path: root/test/irb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/irb')
6 files changed, 84 insertions, 1086 deletions
diff --git a/test/irb/test_context.rb b/test/irb/test_context.rb
index 5804607d13..f4a19ee3c4 100644
--- a/test/irb/test_context.rb
+++ b/test/irb/test_context.rb
@@ -666,14 +666,9 @@ module TestIRB
original_completor = IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR]
IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = :regexp
assert_equal 'IRB::RegexpCompletor', @context.send(:build_completor).class.name
- IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = :type
- if RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0' && RUBY_ENGINE != 'truffleruby'
- assert_equal 'IRB::TypeCompletion::Completor', @context.send(:build_completor).class.name
- else
- assert_equal 'IRB::RegexpCompletor', @context.send(:build_completor).class.name
- end
IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = :unknown
assert_equal 'IRB::RegexpCompletor', @context.send(:build_completor).class.name
+ # :type is tested in test_type_completor.rb
$VERBOSE = verbose
IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = original_completor
diff --git a/test/irb/test_type_completor.rb b/test/irb/test_type_completor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf4fc12c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/irb/test_type_completor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Run test only when Ruby >= 3.0 and repl_type_completor is available
+return unless RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0'
+return if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' # needs endless method definition
+ require 'repl_type_completor'
+rescue LoadError
+ return
+require 'irb/completion'
+require 'tempfile'
+require_relative './helper'
+module TestIRB
+ class TypeCompletorTest < TestCase
+ DummyContext = Struct.new(:irb_path)
+ def setup
+ ReplTypeCompletor.load_rbs unless ReplTypeCompletor.rbs_loaded?
+ context = DummyContext.new('(irb)')
+ @completor = IRB::TypeCompletor.new(context)
+ end
+ def empty_binding
+ binding
+ end
+ def assert_completion(preposing, target, binding: empty_binding, include: nil, exclude: nil)
+ raise ArgumentError if include.nil? && exclude.nil?
+ candidates = @completor.completion_candidates(preposing, target, '', bind: binding)
+ assert ([*include] - candidates).empty?, "Expected #{candidates} to include #{include}" if include
+ assert (candidates & [*exclude]).empty?, "Expected #{candidates} not to include #{exclude}" if exclude
+ end
+ def assert_doc_namespace(preposing, target, namespace, binding: empty_binding)
+ @completor.completion_candidates(preposing, target, '', bind: binding)
+ assert_equal namespace, @completor.doc_namespace(preposing, target, '', bind: binding)
+ end
+ def test_type_completion
+ bind = eval('num = 1; binding')
+ assert_completion('num.times.map(&:', 'ab', binding: bind, include: 'abs')
+ assert_doc_namespace('num.chr.', 'upcase', 'String#upcase', binding: bind)
+ end
+ def test_inspect
+ assert_match(/\AReplTypeCompletor.*\z/, @completor.inspect)
+ end
+ def test_empty_completion
+ candidates = @completor.completion_candidates('(', ')', '', bind: binding)
+ assert_equal [], candidates
+ assert_doc_namespace('(', ')', nil)
+ end
+ end
+ class TypeCompletorIntegrationTest < IntegrationTestCase
+ def test_type_completor
+ write_rc <<~RUBY
+ IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = :type
+ write_ruby <<~'RUBY'
+ binding.irb
+ output = run_ruby_file do
+ type "irb_info"
+ type "sleep 0.01 until ReplTypeCompletor.rbs_loaded?"
+ type "completor = IRB.CurrentContext.io.instance_variable_get(:@completor);"
+ type "n = 10"
+ type "puts completor.completion_candidates 'a = n.abs;', 'a.b', '', bind: binding"
+ type "puts completor.doc_namespace 'a = n.chr;', 'a.encoding', '', bind: binding"
+ type "exit!"
+ end
+ assert_match(/Completion: Autocomplete, ReplTypeCompletor/, output)
+ assert_match(/a\.bit_length/, output)
+ assert_match(/String#encoding/, output)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/irb/type_completion/test_scope.rb b/test/irb/type_completion/test_scope.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f9540b06..0000000000
--- a/test/irb/type_completion/test_scope.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-return unless RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0'
-return if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' # needs endless method definition
-require 'irb/type_completion/scope'
-require_relative '../helper'
-module TestIRB
- class TypeCompletionScopeTest < TestCase
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K = ('A'..'K').map do |name|
- klass = Class.new
- klass.define_singleton_method(:inspect) { name }
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::InstanceType.new(klass)
- end
- def assert_type(expected_types, type)
- assert_equal [*expected_types].map(&:klass).to_set, type.types.map(&:klass).to_set
- end
- def table(*local_variable_names)
- local_variable_names.to_h { [_1, IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::NIL] }
- end
- def base_scope
- IRB::TypeCompletion::RootScope.new(binding, Object.new, [])
- end
- def test_lvar
- scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new base_scope, table('a')
- scope['a'] = A
- assert_equal A, scope['a']
- end
- def test_conditional
- scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new base_scope, table('a')
- scope.conditional do |sub_scope|
- sub_scope['a'] = A
- end
- assert_type [A, IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::NIL], scope['a']
- end
- def test_branch
- scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new base_scope, table('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
- scope['c'] = A
- scope['d'] = B
- scope.run_branches(
- -> { _1['a'] = _1['c'] = _1['d'] = C },
- -> { _1['a'] = _1['b'] = _1['d'] = D },
- -> { _1['a'] = _1['b'] = _1['d'] = E },
- -> { _1['a'] = _1['b'] = _1['c'] = F; _1.terminate }
- )
- assert_type [C, D, E], scope['a']
- assert_type [IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::NIL, D, E], scope['b']
- assert_type [A, C], scope['c']
- assert_type [C, D, E], scope['d']
- end
- def test_scope_local_variables
- scope1 = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new base_scope, table('a', 'b')
- scope2 = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new scope1, table('b', 'c'), trace_lvar: false
- scope3 = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new scope2, table('c', 'd')
- scope4 = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new scope2, table('d', 'e')
- assert_empty base_scope.local_variables
- assert_equal %w[a b], scope1.local_variables.sort
- assert_equal %w[b c], scope2.local_variables.sort
- assert_equal %w[b c d], scope3.local_variables.sort
- assert_equal %w[b c d e], scope4.local_variables.sort
- end
- def test_nested_scope
- scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new base_scope, table('a', 'b', 'c')
- scope['a'] = A
- scope['b'] = A
- scope['c'] = A
- sub_scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new scope, { 'c' => B }
- assert_type A, sub_scope['a']
- assert_type A, sub_scope['b']
- assert_type B, sub_scope['c']
- sub_scope['a'] = C
- sub_scope.conditional { _1['b'] = C }
- sub_scope['c'] = C
- assert_type C, sub_scope['a']
- assert_type [A, C], sub_scope['b']
- assert_type C, sub_scope['c']
- scope.update sub_scope
- assert_type C, scope['a']
- assert_type [A, C], scope['b']
- assert_type A, scope['c']
- end
- def test_break
- scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new base_scope, table('a')
- scope['a'] = A
- breakable_scope = IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope.new scope, { IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope::BREAK_RESULT => nil }
- breakable_scope.conditional do |sub|
- sub['a'] = B
- assert_type [B], sub['a']
- sub.terminate_with IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope::BREAK_RESULT, C
- sub['a'] = C
- assert_type [C], sub['a']
- end
- assert_type [A], breakable_scope['a']
- breakable_scope[IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope::BREAK_RESULT] = D
- breakable_scope.merge_jumps
- assert_type [C, D], breakable_scope[IRB::TypeCompletion::Scope::BREAK_RESULT]
- scope.update breakable_scope
- assert_type [A, B], scope['a']
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/irb/type_completion/test_type_analyze.rb b/test/irb/type_completion/test_type_analyze.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ac7a65c729..0000000000
--- a/test/irb/type_completion/test_type_analyze.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Run test only when Ruby >= 3.0 and %w[prism rbs] are available
-return unless RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0'
-return if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' # needs endless method definition
- require 'prism'
- require 'rbs'
-rescue LoadError
- return
-require 'irb/version'
-require 'irb/completion'
-require 'irb/type_completion/completor'
-require_relative '../helper'
-module TestIRB
- class TypeCompletionAnalyzeTest < TestCase
- def setup
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.load_rbs_builder unless IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.rbs_builder
- end
- def empty_binding
- binding
- end
- def analyze(code, binding: nil)
- completor = IRB::TypeCompletion::Completor.new
- def completor.handle_error(e)
- raise e
- end
- completor.analyze(code, binding || empty_binding)
- end
- def assert_analyze_type(code, type, token = nil, binding: empty_binding)
- result_type, result_token = analyze(code, binding: binding)
- assert_equal type, result_type
- assert_equal token, result_token if token
- end
- def assert_call(code, include: nil, exclude: nil, binding: nil)
- raise ArgumentError if include.nil? && exclude.nil?
- result = analyze(code.strip, binding: binding)
- type = result[1] if result[0] == :call
- klasses = type.types.flat_map do
- _1.klass.singleton_class? ? [_1.klass.superclass, _1.klass] : _1.klass
- end
- assert ([*include] - klasses).empty?, "Expected #{klasses} to include #{include}" if include
- assert (klasses & [*exclude]).empty?, "Expected #{klasses} not to include #{exclude}" if exclude
- end
- def test_lvar_ivar_gvar_cvar
- assert_analyze_type('puts(x', :lvar_or_method, 'x')
- assert_analyze_type('puts($', :gvar, '$')
- assert_analyze_type('puts($x', :gvar, '$x')
- assert_analyze_type('puts(@', :ivar, '@')
- assert_analyze_type('puts(@x', :ivar, '@x')
- assert_analyze_type('puts(@@', :cvar, '@@')
- assert_analyze_type('puts(@@x', :cvar, '@@x')
- end
- def test_rescue
- assert_call '(1 rescue 1.0).', include: [Integer, Float]
- assert_call 'a=""; (a=1) rescue (a=1.0); a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: String
- assert_call 'begin; 1; rescue; 1.0; end.', include: [Integer, Float]
- assert_call 'begin; 1; rescue A; 1.0; rescue B; 1i; end.', include: [Integer, Float, Complex]
- assert_call 'begin; 1i; rescue; 1.0; else; 1; end.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Complex
- assert_call 'begin; 1; rescue; 1.0; ensure; 1i; end.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Complex
- assert_call 'begin; 1i; rescue; 1.0; else; 1; ensure; 1i; end.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Complex
- assert_call 'a=""; begin; a=1; rescue; a=1.0; end; a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: [String]
- assert_call 'a=""; begin; a=1; rescue; a=1.0; else; a=1r; end; a.', include: [Float, Rational], exclude: [String, Integer]
- assert_call 'a=""; begin; a=1; rescue; a=1.0; else; a=1r; ensure; a = 1i; end; a.', include: Complex, exclude: [Float, Rational, String, Integer]
- end
- def test_rescue_assign
- assert_equal [:lvar_or_method, 'a'], analyze('begin; rescue => a')[0, 2]
- assert_equal [:gvar, '$a'], analyze('begin; rescue => $a')[0, 2]
- assert_equal [:ivar, '@a'], analyze('begin; rescue => @a')[0, 2]
- assert_equal [:cvar, '@@a'], analyze('begin; rescue => @@a')[0, 2]
- assert_equal [:const, 'A'], analyze('begin; rescue => A').values_at(0, 2)
- assert_equal [:call, 'b'], analyze('begin; rescue => a.b').values_at(0, 2)
- end
- def test_ref
- bind = eval <<~RUBY
- class (Module.new)::A
- @ivar = :a
- @@cvar = 'a'
- binding
- end
- assert_call('STDIN.', include: STDIN.singleton_class)
- assert_call('$stdin.', include: $stdin.singleton_class)
- assert_call('@ivar.', include: Symbol, binding: bind)
- assert_call('@@cvar.', include: String, binding: bind)
- lbind = eval('lvar = 1; binding')
- assert_call('lvar.', include: Integer, binding: lbind)
- end
- def test_self_ivar_ref
- obj = Object.new
- obj.instance_variable_set(:@hoge, 1)
- assert_call('obj.instance_eval { @hoge.', include: Integer, binding: obj.instance_eval { binding })
- if Class.method_defined? :attached_object
- bind = binding
- assert_call('obj.instance_eval { @hoge.', include: Integer, binding: bind)
- assert_call('@hoge = 1.0; obj.instance_eval { @hoge.', include: Integer, exclude: Float, binding: bind)
- assert_call('@hoge = 1.0; obj.instance_eval { @hoge = "" }; @hoge.', include: Float, exclude: [Integer, String], binding: bind)
- assert_call('@fuga = 1.0; obj.instance_eval { @fuga.', exclude: Float, binding: bind)
- assert_call('@fuga = 1.0; obj.instance_eval { @fuga = "" }; @fuga.', include: Float, exclude: [Integer, String], binding: bind)
- end
- end
- class CVarModule
- @@test_cvar = 1
- end
- def test_module_cvar_ref
- bind = binding
- assert_call('@@foo=1; class A; @@foo.', exclude: Integer, binding: bind)
- assert_call('@@foo=1; class A; @@foo=1.0; @@foo.', include: Float, exclude: Integer, binding: bind)
- assert_call('@@foo=1; class A; @@foo=1.0; end; @@foo.', include: Integer, exclude: Float, binding: bind)
- assert_call('module CVarModule; @@test_cvar.', include: Integer, binding: bind)
- assert_call('class Array; @@foo = 1; end; class Array; @@foo.', include: Integer, binding: bind)
- assert_call('class Array; class B; @@foo = 1; end; class B; @@foo.', include: Integer, binding: bind)
- assert_call('class Array; class B; @@foo = 1; end; @@foo.', exclude: Integer, binding: bind)
- end
- def test_lvar_singleton_method
- a = 1
- b = +''
- c = Object.new
- d = [a, b, c]
- binding = Kernel.binding
- assert_call('a.', include: Integer, exclude: String, binding: binding)
- assert_call('b.', include: b.singleton_class, exclude: [Integer, Object], binding: binding)
- assert_call('c.', include: c.singleton_class, exclude: [Integer, String], binding: binding)
- assert_call('d.', include: d.class, exclude: [Integer, String, Object], binding: binding)
- assert_call('d.sample.', include: [Integer, String, Object], exclude: [b.singleton_class, c.singleton_class], binding: binding)
- end
- def test_local_variable_assign
- assert_call('(a = 1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a = 1; a = ""; a.', include: String, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('1 => a; a.', include: Integer)
- end
- def test_block_symbol
- assert_call('[1].map(&:', include: Integer)
- assert_call('1.to_s.tap(&:', include: String)
- end
- def test_union_splat
- assert_call('a, = [[:a], 1, nil].sample; a.', include: [Symbol, Integer, NilClass], exclude: Object)
- assert_call('[[:a], 1, nil].each do _2; _1.', include: [Symbol, Integer, NilClass], exclude: Object)
- assert_call('a = [[:a], 1, nil, ("a".."b")].sample; [*a].sample.', include: [Symbol, Integer, NilClass, String], exclude: Object)
- end
- def test_range
- assert_call('(1..2).first.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('("a".."b").first.', include: String)
- assert_call('(..1.to_f).first.', include: Float)
- assert_call('(1.to_s..).first.', include: String)
- assert_call('(1..2.0).first.', include: [Float, Integer])
- end
- def test_conditional_assign
- assert_call('a = 1; a = "" if cond; a.', include: [String, Integer], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('a = 1 if cond; a.', include: [Integer, NilClass])
- assert_call(<<~RUBY, include: [String, Symbol], exclude: [Integer, NilClass])
- a = 1
- cond ? a = '' : a = :a
- a.
- end
- def test_block
- assert_call('nil.then{1}.', include: Integer, exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('nil.then(&:to_s).', include: String, exclude: NilClass)
- end
- def test_block_break
- assert_call('1.tap{}.', include: [Integer], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('1.tap{break :a}.', include: [Symbol, Integer], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('1.tap{break :a, :b}[0].', include: Symbol)
- assert_call('1.tap{break :a; break "a"}.', include: [Symbol, Integer], exclude: [NilClass, String])
- assert_call('1.tap{break :a if b}.', include: [Symbol, Integer], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('1.tap{break :a; break "a" if b}.', include: [Symbol, Integer], exclude: [NilClass, String])
- assert_call('1.tap{if cond; break :a; else; break "a"; end}.', include: [Symbol, Integer, String], exclude: NilClass)
- end
- def test_instance_eval
- assert_call('1.instance_eval{:a.then{self.', include: Integer, exclude: Symbol)
- assert_call('1.then{:a.instance_eval{self.', include: Symbol, exclude: Integer)
- end
- def test_block_next
- assert_call('nil.then{1}.', include: Integer, exclude: [NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{next 1}.', include: Integer, exclude: [NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{next :a, :b}[0].', include: Symbol)
- assert_call('nil.then{next 1; 1.0}.', include: Integer, exclude: [Float, NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{next 1; next 1.0}.', include: Integer, exclude: [Float, NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{1 if cond}.', include: [Integer, NilClass], exclude: Object)
- assert_call('nil.then{if cond; 1; else; 1.0; end}.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: [NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{next 1 if cond; 1.0}.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: [NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{if cond; next 1; else; next 1.0; end; "a"}.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: [String, NilClass, Object])
- assert_call('nil.then{if cond; next 1; else; next 1.0; end; next "a"}.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: [String, NilClass, Object])
- end
- def test_vars_with_branch_termination
- assert_call('a=1; tap{break; a=//}; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{a=1.0; break; a=//}; a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{next; a=//}; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{a=1.0; next; a=//}; a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; break; a=//; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; a=1.0; break; a=//; end; a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ break; a=// }; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ a=1.0; break; a=// }; a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{ break; a=// if cond }; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{ next; a=// if cond }; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; break; a=// if cond; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ break; a=// if cond }; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Regexp)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: [Symbol, String])
- assert_call('a=1; tap{if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; end; a=//}; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol, Regexp], exclude: String)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; else; break; end; a=//}; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol], exclude: [String, Regexp])
- assert_call('a=1; tap{if cond; a=:a; next; a=""; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: [Symbol, String])
- assert_call('a=1; tap{if cond; a=:a; next; a=""; end; a=//}; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol, Regexp], exclude: String)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{if cond; a=:a; next; a=""; else; next; end; a=//}; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol], exclude: [String, Regexp])
- assert_call('def f(a=1); if cond; a=:a; return; a=""; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: [Symbol, String])
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: [Symbol, String])
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; end; a=//; end; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol, Regexp], exclude: String)
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; else; break; end; a=//; end; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol], exclude: [String, Regexp])
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: [Symbol, String])
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; end; a=// }; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol, Regexp], exclude: String)
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ if cond; a=:a; break; a=""; else; break; end; a=// }; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol], exclude: [String, Regexp])
- # continue evaluation on terminated branch
- assert_call('a=1; tap{ a=1.0; break; a=// if cond; a.', include: [Regexp, Float], exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; tap{ a=1.0; next; a=// if cond; a.', include: [Regexp, Float], exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; ->{ a=1.0; break; a=// if cond; a.', include: [Regexp, Float], exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; a=1.0; break; a=// if cond; a.', include: [Regexp, Float], exclude: Integer)
- end
- def test_to_str_to_int
- sobj = Struct.new(:to_str).new('a')
- iobj = Struct.new(:to_int).new(1)
- binding = Kernel.binding
- assert_equal String, ([] * sobj).class
- assert_equal Array, ([] * iobj).class
- assert_call('([]*sobj).', include: String, exclude: Array, binding: binding)
- assert_call('([]*iobj).', include: Array, exclude: String, binding: binding)
- end
- def test_method_select
- assert_call('([]*4).', include: Array, exclude: String)
- assert_call('([]*"").', include: String, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('([]*unknown).', include: [String, Array])
- assert_call('p(1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('p(1, 2).', include: Array, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('2.times.', include: Enumerator, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('2.times{}.', include: Integer, exclude: Enumerator)
- end
- def test_interface_match_var
- assert_call('([1]+[:a]+["a"]).sample.', include: [Integer, String, Symbol])
- end
- def test_lvar_scope
- code = <<~RUBY
- tap { a = :never }
- a = 1 if x?
- tap {|a| a = :never }
- tap { a = 'maybe' }
- a = {} if x?
- a.
- assert_call(code, include: [Hash, Integer, String], exclude: [Symbol])
- end
- def test_lvar_scope_complex
- assert_call('if cond; a = 1; else; tap { a = :a }; end; a.', include: [NilClass, Integer, Symbol], exclude: [Object])
- assert_call('def f; if cond; a = 1; return; end; tap { a = :a }; a.', include: [NilClass, Symbol], exclude: [Integer, Object])
- assert_call('def f; if cond; return; a = 1; end; tap { a = :a }; a.', include: [NilClass, Symbol], exclude: [Integer, Object])
- assert_call('def f; if cond; return; if cond; return; a = 1; end; end; tap { a = :a }; a.', include: [NilClass, Symbol], exclude: [Integer, Object])
- assert_call('def f; if cond; return; if cond; return; a = 1; end; end; tap { a = :a }; a.', include: [NilClass, Symbol], exclude: [Integer, Object])
- end
- def test_gvar_no_scope
- code = <<~RUBY
- tap { $a = :maybe }
- $a = 'maybe' if x?
- $a.
- assert_call(code, include: [Symbol, String])
- end
- def test_ivar_no_scope
- code = <<~RUBY
- tap { @a = :maybe }
- @a = 'maybe' if x?
- @a.
- assert_call(code, include: [Symbol, String])
- end
- def test_massign
- assert_call('(a,=1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(a,=[*1])[0].', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(a,=[1,2])[0].', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a,=[1,2]; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('a,b=[1,2]; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('a,b=[1,2]; b.', include: Integer, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('a,*,b=[1,2]; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('a,*,b=[1,2]; b.', include: Integer, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('a,*b=[1,2]; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Array)
- assert_call('a,*b=[1,2]; b.', include: Array, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a,*b=[1,2]; b.sample.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a,*,(*)=[1,2]; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('*a=[1,2]; a.', include: Array, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('*a=[1,2]; a.sample.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a,*b,c=[1,2,3]; b.', include: Array, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a,*b,c=[1,2,3]; b.sample.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a,b=(cond)?[1,2]:[:a,:b]; a.', include: [Integer, Symbol])
- assert_call('a,b=(cond)?[1,2]:[:a,:b]; b.', include: [Integer, Symbol])
- assert_call('a,b=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; a.', include: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('a,b=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; b.', include: Integer, exclude: String)
- assert_call('a,*b=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; a.', include: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('a,*b=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; b.', include: Array, exclude: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('a,*b=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; b.sample.', include: Integer, exclude: String)
- assert_call('*a=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; a.', include: Array, exclude: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('*a=(cond)?[1,2]:"s"; a.sample.', include: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('a,(b,),c=[1,[:a],4]; b.', include: Symbol)
- assert_call('a,(b,(c,))=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a,(b,(*c))=1; c.', include: Array)
- assert_call('(a=1).b, c = 1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a, ((b=1).c, d) = 1; b.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a, b[c=1] = 1; c.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a, b[*(c=1)] = 1; c.', include: Integer)
- # incomplete massign
- assert_analyze_type('a,b', :lvar_or_method, 'b')
- assert_call('(a=1).b, a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; *a.', include: Integer)
- end
- def test_field_assign
- assert_call('(a.!=1).', exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('(a.b=1).', include: Integer, exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('(a&.b=1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(nil&.b=1).', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('(a[]=1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(a[b]=1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(a.[]=1).', exclude: Integer)
- end
- def test_def
- assert_call('def f; end.', include: Symbol)
- assert_call('s=""; def s.f; self.', include: String)
- assert_call('def (a="").f; end; a.', include: String)
- assert_call('def f(a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(**nil); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f((*),*); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(a,*b); b.', include: Array)
- assert_call('def f(a,x:1); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(a,x:,**); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(a,x:,**y); y.', include: Hash)
- assert_call('def f((*a)); a.', include: Array)
- assert_call('def f(a,b=1,*c,d,x:0,y:,**z,&e); e.arity.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(...); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(a,...); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(...); g(...); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(*,**,&); g(*,**,&); 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('def f(*,**,&); {**}.', include: Hash)
- assert_call('def f(*,**,&); [*,**].', include: Array)
- assert_call('class Array; def f; self.', include: Array)
- end
- def test_defined
- assert_call('defined?(a.b+c).', include: [String, NilClass])
- assert_call('defined?(a = 1); tap { a = 1.0 }; a.', include: [Integer, Float, NilClass])
- end
- def test_ternary_operator
- assert_call('condition ? 1.chr.', include: [String])
- assert_call('condition ? value : 1.chr.', include: [String])
- assert_call('condition ? cond ? cond ? value : cond ? value : 1.chr.', include: [String])
- end
- def test_block_parameter
- assert_call('method { |arg = 1.chr.', include: [String])
- assert_call('method do |arg = 1.chr.', include: [String])
- assert_call('method { |arg1 = 1.|(2|3), arg2 = 1.chr.', include: [String])
- assert_call('method do |arg1 = 1.|(2|3), arg2 = 1.chr.', include: [String])
- end
- def test_self
- integer_binding = 1.instance_eval { Kernel.binding }
- assert_call('self.', include: [Integer], binding: integer_binding)
- string = +''
- string_binding = string.instance_eval { Kernel.binding }
- assert_call('self.', include: [string.singleton_class], binding: string_binding)
- object = Object.new
- object.instance_eval { @int = 1; @string = string }
- object_binding = object.instance_eval { Kernel.binding }
- assert_call('self.', include: [object.singleton_class], binding: object_binding)
- assert_call('@int.', include: [Integer], binding: object_binding)
- assert_call('@string.', include: [String], binding: object_binding)
- end
- def test_optional_chain
- assert_call('[1,nil].sample.', include: [Integer, NilClass])
- assert_call('[1,nil].sample&.', include: [Integer], exclude: [NilClass])
- assert_call('[1,nil].sample.chr.', include: [String], exclude: [NilClass])
- assert_call('[1,nil].sample&.chr.', include: [String, NilClass])
- assert_call('[1,nil].sample.chr&.ord.', include: [Integer], exclude: [NilClass])
- assert_call('a = 1; b.c(a = :a); a.', include: [Symbol], exclude: [Integer])
- assert_call('a = 1; b&.c(a = :a); a.', include: [Integer, Symbol])
- end
- def test_class_module
- assert_call('class (1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class (a=1)::B; end; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class Array; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class ::Array; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class Array::A; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class Array; self.new.', include: Array)
- assert_call('class ::Array; self.new.', include: Array)
- assert_call('class Array::A; self.', include: Class)
- assert_call('class (a=1)::A; end; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module M; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module ::M; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module Array::M; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module M; self.', include: Module)
- assert_call('module Array::M; self.', include: Module)
- assert_call('module ::M; self.', include: Module)
- assert_call('module (a=1)::M; end; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class << Array; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('class << a; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a = ""; class << a; self.superclass.', include: Class)
- end
- def test_constant_path
- assert_call('class A; X=1; class B; X=""; X.', include: String, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('class A; X=1; class B; X=""; end; X.', include: Integer, exclude: String)
- assert_call('class A; class B; X=1; end; end; class A; class B; X.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module IRB; VERSION.', include: String)
- assert_call('module IRB; IRB::VERSION.', include: String)
- assert_call('module IRB; VERSION=1; VERSION.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module IRB; VERSION=1; IRB::VERSION.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module IRB; module A; VERSION.', include: String)
- assert_call('module IRB; module A; VERSION=1; VERSION.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module IRB; module A; VERSION=1; IRB::VERSION.', include: String)
- assert_call('module IRB; module A; VERSION=1; end; VERSION.', include: String)
- assert_call('module IRB; IRB=1; IRB.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('module IRB; IRB=1; ::IRB::VERSION.', include: String)
- module_binding = eval 'module ::IRB; binding; end'
- assert_call('VERSION.', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('VERSION.', include: String, binding: module_binding)
- assert_call('IRB::VERSION.', include: String, binding: module_binding)
- assert_call('A = 1; module M; A += 0.5; A.', include: Float)
- assert_call('::A = 1; module M; A += 0.5; A.', include: Float)
- assert_call('::A = 1; module M; A += 0.5; ::A.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('IRB::A = 1; IRB::A += 0.5; IRB::A.', include: Float)
- end
- def test_literal
- assert_call('1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('1.0.', include: Float)
- assert_call('1r.', include: Rational)
- assert_call('1i.', include: Complex)
- assert_call('true.', include: TrueClass)
- assert_call('false.', include: FalseClass)
- assert_call('nil.', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('().', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('//.', include: Regexp)
- assert_call('/#{a=1}/.', include: Regexp)
- assert_call('/#{a=1}/; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call(':a.', include: Symbol)
- assert_call(':"#{a=1}".', include: Symbol)
- assert_call(':"#{a=1}"; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('"".', include: String)
- assert_call('"#$a".', include: String)
- assert_call('("a" "b").', include: String)
- assert_call('"#{a=1}".', include: String)
- assert_call('"#{a=1}"; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('``.', include: String)
- assert_call('`#{a=1}`.', include: String)
- assert_call('`#{a=1}`; a.', include: Integer)
- end
- def test_redo_retry_yield_super
- assert_call('a=nil; tap do a=1; redo; a=1i; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Complex)
- assert_call('a=nil; tap do a=1; retry; a=1i; end; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Complex)
- assert_call('a = 0; a = yield; a.', include: Object, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('yield 1,(a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a = 0; a = super; a.', include: Object, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a = 0; a = super(1); a.', include: Object, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('super 1,(a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- end
- def test_rarely_used_syntax
- # FlipFlop
- assert_call('if (a=1).even?..(a=1.0).even; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- # MatchLastLine
- assert_call('if /regexp/; 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('if /reg#{a=1}exp/; a.', include: Integer)
- # BlockLocalVariable
- assert_call('tap do |i;a| a=1; a.', include: Integer)
- # BEGIN{} END{}
- assert_call('BEGIN{1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('END{1.', include: Integer)
- # MatchWrite
- assert_call('a=1; /(?<a>)/=~b; a.', include: [String, NilClass], exclude: Integer)
- # OperatorWrite with block `a[&b]+=c`
- assert_call('a=[1]; (a[0,&:to_a]+=1.0).', include: Float)
- assert_call('a=[1]; (a[0,&b]+=1.0).', include: Float)
- end
- def test_hash
- assert_call('{}.', include: Hash)
- assert_call('{**a}.', include: Hash)
- assert_call('{ rand: }.values.sample.', include: Float)
- assert_call('rand=""; { rand: }.values.sample.', include: String, exclude: Float)
- assert_call('{ 1 => 1.0 }.keys.sample.', include: Integer, exclude: Float)
- assert_call('{ 1 => 1.0 }.values.sample.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a={1=>1.0}; {"a"=>1i,**a}.keys.sample.', include: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('a={1=>1.0}; {"a"=>1i,**a}.values.sample.', include: [Float, Complex])
- end
- def test_array
- assert_call('[1,2,3].sample.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a = 1.0; [1,2,a].sample.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a = [1.0]; [1,2,*a].sample.', include: [Integer, Float])
- end
- def test_numbered_parameter
- assert_call('loop{_1.', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('1.tap{_1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('1.tap{_3.', include: NilClass, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('[:a,1].tap{_1.', include: Array, exclude: [Integer, Symbol])
- assert_call('[:a,1].tap{_2.', include: [Symbol, Integer], exclude: Array)
- assert_call('[:a,1].tap{_2; _1.', include: [Symbol, Integer], exclude: Array)
- assert_call('[:a].each_with_index{_1.', include: Symbol, exclude: [Integer, Array])
- assert_call('[:a].each_with_index{_2; _1.', include: Symbol, exclude: [Integer, Array])
- assert_call('[:a].each_with_index{_2.', include: Integer, exclude: Symbol)
- end
- def test_if_unless
- assert_call('if cond; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('unless true; 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; (a=1.0) if cond; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a=1; (a=1.0) unless cond; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a=1; 123 if (a=1.0).foo; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('if cond; a=1; end; a.', include: [Integer, NilClass])
- assert_call('a=1; if cond; a=1.0; elsif cond; a=1r; else; a=1i; end; a.', include: [Float, Rational, Complex], exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; if cond; a=1.0; else; a.', include: Integer, exclude: Float)
- assert_call('a=1; if (a=1.0).foo; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; if (a=1.0).foo; end; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; if (a=1.0).foo; else; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; if (a=1.0).foo; elsif a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; if (a=1.0).foo; elsif (a=1i); else; a.', include: Complex, exclude: [Integer, Float])
- end
- def test_while_until
- assert_call('while cond; 123; end.', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('until cond; 123; end.', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('a=1; a=1.0 while cond; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a=1; a=1.0 until cond; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a=1; 1 while (a=1.0).foo; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('while cond; break 1; end.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('while cond; a=1; end; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; while cond; a=1.0; end; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a=1; while (a=1.0).foo; end; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- end
- def test_for
- assert_call('for i in [1,2,3]; i.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for i,j in [1,2,3]; i.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for *,(*) in [1,2,3]; 1.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for *i in [1,2,3]; i.sample.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for (a=1).b in [1,2,3]; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for Array::B in [1,2,3]; Array::B.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for A in [1,2,3]; A.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for $a in [1,2,3]; $a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for @a in [1,2,3]; @a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('for i in [1,2,3]; end.', include: Array)
- assert_call('for i in [1,2,3]; break 1.0; end.', include: [Array, Float])
- assert_call('i = 1.0; for i in [1,2,3]; end; i.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a = 1.0; for i in [1,2,3]; a = 1i; end; a.', include: [Float, Complex])
- end
- def test_special_var
- assert_call('__FILE__.', include: String)
- assert_call('__LINE__.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('__ENCODING__.', include: Encoding)
- assert_call('$1.', include: String)
- assert_call('$&.', include: String)
- end
- def test_and_or
- assert_call('(1&&1.0).', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('(nil&&1.0).', include: NilClass)
- assert_call('(nil||1).', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(1||1.0).', include: Float)
- end
- def test_opwrite
- assert_call('a=[]; a*=1; a.', include: Array)
- assert_call('a=[]; a*=""; a.', include: String)
- assert_call('a=[1,false].sample; a||=1.0; a.', include: [Integer, Float])
- assert_call('a=1; a&&=1.0; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('(a=1).b*=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(a=1).b||=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('(a=1).b&&=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('[][a=1]&&=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('[][a=1]||=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('[][a=1]+=1; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('([1][0]+=1.0).', include: Float)
- assert_call('([1.0][0]+=1).', include: Float)
- assert_call('A=nil; A||=1; A.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('A=1; A&&=1.0; A.', include: Float)
- assert_call('A=1; A+=1.0; A.', include: Float)
- assert_call('Array::A||=1; Array::A.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('Array::A=1; Array::A&&=1.0; Array::A.', include: Float)
- end
- def test_case_when
- assert_call('case x; when A; 1; when B; 1.0; end.', include: [Integer, Float, NilClass])
- assert_call('case x; when A; 1; when B; 1.0; else; 1r; end.', include: [Integer, Float, Rational], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('case; when (a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('case x; when (a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; case (a=1.0); when A; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; case (a=1.0); when A; end; a.', include: Float, exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; case x; when A; a=1.0; else; a=1r; end; a.', include: [Float, Rational], exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; case x; when A; a=1.0; when B; a=1r; end; a.', include: [Float, Rational, Integer])
- end
- def test_case_in
- assert_call('case x; in A; 1; in B; 1.0; end.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('case x; in A; 1; in B; 1.0; else; 1r; end.', include: [Integer, Float, Rational], exclude: NilClass)
- assert_call('a=""; case 1; in A; a=1; in B; a=1.0; end; a.', include: [Integer, Float], exclude: String)
- assert_call('a=""; case 1; in A; a=1; in B; a=1.0; else; a=1r; end; a.', include: [Integer, Float, Rational], exclude: String)
- assert_call('case 1; in x; x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('case x; in A if (a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('case x; in ^(a=1); a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('case x; in [1, String => a, 2]; a.', include: String)
- assert_call('case x; in [*a, 1]; a.', include: Array)
- assert_call('case x; in [1, *a]; a.', include: Array)
- assert_call('case x; in [*a, 1, *b]; a.', include: Array)
- assert_call('case x; in [*a, 1, *b]; b.', include: Array)
- assert_call('case x; in {a: {b: **c}}; c.', include: Hash)
- assert_call('case x; in (String | { x: Integer, y: ^$a }) => a; a.', include: [String, Hash])
- end
- def test_pattern_match
- assert_call('1 in a; a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('a=1; x in String=>a; a.', include: [Integer, String])
- assert_call('a=1; x=>String=>a; a.', include: String, exclude: Integer)
- end
- def test_bottom_type_termination
- assert_call('a=1; tap { raise; a=1.0; a.', include: Float)
- assert_call('a=1; tap { loop{}; a=1.0; a.', include: Float)
- assert_call('a=1; tap { raise; a=1.0 } a.', include: Integer, exclude: Float)
- assert_call('a=1; tap { loop{}; a=1.0 } a.', include: Integer, exclude: Float)
- end
- def test_call_parameter
- assert_call('f((x=1),*b,c:1,**d,&e); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('f(a,*(x=1),c:1,**d,&e); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('f(a,*b,(x=1):1,**d,&e); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('f(a,*b,c:(x=1),**d,&e); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('f(a,*b,c:1,**(x=1),&e); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('f(a,*b,c:1,**d,&(x=1)); x.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('f((x=1)=>1); x.', include: Integer)
- end
- def test_block_args
- assert_call('[1,2,3].tap{|a| a.', include: Array)
- assert_call('[1,2,3].tap{|a,b| a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('[1,2,3].tap{|(a,b)| a.', include: Integer)
- assert_call('[1,2,3].tap{|a,*b| b.', include: Array)
- assert_call('[1,2,3].tap{|a=1.0| a.', include: [Array, Float])
- assert_call('[1,2,3].tap{|a,**b| b.', include: Hash)
- assert_call('1.tap{|(*),*,**| 1.', include: Integer)
- end
- def test_array_aref
- assert_call('[1][0..].', include: [Array, NilClass], exclude: Integer)
- assert_call('[1][0].', include: Integer, exclude: [Array, NilClass])
- assert_call('[1].[](0).', include: Integer, exclude: [Array, NilClass])
- assert_call('[1].[](0){}.', include: Integer, exclude: [Array, NilClass])
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/irb/type_completion/test_type_completor.rb b/test/irb/type_completion/test_type_completor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f947cc4e62..0000000000
--- a/test/irb/type_completion/test_type_completor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Run test only when Ruby >= 3.0 and %w[prism rbs] are available
-return unless RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0'
-return if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' # needs endless method definition
- require 'prism'
- require 'rbs'
-rescue LoadError
- return
-require 'irb/version'
-require 'irb/type_completion/completor'
-require_relative '../helper'
-module TestIRB
- class TypeCompletorTest < TestCase
- def setup
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.load_rbs_builder unless IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.rbs_builder
- @completor = IRB::TypeCompletion::Completor.new
- end
- def empty_binding
- binding
- end
- TARGET_REGEXP = /(@@|@|\$)?[a-zA-Z_]*[!?=]?$/
- def assert_completion(code, binding: empty_binding, include: nil, exclude: nil)
- raise ArgumentError if include.nil? && exclude.nil?
- target = code[TARGET_REGEXP]
- candidates = @completor.completion_candidates(code.delete_suffix(target), target, '', bind: binding)
- assert ([*include] - candidates).empty?, "Expected #{candidates} to include #{include}" if include
- assert (candidates & [*exclude]).empty?, "Expected #{candidates} not to include #{exclude}" if exclude
- end
- def assert_doc_namespace(code, namespace, binding: empty_binding)
- target = code[TARGET_REGEXP]
- preposing = code.delete_suffix(target)
- @completor.completion_candidates(preposing, target, '', bind: binding)
- assert_equal namespace, @completor.doc_namespace(preposing, target, '', bind: binding)
- end
- def test_require
- assert_completion("require '", include: 'set')
- assert_completion("require 's", include: 'set')
- Dir.chdir(__dir__ + "/../../..") do
- assert_completion("require_relative 'l", include: 'lib/irb')
- end
- # Incomplete double quote string is InterpolatedStringNode
- assert_completion('require "', include: 'set')
- assert_completion('require "s', include: 'set')
- end
- def test_method_block_sym
- assert_completion('[1].map(&:', include: 'abs')
- assert_completion('[:a].map(&:', exclude: 'abs')
- assert_completion('[1].map(&:a', include: 'abs')
- assert_doc_namespace('[1].map(&:abs', 'Integer#abs')
- end
- def test_symbol
- sym = :test_completion_symbol
- assert_completion(":test_com", include: sym.to_s)
- end
- def test_call
- assert_completion('1.', include: 'abs')
- assert_completion('1.a', include: 'abs')
- assert_completion('ran', include: 'rand')
- assert_doc_namespace('1.abs', 'Integer#abs')
- assert_doc_namespace('Integer.sqrt', 'Integer.sqrt')
- assert_doc_namespace('rand', 'TestIRB::TypeCompletorTest#rand')
- assert_doc_namespace('Object::rand', 'Object.rand')
- end
- def test_lvar
- bind = eval('lvar = 1; binding')
- assert_completion('lva', binding: bind, include: 'lvar')
- assert_completion('lvar.', binding: bind, include: 'abs')
- assert_completion('lvar.a', binding: bind, include: 'abs')
- assert_completion('lvar = ""; lvar.', binding: bind, include: 'ascii_only?')
- assert_completion('lvar = ""; lvar.', include: 'ascii_only?')
- assert_doc_namespace('lvar', 'Integer', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('lvar.abs', 'Integer#abs', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('lvar = ""; lvar.ascii_only?', 'String#ascii_only?', binding: bind)
- end
- def test_const
- assert_completion('Ar', include: 'Array')
- assert_completion('::Ar', include: 'Array')
- assert_completion('IRB::V', include: 'VERSION')
- assert_completion('FooBar=1; F', include: 'FooBar')
- assert_completion('::FooBar=1; ::F', include: 'FooBar')
- assert_doc_namespace('Array', 'Array')
- assert_doc_namespace('Array = 1; Array', 'Integer')
- assert_doc_namespace('Object::Array', 'Array')
- assert_completion('::', include: 'Array')
- assert_completion('class ::', include: 'Array')
- assert_completion('module IRB; class T', include: ['TypeCompletion', 'TracePoint'])
- end
- def test_gvar
- assert_completion('$', include: '$stdout')
- assert_completion('$s', include: '$stdout')
- assert_completion('$', exclude: '$foobar')
- assert_completion('$foobar=1; $', include: '$foobar')
- assert_doc_namespace('$foobar=1; $foobar', 'Integer')
- assert_doc_namespace('$stdout', 'IO')
- assert_doc_namespace('$stdout=1; $stdout', 'Integer')
- end
- def test_ivar
- bind = Object.new.instance_eval { @foo = 1; binding }
- assert_completion('@', binding: bind, include: '@foo')
- assert_completion('@f', binding: bind, include: '@foo')
- assert_completion('@bar = 1; @', include: '@bar')
- assert_completion('@bar = 1; @b', include: '@bar')
- assert_doc_namespace('@bar = 1; @bar', 'Integer')
- assert_doc_namespace('@foo', 'Integer', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('@foo = 1.0; @foo', 'Float', binding: bind)
- end
- def test_cvar
- bind = eval('m=Module.new; module m::M; @@foo = 1; binding; end')
- assert_equal(1, bind.eval('@@foo'))
- assert_completion('@', binding: bind, include: '@@foo')
- assert_completion('@@', binding: bind, include: '@@foo')
- assert_completion('@@f', binding: bind, include: '@@foo')
- assert_doc_namespace('@@foo', 'Integer', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('@@foo = 1.0; @@foo', 'Float', binding: bind)
- assert_completion('@@bar = 1; @', include: '@@bar')
- assert_completion('@@bar = 1; @@', include: '@@bar')
- assert_completion('@@bar = 1; @@b', include: '@@bar')
- assert_doc_namespace('@@bar = 1; @@bar', 'Integer')
- end
- def test_basic_object
- bo = BasicObject.new
- def bo.foo; end
- bo.instance_eval { @bar = 1 }
- bind = binding
- bo_self_bind = bo.instance_eval { Kernel.binding }
- assert_completion('bo.', binding: bind, include: 'foo')
- assert_completion('def bo.baz; self.', binding: bind, include: 'foo')
- assert_completion('[bo].first.', binding: bind, include: 'foo')
- assert_doc_namespace('bo', 'BasicObject', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('bo.__id__', 'BasicObject#__id__', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('v = [bo]; v', 'Array', binding: bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('v = [bo].first; v', 'BasicObject', binding: bind)
- bo_self_bind = bo.instance_eval { Kernel.binding }
- assert_completion('self.', binding: bo_self_bind, include: 'foo')
- assert_completion('@', binding: bo_self_bind, include: '@bar')
- assert_completion('@bar.', binding: bo_self_bind, include: 'abs')
- assert_doc_namespace('self.__id__', 'BasicObject#__id__', binding: bo_self_bind)
- assert_doc_namespace('@bar', 'Integer', binding: bo_self_bind)
- if RUBY_VERSION >= '3.2.0' # Needs Class#attached_object to get instance variables from singleton class
- assert_completion('def bo.baz; @bar.', binding: bind, include: 'abs')
- assert_completion('def bo.baz; @', binding: bind, include: '@bar')
- end
- end
- def test_inspect
- rbs_builder = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.rbs_builder
- assert_match(/TypeCompletion::Completor\(Prism: \d.+, RBS: \d.+\)/, @completor.inspect)
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.instance_variable_set(:@rbs_builder, nil)
- assert_match(/TypeCompletion::Completor\(Prism: \d.+, RBS: loading\)/, @completor.inspect)
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.instance_variable_set(:@rbs_load_error, StandardError.new('[err]'))
- assert_match(/TypeCompletion::Completor\(Prism: \d.+, RBS: .+\[err\].+\)/, @completor.inspect)
- ensure
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.instance_variable_set(:@rbs_builder, rbs_builder)
- IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.instance_variable_set(:@rbs_load_error, nil)
- end
- def test_none
- candidates = @completor.completion_candidates('(', ')', '', bind: binding)
- assert_equal [], candidates
- assert_doc_namespace('()', nil)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb b/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7698bd2fc0..0000000000
--- a/test/irb/type_completion/test_types.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-return unless RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0.0'
-return if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' # needs endless method definition
-require 'irb/type_completion/types'
-require_relative '../helper'
-module TestIRB
- class TypeCompletionTypesTest < TestCase
- def test_type_inspect
- true_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::TRUE
- false_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::FALSE
- nil_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::NIL
- string_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::STRING
- true_or_false = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::UnionType[true_type, false_type]
- array_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::InstanceType.new Array, { Elem: true_or_false }
- assert_equal 'nil', nil_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'true', true_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'false', false_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'String', string_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'Array', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::InstanceType.new(Array).inspect
- assert_equal 'true | false', true_or_false.inspect
- assert_equal 'Array[Elem: true | false]', array_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'Array', array_type.inspect_without_params
- assert_equal 'Proc', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::PROC.inspect
- assert_equal 'Array.itself', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::SingletonType.new(Array).inspect
- end
- def test_type_from_object
- obj = Object.new
- bo = BasicObject.new
- def bo.hash; 42; end # Needed to use this object as a hash key
- arr = [1, 'a']
- hash = { 'key' => :value }
- int_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object 1
- obj_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object obj
- arr_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object arr
- hash_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object hash
- bo_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object bo
- bo_arr_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object [bo]
- bo_key_hash_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object({ bo => 1 })
- bo_value_hash_type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object({ x: bo })
- assert_equal Integer, int_type.klass
- # Use singleton_class to autocomplete singleton methods
- assert_equal obj.singleton_class, obj_type.klass
- assert_equal Object.instance_method(:singleton_class).bind_call(bo), bo_type.klass
- # Array and Hash are special
- assert_equal Array, arr_type.klass
- assert_equal Array, bo_arr_type.klass
- assert_equal Hash, hash_type.klass
- assert_equal Hash, bo_key_hash_type.klass
- assert_equal Hash, bo_value_hash_type.klass
- assert_equal BasicObject, bo_arr_type.params[:Elem].klass
- assert_equal BasicObject, bo_key_hash_type.params[:K].klass
- assert_equal BasicObject, bo_value_hash_type.params[:V].klass
- assert_equal 'Object', obj_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'Array[Elem: Integer | String]', arr_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'Hash[K: String, V: Symbol]', hash_type.inspect
- assert_equal 'Array.itself', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object(Array).inspect
- assert_equal 'IRB::TypeCompletion.itself', IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object(IRB::TypeCompletion).inspect
- end
- def test_type_methods
- s = +''
- class << s
- def foobar; end
- private def foobaz; end
- end
- String.define_method(:foobarbaz) {}
- targets = [:foobar, :foobaz, :foobarbaz]
- type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object s
- assert_equal [:foobar, :foobarbaz], targets & type.methods
- assert_equal [:foobar, :foobaz, :foobarbaz], targets & type.all_methods
- assert_equal [:foobarbaz], targets & IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::STRING.methods
- assert_equal [:foobarbaz], targets & IRB::TypeCompletion::Types::STRING.all_methods
- ensure
- String.remove_method :foobarbaz
- end
- def test_basic_object_methods
- bo = BasicObject.new
- def bo.foobar; end
- type = IRB::TypeCompletion::Types.type_from_object bo
- assert type.all_methods.include?(:foobar)
- end
- end