path: root/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1059 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb b/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ae235f68e8..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# tkextlib/blt/tree.rb
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/blt.rb'
-module Tk::BLT
- class Tree < TkObject
- TkCommandNames = ['::blt::tree'.freeze].freeze
- ###################################
- class Node < TkObject
- TreeNodeID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeNodeID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath]
- if TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new(tree, nil, 'node'=>Integer(id))
- id = Integer(id)
- if bool(tk_call(@tpath, 'exists', id))
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = tpath
- @path = @id = id
- TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeNodeID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- else
- id
- end
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, parent, keys={})
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- if (id = keys['node']) && (obj = TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][id])
- keys.delete('node')
- tk_call(tree.path, 'move', id, parent, keys) if parent
- return obj
- end
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, parent, keys)
- TreeNodeID_TBL[tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, parent, keys={})
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if (id = keys['node']) && bool(tk_call(@tpath, 'exists', id))
- @path = @id = id
- keys.delete('node')
- tk_call(@tpath, 'move', @id, parent, keys) if parent
- else
- parent = tk_call(@tpath, 'root') unless parent
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'insert', parent, keys)
- end
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def apply(keys={})
- @tree.apply(@id, keys)
- self
- end
- def children()
- @tree.children(@id)
- end
- def copy(parent, keys={})
- @tree.copy(@id, parent, keys)
- end
- def copy_to(dest_tree, parent, keys={})
- @tree.copy_to(@id, dest_tree, parent, keys)
- end
- def degree()
- @tree.degree(@id)
- end
- def delete()
- @tree.delete(@id)
- self
- end
- def depth()
- @tree.depth(@id)
- end
- def dump()
- @tree.dump(@id)
- end
- def dump_to_file(file)
- @tree.dump_to_file(@id, file)
- self
- end
- def exist?(keys={})
- @tree.exist?(@id, keys)
- end
- def find(keys={})
- @tree.find(@id, keys)
- end
- def find_child(label)
- @tree.find_child(@id, label)
- end
- def first_child()
- @tree.first_child(@id)
- end
- def get()
- @tree.get(@id)
- end
- def get_value(key, default_val=None)
- @tree.get_value(@id, key, default_val)
- end
- def index()
- @tree.index(@id)
- end
- def leaf?()
- @tree.leaf?(@id)
- end
- def link?()
- @tree.link?(@id)
- end
- def root?()
- @tree.root?(@id)
- end
- def keys()
- @tree.keys(@id)
- end
- def label(text = nil)
- @tree.label(@id, nil)
- end
- def label=(text)
- @tree.label(@id, text)
- end
- def last_child()
- @tree.last_child(@id)
- end
- def move(dest, keys={})
- @tree.keys(@id, dest, keys)
- self
- end
- def next()
- @tree.next(@id)
- end
- def next_sibling()
- @tree.next_sibling(@id)
- end
- def parent()
- @tree.parent(@id)
- end
- def fullpath()
- @tree.fullpath(@id)
- end
- def position()
- @tree.position(@id)
- end
- def previous()
- @tree.previous(@id)
- end
- def prev_sibling()
- @tree.prev_sibling(@id)
- end
- def restore(str, keys={})
- @tree.restore(@id, str, keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite(str, keys={})
- @tree.restore_overwrite(@id, str, keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_from_file(file, keys={})
- @tree.restore_from_file(@id, file, keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite_from_file(file, keys={})
- @tree.restore_overwrite_from_file(@id, file, keys)
- self
- end
- def root()
- @tree.root(@id)
- self
- end
- def set(data)
- @tree.set(@id, data)
- self
- end
- def size()
- @tree.size(@id)
- end
- def sort(keys={})
- @tree.sort(@id, keys)
- self
- end
- def type(key)
- @tree.type(@id, key)
- end
- def unset(*keys)
- @tree.unset(@id, *keys)
- self
- end
- def values(key=None)
- @tree.values(@id, key)
- end
- end
- ###################################
- class Tag < TkObject
- TreeTagID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TreeTagID_TBL.clear }
- }
- (TreeTag_ID = ['blt_tree_tag'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TreeTagID_TBL[tpath]
- if TreeTagID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TreeTagID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new(tree, id)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = id.dup.freeze if id
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, tag_str = nil)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if tag_str
- @path = @id = tag_str.dup.freeze
- else
- TreeTag_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = TreeTag_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- TreeTag_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath] = {} unless TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath]
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def add(*nodes)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'add', @id, *nodes)
- self
- end
- def delete(*nodes)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'delete', @id, *nodes)
- self
- end
- def forget()
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'forget', @id)
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeTagID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def nodes()
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'nodes', @id)).collect{|node|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(@path, node)
- }
- end
- def set(node)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'set', node, @id)
- self
- end
- def unset(node)
- tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'unset', node, @id)
- self
- end
- end
- ###################################
- class Notify < TkObject
- NotifyID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ NotifyID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if NotifyID_TBL[tpath]
- if NotifyID_TBL[tpath][id]
- NotifyID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = id
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- end
- else
- return id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, *args, &b)
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if tree.kind_of?(Array)
- # not create
- tpath = tree[0].path
- NotifyID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- unless (obj = NotifyID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]])
- (NotifyID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]] =
- obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree[0]
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = tree[1]
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, *args, &b)
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- return obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, *args, &b)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- # if args[0].kind_of?(Proc) || args[0].kind_of?(Method)
- if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0])
- cmd = args.shift
- # elsif args[-1].kind_of?(Proc) || args[-1].kind_of?(Method)
- elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(args[-1])
- cmd = args.pop
- elsif b
- cmd = Proc.new(&b)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "lack of 'command' argument"
- end
- args = args.collect{|arg| '-' << arg.to_s}
- args << proc{|id, type|
- cmd.call(Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(@tree, id),
- ((type[0] == ?-)? type[1..-1]: type))
- }
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'notify', 'create', *args)
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def delete()
- tk_call(@tpath, 'notify', 'delete', @id)
- NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- NotifyID_TBL[@tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def info()
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'notify', 'info', id))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.id2obj(@tree, lst[0])
- lst[1] = simplelist(lst[1]).collect{|flag| flag[1..-1]}
- lst[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[2])
- lst
- end
- end
- ###################################
- class Trace < TkObject
- TraceID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ TraceID_TBL.clear }
- }
- def self.id2obj(tree, id)
- tpath = tree.path
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if TraceID_TBL[tpath]
- if TraceID_TBL[tpath][id]
- TraceID_TBL[tpath][id]
- else
- begin
- # self.new([tree, id])
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = node # == traceID
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- obj
- rescue
- id
- end
- end
- else
- id
- end
- }
- end
- def self.new(tree, *args, &b)
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if tree.kind_of?(Array)
- # not create
- tpath = tree[0].path
- TraceID_TBL[tpath] ||= {}
- unless (obj = TraceID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]])
- (TraceID_TBL[tpath][tree[1]] =
- obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- @path = @id = tree[1] # == traceID
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- # super(true, tree, *args, &b)
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(tree, *args, &b)
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath] ||= {}
- TraceID_TBL[@tpath][@id] = self
- }
- return obj
- }
- end
- def initialize(tree, node, key, opts, cmd=nil, &b)
- @parent = @tree = tree
- @tpath = @parent.path
- if !cmd
- if b
- cmd = Proc.new(&b)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "lack of 'command' argument"
- end
- end
- @path = @id = tk_call(@tpath, 'trace', 'create', node, key, opts,
- proc{|t, id, k, ops|
- tobj = Tk::BLT::Tree.id2obj(t)
- if tobj.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree)
- nobj = Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(tobj, id)
- else
- nobj = id
- end
- cmd.call(tobj, nobj, k, ops)
- })
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def delete()
- tk_call(@tpath, 'trace', 'delete', @id)
- TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TraceID_TBL[tpath].delete(@id)
- }
- self
- end
- def info()
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'trace', 'info', id))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.id2obj(@tree, lst[0])
- lst[2] = simplelist(lst[2])
- lst[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[3])
- lst
- end
- end
- ###################################
- TreeID_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- (Tree_ID = ['blt_tree'.freeze, TkUtil.untrust('00000')]).instance_eval{
- @mutex = Mutex.new
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- def __keyonly_optkeys
- {
- # apply / find command
- 'invert'=>nil, 'leafonly'=>nil, 'nocase'=>nil,
- # apply / find / sort command
- 'path'=>nil,
- # copy / restore / restorefile command
- 'overwrite'=>nil,
- # copy command
- 'recurse'=>nil, 'tags'=>nil,
- # sort command
- 'ascii'=>nil, 'decreasing'=>nil, 'disctionary'=>nil,
- 'integer'=>nil, 'real'=>nil, 'recurse'=>nil, 'reorder'=>nil,
- }
- end
- def self.id2obj(id)
- TreeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeID_TBL[id]? TreeID_TBL[id]: id
- }
- end
- def self.names(pat = None)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'names', pat)).collect{|name|
- id2obj(name)
- }
- end
- def self.destroy(*names)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'destroy',
- *(names.collect{|n| (n.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree))? n.id: n }) )
- end
- def self.new(name = nil)
- TreeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- if name && TreeID_TBL[name]
- TreeID_TBL[name]
- else
- (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
- initialize(name)
- TreeID_TBL[@id] = self
- }
- obj
- end
- }
- end
- def initialize(name = nil)
- if name
- @path = @id = name
- else
- Tree_ID.mutex.synchronize{
- @path = @id = Tree_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- Tree_ID[1].succ!
- }
- end
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'create', @id)
- end
- def __destroy_hook__
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL.delete(@path)
- }
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Node) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify) ||
- tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace)
- tag.id
- else
- tag # maybe an Array of configure parameters
- end
- end
- def destroy()
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'destroy', @id)
- self
- end
- def ancestor(node1, node2)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_call('::blt::tree', 'ancestor',
- tagid(node1), tagid(node2)))
- end
- def apply(node, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'apply', tagid(node), __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def attach(tree_obj)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'attach', tree_obj)
- self
- end
- def children(node)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'children', tagid(node))).collect{|n|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, n)
- }
- end
- def copy(src, parent, keys={})
- id = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'copy', tagid(src), tagid(parent),
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.new(self, nil, 'node'=>id)
- end
- def copy_to(src, dest_tree, parent, keys={})
- return copy(src, parent, keys={}) unless dest_tree
- id = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'copy', tagid(src), dest_tree,
- tagid(parent), __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.new(dest_tree, nil, 'node'=>id)
- end
- def degree(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'degree', tagid(node)))
- end
- def delete(*nodes)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'delete', *(nodes.collect{|node| tagid(node)}))
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- nodes.each{|node|
- if node.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Node)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL[@path].delete(node.id)
- else
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL[@path].delete(node.to_s)
- end
- }
- }
- self
- end
- def depth(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'depth', tagid(node)))
- end
- def dump(node)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'dump', tagid(node))).collect{|n|
- simplelist(n)
- }
- end
- def dump_to_file(node, file)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'dumpfile', tagid(node), file)
- self
- end
- def exist?(node, key=None)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'exists', tagid(node), key))
- end
- def find(node, keys={})
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'find', tagid(node),
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))).collect{|n|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, n)
- }
- end
- def find_child(node, label)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'findchild', tagid(node), label)
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def first_child(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'firstchild', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def get(node)
- Hash[*simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'get', tagid(node)))]
- end
- def get_value(node, key, default_val=None)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'get', tagid(node), key, default_val)
- end
- def index(node)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self,
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'index', tagid(node)))
- end
- def insert(parent, keys={})
- id = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'insert', tagid(parent), keys)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.new(self, nil, 'node'=>id)
- end
- def ancestor?(node1, node2)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'ancestor',
- tagid(node1), tagid(node2)))
- end
- def before?(node1, node2)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'before',
- tagid(node1), tagid(node2)))
- end
- def leaf?(node)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'leaf', tagid(node)))
- end
- def link?(node)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'link', tagid(node)))
- end
- def root?(node)
- bool(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'is', 'root', tagid(node)))
- end
- def keys(node, *nodes)
- if nodes.empty?
- simplelist(tk_call('blt::tree', 'keys', tagid(node)))
- else
- simplelist(tk_call('blt::tree', 'keys', tagid(node),
- *(nodes.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))).collect{|lst|
- simplelist(lst)
- }
- end
- end
- def label(node, text=nil)
- if text
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'label', tagid(node), text)
- text
- else
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'label', tagid(node))
- end
- end
- def last_child(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'lastchild', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def link(parent, node, keys={})
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'link', tagid(parent), tagid(node),
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def move(node, dest, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'move', tagid(node), tagid(dest), keys)
- self
- end
- def next(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'next', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def next_sibling(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'nextsibling', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def notify_create(*args, &b)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.new(self, *args, &b)
- end
- def notify_delete(id)
- if id.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify)
- id.delete
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'notify', 'delete', id)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify::NotifyID_TBL[@path].delete(id.to_s)
- }
- end
- self
- end
- def notify_info(id)
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'notify', 'info', tagid(id)))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.id2obj(self, lst[0])
- lst[1] = simplelist(lst[1]).collect{|flag| flag[1..-1]}
- lst[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[2])
- lst
- end
- def notify_names()
- tk_call(@path, 'notify', 'names').collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Notify.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def parent(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'parent', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def fullpath(node)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'path', tagid(node))
- end
- def position(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'position', tagid(node)))
- end
- def previous(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'previous', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def prev_sibling(node)
- ret = tk_call('::blt::tree', 'prevsibling', tagid(node))
- (ret == '-1')? nil: Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, ret)
- end
- def restore(node, str, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restore', tagid(node), str,
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite(node, str, keys={})
- keys = __conv_keyonly_opts(keys)
- keys.delete('overwrite')
- keys.delete(:overwrite)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restore', tagid(node), str, '-overwrite', keys)
- self
- end
- def restore_from_file(node, file, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restorefile', tagid(node), file,
- __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def restore_overwrite_from_file(node, file, keys={})
- keys = __conv_keyonly_opts(keys)
- keys.delete('overwrite')
- keys.delete(:overwrite)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'restorefile', tagid(node), file,
- '-overwrite', keys)
- self
- end
- def root(node=None)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, tk_call('::blt::tree', 'root',
- tagid(node)))
- end
- def set(node, data)
- unless data.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail ArgumentError, 'Hash is expected for data'
- end
- args = []
- data.each{|k, v| args << k << v}
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'set', tagid(node), *args)
- self
- end
- def size(node)
- number(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'size', tagid(node)))
- end
- def sort(node, keys={})
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'sort', tagid(node), __conv_keyonly_opts(keys))
- self
- end
- def tag_add(tag, *nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'add', tagid(tag), *(nodes.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_delete(tag, *nodes)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'delete', tagid(tag),
- *(nodes.collect{|n| tagid(n)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_forget(tag)
- tag = tag.id if tag.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'forget', tag)
- TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- TreeTagID_TBL[@path].delete(tag)
- }
- self
- end
- def tag_get(node, *patterns)
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'get', tagid(node),
- *(patterns.collect{|pat| tagid(pat)}))).collect{|str|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag.id2obj(self, str)
- }
- end
- def tag_names(node = None)
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'names', tagid(node))).collect{|str|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Tag.id2obj(self, str)
- }
- end
- def tag_nodes(tag)
- simplelist(tk_call(@tpath, 'tag', 'nodes', tagid(tag))).collect{|node|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Node.id2obj(self, node)
- }
- end
- def tag_set(node, *tags)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'set', tagid(node), *(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
- self
- end
- def tag_unset(node, *tags)
- tk_call(@path, 'tag', 'unset', tagid(node),
- *(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
- self
- end
- def trace_create(*args, &b)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.new(self, *args, &b)
- end
- def trace_delete(*args)
- args.each{|id|
- if id.kind_of?(Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace)
- id.delete
- else
- tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'delete', id)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL[@path].delete(id.to_s)
- end
- self
- }
- end
- def trace_delete(*args)
- args = args.collect{|id| tagid(id)}
- tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'delete', *args)
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{
- args.each{|id| Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace::TraceID_TBL[@path].delete(id.to_s)}
- }
- self
- end
- def trace_info(id)
- lst = simplelist(tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'info', tagid(id)))
- lst[0] = Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.id2obj(self, lst[0])
- lst[2] = simplelist(lst[2])
- lst[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(lst[3])
- lst
- end
- def trace_names()
- tk_call(@path, 'trace', 'names').collect{|id|
- Tk::BLT::Tree::Trace.id2obj(self, id)
- }
- end
- def type(node, key)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'type', tagid(node), key)
- end
- def unset(node, *keys)
- tk_call('::blt::tree', 'unset', tagid(node), *keys)
- self
- end
- def values(node, key=None)
- simplelist(tk_call('::blt::tree', 'values', tagid(node), key))
- end
- end