path: root/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tkHTML/hv.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tkHTML/hv.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tkHTML/hv.rb b/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tkHTML/hv.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f6e595d82..0000000000
--- a/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tkHTML/hv.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# This script implements the "hv" application. Type "hv FILE" to
-# view FILE as HTML.
-# This application is used for testing the HTML widget. It can
-# also server as an example of how to use the HTML widget.
-require 'tk'
-require 'tkextlib/tkHTML'
-root = TkRoot.new(:title=>'HTML File Viewer', :iconname=>'HV')
-file = ARGV[0]
-# These images are used in place of GIFs or of form elements
-biggray = TkPhotoImage.new(:data=><<'EOD')
- 6sq27gvH8kzX9o3n+s73/g8MCofEovGITCqXzKbzCY1Kp9Sq9YrNFgsAO///
-smgray = TkPhotoImage.new(:data=><<'EOD')
- 6sq27gvH8kzX9m0VADv/
-nogifbig = TkPhotoImage.new(:data=><<'EOD')
- AsSJH0iZY1CqqKSurfsGsex08XuTuU7L9HywHWZILAaVJssvgoREk5PolFo1XrHZ29IZ8oo0
- HKEYVDYbyc/jFhz2otvdcyZdF68qeKh2DZd3AtS0QWcDSDgWKJXY+MXS9qY4+JA2+Vho+YPp
- FzSjiTIEWslDQ1rDhPOY2sXVOgeb2kBbu1AAADv/
-nogifsm = TkPhotoImage.new(:data=><<'EOD')
- 3idKZdR0IIOm2ta0Lhw/Lz2S1JqvK8ozbTKlEIVYceWSjwIAO///
-# define variables
-ul_hyper = TkVariable.new(0)
-show_tbl = TkVariable.new(0)
-show_img = TkVariable.new(1)
-# A font chooser routine.
-# html[:fontcommand] = pick_font
-pick_font = proc{|size, attrs|
- puts "FontCmd: #{size} #{attrs}"
- [ ((attrs =~ /fixed/)? 'courier': 'charter'),
- (12 * (1.2**(size.to_f - 4.0))).to_i,
- ((attrs =~ /italic/)? 'italic': 'roman'),
- ((attrs =~ /bold/)? 'bold': 'normal') ].join(' ')
-# This routine is called for each form element
-form_cmd = proc{|n, cmd, style, *args|
- # puts "FormCmd: $n $cmd $args"
- case cmd
- when 'select', 'textarea', 'input'
- TkLabel.new(:widgetname=>args[0], :image=>nogifsm)
- end
-# This routine is called for every <IMG> markup
-images = {}
-old_imgs = {}
-big_imgs = {}
-hotkey = {}
-move_big_image = proc{|b|
- if big_imgs.key?(b)
- b.copy(big_imgs[b])
- big_imgs[b].delete
- big_imgs.delete(b)
- Tk.update
- end
-image_cmd = proc{|*args|
- if show_img.bool
- smgray
- else
- fn = args[0]
- if old_imgs.key?(fn)
- images[fn] = old_imgs[fn]
- old_imgs.delete(fn)
- images[fn]
- else
- begin
- img = TkPhotoImage.new(:file=>fn)
- rescue
- smgray
- else
- if img.width * img.height > 20000
- b = TkPhotoImage.new(:width=>img.width, :height=>img.height)
- big_imgs[b] = img
- img = b
- Tk.after_idle(proc{ move_big_image.call(b) })
- end
- images[fn] = img
- img
- end
- end
- end
-# This routine is called for every <SCRIPT> markup
-script_cmd = proc{|*args|
- # puts "ScriptCmd: #{args.inspect}"
-# This routine is called for every <APPLET> markup
-applet_cmd = proc{|w, arglist|
- # puts "AppletCmd: w=#{w} arglist=#{arglist}"
- TkLabel.new(w, :text=>"The Applet #{w}", :bd=>2, :relief=>raised)
-# Construct the main HTML viewer
-html = Tk::HTML_Widget.new(:padx=>5, :pady=>9,
- :formcommand=>form_cmd,
- :imagecommand=>image_cmd,
- :scriptcommand=>script_cmd,
- :appletcommand=>applet_cmd,
- :underlinehyperlinks=>0,
- :bg=>'white', :tablerelief=>:raised)
-vscr = html.yscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new)
-hscr = html.xscrollbar(TkScrollbar.new)
-Tk.grid(html, vscr, :sticky=>:news)
-Tk.grid(hscr, :sticky=>:ew)
-Tk.root.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-Tk.root.grid_columnconfigure(1, :weight=>0)
-Tk.root.grid_rowconfigure(0, :weight=>1)
-Tk.root.grid_rowconfigure(1, :weight=>0)
-# This procedure is called when the user clicks on a hyperlink.
-priv = {}
-last_file = ''
-# Read a file
-read_file = proc{|name|
- begin
- fp = open(name, 'r')
- ret = fp.read(File.size(name))
- rescue
- ret = nil
- fp = nil
- Tk.messageBox(:icon=>'error', :message=>"fail to open '#{name}'",
- :type=>:ok)
- ensure
- fp.close if fp
- end
- ret
-# Clear the screen.
-clear_screen = proc{
- html.clear
- old_imgs.clear
- big_imgs.clear
- hotkey.clear
- images.each{|k, v| old_imgs[k] = v }
- images.clear
-# Load a file into the HTML widget
-load_file = proc{|name|
- if (doc = read_file.call(name))
- clear_screen.call
- last_file = name
- html.configure(:base=>name)
- html.parse(doc)
- old_imgs.clear
- end
-href_binding = proc{|x, y|
- # koba & dg marking text
- html.selection_clear
- priv['mark'] = "@#{x},#{y}"
- lst = html.href(x, y)
- unless lst.size.zero?
- lnk, target = lst
- if lnk != ""
- if lnk =~ /^#{last_file}#(.*)$/
- html.yview($1)
- else
- load_file.call(lnk)
- end
- end
- end
-html.clipping_window.bind('1', href_binding, '%x %y')
-# marking text with the mouse and copying to the clipboard just with tkhtml2.0 working
-html.clipping_window.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|w, x, y|
- w.selection_set(priv['mark'], "@#{x},#{y}")
- TkClipboard.clear
- # avoid tkhtml0.0 errors
- # anyone can fix this for tkhtml0.0
- begin
- TkClipboard.append(TkSelection.get)
- rescue
- end
- }, '%W %x %y')
-# This procedure is called when the user selects the File/Open
-# menu option.
-last_dir = Dir.pwd
-sel_load = proc{
- filetypes = [
- ['Html Files', ['.html', '.htm']],
- ['All Files', '*']
- ]
- f = Tk.getOpenFile(:initialdir=>last_dir, :filetypes=>filetypes)
- if f != ''
- load_file.call(f)
- last_dir = File.dirname(f)
- end
-# Refresh the current file.
-refresh = proc{|*args|
- load_file.call(last_file)
-# This binding changes the cursor when the mouse move over
-# top of a hyperlink.
-Tk::HTML_Widget::ClippingWindow.bind('Motion', proc{|w, x, y|
- parent = w.winfo_parent
- url = parent.href(x, y)
- unless url.empty?
- parent[:cursor] = 'hand2'
- else
- parent[:cursor] = ''
- end
- }, '%W %x %y')
-# Setup menu
-menu_spec = [
- [['File', 0],
- ['Open', sel_load, 0],
- ['Refresh', refresh, 0],
- '---',
- ['Exit', proc{exit}, 1]],
- [['View', 0],
- ['Underline Hyperlinks', ul_hyper],
- ['Show Table Structure', show_tbl],
- ['Show Images', show_img]]
-mbar = Tk.root.add_menubar(menu_spec)
-# Setup trace
-ul_hyper.trace('w', proc{
- html[:underlinehyperlinks] = ul_hyper.value
- refresh.call
- })
-show_tbl.trace('w', proc{
- if show_tbl.bool
- html[:tablerelief] = :flat
- else
- html[:tablerelief] = :raised
- end
- refresh.call
- })
-show_img.trace('w', refresh)
-# If an argument was specified, read it into the HTML widget.
-if file && file != ""
- load_file.call(file)