path: root/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb b/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7698bd2fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+return unless RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0'
+return if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' # needs endless method definition
+require 'irb/type_completion/types'
+require_relative '../helper'
+module TestIRB
+ class TypeCompletionTypesTest < TestCase
+ def test_type_inspect
+ true_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::TRUE
+ false_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::FALSE
+ nil_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::NIL
+ string_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::STRING
+ true_or_false = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::UnionType[true_type, false_type]
+ array_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::InstanceType.new Array, { Elem: true_or_false }
+ assert_equal 'nil', nil_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'true', true_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'false', false_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'String', string_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Array', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::InstanceType.new(Array).inspect
+ assert_equal 'true | false', true_or_false.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Array[Elem: true | false]', array_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Array', array_type.inspect_without_params
+ assert_equal 'Proc', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::PROC.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Array.itself', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::SingletonType.new(Array).inspect
+ end
+ def test_type_from_object
+ obj = Object.new
+ bo = BasicObject.new
+ def bo.hash; 42; end # Needed to use this object as a hash key
+ arr = [1, 'a']
+ hash = { 'key' => :value }
+ int_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object 1
+ obj_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object obj
+ arr_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object arr
+ hash_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object hash
+ bo_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object bo
+ bo_arr_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object [bo]
+ bo_key_hash_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object({ bo => 1 })
+ bo_value_hash_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object({ x: bo })
+ assert_equal Integer, int_type.klass
+ # Use singleton_class to autocomplete singleton methods
+ assert_equal obj.singleton_class, obj_type.klass
+ assert_equal Object.instance_method(:singleton_class).bind_call(bo), bo_type.klass
+ # Array and Hash are special
+ assert_equal Array, arr_type.klass
+ assert_equal Array, bo_arr_type.klass
+ assert_equal Hash, hash_type.klass
+ assert_equal Hash, bo_key_hash_type.klass
+ assert_equal Hash, bo_value_hash_type.klass
+ assert_equal BasicObject, bo_arr_type.params[:Elem].klass
+ assert_equal BasicObject, bo_key_hash_type.params[:K].klass
+ assert_equal BasicObject, bo_value_hash_type.params[:V].klass
+ assert_equal 'Object', obj_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Array[Elem: Integer | String]', arr_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Hash[K: String, V: Symbol]', hash_type.inspect
+ assert_equal 'Array.itself', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object(Array).inspect
+ assert_equal 'IRB::TypeCompletion.itself', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object(IRB::TypeCompletion).inspect
+ end
+ def test_type_methods
+ s = +''
+ class << s
+ def foobar; end
+ private def foobaz; end
+ end
+ String.define_method(:foobarbaz) {}
+ targets = [:foobar, :foobaz, :foobarbaz]
+ type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object s
+ assert_equal [:foobar, :foobarbaz], targets & type.methods
+ assert_equal [:foobar, :foobaz, :foobarbaz], targets & type.all_methods
+ assert_equal [:foobarbaz], targets & IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::STRING.methods
+ assert_equal [:foobarbaz], targets & IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::STRING.all_methods
+ ensure
+ String.remove_method :foobarbaz
+ end
+ def test_basic_object_methods
+ bo = BasicObject.new
+ def bo.foobar; end
+ type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object bo
+ assert type.all_methods.include?(:foobar)
+ end
+ end