path: root/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/search.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/search.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/search.rb b/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/search.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dffccf1a48..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/search.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Text Search widget demo (called by 'widget')
-# textLoadFile --
-# This method below loads a file into a text widget, discarding
-# the previous contents of the widget. Tags for the old widget are
-# not affected, however.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The window into which to load the file. Must be a
-# text widget.
-# file - The name of the file to load. Must be readable.
-def textLoadFile(w,file)
- w.delete('1.0', 'end')
- f = open(file, 'r')
- while(!f.eof?)
- w.insert('end', f.read(1000))
- end
- f.close
-# textSearch --
-# Search for all instances of a given string in a text widget and
-# apply a given tag to each instance found.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The window in which to search. Must be a text widget.
-# string - The string to search for. The search is done using
-# exact matching only; no special characters.
-# tag - Tag to apply to each instance of a matching string.
-def textSearch(w, string, tag)
- tag.remove('0.0', 'end')
- return if string == ""
- cur = '1.0'
- loop {
- cur, len = w.search_with_length(string, cur, 'end')
- break if cur == ""
- tag.add(cur, "#{cur} + #{len} char")
- cur = w.index("#{cur} + #{len} char")
- }
-# textToggle --
-# This method is invoked repeatedly to invoke two commands at
-# periodic intervals. It normally reschedules itself after each
-# execution but if an error occurs (e.g. because the window was
-# deleted) then it doesn't reschedule itself.
-# Arguments:
-# cmd1 - Command to execute when method is called.
-# sleep1 - Ms to sleep after executing cmd1 before executing cmd2.
-# cmd2 - Command to execute in the *next* invocation of this method.
-# sleep2 - Ms to sleep after executing cmd2 before executing cmd1 again.
-def textToggle(cmd1,sleep1,cmd2,sleep2)
- sleep_list = [sleep2, sleep1]
- TkAfter.new(proc{sleep = sleep_list.shift; sleep_list.push(sleep); sleep},
- -1, cmd1, cmd2).start(sleep1)
-# toplevel widget が存在すれば削除する
-if defined?($search_demo) && $search_demo
- $search_demo.destroy
- $search_demo = nil
-# demo 用の toplevel widget を生成
-$search_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
- title("Text Demonstration - Search and Highlight")
- iconname("search")
- positionWindow(w)
-base_frame = TkFrame.new($search_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
-# frame 生成
-$search_buttons = TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|frame|
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- #text '了解'
- text '閉じる'
- command proc{
- tmppath = $search_demo
- $search_demo = nil
- tmppath.destroy
- }
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
- TkButton.new(frame) {
- text 'コード参照'
- command proc{showCode 'search'}
- }.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
-$search_buttons.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
-# frame 生成
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>'ファイル名:',
- 'width'=>13, 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'left')
- $search_fileName = TkVariable.new
- TkEntry.new(f, 'width'=>40,
- 'textvariable'=>$search_fileName) {
- pack('side'=>'left')
- bind('Return', proc{textLoadFile($search_text, $search_fileName.value)
- $search_string_entry.focus})
- focus
- }
- TkButton.new(f, 'text'=>'読み込み',
- 'command'=>proc{textLoadFile($search_text,
- $search_fileName.value)})\
- .pack('side'=>'left', 'pady'=>5, 'padx'=>10)
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-TkFrame.new(base_frame) {|f|
- TkLabel.new(f, 'text'=>'検索文字列:',
- 'width'=>13, 'anchor'=>'w').pack('side'=>'left')
- $search_searchString = TkVariable.new
- $search_string_entry = TkEntry.new(f, 'width'=>40,
- 'textvariable'=>$search_searchString) {
- pack('side'=>'left')
- bind('Return', proc{textSearch($search_text, $search_searchString.value,
- $search_Tag)})
- }
- TkButton.new(f, 'text'=>'反転',
- 'command'=>proc{textSearch($search_text,
- $search_searchString.value,
- $search_Tag)}) {
- pack('side'=>'left', 'pady'=>5, 'padx'=>10)
- }
-}.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-$search_text = TkText.new(base_frame, 'setgrid'=>true) {|t|
- $search_Tag = TkTextTag.new(t)
- TkScrollbar.new(base_frame, 'command'=>proc{|*args| t.yview(*args)}) {|sc|
- t.yscrollcommand(proc{|first,last| sc.set first,last})
- pack('side'=>'right', 'fill'=>'y')
- }
- pack('expand'=>'yes', 'fill'=>'both')
-# Set up display styles for text highlighting.
-if TkWinfo.depth($search_demo) > 1
- textToggle(proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'#ce5555',
- 'foreground'=>'white')
- },
- 800,
- proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'', 'foreground'=>'')
- },
- 200 )
- textToggle(proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'black',
- 'foreground'=>'white')
- },
- 800,
- proc{
- $search_Tag.configure('background'=>'', 'foreground'=>'')
- },
- 200 )
-$search_text.insert('1.0', "\
-このウィンドウは検索機構を実現するのにテキスト widget のタグ機能がどの \
-ように使われるのかをデモするものです。まず上のエントリにファイル名を入 \
-れ、<リターン> を押すか「ロード」ボタンを押してください。次にその下の \
-エントリに文字列を入力し、<リターン> を押すか「反転」ボタンを押してく \
-ださい。するとファイル中の、検索文字列と一致する部分に全て \"search_Tag\" \
-というタグがつけられ、タグの表示属性としてその文字列が点滅するように \
-$search_text.insert('end', "\
-ファイル読み込みのカレントディレクトリは \"#{Dir.pwd}\" です。\
-$search_text.set_insert '0.0'
-$search_fileName.value = ''
-$search_searchString.value = ''
-$search_text.width = 60
-$search_text.height = 20