *
- * s.reset
- * s.scan(/(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /) # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s[0] # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s[1] # -> "Fri"
- * s[2] # -> "Dec"
- * s[3] # -> "12"
- * s[:wday] # -> "Fri"
- * s[:month] # -> "Dec"
- * s[:day] # -> "12"
- * s.post_match # -> "1975 14:39"
- * s.pre_match # -> ""
+ *
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * [](specifier) -> substring or nil
+ *
+ * Returns a captured substring or `nil`;
+ * see [Captured Match Values][13].
+ *
+ * When there are captures:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
+ * scanner.scan(/(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /)
+ * ```
+ *
+ * - `specifier` zero: returns the entire matched substring:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner[0] # => "Fri Dec 12 "
+ * scanner.pre_match # => ""
+ * scanner.post_match # => "1975 14:39"
+ * ```
+ *
+ * - `specifier` positive integer. returns the `n`th capture, or `nil` if out of range:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner[1] # => "Fri"
+ * scanner[2] # => "Dec"
+ * scanner[3] # => "12"
+ * scanner[4] # => nil
+ * ```
+ *
+ * - `specifier` negative integer. counts backward from the last subgroup:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner[-1] # => "12"
+ * scanner[-4] # => "Fri Dec 12 "
+ * scanner[-5] # => nil
+ * ```
+ *
+ * - `specifier` symbol or string. returns the named subgroup, or `nil` if no such:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner[:wday] # => "Fri"
+ * scanner['wday'] # => "Fri"
+ * scanner[:month] # => "Dec"
+ * scanner[:day] # => "12"
+ * scanner[:nope] # => nil
+ * ```
+ *
+ * When there are no captures, only `[0]` returns non-`nil`:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.exist?(/bar/)
+ * scanner[0] # => "bar"
+ * scanner[1] # => nil
+ * ```
+ *
+ * For a failed match, even `[0]` returns `nil`:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.scan(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner[0] # => nil
+ * scanner[1] # => nil
+ * ```
+ *
static VALUE
strscan_aref(VALUE self, VALUE idx)
@@ -1268,14 +1647,28 @@ strscan_aref(VALUE self, VALUE idx)
- * call-seq: size
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * size -> captures_count
+ *
+ * Returns the count of captures if the most recent match attempt succeeded, `nil` otherwise;
+ * see [Captures Match Values][13]:
- * Returns the amount of subgroups in the most recent match.
- * The full match counts as a subgroup.
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
+ * scanner.size # => nil
+ *
+ * pattern = /(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /
+ * scanner.match?(pattern)
+ * scanner.values_at(*0..scanner.size) # => ["Fri Dec 12 ", "Fri", "Dec", "12", nil]
+ * scanner.size # => 4
+ *
+ * scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner.size # => nil
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /) # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s.size # -> 4
static VALUE
strscan_size(VALUE self)
@@ -1288,16 +1681,30 @@ strscan_size(VALUE self)
- * call-seq: captures
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * captures -> substring_array or nil
+ *
+ * Returns the array of [captured match values][13] at indexes `(1..)`
+ * if the most recent match attempt succeeded, or `nil` otherwise:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
+ * scanner.captures # => nil
- * Returns the subgroups in the most recent match (not including the full match).
- * If nothing was priorly matched, it returns nil.
+ * scanner.exist?(/(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /)
+ * scanner.captures # => ["Fri", "Dec", "12"]
+ * scanner.values_at(*0..4) # => ["Fri Dec 12 ", "Fri", "Dec", "12", nil]
+ *
+ * scanner.exist?(/Fri/)
+ * scanner.captures # => []
+ *
+ * scanner.scan(/nope/)
+ * scanner.captures # => nil
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) (1980)?/) # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s.captures # -> ["Fri", "Dec", "12", nil]
- * s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) (1980)?/) # -> nil
- * s.captures # -> nil
static VALUE
strscan_captures(VALUE self)
@@ -1327,17 +1734,25 @@ strscan_captures(VALUE self)
- * call-seq:
- * scanner.values_at( i1, i2, ... iN ) -> an_array
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * values_at(*specifiers) -> array_of_captures or nil
- * Returns the subgroups in the most recent match at the given indices.
- * If nothing was priorly matched, it returns nil.
+ * Returns an array of captured substrings, or `nil` of none.
+ *
+ * For each `specifier`, the returned substring is `[specifier]`;
+ * see #[].
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
+ * pattern = /(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /
+ * scanner.match?(pattern)
+ * scanner.values_at(*0..3) # => ["Fri Dec 12 ", "Fri", "Dec", "12"]
+ * scanner.values_at(*%i[wday month day]) # => ["Fri", "Dec", "12"]
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /) # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
- * s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2 # -> ["Fri Dec 12 ", "12", nil, "Dec"]
- * s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /) # -> nil
- * s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2 # -> nil
static VALUE
@@ -1359,13 +1774,29 @@ strscan_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- * Returns the <i><b>pre</b>-match</i> (in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * pre_match -> substring
+ *
+ * Returns the substring that precedes the matched substring
+ * from the most recent match attempt if it was successful,
+ * or `nil` otherwise;
+ * see [Basic Match Values][18]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.pre_match # => nil
+ *
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.exist?(/baz/) # => 6
+ * scanner.pre_match # => "foobar" # Substring of entire string, not just target string.
+ *
+ * scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner.pre_match # => nil
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "test"
- * s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * s.pre_match # -> "test"
- * s.post_match # -> "string"
static VALUE
strscan_pre_match(VALUE self)
@@ -1380,13 +1811,29 @@ strscan_pre_match(VALUE self)
- * Returns the <i><b>post</b>-match</i> (in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * post_match -> substring
+ *
+ * Returns the substring that follows the matched substring
+ * from the most recent match attempt if it was successful,
+ * or `nil` otherwise;
+ * see [Basic Match Values][18]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.post_match # => nil
+ *
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.match?(/bar/) # => 3
+ * scanner.post_match # => "baz"
+ *
+ * scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
+ * scanner.post_match # => nil
+ * ```
- * s = StringScanner.new('test string')
- * s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "test"
- * s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * s.pre_match # -> "test"
- * s.post_match # -> "string"
static VALUE
strscan_post_match(VALUE self)
@@ -1401,8 +1848,24 @@ strscan_post_match(VALUE self)
- * Returns the "rest" of the string (i.e. everything after the scan pointer).
- * If there is no more data (eos? = true), it returns <tt>""</tt>.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * rest -> target_substring
+ *
+ * Returns the 'rest' of the [stored string][1] (all after the current [position][2]),
+ * which is the [target substring][3]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.rest # => "foobarbaz"
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.rest # => "barbaz"
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.rest # => ""
+ * ```
+ *
static VALUE
strscan_rest(VALUE self)
@@ -1417,7 +1880,26 @@ strscan_rest(VALUE self)
- * <tt>s.rest_size</tt> is equivalent to <tt>s.rest.size</tt>.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * rest_size -> integer
+ *
+ * Returns the size (in bytes) of the #rest of the [stored string][1]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
+ * scanner.rest # => "foobarbaz"
+ * scanner.rest_size # => 9
+ * scanner.pos = 3
+ * scanner.rest # => "barbaz"
+ * scanner.rest_size # => 6
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.rest # => ""
+ * scanner.rest_size # => 0
+ * ```
+ *
static VALUE
strscan_rest_size(VALUE self)
@@ -1434,9 +1916,14 @@ strscan_rest_size(VALUE self)
+ * call-seq:
+ * restsize
+ *
* <tt>s.restsize</tt> is equivalent to <tt>s.rest_size</tt>.
* This method is obsolete; use #rest_size instead.
+ /* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
strscan_restsize(VALUE self)
@@ -1447,15 +1934,39 @@ strscan_restsize(VALUE self)
- * Returns a string that represents the StringScanner object, showing:
- * - the current position
- * - the size of the string
- * - the characters surrounding the scan pointer
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
- * s.inspect # -> '#<StringScanner 0/21 @ "Fri D...">'
- * s.scan_until /12/ # -> "Fri Dec 12"
- * s.inspect # -> '#<StringScanner 10/21 "...ec 12" @ " 1975...">'
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
+ * call-seq:
+ * inspect -> string
+ *
+ * Returns a string representation of `self` that may show:
+ *
+ * 1. The current [position][2].
+ * 2. The size (in bytes) of the [stored string][1].
+ * 3. The substring preceding the current position.
+ * 4. The substring following the current position (which is also the [target substring][3]).
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
+ * scanner.pos = 11
+ * scanner.inspect # => "#<StringScanner 11/21 \"...c 12 \" @ \"1975 ...\">"
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If at beginning-of-string, item 4 above (following substring) is omitted:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.reset
+ * scanner.inspect # => "#<StringScanner 0/21 @ \"Fri D...\">"
+ * ```
+ *
+ * If at end-of-string, all items above are omitted:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner.terminate
+ * scanner.inspect # => "#<StringScanner fin>"
+ * ```
+ *
static VALUE
strscan_inspect(VALUE self)
@@ -1527,13 +2038,13 @@ inspect2(struct strscanner *p)
- * call-seq:
- * scanner.fixed_anchor? -> true or false
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
- * Whether +scanner+ uses fixed anchor mode or not.
+ * call-seq:
+ * fixed_anchor? -> true or false
- * If fixed anchor mode is used, +\A+ always matches the beginning of
- * the string. Otherwise, +\A+ always matches the current position.
+ * Returns whether the [fixed-anchor property][10] is set.
static VALUE
strscan_fixed_anchor_p(VALUE self)
@@ -1569,14 +2080,32 @@ named_captures_iter(const OnigUChar *name,
+ * :markup: markdown
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ *
* call-seq:
- * scanner.named_captures -> hash
+ * named_captures -> hash
- * Returns a hash of string variables matching the regular expression.
+ * Returns the array of captured match values at indexes (1..)
+ * if the most recent match attempt succeeded, or nil otherwise;
+ * see [Captured Match Values][13]:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * scanner = StringScanner.new('Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
+ * scanner.named_captures # => {}
+ *
+ * pattern = /(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /
+ * scanner.match?(pattern)
+ * scanner.named_captures # => {"wday"=>"Fri", "month"=>"Dec", "day"=>"12"}
+ *
+ * scanner.string = 'nope'
+ * scanner.match?(pattern)
+ * scanner.named_captures # => {"wday"=>nil, "month"=>nil, "day"=>nil}
+ *
+ * scanner.match?(/nosuch/)
+ * scanner.named_captures # => {}
+ * ```
- * scan = StringScanner.new('foobarbaz')
- * scan.match?(/(?<f>foo)(?<r>bar)(?<z>baz)/)
- * scan.named_captures # -> {"f"=>"foo", "r"=>"bar", "z"=>"baz"}
static VALUE
strscan_named_captures(VALUE self)
@@ -1600,109 +2129,11 @@ strscan_named_captures(VALUE self)
* Document-class: StringScanner
- * StringScanner provides for lexical scanning operations on a String. Here is
- * an example of its usage:
- *
- * require 'strscan'
- *
- * s = StringScanner.new('This is an example string')
- * s.eos? # -> false
- *
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "This"
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> nil
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> nil
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "is"
- * s.eos? # -> false
- *
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "an"
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "example"
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> " "
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> "string"
- * s.eos? # -> true
- *
- * p s.scan(/\s+/) # -> nil
- * p s.scan(/\w+/) # -> nil
- *
- * Scanning a string means remembering the position of a <i>scan pointer</i>,
- * which is just an index. The point of scanning is to move forward a bit at
- * a time, so matches are sought after the scan pointer; usually immediately
- * after it.
- *
- * Given the string "test string", here are the pertinent scan pointer
- * positions:
- *
- * t e s t s t r i n g
- * 0 1 2 ... 1
- * 0
- *
- * When you #scan for a pattern (a regular expression), the match must occur
- * at the character after the scan pointer. If you use #scan_until, then the
- * match can occur anywhere after the scan pointer. In both cases, the scan
- * pointer moves <i>just beyond</i> the last character of the match, ready to
- * scan again from the next character onwards. This is demonstrated by the
- * example above.
- *
- * == Method Categories
- *
- * There are other methods besides the plain scanners. You can look ahead in
- * the string without actually scanning. You can access the most recent match.
- * You can modify the string being scanned, reset or terminate the scanner,
- * find out or change the position of the scan pointer, skip ahead, and so on.
- *
- * === Advancing the Scan Pointer
- *
- * - #getch
- * - #get_byte
- * - #scan_byte
- * - #scan
- * - #scan_until
- * - #skip
- * - #skip_until
- *
- * === Looking Ahead
- *
- * - #check
- * - #check_until
- * - #exist?
- * - #match?
- * - #peek
- * - #peek_byte
- *
- * === Finding Where we Are
- *
- * - #beginning_of_line? (<tt>#bol?</tt>)
- * - #eos?
- * - #rest?
- * - #rest_size
- * - #pos
- *
- * === Setting Where we Are
- *
- * - #reset
- * - #terminate
- * - #pos=
- *
- * === Match Data
- *
- * - #matched
- * - #matched?
- * - #matched_size
- * - <tt>#[]</tt>
- * - #pre_match
- * - #post_match
- *
- * === Miscellaneous
- *
- * - <tt><<</tt>
- * - #concat
- * - #string
- * - #string=
- * - #unscan
- *
- * There are aliases to several of the methods.
+ * :markup: markdown
+ *
+ * :include: strscan/link_refs.txt
+ * :include: strscan/strscan.md
+ *
diff --git a/ext/strscan/strscan.gemspec b/ext/strscan/strscan.gemspec
index 8a61c7abe6..925edcd2d3 100644
--- a/ext/strscan/strscan.gemspec
+++ b/ext/strscan/strscan.gemspec
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.require_paths = %w{lib}
files << "ext/strscan/extconf.rb"
files << "ext/strscan/strscan.c"
+ s.rdoc_options << "-idoc"
+ s.extra_rdoc_files = [
+ ".rdoc_options",
+ *Dir.glob("doc/strscan/**/*")
+ ]
s.extensions = %w{ext/strscan/extconf.rb}
s.files = files
diff --git a/tool/sync_default_gems.rb b/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
index 0307028eb7..b624282314 100755
--- a/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
+++ b/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ module SyncDefaultGems
cp_r("#{upstream}/ext/strscan", "ext")
cp_r("#{upstream}/test/strscan", "test")
cp_r("#{upstream}/strscan.gemspec", "ext/strscan")
+ cp_r("#{upstream}/doc/strscan", "doc")
rm_rf(%w["ext/strscan/regenc.h ext/strscan/regint.h"])
`git checkout ext/strscan/depend`
when "cgi"