path: root/test/racc/regress/nasl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/racc/regress/nasl')
1 files changed, 2058 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/racc/regress/nasl b/test/racc/regress/nasl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a70f1f3b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/racc/regress/nasl
@@ -0,0 +1,2058 @@
+# This file is automatically generated by Racc 1.4.14
+# from Racc grammer file "".
+require 'racc/parser.rb'
+require 'nasl/parser/tree'
+require 'nasl/parser/argument'
+require 'nasl/parser/array'
+require 'nasl/parser/assigment'
+require 'nasl/parser/block'
+require 'nasl/parser/break'
+require 'nasl/parser/call'
+require 'nasl/parser/comment'
+require 'nasl/parser/continue'
+require 'nasl/parser/decrement'
+require 'nasl/parser/empty'
+require 'nasl/parser/export'
+require 'nasl/parser/expression'
+require 'nasl/parser/for'
+require 'nasl/parser/foreach'
+require 'nasl/parser/function'
+require 'nasl/parser/global'
+require 'nasl/parser/identifier'
+require 'nasl/parser/if'
+require 'nasl/parser/import'
+require 'nasl/parser/include'
+require 'nasl/parser/increment'
+require 'nasl/parser/integer'
+require 'nasl/parser/ip'
+require 'nasl/parser/key_value_pair'
+require 'nasl/parser/list'
+require 'nasl/parser/local'
+require 'nasl/parser/lvalue'
+require 'nasl/parser/parameter'
+require 'nasl/parser/reference'
+require 'nasl/parser/repeat'
+require 'nasl/parser/repetition'
+require 'nasl/parser/return'
+require 'nasl/parser/string'
+require 'nasl/parser/undefined'
+require 'nasl/parser/while'
+module Nasl
+ class Grammar < Racc::Parser
+module_eval(<<'...end nasl.y/module_eval...', 'nasl.y', 582)
+def n(cls, *args)
+ begin
+ Nasl.const_get(cls).new(@tree, *args)
+ rescue
+ puts "An exception occurred during the creation of a #{cls} instance."
+ puts
+ puts "The arguments passed to the constructer were:"
+ puts args
+ puts
+ puts @tok.last.context
+ puts
+ raise
+ end
+def c(*args)
+ n(:Comment, *args)
+ args[1]
+def on_error(type, value, stack)
+ raise ParseException, "The language's grammar does not permit #{value.name} to appear here", value.context
+def next_token
+ @tok = @tkz.get_token
+ if @first && @tok.first == :COMMENT
+ n(:Comment, @tok.last)
+ @tok = @tkz.get_token
+ end
+ @first = false
+ return @tok
+def parse(env, code, path)
+ @first = true
+ @tree = Tree.new(env)
+ @tkz = Tokenizer.new(code, path)
+ @tree.concat(do_parse)
+...end nasl.y/module_eval...
+##### State transition tables begin ###
+clist = [
+'154,155,156,145,146,147,149,150,,,,148' ]
+ racc_action_table = arr = ::Array.new(4010, nil)
+ idx = 0
+ clist.each do |str|
+ str.split(',', -1).each do |i|
+ arr[idx] = i.to_i unless i.empty?
+ idx += 1
+ end
+ end
+clist = [
+'237,237,237,237,237,,,,237,236,236,236,236,236,236,236,236,236,,,,236' ]
+ racc_action_check = arr = ::Array.new(4010, nil)
+ idx = 0
+ clist.each do |str|
+ str.split(',', -1).each do |i|
+ arr[idx] = i.to_i unless i.empty?
+ idx += 1
+ end
+ end
+racc_action_pointer = [
+ 3034, 197, nil, 3268, 109, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 179, 74, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 150, 144, -6, 13, -2, nil, 123, -12, 199,
+ 197, 84, 1512, 3190, 196, -18, 195, 3216, 194, 2725,
+ 35, -8, 15, nil, nil, nil, 205, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 144, nil, nil, nil, 1806, nil, nil, 135,
+ 175, 108, nil, -28, -39, 78, 2758, 66, nil, 2716,
+ 2051, 2100, 2149, 2198, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 39, nil, nil, nil, -17, 178, 2394, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 59, 51, nil, 3242, 101,
+ 59, 130, 2639, 33, 91, 140, 189, 238, 287, 336,
+ 385, 434, 483, 532, 581, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 630, 132, 19, nil, 31, 2793, nil, 777, -28, 48,
+ 15, nil, nil, 973, 1022, 1071, 1120, 1169, 1218, 1267,
+ -7, 1316, 924, 875, 826, 728, 679, 42, 2590, 2541,
+ 2492, 2443, 2345, 2296, 2247, 2002, 1953, nil, 3034, 87,
+ 91, 94, 373, nil, 69, 71, 73, 73, 86, nil,
+ 3381, nil, 90, 88, nil, nil, nil, 115, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 1904, 114, 3000, 1855, 2932, 3408, nil, 3435,
+ 3462, 3354, 3489, 3516, 3543, 3570, 3597, 157, nil, 3624,
+ 10, nil, 139, -11, nil, nil, 164, 155, 133, nil,
+ 155, nil, 3651, nil, nil, 177, 179, 3810, 3785, 115,
+ 66, 189, 192, 194, 197, 305, 3972, 3959, 318, 352,
+ 367, 3870, 2713, 3840, 3855, 3825, 3885, 3900, 3915, 3930,
+ 3945, nil, 166, 1757, 1708, 1659, 227, nil, 1610, nil,
+ 1561, 2898, 1463, 3164, 2863, 3138, nil, 1414, 1365, nil,
+ 0, nil, nil, 3, nil, nil, 358, 3678, nil, 3705,
+ nil, 3732, nil, nil, nil, 2828, 3112, 2966, 136, nil,
+ nil, 3759, nil, nil, nil, nil, 130, 52, nil, 3086,
+ 3060, 407, 142, nil, nil, nil, 3294, nil ]
+racc_action_default = [
+ -2, -172, -1, -4, -172, -6, -8, -9, -10, -11,
+ -172, -172, -15, -16, -17, -18, -19, -20, -22, -23,
+ -24, -25, -26, -27, -28, -29, -30, -31, -32, -33,
+ -34, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -40, -172, -172, -172,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172,
+ -172, -172, -128, -160, -161, -162, -172, -3, -5, -7,
+ -21, -12, -172, -35, -36, -37, -172, -38, -39, -172,
+ -157, -159, -42, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -49, -108,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -93, -94, -105, -106, -107, -109,
+ -110, -111, -112, -113, -172, -172, -172, -163, -164, -165,
+ -166, -167, -169, -170, -171, -172, -172, -51, -154, -138,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -72, -74, -71, -73, -127,
+ -172, -172, -142, 308, -172, -172, -41, -172, -172, -172,
+ -172, -45, -47, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -48, -172, -77,
+ -81, -82, -172, -129, -172, -172, -172, -126, -172, -133,
+ -143, -144, -146, -172, -148, -50, -153, -172, -134, -135,
+ -136, -137, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -59, -60, -61,
+ -62, -63, -64, -65, -66, -67, -68, -172, -70, -116,
+ -128, -117, -131, -172, -140, -141, -172, -172, -172, -150,
+ -152, -46, -155, -156, -158, -172, -172, -76, -78, -79,
+ -80, -83, -84, -85, -86, -87, -88, -89, -90, -91,
+ -92, -95, -96, -97, -98, -99, -100, -101, -102, -103,
+ -104, -75, -172, -172, -172, -172, -125, -132, -172, -147,
+ -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -69, -172, -172, -139,
+ -172, -14, -149, -172, -43, -44, -172, -118, -121, -119,
+ -122, -120, -123, -124, -145, -172, -172, -172, -55, -57,
+ -58, -114, -115, -130, -13, -151, -172, -138, -53, -172,
+ -172, -172, -172, -54, -56, -168, -172, -52 ]
+racc_goto_table = [
+ 31, 175, 62, 31, 187, 38, 77, 183, 38, 178,
+ 49, 139, 140, 49, 207, 35, 216, 106, 35, 69,
+ 60, 2, 271, 75, 57, 1, 58, 33, 70, 215,
+ 33, 108, 70, 174, 59, 113, 110, nil, nil, nil,
+ 61, nil, nil, 31, nil, nil, nil, 31, 38, nil,
+ nil, nil, 38, 49, nil, nil, nil, 49, 35, nil,
+ 127, 128, 35, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 33, nil, nil, nil, 33, 294, nil, nil, 252, 198,
+ nil, nil, 186, nil, nil, 173, 176, nil, 211, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 108, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 223, 193, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 31, 188,
+ nil, nil, nil, 38, 191, 210, nil, nil, 49, 49,
+ 224, 60, 214, 35, 190, 219, nil, nil, nil, 70,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 33, 189, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 295, nil, nil, 293, nil,
+ nil, nil, 175, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 284,
+ 283, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 296, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 302, nil, 174, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 305, nil, 272,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 278, 280, 282,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 292, 211, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 176, nil, nil,
+ nil, 288, nil, 290, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 210,
+ nil, nil, nil, 31, 219, 31, nil, nil, 38, nil,
+ 38, nil, nil, 49, 298, 49, nil, nil, 35, 76,
+ 35, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 31, 303, 304, nil,
+ 33, 38, 33, nil, 307, nil, 49, 188, nil, 31,
+ 31, 35, 191, 135, 38, 38, 31, 49, nil, 49,
+ 49, 38, 190, 33, 35, 35, 49, 168, 169, 170,
+ 171, 35, nil, nil, 189, nil, 33, 33, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, 33, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 194,
+ nil, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205,
+ 206, 209, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 213, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 222, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236,
+ 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246,
+ 247, 248, 249, 250, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 261,
+ nil, nil, 264, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 277, 279, 281, nil, nil, nil, nil, 285, nil, 287,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 291, 209 ]
+racc_goto_check = [
+ 30, 43, 9, 30, 39, 34, 37, 53, 34, 49,
+ 40, 35, 35, 40, 41, 32, 10, 38, 32, 33,
+ 18, 2, 11, 33, 2, 1, 4, 31, 9, 50,
+ 31, 6, 9, 35, 5, 6, 9, nil, nil, nil,
+ 5, nil, nil, 30, nil, nil, nil, 30, 34, nil,
+ nil, nil, 34, 40, nil, nil, nil, 40, 32, nil,
+ 40, 40, 32, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 31, nil, nil, nil, 31, 11, nil, nil, 43, 37,
+ nil, nil, 38, nil, nil, 9, 9, nil, 37, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 6, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 37, 9, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 30, 30,
+ nil, nil, nil, 34, 34, 9, nil, nil, 40, 40,
+ 33, 18, 9, 32, 32, 9, nil, nil, nil, 9,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 31, 31, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 10, nil, nil, 41, nil,
+ nil, nil, 43, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 53,
+ 49, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 43, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 39, nil, 35, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 43, nil, 9,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 37, 37, 37,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 37, 37, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 9, nil, nil,
+ nil, 6, nil, 6, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 9,
+ nil, nil, nil, 30, 9, 30, nil, nil, 34, nil,
+ 34, nil, nil, 40, 6, 40, nil, nil, 32, 36,
+ 32, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 30, 6, 6, nil,
+ 31, 34, 31, nil, 6, nil, 40, 30, nil, 30,
+ 30, 32, 34, 36, 34, 34, 30, 40, nil, 40,
+ 40, 34, 32, 31, 32, 32, 40, 36, 36, 36,
+ 36, 32, nil, nil, 31, nil, 31, 31, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, 31, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 36,
+ nil, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
+ 36, 36, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 36, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 36, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
+ 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
+ 36, 36, 36, 36, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 36,
+ nil, nil, 36, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 36, 36, 36, nil, nil, nil, nil, 36, nil, 36,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 36, 36 ]
+racc_goto_pointer = [
+ nil, 25, 21, nil, 22, 30, -12, nil, nil, -9,
+ -118, -195, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 16, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 0, 27, 15, -18, 5, -62, 237, -36, -26, -105,
+ 10, -110, nil, -94, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, -86,
+ -103, nil, nil, -89, nil, nil ]
+racc_goto_default = [
+ nil, nil, nil, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 52,
+ nil, 25, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
+ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
+ 86, 88, 85, nil, 84, 87, 180, 181, nil, nil,
+ 79, nil, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 212, 177, nil,
+ 129, 132, 182, nil, 220, 71 ]
+racc_reduce_table = [
+ 0, 0, :racc_error,
+ 1, 80, :_reduce_1,
+ 0, 80, :_reduce_2,
+ 2, 81, :_reduce_3,
+ 1, 81, :_reduce_4,
+ 2, 82, :_reduce_5,
+ 1, 82, :_reduce_6,
+ 2, 82, :_reduce_7,
+ 1, 82, :_reduce_8,
+ 1, 82, :_reduce_9,
+ 1, 85, :_reduce_10,
+ 1, 85, :_reduce_11,
+ 2, 83, :_reduce_12,
+ 6, 84, :_reduce_13,
+ 5, 84, :_reduce_14,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_15,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_16,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_17,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_18,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_19,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_20,
+ 2, 86, :_reduce_21,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_22,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_23,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_24,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_25,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_26,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_27,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_28,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_29,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_30,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_31,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_32,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_33,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_34,
+ 2, 91, :_reduce_35,
+ 2, 92, :_reduce_36,
+ 2, 93, :_reduce_37,
+ 2, 94, :_reduce_38,
+ 2, 95, :_reduce_39,
+ 1, 96, :_reduce_40,
+ 3, 97, :_reduce_41,
+ 2, 100, :_reduce_42,
+ 5, 98, :_reduce_43,
+ 5, 99, :_reduce_44,
+ 3, 101, :_reduce_45,
+ 4, 102, :_reduce_46,
+ 3, 103, :_reduce_47,
+ 3, 103, :_reduce_48,
+ 2, 103, :_reduce_49,
+ 3, 90, :_reduce_50,
+ 2, 90, :_reduce_51,
+ 9, 104, :_reduce_52,
+ 6, 105, :_reduce_53,
+ 7, 105, :_reduce_54,
+ 5, 106, :_reduce_55,
+ 7, 106, :_reduce_56,
+ 5, 107, :_reduce_57,
+ 5, 108, :_reduce_58,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_59,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_60,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_61,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_62,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_63,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_64,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_65,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_66,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_67,
+ 3, 109, :_reduce_68,
+ 4, 110, :_reduce_69,
+ 3, 110, :_reduce_70,
+ 2, 111, :_reduce_71,
+ 2, 111, :_reduce_72,
+ 2, 113, :_reduce_73,
+ 2, 113, :_reduce_74,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_75,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_76,
+ 2, 115, :_reduce_77,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_78,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_79,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_80,
+ 2, 115, :_reduce_81,
+ 2, 115, :_reduce_82,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_83,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_84,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_85,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_86,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_87,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_88,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_89,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_90,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_91,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_92,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_93,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_94,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_95,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_96,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_97,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_98,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_99,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_100,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_101,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_102,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_103,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_104,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_105,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_106,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_107,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_108,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_109,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_110,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_111,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_112,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_113,
+ 3, 126, :_reduce_114,
+ 3, 126, :_reduce_115,
+ 1, 126, :_reduce_116,
+ 1, 126, :_reduce_117,
+ 3, 127, :_reduce_118,
+ 3, 127, :_reduce_119,
+ 3, 127, :_reduce_120,
+ 3, 127, :_reduce_121,
+ 3, 127, :_reduce_122,
+ 3, 127, :_reduce_123,
+ 3, 128, :_reduce_124,
+ 2, 128, :_reduce_125,
+ 1, 128, :_reduce_126,
+ 2, 119, :_reduce_127,
+ 1, 119, :_reduce_128,
+ 2, 116, :_reduce_129,
+ 3, 120, :_reduce_130,
+ 1, 120, :_reduce_131,
+ 3, 125, :_reduce_132,
+ 2, 125, :_reduce_133,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_134,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_135,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_136,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_137,
+ 0, 118, :_reduce_138,
+ 3, 130, :_reduce_139,
+ 2, 130, :_reduce_140,
+ 2, 129, :_reduce_141,
+ 1, 129, :_reduce_142,
+ 1, 131, :_reduce_143,
+ 1, 131, :_reduce_144,
+ 3, 132, :_reduce_145,
+ 1, 132, :_reduce_146,
+ 3, 124, :_reduce_147,
+ 2, 124, :_reduce_148,
+ 2, 133, :_reduce_149,
+ 1, 133, :_reduce_150,
+ 3, 89, :_reduce_151,
+ 1, 89, :_reduce_152,
+ 2, 117, :_reduce_153,
+ 1, 117, :_reduce_154,
+ 3, 134, :_reduce_155,
+ 3, 134, :_reduce_156,
+ 1, 134, :_reduce_157,
+ 3, 112, :_reduce_158,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_159,
+ 1, 88, :_reduce_160,
+ 1, 88, :_reduce_161,
+ 1, 88, :_reduce_162,
+ 1, 122, :_reduce_163,
+ 1, 122, :_reduce_164,
+ 1, 122, :_reduce_165,
+ 1, 122, :_reduce_166,
+ 1, 122, :_reduce_167,
+ 7, 121, :_reduce_168,
+ 1, 114, :_reduce_169,
+ 1, 114, :_reduce_170,
+ 1, 123, :_reduce_171 ]
+racc_reduce_n = 172
+racc_shift_n = 308
+racc_token_table = {
+ false => 0,
+ :error => 1,
+ :ASS_EQ => 2,
+ :ADD_EQ => 3,
+ :SUB_EQ => 4,
+ :MUL_EQ => 5,
+ :DIV_EQ => 6,
+ :MOD_EQ => 7,
+ :SLL_EQ => 8,
+ :SRA_EQ => 9,
+ :SRL_EQ => 10,
+ :OR => 11,
+ :AND => 12,
+ :CMP_LT => 13,
+ :CMP_GT => 14,
+ :CMP_EQ => 15,
+ :CMP_NE => 16,
+ :CMP_GE => 17,
+ :CMP_LE => 18,
+ :SUBSTR_EQ => 19,
+ :SUBSTR_NE => 20,
+ :REGEX_EQ => 21,
+ :REGEX_NE => 22,
+ :BIT_OR => 23,
+ :BIT_XOR => 24,
+ :AMPERSAND => 25,
+ :BIT_SRA => 26,
+ :BIT_SRL => 27,
+ :BIT_SLL => 28,
+ :ADD => 29,
+ :SUB => 30,
+ :MUL => 31,
+ :DIV => 32,
+ :MOD => 33,
+ :NOT => 34,
+ :UMINUS => 35,
+ :BIT_NOT => 36,
+ :EXP => 37,
+ :INCR => 38,
+ :DECR => 39,
+ :COMMENT => 40,
+ :EXPORT => 41,
+ :FUNCTION => 42,
+ :LPAREN => 43,
+ :RPAREN => 44,
+ :SEMICOLON => 45,
+ :BREAK => 46,
+ :CONTINUE => 47,
+ :GLOBAL => 48,
+ :IMPORT => 49,
+ :INCLUDE => 50,
+ :LOCAL => 51,
+ :REP => 52,
+ :RETURN => 53,
+ :LBRACE => 54,
+ :RBRACE => 55,
+ :FOR => 56,
+ :FOREACH => 57,
+ :IN => 58,
+ :IF => 59,
+ :ELSE => 60,
+ :REPEAT => 61,
+ :UNTIL => 62,
+ :WHILE => 63,
+ :COLON => 64,
+ :COMMA => 65,
+ :AT_SIGN => 66,
+ :LBRACK => 67,
+ :RBRACK => 68,
+ :PERIOD => 69,
+ :IDENT => 70,
+ :INT_DEC => 71,
+ :INT_HEX => 72,
+ :INT_OCT => 73,
+ :FALSE => 74,
+ :TRUE => 75,
+ :DATA => 76,
+ :STRING => 77,
+ :UNDEF => 78 }
+racc_nt_base = 79
+racc_use_result_var = false
+Racc_arg = [
+ racc_action_table,
+ racc_action_check,
+ racc_action_default,
+ racc_action_pointer,
+ racc_goto_table,
+ racc_goto_check,
+ racc_goto_default,
+ racc_goto_pointer,
+ racc_nt_base,
+ racc_reduce_table,
+ racc_token_table,
+ racc_shift_n,
+ racc_reduce_n,
+ racc_use_result_var ]
+Racc_token_to_s_table = [
+ "$end",
+ "error",
+ "ASS_EQ",
+ "ADD_EQ",
+ "SUB_EQ",
+ "MUL_EQ",
+ "DIV_EQ",
+ "MOD_EQ",
+ "SLL_EQ",
+ "SRA_EQ",
+ "SRL_EQ",
+ "OR",
+ "AND",
+ "CMP_LT",
+ "CMP_GT",
+ "CMP_EQ",
+ "CMP_NE",
+ "CMP_GE",
+ "CMP_LE",
+ "BIT_OR",
+ "BIT_XOR",
+ "BIT_SRA",
+ "BIT_SRL",
+ "BIT_SLL",
+ "ADD",
+ "SUB",
+ "MUL",
+ "DIV",
+ "MOD",
+ "NOT",
+ "BIT_NOT",
+ "EXP",
+ "INCR",
+ "DECR",
+ "BREAK",
+ "LOCAL",
+ "REP",
+ "FOR",
+ "IN",
+ "IF",
+ "ELSE",
+ "UNTIL",
+ "WHILE",
+ "COLON",
+ "COMMA",
+ "AT_SIGN",
+ "IDENT",
+ "INT_DEC",
+ "INT_HEX",
+ "INT_OCT",
+ "FALSE",
+ "TRUE",
+ "DATA",
+ "UNDEF",
+ "$start",
+ "start",
+ "roots",
+ "root",
+ "export",
+ "function",
+ "statement",
+ "simple",
+ "compound",
+ "ident",
+ "params",
+ "block",
+ "assign",
+ "break",
+ "call",
+ "continue",
+ "decr",
+ "empty",
+ "global",
+ "import",
+ "include",
+ "incr",
+ "local",
+ "rep",
+ "return",
+ "for",
+ "foreach",
+ "if",
+ "repeat",
+ "while",
+ "assign_exp",
+ "call_exp",
+ "decr_exp",
+ "var_decls",
+ "incr_exp",
+ "string",
+ "expr",
+ "ref",
+ "statements",
+ "field",
+ "lval",
+ "args",
+ "ip",
+ "int",
+ "undef",
+ "list_expr",
+ "array_expr",
+ "arg",
+ "kv_pair",
+ "kv_pairs",
+ "indexes",
+ "index",
+ "list_elem",
+ "list_elems",
+ "param",
+ "var_decl" ]
+Racc_debug_parser = false
+##### State transition tables end #####
+# reduce 0 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 61)
+ def _reduce_1(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 63)
+ def _reduce_2(val, _values)
+ []
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 67)
+ def _reduce_3(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[1]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 69)
+ def _reduce_4(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 73)
+ def _reduce_5(val, _values)
+ c(*val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 75)
+ def _reduce_6(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 77)
+ def _reduce_7(val, _values)
+ c(*val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 79)
+ def _reduce_8(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 81)
+ def _reduce_9(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 85)
+ def _reduce_10(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 87)
+ def _reduce_11(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 95)
+ def _reduce_12(val, _values)
+ n(:Export, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 99)
+ def _reduce_13(val, _values)
+ n(:Function, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 101)
+ def _reduce_14(val, _values)
+ n(:Function, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 105)
+ def _reduce_15(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 107)
+ def _reduce_16(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 109)
+ def _reduce_17(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 111)
+ def _reduce_18(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 113)
+ def _reduce_19(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 115)
+ def _reduce_20(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 117)
+ def _reduce_21(val, _values)
+ c(*val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 119)
+ def _reduce_22(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 121)
+ def _reduce_23(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 123)
+ def _reduce_24(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 125)
+ def _reduce_25(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 127)
+ def _reduce_26(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 129)
+ def _reduce_27(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 131)
+ def _reduce_28(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 135)
+ def _reduce_29(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 137)
+ def _reduce_30(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 139)
+ def _reduce_31(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 141)
+ def _reduce_32(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 143)
+ def _reduce_33(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 145)
+ def _reduce_34(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 153)
+ def _reduce_35(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 157)
+ def _reduce_36(val, _values)
+ n(:Break, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 161)
+ def _reduce_37(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 165)
+ def _reduce_38(val, _values)
+ n(:Continue, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 169)
+ def _reduce_39(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 173)
+ def _reduce_40(val, _values)
+ n(:Empty, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 177)
+ def _reduce_41(val, _values)
+ n(:Global, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 181)
+ def _reduce_42(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 185)
+ def _reduce_43(val, _values)
+ n(:Import, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 189)
+ def _reduce_44(val, _values)
+ n(:Include, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 193)
+ def _reduce_45(val, _values)
+ n(:Local, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 197)
+ def _reduce_46(val, _values)
+ n(:Repetition, *val[0..-1])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 201)
+ def _reduce_47(val, _values)
+ n(:Return, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 203)
+ def _reduce_48(val, _values)
+ n(:Return, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 205)
+ def _reduce_49(val, _values)
+ n(:Return, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 213)
+ def _reduce_50(val, _values)
+ n(:Block, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 215)
+ def _reduce_51(val, _values)
+ n(:Block, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 219)
+ def _reduce_52(val, _values)
+ n(:For, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 223)
+ def _reduce_53(val, _values)
+ n(:Foreach, val[0], val[1], val[3], val[5])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 225)
+ def _reduce_54(val, _values)
+ n(:Foreach, val[0], val[2], val[4], val[6])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 229)
+ def _reduce_55(val, _values)
+ n(:If, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 231)
+ def _reduce_56(val, _values)
+ n(:If, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 235)
+ def _reduce_57(val, _values)
+ n(:Repeat, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 239)
+ def _reduce_58(val, _values)
+ n(:While, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 247)
+ def _reduce_59(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 249)
+ def _reduce_60(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 251)
+ def _reduce_61(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 253)
+ def _reduce_62(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 255)
+ def _reduce_63(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 257)
+ def _reduce_64(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 259)
+ def _reduce_65(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 261)
+ def _reduce_66(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 263)
+ def _reduce_67(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 265)
+ def _reduce_68(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 269)
+ def _reduce_69(val, _values)
+ n(:Call, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 271)
+ def _reduce_70(val, _values)
+ n(:Call, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 275)
+ def _reduce_71(val, _values)
+ n(:Decrement, val[0])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 277)
+ def _reduce_72(val, _values)
+ n(:Decrement, val[0])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 281)
+ def _reduce_73(val, _values)
+ n(:Increment, val[0])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 283)
+ def _reduce_74(val, _values)
+ n(:Increment, val[0])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 287)
+ def _reduce_75(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 289)
+ def _reduce_76(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 291)
+ def _reduce_77(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 293)
+ def _reduce_78(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 295)
+ def _reduce_79(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 297)
+ def _reduce_80(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 299)
+ def _reduce_81(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 301)
+ def _reduce_82(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 303)
+ def _reduce_83(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 305)
+ def _reduce_84(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 307)
+ def _reduce_85(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 309)
+ def _reduce_86(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 311)
+ def _reduce_87(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 313)
+ def _reduce_88(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 315)
+ def _reduce_89(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 317)
+ def _reduce_90(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 319)
+ def _reduce_91(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 321)
+ def _reduce_92(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 323)
+ def _reduce_93(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 325)
+ def _reduce_94(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 327)
+ def _reduce_95(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 329)
+ def _reduce_96(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 331)
+ def _reduce_97(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 333)
+ def _reduce_98(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 335)
+ def _reduce_99(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 337)
+ def _reduce_100(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 339)
+ def _reduce_101(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 341)
+ def _reduce_102(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 343)
+ def _reduce_103(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 345)
+ def _reduce_104(val, _values)
+ n(:Expression, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 347)
+ def _reduce_105(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 349)
+ def _reduce_106(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 351)
+ def _reduce_107(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 353)
+ def _reduce_108(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 355)
+ def _reduce_109(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 357)
+ def _reduce_110(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 359)
+ def _reduce_111(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 361)
+ def _reduce_112(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 363)
+ def _reduce_113(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 371)
+ def _reduce_114(val, _values)
+ n(:Argument, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 373)
+ def _reduce_115(val, _values)
+ n(:Argument, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 375)
+ def _reduce_116(val, _values)
+ n(:Argument, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 377)
+ def _reduce_117(val, _values)
+ n(:Argument, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 381)
+ def _reduce_118(val, _values)
+ n(:KeyValuePair, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 383)
+ def _reduce_119(val, _values)
+ n(:KeyValuePair, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 385)
+ def _reduce_120(val, _values)
+ n(:KeyValuePair, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 387)
+ def _reduce_121(val, _values)
+ n(:KeyValuePair, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 389)
+ def _reduce_122(val, _values)
+ n(:KeyValuePair, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 391)
+ def _reduce_123(val, _values)
+ n(:KeyValuePair, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 395)
+ def _reduce_124(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[2]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 397)
+ def _reduce_125(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 399)
+ def _reduce_126(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 403)
+ def _reduce_127(val, _values)
+ n(:Lvalue, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 405)
+ def _reduce_128(val, _values)
+ n(:Lvalue, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 409)
+ def _reduce_129(val, _values)
+ n(:Reference, val[1])
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 417)
+ def _reduce_130(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[2]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 419)
+ def _reduce_131(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 423)
+ def _reduce_132(val, _values)
+ n(:Array, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 425)
+ def _reduce_133(val, _values)
+ n(:Array, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 429)
+ def _reduce_134(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 431)
+ def _reduce_135(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 433)
+ def _reduce_136(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 435)
+ def _reduce_137(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 437)
+ def _reduce_138(val, _values)
+ nil
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 441)
+ def _reduce_139(val, _values)
+ val[1]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 443)
+ def _reduce_140(val, _values)
+ val[1]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 447)
+ def _reduce_141(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[1]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 449)
+ def _reduce_142(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 453)
+ def _reduce_143(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 455)
+ def _reduce_144(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 459)
+ def _reduce_145(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[2]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 461)
+ def _reduce_146(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 465)
+ def _reduce_147(val, _values)
+ n(:List, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 467)
+ def _reduce_148(val, _values)
+ n(:List, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 471)
+ def _reduce_149(val, _values)
+ n(:Parameter, val[1], 'reference')
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 473)
+ def _reduce_150(val, _values)
+ n(:Parameter, val[0], 'value')
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 477)
+ def _reduce_151(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[2]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 479)
+ def _reduce_152(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 483)
+ def _reduce_153(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[1]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 485)
+ def _reduce_154(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 489)
+ def _reduce_155(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 491)
+ def _reduce_156(val, _values)
+ n(:Assignment, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 493)
+ def _reduce_157(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 497)
+ def _reduce_158(val, _values)
+ [val[0]] + val[2]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 499)
+ def _reduce_159(val, _values)
+ [val[0]]
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 507)
+ def _reduce_160(val, _values)
+ n(:Identifier, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 509)
+ def _reduce_161(val, _values)
+ n(:Identifier, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 511)
+ def _reduce_162(val, _values)
+ n(:Identifier, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 515)
+ def _reduce_163(val, _values)
+ n(:Integer, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 517)
+ def _reduce_164(val, _values)
+ n(:Integer, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 519)
+ def _reduce_165(val, _values)
+ n(:Integer, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 521)
+ def _reduce_166(val, _values)
+ n(:Integer, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 523)
+ def _reduce_167(val, _values)
+ n(:Integer, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 527)
+ def _reduce_168(val, _values)
+ n(:Ip, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 530)
+ def _reduce_169(val, _values)
+ n(:String, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 532)
+ def _reduce_170(val, _values)
+ n(:String, *val)
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'nasl.y', 536)
+ def _reduce_171(val, _values)
+ n(:Undefined, *val)
+ end
+def _reduce_none(val, _values)
+ val[0]
+ end # class Grammar
+ end # module Nasl