diff options
4 files changed, 153 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/ext/win32ole/tests/oleserver.rb b/ext/win32ole/tests/oleserver.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bf721373e5..0000000000
--- a/ext/win32ole/tests/oleserver.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-require 'win32ole'
-def oletypelib_name(pat)
- WIN32OLE_TYPE.typelibs.each do |lib|
- return lib if pat =~ lib
- end
- MS_EXCEL_TYPELIB = oletypelib_name(/^Microsoft Excel .* Object Library$/)
- MS_XML_TYPELIB = oletypelib_name(/^Microsoft XML/)
diff --git a/ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb b/ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 679169d68c..0000000000
--- a/ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# You need RubyUnit and MS Excel and MSI to run this test script
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'runit/testcase'
-# require 'runit/cui/testrunner'
-require 'win32ole'
-require 'oleserver'
-module CONST1
-module CONST2
-module CONST3
-class TestWin32OLE < RUNIT::TestCase
- include OLESERVER
- def setup
- @excel = WIN32OLE.new("Excel.Application")
- @excel.visible = true
- end
- def test_s_codepage_changed
- book = @excel.workbooks.add
- sheet = book.worksheets(1)
- begin
- WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8
- sheet.range("A1").value = [0x3042].pack("U*")
- val = sheet.range("A1").value
- assert_equal("\343\201\202", val)
- WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP
- val = sheet.range("A1").value
- assert_equal("\202\240", val)
- ensure
- book.saved = true
- end
- end
- def test_convert_bignum
- book = @excel.workbooks.add
- sheet = book.worksheets(1)
- begin
- sheet.range("A1").value = 999999999
- sheet.range("A2").value = 9999999999
- sheet.range("A3").value = "=A1*10 + 9"
- assert_equal(9999999999, sheet.range("A2").value)
- assert_equal(9999999999, sheet.range("A3").value)
- ensure
- book.saved = true
- end
- end
- def teardown
- @excel.quit
- @excel = nil
- GC.start
- end
-# ---------------------
-# a subclass of Win32OLE
-# override new() and connect()
-class MyExcel<WIN32OLE
- def MyExcel.new
- super "Excel.Application"
- end
- def MyExcel.connect
- super "Excel.Application"
- end
-class TestMyExcel < TestWin32OLE
-# because we overrided new() and connect()
-# we need to change the test.
-# also, because the class will be different
- def setup
- @excel = MyExcel.new
- @excel.visible = true
- end
- def test_s_new
- assert_instance_of(MyExcel, @excel)
- end
- def test_s_connect
- excel2 = MyExcel.connect
- assert_instance_of(MyExcel, excel2)
- end
diff --git a/ext/win32ole/tests/testall.rb b/ext/win32ole/tests/testall.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e97e3913..0000000000
--- a/ext/win32ole/tests/testall.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'win32ole'
-puts "Now Test Win32OLE version #{WIN32OLE::VERSION}"
-require "testWIN32OLE"
diff --git a/test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb b/test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb
index 17afd2a197..df33acb94f 100644
--- a/test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb
+++ b/test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# This script check that Win32OLE can execute InvokeVerb method of FolderItem2.
@@ -13,7 +12,110 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
module CONST2
+ module TestCaseForDict
+ def test_convert_bignum
+ @dict1.add("a", 9999999999)
+ @dict1.add("b", 999999999)
+ @dict1.add("c", @dict1.item("b") * 10 + 9)
+ assert_equal(9999999999, @dict1.item("a"))
+ assert_equal(9999999999, @dict1.item("c"))
+ end
+ def test_add
+ @dict1.add("a", 1000)
+ assert_equal(1000, @dict1.item("a"))
+ end
+ def test_setproperty_equal_ended
+ @dict1.compareMode = 1
+ @dict1.add("one", 1)
+ assert_equal(1, @dict1.item("ONE"))
+ @dict2.add("one", 1)
+ assert_nil(@dict2.item("ONE"))
+ assert_equal(1, @dict2.item("one"))
+ end
+ def test_non_exist_property
+ assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) {
+ @dict1.unknown_property = 1
+ }
+ end
+ def test_ole_methods
+ methods = @dict1.ole_methods
+ mnames = methods.collect {|m|
+ m.name
+ }
+ assert(mnames.include?("Add"))
+ end
+ def test_ole_func_methods
+ methods = @dict1.ole_func_methods
+ mnames = methods.collect {|m|
+ m.name
+ }
+ assert(mnames.include?("Add"))
+ end
+ def test_ole_put_methods
+ methods = @dict1.ole_put_methods
+ mnames = methods.collect {|m|
+ m.name
+ }
+ assert(mnames.include?("CompareMode"))
+ end
+ def test_ole_get_methods
+ methods = @dict1.ole_get_methods
+ mnames = methods.collect {|m|
+ m.name
+ }
+ assert(mnames.include?("Count"))
+ end
+ def test_ole_mehtod_help
+ minfo = @dict1.ole_method_help("Add")
+ assert_equal(2, minfo.size_params)
+ end
+ def test_ole_typelib
+ tlib = @dict1.ole_typelib
+ assert_equal("Microsoft Scripting Runtime", tlib.name);
+ end
+ def test_each
+ @dict1.add("one", 1)
+ @dict1.add("two", 2)
+ i = 0
+ @dict1.keys.each do |item|
+ i += 1
+ end
+ assert_equal(2, i)
+ end
+ def test_bracket
+ @dict1.add("foo", "FOO")
+ assert_equal("FOO", @dict1.item("foo"))
+ assert_equal("FOO", @dict1["foo"])
+ end
+ def test_bracket_equal
+ @dict1.add("foo", "FOO")
+ @dict1["foo"] = "BAR"
+ assert_equal("BAR", @dict1["foo"])
+ end
+ end
class TestWin32OLE < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include TestCaseForDict
+ def setup
+ @dict1 = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
+ @dict2 = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
+ end
+ def test_s_new
+ assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, @dict1)
+ assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, @dict2)
+ end
def test_s_new_DCOM
rshell = WIN32OLE.new("Shell.Application")
assert_instance_of(WIN32OLE, rshell)
@@ -31,7 +133,7 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
# test_s_connect was moved to test_word.rb
# def test_s_connect
# end
def test_invoke_accept_symbol_hash_key
fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
afolder = fso.getFolder(".")
@@ -50,25 +152,6 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
assert_equal('dddd', record.StringData(1))
- def test_setproperty_equal_ended
- dict1 = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- dict1.compareMode = 1
- dict1.add("one", 1)
- assert_equal(1, dict1.item("ONE"))
- dict2 = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- dict2.add("one", 1)
- assert_nil(dict2.item("ONE"))
- assert_equal(1, dict2.item("one"))
- end
- def test_non_exist_property
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- assert_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError) {
- dict.unknown_property = 1
- }
- end
def test_ole_type
fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
tobj = fso.ole_type
@@ -81,53 +164,6 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
assert_match(/^IFileSystem/, tobj.name)
- def test_ole_methods
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- methods = dict.ole_methods
- mnames = methods.collect {|m|
- m.name
- }
- assert(mnames.include?("Add"))
- end
- def test_ole_func_methods
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- methods = dict.ole_func_methods
- mnames = methods.collect {|m|
- m.name
- }
- assert(mnames.include?("Add"))
- end
- def test_ole_put_methods
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- methods = dict.ole_put_methods
- mnames = methods.collect {|m|
- m.name
- }
- assert(mnames.include?("CompareMode"))
- end
- def test_ole_get_methods
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- methods = dict.ole_get_methods
- mnames = methods.collect {|m|
- m.name
- }
- assert(mnames.include?("Count"))
- end
- def test_ole_mehtod_help
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- minfo = dict.ole_method_help("Add")
- assert_equal(2, minfo.size_params)
- end
- def test_ole_typelib
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- tlib = dict.ole_typelib
- assert_equal("Microsoft Scripting Runtime", tlib.name);
- end
def test_invoke_hash_key_non_str_sym
fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
@@ -182,31 +218,6 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
assert_equal(36, CONST2::SsfWINDOWS)
- def test_each
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- dict.add("one", 1)
- dict.add("two", 2)
- i = 0
- dict.keys.each do |item|
- i += 1
- end
- assert_equal(2, i)
- end
- def test_bracket
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- dict.add("foo", "FOO")
- assert_equal("FOO", dict.item("foo"))
- assert_equal("FOO", dict["foo"])
- end
- def test_bracket_equal
- dict = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.Dictionary')
- dict.add("foo", "FOO")
- dict["foo"] = "BAR"
- assert_equal("BAR", dict["foo"])
- end
def test_s_create_guid
guid = WIN32OLE.create_guid
@@ -216,11 +227,43 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
def test_s_codepage
assert_equal(WIN32OLE::CP_ACP, WIN32OLE.codepage)
def test_s_codepage_set
WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8
assert_equal(WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8, WIN32OLE.codepage)
WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP
+ def test_s_codepage_changed
+ fso = WIN32OLE.new("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+ fname = fso.getTempName
+ begin
+ WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8
+ file = fso.opentextfile(fname, 2, true)
+ file.write [0x3042].pack("U*")
+ file.close
+ str = ""
+ open(fname) {|ifs|
+ str = ifs.read
+ }
+ assert_equal("\202\240", str)
+ WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP
+ file = fso.opentextfile(fname, 2, true)
+ file.write [0x3042].pack("U*")
+ file.close
+ open(fname) {|ifs|
+ str = ifs.read
+ }
+ assert_equal("\343\201", str)
+ ensure
+ WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_ACP
+ if (File.exist?(fname))
+ File.unlink(fname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
def test_const_CP_ACP
assert_equal(0, WIN32OLE::CP_ACP)
@@ -248,6 +291,23 @@ if defined?(WIN32OLE)
def test_const_CP_UTF8
assert_equal(65001, WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8)
+ end
+ # test of subclass of WIN32OLE
+ class MyDict < WIN32OLE
+ def MyDict.new
+ super('Scripting.Dictionary')
+ end
+ end
+ class TestMyDict < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include TestCaseForDict
+ def setup
+ @dict1 = MyDict.new
+ @dict2 = MyDict.new
+ end
+ def test_s_new
+ assert_instance_of(MyDict, @dict1)
+ assert_instance_of(MyDict, @dict2)
+ end