path: root/spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr.rb b/spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index edd2f49a91..0000000000
--- a/spec/bundler/support/artifice/vcr.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "net/http"
-if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9"
- begin
- require "net/https"
- rescue LoadError
- nil # net/https or openssl
- end
-end # but only for 1.8
-CASSETTE_PATH = File.expand_path("../vcr_cassettes", __FILE__)
-class BundlerVCRHTTP < Net::HTTP
- class RequestHandler
- attr_reader :http, :request, :body, :response_block
- def initialize(http, request, body = nil, &response_block)
- @http = http
- @request = request
- @body = body
- @response_block = response_block
- end
- def handle_request
- handler = self
- request.instance_eval do
- @__vcr_request_handler = handler
- end
- if recorded_response?
- recorded_response
- else
- record_response
- end
- end
- def recorded_response?
- return false if ENV["BUNDLER_SPEC_FORCE_RECORD"]
- request_pair_paths.all? {|f| File.exist?(f) }
- end
- def recorded_response
- File.open(request_pair_paths.last, "rb:ASCII-8BIT") do |response_file|
- response_io = ::Net::BufferedIO.new(response_file)
- ::Net::HTTPResponse.read_new(response_io).tap do |response|
- response.decode_content = request.decode_content if request.respond_to?(:decode_content)
- response.uri = request.uri if request.respond_to?(:uri)
- response.reading_body(response_io, request.response_body_permitted?) do
- response_block.call(response) if response_block
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def record_response
- request_path, response_path = *request_pair_paths
- @recording = true
- response = http.request_without_vcr(request, body, &response_block)
- @recording = false
- unless @recording
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(request_path))
- binwrite(request_path, request_to_string(request))
- binwrite(response_path, response_to_string(response))
- end
- response
- end
- def key
- [request["host"] || http.address, request.path, request.method].compact
- end
- def file_name_for_key(key)
- key.join("/").gsub(/[\:*?"<>|]/, "-")
- end
- def request_pair_paths
- %w[request response].map do |kind|
- File.join(CASSETTE_PATH, CASSETTE_NAME, file_name_for_key(key + [kind]))
- end
- end
- def read_stored_request(path)
- contents = File.read(path)
- headers = {}
- method = nil
- path = nil
- contents.lines.grep(/^> /).each do |line|
- if line =~ /^> (GET|HEAD|POST|PATCH|PUT|DELETE) (.*)/
- method = $1
- path = $2.strip
- elsif line =~ /^> (.*?): (.*)/
- headers[$1] = $2
- end
- end
- body = contents =~ /^([^>].*)/m && $1
- Net::HTTP.const_get(method.capitalize).new(path, headers).tap {|r| r.body = body if body }
- end
- def request_to_string(request)
- request_string = []
- request_string << "> #{request.method.upcase} #{request.path}"
- request.to_hash.each do |key, value|
- request_string << "> #{key}: #{Array(value).first}"
- end
- request << "" << request.body if request.body
- request_string.join("\n")
- end
- def response_to_string(response)
- headers = response.to_hash
- body = response.body
- response_string = []
- response_string << "HTTP/1.1 #{response.code} #{response.message}"
- headers["content-length"] = [body.bytesize.to_s] if body
- headers.each do |header, value|
- response_string << "#{header}: #{value.join(", ")}"
- end
- response_string << "" << body
- response_string = response_string.join("\n")
- if response_string.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- response_string.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
- else
- response_string
- end
- end
- def binwrite(path, contents)
- File.open(path, "wb:ASCII-8BIT") {|f| f.write(contents) }
- end
- end
- def request_with_vcr(request, *args, &block)
- handler = request.instance_eval do
- remove_instance_variable(:@__vcr_request_handler) if defined?(@__vcr_request_handler)
- end || RequestHandler.new(self, request, *args, &block)
- handler.handle_request
- end
- alias_method :request_without_vcr, :request
- alias_method :request, :request_with_vcr
-# Replace Net::HTTP with our VCR subclass
-::Net.class_eval do
- remove_const(:HTTP)
- const_set(:HTTP, BundlerVCRHTTP)