diff options
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-rw-r--r--ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/maru.gifbin0 -> 481 bytes
20 files changed, 2558 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/README.ActiveTcl b/ext/tk/README.ActiveTcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3afb3f4cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/README.ActiveTcl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ActiveTcl is ActiveState's quality-assured distribution of Tcl.
+# see <http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActiveTcl/>
+# <http://www.tcl.tk/>
+If you want to use ActiveTcl binary package as the Tcl/Tk libraries,
+please use the following configure options.
+ --with-tcl-dir=<ActiveTcl_root>
+ --with-tk-dir=<ActiveTcl_root>
+And use the followings if you need.
+ --with-tcllib=<libname>
+ --with-tklib=<libname>
+ --enable-tcltk-stubs
+For example, when you install ActiveTcl-8.4.x to '/usr/local/ActiveTcl',
+ configure --with-tcl-dir=/usr/local/ActiveTcl/ \
+ --with-tk-dir=/usr/local/ActiveTcl/ \
+ --with-tcllib=tclstub8.4 \
+ --with-tklib=tkstub8.4 \
+ --enable-tcltk-stubs
+It depends on your environment that you have to add the directory of
+ActiveTcl's libraries to your library path when execute Ruby/Tk.
+One of the way is to add entries to TCLLIBPATH environment variable,
+and one of the others add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
+Probably, using TCLLIBPATH is better. The value is appended at the
+head of Tcl's 'auto_path' variable. You can see the value of the
+variable by using 'Tk::AUTO_PATH.value' or 'Tk::AUTO_PATH.list'.
+For example, on Linux, one of the ways is to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+environment variable.
+ [bash]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ActiveTcl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
+ ruby your-Ruby/Tk-script
+ [bash]$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ActiveTcl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH irb
+Based on it, the Tcl interpreter changes auto_path variable's value.
+Then, you'll be able to use Tcl/Tk extension libraries included in the
+ActiveTcl package (e.g. call TkPackage.require('BWidget'), and then,
+use functions/widgets of BWidget extention).
+ Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a6694dbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# tof
+#### tcltk library, more direct manipulation of tcl/tk
+#### Sep. 5, 1997 Y. Shigehiro
+require "tcltklib"
+# module TclTk: collection of tcl/tk utilities (supplies namespace.)
+module TclTk
+ # initialize Hash to hold unique symbols and such
+ @namecnt = {}
+ # initialize Hash to hold callbacks
+ @callback = {}
+# TclTk.mainloop(): call TclTkLib.mainloop()
+def TclTk.mainloop()
+ print("mainloop: start\n") if $DEBUG
+ TclTkLib.mainloop()
+ print("mainloop: end\n") if $DEBUG
+# TclTk.deletecallbackkey(ca): remove callback from TclTk module
+# this does not remove callbacks from tcl/tk interpreter
+# without calling this method, TclTkInterpreter will not be GCed
+# ca: callback(TclTkCallback)
+def TclTk.deletecallbackkey(ca)
+ print("deletecallbackkey: ", ca.to_s(), "\n") if $DEBUG
+ @callback.delete(ca.to_s)
+# TclTk.dcb(ca, wid, W): call TclTk.deletecallbackkey() for each callbacks
+# in an array.
+# this is for callback for top-level <Destroy>
+# ca: array of callbacks(TclTkCallback)
+# wid: top-level widget(TclTkWidget)
+# w: information about window given by %W(String)
+def TclTk.dcb(ca, wid, w)
+ if wid.to_s() == w
+ ca.each{|i|
+ TclTk.deletecallbackkey(i)
+ }
+ end
+# TclTk._addcallback(ca): register callback
+# ca: callback(TclTkCallback)
+def TclTk._addcallback(ca)
+ print("_addcallback: ", ca.to_s(), "\n") if $DEBUG
+ @callback[ca.to_s()] = ca
+# TclTk._callcallback(key, arg): invoke registered callback
+# key: key to select callback (to_s value of the TclTkCallback)
+# arg: parameter from tcl/tk interpreter
+def TclTk._callcallback(key, arg)
+ print("_callcallback: ", @callback[key].inspect, "\n") if $DEBUG
+ @callback[key]._call(arg)
+ # throw out callback value
+ # should return String to satisfy rb_eval_string()
+ return ""
+# TclTk._newname(prefix): generate unique name(String)
+# prefix: prefix of the unique name
+def TclTk._newname(prefix)
+ # generated name counter is stored in @namecnt
+ if !@namecnt.key?(prefix)
+ # first appearing prefix, initialize
+ @namecnt[prefix] = 1
+ else
+ # already appeared prefix, generate next name
+ @namecnt[prefix] += 1
+ end
+ return "#{prefix}#{@namecnt[prefix]}"
+# class TclTkInterpreter: tcl/tk interpreter
+class TclTkInterpreter
+ # initialize():
+ def initialize()
+ # generate interpreter object
+ @ip = TclTkIp.new()
+ # add ruby_fmt command to tcl interpreter
+ # ruby_fmt command format arguments by `format' and call `ruby' command
+ # (notice ruby command receives only one argument)
+ if $DEBUG
+ @ip._eval("proc ruby_fmt {fmt args} { puts \"ruby_fmt: $fmt $args\" ; set cmd [list ruby [format $fmt $args]] ; uplevel $cmd }")
+ else
+ @ip._eval("proc ruby_fmt {fmt args} { set cmd [list ruby [format $fmt $args]] ; uplevel $cmd }")
+ end
+ # @ip._get_eval_string(*args): generate string to evaluate in tcl interpreter
+ # *args: script which is going to be evaluated under tcl/tk
+ def @ip._get_eval_string(*args)
+ argstr = ""
+ args.each{|arg|
+ argstr += " " if argstr != ""
+ # call to_eval if it is defined
+ if (arg.respond_to?(:to_eval))
+ argstr += arg.to_eval()
+ else
+ # call to_s unless defined
+ argstr += arg.to_s()
+ end
+ }
+ return argstr
+ end
+ # @ip._eval_args(*args): evaluate string under tcl/tk interpreter
+ # returns result string.
+ # *args: script which is going to be evaluated under tcl/tk
+ def @ip._eval_args(*args)
+ # calculate the string to eval in the interpreter
+ argstr = _get_eval_string(*args)
+ # evaluate under the interpreter
+ print("_eval: \"", argstr, "\"") if $DEBUG
+ res = _eval(argstr)
+ if $DEBUG
+ print(" -> \"", res, "\"\n")
+ elsif _return_value() != 0
+ print(res, "\n")
+ end
+ fail(%Q/can't eval "#{argstr}"/) if _return_value() != 0 #'
+ return res
+ end
+ # generate tcl/tk command object and register in the hash
+ @commands = {}
+ # for all commands registered in tcl/tk interpreter:
+ @ip._eval("info command").split(/ /).each{|comname|
+ if comname =~ /^[.]/
+ # if command is a widget (path), generate TclTkWidget,
+ # and register it in the hash
+ @commands[comname] = TclTkWidget.new(@ip, comname)
+ else
+ # otherwise, generate TclTkCommand
+ @commands[comname] = TclTkCommand.new(@ip, comname)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # commands(): returns hash of the tcl/tk commands
+ def commands()
+ return @commands
+ end
+ # rootwidget(): returns root widget(TclTkWidget)
+ def rootwidget()
+ return @commands["."]
+ end
+ # _tcltkip(): returns @ip(TclTkIp)
+ def _tcltkip()
+ return @ip
+ end
+ # method_missing(id, *args): execute undefined method as tcl/tk command
+ # id: method symbol
+ # *args: method arguments
+ def method_missing(id, *args)
+ # if command named by id registered, then execute it
+ if @commands.key?(id.id2name)
+ return @commands[id.id2name].e(*args)
+ else
+ # otherwise, exception
+ super
+ end
+ end
+# class TclTkObject: base class of the tcl/tk objects
+class TclTkObject
+ # initialize(ip, exp):
+ # ip: interpreter(TclTkIp)
+ # exp: tcl/tk representation
+ def initialize(ip, exp)
+ fail("type is not TclTkIp") if !ip.kind_of?(TclTkIp)
+ @ip = ip
+ @exp = exp
+ end
+ # to_s(): returns tcl/tk representation
+ def to_s()
+ return @exp
+ end
+# class TclTkCommand: tcl/tk commands
+# you should not call TclTkCommand.new()
+# commands are created by TclTkInterpreter:initialize()
+class TclTkCommand < TclTkObject
+ # e(*args): execute command. returns String (e is for exec or eval)
+ # *args: command arguments
+ def e(*args)
+ return @ip._eval_args(to_s(), *args)
+ end
+# class TclTkLibCommand: tcl/tk commands in the library
+class TclTkLibCommand < TclTkCommand
+ # initialize(ip, name):
+ # ip: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
+ # name: command name (String)
+ def initialize(ip, name)
+ super(ip._tcltkip, name)
+ end
+# class TclTkVariable: tcl/tk variable
+class TclTkVariable < TclTkObject
+ # initialize(interp, dat):
+ # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
+ # dat: the value to set(String)
+ # if nil, not initialize variable
+ def initialize(interp, dat)
+ # auto-generate tcl/tk representation (variable name)
+ exp = TclTk._newname("v_")
+ # initialize TclTkObject
+ super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
+ # safe this for `set' command
+ @set = interp.commands()["set"]
+ # set value
+ set(dat) if dat
+ end
+ # although you can set/refer variable by using set in tcl/tk,
+ # we provide the method for accessing variables
+ # set(data): set tcl/tk variable using `set'
+ # data: new value
+ def set(data)
+ @set.e(to_s(), data.to_s())
+ end
+ # get(): read tcl/tk variable(String) using `set'
+ def get()
+ return @set.e(to_s())
+ end
+# class TclTkWidget: tcl/tk widget
+class TclTkWidget < TclTkCommand
+ # initialize(*args):
+ # *args: parameters
+ def initialize(*args)
+ if args[0].kind_of?(TclTkIp)
+ # in case the 1st argument is TclTkIp:
+ # Wrap tcl/tk widget by TclTkWidget
+ # (used in TclTkInterpreter#initialize())
+ # need two arguments
+ fail("illegal # of parameter") if args.size != 2
+ # ip: interpreter(TclTkIp)
+ # exp: tcl/tk representation
+ ip, exp = args
+ # initialize TclTkObject
+ super(ip, exp)
+ elsif args[0].kind_of?(TclTkInterpreter)
+ # in case 1st parameter is TclTkInterpreter:
+ # generate new widget from parent widget
+ # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
+ # parent: parent widget
+ # command: widget generating tk command(label 等)
+ # *args: argument to the command
+ interp, parent, command, *args = args
+ # generate widget name
+ exp = parent.to_s()
+ exp += "." if exp !~ /[.]$/
+ exp += TclTk._newname("w_")
+ # initialize TclTkObject
+ super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
+ # generate widget
+ res = @ip._eval_args(command, exp, *args)
+# fail("can't create Widget") if res != exp
+ # for tk_optionMenu, it is legal res != exp
+ else
+ fail("first parameter is not TclTkInterpreter")
+ end
+ end
+# class TclTkCallback: tcl/tk callbacks
+class TclTkCallback < TclTkObject
+ # initialize(interp, pr, arg):
+ # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
+ # pr: callback procedure(Proc)
+ # arg: string to pass as block parameters of pr
+ # bind command of tcl/tk uses % replacement for parameters
+ # pr can receive replaced data using block parameter
+ # its format is specified by arg string
+ # You should not specify arg for the command like
+ # scrollbar with -command option, which receives parameters
+ # without specifying any replacement
+ def initialize(interp, pr, arg = nil)
+ # auto-generate tcl/tk representation (variable name)
+ exp = TclTk._newname("c_")
+ # initialize TclTkObject
+ super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
+ # save parameters
+ @pr = pr
+ @arg = arg
+ # register in the module
+ TclTk._addcallback(self)
+ end
+ # to_eval(): retuens string representation for @ip._eval_args
+ def to_eval()
+ if @arg
+ # bind replaces %s before calling ruby_fmt, so %%s is used
+ s = %Q/{ruby_fmt {TclTk._callcallback("#{to_s()}", "%%s")} #{@arg}}/
+ else
+ s = %Q/{ruby_fmt {TclTk._callcallback("#{to_s()}", "%s")}}/
+ end
+ return s
+ end
+ # _call(arg): invoke callback
+ # arg: callback parameter
+ def _call(arg)
+ @pr.call(arg)
+ end
+# class TclTkImage: tcl/tk images
+class TclTkImage < TclTkCommand
+ # initialize(interp, t, *args):
+ # generating image is done by TclTkImage.new()
+ # destrying is done by image delete (inconsistent, sigh)
+ # interp: interpreter(TclTkInterpreter)
+ # t: image type (photo, bitmap, etc.)
+ # *args: command argument
+ def initialize(interp, t, *args)
+ # auto-generate tcl/tk representation
+ exp = TclTk._newname("i_")
+ # initialize TclTkObject
+ super(interp._tcltkip(), exp)
+ # generate image
+ res = @ip._eval_args("image create", t, exp, *args)
+ fail("can't create Image") if res != exp
+ end
+# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/old-README.tcltklib.eucj b/ext/tk/old-README.tcltklib.eucj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd75202c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/old-README.tcltklib.eucj
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ 2003/06/19 Hidetoshi NAGAI
+本ドキュメントには古い tcltk ライブラリ,tcltklib ライブラリの説明
+まず,現在の Ruby/Tk の中心である tk.rb は wish を呼び出したりはせ
+ず,tcltklib ライブラリを wrap して動作するものとなっています.その
+現在の tcltklib ライブラリでも,Tcl/Tk の C ライブラリをリンクして
+直接に動かすことで,オーバヘッドを押さえつつ Tcl/Tk インタープリタ
+その役割はほぼ「tk.rb 以下のライブラリを効果的に働かせるためのもの」
+tk.rb の高機能化に伴って,中水準のライブラリである tcltk ライブラリ
+ととなっていますが,現在の tk.rb ではこれも可能であることを補足して
+ tcltk ライブラリ
+ tcltklib ライブラリ
+ Sep. 19, 1997 Y. Shigehiro
+以下, 「tcl/tk」という表記は, tclsh や wish を実現している, 一般でいう
+ところの tcl/tk を指します. 「tcltk ライブラリ」, 「tcltklib ライブラ
+リ」という表記は, 本パッケージに含まれる ruby 用のライブラリを指します.
+README.euc : このファイル(注意, 特徴, インストールの方法).
+MANUAL.euc : マニュアル.
+lib/, ext/ : ライブラリの実体.
+sample/ : マニュアル代わりのサンプルプログラム.
+sample/sample0.rb : tcltklib ライブラリのテスト.
+sample/sample1.rb : tcltk ライブラリのテスト.
+ tcl/tk (wish) でできそうなことを一通り書いてみました.
+sample/sample2.rb : tcltk ライブラリのサンプル.
+ maeda shugo (shugo@po.aianet.ne.jp) 氏による
+ (`rb.tk' で書かれていた) ruby のサンプルプログラム
+ http://www.aianet.or.jp/~shugo/ruby/othello.rb.gz
+ を tcltk ライブラリを使うように, 機械的に変更してみました.
+demo/ : 100 本の線を 100 回描くデモプログラム.
+ 最初に空ループの時間を測定し, 続いて実際に線を引く時間を測定します.
+ tcl/tk は(再)描画のときに backing store を使わずに律義に 10000 本(?)
+ 線を引くので, (再)描画を始めると, マシンがかなり重くなります.
+demo/lines0.tcl : wish 用のスクリプト.
+demo/lines1.rb : `tk.rb' 用のスクリプト.
+demo/lines2.rb : tcltk ライブラリ用のスクリプト.
+コンパイル/実行には, tcl/tk の C ライブラリが必要です.
+ ruby-1.0-970701, ruby-1.0-970911, ruby-1.0-970919
+ FreeBSD 2.2.2-RELEASE
+ およびそのパッケージ jp-tcl-7.6.tgz, jp-tk-4.2.tgz
+で作成/動作確認しました. 他の環境では動作するかどうかわかりません.
+TclTkLib.mainloop を実行中に Control-C が効かないのは不便なので, ruby
+のソースを参考に, #include "sig.h" して trap_immediate を操作していま
+すが, ruby の README.EXT にも書いてないのに, こんなことをして良いのか
+-d オプションでデバッグ情報を表示させるために, ruby のソースを参考に,
+debug という大域変数を参照していますが, ruby の README.EXT にも書いて
+ないのに, こんなことをして良いのかどうかわかりません.
+extconf.rb は書きましたが, (いろいろな意味で)これで良いのか良く分かり
+ruby から tcl/tk ライブラリを利用できます.
+tcl/tk インタプリタのスクリプトは, 機械的に tcltk ライブラリ用の ruby
+(`tk.rb' との違い)
+1. tcl/tk インタプリタのスクリプトが, どのように, tcltk ライブラリ用の
+ ruby スクリプトに変換されるかが理解できれば, マニュアル類が無いに等
+ しい `tk.rb' とは異なり
+ tcl/tk のマニュアルやオンラインドキュメントを用いて
+ 効率良くプログラミングを行うことができます.
+ 記述方法がわからない, コマンドに与えるパラメータがわからない...
+ - Canvas.new { ... } と, なぜイテレータブロックを書けるの??
+ - Canvas の bbox は数値のリストを返すのに, xview は文字列を返すの??
+ と, いちいち, ライブラリのソースを追いかける必要はありません.
+2. 個々の機能(オプション)を個別処理によりサポートしており, そのためサ
+ ポートしていない機能は使うことができない(本当は使えないこともないの
+ ですが) `tk.rb' とは異なり, tcl/tk インタプリタで可能なことは
+ ほとんど
+ ruby からも実行できます. 現在, ruby から実行できないことが確認され
+ ているのは,
+ bind コマンドでスクリプトを追加する構文
+ 「bind tag sequence +script」
+ ^
+ のみです.
+ - `. configure -width' をしようとして, `Tk.root.height()' と書い
+ たのに, `undefined method `height'' と怒られてしまった. tk.rb を
+ 読んでみて, ガーン. できないのか...
+ ということはありません.
+3. wish プロセスを起動しプロセス間通信で wish を利用する `tk.rb' とは
+ 異なり, tcl/tk の C ライブラリをリンクし
+ より高速に (といっても, 思った程は速くないですが)
+ 処理を行います.
+4. `tk.rb' ほど, 高水準なインターフェースを備えていないため, tcl/tk イ
+ ンタプリタの生成等
+ 何から何まで自分で記述
+ しなければなりません(その代わり, tcl/tk ライブラリの仕様通り,
+ tcl/tk インタプリタを複数生成することもできますが).
+ インターフェースは(おそらく) ruby の思想に沿ったものではありません.
+ また, スクリプトの記述は
+ ダサダサ
+ です. スクリプトは, 一見, 読みづらいものとなります. が, 書く人にとっ
+ ては, それほど煩わしいものではないと思います.
+0. ruby のソースファイル(ruby-1.0-なんたら.tgz)を展開しておきます.
+1. ruby-1.0-なんたら/ext に ext/tcltklib をコピーします.
+ cp -r ext/tcltklib ???/ruby-1.0-なんたら/ext/
+2. ruby のインストール法に従い make 等をします.
+3. ruby のライブラリ置場に lib/* をコピーします.
+ cp lib/* /usr/local/lib/ruby/
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/batsu.gif b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/batsu.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..880cc73e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/batsu.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines0.tcl b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines0.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ed3c5e1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines0.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/wish
+proc drawlines {} {
+ puts [clock format [clock seconds]]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ puts -nonewline "*"
+ flush stdout
+ if {$j & 1} {
+ set c "blue"
+ } {
+ set c "red"
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+# .a create line $i 0 0 [expr 500 - $i] -fill $c
+ }
+ }
+ puts [clock format [clock seconds]]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ puts -nonewline "*"
+ flush stdout
+ if {$j & 1} {
+ set c "blue"
+ } {
+ set c "red"
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ .a create line $i 0 0 [expr 500 - $i] -fill $c
+ }
+ }
+ puts [clock format [clock seconds]]
+# destroy .
+canvas .a -height 500 -width 500
+button .b -text draw -command drawlines
+pack .a .b -side left
+# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines1.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines1.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f21ae6377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines1.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+require "tcltk"
+def drawlines()
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+# $a.e("create line", i, 0, 0, 500 - i, "-fill", col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+ $a.e("create line", i, 0, 0, 500 - i, "-fill", col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+# $ip.commands()["destroy"].e($root)
+$ip = TclTkInterpreter.new()
+$root = $ip.rootwidget()
+$a = TclTkWidget.new($ip, $root, "canvas", "-height 500 -width 500")
+$c = TclTkCallback.new($ip, proc{drawlines()})
+$b = TclTkWidget.new($ip, $root, "button", "-text draw -command", $c)
+$ip.commands()["pack"].e($a, $b, "-side left")
+# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e459589f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+require "tk"
+def drawlines()
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+# TkcLine.new($a, i, 0, 0, 500 - i, "-fill", col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+ TkcLine.new($a, i, 0, 0, 500 - i, "-fill", col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+# Tk.root.destroy
+$a = TkCanvas.new{
+ height(500)
+ width(500)
+$b = TkButton.new{
+ text("draw")
+ command(proc{drawlines()})
+TkPack.configure($a, $b, {"side"=>"left"})
+# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines3.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines3.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caa50f92e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines3.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+require "tk"
+def drawlines()
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+# $a.create(TkcLine, i, 0, 0, 500 - i, "fill"=>col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+ $a.create(TkcLine, i, 0, 0, 500 - i, "fill"=>col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+# Tk.root.destroy
+$a = TkCanvas.new{
+ height(500)
+ width(500)
+$b = TkButton.new{
+ text("draw")
+ command(proc{drawlines()})
+TkPack.configure($a, $b, {"side"=>"left"})
+# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines4.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines4.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a1175bce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/lines4.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+require "tk"
+def drawlines()
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+# TkCore::INTERP.__invoke($a.path, "create", "line", i.to_s, '0', '0', (500 - i).to_s, "-fill", col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+ for j in 0 .. 99
+ print "*"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if (j & 1) != 0
+ col = "blue"
+ else
+ col = "red"
+ end
+ for i in 0 .. 99
+ TkCore::INTERP.__invoke($a.path, "create", "line", i.to_s, '0', '0', (500 - i).to_s, "-fill", col)
+ end
+ end
+ print Time.now, "\n"
+# Tk.root.destroy
+$a = TkCanvas.new{
+ height(500)
+ width(500)
+$b = TkButton.new{
+ text("draw")
+ command(proc{drawlines()})
+TkPack.configure($a, $b, {"side"=>"left"})
+# eof
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/maru.gif b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/maru.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c0202892e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/maru.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/safeTk.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/safeTk.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d2c60e700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/safeTk.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'tcltklib'
+master = TclTkIp.new
+slave_name = 'slave0'
+slave = master.create_slave(slave_name, true)
+master._eval("::safe::interpInit #{slave_name}")
+master._eval("::safe::loadTk #{slave_name}")
+master._invoke('label', '.l1', '-text', 'master')
+master._invoke('pack', '.l1', '-padx', '30', '-pady', '50')
+master._eval('label .l2 -text {root widget of master-ip}')
+master._eval('pack .l2 -padx 30 -pady 50')
+slave._invoke('label', '.l1', '-text', 'slave')
+slave._invoke('pack', '.l1', '-padx', '30', '-pady', '50')
+slave._eval('label .l2 -text {root widget of slave-ip}')
+slave._eval('pack .l2 -padx 30 -pady 20')
+slave._eval('label .l3 -text {( container frame widget of master-ip )}')
+slave._eval('pack .l3 -padx 30 -pady 20')
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample0.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample0.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd4c8069b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample0.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -vd
+# tcltklib ライブラリのテスト
+require "tcltklib"
+def test
+ # インタプリタを生成する
+ ip1 = TclTkIp.new()
+ # 評価してみる
+ print ip1._return_value().inspect, "\n"
+ print ip1._eval("puts {abc}").inspect, "\n"
+ # ボタンを作ってみる
+ print ip1._return_value().inspect, "\n"
+ print ip1._eval("button .lab -text exit -command \"destroy .\"").inspect,
+ "\n"
+ print ip1._return_value().inspect, "\n"
+ print ip1._eval("pack .lab").inspect, "\n"
+ print ip1._return_value().inspect, "\n"
+ # インタプリタから ruby コマンドを評価してみる
+# print ip1._eval(%q/ruby {print "print by ruby\n"}/).inspect, "\n"
+ print ip1._eval(%q+puts [ruby {print "print by ruby\n"; "puts by tcl/tk"}]+).inspect, "\n"
+ print ip1._return_value().inspect, "\n"
+ # もう一つインタプリタを生成してみる
+ ip2 = TclTkIp.new()
+ ip2._eval("button .lab -text test -command \"puts test ; destroy .\"")
+ ip2._eval("pack .lab")
+ TclTkLib.mainloop
+print "exit\n"
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample1.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample1.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13df440751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample1.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -d
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+# -d オプションを付けると, デバッグ情報を表示する.
+# tcltk ライブラリのサンプル
+# まず, ライブラリを require する.
+require "tcltk"
+# 以下は, Test1 のインスタンスの initialize() で,
+# tcl/tk に関する処理を行う例である.
+# 必ずしもそのようにする必要は無く,
+# (もし, そうしたければ) class の外で tcl/tk に関する処理を行っても良い.
+class Test1
+ # 初期化(インタプリタを生成してウィジェットを生成する).
+ def initialize()
+ #### 使う前のおまじない
+ # インタプリタの生成.
+ ip = TclTkInterpreter.new()
+ # コマンドに対応するオブジェクトを c に設定しておく.
+ c = ip.commands()
+ # 使用するコマンドに対応するオブジェクトは変数に入れておく.
+ append, bind, button, destroy, incr, info, label, place, set, wm =
+ c.values_at(
+ "append", "bind", "button", "destroy", "incr", "info", "label", "place",
+ "set", "wm")
+ #### tcl/tk のコマンドに対応するオブジェクト(TclTkCommand)の操作
+ # 実行する時は, e() メソッドを使う.
+ # (以下は, tcl/tk における info command r* を実行.)
+ print info.e("command", "r*"), "\n"
+ # 引数は, まとめた文字列にしても同じ.
+ print info.e("command r*"), "\n"
+ # 変数を用いなくとも実行できるが, 見ためが悪い.
+ print c["info"].e("command", "r*"), "\n"
+ # インタプリタのメソッドとしても実行できるが, 効率が悪い.
+ print ip.info("command", "r*"), "\n"
+ ####
+ # 以下, 生成したオブジェクトは変数に代入しておかないと
+ # GC の対象になってしまう.
+ #### tcl/tk の変数に対応するオブジェクト(TclTkVariable)の操作
+ # 生成と同時に値を設定する.
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, "20")
+ # 読み出しは get メソッドを使う.
+ print v1.get(), "\n"
+ # 設定は set メソッドを使う.
+ v1.set(40)
+ print v1.get(), "\n"
+ # set コマンドを使って読み出し, 設定は可能だが見ためが悪い.
+ # e() メソッド等の引数に直接 TclTkObject や数値を書いても良い.
+ set.e(v1, 30)
+ print set.e(v1), "\n"
+ # tcl/tk のコマンドで変数を操作できる.
+ incr.e(v1)
+ print v1.get(), "\n"
+ append.e(v1, 10)
+ print v1.get(), "\n"
+ #### tcl/tk のウィジェットに対応するオブジェクト(TclTkWidget)の操作
+ # ルートウィジェットを取り出す.
+ root = ip.rootwidget()
+ # ウィジェットの操作.
+ root.e("configure -height 300 -width 300")
+ # タイトルを付けるときは wm を使う.
+ wm.e("title", root, $0)
+ # 親ウィジェットとコマンドを指定して, ウィジェットを作る.
+ l1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, root, label, "-text {type `x' to print}")
+ # place すると表示される.
+ place.e(l1, "-x 0 -rely 0.0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 0.1")
+ # コマンド名は文字列で指定しても良いが, 見ためが悪い.
+ # (コマンド名は独立した引数でなければならない.)
+ l2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, root, "label")
+ # ウィジェットの操作.
+ l2.e("configure -text {type `q' to exit}")
+ place.e(l2, "-x 0 -rely 0.1 -relwidth 1 -relheight 0.1")
+ #### tcl/tk のコールバックに対応するオブジェクト(TclTkCallback)の操作
+ # コールバックを生成する.
+ c1 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{sample(ip, root)})
+ # コールバックを持つウィジェットを生成する.
+ b1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, root, button, "-text sample -command", c1)
+ place.e(b1, "-x 0 -rely 0.2 -relwidth 1 -relheight 0.1")
+ # イベントループを抜けるには destroy.e(root) する.
+ c2 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{destroy.e(root)})
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, root, button, "-text exit -command", c2)
+ place.e(b2, "-x 0 -rely 0.3 -relwidth 1 -relheight 0.1")
+ #### イベントのバインド
+ # script の追加 (bind tag sequence +script) は今のところできない.
+ # (イテレータ変数の設定がうまくいかない.)
+ # 基本的にはウィジェットに対するコールバックと同じ.
+ c3 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{print("q pressed\n"); destroy.e(root)})
+ bind.e(root, "q", c3)
+ # bind コマンドで % 置換によりパラメータを受け取りたいときは,
+ # proc{} の後ろに文字列で指定すると,
+ # 置換結果をイテレータ変数を通して受け取ることができる.
+ # ただし proc{} の後ろの文字列は,
+ # bind コマンドに与えるコールバック以外で指定してはいけない.
+ c4 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|i| print("#{i} pressed\n")}, "%A")
+ bind.e(root, "x", c4)
+ # TclTkCallback を GC の対象にしたければ,
+ # dcb() (または deletecallbackkeys()) する必要がある.
+ cb = [c1, c2, c3, c4]
+ c5 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|w| TclTk.dcb(cb, root, w)}, "%W")
+ bind.e(root, "<Destroy>", c5)
+ cb.push(c5)
+ #### tcl/tk のイメージに対応するオブジェクト(TclTkImage)の操作
+ # データを指定して生成する.
+ i1 = TclTkImage.new(ip, "photo", "-file maru.gif")
+ # ラベルに張り付けてみる.
+ l3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, root, label, "-relief raised -image", i1)
+ place.e(l3, "-x 0 -rely 0.4 -relwidth 0.2 -relheight 0.2")
+ # 空のイメージを生成して後で操作する.
+ i2 = TclTkImage.new(ip, "photo")
+ # イメージを操作する.
+ i2.e("copy", i1)
+ i2.e("configure -gamma 0.5")
+ l4 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, root, label, "-relief raised -image", i2)
+ place.e(l4, "-relx 0.2 -rely 0.4 -relwidth 0.2 -relheight 0.2")
+ ####
+ end
+ # サンプルのためのウィジェットを生成する.
+ def sample(ip, parent)
+ bind, button, destroy, grid, toplevel, wm = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "bind", "button", "destroy", "grid", "toplevel", "wm")
+ ## toplevel
+ # 新しいウインドウを開くには, toplevel を使う.
+ t1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, parent, toplevel)
+ # タイトルを付けておく
+ wm.e("title", t1, "sample")
+ # ウィジェットが破壊されたとき, コールバックが GC の対象になるようにする.
+ cb = []
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|w| TclTk.dcb(cb, t1, w)}, "%W"))
+ bind.e(t1, "<Destroy>", c)
+ # ボタンの生成.
+ wid = []
+ # toplevel ウィジェットを破壊するには destroy する.
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{destroy.e(t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text close -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_label(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text label -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_button(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text button -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_checkbutton(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text checkbutton -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_radiobutton(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text radiobutton -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_scale(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text scale -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_entry(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text entry -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_text(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text text -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_raise(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text raise/lower -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_modal(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text message/modal -command",
+ c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_menu(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text menu -command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_listbox(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text listbox/scrollbar",
+ "-command", c))
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{test_canvas(ip, t1)}))
+ wid.push(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text canvas -command", c))
+ # grid で表示する.
+ ro = co = 0
+ wid.each{|w|
+ grid.e(w, "-row", ro, "-column", co, "-sticky news")
+ ro += 1
+ if ro == 7
+ ro = 0
+ co += 1
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # inittoplevel(ip, parent, title)
+ # 以下の処理をまとめて行う.
+ # 1. toplevel ウィジェットを作成する.
+ # 2. コールバックを登録する配列を用意し, toplevel ウィジェットの
+ # <Destroy> イベントにコールバックを削除する手続きを登録する.
+ # 3. クローズボタンを作る.
+ # 作成した toplevel ウィジェット, クローズボタン, コールバック登録用変数
+ # を返す.
+ # ip: インタプリタ
+ # parent: 親ウィジェット
+ # title: toplevel ウィジェットのウインドウのタイトル
+ def inittoplevel(ip, parent, title)
+ bind, button, destroy, toplevel, wm = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "bind", "button", "destroy", "toplevel", "wm")
+ # 新しいウインドウを開くには, toplevel を使う.
+ t1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, parent, toplevel)
+ # タイトルを付けておく
+ wm.e("title", t1, title)
+ # ウィジェットが破壊されたとき, コールバックが GC の対象になるようにする.
+ cb = []
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|w| TclTk.dcb(cb, t1, w)}, "%W"))
+ bind.e(t1, "<Destroy>", c)
+ # close ボタンを作っておく.
+ # toplevel ウィジェットを破壊するには destroy する.
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{destroy.e(t1)}))
+ b1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text close -command", c)
+ return t1, b1, cb
+ end
+ # label のサンプル.
+ def test_label(ip, parent)
+ button, global, label, pack = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "button", "global", "label", "pack")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "label")
+ ## label
+ # いろいろな形のラベル.
+ l1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-text {default(flat)}")
+ l2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-text raised -relief raised")
+ l3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-text sunken -relief sunken")
+ l4 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-text groove -relief groove")
+ l5 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-text ridge -relief ridge")
+ l6 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-bitmap error")
+ l7 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-bitmap questhead")
+ # pack しても表示される.
+ pack.e(b1, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, "-pady 3")
+ ## -textvariable
+ # tcltk ライブラリの実装では, コールバックは tcl/tk の``手続き''を通して
+ # 呼ばれる. したがって, コールバックの中で(大域)変数にアクセスするときは,
+ # global する必要がある.
+ # global する前に変数に値を設定してしまうとエラーになるので,
+ # tcl/tk における表現形だけ生成して, 実際に値を設定しないように,
+ # 2 番目の引数には nil を与える.
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil)
+ global.e(v1)
+ v1.set(100)
+ # -textvariable で変数を設定する.
+ l6 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-textvariable", v1)
+ # コールバックの中から変数を操作する.
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ global.e(v1); v1.set(v1.get().to_i + 10)}))
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text +10 -command", c)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ global.e(v1); v1.set(v1.get().to_i - 10)}))
+ b3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text -10 -command", c)
+ pack.e(l6, b2, b3)
+ end
+ # button のサンプル.
+ def test_button(ip, parent)
+ button, pack = ip.commands().values_at("button", "pack")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "button")
+ ## button
+ # コールバック内で参照する変数は先に宣言しておかなければならない.
+ b3 = b4 = nil
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{b3.e("flash"); b4.e("flash")}))
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text flash -command", c)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{b2.e("configure -state normal")}))
+ b3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text normal -command", c)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{b2.e("configure -state disabled")}))
+ b4 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text disable -command", c)
+ pack.e(b1, b2, b3, b4)
+ end
+ # checkbutton のサンプル.
+ def test_checkbutton(ip, parent)
+ checkbutton, global, pack = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "checkbutton", "global", "pack")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "checkbutton")
+ ## checkbutton
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil)
+ global.e(v1)
+ # -variable で変数を設定する.
+ ch1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, checkbutton, "-onvalue on -offvalue off",
+ "-textvariable", v1, "-variable", v1)
+ pack.e(b1, ch1)
+ end
+ # radiobutton のサンプル.
+ def test_radiobutton(ip, parent)
+ global, label, pack, radiobutton = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "global", "label", "pack", "radiobutton")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "radiobutton")
+ ## radiobutton
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil)
+ global.e(v1)
+ # ヌルストリングは "{}" で指定する.
+ v1.set("{}")
+ l1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, label, "-textvariable", v1)
+ # -variable で同じ変数を指定すると同じグループになる.
+ ra1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, radiobutton,
+ "-text radio1 -value r1 -variable", v1)
+ ra2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, radiobutton,
+ "-text radio2 -value r2 -variable", v1)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{global.e(v1); v1.set("{}")}))
+ ra3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, radiobutton,
+ "-text clear -value r3 -variable", v1, "-command", c)
+ pack.e(b1, l1, ra1, ra2, ra3)
+ end
+ # scale のサンプル.
+ def test_scale(ip, parent)
+ global, pack, scale = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "global", "pack", "scale")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "scale")
+ ## scale
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil)
+ global.e(v1)
+ v1.set(219)
+ # コールバック内で参照する変数は先に宣言しておかなければならない.
+ sca1 = nil
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{global.e(v1); v = v1.get();
+ sca1.e("configure -background", format("#%02x%02x%02x", v, v, v))}))
+ sca1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, scale,
+ "-label scale -orient h -from 0 -to 255 -variable", v1, "-command", c)
+ pack.e(b1, sca1)
+ end
+ # entry のサンプル.
+ def test_entry(ip, parent)
+ button, entry, global, pack = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "button", "entry", "global", "pack")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "entry")
+ ## entry
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil)
+ global.e(v1)
+ # ヌルストリングは "{}" で指定する.
+ v1.set("{}")
+ en1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, entry, "-textvariable", v1)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ global.e(v1); print(v1.get(), "\n"); v1.set("{}")}))
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text print -command", c)
+ pack.e(b1, en1, b2)
+ end
+ # text のサンプル.
+ def test_text(ip, parent)
+ button, pack, text = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "button", "pack", "text")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "text")
+ ## text
+ te1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, text)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ # 1 行目の 0 文字目から最後までを表示し, 削除する.
+ print(te1.e("get 1.0 end")); te1.e("delete 1.0 end")}))
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text print -command", c)
+ pack.e(b1, te1, b2)
+ end
+ # raise/lower のサンプル.
+ def test_raise(ip, parent)
+ button, frame, lower, pack, raise = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "button", "frame", "lower", "pack", "raise")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "raise/lower")
+ ## raise/lower
+ # button を隠すテストのために, frame を使う.
+ f1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, frame)
+ # コールバック内で参照する変数は先に宣言しておかなければならない.
+ b2 = nil
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{raise.e(f1, b2)}))
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text raise -command", c)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{lower.e(f1, b2)}))
+ b3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text lower -command", c)
+ lower.e(f1, b3)
+ pack.e(b2, b3, "-in", f1)
+ pack.e(b1, f1)
+ end
+ # modal なウィジェットのサンプル.
+ def test_modal(ip, parent)
+ button, frame, message, pack, tk_chooseColor, tk_getOpenFile,
+ tk_messageBox = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "button", "frame", "message", "pack", "tk_chooseColor",
+ "tk_getOpenFile", "tk_messageBox")
+ # 最初に load されていないライブラリは ip.commands() に存在しないので,
+ # TclTkLibCommand を生成する必要がある.
+ tk_dialog = TclTkLibCommand.new(ip, "tk_dialog")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "message/modal")
+ ## message
+ mes = "これは message ウィジェットのテストです."
+ mes += "以下は modal なウィジェットのテストです."
+ me1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, message, "-text {#{mes}}")
+ ## modal
+ # tk_messageBox
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ print tk_messageBox.e("-type yesnocancel -message messageBox",
+ "-icon error -default cancel -title messageBox"), "\n"}))
+ b2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text messageBox -command", c)
+ # tk_dialog
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ # ウィジェット名を生成するためにダミーの frame を生成.
+ print tk_dialog.e(TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, frame),
+ "dialog dialog error 2 yes no cancel"), "\n"}))
+ b3 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text dialog -command", c)
+ # tk_chooseColor
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ print tk_chooseColor.e("-title chooseColor"), "\n"}))
+ b4 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text chooseColor -command", c)
+ # tk_getOpenFile
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ print tk_getOpenFile.e("-defaultextension .rb",
+ "-filetypes {{{Ruby Script} {.rb}} {{All Files} {*}}}",
+ "-title getOpenFile"), "\n"}))
+ b5 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, button, "-text getOpenFile -command", c)
+ pack.e(b1, me1, b2, b3, b4, b5)
+ end
+ # menu のサンプル.
+ def test_menu(ip, parent)
+ global, menu, menubutton, pack = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "global", "menu", "menubutton", "pack")
+ tk_optionMenu = TclTkLibCommand.new(ip, "tk_optionMenu")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "menu")
+ ## menu
+ # menubutton を生成する.
+ mb1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, menubutton, "-text menu")
+ # menu を生成する.
+ me1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, mb1, menu)
+ # mb1 から me1 が起動されるようにする.
+ mb1.e("configure -menu", me1)
+ # cascade で起動される menu を生成する.
+ me11 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, me1, menu)
+ # radiobutton のサンプル.
+ v1 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil); global.e(v1); v1.set("r1")
+ me11.e("add radiobutton -label radio1 -value r1 -variable", v1)
+ me11.e("add radiobutton -label radio2 -value r2 -variable", v1)
+ me11.e("add radiobutton -label radio3 -value r3 -variable", v1)
+ # cascade により mb11 が起動されるようにする.
+ me1.e("add cascade -label cascade -menu", me11)
+ # checkbutton のサンプル.
+ v2 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil); global.e(v2); v2.set("none")
+ me1.e("add checkbutton -label check -variable", v2)
+ # separator のサンプル.
+ me1.e("add separator")
+ # command のサンプル.
+ v3 = nil
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ global.e(v1, v2, v3); print "v1: ", v1.get(), ", v2: ", v2.get(),
+ ", v3: ", v3.get(), "\n"}))
+ me1.e("add command -label print -command", c)
+ ## tk_optionMenu
+ v3 = TclTkVariable.new(ip, nil); global.e(v3); v3.set("opt2")
+ om1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, tk_optionMenu, v3, "opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4")
+ pack.e(b1, mb1, om1, "-side left")
+ end
+ # listbox のサンプル.
+ def test_listbox(ip, parent)
+ clipboard, frame, grid, listbox, lower, menu, menubutton, pack, scrollbar,
+ selection = ip.commands().values_at(
+ "clipboard", "frame", "grid", "listbox", "lower", "menu", "menubutton",
+ "pack", "scrollbar", "selection")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "listbox")
+ ## listbox/scrollbar
+ f1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, frame)
+ # コールバック内で参照する変数は先に宣言しておかなければならない.
+ li1 = sc1 = sc2 = nil
+ # 実行時に, 後ろにパラメータがつくコールバックは,
+ # イテレータ変数でそのパラメータを受け取ることができる.
+ # (複数のパラメータはひとつの文字列にまとめられる.)
+ cb.push(c1 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|i| li1.e("xview", i)}))
+ cb.push(c2 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|i| li1.e("yview", i)}))
+ cb.push(c3 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|i| sc1.e("set", i)}))
+ cb.push(c4 = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|i| sc2.e("set", i)}))
+ # listbox
+ li1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, f1, listbox,
+ "-xscrollcommand", c3, "-yscrollcommand", c4,
+ "-selectmode extended -exportselection true")
+ for i in 1..20
+ li1.e("insert end {line #{i} line #{i} line #{i} line #{i} line #{i}}")
+ end
+ # scrollbar
+ sc1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, f1, scrollbar, "-orient horizontal -command", c1)
+ sc2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, f1, scrollbar, "-orient vertical -command", c2)
+ ## selection/clipboard
+ mb1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, menubutton, "-text edit")
+ me1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, mb1, menu)
+ mb1.e("configure -menu", me1)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ # clipboard をクリア.
+ clipboard.e("clear")
+ # selection から文字列を読み込み clipboard に追加する.
+ clipboard.e("append {#{selection.e('get')}}")}))
+ me1.e("add command -label {selection -> clipboard} -command",c)
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{
+ # li1 をクリア.
+ li1.e("delete 0 end")
+ # clipboard から文字列を取り出し, 1 行ずつ
+ selection.e("get -selection CLIPBOARD").split(/\n/).each{|line|
+ # li1 に挿入する.
+ li1.e("insert end {#{line}}")}}))
+ me1.e("add command -label {clipboard -> listbox} -command",c)
+ grid.e(li1, "-row 0 -column 0 -sticky news")
+ grid.e(sc1, "-row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew")
+ grid.e(sc2, "-row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns")
+ grid.e("rowconfigure", f1, "0 -weight 100")
+ grid.e("columnconfigure", f1, "0 -weight 100")
+ f2 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, frame)
+ lower.e(f2, b1)
+ pack.e(b1, mb1, "-in", f2, "-side left")
+ pack.e(f2, f1)
+ end
+ # canvas のサンプル.
+ def test_canvas(ip, parent)
+ canvas, lower, pack = ip.commands().values_at("canvas", "lower", "pack")
+ t1, b1, cb = inittoplevel(ip, parent, "canvas")
+ ## canvas
+ ca1 = TclTkWidget.new(ip, t1, canvas, "-width 400 -height 300")
+ lower.e(ca1, b1)
+ # rectangle を作る.
+ idr = ca1.e("create rectangle 10 10 20 20")
+ # oval を作る.
+ ca1.e("create oval 60 10 100 50")
+ # polygon を作る.
+ ca1.e("create polygon 110 10 110 30 140 10")
+ # line を作る.
+ ca1.e("create line 150 10 150 30 190 10")
+ # arc を作る.
+ ca1.e("create arc 200 10 250 50 -start 0 -extent 90 -style pieslice")
+ # i1 は本当は, どこかで破壊しなければならないが, 面倒なので放ってある.
+ i1 = TclTkImage.new(ip, "photo", "-file maru.gif")
+ # image を作る.
+ ca1.e("create image 100 100 -image", i1)
+ # bitmap を作る.
+ ca1.e("create bitmap 260 50 -bitmap questhead")
+ # text を作る.
+ ca1.e("create text 320 50 -text {drag rectangle}")
+ # window を作る(クローズボタン).
+ ca1.e("create window 200 200 -window", b1)
+ # bind により rectangle を drag できるようにする.
+ cb.push(c = TclTkCallback.new(ip, proc{|i|
+ # i に x と y を受け取るので, 取り出す.
+ x, y = i.split(/ /); x = x.to_f; y = y.to_f
+ # 座標を変更する.
+ ca1.e("coords current #{x - 5} #{y - 5} #{x + 5} #{y + 5}")},
+ # x, y 座標を空白で区切ったものをイテレータ変数へ渡すように指定.
+ "%x %y"))
+ # rectangle に bind する.
+ ca1.e("bind", idr, "<B1-Motion>", c)
+ pack.e(ca1)
+ end
+# test driver
+if ARGV.size == 0
+ print "#{$0} n で, n 個のインタプリタを起動します.\n"
+ n = 1
+ n = ARGV[0].to_i
+print "start\n"
+ip = []
+# インタプリタ, ウィジェット等の生成.
+for i in 1 .. n
+ ip.push(Test1.new())
+# 用意ができたらイベントループに入る.
+print "exit from mainloop\n"
+# インタプリタが GC されるかのテスト.
+ip = []
+print "GC.start\n" if $DEBUG
+GC.start() if $DEBUG
+print "end\n"
+# end
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample2.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..444bb1eef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+#----------------------> pretty simple othello game <-----------------------
+# othello.rb
+# version 0.3
+# maeda shugo (shuto@po.aianet.ne.jp)
+# Sep. 17, 1997 modified by Y. Shigehiro for tcltk library
+# maeda shugo (shugo@po.aianet.ne.jp) 氏による
+# (ruby/tk で書かれていた) ruby のサンプルプログラム
+# http://www.aianet.or.jp/~shugo/ruby/othello.rb.gz
+# を tcltk ライブラリを使うように, 機械的に変更してみました.
+# なるべくオリジナルと同じになるようにしてあります.
+require "observer"
+require "tcltk"
+$ip = TclTkInterpreter.new()
+$root = $ip.rootwidget()
+$button, $canvas, $checkbutton, $frame, $label, $pack, $update, $wm =
+ $ip.commands().values_at(
+ "button", "canvas", "checkbutton", "frame", "label", "pack", "update", "wm")
+class Othello
+ EMPTY = 0
+ BLACK = 1
+ attr :in_com_turn
+ attr :game_over
+ class Board
+ include Observable
+ [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1],
+ [ 0, -1], [ 0, 1],
+ [ 1, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1]
+ ]
+ attr :com_disk, TRUE
+ def initialize(othello)
+ @othello = othello
+ reset
+ end
+ def notify_observers(*arg)
+ if @observer_peers != nil
+ super(*arg)
+ end
+ end
+ def reset
+ @data = [
+ ]
+ changed
+ notify_observers
+ end
+ def man_disk
+ return - @com_disk
+ end
+ def other_disk(disk)
+ return - disk
+ end
+ def get_disk(row, col)
+ return @data[row][col]
+ end
+ def reverse_to(row, col, my_disk, dir_y, dir_x)
+ y = row
+ x = col
+ begin
+ y += dir_y
+ x += dir_x
+ if y < 0 || x < 0 || y > 7 || x > 7 ||
+ @data[y][x] == EMPTY
+ return
+ end
+ end until @data[y][x] == my_disk
+ begin
+ @data[y][x] = my_disk
+ changed
+ notify_observers(y, x)
+ y -= dir_y
+ x -= dir_x
+ end until y == row && x == col
+ end
+ def put_disk(row, col, disk)
+ @data[row][col] = disk
+ changed
+ notify_observers(row, col)
+ DIRECTIONS.each do |dir|
+ reverse_to(row, col, disk, *dir)
+ end
+ end
+ def count_disk(disk)
+ num = 0
+ @data.each do |rows|
+ rows.each do |d|
+ if d == disk
+ num += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return num
+ end
+ def count_point_to(row, col, my_disk, dir_y, dir_x)
+ return 0 if @data[row][col] != EMPTY
+ count = 0
+ loop do
+ row += dir_y
+ col += dir_x
+ break if row < 0 || col < 0 || row > 7 || col > 7
+ case @data[row][col]
+ when my_disk
+ return count
+ when other_disk(my_disk)
+ count += 1
+ when EMPTY
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+ def count_point(row, col, my_disk)
+ count = 0
+ DIRECTIONS.each do |dir|
+ count += count_point_to(row, col, my_disk, *dir)
+ end
+ return count
+ end
+ def corner?(row, col)
+ return (row == 0 && col == 0) ||
+ (row == 0 && col == 7) ||
+ (row == 7 && col == 0) ||
+ (row == 7 && col == 7)
+ end
+ def search(my_disk)
+ max = 0
+ max_row = nil
+ max_col = nil
+ for row in 0 .. 7
+ for col in 0 .. 7
+ buf = count_point(row, col, my_disk)
+ if (corner?(row, col) && buf > 0) || max < buf
+ max = buf
+ max_row = row
+ max_col = col
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return max_row, max_col
+ end
+ end #--------------------------> class Board ends here
+ class BoardView < TclTkWidget
+ HILIT_BG_COLOR = "green"
+ BORDER_COLOR = "black"
+ BLACK_COLOR = "black"
+ WHITE_COLOR = "white"
+ STOP_COLOR = "red"
+ attr :left
+ attr :top
+ attr :right
+ attr :bottom
+ class Square
+ attr :oval, TRUE
+ attr :row
+ attr :col
+ def initialize(view, row, col)
+ @view = view
+ @id = @view.e("create rectangle",
+ *(view.tk_rect(view.left + col,
+ view.top + row,
+ view.left + col + 1,
+ view.top + row + 1) \
+ << "-fill #{BACK_GROUND_COLOR}") )
+ @row = row
+ @col = col
+ @view.e("itemconfigure", @id,
+ "-width 0.5m -outline #{BORDER_COLOR}")
+ @view.e("bind", @id, "<Any-Enter>", TclTkCallback.new($ip, proc{
+ if @oval == nil
+ view.e("itemconfigure", @id, "-fill #{HILIT_BG_COLOR}")
+ end
+ }))
+ @view.e("bind", @id, "<Any-Leave>", TclTkCallback.new($ip, proc{
+ view.e("itemconfigure", @id, "-fill #{BACK_GROUND_COLOR}")
+ }))
+ @view.e("bind", @id, "<ButtonRelease-1>", TclTkCallback.new($ip,
+ proc{
+ view.click_square(self)
+ }))
+ end
+ def blink(color)
+ @view.e("itemconfigure", @id, "-fill #{color}")
+ $update.e()
+ sleep(0.1)
+ @view.e("itemconfigure", @id, "-fill #{BACK_GROUND_COLOR}")
+ end
+ end #-----------------------> class Square ends here
+ def initialize(othello, board)
+ super($ip, $root, $canvas)
+ @othello = othello
+ @board = board
+ @board.add_observer(self)
+ @squares = Array.new(8)
+ for i in 0 .. 7
+ @squares[i] = Array.new(8)
+ end
+ @left = 1
+ @top = 0.5
+ @right = @left + 8
+ @bottom = @top + 8
+ i = self.e("create rectangle", *tk_rect(@left, @top, @right, @bottom))
+ self.e("itemconfigure", i,
+ "-width 1m -outline #{BORDER_COLOR} -fill #{BACK_GROUND_COLOR}")
+ for row in 0 .. 7
+ for col in 0 .. 7
+ @squares[row][col] = Square.new(self, row, col)
+ end
+ end
+ update
+ end
+ def tk_rect(left, top, right, bottom)
+ return left.to_s + "c", top.to_s + "c",
+ right.to_s + "c", bottom.to_s + "c"
+ end
+ def clear
+ each_square do |square|
+ if square.oval != nil
+ self.e("delete", square.oval)
+ square.oval = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def draw_disk(row, col, disk)
+ if disk == EMPTY
+ if @squares[row][col].oval != nil
+ self.e("delete", @squares[row][col].oval)
+ @squares[row][col].oval = nil
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ $update.e()
+ sleep(0.05)
+ oval = @squares[row][col].oval
+ if oval == nil
+ oval = self.e("create oval", *tk_rect(@left + col + 0.2,
+ @top + row + 0.2,
+ @left + col + 0.8,
+ @top + row + 0.8))
+ @squares[row][col].oval = oval
+ end
+ case disk
+ when BLACK
+ color = BLACK_COLOR
+ when WHITE
+ color = WHITE_COLOR
+ else
+ fail format("Unknown disk type: %d", disk)
+ end
+ self.e("itemconfigure", oval, "-outline #{color} -fill #{color}")
+ end
+ def update(row = nil, col = nil)
+ if row && col
+ draw_disk(row, col, @board.get_disk(row, col))
+ else
+ each_square do |square|
+ draw_disk(square.row, square.col,
+ @board.get_disk(square.row, square.col))
+ end
+ end
+ @othello.show_point
+ end
+ def each_square
+ @squares.each do |rows|
+ rows.each do |square|
+ yield(square)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def click_square(square)
+ if @othello.in_com_turn || @othello.game_over ||
+ @board.count_point(square.row,
+ square.col,
+ @board.man_disk) == 0
+ square.blink(STOP_COLOR)
+ return
+ end
+ @board.put_disk(square.row, square.col, @board.man_disk)
+ @othello.com_turn
+ end
+ private :draw_disk
+ public :update
+ end #----------------------> class BoardView ends here
+ def initialize
+ @msg_label = TclTkWidget.new($ip, $root, $label)
+ $pack.e(@msg_label)
+ @board = Board.new(self)
+ @board_view = BoardView.new(self, @board)
+ #### added by Y. Shigehiro
+ ## board_view の大きさを設定する.
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = @board_view.e("bbox all").split(/ /).collect{|i| i.to_f}
+ @board_view.e("configure -width", x2 - x1)
+ @board_view.e("configure -height", y2 - y1)
+ ## scrollregion を設定する.
+ @board_view.e("configure -scrollregion {", @board_view.e("bbox all"),
+ "}")
+ #### ここまで
+ $pack.e(@board_view, "-fill both -expand true")
+ panel = TclTkWidget.new($ip, $root, $frame)
+ @play_black = TclTkWidget.new($ip, panel, $checkbutton,
+ "-text {com is black} -command", TclTkCallback.new($ip, proc{
+ switch_side
+ }))
+ $pack.e(@play_black, "-side left")
+ quit = TclTkWidget.new($ip, panel, $button, "-text Quit -command",
+ TclTkCallback.new($ip, proc{
+ exit
+ }))
+ $pack.e(quit, "-side right -fill x")
+ reset = TclTkWidget.new($ip, panel, $button, "-text Reset -command",
+ TclTkCallback.new($ip, proc{
+ reset_game
+ }))
+ $pack.e(reset, "-side right -fill x")
+ $pack.e(panel, "-side bottom -fill x")
+# root = Tk.root
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "Othello")
+ $wm.e("iconname", $root, "Othello")
+ @board.com_disk = WHITE
+ @game_over = FALSE
+ TclTk.mainloop
+ end
+ def switch_side
+ if @in_com_turn
+ @play_black.e("toggle")
+ else
+ @board.com_disk = @board.man_disk
+ com_turn unless @game_over
+ end
+ end
+ def reset_game
+ if @board.com_disk == BLACK
+ @board.com_disk = WHITE
+ @play_black.e("toggle")
+ end
+ @board_view.clear
+ @board.reset
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "Othello")
+ @game_over = FALSE
+ end
+ def com_turn
+ @in_com_turn = TRUE
+ $update.e()
+ sleep(0.5)
+ begin
+ com_disk = @board.count_disk(@board.com_disk)
+ man_disk = @board.count_disk(@board.man_disk)
+ if @board.count_disk(EMPTY) == 0
+ if man_disk == com_disk
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "{Othello - Draw!}")
+ elsif man_disk > com_disk
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "{Othello - You Win!}")
+ else
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "{Othello - You Loose!}")
+ end
+ @game_over = TRUE
+ break
+ elsif com_disk == 0
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "{Othello - You Win!}")
+ @game_over = TRUE
+ break
+ elsif man_disk == 0
+ $wm.e("title", $root, "{Othello - You Loose!}")
+ @game_over = TRUE
+ break
+ end
+ row, col = @board.search(@board.com_disk)
+ break if row == nil || col == nil
+ @board.put_disk(row, col, @board.com_disk)
+ end while @board.search(@board.man_disk) == [nil, nil]
+ @in_com_turn = FALSE
+ end
+ def show_point
+ black = @board.count_disk(BLACK)
+ white = @board.count_disk(WHITE)
+ @msg_label.e("configure -text",
+ %Q/{#{format("BLACK: %.2d WHITE: %.2d", black, white)}}/)
+ end
+end #----------------------> class Othello ends here
+#----------------------------------------------> othello.rb ends here
diff --git a/ext/tk/tkutil/.cvsignore b/ext/tk/tkutil/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90c83ed9b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/tkutil/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/ext/tk/tkutil/depend b/ext/tk/tkutil/depend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd63e230f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/tk/tkutil/depend
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+tkutil.o: tkutil.c $(hdrdir)/ruby.h $(topdir)/config.h $(hdrdir)/defines.h
diff --git a/lib/rss/image.rb b/lib/rss/image.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cc3c73018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rss/image.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+require 'rss/1.0'
+require 'rss/dublincore'
+module RSS
+ IMAGE_PREFIX = 'image'
+ IMAGE_URI = 'http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/image/'
+ module ImageModelUtils
+ def validate_one_tag_name(name, tags)
+ invalid = tags.find {|tag| tag != name}
+ raise UnknownTagError.new(invalid, IMAGE_URI) if invalid
+ raise TooMuchTagError.new(name, tag_name) if tags.size > 1
+ end
+ end
+ module ImageItemModel
+ include ImageModelUtils
+ extend BaseModel
+ def self.append_features(klass)
+ super
+ klass.install_have_child_element("#{IMAGE_PREFIX}_item")
+ end
+ def image_validate(tags)
+ validate_one_tag_name("item", tags)
+ end
+ class Item < Element
+ include RSS10
+ include DublinCoreModel
+ class << self
+ def required_prefix
+ end
+ def required_uri
+ end
+ end
+ [
+ ["about", ::RSS::RDF::URI, true],
+ ["resource", ::RSS::RDF::URI, false],
+ ].each do |name, uri, required|
+ install_get_attribute(name, uri, required)
+ end
+ %w(width height).each do |tag|
+ full_name = "#{IMAGE_PREFIX}_#{tag}"
+ install_text_element(full_name)
+ BaseListener.install_get_text_element(tag, IMAGE_URI, "#{full_name}=")
+ end
+ def initialize(about=nil, resource=nil)
+ super()
+ @about = about
+ @resource = resource
+ end
+ def full_name
+ tag_name_with_prefix(IMAGE_PREFIX)
+ end
+ def to_s(need_convert=true, indent=calc_indent)
+ rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent|
+ [
+ other_element(false, next_indent),
+ ]
+ end
+ rv = convert(rv) if need_convert
+ rv
+ end
+ alias _image_width= image_width=
+ def image_width=(new_value)
+ if @do_validate
+ self._image_width = Integer(new_value)
+ else
+ self._image_width = new_value.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ alias _image_height= image_height=
+ def image_height=(new_value)
+ if @do_validate
+ self._image_height = Integer(new_value)
+ else
+ self._image_height = new_value.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ alias width= image_width=
+ alias width image_width
+ alias height= image_height=
+ alias height image_height
+ private
+ def _tags
+ [
+ [IMAGE_URI, 'width'],
+ [IMAGE_URI, 'height'],
+ ].delete_if do |x|
+ send(x[1]).nil?
+ end
+ end
+ def _attrs
+ [
+ ["#{::RSS::RDF::PREFIX}:about", true, "about"],
+ ["#{::RSS::RDF::PREFIX}:resource", false, "resource"],
+ ]
+ end
+ def maker_target(target)
+ target.image_item
+ end
+ def setup_maker_attributes(item)
+ item.about = self.about
+ item.resource = self.resource
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ImageFaviconModel
+ include ImageModelUtils
+ extend BaseModel
+ def self.append_features(klass)
+ super
+ unless klass.class == Module
+ klass.install_have_child_element("#{IMAGE_PREFIX}_favicon")
+ end
+ end
+ def image_validate(tags)
+ validate_one_tag_name("favicon", tags)
+ end
+ class Favicon < Element
+ include RSS10
+ include DublinCoreModel
+ class << self
+ def required_prefix
+ end
+ def required_uri
+ end
+ end
+ [
+ ["about", ::RSS::RDF::URI, true],
+ ["size", IMAGE_URI, true],
+ ].each do |name, uri, required|
+ install_get_attribute(name, uri, required)
+ end
+ alias image_size= size=
+ alias image_size size
+ def initialize(about=nil, size=nil)
+ super()
+ @about = about
+ @size = size
+ end
+ def full_name
+ tag_name_with_prefix(IMAGE_PREFIX)
+ end
+ def to_s(need_convert=true, indent=calc_indent)
+ rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent|
+ [
+ other_element(false, next_indent),
+ ]
+ end
+ rv = convert(rv) if need_convert
+ rv
+ end
+ private
+ def _attrs
+ [
+ ["#{::RSS::RDF::PREFIX}:about", true, "about"],
+ ["#{IMAGE_PREFIX}:size", true, "size"],
+ ]
+ end
+ def maker_target(target)
+ target.image_favicon
+ end
+ def setup_maker_attributes(favicon)
+ favicon.about = self.about
+ favicon.size = self.size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class RDF
+ class Channel; include ImageFaviconModel; end
+ class Item; include ImageItemModel; end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rss/maker/image.rb b/lib/rss/maker/image.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98d59f733c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rss/maker/image.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+require 'rss/image'
+require 'rss/maker/1.0'
+require 'rss/maker/dublincore'
+module RSS
+ module Maker
+ module ImageItemModel
+ def self.append_features(klass)
+ super
+ name = "#{RSS::IMAGE_PREFIX}_item"
+ klass.add_need_initialize_variable(name, "make_#{name}")
+ klass.add_other_element(name)
+ klass.__send__(:attr_reader, name)
+ klass.module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ def setup_#{name}(rss, current)
+ if @#{name}
+ @#{name}.to_rss(rss, current)
+ end
+ end
+ def make_#{name}
+ self.class::#{Utils.to_class_name(name)}.new(@maker)
+ end
+ end
+ class ImageItemBase
+ include Base
+ include Maker::DublinCoreModel
+ attr_accessor :about, :resource, :image_width, :image_height
+ add_need_initialize_variable(:about, :resource)
+ add_need_initialize_variable(:image_width, :image_height)
+ alias width= image_width=
+ alias width image_width
+ alias height= image_height=
+ alias height image_height
+ def have_required_values?
+ @about
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ImageFaviconModel
+ def self.append_features(klass)
+ super
+ name = "#{RSS::IMAGE_PREFIX}_favicon"
+ klass.add_need_initialize_variable(name, "make_#{name}")
+ klass.add_other_element(name)
+ klass.__send__(:attr_reader, name)
+ klass.module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ def setup_#{name}(rss, current)
+ if @#{name}
+ @#{name}.to_rss(rss, current)
+ end
+ end
+ def make_#{name}
+ self.class::#{Utils.to_class_name(name)}.new(@maker)
+ end
+ end
+ class ImageFaviconBase
+ include Base
+ include Maker::DublinCoreModel
+ attr_accessor :about, :image_size
+ add_need_initialize_variable(:about, :image_size)
+ alias size image_size
+ alias size= image_size=
+ def have_required_values?
+ @about and @image_size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class ChannelBase; include Maker::ImageFaviconModel; end
+ class ItemsBase
+ class ItemBase; include Maker::ImageItemModel; end
+ end
+ class RSS10
+ class Items
+ class Item
+ class ImageItem < ImageItemBase
+ def to_rss(rss, current)
+ if @about
+ item = ::RSS::ImageItemModel::Item.new(@about, @resource)
+ setup_values(item)
+ current.image_item = item
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Channel
+ class ImageFavicon < ImageFaviconBase
+ def to_rss(rss, current)
+ if @about and @image_size
+ args = [@about, @image_size]
+ favicon = ::RSS::ImageFaviconModel::Favicon.new(*args)
+ setup_values(favicon)
+ current.image_favicon = favicon
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class RSS09
+ class Items
+ class Item
+ class ImageItem < ImageItemBase
+ def to_rss(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Channel
+ class ImageFavicon < ImageFaviconBase
+ def to_rss(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/rss/test_image.rb b/test/rss/test_image.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e62085b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rss/test_image.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+require "cgi"
+require "rexml/document"
+require "rss-testcase"
+require "rss/1.0"
+require "rss/image"
+module RSS
+ class TestImage < TestCase
+ def setup
+ @prefix = "image"
+ @uri = "http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/image/"
+ @favicon_attrs = {
+ "rdf:about" => "http://www.kuro5hin.org/favicon.ico",
+ "#{@prefix}:size" => "small",
+ }
+ @favicon_contents = {"dc:title" => "Kuro5hin",}
+ @items = [
+ [
+ {
+ "rdf:about" => "http://www.example.org/item.png",
+ "rdf:resource" => "http://www.example.org/item",
+ },
+ {
+ "dc:title" => "Example Image",
+ "#{@prefix}:width" => 100,
+ "#{@prefix}:height" => 65,
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "rdf:about" => "http://www.kuro5hin.org/images/topics/culture.jpg",
+ },
+ {
+ "dc:title" => "Culture",
+ "#{@prefix}:width" => 80,
+ "#{@prefix}:height" => 50,
+ },
+ ]
+ ]
+ @channel_nodes = make_element("#{@prefix}:favicon",
+ @favicon_attrs,
+ @favicon_contents)
+ items = ""
+ @items.each do |attrs, contents|
+ image_item = make_element("#{@prefix}:item", attrs, contents)
+ items << make_item(image_item)
+ end
+ ns = {
+ @prefix => @uri,
+ }
+ @rss_source = make_RDF(<<-EOR, ns)
+ @rss = Parser.parse(@rss_source)
+ end
+ def test_parser
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Parser.parse(@rss_source)
+ end
+ assert_too_much_tag("favicon", "channel") do
+ Parser.parse(make_RDF(<<-EOR, {@prefix => @uri}))
+#{make_channel(@channel_nodes * 2)}
+ end
+ end
+ def test_favicon_accessor
+ favicon = @rss.channel.image_favicon
+ [
+ %w(about rdf:about http://example.com/favicon.ico),
+ %w(size image:size large),
+ %w(image_size image:size medium),
+ ].each do |name, full_name, new_value|
+ assert_equal(@favicon_attrs[full_name], favicon.send(name))
+ favicon.send("#{name}=", new_value)
+ assert_equal(new_value, favicon.send(name))
+ favicon.send("#{name}=", @favicon_attrs[full_name])
+ assert_equal(@favicon_attrs[full_name], favicon.send(name))
+ end
+ [
+ %w(dc_title dc:title sample-favicon),
+ ].each do |name, full_name, new_value|
+ assert_equal(@favicon_contents[full_name], favicon.send(name))
+ favicon.send("#{name}=", new_value)
+ assert_equal(new_value, favicon.send(name))
+ favicon.send("#{name}=", @favicon_contents[full_name])
+ assert_equal(@favicon_contents[full_name], favicon.send(name))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_item_accessor
+ @rss.items.each_with_index do |item, i|
+ image_item = item.image_item
+ attrs, contents = @items[i]
+ [
+ %w(about rdf:about http://example.com/image.png),
+ %w(resource rdf:resource http://example.com/),
+ ].each do |name, full_name, new_value|
+ assert_equal(attrs[full_name], image_item.send(name))
+ image_item.send("#{name}=", new_value)
+ assert_equal(new_value, image_item.send(name))
+ image_item.send("#{name}=", attrs[full_name])
+ assert_equal(attrs[full_name], image_item.send(name))
+ end
+ [
+ ["width", "image:width", 111],
+ ["image_width", "image:width", 44],
+ ["height", "image:height", 222],
+ ["image_height", "image:height", 88],
+ ["dc_title", "dc:title", "sample-image"],
+ ].each do |name, full_name, new_value|
+ assert_equal(contents[full_name], image_item.send(name))
+ image_item.send("#{name}=", new_value)
+ assert_equal(new_value, image_item.send(name))
+ image_item.send("#{name}=", contents[full_name])
+ assert_equal(contents[full_name], image_item.send(name))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_favicon_to_s
+ favicon = @rss.channel.image_favicon
+ expected = REXML::Document.new(make_element("#{@prefix}:favicon",
+ @favicon_attrs,
+ @favicon_contents))
+ actual = REXML::Document.new(favicon.to_s(false, ""))
+ assert_equal(expected.to_s, actual.to_s)
+ end
+ def test_item_to_s
+ @rss.items.each_with_index do |item, i|
+ attrs, contents = @items[i]
+ expected_s = make_element("#{@prefix}:item", attrs, contents)
+ expected = REXML::Document.new(expected_s)
+ actual = REXML::Document.new(item.image_item.to_s(false, ""))
+ assert_equal(expected[0].attributes, actual[0].attributes)
+ %w(image:height image:width dc:title).each do |name|
+ actual_target = actual.elements["//#{name}"]
+ expected_target = expected.elements["//#{name}"]
+ assert_equal(expected_target.to_s, actual_target.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/rss/test_maker_image.rb b/test/rss/test_maker_image.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c161b2593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rss/test_maker_image.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+require "rss-testcase"
+require "rss/maker"
+module RSS
+ class TestMakerImage < TestCase
+ def setup
+ @uri = "http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/image/"
+ @favicon_infos = {
+ "about" => "http://www.kuro5hin.org/favicon.ico",
+ "image_size" => "small",
+ "dc_title" => "example",
+ }
+ @item_infos = {
+ "about" => "http://www.example.org/item.png",
+ "resource" => "http://www.example.org/item",
+ "dc_title" => "Example Image",
+ "image_width" => 100,
+ "image_height" => 65,
+ }
+ end
+ def test_rss10
+ rss = RSS::Maker.make("1.0") do |maker|
+ setup_dummy_channel(maker)
+ @favicon_infos.each do |name, value|
+ maker.channel.image_favicon.__send__("#{name}=", value)
+ end
+ setup_dummy_image(maker)
+ setup_dummy_item(maker)
+ item = maker.items.last
+ @item_infos.each do |name, value|
+ item.image_item.__send__("#{name}=", value)
+ end
+ setup_dummy_textinput(maker)
+ end
+ setup_rss = RSS::Maker.make("1.0") do |maker|
+ rss.setup_maker(maker)
+ end
+ [rss, setup_rss].each_with_index do |target, i|
+ favicon = target.channel.image_favicon
+ assert_equal(@favicon_infos["about"], favicon.about)
+ assert_equal(@favicon_infos["image_size"], favicon.image_size)
+ assert_equal(@favicon_infos["dc_title"], favicon.dc_title)
+ item = target.items.last.image_item
+ assert_equal(@item_infos["about"], item.about)
+ assert_equal(@item_infos["resource"], item.resource)
+ assert_equal(@item_infos["image_width"], item.image_width)
+ assert_equal(@item_infos["image_height"], item.image_height)
+ assert_equal(@item_infos["dc_title"], item.dc_title)
+ end
+ end
+ end